The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 24, 1842, Image 3
WAH DEPARTMENT REPOftT j 1chcc III made a report year, in lebfclh "afm6sTrune6,tjalledt We :canndt pretenc tpjnore.than gjvo ori pbsircl of its most, important' facia and'Buggeatioris.criiwd ed as arbi our columns' Willi various and A close .reduction has been, made in me j, tjmta,(if lite army1 and. lis Vjteny, The ntimbar d( troops at present Is 9847 The law of the last session, prescribed a gradual reduction to the minimum of 3920. and by HhVbVglriiiig'-of 1844 this pdini will be reach- ed It is coiitiuennv oeucveu wiai we pie cent military establishment of the country rnay.beepttip a a charge pf 3,l00,00p, and th'q estimates are to that airiiuint. The nbolilTon of offices' required ' by "the act above-referred lo have been effected as far as that act gave authority Attention is' again invoked, in the report, to the dishonored pledge given by the Qtiatt'crTnaster Goneral, to the Creek Indians, for the remuneration of their ser vices in Florida, and as a consideration for their removal. An act is asked to enable the 'department to clear the maze of the toc'colini of .Indian Disbursing agents aimifiir to ifiai of" I83lt,w'hith Will authorise transfer of appropriation without actually drawinj,dullar from tlie Treasury. It(rappers' that 88,124 Indians have been temuved (n the regions west of the m f L'.i.J.l it'll f it-iaa nntA nilniafnila It'ikoo cast of that river, less then 25,000 souls remain. The greater portion of these are under treaty obligations to remove within a faw vcarsr.i;,''The lime has arrived when we should. turn our attention or devising some oral of-'governmenti.may secure peace and order among these sons ofl the forest, 'and proiect!bi)tfigains) others. The report here voters largely into the necessity and duty tif lite U. S. government to provide for the moral and intellectual improvement of he giorjt number. y.hoJiave;.becqme" directly dependant o'n "the United JSfates .y' their removal. The number of pension? on the rpll is 23,035, less by 1490 than at the date of the: last report; .350 claims on account or re volutionary services, fiave been presented within the year, and that 22 warrants have been issued for, 4,250 acres of land; 410 fur services in the last war with Great Bri tain have been presented wilding the aame lime, and that 05 warrants have been isued lurld,720 acfes of land, The .report of the ordtr'ttne bureau is satisfactory, and it said that the system pursued, will .soon provide munitions of war commensurate with our wants.. A national foundry .oV a limjied scale is suggested, where-iron may be tested, and models for ordnance fabricated. Some legislative provision-is needed in reference to the lead mines and mineral lands, on account of difficulties between claimants of the lands, and tliosengaged in mining and holding by lease from the government. It is recom mended iliiM'the reserved mineral lands in the north part of. Illinois .and the Teiritories f Wisconsin afj'd Iqwa be. allowed to be pld in lots of ten acres each, at a. minium prirrr of Jen' dollars' per7 acre, Considerable progress has Been made in he survey of trip norlhAvqstem lakes, and prepositions for its continuance the nexi feason' liave been made, which will enable ,'i'eJHir''.e of the. work to accomplish. nun; wan waa praciicanie uurinir tne last year. I he, surveys for the defences' of Soller!8.flats4 and of Delawa e Breakwater barbor are completed. Those for llio ile seifte 'of'Safid'Hook, and ihe lia'rbor and toyr. of I'orismoiiih, NeW1' riant pslifro", are in execution', ;as will as.tnilltary.neconnnis sahce of the, penjnsula of Maryland, south of the, city. An expensive and verv thorough reconnoissance of the defence of NjOrlfeaiisVernbracing n laige extent ofterrl torj, iss beecpmpleled,. The Red rfverJ raft ha?, been ,rernove.dv The appropriation i SlOll.OOOVnude at the last session of Cu.ijjjresjfor the iniprrjvemenl pV certain rmrsii baid'td bo enjirely inadequate ami will be money thrown away unless increas ed, - - A survey' of the country north of the Mr u'..t i . . i-iioiyiiui iidvui( uwcn uurn)iciEo, ii is in tended to cause a similar survey of ihe, country south of, embracing, the approaches to the Rocky Mountains, their leverai "passes', and' gradually thf regions between them nnd our1 possesipis on tle P.icilic, Atteiitinjfg'ag'ajii, uivteil to the R!J!d ISPMftaijca.ofiitablishrng' a' qliin of militiry poma extending from the. Council bluflV to the month ofthe-Cntiinibia River; of' w'hich a' plan aifd estimalq of ihe ejcpnnse' Mislaid before the Military Committee of astsessi..n. The condition and utility of the West PojptSchnnJ are warmly commended. .The ffP'?tJs ofj the several bureaux of the depart, toenkare spoken of universally as favorably . and ihe suggestion which Mr. Spencer has based1 on them, wniild. if carried hut In nil t&eir details', occupy ihe whtde attehlion of ' THE PbriSlfFlUli REPORT t,'romlifl Postmaster General s annual; pieument We get the following fitijfs: I'ljcro are 13.733 Iv09tni38lfirs and (Jeikj 2343 CpnttaeAojs, and Agents; rn(j tli,e transportation durmt; llie year, envere a ills-, Uwt of 34.835.991 miles.. The whole amount of mail transposition for the year ending June 30i1i, 1841, was 34.906.555 miles, at a contract cost of $3,159,375. 1 he whole amount vf transportation for ihe year ending Juno 30th, 1812. was p 1.635.81! miles, at a contract cost of $3, 097, ni. ThttftotihUf.cculiUUlofthajrjefarl mcnt for" the year ending'Junef' fl84i, was estimated, In the renoirtuif Decferrtbilp. 4,4?0;000. The'rejenuo tabe ,drriyejij fmin nosiare, .fec4 inihe same, repDM, Wis estimated at, t4,389,000. , ,Thef .nmo'uni .estimated for the expenditure did not lit clUdo Ihe'" stlths " duer ' bv 1 ihe' tieparfrne'R' prior w iiie-iiai iviarcn, iaii. i hub rx hibltfng a protaldy liabfliiy rif t?l l6,bQP, beyorjdtSjCs.ilmalcd curreni. receipts, of Jjjat J The 'g"ross"fcx'pendilurcs rif'tlie1 'De"ptiH meni AirUie yeiir, ending. 30th June, 1842, so far .i they have been audited and pilid, are $4,027,710 02 -exceeding ihe amount derived from postsge.dufing the same year, $81,470,49. The. amount of expenditure for die current Fiscal year, for the service of this, Deparlment, may be slated by way of estimate, in round numbers, at $4,390, 000. This estimate does, not inrlude Ihe pro bably expense of ihe new routes established by Congress al ihe last session, none of which, have vet been- put (n operation The probably costs of jSthese routos per year will be $130,000. making the. whole estim ates expense $4,020,000. The cost of rail road transportation, for the htal year elands at $432,568. The whole length of mail road in the United Stales is rlUOftSY miles'; costing. $3,087, 796M Of fliio length -of maii road; only 3091 miles is rail road transportation,, at a cost of 8632,508- Qply one forty-eighth pari of the whoje number, of miles , coi-iing one seventh pari of the gross um.-f-.(f$at'. PosU .. I . - . i n i i-.. p. a 1 1 . : -i-'f Mutiny oft' Board' the U. Si Btxg So'mts' OneMidtihipmanandJwo oier offi cers hung. ' From the New York papers of Saturday . we learn llie particulars of a' horrible trans actfJnoh board the U. S.bng of w'ar Somers Oiipt. McKensfe, Which arrived at N.York in , VVJedhesdiy, last, from .ilie.'.Ooas'l, or Af rica', where she had been eruilsing for some, (nnnths, in nrdcrMo protect American trier chu.t vesseliri from the. iiterrupliUn,ol Brit is'i ' cruisers searching for slaves., The Somers lefi Liberia on, the 1 lib bf Noyem ber, an! loUchedat'St.Th"omas Oliver voy ago hither. She I fuSi. 'Ifhomas'on'theOih of December, and on thai day -the. capinin observod disorderly move'irieinis among the crew, which excited Jils.siiapicioiis of inten ded mutiny., He saw nothing definite, however, or sufficient to warrant, the. at rest of any: lie contented himself therefore, with ordering all his officers lo w'e'ar 'side arms, and proceeded on li.s voyage? They had been out but, two days when some of the crov informed liim of llie ex istence1 of a plot on board, xy.hich was im mediately nut )p fxecu.ionjT The plan was 'to murder the Contain the higher officers and all others wfiutuOutd'flOl.jofrr thenifo seize thcvesscl and 'eoniiri'her into .apirate shtpsShe'ii orie'of the swift esi sailers in ihe sevjee, and i( w,a i(us supposed lhat she wo.uiUba most co-nplrtely fitted for (he purposes lo which they design ed, she. should be applied. Thev intended fust to watch furebme one of the Liverpool" packets-teXfe 'tLdf to bring out a large quaiititjrof specie-lb seize upon and plun. d?r Jjpr aiid then, sajl for. some more remole porljop.of the, sea. This information wag given lo jhe Cjplarn by one of those who had been originallV engaged in thVplbt, buV had siibsequeiilly; repented and betrayed their murderoiis designs., T.'&W?'on.:,ke of December.. The y.;,P.Wi .immediately ordered all hands "on deck, and .ordered thoscof tlie'crevv1 wIiq' were opposed lo him to gq upon ihe for ward1 dick. Passe'd Midshipman. Spencer son of John C. Spencer; our Secretary of (far, the Boatswain's Mate and the Mas ler at Arms, immediately led ttie way, arid were followed by thirteen, apprentice, and about 'sixty of the r crew., ' They arrayed themselves upon tiis lorward deck, w'lth out duubrsuppdsjng ilnd they would be followed by agreat proportion of the crew, Gaptiiiri MclCeiizie instantlv ordered jhern lq he pu( in irons. They' were shackled and Bei-urely confined. lil! llie eveiiin'g.a'. Court' Martial was sum moned, Spencer and-his two companion, as Ihe ihree ring-leaders, were tried, con victed and, senlenced,;diid the next morn ing iL'ertJiUng:aWiC.yurii:arm. -'-The rest were bro.tighl inio ibis port, where ihey are still ilt'ept in.ishackles 'and close': confine rnenl. . ... : m ; c .n, The Spencer family has been attended witi,a.sud fatality. '. We hear thal'one" of ihe sons of the Secretary or War is now in Sing Sing; another "has fled lo Texas, after forging his father's'ilauie;ihe hird bits' lost his life-it. one of' the vessels of his country, not an deck like a brave seaman, but al ihe yiiVd irm' like" a felon! Spencer was about .nineteen 'yearsof age, aim receivcu ins watrani as a midship man ou the 20th of November last. Like Ins brother, rwhbffTtMireirif.hef papers so largely for Ills misconduct snmefc months I. . I . I . t I I M . ago. no. uas obcii u sau icnow f rou ,us, ooy !"'fd, u The unhsppy ycung man was Ust year altai-hed't'ii ilie:Brzi)iari squadron, IIv. ing' upon' that stUpi committed some of. lences lor yiuch ie wss arrested and would doubtless have been cashiered; the affair was compromised by sending him home, under a pledge thai upon his arrival in the UnitedSiates he would immediately resign i ins pieuga was noi Kept and ueini! in (.comraiigion, ho wis ordered to tin Somers oh botrd tot tik'Ml trtf 4a rtd.fel' has bnn 'te'BoHl: itrntr; the circumstihcea already felw4i ' ' ' & 9V .. Xhodt Island. TW .trial ol" Colonel Cooley, charged with Treason, for acting as a Representative otlitschy of ProVI dence(ji ,tie cortleatiegiBla'tttre, (sb.Kall cd)on;thc 3d ami 4ih May los)i cajtirj' o'ti on WeiinesdayiLtke 7ih' inet. beforf llie Si preine Court' desfactriv 4 The Court after oileclion and argument, prrnfited(1h"e fplfowlngiiiiustMlqUfsjonJ db pui id every juror--wo you rccogniEt the existing Government of tills State as the lawful Government therbbil The dial occupied three dsysl the Go vernment pressed hard fop couvlclion--proved Kooley to be a traitor but the jury could not 8grceV They ;storfd seven for ,' V t : ' " ,.. I' ..1. cnnvicumi, anu, nve. inr arquiuai. j ne authorities of Hhiule Island, whether lega or illegal, . will du, well by abandoning a.11 these prosecutions. , . . ' i I"', The One;Man Potber'lin tliB'town of Windsor, Mass. She VVhigs elected their, candidate to the Legislaturci , in 1S40, by a majority, of one. In 1841, the Democrats elected their candidate, by a majority of one And in 1842, Ihe Whig! have again elect jd their candidate by a majority of ope. GVirid beef was recently sold al Cinr.lh nat'i, b the quantity, at three quarters of a .cent perpond JULIA A. daughter of Mr. Samuel oC'Ploom ;towrisTiipft' ' ' c Dec. I2th, iii Mifdisnn, by Elder John Sutton, Mr. STEPHEN HENRY to Miss MARGARET PI ATT ' J ' M'F'h'k.0;" crl' of tW Oipbsn'B, Cou ' Thursday. theM 2th. day or January next. V."lbik in.lheVorehbdlf 'tVilllam i ikeler AdmintitMter, jtcdi or teob 'Ac, late of Mbuni picaaint township in ssid county, deceased, will expose to Sale by'iy& Vendue, upon the pre- '.40 ACRES, orthehohh'ciiiorl eerlaniltrict pf land situate Hit Pi"'".! TovnjH.p, adjoining Daniel ftm.'Itahl M'Carty. fidward Lavrrtnce.and V. lllidm Ilceler containing .SS Acres and about FOTrrY.Fnr:n Ar.uvVt nfi-,A i-i. J, - - - a vaaMif ym -vauaau I It 1 1 U qxx the prcmlscvhut no buildings Into tfcfl Pitate of nu.uriciicu,..suuuie m tne township' ov Blount - . ...,WV wu,.y iui rMiUt JKVOB B YE R Li ' Clerk. Danville, Dec. 2tth 1842. ' SWmiSSmfSi .BASsSB. ..... 15 Y virtue df a Writ of test, fi; fa:; lo me directed I Will llc:f!Tflnfil:(,S niiWI.i.lo -ni ,l,ni f Houneih Danville, on Saturday", Dcc'.!'31fc't 184t.'at 10 o clock A7 Mi' ' Jl certain Zot, of Ground situate 'in tiount PfeaSaht townkli'ipCoIuinbia co. containing 7'wclve acres'.'and j acres, more or Icsa, adjoining' lands' of Mathias Sliinninn. D-inirl iMl.r r,.t, Stcter, laaac 'hhe, John Mcleck and Samuel uman, onwmcnis erected a LOG HOUSE 3 SAME 'B'i.'KlT. Sclted, taken iii elocution, end to be sold as 'the property.of Elisha Dl Stctler.' ' i JOHN FRUIT, BheruT: ' JiiKRirr's OrricK, Danville, J SESSION REPOJRTJER. Tlic rcnnsylvania Reporter, 7s "published at llartliliutg Pcnnja. on every islature, and jnee a week during ihu remainder of the year. The terms arc Fpr . one year toiiei uotiins, For tlio session two pqiians. Arrangements foe a full and impartial -report of tlie proceeJings or both Houses, ot Assembly, 'Jiavo .liceiilinje. The cluracter of tbo paper as a faith, ful clironiclo of tho doihgg of the legislature", 'shall not silflcr deterioration while in ou charge. Wo do n.ot, consider it xiercssa'ry. to.'cntcr into a detail of tho p,ilitical doctrines we advocate., All the bhcrfiies of the Wrier since Its establishment in 1827, have hecn'directe'd to" tho 'advancement of the pure principles of pemocbxct,- and to their permanent ascendency in every department of llio giwcriment. Tho pap'er has ' been sustained by the, liberal, patronage of kind friends, and we .tjust it vU ,lot oie their countenanco and support or tnai'ot tne acmocracy oi ma state, in our course the future of which shall be a reflection of the past; ' JOHN H DIMOOK CiJ. Anv'parson who will procuie us five, uessionsub scribers, and. forward us ten dollars, shall reccivo Ihe by Ht-MUv. t?t. Ik'rkWsser, Mr, JOSEPH E. llARKLEY. nf !,;,&..: . m.'I. i Rcportei" gratis, tor one year. UsrriiVurg, Dec. 10, 1612. CASH"-, , lfE.''uKbVs,' ar6( aneceivfric; shd.yvlllfnpenlfcw days, the RiJEiP,; EST.Hnil UEST.asiiorlm'enl of poods .fever hru.ughlJoMs, markjt, iVhjbh. HtiLiSt'Jpf ter.nined to Vrii for tfAsll ttd.PUPPHCJi?' N ' A 91 5 ' e; it. ni'GGljqb' No vi 8, 1842-28, . ..'.' i, -W-T- CI1AUI..E;.S KAHJ.ER, tllankfulfor past fnvors respectfully onnounces lo his friends, And tho public,generally, that JiC still f?ii tlnbcs to fcdrfy dn'tlie'abijvtj busihcssinall its van ous uraticbcstt'tlila old' ttahd;ori trie' cornefiof Maine & East slrccU) Where III) lttjpes by fill lbip experience in busiliessoihat-he Is prepared to attend rtnd execute (ill orders in his line, of business with the Utmasl,pttlnctuallity.and wormanlike ma,nn'r. ds dBnnbt,fai),to.rcn'der satUfaction hi all Ihosi? 'wbtJ mijf fdvdr' him' With a call. Particular attention paid to cutting, arid good fits 'warranted. N, D. All kind of- country- produ'ed takch.ln exchange, fat .work, ahU cash 'will not be refudi . Wlooimburg, Dec. 3,1842. 32, ,r - - f - i. : i v- '. .' L'ECJifUftrJ ON ENGLISH '6RAMMAR, fMHE utiCersianeil.RropoRei delivering a .fiourse! B of lectures on B.pranimari Consisting of. 30 lectures for Ihe Vcneft(of such youhg pe'rs'hns as havi'Hot arl bnpo'rfuntlv of a'ttendirifeschoil In the da'y.tlmcand"wlJo'!arci desirous' of becoming' dc. nuaihtcd v':th' tho'cAmmar of tile EnRllshlanauaDe. Three lectures will btfdelivered.cach week, onisuch evening's suitable.. TJiOse desirous of uniting to form, melius for. the" above purposc.wii please mane eariy application nnu icarc uieir iiuiir-8 at cither of the printing ofllces In Bloonlsbbrg; ,of llie subscriber, uioruer to commence as cariy-as pbssibli. ' ' JflSElTl UJllIitlS,. BloomsburgNov. 19, 1842. 30. .. , IS hcrcliy given, that we have this day bought at Co'istabe Bale, as the property dMsatc'.Buss, the following property, to witi -one red Roane Mare, one sett of llarness and CoJIars,- one Hied, twenty-seven acres bFKye on the ground, three acres of Wheat on the ground, one I'lough, and one Harrow.and one two horse Waaaon and have left the same iii-ihc poscssion bf the siiTd'Blifcff, dlir ing our pleaure,and forbid anyporsofi taxing lliem fromdiim, either by purchase, or otherwise, without; our consent. a , ,, , Ji B. St J. LAZARUS. : li 'KT no tain NOTICE havpUN chased' al Joiistable ' s'alt,v s the, 'property of Harm an l.euion, bncbrn's mahtle deck', ohe'shoitt, and one acre of wheat iu tho ground, and have left ihe same in his possession duTiog'Snv-plcwure. JAMES ft" iEMONi , Dec. 0,1742. 33 . -NOTICE , IS hereby given, that t have purchased as tho property ofWllha'm faillic, ono mantle clock, lor $3,25, one corn'er.cub.board 3,G2i, one wash stand $1,00, one bookcase f 0,00, one cooking stove $6,00, one slcigli $1,0,36,. tiro sells of harness $0,00, o'no'loV of lumber 1,00', one beaUfc'su 'Ob, J and have left the same in, his posscsslon'durlhg my nle-'Oirei" and liercby1 caution ill persons not to 1 take it f'om him either by purchase or othenvise without' n?- cmuent.- , : i UHUIIUU Li. IVl.UJ,.; GlL'AM'TIOHs S.7 - TV w HEREABr.theiHonor6ble Eitrs Ir WIS, ,PrcsuJcnt,ofthe,C9tirt, o,f jUycron ,Ol I n rnlians' uourt in tne cigntn iuuici; composed of tho counties of NorthUraiicrlarn' (Jiiion, Columbia "and" Lycoming; and tho Hor. William Donaldson' tnit George, MacfclEs qui ics, Associate Judges jn, Columbja couQy,have i i i .t. i : j.u .u- ,! i 1W !n ih rear of our Lard one thousand eight hundred and ibrty.ttvo.und to mo directedor hnblinf. ' A Court of QyrrTmd'TeTrhi'ner, and Gni-cral- Jail' J)efivrry, General Quarter Sessions of the P'iace, Common 'Pleas " and Orphan's Colirl. K ' IN DANVILLE, in the' County of dojiimbii, ot the, third Monday f January ext, (being' the ICt 'dAV) and to continuo twb weeks i ' ' ' " ' Notice is therefore ' lierbvr 'givcii id' Ine Coroner, tho Justices of the Peace, and Con.( stub'lcsof the said county of Columbia. tha they be (lien' ond therd'In thfcir proper. persons, at 10 p clocK ln uie iorenoon or aoiu uny, uieir rccor:di;'inquisilions and other remembrances,, to those thingswhich to their offices .appertain to he.dprio Arn those that are bound by rccognij tsnces, to prosecute agaiit the prisoners, that a.rc Cr may bo in the Jail of saldcouniy of Columbia, are to be then and there io prosecute against them as shall be just, Jurors are roquested -to be, punc tual In thcir attendancc, ,egrroabIy, to their lipticps, Dated at Danville,, the t6tb day of Dec in tho year of our Lord, one thousand.' eight hundred and, forty-two and in tho' GT year of tho Independence of tho United 'Bta'tes of America.- JOHN FRUIT Shelff, Sntnirr's ,Ormiv Danville, , ) ' .. , t.Pec, 18,12. J Stone CoaL AA TON'S Superior Qualily Coal for sajo m-w ri s A', "NORMAN, lhat wo lire this Bay Mupil',' Uonst&bre todn. Halho nrAncrtv HtEliwil Iwo horse Waggoti, o'ri ijiaiy7L)iddcnww Losj Chalh, two Grey Afares, two sets Hai'riess UfiUm ond Uridlesftme single liih'eh'bpiir Cfteck Lih'eJ (bur Trnco Chains, ono.Lb)$61ed, thrco Hogs, oho Uow, ono Plough and Doubletree, seven Gccse;onS WlrlrJ Mill, Clio Iron Beeop .ifeovcl, one Mihllb Clock, bh bbshfcls.Piitatoiis, olio ttiaW, Dox and Knife, fifteen Harrow teeth, two thirds of six Acre or Whcar,,lw.o..UIfjUdf:pvcntccii,Act,es ,ofv jtye; and havc.l((ft.tbo(samcin)(ie, possession oTthc said SJmitli, dunnVou.r.peasurc, and iorBid ady person, taking them frorti him cith'cfc ly puVchaHj; orotheri Aisc, without bur consent, ' J : WM. .'McKBLV V tc Co. Dec. 13. 1812. i,t .' i COLUMUt A' COWfAIY TEMPEHANgE 80,ClETVv WILL hold its, anuu,al,mcctlng sp, jTbursdayj the 5th day pf January, 1843,, o'clock Al, In tho town of CiltawiBiia.' 'If iB "hoped that all Uio auxiliary SBcletts t crid trp full numbers of DelegalWlvthrutl"re,pprtiarlhVtr'tidlng8 'and ell the interesting informatlon'tlicyienn gather in teJ lation to tbo subjecti nnd all bdtjtticp; who havd hitherto not becomo auxiliary to t,he-,Qounty Socie ty, ond any, saw societies thiit hav6 been formed within the past year, arc cordially Invited io tend Dcldgates wllh a, copy of. their Constitution ,apd a list of beil!merilb'e"rs, and unite' themselves"' 'to our eoclely. All friendly tr the cubo arc invited t a' tend. The, Delegates iH ;reapettfHlljf requested to come prepared,, if, possible, to remain ufatil tbo hrJxl day, so.thatj-thq society may hvp'iill timctd have all the reports anil have a' fulLdUcussToh of tho subject v ' , JOHN C. G'llIEH, Brest; I James 'McMahdti. Secy't, .' Drc. 17,. 1843. f rffi' N.. All newspapers friondly to, tWeeausc irf tho CoUntyarVrespectfully requested. to copy thirf notice. : j ,! j IS hereby gien. IS HEitEDY 'GiVEQ, TO all Jegiitecs, credItorstahd" other persons in tcrested in 'Uie'esMtes ' of theyrespective do' cedents and minora, that the fldministrit"tion- ac- ' counts of the said cstatcir'hs"ve'';bert'fileJ irr the Ofiico of the Register of the' codnty 'bfCoIu'mbiaj and will bo presented for confinnalion aid'allowi ince to the Orphan's Uourt,.to be held. at Danville, ' in and for the courjlyjaforesaid.on, Monday thel6UiX.,. day of January next at 2 o'clock.'?. N. " . 1. The account of Jowoph - Bfobst ;Exccutor of' the last will and testament of Lawrcnto Christ lt(f qi caltawissa, township, deed. ' , 2. -The acco'unt of 'Benjamin tJcaber, guardian of" the minor children of Joseph C. Cleaver late of Cattawisaa township, 'dee'd.-' ' n jjs 'T 1 CHARLES, CONNEK,r.i?egtJ&r?, RiRtsTsn's Ornct, DanyJUe,-) , December 15, 1842. v. H n' 18 hereby given, to atl cbacerntS, that weba,er-'x ; jiujtuaocu, m wuiuiamc'saip, as me prr erty of James dirton, two thuds pf,K23, menaAifi" grain in the srrodrfd. ii icirca''dfn;ew rrrouiid' Wheit': h,, . I I I one Mantle Clock, 'one' Dfnint Tabid, "ond Bc'rj'? Bed JUig, one Iron' Kettley one Weaving Loom, one Plough; one Harrow, 'one Sled, one Black Cow.ono Cutting Box, onoset,ofswglctHarnesg, one set of Harness, one lot of Geers. one Stran of Bells, onu lot of Hay, one lofrbf Oats, bnc swarm of Bees, J one Grind Stone, two.lqts of Potatoes.. In tho hole ' one Cradlo and'Scy the, ono Gras's'Scvlhe. ono voke ll bf Oxen, and ilave-Jeft the snmbi in , his rIiHtcinru ?, during our pleasure, and all person; .ar ,cs)uUncd from uurchasini; or otherwise .tafcintr them from J. Kim Withmit'.r'rnni it' " J . F I ' "'i JACOB'L.fllRtCjft J'BTKlWiEIDYi" " ' ' '.: .J ' h Dcc t3I84S. fS hereby given to all (concerned,- that; tyc -fi purchased of Peter It. Miller. , iwo bav linr If ;iav3 nrscoF, ncsses foi thrre horses, tliree ows, 'tHrK'runinc; steers, two yearling' Jie3fere,'tWo" laiUelliA"g!circ, nineteen shcep,:tWftpIoughsi onfcharrowzpncjslcd, one windmill, pne half of, fprtyjocrfjjpf I jieafen (he ground. 20,0 durcn,,she4jyc-i,pf wteat inVjlip. barn, seventy-live bushels of 'Corn Iii "the Crib, onckiv love, one clock, and have left the same in i n nnsS esalfn'duriii'gour ,plcasurcVind'forlid any Wi'soij (skins them from hiu,'ieitheribyipurcha!06t blherl wisp.ttHnauw our.consciit : . , AAIIUW. HQPIS.,y, iJ, FHEDKAIU .SIIAPI'!(T'.v Bloom township, llec. 0, 1842. t ' ji'Jg it i'.i-i NOTICE IS'hireby given lo ial; conccrucdj ,ihpl,I Jjjjp purchased at'consliiVJei Icj.a tnpropejly of Arthur IlardjV.onellbriP,, one Sjelgh','"enoi-t.of llaincss, cullinWJox', pnp'.c'oil StdvcajnuVwrUiriR Desk, ono !ia1Ye'left the iame'in his 'possr'ssloif dur jng my pleasure', 'iiiJ esrbtlori all penwiui! agaiitt laaing incm troni mm wiiuwuriuy.wii iHtift Dec 17 IS IS, ., , M- IS hercbytBlTC i, tha l.havo bought. on JUo ipI day of Nny, lastat fnsteule,ale.tht following unatjes Aiungnt, to wii: omj ;. brown Co iv', ond' ono rc'i'&! white Cow, and -ItaVo left the said piopcrty'in' possession if tht'fcald Al bright, duririg my pleasure; and fordid-ariy person "taking them from him, .either, by, purchafq or other wise, without my content. Monteur tp, Dec, 3, 18 12. THU ESTATE- OF WILLAM lwrOTiyE5 is hqte,by given, that letters Ustamen- 1 tarv bave been granted to the subscribers, rc-i-. !J . . " ...ui ..,...!, I.... ...:n e sluing in Mauison lowimmj'. uj'u,, ",h u, Wm. Wclliver, lato'of Madison townshlp.aforestiil dcc!d. therefore, 11 persons ipd.erjtcd to said ritalr, !aro requested lo. make pay numt, ond all havhig claims, (o present them for iettlwcnt r,?'rI, JOHN" WELtllVEH, RlCHAllU DEMO IT, i i .ft EWMatVl Jersrytovm, Oct. 23, 181.-t7-ew, ., i n n J"'