V) Was po.nibls thai SiepbB..might not atso them, for lie had nbt yel looked found, lieat the soiind of I li a I oars might ailraot his attention, Oharlea.had, instantly, on coming in sight, ordered the boys' to -atop Vowing, and he had graped his pa'ffdle with breath leas anxiety , -and waited for Stephen again to disappear. But just as he was upon the point of passing behind some ttees, whero the-boat would bo out of his Hearing and looked around. Ha stopped short, turned qtwa roeml, and stood for the space of a minute looking .steadily at the boat. Then lifting hi harfd, arid shaking his fist' tesoi lutely at Charles, as much as to say I iindafsTand you, he started into a quicli jNawboys,' taaid harlest 'buckle, lo ywoairiv(orjyi?u,j',ve?jian(1 f ym g?1 ,o the jnore.ao,! can reach the school-house befoTs'elepr?en dbes.'i'fl givo you Itali a dollar s 'rjiecV- ' . - 1 v v This.bf course:' added new life to' the boys 'and j increased speed jto the jboat, Tljeir.liCde; ,qanoe flety, over, the .wgjgr', almost like a bird, carrying a while bone In her ntou'tli and leaving acting npplo - on ihi "tflaBsy5 -wave behind hcK Chailea' handstrembled, Gilt still; her did shod execution ,wilh.4 his.. pa tldjl e . . n UA t lj o p gli oiepnen upon tti from' Stephen had strong hop gaining, his-point. He several times caught glinipsp.s qf Stephen through. the trees;;and,i as weHas.hecquld Judge, the boat; had a little' the best ofj't. IJut 'when they cnie nut'into'the lasl opening, wh'erd Tor' a little wayitheyihad:a.'fair view o'fe'acff ,ot'hef, Charles thought. Stephen, rah -faster than' ever;an,dialthqugh.heiva8 now considerably nearer thohoolrbpuse thanStepheiwasJ no sun iremoica iar me result, i iiey were, now wflhiri "-fifty rods 'of the shW,,"and' Charles appealed again lo the boys' JoVe'ftf AS W I J ' ... . ' ' tNow,' satdjheiwe-.have'hot a minule.to upare. If wp.gain,he pQiiitf,rj giye. yotj.. Tiio by vtwSeU' ,mj sjnaries" paddle made 'the 'wator'1! vJlike' the tail qfia wounded sharfc. s-When jwithln'' half dpzenipfls of', ltjf ajinre, C.harjes.: anient, and one. of the bovs.. mul-mcr a tJesperate plo'nge'u'potf'Kis-oar; 'infppe'd 'It' in to.Th"e4fifstJpuooi;nlh'olher'l'i)ar? Headed the bpaliiruralandtju Charier saw ad tmcVlhaUhadelax must befatah if he de-j I he water, was but three feet deen. and the boUbra'was sandy .o He sprung from i doii, nurutne lowaru me snore; as last1 as haiwas bls.tci:jlDrfiS r.lhroliBh .tthe iWaterl: "??aP4ank.land;alpngMhA rnadJ tin no reaciieu. ine scnooi nouse. ;i;ne door Wai'openTbfit 'he could see no one wilhin"'Several children "w'ere at' play round -the , door,- who, having:een Charles approach w'uh , such, haste, stood ;wllh mouths and eyes wide ,,ojpen looking at him.' ,""'.' ' , hleWslhecschoolmYiri!'' 'said'CKa lei. hastily, to oWof the' largest1 bdjis. c tVhy.&lai&the.dboydopenihg this. eyes v um Jin ircut uuwu mat ronii' Haiu inc i toy,i I two or three"! minutes a'ffo".'' " SSKjetaloneT.,,jiaid(lCh8rle' v t SheTtait alone,1 said the boy, and a man met hSr.but there a little ways, and turileabout'ny Vent wiill her.' ' CharlesJijethat Jiis cake was 'all dough' again, nndjtt he might as well give it up for jadfjob, and go hoinei Stephen: lJon?8,andjKucy.Brpwn, ya.lke'd very leisure-y-htne tSpogh 'the 'wood's,' anil Charles and lhe botj weht vefyireistlrel'y in the boat, acrosjJio'nond'- Ther 1 cVen stdnned y, bflfijry., and caughtai me'ss'pf fishv sini-'lUr fint'H'.hnrt ihrnun. Iist Una. WBr A t u Hon ( li a rlntl ,Andf jWhen 1 lC4tUCU IIIB Wl art, Charles, in. order wnewiint lie Tad been" fishirifl1. 1MD arin? of the fish in hit' 'hand.- am! iuuk a ;arnirt!tb,em'.tip toiihe'hou'se. Miss Lucy rown.f. on liter jwav: nome - thrbuphi the .itad W4.hWJ' -beenjnfoOTed.of jB proposeaea.pariyjor.. he, evening, ,to wbich-lheas to h'e'fnvflea.'to Wei oupnetlKlrirtcs-'and Susan BJbnel were' nbi invited; ar.d ,wheni JWisr'?LueyVihvltaibri' can?5f njBen $p$ Uack .that she n was , bamwhal are you 'doing there on We I m nip.' MVhia bfvsiiocV r .--.--n . viioibu ,u 'y A yearns suoaription; winch f prociiced sucli 'uponjnflKltJiatJ.Jsh.a.ve..beeo perfect'.y. helpless ever sinre,' . ,.,. 'No wA'riUer, TSam: but xAutr tin! if vnn survive this' yon ar safe-a's Ihero h little prospect ofNanortief nueh' a cairYtrophV'in -it; 1.1 . iv 19 i.l'' ' icaVirn, tells, a gjpry yfband qf lite Hiss nil lrom his vKiU. n.t i,i ti'wnerftyM finally Wmpelled lo fBl a , 'ja, e run a very diHerent thine at a slow, walk', Charles still es of winnlns' theVaco and in'fao tu largone mat ne was no ev e p d?rt lie wsed o le'ab ran ?ho sjmny sjde' of thc na'ih withon strength enougli to wink tCOmiSl1JON1DENCl2.3,. . Dear SirsUdeem no apology. 'Vece ssa-. ry in asking you to publish the following correspond e'nre. The Tacts stated 'bV Mr. Rusit.j in his'.lotier,' 'are so rexttaai'dtnary; and show such a temaikable omission of Pennsylvantans to fill the higher ofllces of the country, that they should, in my opin. ion, be madr known lo every citizen of the Kmeandpprticulgrlal.tljis.mqment.when the friends bfiMr. BucitAN a native Pennsyvaoian,.are, aboutsJn.ptejscnt his, claims, for the Presidency of the Union, to a Democratic NaubnulOonVehiioft7'' "'a .nw'.Yory-iruiy.tyour inenti.'t. n mi , it lire eni Wit t.T;. rooAEi,KHoTKLPMortdaymotjing,,rtUm bffe ;H3l o'-r P(AhjIiecemberj, '8.42 o MiPear; Sjrrnl hafeajlbe..bo.npj(l.tg14CY urday, and beg lo thank you lor the" valua 'btttodrfflftrotflf YmBartsI' "Tht'faVts'- sta- ted, are so remarkable, and t6 'Ivcfyfar' irom oeing generally-known,' , that 'lruM yp wiy.giye me, your permtsstpnlo,, me leuer puonsneu. . , . .... Illgll .vguiu, Iiam,,1,sihcerely,-ydtr fiiemlj - :i !;GEORGE PL1TT, " Hon.; KicitAnD,HvsHt,Sydenham. ' 3 , ,.SYENpAM,3jTMesday, Deo. Oi W2.)t, My PearjSir Jjayeece.iv.ejltyppr .nple. itbW'Viewrof!Ubliea"ti6'n--not,th'e.8llgh'i'-' feslV.Uatmer!ly?io,tokb up the thread, of :an :Bcciueiiiai cniivcrsaiion Deiween us, WlllCtl chanced to be of two eminent fennsyiva ni dnsWoudistirifeuishe'd 'Senator: 'ft! P. "riiJl chanant'eand'our naval hero, Coniniotlore . . . i - .... . . piewan,; i.am noi hi present,affare,jho,Wt ever, that it contains any errors, or anv ihiaterial ones, thoueh thrown totrether has. itil'an'il familiarly, on thenspu'( of Ylie'dcca- biuii)' trim uu tuuv Htjpi; ' Sl3Vtniritlll1v fr,,titi 'ifl lenm'aifliifi.il In m it. the.deilerjbe deemed; at all .worth. publicU .my-'dea? sirVi'wMP rVnwedta'ssurahees' of iui iJiiiuLiiuf' iu v 1.1 i irrtiiii-m: mtiii r rri nm friendly esteem, 'yours, veryifauhfully. 14 row iUa RICH ARUSH., I Mv Dear Sir. I. searclieil .in ilnv fnr 1 oof conversation yesterdiv. and which 1' d'votjrrwithout bein? abltft'ii find them; but can re.call from m.emoryt ihe. chief Jtaiheyemljodiedtrwhicji is all that s now imponant io.Qur.ioD ic, As lor ex. am pie: ' " 1. No . Pennsvlvanian has ever hepn President: t r ' ' ' 2lNbr Vic'e 'Presidents 'T'irJsV- fii yerybod'y'khows'i A" " s t. , S.tlNon ha8:any!PennBvlvaaianvcv'eras 'much,sas.been,!put1jnire gularijipminnlion, for ineLrrfjuency, pyiqerDqlitical, .party, since the Government beean; .4'. I?9vPenns'ylVan!ah'ha8'evVFh'e'eri ap-' pointed Chief Justice of thb United'Btaies', ihe head, of the Judiciary w -. B.NoSecretary oStatethc head of .IPg!' ,a,ist J ha.vo. f"n!lr' Pickering, who was a short. time. Secretary ;pf State, under' the elde"r Adams', "vvas"1 3eV down1 a's from 'Penrisvlrania. hm ihiolSam) mistake. ile.onneiowned aismalbfarni ini ? H1" w."'Bi ,1. oeueve: nut .was a Massachusetts "SIM 'o'uV waS Slii.n , there, permane'Hlly,r'eki(li'ng,'there,anl'dyihg lucre, a tf . ii n u ;ii,(iua . Q' NpJP?pnsyLyaniaUjnaf..tbeen,onj dhe juira,-mr. iispn excepieu, vno was ap ipdinied d Jbdge'Sn- 'tliVifoii .Federal Oon'stit'fition', a'feV Vars after 'i came.jiomi&cnilartUj.whereihe was'jvborn; and .wjhajheifurilier, excepii.qmifLJjidge 'Baldwin, prieinairy rrom-Conneclicut iho1 ,is aiou Ullbo IcilICbCiitCU 113 3UIV III 7'j'No Penosvlvaltian ha'teve'r bben'Se'cl reary-flfuVV.ar;,auofiicdwhich.beiides-4b' mil airencies Nd' Pendsylvyriiarr' has- ever' Veen i.osimasier'.jenera.i; an ottico possessing mote. wyietsnreau anu.LC.uewive, .patronage 'MW11? ir fS$l' gWVeniment v. ui me two great loreign appointments those to England and France, no Pcn'na'yl. vanianJias ever'liadeither,- twitlf. ;aisjngle wr, to j-ou; certainly, jlr , OallaUn. who once inueea tesiueu a lew years amone Ci - nm BEtiuug iv iTjassaciiuseils, on hisiarrivalifrom'.EuVope.'and Wh'o'.has-lived pejrmanenuy, )n WewAorkjintotliu aap pmntijientsge?ed jan Ijiibj - ciajnj v. rd'wsvTr'o'iSdhJ'fAate Vrt1bV oPhis'fame-7 1 ' fu-o. uc i fuucu(uuiyn wy iimory, as a rem av "1 07 In" -regard tri ihe inlportatTt' 'corawit tees in Congres,tliere hasibeeptariiektraor- uin?ry , neglect of .tji.is -,state.-. Mr,J?rown,j ourpatrimio apd, me.jmembe'jgf ,lm House of.Reprogentatives, riuin this coun' III. Ull-al'9l,l r..Ai A'ltiij ' - 'ivu Ukl III - IIIIH CUIIMCIIIUII, up HRWr of th'e-fellseS 'lhar"rkhihl -P"J eiuu mcieuiote. jt tiey wre, thai, 1 l.. . - .... r file letter I w.r,ote youn Saturday. y IrTSWw'eV.1! mWsf Viv'TrTa'l it WVS w?r.?A' VMPBWMm ?.rq.v IWPfd'WrfMft-jM elf the, whole Commrssariat-and tla enlin Indian inters a'n'd agencies.-" " oJJ ,iiji''e present ,Uess(-BesyMnia bad ,n, m nm iiiiojiDptwwv ovng n nuraoei ifap;on, 'V- V- v A- J. The GommjUea.or-yyaya and, Means L . nor upheJUqrnjtte.eoi; Foi-?,ign ivcibiioiis. 8; Nor upon thVCommlttee of- Publi .Lands, ths-gfeeasure, of distributing, them among the Stales being then under deliberation. 1 . 4.f JVof, avuinglenn. i upon i the,M ilijsry. Comraittee, 0. Nor a single one upon the Naval '.(ommiltecS (Vthoughdur unsettled . affairs vtwi ng'annuejmjprosjiect ol war, at tliaTnine,'bTltoe&n?-'impubBre'' on tl?e contingency ot whicbi appropriations for u?.Wl?e ,wPfe Jq,ome exienfing pn,y,, ijiu auuvu VPH Vnll thl hrnnrl nilliinn nf W'h'a't miM nbout. -OlnlftiKff Yrll"nV'iir: 'fillin'fiip; ' ' ' i " ' SWow, lot thc'favdrabIe5aiJe'of-ll)0r ease fojr-ua.be preseniDj.T-n' vijrr m .Psnnaylyania, durinfflhejfifiy.fldil ve 8HJ n. mai mo ieuerai cpvernmeni nas .seen drierafion. has had.1"' v;' '' -J Three" lAltorifies'-GeiteralV a"hnofmV6T not4he.Blightesupolttical)palrohage or1 favor f;Qna.Si8pjn,ih.e:JJninn:Virfiiiii n....ui .u ,. f o.j... . .. .during this time ;lrom names illustrjods, IndmiF.j ."" - w - in,iij j i j 3."She hasi'had' ionB!,'Sec,retary'of'the' Navy. jWf Jonea, Hi , iii 'i ts . ,3. She hM.hadjSeveral Seprelarjes pnbe Tieasurv: an office, which' has .cenerallv 'ini'rJai.'e'a'the present 'p'opuiatvof "its in 'cumrJents anaj'Irort'ftVnalUre'.-will bfiTikV- ly to continue t6 ido Doin' 'our,! ebnntry; and-,tnat:araw,jo' itself nm distinguwlied .patronage w.(iate,ve(r, rpmpaied -.to the Secr retary ships of State, War. anil. the NaVyM . one nas nau an iBtmdance ol the second and Mlrd rate posts'; -sM! 'tifJ the clerkships at Washington; as she has alio eyet mqslcred:trong; ;on, the. 'subordinate cnmmitjoes in pojh lIpises.of,C,ongress. i iius.ifiy uear sir, u nas lareu as regaras the' 'allotment flf 'high federal' lionbrs with this our ancient commonwea'lth, the com monweallh from) 'whosfe capital, Indepen dence was proclaimed to the! world, pear .seventy years ago; and.wliose.resource ,of an ,iwnu3, lowarug piamng up ine impor tance and Wwer'of lheJrepirlin, have, eVer since that day( be,eh in the first class, and roriajlpjiglhjof year?tstOBjl i number .one. The facts are very remarkable, t and to any ui 1 1 it n ui tins, mam reasoning rignuy, anu feeliFg riehlly'.iupplir 'malteruf6rt 'curYou's reflection, if he believes that from1 the Revolution's dawn-to the presenudHys she .has.prodgced her ful portion. of men known ature, pratoty, patriotism, valqr, and other n I M,. t .1 o 1 1 li 1 1 In U n C.I.I .. ' llioiocein. ..iXhal'lier cilizensr hae, never theless. been astonishindv in the back ground, cbmpaied with those of all tiie oth er old Stages, of tier size and class', is cer tain; atfd riowrthefpew' o'hes'w'ould sealcto eclipse her .too. The, question: (is; What ire the causes? , ' : i0 IidOj no mean to, .discus "them, -liero though t' should' not be uhvilllfig tii.'atempi. Uiefr diicus'siori i'dnde'r' prbpsr 'c'lrcumstaii ceaif neceSjkry. I have si'raplv'btit, most .cheerfully. thrown hastily upon paper what you see.j in cpnsequepeeiot, the wish .yo.Uj expressed; remainine .with, cordial esteem ""' Tbuje'very faiih'fully, 1 ' RICHARD RUSH. George Plitt, Esq.- : X SaSB-saHHHH iGDV.J(CASS.AJSJ)iETHE P.RESI- ' DENCYs ' This gentleman, sirice7' his return 'from' Europe? haimet,'iwiih the .civilities which' )he,hjgh character!, of his,, public cervices. juv,jt., tiuB,cuuciiili yi an partisan consi-4 derations. 'In Boston nhd in New VnrV lip Tia's Sten5W'all'ed upon w'larire riuniberanf the citiierisV'r'eaUy rtofsli8w',the'ir re'speeffo? lu&'laj'ents'aridjivorth.- n c ,si at' , W)e.iname. mL Mr.r .Caai havinir?, heen, freJl."nllv .m,euipned,s aipres'tdenial .can,, didate; Hon. Mahlon " Dic'liers'on has ad. dressed to him a 'letter, whfch gfves hf'iiJ an1 'opportunity t6 'define Ms' DosilWhlMr; jDickerson, afieralldditierita th'emomihan'on.t naiiio mat ueiriavors wiuer ni Wing principfespand' that riisiviews on ;a. National Bank are. identical WP, ,,,0?P ,?' A"'? Whigs. Mr D.. take .u. " ".li1?" P" 4?tf Dailipe.satis aclory lo tne'politfcarriiehUs 'of M'r.'Cass."" l" In reply, Mr. C, says thai' he'finds'HS diffictiltyiin:giving-a 'prompt and' tinedbi- vocal, answer;, He, says he.is a. member. pf ueinocratiq paapipas been sd rroro his his" youth that he was" first called' into public life by Mr. Jeflerson.lhiriy-sixye'ars ago, is firm believer' in the' nrincibles l"W .9-w0: by. J"n, and, has, no .,e.r ,tefve4. ??,V "e,',ulnKS leelings.and experience of lH country Have decided against a" National Bahk.i'Kd thaf no Tsudi institution should be chartered. He adds iWVVtfHH 9f.Als,rrrejff, ,qbs?rva)ioo .the OOiniOn. that While a due ilcirrpK nf ii ifh'lglfly useful'ln t'he 'business concerns of nllrViiinll v.:a iTniinff nnf-ti S 'Awnn',:hi r , " - 'w.w. vww.w ,w bSOU, to its permanent piospe'iitv. jt . ,tuehiai)be,dfi;injot)pf.4ie posjiipp of 'VfvQW may. find siil; ap v;:ii,jucoiiuii ,ui i.wu iii f; uui wo leave to thtiin 'the argument. 11 v The'BankfBaliimore lias -declared balf yearly UvXdeud of ihiee per cent, ri JV?8fli.heimanner!jii1 jyhicftihi jneni pnea oy.some ol the Wh , papers, is suoii as to excite suspicion among 'thoSo w'h'b'Uo riot-known Ke'-fMM7XitS? .fbi -r. lit v- inr ' A I J iiT.ilOi JSxtraorMnarleamsip.We copy from a Jjondon riape'r the 'Tollowingnarri- 'tire of a remarkable voyage fromVl'ampico to! England, in which the vessel was; navi galed by tlie master alone. Jv OrTTuesdayi Ihe" 18th' flf Oetober.'the briganline Enued, of Lupilon, Shaddock, mauler, from Tampico for Liverpaol, laden with" fustic, arrived at Milfnnl. Imvfriu left the former pott on the 7th of August. The disastrous voyage commenced by the vessel sirikinKop.tlie. bsr.jn coming ouUv.herc, she, hting for some time, ahdUvhlclvcaUsedth'ei5 loJ.be,lcak)t.wllhe-ni'?l")iy .JpliMJ?ojol4 pnu John. jCjIIIj, two ot the (scamen who were 'riatiVe'a'aPPpYi'fiidodi werieS!taVelf 'ill of yellow fever, and both dici:tonithff;101hu hfl-ealhei .pejngtfhal '?Ad,)?uJfy,,bpir tnitted to the deep, Ihe captain having pre viously read over them the burial service.' 'iAlteiJbelhg Ki'ieh fo'd'V cji;"thwh6le'6f the crew were ..belowjilL.nf foVei Mttitlhithb. III uc island M. on and'itisixY AiM.on the; folio wihg dsV.made tliejandjo ithe;, eastward ;,of H,nvana,.Plbu,t. lightness of the wind. f Al) iis elTorts io make the lind havirtg,i'ved'',i'i'i1snFpegsTiil the"bapfdrn ndlwithifahding'"tHei whole "6f tlie crew! .were; Hit. determined Joi-naviffate he vessel across the Atlantic, by, himself, which he, has succeeded in doing;, having dertyed 'b'rtly occasional as'slslahce from Ihe carpenter, who pVr'iTally 'fedbverail, bdt' wndseservicesuvereihowever.-.not of' much value, he never having been to sea provibufi lotliisuvoy ase., .Oii, the .2 1st of Sentember. he spoke the'Amenran ,sliip Kentuckv.from Liverpool lo''Dot(flrVahd,nske'f (he canlain" tne latitune ano'inngiinue, and told him, that j part nf.his crew--'were dead and tlie remainder very ,ili,. and. begged ,.-hen,w,puld spare him a ipan'( ' j, I'lie captain of the American vesseVgave hiiri the latitude 'antl lbngilude, but rnadir him' no answer; Vespbctlnir ;rehderine ishV as.s.istancetjaiulroiieedpttdn hist voyage.r-r. On the 5tb of October, the mate, Mr.. E. Bannister a naiivepf London, died. ' Five da'ys"'aiYe?8rd8 OTpe Clear lighlWas seen, 'aifd on.' tire Iih orOctber.the'vessel was1 safely anchored 'in Milfnrd Haven. ' The remainder of the, crew, coiisistine .of.an or dinary seaman and a, boy, .continue ver ill., .Captain, Shaddick is worn quite tln'n' from i : 1 1 I ( 1 . ': i . i ' no iiiiiiaraiiBik-u exerunns. anu ueserves to be handsomely rewarded for brineing the, vessei.nome un.der sncliMrylng circumstan ces. , tie.isa naiive of.PembrobeiDock. SoniQ extra'ordipary feai6 of, seamanship were perlDfmeil liV turn dilrini? the vavaae. For.instance, on the 1st of September, in lati 3T Hi llie.;:.we'athe -beirig -Bqiially', tie took in the.il vine iibrovaj toneallant sail; vand topkji reef(in ihe foietup pail; a cross ga.rpniinig ai ine, ime, .anu jiie. snip laoor nig ory mucn. unf another occasion a heavy squall Ihrew tei ship on 'her beam ends.and'hejhadlto, cut the sails lo save ihe "PPi'IQni "PJe.Sijngs.and again to bend, others in iheir stead when the weather moderated, He managed lb hdjst them up witli'thVwjhfllass, liTddriig rnli wVih "dne1 hand,jind heaving-wiih t'hefoiher.- .M ,jt .On.Mqnday mQrninir.weck. hej wasilwo. hours by himself double reefine the tonsail. i nd reefing ihe mainsa.il. What ailded to his accumulated difficulties, was Ills having ioatfeWtl 'daily tdUhe pU'mp, which had: iorn him do,vn, liejaialcs. mdre tlian any thyig else, vHe has been jvjiple, days qpp. isl?,t PH.TJifiS'.nd "pcepd'ed iB .gqqking, inc uuiiius iicn imuib ,inu Dcen rour leei water' iii tWhotd. 'Wlie'the weather "Whs" fine, .h'etiwouldiaet' alls'ajl, and when it' cl(anredLhe,Wo,kiiOiandj reefed, as. cjicnm.v stap.ces r.e.qnire.d. Tua., he.performed, .all, the arduous duties of a whole ship's com ,nwri.'ll..'.'t'.(,n,ii; .I.V 2.i!?J-(iW.!tSr i.l.lj MG uul'qUIIUI llclJ ui me crperiter -whose health was 'weakly; Cajnaruwj.i' . t t , i Jlorpraqf a Shipvartck The Boston Transcripl'giyes the following account, of Ihe sufferings oTa'young man from New yoJrk,whoJwjs recently taken from, a wreck' and carried into that city JUt appears from iis i slaument rfmllne'd'foity'WriB days'bri the' Wrecli.wilH little dr'no'fo'o'tl. A'liltle flbtirvwas Wa'siie'd ppjfrom lhf:holdwi!ibh)ihBy colfe'cted.wsi Willi al,waleiand,d;ie(lj.t in ihp.suD. am ceedJd in oVtainfngnix'.dn'which tlieyJived forisqro.e,,timi!i afwr lluit willing remained lo ,suppcir,hfe, Of.lhe .seven lhalremained (two being drowned in (he 'forecastle whe,n" the Naiad li'ps'ei,') it is 'remrkablo tha'tthe m'd'st fleshy, ahd apparently the strongest, died first. Evciy thing was .done by F8 diek to keep upitlie.spi.rils of his compau ionsj but thy failed, one after another, rid' as soon i's 'hone 'fl'ed.th'ey yielded ahi! dfe'd. I11TI . t . ' . . i1 Yiien me weather was at all rough, iheyJ Were' obliged Id take to tlio foretdp.'andi lash ihemselvesi there lo remain l .becaipp, ca,m-. They had now all peiubed but iwo. Fordick and a companion, who were jn lop one dark night, when it began to'raln.J I'osaicK retched over to 'whore his cpippan ipp lay, iq rpuse himto gbfaiii a few drops, or water as jt fell, but found him dead'. In the morning he c'u( liim' loose, ahd' he fell into the sea,' He then remained alone ii six daysi beforehe was taken ofTby Csp tain wiWIVfllls auic in mane tiiiq 01 lup liorii in Hie of Cuba. iti"lfleVe'ib1ef",ral . bVe A71 the 23d;tbore"fl(va$,for the HaVand, aic, u was, Known ,inai mere was a canister, of salmon,' prisVrve'd inpil.'in tlie; ca'bih.1 Fosdick dove down several i'me'a.'lbnd'uk- 1THDW, irsji.. i SATtlRtiJlV, DEtF.iUBF.n 81842, J-Olt PRESIDENT, ANDiP.OTAUIQEis'v.. "Ihp,3vniehWiliper'aWhrsv'Oa OEMOGttATia i The democratic citizens'4- bf!V'Orj)timbl 'SuluYd&u tlie 31ffufay ofit'Decemben insV. art 'one o'cloe, P'. Sl!?oT fllV tfrnoTo pf rfx'pfeMrig itfeft' vietvs'in rloWYte candidate for the next Presidency-, anUof llid expediency of appointing w legates to Ihe state cdht-entiun-to bViiefd df-Harris burg, o'n ifjejBtTi of J.inuarynext. " ' 1 G 11 A it li E'S' 'If A'tt'L E R ; ny 'J3"J':GH'ARLES"P. 'fMtNN' iDertlbcrttio' BtandlHg Obrrihlillcd" WCb'. lumhla'cbtlnlyi- ' 0 '' ' M C: : 'pa ,n 'Deo.:iO;18-12.hns . u i,U:i,a i CWioift' MliqUttiii-MfAi. 'Henry Ri SchoriTcrkfis has 'been, lead .b'fcfore' the Royal Geo'graphichl &dcie(V of Tt'dridoh. a memoir dbfcribiiTg'a Ve'rjcuffo'us "irucrip tion'on.a email tabular slbne.'rfountl iii' one of Wlirtiimbli in? ilid 6hid "Vallfe'vl it xori'sisrofVweniy'-loi'iIJuehaVat,(ers,r'arranged' uc""u (ijiwiici uneve occrai 01 tneso' q6respdiia wnH'hV 'RBntcl? Sihera bear" 'a resBirtbraricehol itl"bfd E'iru'scYri' br1 Pc Jasgic, A vopy of .th'e" 'ihscfiplioii 'fias'liecn ' ut in1 ihV hands bf4 JperfiohWearhed''ip9the ' ancient UrUldicial clfaftciera ol Bfitirff;Sfid another forWardgJ ib',hfe,sR'bv'a,l Sbelciv'' of Northern knrquaiansr ;eoVenhagVh,iri ' the' horle 'b'fts beiHg'read;-"and otJ thus thrnwirfg :liglh:ohMhe'Ahte:CdHinibian'Hi5 " tory nPAdlrica? 'Mahytii'e'f aftiaey'were ' in" 'this "(dmuIouT,1 wn'ibifs'slruaied' at G'raVeCre'eky-ift''lHef! WesreFn" Vuffints', (nar(gularly'a'' numlier Df'"sma'lF s'eashells. bohe'bf JIVbry'' heVds',rora'tellepla(eB of jmica.t nd' s'everaTcbrTptf brnarHefiis.toeelh'e'r7 with- the osse6usrT"c1nafii8'bTthHetsk,eie"tons, in a state-dlifiosVcOm,plofedc'cay'J V ' , 7Vrrf6e.-rIifi3lascrtarffie'd' by cornp tiPB.'8'ayS tUe'N. Vff iblnie that'ihe nu'rn uta."' number bVilla" of livos lost since NovembeHdfli wrecking and 'bu'rnihg df fels"' swamping 'of 'boa'is; is five hLwdreri,ianiI se'venty-eighf. 'and' of tlusl'ffum'beT.'Vho hundred and thlriy-r6ur'rwttfc tfrowne'd,by the s?ampug 6t 'ihe'-oVdlfjay VoV'tiVt'i'fe" boats ahbiild be mofi. generally 'used.,''' ' New of'New ptices, is said to have sunk, since 1836; from twentyWtS 'MVXmi o! d'ollars. 'One rhirof-tli'is'dlffe'rence been eunk In 'b'ad! debts." ' f " is.lvt tu . , duct of Hie lieSU Mine's mmi pro. iW worth almost onen'ri?rillon',or'a'o$ iH year tWi',,1 if art-, this at the low price which -the article has uSS v&.,'-,L 1 r rto i- r?i borne. - fu 'A ?ir,bn, Pekins was fiiiei 'g yt lv? )4F Pm) ak.Bpstofi, a dayor. ,lwp ".'PlISfM'nO'S-. wltcto, n bedt,' lo nLvent.hejfmxoiig;,9usJ.oCp , .s . . Jeel Hplclikisjof.Gijilfojr'd, Jf?oryj. " ww leeepjly .ili)ed81,fl0"ndyjmprisqpeij ,eix mon)hs:,fqr .whipping Jilsawjfe. ,The. fine shpuld bgiyetuq hr.6i,JU, t Tire;HbusC nf'Rernle6eVlalivea-V)fo 'New ' tlarnpihire have 'declareM itf-i vot'e-ibf-'M 1 (o ftfOVin i favor'J'oPllie' Wtall-sboliliondf capitalYunfshmcnY.0'0 da -nilft T.a ii t t i. t-.,h . ."Tnvti ..I'V.Jf.ftjnV hi apaCt,mit.buniU8 iljnea W i w re pleasfUlQajn, rfcorenng'1 V