The pradent cBpjtalistA,witl never adven.jt, turo his capital in 'manufacturings establish menu, or in an) Bfir Nuding bui? nit nMiffl. if ififfl ptisI if ilatn'f'Tnf uncertainty as ,to whether (he i Govern ( roenl will "repeal to' mofrofo'haYhas; ene4lsMayi FilfuU;pt08i' hewsver. liight if threatened with a rainous reduction by a vacillating policy on the part of Oorernmen(,will "scarcely 'tempt him to truit the money which he has acquired by n life of labor.upon the uncertain adventure. I, "therefore, in the spirit of conciliation, and influeticcd:by no other desire .'than 6 rescue he great interests of tho country fro'Svlhe vortex of political contention, and id the discharge of the high and 'solemn duties of the place which i now occupy recommend duties imposed with, a wise discrimination, as la their several objects, as. being not only most .likely to be durabl), but most advantageous to every interest of society. The report or the Secretary of tho War Department exhibits a very full and satis factory account of the various and important interests committed .to the charge pf that officer. It is particularly gratifying to find that the expenditures for, the military ser v'icd are greatly reduced in .amount that a strict system of economy lias been in troduced intoi the. service, and. the, abuses of past, y'eartigreaily reformed. T.he, Xorli-, ficaiionsion our-jrtaritimeJrontiorhaye been prosecuted jwilh muclhvigor. andial .many pain te'our defences" are. in a, veryirconai derabje state of fdrwardness. The.augges, tionsumrb'fererice is the. establishment .of means .of .communication' with our territories on the Pacific; and tq thesurveys go essent tial to a knowledge; of. the intermediate country(1are enl'ukd to the tmost favorable consideration. While I would propose nothing inconsistent. with friendly negocia (ions to settle tliBifextent of our claims in that region, yet a , prudenl.forecasti points ouf the 'necessity of such measures as may enable . us to. maintain our rig' -The. arrangements made for preserving our aeulral relations on the boundary!) between us'nrid Texas, and keeping in cheek the Indian's in that quarter, Wlllitbd 'main tained) sol long as circumstances may require. ft For several- years angry contentions' liaigTOwn out of the; disposition? directed bylaw t'oibe' m'ade of the mineral lands heldtby the 'Government in several of the Stales.' The rGovernrnent is constituted ihftlandlbrdiand'ihe citizens of the States wherein IkT' the lands; are its tenants. The TfrHtion ii' aa'cnwiae one, and. it would be irldch more candueivoof the public "interest that a' sale. o the:-lands should'be made thitrthat they should remain in their present condition. 'The supply of the ore iwould is more abbndantlyand. certainly furnished v4ien.tobedrawil from tlio 'enterprise and -the industry of the1 proprietor, :tban' under the present system.1- recommendation of the Secretary in reardtqrthe imprflVemqnts tf .the vjest'erH1 waters and certain' prominent harbors on thYI'akW, metif.and 1 doubtmot .will receive vour serious attention. The eieat iniodr- .tance of these subjects' 'to the prosperity of the'extensive region referred 'to, and 'the county of the whole country in time of war. cannot escape observation. The losses of life and property whicb" annually occur iu the navigation of the Mississippi alon'e.bccause'of the'dangerous obstructions irPthe river, made' "a1 loud detnandsv4i'p6n' Congress for the adoption of 'efficient meaaUrts'for iheir 'removal. r( The 'report of the Secretary of tho' Navy' will! bring ;y6o 'acquainted with that irap6r tani branch -of tho" publico defences. Considerinr the already vest and daHv increasing commerce of the 'country, apart frorriMhe'cxposure 'to hostile -inroad of an extended seaboard, all that .rslates to the Navy is calculated -to excite paitioular attention. Whatever tend to add Mo its efficiency, without entaiKng Unnecessary charges upon tho Treasury, is well worthy of your serious, consideration It well be seen that while an appropriation exceeding by less than a million the 'appropriations of ine present year,is asueu oy ine secretary, yet that in this sum is proposed to be in cluded 4)400,000, for the purchase of 16thihg, which, when once expended, will tdannually 'reimbursed by the sale of the clothes, and will thus constitute a perpetual fund', wi'hbut any new appropriation to the Bathe object. To thl may also be added 4S0,'00ft, askod to cover the arrearages of plsl.yc'ars, and 9250,000 in order' to main laih'a competent squadron on the coast of Afrjca;' all of which, when deducted, will1 reduce the expenditures nearly' yirikhin the' limits' of ihose of the current year. 'While, licHvevVrthe xjieniJiluref? will'tlius remain vlnearlthffsame as of' the antecedent yc arHl Ts proposed to add greatlv to the operajjons' rtrthe Marine, andn1n lieu 'o'f ohlyj25 sh'i'ps'in commissloaVand'but little 5 JrYewity of buildings) to keep, witn the "i'ttte;w expenditure ' forty .one vessels" .aflbljtf 3nil to liiildv twelve shins "ofV'smalf 'k srict system of accountability is 'estab'. iiJiiiinj diiu giciti pains are lutten tu ins'ire indnslr, fidelity arid economy, in every JeplJrtmeaV pf duty .Experiments liivd'bein ihyfrtte.dotejt the quilif of various 'ma ffilMSi partlelarlyj copper, 'iron 'and oal,teb zj?no prevent fraud and impost tion. , f ' !..Jt'iirapiJttar bv thVreneit at the Toil roHS.iepneratlarthe great point whicli,( (cit 'ftVl'nrjil' Vfl:ro Worn Ubf' an nktiMi AeMiraA ... T TVV uur'ner Po, current year, oeen liniy Denarlmeul; Jor tlic.ciirrent. rear, .have been prougnuwiiniri us icnino wiiiot-,Hesenw ing iw gerieral trtefblhewrif .Taire'has!een' an increase of r'e'yenne'eqtill ucf if l6u,Mo', oVJeariJ842' oveMlti of 8ir,WjtKiu as it is believeu, anyaddiUoii "liaving been" made.'to tho-number of letters and-newspa.; i-os i uiuce ibws navo oeen nonesiiy au ministered, and fidelity has been obsetved in accounting for, and paying over by the subordinates of the Department the moneys which have been tecelved. For the details pfjlie service, I refer you to, tho rjepfirt. 8 I flatter myself that the exhibition thus made of'tho condidtlon of the p'ublicadmlriy istration, will serve to convince.. ypu (hat every proper attention has been paid to, the interests of the country by those , who have called, to the .heads of the. different Depart rnents. The reduction - in. ltiev,annual ex penditures of the Government alr.eady accomplished, furnishes a sure evidence that economy in the application or ine pubho moneys; . is regarded as a paramount dnty. , , , - At.peace, with all the, world the'person al liberty of the citizens sacredly maintained and hia rights secured under political instilu tions deriving all their, authority from- the direct sanction of the. .people with a soil furtile almost beyond example, and a court try blessed with every diversity of! clintale and production, what remains to be done in order to advance, the happiness. and pros periiy of audi a people? Under,Ordinary circumstances, Hhis enquiry .could, readily be. .answered,' The' -best that probably, couldibo done for a people inhabiting .such a countrywould be to fortify their peace and i. security in the prosecution of their various pUisuits, by guarding them againdt invasion ,froni without,. and violence from within. The-,rest,- '(or- the. greater part, might, beilef lortlicic.bwnienergy and en terprise. The thief embarrassments which ali the momenti exhibit themselves,, have arisen from oyer action, and the nfost difficult, task which remains to bo accom p'ished is that of,uorrecting and overcoming its effects. .Between the years 1833'and 1838( additions were made to bank '.capital and bank is3ues(in the form of tiotes designe ed for circulation, to am extent enormously great, ! -The' .question', seemed to bef not how the best .-currency could be'p'rovided, but in what'mannenthe gveatest anioiintKof bank paper could, bei put in" circulation. Thus' avast. amount of what was) called mon6y sincejifowhenime being; it an swered the purpose of money; was thrown lupbn the 'country; an over issue1 wliich was a neccsssry consequenrle;by aii extrava gant increase of-the prices of all articles iof property the spread of a speculation mani. all over the country,' and has finally Glided inia general indebtedness Jon that paTt"of. Statea and individuals,1 tho prosfratiorl1 oP public. and private credit, a depreciation. in the market value of real and personal' estate and has left large districts ofcduntryalmost! entirely without any circulating medium. In view of the fact that, in 1830 the whole bank note circulation within IheUiiited States amounted, to but' $7l323,8d8,-rac1 cording to the Treasury statements;, and that addition had been mado-lhereitv of the' enormous (sum of $88,000,000 in seven years, lYlho circulation1 on the first Janiiarv" 1837, being stated a; SI49,185,800.) aided by the great facilities afforded in obtaining loans from European capitalists, who were seized with the same speculative mania which prevailed in the United States and the largo importations of funds from abroad,' the result of stock Bales and loans no one' can be surprised at the apparent, but 'un substantial state of prosperity Which1 every where prevailed over the landsorid while tittle cause of surprise shduld' be' felt' at the present prostralion rtf every 'thing; and the ruin which has befallen so many of our fellow-citizens in the sudden withdrawal from circulation of so large an amount of bank issues; since 1837 exceeding, as is' believed, the amount added to the paper currency for a imilarr peribd.anlecedenUto il-83G, it ceases, to be a malter-of. astonish ment that such .extensive shipwreck should nave'beenimade of private fortunes, or thai; difficulties should, esist in meeting their engagements ;on tho part of the debtor; States, A.part from .which, if there bo taken into, account llio immense, losses sustained in.the.dishoneroCnumernus banks, it is less a mtlerrof surprise that insolvency1 should .liave visiteu many oi;our .lellovv-; citizens, than that s( ..-any should have, escaped the .blighting in flue noes of tho, times. , r v In the solemn conviction of these'truths? and With -an xardent desire to meenuho' pressing' necessities of the country ci'Seh ii to be my duty to cause to be submitted v-to you, at tho commencement of your late session', the plan of an 'Exchequer, .the whole power anil duty of maintaining wliich in purity ind vigor, wau'to:be exercised by the Ke'ptes'entativesof the feoplo and the States, an'dljx therefore, virtually "bji t'm Pebnle themselves: ' lit was v proposed to place -it under' the control 'and direction -of iim n : l .. . . . . . . i avJ reasury oru,"'no coiiifibi "oi iiiruo Commissioriers', 'whose daty it should be!J see tnai Hie mwui (u'chohoii was laiiiuuiiy executed, and that tlitngreat.-end ol supply frig a paVer medium 'onexdh'ange, -at 'all times' convertible inlo'goldtand eilveY.shduld be attached. Tlo Ooard 'thusrcqnsti(uted) was'given as mudli permaticyas' coUld' be Imparled' (o it. wilhouP'endancoririgi" the propcr'shareof rcspoii6ibilityiwlitch'sliould attach to all 'public agents, in order -to iqslire all the advantages of a well-matured exnerlcMeV tho- Cemiflissiotier Wre vio hold their offipft-for tliesjwlvtpJJahat:thd motive to oi iwo.tour, (S.x art,icwsespni tgress isflgetipraMti.rndWkd ijiaii times inRie manefcieBt, oT,ih Exche be. Theltheofy bf.m fhsiiiutionsf si!" 1""'"" "V''"H";i'WPerieciMcuriiy,Bta!nsiBa" proceed exerL-iso peneci inueiicnuence oi minu am sctionMl'was-provided-thal -their, removal or infidelity to the trust, and to be followed by the Piesident with art exposition of tho causes of Buchtremuvaj; should ir occur. If was proposed to "estiblish subordinate boards in each of the States, under tho .same' restrictions' ami Jfmifations ,ofvb power of removal; which, with tho central board, should receive, safelykeep; and .disburse the public. moneys; and ,iij prder m furnjsh a sound paper medjum.of exchange, the Exchequer slioud relain,9f ,(ho reyen tics of the Govermenl a.'siim ppt to .exceed 85,qo0,0pO. in, specie, to '.bo .sql apart jib required by its operation, either n speeie or Treasury .noips, ,of denomjnatiqns, .not less than fVve,, nor exgecding'pne hpodrcil dollar's, .wicli,nutc's .should b'e.rejjcempd ,a,t the several places of, rssuej and io be .re ceivable at al times and every , wjierp. in payqient of C?overnmerit, iiue?,, wpb ,a restraint. nnon. such issiiri nf hitU tlmt ihn samp shpuld not excce.d the mifximurn of Siio.uuu.uuij in order o guard against all the hazards, incident to, fluctuations, in trade, the Secralaryj the Treasury wps invested with authority to. issue $5,000,000 of Government, stock, shoujiKlhe, same, .at .any time vho,rcgard?,d as nerjessary, in order rost ,. supslantia y. pn, lO.OOO.OOO.-- and keeping in circulation ny.qr;, more and a Jialfdoljars, for every dojlar; in, .specie. When to this jv,is,,added. ,tha(:tlie. bills; are not, only ,every where; receivable jn .Govern ment dues, but that; th.e,..Govprnmant itself ,wnuld,hebound for their ultimptq redemp tion,, no rational doubt can exist that the paper which the Exchequer wpuld furnish', would readily enter into ge.eril'circulation, and bemaifUaied at all times,, at oi above par with gold and, silver,, thereby realiz ing thei great, wants of the age.aud fulfilling of the .People,) lln,, .order to, raimburse.jlhe Goernmcnt tho-jexpenscs of, ivlf'-i"g"ii, "'!:aa.r proposeu io in vesi mo , EqhenjieriiilHthe .limited, authority to deal-in. bills, of exchange, unlessiprdliibiled by theiStfltp. in, which.lari agency might bp si,tu,atevd,hayjr.g .only, thirtyk. days to run, and resjing t oiV a airj and,,6onairibasisi T,he Legislative will on .this 'point' might j2'e,8qplainly,i annpnncfds as to,r .avoid ;ail petexvqr partiality ,or;favorlism It . was furthermore proppsed (n'inveist. (his Treas ury agent yith authority to receive on deppfue, tp,ajiiniledi-am'oun the specie funds pXMnilfvidtiaJs,.. and-, to' .giant 'certifi cates therefor,t,p be .redeemed jon' -j presenta tion, undejrijhfciidea.iwliieh is believed to be wejl fiiuridedttluitsuch certificates would (jqmein'ai j,ojV.the Exchequer-biJIs-ini sup PJX'nSia safe .aQd laipple .paper (circulation 9, if in p,laca,,of tie. contempluted1 dealings in exchange,, .the Exchtiquer should be aythfjn'zfcd not oply to, exchange, its. bills' for actqal.depqsites.of specie.buf for specie or.,js.,cgqiyal,enl, to sell -drafis, charginfr l"fiLviPr.a,P srnau otit.reasonablo; premium,' 1 cannot doiibt-.but. Jhat the behefits' of the aw yould be, speedly manifested in. the revival of the predjl, trade arid, business of the whole country,, Entertainine his oDin- iopij bppomRj my, duty lo urge its adoption upop reierence to the strongest considerations of the public, interests,, with such, alterations in its details ,as Congress may in jiSrWis.-Jom see; ,ni to: make.-i I am well aware tliet this' pi-onosed'alter- ation and amendment of the laws establish ing the Treasury Department has" encoun tered vaiious objections, and that amontr others Til has been procliimed a'Goyernment IJank of tearful and dangerous import. It is proposed lo confer upon it no extraoidin ary "powers1. It purports to do no more than pay th,o. debts of'ihe Govcinmerit' Willi the redeemoble paper of the Government in which repect it accomplishes nreciselv: what the Treasury does daily' at this time, in issuing, to the' public creditors 'the Treasury notes which' under' law, it is' authorized to issuer It has no roseinblahce lo an drdinajy Bankk as it furnishes no profits, to private siockholdors.and lends no capital lo. individuals. If it be objected' to as a Government Iarik, and t the 'objected bo available then should all the laws' in relation Io therreasury be repealed arid; the capacity dfthe .Government Wcollerit what Js due to it, or pay k what it bw'es, lie abrngaledii - u it ' This is the chief pirrpose of the proppsed Exchetlbeht'artd '.sorely ifm;' life accom. plfshmentbf a pufpose so' eiseritlal, n affor'ds a sound circlilaiinr mcdiiiiri 'to the iioa.ntry ahd facilities to'iiade. it 'should "bo regarded as no slight recommeiiilati'nii of' to public consideration, Properly' guarded oy tiioprovisions oflaw, itcailVUn into "no dangeroUB" ovil, nor'- 'any abuse' ar'We under HI but such is the Keirisrature llsell' will 'bb unswvable' Tfdr', IP if 'be Volji'ra'tetf; since- it is but llid c're'Mures of'tho,tav"rhntl i8'6U8ceniiable sit all 'lime's (f"'m'fii!iriA'irn' amendnent or 'rofieal, al'(hbl 'plens'urn of Congress. I know thal'il'hasbeW 'bbleit., ednhat tho' system wouhlftbc' liable4 ti) be, -abus'etl'by tKe'IeeislaluVe" by Vhom" 'alonei it could-be abiisBdrlh' ttie paftyVoiifirclif d? Iie dayv - That sticlf abuse-Woiifd 'inahifd?! Itself in ahaHg'c'of'thQ' few 'which would authorize an excessive -i s' if e 'ap papo'fir the'riurpoi'o'fjflinfiatlilg p'ries-'and' wpfnipg Jiopiilar'fiWri lhal-lt jMaye iasw'ere'd; J Pli"S oe'P'JM slfzard 'P8 ptompt redemp tips or.ihe.bills wch might be, thrown ;into circulation. Thus jn fact making the issod qt"!?l;OQO,000 of' Exchequer bills, Con- missi would But a ine so reckless, would bo found to exist in the very natifrb oMhihEsr 1ThTfnbltieal?Mr'tv" .wlnch.shoujd be inter esis oi tne country, as. to resort to such an expedient would Inevitably meet1 with 'final Overthrow in the fact that, tho moment the paper ceased to bo convertible into specie; or otherwise, promptly redeemed,,, jt. would become worthless, ami would, In the end, di.shpniir , the Government, inyolvothq people in ruin, and such political party in hopeless disgrace'.! At ihe-samo ijmeWsifch a view involves' tho-utfer impossibility t of furnisliihg apycurrericy'Olher'ihari 'that 'Of tho precious metals, for, if tho Govern ment, itself cannot forego the temptation of excessive paper issues, what reliance can be placed in 'Corporations upon whonY llle tcmplailons ,o( individual 'afrjranJienVcnt would.most siroiigty operatel The -People wouiu navo toiotanie none but' themselves for1 any injury that might arise' from 'a course so reeklcssosincn' their agents' would bo the wron'g-doer's, tir.d they the passive 'speclatois. v n THera can bebut tliVee k'iHds o'f'nullic cun'eficyt fsl. Gold 'and' silver;' 2d. Tl e it vv'aa'believed that 'nb' relianca' 'coulit placed on the ssuesf'oT lockl1 insti'tulions, for7 life purpose "of geneialViculatlon, it npV'penrlv nVlrl tinqlnirl''t .'lA'Arl a..!!rA. 'avthri 'exclusive enrrehpy 'fdrTts'Towh use. mm mis musi ever ne ine case uniess one ,ir';ni;i.-Ar;,iri,i-fi:'ii.A i.kf: 'ic w viiivi hiiiu MJl-ll A iiu 1IUICUi ,111 Ihe'riteseHtsfafeof' J)ubie senlimenl, lies between' arl exclusi'vd .specie currency on tho one-hhtid, and Government issues of 'some ' kind on' the oilier Tha't ihc'sb 'issues' tfanno't bcmadc by a charierecl in-' stilutioii, is supposed !t6 be cortrldvseiy set-, tied. They Atusi bd- nidde. then. dh"'ecily By GoVernm'ent'agehts." Fdr set'erid Vears ti'a'sl ihey have beeh'thris madV in' I he form bf Treasvjrf notes, and Have answered a valuable purpose. THeiV lirefulnes's 'has iivii ubfllg MnilolKIII UIIU lemporary; their' c'eiisYng td'bear Interest' at eiveri periods, necessarilv" 'causes' their' sf)eedf Tcturn,-arid'tHusies"trlcis!liiei of uirCUlaiion, and. being used, only jivuiei disburs'emen'ls df'GbVertiroe'n't, they cannot reach' those' pulrits1 Silhere1 they ".are most required. 5 .By rendering their use pafihan eriti to tho' raode'fata, extent already men tioned; by offering .n'o.tnducemepl .for jjjeir return, and by .exchanging them for .coin arid other, values, the yvill. con? iittie; to, a certain extent, the' 'general currency so much1 ne'eded io 'maintain the Infernal traile of the countfy. And ilisis tile Exchequer plan, so far as It may operate jn furnishing a currency, ' 1 cannot forego the occasion lo ,uige its importance to iliecredit pf the Government in a .financial point of view. .The great necessity of resoriing . to .every and becoming expedient in, orcjer" lo place ,,lhe 'I Reasury ona footing of'ihe highest respec tabilily, is' eiitiiely obvious. The of ilie, Government may be regarded fjs .ilie very ioul of ilie Government itself a prin ciple or vitality without whiclalj jtVnjqve. me ins aie, languid andailjis operations, em. Karrasned. It i(iis spirit Ihe'Executive.fei itself bodnd by the most, imperative sense of diily to submit to. Co'n'grji;ss, at'i'u last .sc's siun.JIhe .propriety of n)aktpg.! a Vpepifi? pledge of'ihe fdiid fund, as the bajs'j'ur-',tlie negoiiatfon.of the loaris, authorizf,d 10,'h? cdntrackd. I then thought that such an appliaation of jlie public dp.majn would, without dpubt,'haye placer) at' the cojrimand of tle. Govefiunerit aifjple funds to. relieve the TreaiTury from the, temporary embar rassmenis''HhderJ wjilcli 'it labored.,' - $pieri: car. credit has suiTe,reil(a considerabf.8lifl"ck n "Europe, from tie large, indebtedness; .of the' Slat? s and the temporary inability of T n , 1 mee "i pn th.eij debts. ' I'lie titter nml ili'saRirm,' of ihe (United Stit'es Bap'k'of lypflrtsxlynia, h'ad contributed largely lb fncfeasp, Thje,' sen Vunent.bfdrslistby feaspp of je,lps, aqjl iuiii ouoidiiicu me noiuers o its sjocx, a large portion of w)iqlfn )Yere freigiri,";uVd inanv of whom wrro alike lannrnnl nf run politidal6rg2iiizatij)njaud o' our" actual 'responsibilities. It was the anxious.desire A L l"a,,r'n ",'1e P,lort to .rjegu- tiate the loan' abroad, he Amp.rl run in'tTttifi. 9riJn'8,,'tdiib.1? " Pinll)e5fno'(iey. lender Government from a suanb-inn At l,ifoi.(, giesa differed flora the 'ExtivV n. il ls tlip duty of the Executive lb rorl.taevei.y uiu itiuuiiau inarKei, a qHIZCJl viiuiv(ti auu idiciu who .seni quldWbnVoim Jihij'aiiomsloljs t;tfetlof thlrigs) bqff f9Qn(iJ flail . ..r , reprcseniaiivc ortne precious metals,' pro Vided' by ihe "General'GDvemment, or kinder its authoriiy? ' The 'gub'-Trctiiury svciciii iricuicu iiiu last in anv lurin: nniiinfl np. 0 Pl.jngh: In Kiirnnh with'no petlir'successi.rurd tTiu's,(ie morti. fj'fnf 'spectadte, has been presented 67 ' Urn ifiabilitv 'o'( 1fil6rVr56W IrJarlsd'smllll hdl'ihe'' wl ible io Tnore a,an.?ei;lir, V "fts Rents' ,or EWbpe: illhdOrff;fh volvi.rin fHb't, With-tax-a1tiJp;ca(5.y ilbtairi jpalis.o? anv e ibtc of iw0 SR T:"W.WITOa Hbi which U iBOSirne2l.loAtliiniv.Koii comparrd wji, its boundle itrtrflfKrinnhv-wbrldrccTuseV frnm llirt mn.tln ..till Ji l . . .w the.atTections.ofa. great-nnd free. peoples mj whose fidelity lo its engagenients has never been questioned; for such a Government to liaVC, dinilnr",! In ll.A .. ! , - I '. . f , j " iiier laqnijiies an opportunity f!LX?mall?invesrb ifent-o ts stoek, ariif eiT.fM?ca ru",l..i : ' mem 'SLl,,?,r".Vinmsteunl its food luiili. nr n ti rrwno .. i.. wMclUliilrse; which, could hqye, bden adnptcd.T It ;ias now becomo.obviqqsioflh men that (,e kn'tfw'1ha(.tlfesevmchns hro ''aliog'etirer ade quate;for'he- -bbjeclY 'fThVv 'Exchequer, if adopted, twll greatly ald'in bringing' about this.resultt Upoh"'yh'at I,VegaV"d fs a', well founded sdppoiitionlthal its btlTs would bo readiljv.soughifprby-.ihe Miblio creditors and that. Ihe,s4ue vvbud.vtna .short lima reach Ihe maximum of S1.5,00O,O0O,- it U obvious thai. Si in. (inn nnn. 1 it T . ' '.i5 -n f, T rv" tvvi im tvBvy .addedjlo fhp flyailable .means.'pfjtha T;eaV. ,ury without,cqsi1or.phnrge.. jyor.cari";i; ,'fail Il Satcbanks.fiile'ii'woufd'E dat.otf those' bf a VprteM.ftBfatfr through its weekly selilerrtcnls'f wouliT bo !h!ghy-b-neficialnlr cdhfideAce-ab'd credit woillifdlUv, with a numerous tram ofbTessjligs My, convic tions are most stibng thaT trTeko- benefit would flow romttho,?-. sure; but if the result should bo adverse, there is ihia spV.Mi'u L v. '.!'. .I :, . ihcre'iis this seculrif'y jn Shntion', wfih thht' the' law crcatTnrf Ti m!rJ .Li. led L3,tiliea,leaSu,rc' thc.LVglslSfure. w thout 'llie'siniilcsl'imhlication rif fts ..ii'f J , 1 recommend to "Congress "to '.lake" ilt0 lie prdpneiv - r ,.e imburs ng ;a fine'imposed'on; 'Gl'iiJa'boV,' a. OHSahs hniie. tlrfie, oCtVo'aitack ,& 'defenco 6l lhaftity : andiaiS l.j Je'. anrpnec ion'Vii IfieJiWal i.ibu- "this i inexp "Yy was net) "iibev'pd hv bV' givitirr additional luKirn K' X?'. A i.i' v'etcran.rYow in 'fSK?j ii M Ulliu UC 1' r il 1 1 1 i I n ir 1t llm.itmt ni hio iiat'o. in ho toiini,;rr ' :t. vv stances in which thai judgment, placed liim. I here are cases in which public, funeliopa ries. may be' caljcd op 'fo.'c IglLtho. 'pub lie interost against .their owri personal 'hazards, and jf 'the civil law be fro,pled,'frpm praise worthy moiics, or on overruling 'sense, of pubHc danger and publ.ic, necessity,, pun'jsV mcnt may well be restrained, . jyhliin ' that limit StUeU asferls and ma numo ii'.o thority; of the Ja.w, apd tho su'hjpriion of the 'r'lL',Sr-lS-!-he Pvif -PPwer.: ,T(m. defence the hands of the en em, placed llio. name of I . (1 n n r-, I I V I- .. - . .,. f t General Jackson amonirilinBH nf.ilm fFrp.toc Captams'of ihe age, and illustrated one, of tlie brightesf paees of our hiitnrw lf,., i!iarl;t'i?.c?es r Vitement.cxisiing at tho ll-W eCft3.eA imtyK Relieved thal'the roniiuinn V,r ii,:. it. r ...i. ... .... ii ii mvricaneoplr. hiR.,h s'..10 ci!??psM pcqiiitied 'myself ;6r-5ihopES WAsiUNOTOpcrbgrJl, LECTURES ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR '.toelurea fonthttbeneflf of mWu difnS ftrAmx S a., uiuilllliur. bvp'npt aaopportiuiity of aitendirtg'chool ihtho ."t,l'!,0 ptd'wh.q;aro jJesijouTiofi'itiecoiriing ,a8 quanted wtl, Uiq grauimyr ofdiq EngJUIvjapgagr. OVenirif' fl ninv lih-innit fntt.ii.'li' '.nr.i-M.' Jil... 'oTUnitlftgo'forrii a rlas6rf3r tlioWd-MrVMwill 'hlcSEe mikefc.irlv. iinnliliU,, t,-n,i i,!...-.'i:s'. r....... - . . ' V 4 I 1 IVft.O iiivii, iinjiiba at titner.ot tho tmiiiinn. nfil, ;i,t)...i, .. . subscriber, In pdcy tu .coiiimeitek), ts pjly,s I IT il' i. Ma'fVt. JtULU ulli1' 'AJ: 4,-' 'Jl pr-dbX-rtyWWlli'atiiJVoxr'AWanUu iilofk ior JJ,o,inoorniriulit)Kir3'S!iCSlprbire ikA linn Q lOJ " hv A - ("rf " 1PN",e. Uai.e ! w9- uniuni and by inviting jour aliention. o. measnFfs of milch . importance . jo j)$ copnlry;'; The io,Q.O ,,oiio loi pybmb i'rJ.OOvi jna b iUimmiafiO, take: t.fV6"nr hiWWthVrtihilfrhKrt without. mcoiisont'ijlj u-u.ti ti'' It, i.i J i.i