-,-f w at"'1 yB vf.'BBBBM- B7 BBB Jw BBB P .: 1.1 Jti ,q citM 'LBBft BBBk' J .-mh M l !lWl&5Ht' 8a- ' ' f I t'haM'iwbrripOH the Altar '6f'G6d, eternal hostility lo ever? Am'o?yrAkyWer the. Miad of Mm fhorau Jefferson i - in' ''t , t je ycf if i, r J , ,r v ' t.i.w i.-vwi)i-i ; - r 1 - . - - - 1 - - ---- a e. . iu! PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. r - k BIQOkSBIIOtJUMBlA COUNTY, PAi SATURDAY, DECEMBER Xl 1842 1 flBVH HIIIHH HHt'HI ffa . mmiH ffh . iffh riaFav -. ihhhm Faiim hhhih . . jaFjm. BBS BjBJkiiw BbJM 1 eH .aeB . BBBjBM I HVHr. . aM BaWBBfl BBB i BBB BBfl-BaVBBB' BBB. OP THE DEMOCRAT ,OrptfBiTB Sp. Paol's Church, Main-bt 'T-XUlffS: TAe Cqi.UMBI fiEMOCRJITwiU be published every Saturday, mor.riing, at , TfVO D OLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in aavance, or iivio tiouan Fifty ,Cent, if not paid within the ycar, ffo subscription will be taken for a shorter neriod Aflrt six months f nor any 'discon ' r. . tn n t. tttiuance pernnucut biuii uu urrcurugcs 4 re discharged: 1 iMDVERtlSEMENTSnot excttding a itjuare will bi conspicuously inserted at Ohi 'Dollar for the' first three insertions, and 7$Blnty-flve cents for every, subset quent 'nsertton. liberal discount made to those who advertise by Ihe ijear, lMTTERS. addressed on business, musi ' be postpaid. . u PRESIDENT'S ' 't '' MESSAGE. To iht SenMs tmi.Houtt of Sepristntativts of ths U. States: -f Ws haconlinued reasons to ezptess our profound gratitude, to the great. Creator of all things far numberless benefits confer red upon us as a People. Blessed with genial seasons,the husbandman has his gar ners filled with abundance, and the. neces saries of life, not to speak of, its luxuries, abound in every direction. While in some other nations steady and industrious labor can linrdly-find the means of subsistence.tho greatest evil which we have to encounter.ik a lutplus of production beyond the home, deiasnd, which seeks, arid twith .difficulty finds,a partial market in other regions, ''flit htalt of the country, with partial except-: ions, haa Tor Hie past year been wen pre- ssivea; BBS. unuer ineir ireo anu wiop ippii tetions, the United Stales Aare rapidly ad Vsncing towards the consummation of .the high 'destiny which jih overruling .Pfpi. deace Memfe to have marked out for them. K Exempt from, domestic convulsion,, and at jace 'wUh'-wwelfldr we are. left ,fref,;to BfjonsultaB to the best means of securing and Wy.j : .L- u f rii Such are the circumstances under which 'yon now assemble in your respective cham bers, and. which should lead us to unite in praise and thanksgiving to that great Being who made'us, and who preserves us a na tion .1 congratulate you, fel!ow-citizeny,on..the happy change in the aspect of pur 'foreign affairs since .my last annual mesjage.Cauees of 'compfaint at that time' existed between the United Slates and Gieat Britain, w)iich, attended1 by irritating cneumMances, threat ened niost' seriously the public1 peace. The difficulty of adjusting amicably the 'ques tions Tit issue, between the two' couutries, was in no small degree augmented ,by the .lapse of time since they had their origin,- The' opinions entertained by theJ exec'utiv'p wi several of-the leading topics' in .dispute, "were frankly set forth in the Message,at.tiie openlngpf your late session The appoint mvnt'ofa special minister by Great Hritaio me unneu oiaica wiui puwer iu negoti ate upon moat of ihe points of difference; indicated a desire on tier pari amicably to ailjiKi them, and that minister was met by tlie Executive in the same spirit which had dictated his mission. .The' Treaty conse quent tliereon, hiving been duly ratified by 'the two Governments, a copy, together willi the coirepondence wliirh accompanied, il.ls herewith, communicated. I, trust' that whilst yon may' see in' it nothing objectionable, it 'ay,be the, means of preserving, for an in definite period, the arpicable relations .hap pily existing between the' two governments, .'t'liiquealiop of, peace or war between the Uaiicd'States and Great Britain, is a ques ;tiomifthe deep' at interest, nol ,oply ,fo tlivmielves, but to the. civilized world,sin,ce ft ig .tarccly poible ihaia war could exist betvyren iheg, without, endangering the ipeare sf, Christendom. The immediate ef fect of the Treaty upon ourselves, will be felt in ihe security afforded to mercantile enterprise, which,. no longer apprehensie of interruption, adventntes, jls speculations )iq ,the,iost. distant sea; and, freighted with iihtttivtisifisd productions of every laid, 'returns ui bless nurown. There la nothing in tha Treaty which, in the sliehtost deeree romprumtts the honoi or dignity .of either nation. Neit'lo the settlement of the boun- 'dary line, which"rriusl always be a matter of uwcuiiy Dctween otates fi oetween inoi vidnals, tha question which seemed -to tlltealerVrtliB ereateit embairassment, was ()lit cinneeif with tha. Afusan slave trade . l By tha IQvH article of the Treaty of 'Ghent it was exprectly declared that 'whereas the traffic, in slaves is irreconcila blu with live- piincipleo of humanity and juttr;'a4.whereas both Ilia Majastv and llic United States are desiroua of conlinuinc their ert:ieproiBote its entire abolilion.it OFFICE is hereby agTeed that both the' contracting parlies shall, use their best endeavors to, aecomplishiso desirable an object In the, enforcement of the laws and treaty stipula tionsjof Great.Bri ain, & practicc:had. threat ened to growjup.on the part of its cruisers of subjecting to visitation ships, sailing un der the, American flag, (which, while: it se riously invplved our maritime, rights,! would subject to, vexation a branch of out trade which was daily increasing, and which required the fostering care of the Government- -Arid .although Lord Aberdeen, in his correspondence with the American Envoys at London, expressly disclaimed all right te detain an .American .ship, on the high seas; even if found with; a cargo of slaves on,,.board, and, restricted, the British pretension to a mete, claim to visit, and enquire, yet it could not well be discerned sucji7vifil and eDquiry(could be madev ut, mo. czBcuiifc.oi in unueu oiaies now uui.Bcicnuon on ,ino, voyage, anu consequent interruption jo the trade. It was regarded as" tbVrigh't of search, presented' only iri . new forrajand expressed in different words;, and I therefore fell it to be my duly, dis tinctly to declare, in my annual message to Congress, that no such concession could, be male, and that the United Slatei had hnth .the will and the ability to enforce their own laws, md to protect their flg from being usee lorpuipose wholly lurbiddeii by those anu oonoxious .io me moral censure o: me world, 1 akin? the Message as his letter of instructions, our, then, Minister at Paris felt himself required to assume the "same ground in a remonstrance which he vii iu uvihid.uuij i if ircciii iu ni. uuizoi, and through him to the King of theFrench, against what has been, called the Quir.tu'nle treatyrarid his conduct, in this respect, met wiui. me approval, ui inis uovernmeni, in close conformity' Willi these views,, the i article of Ihe Treatv was framed. whicli provjdes'ihateacli rfatipn ahall! keep afloat in the Afrjciin seas a force not Jess "than; eighty, guueteV act; separately anjl.apari ,under inst'uctio'nf ffpai,' jheir respective Gbvern'meri and for "(he enforcement o) their respective "laws and.ooligaijons, From this ,it yill be seep tlia't the. ground'.assnmeit in the. Message has bpen fully rnaintained.ai the same time tfiaji' the, stipulations of ihe Treaty bf 'Ghentre to, be .carried out in good faith by the (wo countries and that all prctenoe is removed for interference with our commerce for any purpose whatever4by a foreign Government. While, t lie re fore, the" United States have' been standing up for the freedom of the sens, they' have noi thought propet to make that a 'pretext for avoiding a fulfilment of their Treaty siipu latlons, or a ground for giving 'countenance to a- trade reprobated by our laws. A aim lar arrangement by the'otlier great' powers colild not fail lo sweep from the ocean. tSe slave' trade, without ihe inlerpolatipn of any. new principle into the maritime code. We may be" permitted to hope' that the example thug set-will be followed by some, 'if not all of them. ' We thereby ai'so afford sujlabe protection to the fair trader'in tiiese seas, thus fulfilling aftheame time the dictates of a sound policy, and complying with the claims of justice and humanil'v. muuiu iioig luiiiiaucu.u'jufiiuiiai, cause for congra'tulat on, if'lhe Tre'aly could Jiaie embraced all subje'cts calculaled n fufu're lo lead to a misiihilersfjhdinaf between the two Governments; The territory of the United Slates; commonly called' the Oregon tcrrito ry, lying on tlie' Pacific ocean, nor,th of tlie 42d degree of latitude,to a portion of which v,a uinaiu iuju ,uiaiui gcgins io aiiacv the attention of our fellow citizens, and .tlie iide of population which' has reclaimed what' was so lately an unbroken wilderness, in more contiguous regions, is preparing to flo w over thbs'e vast disiiiis which stretch from the Rocky mountains io the Pacific ocean. In advance of the acquirement of inuiviuuat rigtiia U these amis, sound policy diclaies that every eiTorl should be resorted to by tho Vvyo Govecqmenls, to settle' their respective claims. It became manifest at an early' hour of. tlie ae negofi ajidns',' trjatany attempt for , the time being satisfsctorily' to determine tjipse rights, would lead td a proiracteij discussion, vjrhiph might embrace in its failuie pliior more pressing matteis, and the Execiitjve did nut regard ii'as proper to waive all the advanla ges of an honorable adjustment of other difficulties of grett magnitude and tmpor tance, because this, not so immediafrly pressing, stood in the way. Allhuugh tie difficulty referred lo may not fur several years lq come involve the peace of the two rdunlriek, yet I shall nut delay to urge on Great Briitin the importance' of its early settlement. Nor will other- mailers of commercial importance to tha two coun tries bo overlooked;and I have good reasons to believe thai n will comport with the poll cv of England, as it does with that of the United States;, to seize upon litis moment when must of ihe causes of irritation haye pase'Jiawayftoe9nq,tb,e' fieace an,ij, u.nty dHthe two 'countries' by wisely" rembving all gfounds'oT pibbAbfe 'future collision. 1 With' the 6(her powers of Europe our relations' continue' on t the most amicable feelirig. Treaties now existing; with them slifiuld be ritrhily observed, arid ' eVetV, on- p'e'rti'tnity, compatible with the interest of i.-ic unueu piaies; snouia ne seizea upon to enlarge the bais of co'm m'er'cial inirrcouise. Peace with all the. World is the trnfe founda tion of our policy, which can only be ren 'deretl permanent'by ihe practice of equal arid impartial justice to all. Our great desire should be to enter only intd' that rivalry which looks to ihe general good', in ihe cultivation of the scienbes, the enlargement of the field fdr the exercise of the mechani cal arts, and the spread of commerce that "great cviliter to every land and sea. Carefully abstafriing from 'interference in all questions excliisively f"efe?rriig' ihernselves to the 'political inlefestsdf'Europe, We m'ajf be pefmittedMo'hope an Cequ.al exempsi'on from Ihe interference' of European Govern 'menri,-iri1wr?al relates to the States of the American'GohtirieriY. ' On the'23d 6rApril la!i,ihe commission ers on the part of the United States, under the convention wlthMie Mexican Republici of lhellthof April, 1839. made to the piopei department a final report in relation to the pioceedings of the commission. From tins it appears1 that, the total amount award ed to the claimants by the commissioiiers and the umpire' appointed under thai con vention, was iwo millions twenty six thou sand and seventy nine dollars and sixty eight-cents. The arbiter having considered that his functions were required' by the convention to terminate at the same' time with thoae of ihe enmmissioricis: relumed lo the board, undecided for wnnl of time; claims which "had been1 alldwed bv the. American-Commisfeioiier. to ihe nmount of mneihundred and twenty eight thousand six hundred and twenty dollars and eisluv eight. cents., Oihrr'claims, in' which" ihe' amount sought to be recovered was three millions.tl'reoihundred and .thirty six thous and eight.-hundred and thirty seven dollars and.five.'cents, were submitted to the hoard too; late for iu consideration. The Minister of the U Statestat Mexico, has been duly authorized to make demand for tlie navmeni of, ihe awards according to' the terms of the I .1 2 . ... 'r .. i.uii.tiiuuii, dnu me piovisions oi uic act oi Congress.of the. l?th of June, 1840.. He has also: been instructed lo communicate to that government ,the expectations of the Government of the U. Slates in relaiion to ihosc claims which were riot, disposed of according to the provisiorisof the contention and all others of citizens of the U. States against the Mexican Government. He has alo been furnished with other instructions tdbe followed by him in case theGovernmenUufrM'exico'shbuld not find itself in a condition to make piesent' pay'--nienl of. the amount of the awards.in sriecie or its .equivalent. 1 am happy to be able lo say that infor mation, which is esteemed favorable, both to ajustsaiisfaction of the awards, and a reasonable provision for other claims, has been recently received from Mr. Thompson the ,Minjster Of the, United States, who' has promptly, and efficiently executed the iii-j siruciions of his Government; in legard to tins important suoject. , The citizens of the United Slates who accompanied the late Texan expedition to Saniafte, and. who. were wrongfully liken aim leiu as prisoners nl war in .Mexico, have ali been liberated. At correspondence has taken place between the Department of State and the Mexican Alipister or t'.oreign Affairs upon the com plaint of Mexico that citizens of the United States were permitted to. give aid to the in habitants of Texas in the war existing be tween Her anu that Kepuolic. Copies of this, correspondence are herewith communi cated ip Congress, together with copies of letters, on the same subject, addressed to the Diplomatic, corps at Mexico, by the Ameri ran Minister and the Mexican Secretary of ataie. w Mexico has, thought proper to, reciprocate the mission of the, United States to that Government by. accrediting to, this a .Minis ter of the eanie ra;ik as that of the repre sentaive ol (he yniled, States in .Mexico. Fiom the circumstances, connecteil with his mission, favorable results are anticipated from it. It is so obviouslv for the interest nf both countries us neighbors and friends that all just causes of mutual dissatisfaction should be removed, that it is to be hoped neither will omit or delay the employment of any practicable and. honorable means in accomplish tuat end. The affairs pending between this Guvern eaeutand nevera! others of the Slates of this hemisphere, formerly under the dominion of Spain, have again, within the past year, been materially obstructed by the military revolutions anil conflicts in those countries. The Ratifications of the Treaty between Vh.e Uajjed, a;.d, llie Benublw .Ecuja.- dori of the 13th of1 June, 1839, have been exbhanged, and thai instrument has been' duly promulgated on the part of this Go vernment. Copies are now communicated toiCongress with" a view to eitabfe that body to mane sucn changes in the laws applicable to our inteicoarse" with thai Republic, as may be deemed requisite'. 'Provision has been made 'by the1 Go" veinmenlol Chile for the payment of ilia claim on account of the illegal detentloh' of it,- u.: vv..:. n..ifi. . .nnA . "it ""J ii aniui ai uuquilllDO,' in' lOU. This Government has reason lo- expect thai other claims of our citizens against Chile, will be hastened to .a final and satisfactory' Close; . The Empire of Brazil hat nol been alto gether exempt from those convulsions which so constantly afflict the' neighboring repub lics. Distuibarices which recently broke out, are, however, now understood to be quieted. But' these occurences,-by threat ening the stability of ihe Governments, or by causing .incessant arid violenfchangesln them, or in the persons' who. administer them, tend greatly to retard. provisions for-' a just indemnity for losses and injuries suf fered by individual subjects or citizens of other States, Tlie Governraent bl the U. Stales will feel ir, to be lis duty however; to consent to no uelay; not unavoidable iri" making satisfaction for wiongs and injuries sustained by its own citizens. Many years having in some cases, elapsed,, a decisive, anu ehectual course of proceeding. will be demarded.of the respective governments against whom claims iiave.been preferred;? The vexatious, harras8i'ng and expensive war which so long prevailed with the Indian, tribes inhabiting the peninsula of Florida; has .happily been terminated;, .whereby our army has, been: relieved1 from a service' of the most, disagreeable character, and the Treasury frem a , large expenditure,- Some, i, , 1 . casual ouioieaas may occur, sucn' as are incident lo the, close proximity of border settlers and the Indians; but these, as in all other'c4ses,1may be left lo' the care. ,of the local, authorities, aided, when occasion' may tequtre, oy tne forces ol the United Slates A sufficient number of troops will, be main tamed in Florida, so long .'as the remotest' apprehensions of danger 'shall exist, yet; iiieirouues will be limited rather to the' garrisoning of the necessary po.'ta, than to the maintenance of active hostilities. It is to be hoped that a territory, so long lelarded in itsgrowth, will now speedily recover !from, the e.vils Incident to a protracted war, exiuoiiing, inline increased amount of Us rich productions, true evidences of returning, wcaitn anu. prosperity, llv the nraoiiue ol ingiu justice, towards ilia numerous Indian i . . t. n . . .1 ; ... L : ... . i ii inuca icsjuicg wiiuiii uur lerruoriai iimus,i and. the exeicise ol aiparenta"! vigilance over their interests, proiectitnr them against I'raud.apd intrusion, and at ihe same time using every proper, expedient to introduce among ;lie(n ihe arts of civilized life, we may. fondlyc. Impel nol only to wean them-: from Jheir.love for wariibut to inspire, them with, a love lor peace and all its. avocations; Wllh.seyeral.of the tribes great progress in civiljzing them has already been ninde. . 1 he schoolmaster and the missionary are found side by side; and the remnants, ofi what, were once,' ,numerqtis and powerful nations may yet be preserved as the builders up of a new name lor themeelves and their posterity. The balince in the Treasury 'on the 1st of January, 1842, (exclusive of the amount deposited with the State. Trust Funds rnd Indemnities; was $230, 483 68, The receipt into the Treasury during the tluce first quarters oftlle present year, from all sources, amount to 926,610,593,75; of which more than fourteen millions were received from customs, and about one mil lion from the public lands.- The receipts for the fourth quarter are estimated at near ly eight millions; of which four millions are' expected from Customs, and three millions and a half fiom Loans and Treat sury notes. The expenditures of the first three, quarters of, the present jear exceed iweniy-vx millions; and those esti nated for the fourth quaiter amount lo about eight mil, ions; and. n is anticpated there wil be a deficiency uf half a million on the 1st of lanuary next but that the amount of outstanding warrant?(estimated ai.9800,000) will leave an actual balance of .8224,000 ini tha Treasury. Among ihe, expenditures ol the year, are more ih(n eight, millions for, the 'public debt,, arid 9600,000 on account of the distiit ution to Ihe, .S.lata. of the ppi ceeds of sales of the public Jani8. The present tariff of duties was some what hastily and hurriedly passed near the close of the late session o Congress, That it should have defects cap, ihefefore, be surprising to no one. To remedy such defecis as may be found to exist in -many 1 rt.- . ...in !"!, oj us numerous orovis ons. wm 1101 isn io. clain voui serious atteniion. It mav wall merh.cnaiiirv. whether the exaction of" alrfonnfien repealed; rhV no- tyMsnv of legisV , duties. in caah;doe8,uit call for,lle innoduc SW Qf. a syitem, whjjrip'hss froei highly beneficial 'Where if h'as' teen adopted; I ' refer td the? Warehousing System3 The first and moat prominent effect rwhich'ii'f would produce would.be Id perfect the mar-ii ket alike against rebiihdant or deficient sup-3 plies of foreign fabrics both of 'which? Ira the long run, are injurious as well loathe" manufactures as the' importer! 'The' quan tity of goods In store'- being at'alL'timesI readily known, it would enable' 'the impor ter with an approach to' 'aeeorjr,to g, certairi "lhe,aciusl wants of the1 market,) arid lo regulate himself accordingly 'If however, he should fall into error, by- im-' porting an excess abova the public, wants, he could readily correct iU'e'vil'by" avail ing himself of the benefits 'and advantages' of the system ihus estsbliohed. In . thai! storehouse, the - goods;' importsd'.wouldl await the; demands of, the marke'l,,and4hsiri issues would be governed by the fixed,prin-i ciples of . demand and1 sup'ply.i Thiiss ari? approximation would be made to'al steadi-i ness and uniformity of price; which',1 itJ at-( tainable, would conduce to the. decided! advantage of mercantile and mechauical op erations; u I i t o 11 The apprehension7 may be . well ientet-4 lained that without something to amelior- ate the, rigor of 'cash .payments, Ihe entire import trade may .fall into the hands, of a a few wealthy capitalists in this country, and r ir. Europe; sThe small importer; who re-, quires all thei rnoney he can raise for' invck; menta abroad; ind. who can but ill afford tc pay ihe loweit'duty .would .have to sBbdiictl in. advance, apportion of hit funds' in brdefi ,io pay the duties', and would lose the-interest upon the amoniitgiiui.paid for. all the .time thet goods mighi remain unsold.whieh rnight absorb his- profits. ' Thee rich capi talist abroad,-as -well .as.iat hom; would thus possess, afttr-a short timeo, an almost exclusive monopoly of ihe. import trade, and laws designed for, ,lhe benefit ef .all. would thus operate for the . benefit of lh few, a result wholly uncongenial, with thej spirit, of our institutions, 'and anti-re publican jn all its. tendencies. The Ware housing System would enable .the importer? to watch,the market, and .to selrcl.'his owe' time for offering, his... goods for .A profitable. pption;af ihe 1 carrying tltsMfc in articles entered for the benefit, of drawckr must also be most, seriously affected, with out the adopt of some, expedient to, reljev the, cash" system,, Th vyarehousing Sysj tern would,afford. lh.at relief, since thecir rfer would liaye a safe recourse io the pub lic, storehouses, audmight, without advanc-.j ing ,tho(,du'ty, re.ship yithin, some reasona' bly period to, lorejgn ports.- A further effect of measure. ;woufd be to . siiperseo'e the? sys'iem of drawbacks, thereby effcQiua11y protecting, the Gpvernmenl agalnsS.iaudjas ilie riehts of debenture would, not .altach.l'o . goods. after .tfieir withdrawal from, the puJSjt' uc.sioieg. t r In revising the fexisling tariff of duties, ! should, you deem it proper . to ,do so at;your present scsjton, v 1 can onlv .repeat jtie suggestions and, recommendations which,; t upon several occasion, have her.eqforei felf it,to be. my, duty to offer, o( .Congress l ite great) primary and controling interest of the American People is union-union pot only in the mere Iqrras ol goyeiptinenj,, fQrmsltwllfh may be ;broker(but upipit founded in ;an aita.chraen.t .of States and, individuals for eapji other,' This union, ia sentiment apd feeling can qnty k Rrf.er,r ed by tho abnption of that course of policy which, neither giiug exclusive; bent (lis to somej nor imposing unnecessary- budenr upon others.! shall consult, the .interests of all, by pursuing a course of moderalion.ani thereby seeking, lo harmonize public opin ion,, and causing (he Peopje eveiy where lo fee apd to knov that the Government js careful of the. interests of all alike. "Nor is there any subject in regard to whtcfl , rqgdf ration, connected, with a w'8e discrim inadnn, $s more necessary than jn the im-p-nsiiinn of duties on imports. VVhether refj!ience be had to revenue, the primary oiiject in the imposition of (axes, or to the incidents which necessarily flow from therr imposition, this is entirely true. Extrava gant duties defeat lieir end and object, nol only by .exciting jn the public mind an hostility to. the manulacturing, interests, but by inducing a system of ernrjggli'ng oi ttt. extensive seal?." and the, practice of every the utmost vigilance' uf Goverment cannot effectually suppress. Ah opposite conrca, of policy; would be attended by resells el seritially difTurept,. ofwhich every interest -!'-.. i -t .1 jmanufseturri would reapjmportant advan tages., Anyii)g'Hhe,Wost .striking frl brnsfits, would be' tliat, , derjyed fror the eeneral aonuescenca of the country m h supptirt, and the conse eaten permanency 1 ....u:i:. ...... 1.1 i. t- aim iiUMr i uuim ud hiuh n the onerathi.is of industry, It cannot be- Anion can be wjse which la ffuting and I 1 uncertain. Na.imeresUin thrive tindsr it. 11 n 4 V: : 1 ! t hi ah i t. 1 1 1 . 1 'A ,1 i1 1 1 t Ml 1 M 1