Poetru 3 1 From the Naw. York Mercury. MACHINE POETRY' Oh, there's a chirm In woman's yi Sweat poiton in her tear! To see her weep and hear her sljh, Jfakea a perion feel about the gizzard rather queer. QTurn steady, Ntuirod O.youngLoehinrar it come out of the west' With brrechea all torn, & no sign of a vest; Hie hat ia moil allocking all Uttered hi shift, kni hie face is disguised by Jorig whiskers ant dirt. 'Not. a drum wee heard, nor a funeral note, As hie corpse to the rampart we hurried, But we heard the squeslof a captured shoal, And ccnfeis we fell flustered and hurried. 'Now is not a pity auch a pretty girl as 1' Should, be laced up and stayed up to pine away and die t But I must be laced yes, I must beisced 1 as so fond of fashion that 1 must be laced ''When lovely woman stoops to folly. And finds loo Ins that men betray, She might as well be gay and Jolly as make a dn fuss about'it Shocking ahocking I moil horrible, Nimroil! Bo a Utile more careful if you please. 'Afy pretty Jane, my pretty Jane, Ah never look so shy;' You think that you have modesty, I think 'its al 'n my eye.' 'My wife aha(l dance and I will sing,' The children all shall play; We'll make the darn'd old kitchen ring And thus drive care away. AWhy dots azure deck the sky!' Because 'tis rubbed with indigo; Why is ted the roies dye!' When I find out I'll let you kuow. 'When twilight dews were falling fsst Upon the rosy sea,' How ofi I've ran away from home, And bad a glorious spree 1 Spoons, O. G. IT'l WEEL IT'B NAE WAURV 1 ST SOWAKD POMff. It's true frien's, it's true, And I'm wea, to confess, That our joy ynicht fce mair. An' our grief micht be less, But we ay get a raoutliful'. I ho we whiles henna whar 01' frien's b - ..'It's wsel it's i be thankful ae waur.' .ife'ti " dreet the giruin,' 0' cauld gloaesin' care, Tet o' hops.s morning sang Hea we no had aur share! Tho' the eary be dark whiles, There's yae some hit star Taekeepus relsciin! 'It's weel it's asa waur We've sieken'sl in sorow At parting to-day, But the aeeting te-smotrow Can chase it away; Ad if soma frien's hae wither'd Sin ere were afar We ken whar their banes lie 'It's weal it's mi waur.' Our ills hs'e been rnpay: We'tl al had our shsrs, - An' use doubt we'vs whiles lhacht That could hae maK. Bui yet there are thoutan'e Mair wretched by far, Then O! frien's be thankful, 'It's weel jt'e nie rnaar.' MEMORY; vr W01DSW0BTH. A pen la register, a key That winds through various wards. Are oft assign'd to Memory Ay allrgorie bards. As aptly alsa might be given A peneil to hsr hand. i na souening onjects, sometimes- even Outstrips the hearts demand. That smooths forgone distress, the Of lingering care subdue, Long vanished happi.iess refines, And elothss it blighter hues. lines Yet like a tool of Fnncy works Thus spectres to dilate, That startles conscience as she lurks Within hsr lonely seit. Obi that our lives, which ilea sa fast, In purity were such, Tlut not an image of the pssl Might fear that pencil's touch. Retirement then might hourly look Upnn a southing eeene, A" steal to his allotted hoek Cuuteoted and serene. With, heart as ealtn as lakes thai alesp In frosty moonlight glistening, .Or mountain rivers where thsy creep Along a channel smooth and deep, their wwitfareff pwnwtarijftUi. TO THE'tfEW VOLUME OF THE UNITED STATES MAGAZINE AND VOLUME XI, COMMENCING JULY, 1842. Job L. O'SollitAH, Editor. Bs sri Increase In the number of pages, and by an alteration in its typographical arrangeriients, the quantity of matler heretofore furnished to the rea ders ol the Democratic Review, will be increased in its future numbers about 1 SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT. The Editor expects valuable aid to his own efforts during the coulse of the coming year, from a num ber ol tho most able prns of tho great liemocrutic Party together with that of ohcrs, in Its purely literary department, to which the "same political des ignation is not to be applied. Among' them may be particularly named ; Bancroft, Parke. Godwin, J. L, Stephens J, L.Cooper. Hawthorne, Tilden, A. Kendall, Davezac, Tasistro, Whiltier, Paulding, Eamea, Sedwick, A H Everett, Bryant, Gilpin Brownson, Cars, Butler, . Cambreleng, C. J. Jngersoll. The Monthly Financial and Commercial arti cles, which haro frequently been pronounced by the most Intelligent criticisms during tho "pant ,year in themselves alone worth the subscription to tho work, will be continued from Uiu same able-hand. An arrangement has been made, by uhich the Baton Quarterly ileview, edited by Mr. .Brows son. will be merited in the Democratic Review.the alter being a frequent and tegular contributor to ts page. . It ta proper to state, that Mr. mown son's articles w'ill bo marked by his name tnough to most leaders they would doubtless reveil them selves by -their internal evidence; and that it has been agreed, under the circumstance, that these contributions shall be independent of the usual lia bility to editorial revision and control the author alone having a similar' responsibility ; for whatever peculiarity of views they may contain, as though appearing in tho original work which" has been heretofore edited with such distinguished ability by himself. t Among olher attractive paper in preparation for the forthcoming volume, will be found some person al sketches, reminiscences, and nnecdutes of the private life of General Jackson, from the pen of sn intiniato friend and member of his Cabinet, The Prrtraits of which it is intended to illustrate the numbers of the ensuing year, and which will be executed in a fine style of engraving, by J. L Dick, ot this cijy, are .those of Col. R. M. Joiinsow, of Kentucky, lion. Silas WHioiiT.of New-Ywrk, " James Buchaxah, of Pennsylvania, " John C. Halhocv, of South Carolina, T. H. Ukntox, of Missouri, " R. J, Walixr, of Mississippi, TniaDOHK Hiuowick, of Massachusetts " C. C. Canbdiclsmo, pi New-York, " Got. Dona, of Rhode Island, " " Pobtbb, of Pennsylvania. Whit' two or three of the most eminent memliers of the great Liberia! Patty of Europe, from the dif ferent countries; or clso ol others of ''home produc tion," affording to the facility of procuring portrait freia serosa. TJ3J1MS0F PUBLICATION. The subscriber having assumed the pitblioattea of tho above Magazine, pledge then.sclvt.-s that it shnll be promptly issued on the first of each month in the eiucs of New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baliiaiorc and Washington. It will also bts sent y the moat rapid conveyances to the jiiTerent towns in the interior where subcribeis may reside. l ira facilities auordud by the extensive J'ublishinz business of the undersigned ensble them to msKe this promise, v.lucli shall be punctvilly fulfilled. To promote the proper abjections in view, and relying upon the united suppott of the Democratic party, as vell as others, tho price of subscription is fixed at the low rate of Five DolUrt per annum,rn all cstcs'in advances while in mechanical arrange ment, and in site, quantity of matter, dec. the Uni ted States Magazine will be placed on a par, at least with Uis leading rnonhliw ot Kngland. Each number will corfl&in one hundred and twelve pages closely printed in double columns, from bourgeois type, cast expressly for the purpose, and upon fine white paper; thus giving to the worl an increase in the amouut i.t matter or orer seventy-five per cent. The Portmils for the coming year, one of which will bo given to each number, will be execu ted on steel in an effective and finished style; by J, L. Dick, which will be accompanied with an origi nal biography; a feature in the plan, which it would be impossible to give in a wotk of this kind,without the most liberal and exleusive support as thev could not be furnished without an outlay of at least $2,600, per annum. Any persons taking four copies, or, becoming .re sponsible for four subscribers, Will be entitled to a fifth Copy Gratia, Committees or Societies on'remitting to the Publish ers t50 in current New-York funds, ".ea receive thirteen copies of the work. Persons residing in the country who may wish to receive the work by "in ul, can have It punctually foi warded, strongly enveloped, by i emitting the a mount of subscription to the publishers. Remittances mat be ma ie by enclosing the mo ney and mailing the same in the presence of a Pott master, Bank notes that pass current1 in business generally in UioBlate of New-York will be received. PLAN OF PUBLICATION. Th Democratic Review wifl be punctually de liverco fiee of expense to subscribers In the princi pal cities of the Uuion, on the first of the montb.and forwarded to mail subscribers and . agents on the 3Stb of.the menth preceding publication. All commu. icationj for the bditor to be address ed (poit paid) to H. G; LANGLEY, Publishers, V Chatham-ilreeti New York. To the Friends of the Democratic Party. The United States Magazine and Democratic Review will require the energetic and cordial co opeiation of every individual who wishes to eeo the pure and sound doctrines of American Bedubliran- best rpossible examples of American principles and Ameican Literature. -The risk and expense attend win ouvocbiou in sucu n wanner am io exuiDll IPO ing the publication is so gient, that without a pre. t4 (He woit on a BbeaA soda. worwrtortaV jl inc cuuniiy, k iiicreiuru prcsi'ms tiiiii;ruiiyc claims upon the support and 'patronage of the party whose political tenets it is dcsigned"(o atlvbeates and to thoso who are friendly lolho advnnci of our PcrioJicsl Literature, itwillbd considered no less meritorious. Tliere Is no section of the country where, there could no the. found one or more who would desire to be suptiortern of such a work; ar.'d to bring I',. to thektibwicdgo of s'ueli.yotir friendly nsslstarice is respectively solicited. The following means have been adopted to pro mote the great object of this great undertaking! It has, been put at the lowest possiblo rate. Fivo Dollars n year for such n work, comprising neatly 1500 pages of cloiely printed rniittcr, In "double columns, and including twelve finely engraved Por traits of the leading members of the Democratic party, it must be evident, is much cheaper- than tho same amount ofsuch natter was ever before furnished at in tho United States; were not '.he ays tern of adtanee payment insisted on, and were it not expected thit every Rcpublitim in tho country, able to afford It, will deem it a" duty to take tho work, and thus crea e. a very large subscription list, it could not be published foi less than double the sum. The very first pens in the country are engageJ ir. assistance and furtherance of the project, as will be seen hy our Prospectus. Its literary matter shall be the beat of lts kind hat can be produced, and' it is the determination of tthe 'loprictora to make this work unsurpassed by any other periodical extant, Its'typographicat execution shall be, in all re spects, the best tint the present state of the art'will enable, tho publishers to produce. The Democratic Review is got up on truly nation, al principles, ind with a disregard of expense never heretofore attempted in periodical literature; this has been predicated upon tho firm reliance of obtain ing a very large list ofnaty:ig,Bubscribers,nnl until this shall be accomplished, the onterpvue will entail a certaiu loss to the proprietors. Every cent of the profit, of the expected circula tion, will lie required to sustain the work at its pres ent Improved standard, anil enable it to fulfill the destiny which is nssumed foi it that of being a truly national periodical the organ and n worthy repre sentative cf the literatureof American 'Democracy. I he publishers ffaileesty throw themselves on the Democracy of the Union for support. Upon them ivill depend to a great extent the success of so great an undertaking. The Publishers and Editor can, and indeed wish, to do more than bring the plan and the woik faiHy .before the public. This they havo dono the numlers already publiihed are auumieu on an siues 10 oe worinv or me cause. INDUCEMENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Pe rsens remmittiug to the publishers a Ten Dol lar Note in current N. Y. funds, will reeeive a copy of the Uemoccattc Review for the ensuing two years. And a Selofthe ffotkfor 1841;42.Grafs, forming the two first volumes of tho New Sejieo, which comprise contributions from many of tho leading writers of the boun try together with a sei'iea of beautifully engraved portraits of the following prominent members of the Democratic party and others, accompanied with biographical notices,viz: Gen.Andre.ui Jackson, Atari in Van Buren, Henry Hubbard Marcus Marton, Washington frvin, George M. Dullai, Jrilliam C. Bryant, Charles Dickens, Francis Thomas, Ja L. Buhner, Alex. H. Everett. Garret D.Wall, JSew (subscribers will lie rntiilryj to receive ! set of the above Portraits gratis, in addition to those of me cumiugymr. Any person forwarding Twent" Dollars in cur rent N. Y. funds for Four yoatly ubscriptions,will to entitled to receive A rijtn Vopy of the Work fur the current year and a Set fur 1811-42 Grcfi. Anypersons remitting the publishers Fifteen Dollars in current N. X. funds.will be entitled to re. ceiveaset'of the Democratic lteviw for the current year, a copy of the Madison Papers, three large volume octavo, published at Ten Dollars, and also De Tbcqueville's work, "Democracy in America,' two volumes octavo, published at Four Dollars. Any person forwarding Thirty Dollars in current funds, will be entitled to receive Two Sets of the aboTd works, and in addition, a copy of The Democratic Review for 1841 12 Gratia, The Publishers earnestly hope that the 'above liberal inducements on their part win have the effect cr bringing gicat accessions to their list of subscri. bers. AGENTS. Active mid rerponsible Agents wantrd for tho above in the different States throughout the country tn whom a verv liberal discount will be allowed. All Postmasters throughout the United States' are au thorixed to receive subscriptions for tho work. Anv Postmaster' sending tho names of four Subscribers and remitting Twenty Dollars tn advance, in cut rent !i. Y. funds, will be entitled to A FIFTH COPY GRATIS. for moie than four twsstt na cit dibcourt, Mew Marble MANUFACTORY, At Bloomsburg, Col. Co APP & TICHNBR. STTqilEY would inform tho citizens of Columbia JL County, that they have commenced the bnsi nessat tho above place at .the public house of E, HOWELL, where they are prepared to manufac' ture to order, in the ticatest, best, and most durablo manner, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, qBAD and FOOT STONES, of all sizes and ualities, MANTLES, WINDOW and DOOR aiiil,, anil jjuuk r KUJVi iS. Also PAINT, BARond HEARTH STONES Orders for Stone can be left with D.GROSS.who li a . i e wu uvi hs igeru uunngjour ansence. They constantly keep on hand a large lot Vermont, Egyptian and Itahon Marble at their wnotesalo Alarole rard at oelins Grove, Unjo county, i a. Bloomsburg August 14, 1841. 16 I SHAIX DO IT!! Alth persons indebted to me must make pay ment by tAo FIRST OF AUGUST next ' All who neglect this notice, will find their accouuts intho hands, of a Justice of tho Peacefor col lec tion alter that date. uj FREDERICK fiRflflER. New Store AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriocrs inform tlio public, that they havo entered into Partnership, under tho firm ETTER & HEFFL V ; nil have ust received from Philadelphia, and now opened, at their NEW STORE, JVorlhieertCor ner of Market and Jttnine Streets, Blopmsburg, an entire new and extensive assornient of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; HARD WARE, CROCKERY, AND QUEENSff'K RE, rc. which they offer for sale, on reasonable terms, as heir prices arc suited to trie times. Among their assortment will tie found Broadcloths, Cam.meres, Sattinelts, and various kinds' of cloihs Jor men's Summer wear; Calicoes; Ging hams; Cambrics Muslins; Silks: AJitslin de lanes: and various other articles for Ladies' dresses; Shatdls; Silk and Cotton Jlandkerchtefs and Hose; Bleucfjed arid Brown Bomestic Muslins; ind a variety of other articles suitable for the season mid believed, to lis ds-good and complete an assort ment as is u silly found in country stores. (TV-COUNTRY PRODUCE will be received in exchange, and CASH will not be refused. Our friends, and the public generally, are req uested to call and examine for themselves. JACOB EVER, CHARLES HEFFLEY. Bloomsburg, June 25, 1812. 9 Be ye purified in your blood, And Health will attend you. The life of thi Flesh is in the Blood." Leviticus, c. xvii. xi. HOW IS THE BLOOD TO BE PU R1FIEDJ I Thousands can answer this question who know Jrom actual experience that DR. LEIDS'S BLOOD PILLS, A COMFONANT PART OF WHICH 13 SAHSAPARIIXA, Are the safest, best, and most effectual Pills now in existence. JjGST you may be deceived s THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE A HE DR. LEW ITS BLOOD PILLS, A COMPONANT PAIIT OF WHIC SARSAPAR1LLA. ET is attempted by Quacks and Impoafora to in troducc their vile and dangerous nostrums by assuming for their name that of "BLOOD PILLS" knowing that the Blood Pills manufactured by Dr. l.ciily nave nlitaincd the tp-eatest reputation oj any Villi in existence, and think by such trickery to impose upon the public by. selling theirs upon the popularity of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills. X he public are therefore particularly requested to lie cautious when pnrchasing, to ask for Dr. LEI DY'S BLOOD PII LS. The public arc assured that Br. Letdu's Blood fills are the safest, best, and most efficacious of any .now ia. use, containing neither Mercury or ttie .Minerals, and may tie employed liy young and old, male and female at all limes and under all circumstances without fear from taking cold, re straint trom diet m living or occnpation. In all cases where a purgation may be necessary these Pills will be found both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or Sickness oi the Stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensatiops. v i, utthcr comment is deemed unnecessary the numerous certificates published from time to time from Physicians and other individuals must have convinced tho'incredulous, and for tho .further in formation of all othcis, Dr.Leidy refers them to the directions which accompany each Box. They are prepare' anil old,who!c.le and retail, at Br.JiElB Y'S HK.1t. Tit KMl'OniU.V, No. 191 JS'OItTir 8ECOJYB Street, below Vino street, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Ser pents.) Also Bold at Lutz'g Health Emporium, Bloomtbure. nor xu, itm. 30 TETTER! T TTER! ITCH! ITCH! DR. LEIDY'S TETTER AND ITCH OINTMANT. An infallablfl remedy for various affections of the SKIN, removing Pimples, Pustules, and Eruption of tho SKIN, anil particularly adapted to the cure of TETTER and ITCH. This ointment has been used in numer nits schools throughout the city and county as well as Fact6ries, employing numerous girls anil boys.and among whora Tetter and Itch, as well as other Affections of tho Skin, prevailed, with the, most unexampled Suc cess, Names of School Teachers, as well as stipetintendantB and Proprietors of Fac toiieg, could be given.cnnfirming the above, ut for the delicacy they feci, in having their namcti published in connection with such loathsome; and disagreeable affpcii'jns. . Prepared and stild at Dr. Leidy's Health .Emporium, (Sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpeants,) No. 101 north tecond street, be low Vine; alsO sold at Lutz'slieulth Lmporium, Blopmsburg. NawSO, fdi. ae EEYS OTO THE x Formerly opi ned by D. S, TOBIAS. EPURAlJfl IiVTZ ME3rECTFULLV jiiformB his friends, ami ,WM the aublic, generally, thttt,ho. has just recciv d from Philadelphia a new and extcnslva nun,, mcnt of 1 Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints varnisucs, tiass, llycstiiJI'H, which, in addition to his former stock, comprises c complete assortment of articles in his line of businesa,'- A M . - 1.1-1 1 r . i . t I'cBius wiHuiuy iu pureiidse uuy oi inc auova articles arc particularly invited io call and price th articles in hfs Storo before buying elsewhere as ho is determined to'sell as low, and by a little Jewing, lower than can be bought ony where clso, in tie. surrounding 'neighborhood. Thn SllbRr.rilinr rnnnbtpr. ll hnr.ttw nn.e.a.M . . , " , ""'"V "wfa,j iu mention tho aiticlcs in particular bs he is confident mat no one can come amiss uy enquiring to rany alti clo belonging to a Drug Store. N. U. Merchants and Physicians will find it to their advantago to call and buy such articles as tney may stand in need ol, as they shall be accom modated at a very low percentage. tn fmv wont nil am rnanartfntttf invil A.l n II , ' .v .v....H..j iu villi, see and judge for themselves. Bloomsbnrg, July 10, 1842. tf S9; BLANK BOOK TM.corner of Walnut Third slreeft HE subscribers return their sincere thanks to -A O . their friends for the favors so liberally benimr. cd on 'Mem, and beg'lcavcto assure tlfem that no efforts shall be wanting on their part to merit a continuance of their patronage, both in reference to workmanship and cheapness of price to suit the limes. It is, highly advuntaceons to Gentlemen and In stitutions having Libraries, to apply direct to tho .Binder, making at least a saving of 10 to 20 per cent, and. sometimes more. All descriptions of Binding neatly oxecutcd. Gentlemen's Libraries fitted up and repaired, Mu-. sic and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladic'a scrap' books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions made to oider. ilmding done for Libraries, Insti tutions, Societies, &c. on advuiitagcous Terms. TU 1'KUKUONOTAItlES, REGIS TERS. RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, .MERCHANTS AND BANKS. They aro also prepared to manufacture BLAME WOBW of every description, such ns Oockets, Ueccrdt Deed Books, Bay-Book, Ltd'gcra, Journals Memorandums, Ch'ttk-IloUs; &c. of the finest quality of Paper, j(Rob"inton's Ivory Surfaced) iir ...l -,...nl . 1 - .1. - -.-.- - T,. . .' . . n nijic c,uu, niuy jiicucill lie lyllJOS Ol l Ullaael- phia or New York', on themost rcasonublc terms. Blixk Wobk Rctr.n to ahy. PattkhV. . CLYDE & WILLIAMS. N. B. Old Books rebound with neatness and dospatch; also Files of Papers., arrisburg, Mafh 20, 1842;, , , Cmo. 48. All orders for binding.or fpr blank books. ibii ai uiib (inru, win oe iorwarueu, anj returned as soon ad edmnleicd. '1 H- WEBB.-enf.fi XiA?l:lsa.t.l'VirA ITairctnn&l TWO DOLLARS FOR THE SESSION. The Ketstoxk Will, as usual, bo published twice a week duringnbesegsion of the Legislature; and ns we shall spare neither pains nor expense in giving full and' accurate reports of the proceedings of tho two Houses, together with sketches nf tho debates on all public and important, questions, vie hope to receive a liberal support, from the reading public. The coming session or bur Legislature will be one of more than common interest, and pcreonn desirous of obtaining early and correct information from thb seat of government, will 'find it to their advantage to take the Keystone. To lawyers, jadges, justices of the Peace, and public ofiicers generally, it will be invaluable, ao all the laws of a public and general nature drc published in it isimo. diatcly after their passage,, and fully three month befoie they will ie promulgated in any other man ner. We shall also have an ablo correspondent at Washington city. who will keep tho readers of our paper apprised of all that is doing at the scat of the National Government. TERMS. Tho terms of the Keystone are as follows: For the whole year, $8 00 For the session only; (twice a week) 2 00 Any person sending us five subscribers for the session, accompanied by ten dollars, shall receive a copy gratis for bis trouble. All-payments may be transmitted by mail, and all Post-masters are nermit- ted to frank letters containing' money for newspaper subscriptions, M'KINLEY & LESCURE. Harrisburg.Nov. 18, 1842 JEstray. Broke into Ithe enclosure oftho sttbstri ber about 3 months since, a, WHITE STEER, droopping a little in his horns, and about four years old, The ownor is requested to take him away ant! pay charges, JOSEPH PURSEL. Madison Oct 1st. Notiee. . ALT, persons knowing themselves indebted la the late firm of Rupert & IJarton.by note or book are requested (o make immediate paymcnt-as no longer indulgence can ba given. Those who neglect tho call will olone be responsible for conse quences that will certainly follow, RUPERT & BARTON. Broomsburg Oct, 22, !64J.