The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 10, 1842, Image 2

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The Presidency.' ta Addition to" bahers
inlllinoU, in Ohio, ui Alabama in AYichiv
gan, which, urge the claims of Mr. Buck.
AKan to lha Presidency; wo now' prosent'a
convincing arliclo on Uto same, subject from
Weli'cdjled paper of another stale. Tho
i'onto'oo, Mississippi, 'Southern Trisbune.'
Mr. .11 radfobd, l no editor, a- southerner
born, and ono well acquainted with the
wants and wishos of his suction of the tin
ion'says; "'if is a sourd of gratification
that we have in" lhorajiks of our patty,
several men, on any one or whom we can
cordlallyinite aad under whose banner we
can march on, to victory. Among ,the most
ronspictfotis of these Is the distinguished
ten"awr and favoritof son of the" Keystone
StMe. JIvcuaxax. There is not a man of
our parly
in Iho.
has had no matt to Whom the eyes' of the
democracy of; iho whole Union could turn
as, every way worth); of their confidence
and suDnort for tho first office. Slio has
but one;fiXceDlion. dince they formation of
iiib goyerninen),siio gi' UB1..""'s
undivided vote to tho candidate bf Ihe De
mocratic, parly, and twith Iter proverbial
siaidness'tias nobly sustained the reipec-.
tivo administrations of her favorites! whilst
'other Slates Have in their party, histories,
exhibited mucXficklenes'aml change the
democrats of the Keystone Commonwealth
have always presented an unbroken front;
and in not a few instances hare courageous
ly como to the te.ctio, and triumphantly in
favor of correct principles, popular rights
when both.,were in datiger'C X '
A course such as this, and services and
benefits so'greal as thw', which Pennsyl
vania has rendered it will be conceded,
deserve somo substantial .acknowledgement
and recompenco, They should tor
gotten at this late session! preceding which
- . uuucil m una laic scssiuu, picvcuiuq ...i.w
irly whoso nomination would, carry patiy ha8 9Q iri,ely enjoyed tbe( advan.
electoral votes. Look at his position tag0V hfir faithfol eWlions. 'Even weie
Union. Pennsylvania, unlil nofcr, t,so nQ, t ,ll0( iimporlance 0f 0U1
great the, .importance ot our
State, relatively to,ohersin hor pppulalion
prouuciions,anu cnicrpnau. uugm iu jiicacm
some claims for' consideration.
A movement has already been common-
ever with unwavering fidelity supporteu tne ceJ . rertain lf of,onr . commonwealth.
candidates or onr party, (except in ihiu. ,0 au,B, ,liege demandsofjheidalnest jus-J
wnen inn sisrs ouoi injur men .ouiiuico.y
Her sister slates, all around her, "Virginia,
Aasaachusetts, New York, Tcnne.sseeja.nd
Ohio, have all enjoyed the h'onpr of giving
one or uiuro rioiucuu iu wiu vmiu.
ShVrioW aks" "ff be admitted (0 her share
of tfTe honors by the elevation of -Mr Bur
CANArC Ad upon what ground, will she
be.refused Surety .upon nope, springing
from any objection to Mr candidate. Upon
none arising from her weakness as a Stale,
her wanYs'dMidelitv to the Union or her
beinir already honored Over tancb, And
wo. are, inclined to think on grounds of
availability, top, Mr. Buchanan s nom
ination may be pressed with as much force
as that of anv other man: if not more
What northern man could be presented to
the. Seuth in whom we should havo a
stronger guaraatee of entire, devotion to
our Constitutional rights! Ho represents a
State having a large Quaker population, to
whom domestic slavery" is odious, and yeli
liow-eften has hsTraised kis voice, in the.
Senate to.rcbuko and repel the abolition
incendiary, when seeking to invade the
the hollowed precints of that body with? his
5n. -1- !.; f, .r i..-t; :
iniamoua pciuiunsi iu nucu
had self been his ruling prinei
have been contented, with-asil
instead of that, with a bold and, fervid elo
quence Unsurpassed by any Southern Sen
ator.he "maintained and defended the rights
of the' South. On the Bank questiontoo'
bis course wa8'poic9s muly, fearless' -and
independent. Although the monster was
planted in ,the very citadel of his strength,
and wh'en in the zenith of its power', and
popnllijly, corrupting' tho Legislative
amhoriVy, which could at any moment.oy
tice,anu JA.WKS uuuuAWAii, ine,,rjr,
mer bov of Franklin countyf and tho' hon
esf and canable Senator. of-two con'sec'nlivo
terms, nfts oeen presenteu to me people.
This is right; and the nomination will meet
with a cordial response throughout the
Stale. It cannot ,be that Pennsylyanians
will bo recreant to their commonwealth, to
iustice.and Ih'emselvesl They can, besides
in bold conhoence, nolu tip, a roan ior sup
port; such as Buchanan In private, life of
untainted reputalioB and in his rub".c re
lations, laborious, faithful, ami superlatively
. .. l!j . 1 -t.'i:....
icminem ior nis siaieBinaiiBiiip, uuu uuuuv
who'arabne tiswoOld'reruso.liig support!
Would hot, the spinndor ol sucit a ciiaracter,
when occupying a doserved olevation. reflect
a large measure. of glow npon his, ira mediate
UUIiaitkUUIIIOl 1 UU U IIVI fciv.iiwtl
nromotive of the best and lasting interests
of our beloved country J
There .can be little need 01 enlarging, at
this time, upon the claims of our State, or
the merits of Mr, Buchanan. These will
be acknowledged, so soon as mentioned;
and all remains, is to name him ns a candi
date. Will von oblicre then. Mr. Editor, a
sueh tjcoasions, CODSltnt and. democratic friend, by alluding
mneiplej he "'ghj in. your columns, to this matter; and urging
e 'silent yote but up()n ui, numer0U8 ieaders,an attention to
he boldly attacked il, denouncing its. glaring
usurpations and exposing .its rotieness and
.corruption, 'in thoughts that breathe and
words that burn." The ca'taslropb bears
tnelanebolv testimony to the1 correctness
of hio. course, and his far reaching sagac
Under the tariff, also; Mr, Buehanan's
position' and opinions point' To Kim as a
man upon whom tho whole democratic
party can centre without sacrificing prin
ciple, .
Usder all tho circninslances by which
Sir, Buchanan is surronnded.lns opinions',
nis position and tne crisis' at wnicn ne is
brought forwards,, we cannot , but .regard
mm as one ot the strongest men upon
whom our. party ,can unite. Whejjier the
tonvenlioa. will think with us remains to
he'seco, and even if they should whether
thoy wjll think' his nomination ' the most
advianble, and expedient) at this time is of
course very problematical. When that
body meets they, will, have means of
forming correst oppinioris and striving at
just results which no one or a dozen men
can expect to possess, and to their wisdom
and sound discretion we submil.wjth entire
che.i!rfulriefl3 reiterating tour determination
tqsnjiport their porninee with constancy
tjjQd cordiality.'
The war sword of Washington and th$
crab apple cane of Dr. Franklin,
In a late number of the National lntclli
gencer, we find the following interesting
letter from W. C. Johnson of Maryland:
To the Editors .Gentlemen: 1 road.a
I., ui.-iivii-iii ai.w lumngviivbi-fr
Trow th) American Sentinel.
The,claifns of Pennsylvania ton nomina
tion of one of, hex citizens to the Presi'
The campaign has been already openod
by our opponents, and Henry Clay is now
fairly before jho, .people pf tho United
estates. It cannot therefore be premature.
in the uomoernis to cast around for an a
Yailablo candidate, or to discuss the merits
of those whose names have been mentioned
its possessing not. only influence sufficient
to secure success, but also claims to.lhe,
Presidential cVair, on account of superior
tiuauuuaimnu, past servicer, or laitniumess
id rerJnblicali principles.
Tpe D'cmoewlio'party ljss good' cause to
q, proud pf ibesdifleront gentlpmeu, .who
have been mentioned in varipus parts of ihe
union, in reiercnco to tne rresidency,
days ago speculating on the probabfe fat
of Gen. Washington's service "sword. Th
writer supposes lha it .was given to General
Green by General Washington, and lost at
sea. 1 his 11 a mistake, ihe same sword
with the green scabbard anil white buckskin
bell that encompassed the distinguished
owner, with the name of the manufacturer,
who resided in Fishkill,, London, with the
ate on the plate in line, the same sword
which General JFashington woio through
the) whole war, and was at his side at the
surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yoiktown,
is the 'possession of Mr. Samuel
Washington, of Kanawha county, Va. a
grand nephew of General Washington.
Tne sword was eiven to nis father by
General Washington', and also the famous
erab-apple Cane, bequeathed by Dr. Frank
lin to Ueneral Washington in hie will bear
ing dale July, .1788. 1 extract that, part of
Ur. tranhlin s will (which 1 find in the 7lh
volume of the American Museum' now be
fore me) which describes the cane,with par
ticularly and manifest interest, as follows:.
'.My .fine crab'tree walking slick, with a
gold head curiously, wrought in the form of
me cap 01 nueny, 1 give 10 my menu anu
the" friend of mankind Gen. Washington,
If it were a sceptre, he has merited it, and
would become it.' ,
Mr. Samuel Wajhincton 10s both the
svoerd and the cane in an excellent state of
preservation, as i am iniorraeu oy several
geiiwcnieii wnu nivc tseu inem witnin a
few months; and I entertain the hope and
belief that, they may be procured,, by prop
er application, from the owner to be placed
in iiib jiaiiuuai iiisuiuic ui asuingion. il
would be a must suitable place Tor two such
interesting relies of two such illustrious
From the Buffalo CornmercislAdvbrllsfir
vie learn thai there- hah 'been a,, dreadful
storm on the lakes.frin iiie'effecla'of whicK
the loss of much life and properly is ap
prehertded. It commenced on Thursday
evening last, and continued till eome inde
terminate lima of Friday night., Tho Ad
vcriiser saysi,
'The wind Blow ii perfect hiirrioano most
of the'time, and "tho air was so fi'oled with
snow that one 'could scarcely seo twenty
yards.- The temperature was very ,low, and
illOEelher, It 'wasabout the Worst galeever
experienced in Buffalo, Although the
damage hero has been slignt, thero must
have been much personal suffering in' many
families poorly prepared for such a fierce
advent of tho inctepiepcies of winter.
Wo Tear that tho Rale has been very
destructive alorg tho la'ie coast. The
water in tho harbor rose s6me fivo feet, but
has done little injury other thin to inun
dato the flats, and. obsltuct navigalton .oil
the .canal. No arrivals (i,a,vo taken place,
sinco yesterday at noon.
'TI16 schooner Jellerson, Uapt. Uougall,
went ashore last night, about three miles
ibovo Buffalo lish housje, and is a total
wreck,, attended with a melancholy lnss.of
life .one. ,cruirc Japnlyhuabuna, finfe
anu jive cniiuTCTt,)iogcuicr iviin u yvung
woman; ana vne ot tne men oeionKine to
the vessel, having perished! Cnpt Dou
gall, fr,orrj whom. we have the painful .re
cital, says that about two liours after his
vessel beached, ino compamonway was, and alia children and young,
woman drowned in the cabin and forecastle.
A portion of the crew had got ashore in
quest of help, and. were, endeavoring to
rescue the family. l.Iic matewrappcd Iiib
overcoat around the woman;' and iricd to
keep her ' warm by walking her to and
fro on lho;breach;bnt she eooii became ex
liausteu nnu incapable ot motion, and was
placed in, the boat, which has washed up,
where she died in a shoit? time. Her hus
band was desirous of Te&chin? shore, and
attempted to escape into the swamp near by
but perished within a short distance. One
of, the, hands. nelonging, to the vessel, named
James Bruce, got into the swamp, and was
likewise lost. The family were from
Haftford, Connecticut, names unknown
the children aged from' eight years down
wards. The crew succeeded, about mid
uitflit in eeitincr on board the br'm Olive
Richmond, beached below them, in a great-
1 . . ' t, '
klv exhausted state.
'When our reporter' reached the tessel
this forenoon, the figure of the young wo
man above mentioned was discovered stand
ing in an npvigTit posture in 'the forcastle
companion-way,, frozen stark and.stirT.wi'h.
hands partly raised in animplorihg posture
arid her oyes fixed with a cold and stony
gaze upon the shore.
Jleaidea,thtf vessels' above, named, it
asceriaineu jnai nine or ten others li
1 .'jr. t'A ;
oeen wrecixeu wiinm a distance 01 some
twenty miles from Buffalo, which is the
extent of the coast at present-heard from.
rr , t . . ir. . - .
ramuoie AeepsaHC. Most 01 the rea
ders of the Areus will recolfect the patriot
'Tiff T 1 1 . - I 1 1
10 ivirsj naiiy, 01 uroton,, Connecticut who
when attack was made by the British fleot
under Com. Hardyt durinc.the last war
threw, off hor petticoat to make csrliidges
for the cannon, when flannel was found to
be searce Having received a lock o
Gen. Jackson s hair'a friend in N. Yor k
who had a piece of (he frigate Constitution
1 1 u--. .i!. I I I I- -.'
i-uiuwuicu u uciiuiliui.uux. iu, Qumauo 01
10 contain me nair, witn a suitable inserio
lion on a plate, and it wbs present
cu 10 me patriotic om uuy on tne otn
bentemben last, the' anniversary nf th
Groton massacie by Benedict trie
presence of Gov, D.tgej. ,of Wisconsin,
('the donor being a kinsman ot his)and
oiher gentleman. The locKof the General'
in the box from Old Ironsides, is
justly held by Mrs, Bailey in high es
timation, as combining remmsicences of
the most interesting kind; and she takes
prido in exhibiting the articles to her num
erous friends and others who call upon
her, 'Albany ArgUsi
Which was advertised to be held at the
State Capitol, on Monday last, like the pre
vious sale in Philadelphia, wag merely
opened and adjourned by tho Secretary of
the Uommonweaitn, to the hist (Ylonuav in
March next. The provisions of the law
authorizing wo sale of this portion of tho
State property, we understand, are of such
a peculiar character as 10 tender Ihe dispo
kaI of .il imnnssiblc. without immense sac
1 hey ail, without exception', ' are individu-Orifice to the interests of the Slate. The
al, who would bring with them to the great misfortune mdsed seems to be, that
exalted staf'on, character ami talents of po the Vecorrimendations of Gov, PORTER
ordinary kind; and which would be advan- to sell it, were not carried into effect at the
tsgeously employed, to the benefit of the time they were promulgated, when the
country, I his opinion is expressed iiuin- slocks could havo realized something hand
ceriiy; ancUs given injustice to.lhe promi- some to the Slate. We have no doubt the
nent individuals already named. I legislature at its next session will , oaie'nd
jt 19 sugges- the law, and that the stock wiirbo iar more
lUfu to the avorablv disnoseu of than can'be .dono a(
uomiqation from among her sons.Ylth j present. Kcyttbne,
'xntrra wiTaocr" vsiti '
SUtTUHDAV, JJESE.mtlln 10, 1842,
1 1
. - JAMES.
(Subject to l(ie decision of a .National
1 onyenuon.j .. ,
WANTED, . , ,
In payment Tor papers at this Office'
Tfie Rl.3 Tte'v' H. Jtg On,dernonk,
, D. of; tii'e P'rolestantEtiiscODal. Church.
visited Pdtlsvlle on; Wednesday last, ac
cording to sppqmtmenti preached and'-of
ficiated in-Trinity Church, morningv'rtnd-'
evening. During tho morning service, by
particular tequest of Rt Rev.- Levi"-S.
ves, D, D, of North Carolina, arid 'actin g
for him. he adrpjltcd to iho Holy 'o'rajBc.
of J'rjests, (lie Rector of the Church, the
I) !..- " T ' V ! .1
the imposition "of hands dy tho Rev? Messrs-
Morgjnjand, jDrako. , . - r .
Mr., liourno was at tho same timo ad-
mitled to the Holy orders of Deacons; ,
The rite of ConfiFmaildri''wa3 also admin
isiered to six candidates.'
held in tho "!
n this place, commencing on Sunday, the
I Stli irisl., at half past two o'clock, P. M.
in the German language. Services in the
English langtiago in the evening; The
services viK be principally in the English
angu'ago, Re v. D. S. Tobias' paster of said
Dec. 10, 1842.,.
The first day of the Session Dec 5,1843
(Monday) was dull, and gloomy enough
At 12 o'clock tho House of Representatives
was called to orders by iho Speaker, A
quorum appeared, 174 members answering
to their names.
On motion of Mr. Cushing,a committee
was appointed to wait on the President.
Mr Everett gave notice that ho would
ask leave to introduce a bill for tho tepeal
of the Bankrupt Law, Mr. Adams asked
leave to offer a resolution, rescinding tho
21sl rule, which prohibits the reception of
abolition papers, Mr. Wise objected to
the reception of sueh 0 resolution.. Tho
resolution was finally altered so as to make
il a, notice. The usual resolutions as to
ihe election of Chaplain, &c, were adopted,
aiu,theHonse adjourned. .
, In -the .Senate nothing .was done only
24 members answered to ineir name.-
Adjourned. , , .
Contested Election, Judgo Walls, of
Orleans, has decided in iho case of a con
tested election, that wilnessess could not
be required by law to declare for whom
they voted. Their avowal must bo vol
untary, if made at all.
a runaway
to .Boston
The Aiempt to JJfibe the Sheriff not
to Hang Colt. The, Board of Aldermen
in New York, have before it tho sjraoge
matters attending the intended execution of
Colt. At the meeting on Monday night
Sheriff Hunt sent a commuiiicaiion to the
Board transmitting a, letter signed W. W.
W enclosed tqfi SlfJS bills, sent to him
as a present', to inuce him to decline
hanging John C. Colt, as the letter staled
on' the score of humanity; with ihe re
presentation that Governor Bouck would
pardon him when he came into power, and
promising another )ld.00 to the Sheriff if
he would not execute Colt. The 81000
were ordered to be specially deposited, in
the city treasury; .and the communication
of the Sheriff was ordered to be published
in all the Corporation papers, and to be
referred to the committee having the cause
of the fire, &c, in the Hall of Justice, under
consideration. The writer of the letter
disclaims having aiy acquaintance with
Colt, and Is moyed owly by pure benevo
lence and humanity.' He will probably
be as discreet as ho is' humane, and not
expose himself by calling for the $1000.
The Grant! Jury of Newcastle county,
Delaware, have lately found a number of
.true bills against illegal voters an 1 officers
of elections who, hivo- received .illegal,
The authorities of Norfolk, Va.(are in
state of fever, and threaten terrible tilings
in the way of retaliation upon Boston, for
having refused to deliver up
slave, belonging to a Mr.
Virginia. The slave escaped
was pursued and captured by Latimer,
when a mob of that city interfered and
compelled ihpi latter to take $400 for his
slave, or loos him altogether. Latimer
returned 'home. The people of- Norfolk
ate highly excited about it;
Mr. 8amuel Walker, of Elizabethtown
near Pittsburg, . Pa, has, since ho commen
ed business, built 130 steamboats and 200
keel-boats and barges, making in all over
300 large boats constructed and got out
under the direction of a single, individu
, The Madisonian-announces ils determin
tion to support for the Presidency the man
who may be nominated by the Democratic
National Convention, b& he whom he may
We have lately been informed of a fact
which may not be generally known, viz
uiai uiivu eei sKin pui in cortee, will ans
wer tho same purpose as eggs, in settling
it. A piece of an inch in diameter, will
clear a quantity of this beverage sufficient
for twenty msn at one sitting,-West Ches
let Jtfferionian
J he Mobile Tribune, ajjuding to the
Presidency; says:'Thero are only two
papers iq the Slate thai, are in favor of Mr
Van Huron; and their preference has been
very guardedly expressed. There are five
or six which have declared thejr prefeience
ior Mr. Ualtioun; nnu two or three which
haye epojien for Mr. B.uchansnV., fv ;
A numerous and respectablo meeting 0
the friends of MARTIN YAN' BUREN,
W8b held at the county Court House, in
Philadelphia, on the 24th ulf William
DohnRT, .Esq. a staunch and inflexible
dmociat, presided, assisted by several other
distinguished democrats as Vice Presidents
and Secretaires, The resolutions adopted
by the meeting are written in a tone and
spirit highly toncilinlory and commendable
while they avow a preference for M'au
tin. Van BygKN for .the. Presidency, Ikey
express a willingness to abide by the
nomination of a National Convontionjbe tho
candidato whom ho may.
Tho Legislature of this State adjourned "
without electing U. S. Sonato'rs. Thlo
Stalo will consequently remain unrepresen
ted 0,1 tho approaching session of Gengrcss
in the Senate. ' . 4
1 'in in 1 'mmmmm
The Legislature. Under the amended
Constilution,our State Legislature meets on
the first Tuesday "of January in each year
the next session will consequently cem
raenco on Tuesday Jan. 3d. '
The United States Senator election
takes place on Tuesdty following, January
The election for State Treasurer was
fixed by law ai tho last session or tho '3d
Monthly of Januai'y,' which will be tits
ltfth of the month.
is dii I
.rowerjui Magnet- A leetuicr was
latirig upon the powers df'ihe mafnet'.
lying anjr ono to show or name any thing
surpassing its'powers; when a man moun
ted the stand and told him that woman'
was the magnet of rrisghets, for, said he, if
the loadstone could attract a piece of iron
a foot or two, thero was' a young Woman
who,' wlien he was a' young rash, used to
attract hini thirteen miles every Sunday to
have a chut with her! '
A two-penney paper entitle the Mid
night Cry, devotodto the, destruction of the
world in 1.843, and regularly, in .mourning,
has beep stajted in. the city of New York.
Mr.- -Miller kas bsen lecturing jj that
John Quincy Adams ,iat the only whig
member of the present Congress from the
stale of Massachusetts who has been re
elected His majority is less than 300.
The Legislature of Vermont has passed
a bill,, which virtually abolished capital
punishment; . It substitutes imprisonment
during life.unless jheGoyemer,. shal,,afier
one year,, issue a warrant directing the
criminal to be exocuted,
New York,
Vermont, "
New Hampshire! "
Maine, v- !t. . , .
Rhode Island,.
Connecticut, ,
Nfcw Jersey,
r 2000
" . " 35,077
'The almve may ho set down as the vole of
the political aboli'lionigte eoM bring to the
polls in s highly exciting' contest. Indeed
they nearly have it this year,
strength in most of the New England stater
where it requires a majority of voles to
eect, is suffisient to prevent an election
whenever the leaders phoo9e so (0 order il;
and their number in New York, Ohio and
Michigan, make abolitionism a slurp edged
tool fr either of the two great political par
ties to play with., In good old Pennsylva
nia, they are of 'np account;' against our
.......... L. I !'.. 1 . f , .
uicurnciming uBinucrsiicanaoniy,