The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 03, 1842, Image 4

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    not awe
vb! U it'VI
BX T.,i00RiMltf Ulrt.L
Through frail Eft bfioVaHl bdil,
Ith ikiei now dark and lidw serene, i
it ..... . .1. i r . ' i
" . .i . . . iivhT M. ft. I
lTiffa Her imiu anu 1 musi noai i . ,
'.'Wight spots where wSWoulutoVadiiky
And onm tyijX
nMinl,illlni ttfitula unfit painiv -rnrmnt tin.
j,Y'il rib our awning'gainsftliehewer
lAndj smiling waitatitiniephdiui t$
nnVifithat sunnier hour.shou ushtne.'ti.l.
n i m i. L.:..L....'i. ........ .
- . I. . i. : - i . . v v v
i!(vnnliln not vrhanit'Tidi awav.' .JC
liiawn whien lifts cuirentai i jpustigo.
iwl-oisiuk into Me tfpii
T , .4.1 i!,. ... l
Ut.rLVII Hum ail ail -vvniik uiiiiiMVt
;sr siuo uy kiuh simi iumi,'wu acouf "uui.
nd.i-.alra v, in cacti other a.urms?! iiuifl
1VIHUI 11,111. M UTlfjlf,IVrlV'..'l
itn4it. liiiififi' f f. ltiitirtji
. v j. w. . . ,,. i
itiwialt in'vnitr nlin tronertlil . I. J
ncnWdnMnick nrtiia ibnii1 n " , ; f I if'Ln.j
-nejjiu uasn ins iror. ruien.uu .if pimmi
rjiocn uui ius ouuu ui iiiuav .ri a
Tour naiion. pr.jle an AoMtjiT
one ffiory crown,.ncr niujiu ,. ,
lA'n4 when he b'rlAb Kar 'd
;Te.iw'lht hie1d.,iH;?j(ffs
J'vWh"-e,ern'1 ,wm, -rt A mtOUW
1C.rn b..?,,C.d fee?
sir's -
1 '1 en.i nfnlhtrrfavi. i .
m)nm to mil the "ojl-jao
,JJ.ot uaefulnwa ndtw,ortbti3,.i,i
i V m jniah!f.anaA. A I aurtU I
"Tb8noni,oppreifion'ftelf -..Roll
back popremion'. flood I
Pcor'Wttritd thinl wljoura8t taou"-
TSoVtfte'ly',b5TW rf,tf'
Bicnaina o1loyq I
' Tinged with too lona a light . ,
Tolira.amid,tbe cold world's jcprn.
To, one. who haabutjfiJlfd., " " "
Thy tru.rifeMtV
it,ne.Ter jnybe.iaiill4 1, , i
No, narer tho'.uhe krtaol lo, .
Still .halt thou mourn aa riew.",1!
Alas 1 weak woman thdo muabend
ivcp for tby poreal lore on earth i
Bear onna threifp bear IW life
Or sleep and drei&VaVthou art wont
OF Mlu la amila tn nnrrow.
Au&h naueni.loTir. lan,had,tithoQi.naade Y
VV'indom Ihy purr guide:
Weep weep, giyo voice urjlo.thy grief,
Anpk ilaH?a9nforaiilJpl. -lojAtab
For constancy and truth. it ii
Yhe bjAliflflhlrjhade;
Vborp laughing eyin a unbln jie, t
AndttljuatU!e(f()iBnde,ItJa.t utf.r,,nsar,inf
While Fortune a un 1a warm,,ri- it
t)rc aHirtied!if:i rltfud app8Hri
'VvunJ;fiy neiore tne toitnt1'' 5
chch otner warmer a nasii tii.-
Tht l:iile iiifirti;ttill,iiiiins,
And rhtrnfftf'SfiOlXritttOilii!.
Do-f liv:lH&t Sioi'. h 6 S!t,idBhi pa throii
l.litt)tr8 with its ofckfitfuttoiiftljfeO
"AtTtl nesiles ou ily)'heHrr.' ' V"
tJitrn-- . " rr iy, o
Ann ff jirns imr niitfl..Miii -r
t-iJier ilal breath.vs are. Ir ,t rfr
Br an Ihcrciso 5n tbe.numberpf .pagcscind
alteration in its typographical' ..ttWiinsc'nsnts.ilPi
mmntitv or mutter heretofore furnished to the ren
;Jer,of.titDcn)oaticWevlew,, wilLbctnceaBeffin
'The'EOaof erfolts valuable aidf toh!s)wp effottaj
duilng'tbe' Couiio'of the-comirlgi year,. ,froin A ntTOI
wrol.thflimost'oute peninoMno' grea emocrauei
Parly itJgetKerirwithiliatrof .fihcB, n,it purp!yt
literary Jepkhfecnt, to .rthich,tho. ahme. rwljtipalJfst
ibnation is not;ta bo 'a'p(lied..-Q Auioni; thcm,jitiy
be particularly named -Ijv'r . 3 1 nt
BaiitWfU ' 'Pdrfcr dtidu-W J-f.StephttM
Sedwick, Jl H EMtrtU, tJiryaiid, .,..)
dilmn Jirownson. Cats,
Ttir Moiulilv Financial tfrfd Commercial arti
cles, whjcli hate friqut3ntW(cen pronounced, tin
most'iiitell'scnt crttidWildurlng the" 'pi9tlyYar in
incmseivea aiono wimn iiib iiuustHiiiiuiJi nni runv
will bo continued ironi thi ameialilinanUfti- Jtt
An airangemcntiias bren made, by which tli
BoslqnQuarUrliflieview, Oditcil bfWX itow
so!r$will-&incrged in tlio Ucinocra'tic
attcr leing a frequent and legular, contributor t
la nncrr... tfl nrnlicr In state, that Mr. Urowi
son's articles will tvo inark'cd.hUmo4r'inoug
to njJaUeJtnoy would doumhijw;eeii tncu
selves by Koirinlfrnal cvidence;'ijjlhat it h
linen aerced. under tho circumstance', that ihew
contributions Bhall bo independent onhe ijsual, (h.
bility tj editorial revision and control the aulli
pecuharily.of Mem tbeyjniayjcontainif aa Ihguvt
appearing in tho original work which as bt-c,
heretofore edited with such didtinguistica' abiht.
by.tirnjclf.u rt, ' '.j ' . -
lAmong othor.atltactive papcri In, preparation (y
the'forthcoming-.volunleV wjll be found some pr.W
al sketches, reminiscences, and . wecdotcsi, otj tl
private' life' of .General Jackson, frpm.,the pfn.of u.
intimate friend and, meinlicr pf JiisUaUineU.t
The Prrtralts of which.ft is.intendeiijp jllustrat
the numbers o( thO eiisilmg' year and which wi.
he cxecuteda.iine style ofengraviiigby J, L
Dicki ot this''ifeose'of
)tjrrf Cbl, R. MkJoK.orjQf JCentacky, if,
tfj iUon'.:8iLjis-W''RiOHT,of reWrYork.K. . j
"'i"ji. V'ji JIjtaaiAccHiKiiifflf.RennBylKania.'r, '.
tith Joa"rKJiiH.i;abojrl,.ofsoutb,CaroUna
Tt. u ' fldtTk-HlJaiixair,,of MiasQUt.i 4ir
f vsH. J, AViticaa, ortMissbsippi, is Zs
" Got. Ooub, of Hhode Island,
With two or three of the most eminent rnemlcr
of the Teat(I,ibej-ial Party of Eurayfronjthc dif
fercnt countries; or else of otherafbohie-urSduc-
I rout aoroau. i'Vi $ -
The subftcribTrhngssunteil tho publication
of the above Mac aiine,6pleilge jtbeniselvea that it
shall, bo promptly issued un tli firLot t;uch.rnomh
in thcitiesf'New-Yoik, rtbiladclphia, '''Boston,'
UBIUinOlB, SqU (VfYJlUlllglUII AkyWllI U1BU IA1 Will
bv the riiost rapid "conveyances 'tb the. lifferenl
towns ln'ttie'int'crf6r wher' subderibeis may reside.
The tociliUerf ftflordedkby .)lie.eitenstre i'.ublisniiig.
business tof)he,undci8igncd,naVIei ithem, .ti make
tliis.promtsc, which shall io punctually Jululcd.
To piomotajthe prppcr qMeclionViniyiew, and
eiying,p'pon heiunitaj,suipprl,pf,the DemocraUf
party .'aawtjn oinarS ae price ft auDscnpnon is
fixed at tjieow rate, of i'pe,Z)uari,per',,i'
till- canes in.aaiyc.niinjnecnanicai yitrnKtj
rnent.and in siie, qua)itlty;of inaUer. &c, th((tj;i
ted States Magazine will be placcd on a'phrj at least
with the leadiiig rn'ou.hlles W -EilMund. Each
number. wil contaiu-one hundred and twelve nutiet,
closcly.pflp!ed"1h d'oubTeoJumnj frprn,, bourgeois
type, casi expiessiy tor me purpose, anu uyn nnc.
wn uk iwpci. " vf i B'n; s" j-ui, , ." 4w;s,
irt-the,amoUut'ofrriiattcr'offoVePifcv'i;hty'.five' 'ptrl
cent.. J'hePurtiraiU,(br1thei lemming, y.e.ii!
wnicn yvni.oeigitvcing.eacojijurriper,,"1 qexecu-
tcd'elfe(;Uv)jand,.nnis)iod,atyIe;l by J.
In Dlck,,vfrich,w'ill,beaccompanicd,with an origi.
1 h.A....nllw. Ik CaIuM .n'.l.A t.. .U:V. I. I I
be; irp possible, WfgWe iti;ia,wpiU of.lhift kind,wjlbout
(the jnosivJiMral anioextcnsive;, suppoit as, thev!
coujd notbo'umishe,diwithqut an, outlay pfjU leasf
3.60s),.per,animm,1i '. m.ji , .k
,fpcipletotour;subcnber,j. ,,,,, ,
Ifillb't 'tnlilUd'to a:Jiflh CdpfGltath
Committees, or Societies on remitting to tho Publish'
era $50 in ciinenl' Jew-'xjyk, funds, -fan vrfeive
inineeu copies oi uv worn.
Persons residing In the country who may wish
. , .ei.S7cr!M-i.r.;'s. l....n.t
1 1 1 i ix.i: i f live ill uui .in i u uuiilluoiiv
lorwaracu, suongiy cnveiopcu, uy lemming mo a.
Jffobnt'of Siibscrlrlti'on o the. pabllshersiVjl.l ,
e JtPinittancesayi be:maie byjdnclcpuig ,tbe!Mo'
ney and m'ailinB,hQ;sameiin the.picience ofA.I'pst
master. Bank notes that ps current in business
ii iiLMl-M. -ifkTj ' l-i..' in i ... i-
generally io-uiioiuki oi iiuw'iut&miiuereccivcu,
H t4'D
' ' ' ,fPLiA,,OF'PUB'L'ICrA.TION.v'
4. ll
liv'crrfi'Tffe of ekHensB'lo'sul)8criliwii'ln'"'th"i nrinri
T)l titles of thU Uuion,'xmthe;firafbfithemonth,and
lorwaraea.w, man Muiwiiiicru nim ,n)Svnii JJPi'Miy
35lb POhVinentJi pfeffiljog Boblication.
All commu. icationa for the Editor to be, addresa.
- 11. ' 1 l L. . . . . 1
ej (post paid) to
- f run T Mnl nv ,i..i,t.l i
Yo j the Friends ,of . thiri
The! United ilUtei MgaiqeiiKivl. iPj".c?.Vf
Review will require tie energetic and coidial, ,ro
lorlenition'oT every 'ibdiyidBal who.Tf see the
'pure maa souna uocuuiiu.'ji fifKf
y 1. I . . ' . ! A. f ' T..l..t.l:.
am auvocueain mcu niiwiiiiiqr tm:,
,b&.trruviibleiamilea Df American.
Amei can Literature .The. rink and exbense attienil
invKbUbUctidi;laM'Beat, that without a pre-
rt -extensive 1tl,U
jcominff' ye ar,wnfcxrrM'tnarof I'erioilicali '
n the countiyf u t'ierator presents. jmperatiye
Maims upoVi tKo sbppbrtndlpnTrpiiafe'bf tho, party-
merifonous. ......
i.ThctdU"ho ketfion 6rtho(66h1rTtwticfiUhtrd
tob.1 J.tlb; IGe fou'rtd.onebr.maro.wha'iwp'uiaidcBiroi
ta besuppattcmloeiicKfl JwotHi fir.iJ; J6jjbi;itvjE. .;toi
mote tjic grcai qlijecl of thlsfgrcat (indcrtskinBt-
It 'has b'fcri rlilt il tno l&wc'iJt possible rate. Fivo
n .,1 . . . . f j . I Li ..!
rue to intv itir inertMS nsve necn' ai anted in
uoiiars a vcar ior aucu a worn, cnmiiriiiiiKMiuunv
1600-pagcs of' cjoiely printed rnattc?, In dnulilo
Jcolumns, andilu3igfw.ycjfnA6nl!ravcd Por
' trails
not expected llWevcry
r tiepijoucan u cpunuy.
t "W 'I'll 'Hi if- t '..H.'
w, an Alius, c-ci'e'rf ycr'yJarauWrfpllot, Ijii' p.uHshjd'Tcsalib'aii double, thd
sum, , , , n f
j,heycryfi'rst pens in the country '.are, cngagdl
ir; assistance and furthc;nn(o of th'c'ilrec a ill
i'o seen py our rrosiiecius. , ....
' Y(s'p(erar;rnateriliall'ie. t)i'o".b'cstHf it's l(md
tthe. iioptlctom'trymalic tlliiiVo'rk, uris'rtrf&s'l'cil "by
any other periodical: exUntn jr. xa
Its tvnoaiHphiM'extctitioVi fthnll'be, in nil re-
teclYsthe lst lltaVthii'nrflfce'nl'.UteDfitheafl WIIT
shnMb thn'nnlTlshfcts to' broducc. ' ..--iw
-!Th4 D'entociklitlc-Rji(lcirii gflt-up-on truly naiion-'
l'prhiciplcsinilfw'ltlJ'il(Uif(itranl bf expoiite never:
lefetbfo,re'attCmpt'd ili periodical litetatnrer'Mhia
fcur.brdh pr(!dii.'ated upon ihe firm rclianco'oi'bbtain'
tSvc a'very litKO'list nfpr,tiig,fnibscribcrfr,'ancLbntiL
t. : . 'i..ii i. . i: : i. ,'i i. .. ...1 1 1 , 11
Ul BI1U11 111! awillll'lllllll.U. IIIO VlilUH'iib" mil kiiwn
1'certalu liiiold the' nroprfctors '''
Evcrycent'of tho tirofit'of tho nxpbctcd 'circula-,
1..wl'.niI.V t.I..l.l .u .u .... .,..
tun, win-1, iriititiuu iirauhiiiiii vitr yvii nms pun-
i lit imnrovciltitandnrd.-aiiu.enablout. .t(i lullilli the
ri'-atiny Which U assumed foi it thatof being a truly
ational pcrisdiraltlieroTMnJanX1' worthy rcpre-
jrMtfitivejcif tlifi.lileriiture of American Demracjr:
.rThp nhlilinhiir fiiiili.a4lv . thrnttf , themselves'. On
no JJamocracy pttne lnlpiltor,, support. uipnA
ielri vyjlldppend tofgrcattextept thosuccres oi pa
.eatahjindrrtaking,. 'i;hp.I'ublisljBfa iand Editor
tin,-andi indredi.wjf-hdto, do.rjmpp3j .ihaii bring' Jtljcj
ian ani'tbfj,woik.fairly,be,forc,,thp puVlic. ..'flijs
ley havo dono tho numbpra.Jrcady published, are
lmittcd;t)ri.aU: sides ,tp tje worthv ol tho ca3C
Pe.ieelis'.femnnttThgHoUis'ipubiisbera a.Ten 'l)ol
.ir Noto inurjent; f. Y.jfiindstwill reeeivo a copy
i me Licmoccniic ueview ior me ensuing iwu years,
turns'. i )'(.& n. -"IC'rOt
2nd. a Set at IheM'otk r .1841 ;42; Ortf (.
ijrniingne.twp ljret yijlunieg of, tne INew .Series,
vJiic'h cpmjirjsp eon'tibut'joqs 'frpniiiiiny of-'.trio
thers'aMoinpanicd.wtli' biographical noticcs.viz:
&tn,Andttw Jackson,Marlin Van Ruren,
Henry Hubbard- Mnrcits "Mnrtw
If'aihlnetonjrviri, . XJeifrst M. JDallah,
FAmcisiThoinait' sto "ELtfJlBlwerS l
Garret D.Wnll, .jfllex. II. Everett.
iSubsctilier,,wil .be enVUedJorlOC3iyai set'
qfi thp,ahove .nortraitaifcij, nv.addito,nltoJthooI pf ,
the comiug year, , , , ViiS-W'w'.- . - j
' Any; person forwardingTwentyi Dollars un cur-'
rent.1V.- Y. funds.foi ryoun yearly subscriptiorisvilli
be entitled to receive u I' , -,' V t, I
DolIaViH tn current IVi, fwjj'Vwjlf l 'fr(tlVe4
rpivennei ni ine ut inncraiir. iipviw inr i nr rrnn
'ef, a cqpy of iho MaAiflbn, rra, Iir're
volume ociavo. DUDURnru at 1 cn Unlliirs. and also
TS TVipniinriltft'o wnrlr. 1)pmnrHpe .in A tr..rti-
.iwo.voiumRs. ociavo, puunsneu ai.r.pur.uoi ars. , ,
Any person forwardinc Ihirtv current'
jwaruing ,ininy upjlnis.incurrei
up'dn','.v?illibc entitleijLto.receiy.e .Two' Seta of the-
ttiiiivp woiivo, riiiii, in nil luunt scopy;pj ,
'i. ' . . '..j' :;i,T.r. ' ' -" ,
Tht. Democralic.Rtvitw.fgr 1 8 1 J42 -.Gratis.
The Publishers earnestly' hoiic that' the above
liberal iridiicemeitU on thrir'rmrt Wilt haVo'the effect!
cf bringing greet 'accensiohs to their list of ' subscri
berg. T
Active snrl res'por)sibler'!A(r!nts wanted for5 thd
above in the dillereht'Btates throughout the cbuntry
Postmasters' th'rn'ughotft'th'e'Urii'teil "States' aro itu
thorized to'receivcsulwcrlptiirts'fot'tbe -work; Any"
w nuvui Burn uncial uipluuiil'itih hit Kinmm .ill
Poiitmfatef'SerrdinV the fiarnes'of1 fo'nr- 'SubSeilbers
'and rvfnittiric'Twenty''bolltrs iri''advanee in'c'uil
,rertt-Nl'Y. fuhdVwifl bc'enliticd t'6 v ' '
h,,.i s.At fjpTir CoPY'riRATIS -K?
!"f9r f,Wc?w7Vr,'1C??T..;f tmnPiFJvkTt
V'fll - . l '.rV, I -- T
At Bloornslmrg, jdpi.idp
ii i en in ru" ' it,
nnHEy would, in.(oTip.tho c'ltizqps pf .Columbia
bounty, that they have c.ommpnqcd ho buiji
ntsfat tho. alio t enlace, at the, nubiic house nf K
JOWBU'i W'hcro'tfiqy. .are, prep?Wp,,manfW:.
,lureto,irjcr, hi.lhe.jjeatoiabest, and mos durabjt
, rnauner, ,MQN UMENTA,.. 'i QMH-TAJILES
ijufiu pirn j,j i H,"tr.'-v, m, wi sizvf alio
t. A m -...l vnii'n uTfiwi n' ' .
uamies, ihaii i iiDn, Hiiiuuiv ana XUUli
Also PAINT,- BAl! anrf HEARTH 8 rojSEtfi
' ;0rders for Sldnecan belcfi'iiithD.GROSiSwhd
rw5l act'aa Agent during our aliien'ce. "
- They constahtly keep tl h'nrid'a' lar'gtf lot'o
Vermont.Egyptian and Italian- Marble' 'at 'tKHr
wholesalo MarbJo,Y'(J)l..Bcllua jGrove, JJhion
county, Pa. , i . .. , :
PoomsbiUg; August, 14, ,1841. , . ,( , ,JC
. ; n ' nfi , . ' ,
i ,
ln'tbe Hands of a
Jnxltco 0f)fejHi",1rl( coljjjci
wnoso poiHicai-icnjM-itisuesinnwiT'iOu-oi'i
bhd io thoictav in fl Weifdlytolit! advaH'ctof
uowicugc.w fucij,icimiy jaasmiaiicpa
of, the. aadjng.. mcmbprApt the... Democratic
artyilt.must,be"cvrdent,,ls,.rnuch, ,'chcifpir Uiah;
same amount-of sue i. tn'allhir was. over "uotoriT
l'U'-'VIJJ '.' " Mil -U l.lli. I.MII.l
inj wrui'isi uje, uqoniry.iogeiiier wiupseiie
eaLtirully"'e ngr'ave'd Po'itrait's' of the following
'romincnj pifinlrs,of the Democratic party and
'A Fifth! Copy' if theWvrfrfi)ritheHftirrtnl itir,
i : i - ...t'ify -4,.!' ' I
A nv T.PPnn rrmit in rr tlm niiMnnnro Vi Tfrtnti
.... Si T.T. npranns lnii.h(i,il In rim . must miln ryn
''ru!i'.. ;t.' M mofirV.. io -pins" ATrrins'r.V..
nr nc olcai and.. All.who neglect this, np ifp. wi Cnd.thqir acrfpuuls
AwWW-ti 4Sawetat
sWl iiii in J
?1S'JS "ISis'iW
Pafthcrslilp'JbAdeFWil firm!
llVf n 11." J 13)1 ll I'lllflt
& 22232: FIj .1Cl!eM'l
anil have us
.T"'.-r'-wirii.f ... .
nil nave ust.rcccifeairom Kiiuaucipnia, nnu now
Wml at ttirfr'NE'W WOUE, WfttcV'
..j'T'tr .
an. "entire ( bewiipd'oktcn'slvolaBiiorm'tnt of ,(
0 ..fM&mwtJbAVje, A'M
wlilch'tirryHinVr for sle; on 'teuiohabloMorms.'ias
jlbeiriprlrcs;are.auitfd ito Jthet tiintu AnmrVgttj(firJ
assiiruncm.iiu.po I'tuna w !,'' . 1
Broadcloths, CMi'MirM, SAtliMht 'Olid.
i .Ifkii
ILOl (l. I
and n.varietv
QthcrfliticJcssiutonle for the season
amt"l?l!cta iffVS HFtti&i ailVc-fflififolc WkitSrV
nient ns is usallv foulidlrreDulitrvst'orCBlUr -
(tl-COUNTRY'-PKODUOE-tvill be received in
ditchnngc;,' and' CASH; wilt notvbcjrcfusedi'jv? A
lOur'fnends.ipiid. thciipwilici generally.,. arc'rc.-
qucstcd-lo..9ull(pn(l pxamilie, fothfjnaelycj.i -,,..
"', ' ClItTfciEFr'I.'EY". '
Ulbomsburir. Juhc!26? 1642.'' " -'0
' t" , . .j tnl,' J
r"Y" Bo' yo fTufifitfd Iff S'ouf blrVridj'B. i
?."i-aAnd Healtb-will'.attqDd ydu.f.t .-..,'
, TI lfMf y'iFMM? tn fhlpad.;!
. r r ..i . .Leviticus, c.xvit. xi.
K I r 1 Vj I) 1 1
Thousand)! can answer this question who
know fromcfiffiffixperience that
aw,t"'Al cbiirbWANT 'rArtf Wif merits'' ,J
Are the safesib'eTalTuTiToIt effectnal Fills
I .-H ts.'iiow iit ' r.
A-;'OMPdNA'N,T'1l?A'ltT-0P-"rinC '' '
T v. .STARyAlXltU.LAi'-.
Hls'fattcmple3ibyiQuackc''and!lmposlors to in
troduco their vile and dangerous nostrums ,by
assuming for their name that of "BLOOD PILLS"
kiiuwiii!! that tbeBlooiUlUlUinaniifacturcd by Dr.
Icidy have mitained tie mutcst reputufion njtany
Y'i7frmi7eiif,'linilli1fcltfliy5SaiiBh 'trlrkory tot
mPtoe, .WPpn Hio, ptibhc hVisellinfe theirs, upon the:
popularity pf Ut. I.eiily a utoou.fiUs.
of anu tmtcin use. mntaii.imr neither Mereurv
,tlJ, male anujiemle f,j' .'ffiff
stfaTm'fromirii'ai'livIng 6r oecupal
cirtumMiuKica wiiuuut tear iroin.
ai Iri-airiaabs wjiproja imfgbtion!m(iY-bp;neccssary
ttCBCPillij foupd both effectual , andr" easy ii(
their operation, producing i
no nausea, or oiCRnoss
of tho'Siomachigriping.'orany other .unplcasapt
sensations. ( ,
Further comment is deemed unnecessary "'tliq
numerous ccrtificates:pnbli6hed-from time to timej
from Physicians aniLother, individuals ,niust'. have.
convinced the incredulous rintl for Ihn further ini
rnnvinrpil ihfi inemlnlnimirinil fnr Ihn fnrll.or ini
,,f'l others, Lr.Leidy refers theqi to thi
'nttctioWUYcu'a ' S
iirtinif r, vicar, CiWei; Gj
" " '4M'?&Vta VtyiY "ai'ttdh '7
TKHt.Urorircpare('drid.old.XvhoIos.Ierarf.rretallil'fi' V ' " 4 li,.tftrraNLEyj&iLES0URE.'5
Vino strec'ti'sien'oFihdGoldc'n1Ea'g'Iu' ahd 'Bcr'
iiptitn. AIva unlil nt
Lufz s Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
i-iWWnMhiZ U i i i'i
I T O 11 1
OINTM N'le'AiWj!ablfQondy fur
yariima aiTnr.tinns tThoSKlN, removinri
Pimples, Pastilles, and Eruption' of tbq
SK1NJ and particiiltu-lyirfdap'iQdifo thbt'eura
iifT.E'nr.Eiiiiurnicii.'M ; . "t"r
' TJiie oililmnrtf liim brenl OVe'tPin riurnfer
ipjib" seluinlsMlfioaBliou't" fheciljml 'cLunly1
as well as Factories,! emplbyinfrt ' nil rife nitis;
?irls and hnys.and amonc whom Tetter and
icli,Tas'.wVll'laH otliiir AiTectWns'fihh Skim
Trova)lAlJ VtiihUlie'mb'ii ilriwZ'a'rnrileil "Snc.
inegiV Name's1 (if'Bffioori'l'vacHo're.'ae Iw'4ll
as supeiintondants nildPrdpriei'ort'b'f' Pt,
V'lil for llP delfcary theyr feel in having their
names piibJia'fieJan xlcQxineoHSifi with eucli
Inathsomo am) digagreeahle' piTenlions,
p,i,n.,o,l mm, l n. r rr..i.i.
'tf'Sftl W no"Vi second, etrge.Jbbr
' e jbs" wife':;:' . ,
irukri iri .1 ni.r, lc f .
!9.EC:rP.ULLY.InformtliU frlemW. ni?,l '
jL(.tbe aublio.anerajlyiithatiic bis just,' receiy(
d frnrn hlfadclplila a new' ohd, extensive aiiiort '
jn'cHt)fr ' ' ' ''.
Coni'ccloiuartcM, Ac. Ac-'i
jVliich', hi J 'former' stock, comprlue'tif
.complete ntaotm'tint of afticli'ain.hl'jlfiip.of bustncm.i
All . i.i.ij.. ;i.. l. il. i' J" .
mi .i:i'un,Hnuuia io. iiuri'Jianu.uiiy; oi me, aupva
u-iiii - ... ,.i.. '.' . !ir!J', 1.'i.
.lflB?tlian'ca"n:bd 'bought' hby where' e'l6 tit the.
snrroOmling'ncighborhood,.! t i
' jbTh'o Subscriber coi.yers it hardly neegsaryto)
Jrjfnlihfl thojatticlos lij particUhir, s ho is confident;
hat no pnecan como,amsa by enquiring fo fauy aiti 1
rfn hplrinatnit tn'n'.Ttrlirf'StAfn. l" ''Ml
' 'iV.'ljrMb'fclla'.n's'nriJThystclahi 'will '.llnd lt
t6rheir"4'ava'na'gb (bVAll ahiVbiiy' feutrf'orticlcss'
they-'ftiaysfand n ilceil bf(i na they, abaH be aocom;
nroaatqdiattniyerylow.i)ere!ntftg(( J. V v . r-
r.. t. .i.-ii .f..n- i l, t
cbiiom8pltoui(f;i"6n J tuVsoW-
jii ' ' i .fiffr ,7ntiii" ,iWnif tn htl i,. t
enoris fiiinu iW'wniiiinc'dTiiiiicir partla merit' Tit
rori If nun hear jif their'.patronage.i both' in; refcrenc4,tq
w9i-kinan6hrrvandclieapnci.s,of priqe fSijSuitthg
j ii.. " ''tiv'J y1'.'"1 UM " yentirmqn ana in
Btilutiins liaviiiirril!rariCii.'i'o' arSolv'ilfrTri! iS'iVS
lilridf r, making'it (east n'saving of 1D doO 'nef
cc'nt,'ltft'd,ii6mcttnlcs rribrei i - s-i? -gy
'All'dtse'riitioiiJiof'(Uiii(ling hcutlyfCxccuted.
r...i si,. ...:i. r.,.i . i.- i , '"
vi iniiim-ii ?vv''Uii'cptya''t'Vvt;tvi'uiQ:ufit'Alu''
tyiiu, ui till
They ate'nleo''jMnofaoturd WI
of c'very.descpptiop, focli as Vrifkel.i, Itecorflf
a si
.? ''iOLyDEl&,WWAM8,ii
N. B. Old Books rebound with nratners anil
dpjpatchi'also files of Papors.., , ....
iarrisburg,Marh.2(5, 842, ' U6m'o,48.
All'oVdeVs1 bm'ding'.orYdr'bTilrilir'bfidrtfJ,
leff at tbis oflice will be a for wnrScd,, land
returned as 8ooa.tta;P)in)p,le(eJ.7nt;i, f.,.T .
The kiTSTorrr.' will, as" Visual, be published
twice a'wet'k'du'Mng the scsflion bi" th'tj Legislature;
aiid n we sUaH spate' neither p'ains-nor expcnee'In
giving full ahd accurate reports 6f. tho p'rocecilirigs
of tho; twe-.Houses, logethcr with sketches, of, tho
jdebates pn qlj pubjifand importart questions,, .tvo
ddHrbtiB-ef WitninWg'-rririy'iinil1 'cbrrt'ct f nrorbiatlon
front .the seltfcf fiovbrnmehtt. will 'find it .WXtheir
.adyanlftgejtn ,t4ko thoJ.lfqjstone.TpiilRwjIers,
iiVk vnuroB-jiromuigaicn in-any ouieripipn-
olt, " 'L. ' ie coirespoijueni ai
articles in' .his StOrotbclbrd"imylii!t: bl?cwhcro tis''hV
in ile'tcrfnined'to sell b's lovV. and bv a litttrt'Je'vvirlif.''
. i iB subscjibeis .return heir Mnccfc thanks' trj
.their frfcn'dsVJf'thdYayora'sd'liWrallyUeUow-Jetr-jilr.
ll.fcii., AtdPfftg frvi?tij Slsurethbiil' thafrirj
maSe'to oidex. f,Bjnjngdhefor1.'rfirrci,'Jnsi,
tiid'qrls',' 'A'oclcric.'ir'tiei 'b'n aavimTagroiis TM nifll'ur
i". 'tJ:m I flui'uii, iiyiu. iu,.rinup 3
ufJlic. t I lje coming session of ourLVglilatiire vyill
B oho qTnti?e' than common' Ihtertantf 'tVeranns
TanaZdrZli P5'".nrJ;?W)at.ij dp'm aseat of the
Ctefipg ' wlWV WLBiWhal l-id f! ,SfMti'iT& ..
ujiaHonP 1 fo i-spey rj olT,EJlM8,,, .yni ,ri;
itTha tirmsibfihe Keystopenre:aafbllgw:.l 'fi
t wit-it risur t'"i i
.oForiibesslonlyiccac .,2 qu
A?y, person sending ua tfivojsubscribcraiffor tho
?PPy Eratis for b'lf trouWe,,r.All.paymcnt'.jnayf,bi
trahsmitted I)Y mail, aild'all I'ost.lnrmlrTfl nrnnormifc.
'f1'.'0 frank letters ccntaih'inff'ni',o'ney'fdr rncwepBper
fsubscriptl6as,?.XOa m fW
'o OJll if
III . .... ,T
'". Bfok'e UnWlh'tT'e'nbfbstTfe 'oflHa' etilseri'
boHrlbnUt:3rrtollttiif5iin'i.3.i 5 o
- r. I w '
dronpbiitgyai little; "iri'b'is horifs, and afeolu
foiir'jfears'old;f T'be'otvnor U rerjiSe'sied io
take hirrt'awavaiid'rtrlv"',char6'eH. ' '
i. . .j . " JOSEPll PURSEL.
'Mndison Oct' lal.
ix i. I L .....
., . ... .. .r. . J .
inoiiongcr;.inUulgcncofari be" given.1 Those who
.pfglcfif.the RallrtUrotrieborespdHilble-roy-ctin'.
WWMyvjlicerpjInlyifpllnw . it,
' ' -1 . PTis
'4 P!"?? kWi"gi t'heni.sclvfs Indebted to
ri ,,n.afo.rira',,ft!J !fPVt nrfon, Jry noto pr
book. 'are rcnliisted in'mslc rmmll.i o