tititioftdT Co'pventCon anil Sidle Co'n , vfrt(iortt -In bur last number we expressed ou apptobolion of (he 'I'ennessce' prup'osi tion thai lllo Democratic .Naiimial Conven tion for nominating candidates' for the letldrinoy ami Vice PrcsidenSy. be held in Novcmber, 1843; and wo also suggested the, policy ,anil propriety of holding a Slato C'6iiven))ort itt this slate on U 4th of' July next, Jbf the purpose of appointing dele gate flo Ite National Convention Wo etili'' incline o adhere lo the views then expressed, niiwiihstandinr several of Our Editorial brelhern whom we highly respect JiavVadvance'd a difleronl opinion. As regards the time for holding our Na tional Convention, there is not, as has been intimated in some papers, any estab hshed 'Democratic usage;' for the Conven tion which, nominated our Presidential Candidate for 1836 was. held .in May 183o, while that which, nominated the cannidale for 1840, was held in May of that year. The latter Conven tion was Ui fact but a mere formality, for it was-universally conceded Mr. Van Bur en would and ought to be nominated; the former Convention, however, was not of audi a characteristic character; claims und qualifications were 16 be subjected lo the oldeal of public scrutiny; and, therefore wep"r'es"urae, wis held at a time sufficiently .preceding the election, .or that purpose. Hence tho ussee of the party, so far as there .can be said to be usage of the subject, :.. u.o ia'AA ' i ' i 'But, a National Convention In Novem ber,, is more desirable on many accounts, than. in May; and princpally because the delegates to it will be more likely to come direct from the ranks of the people, and bo the true representatives of tho popular Voice- whereas a convention in May, and especially jn , the May immediately prece ding the Presidential election, would be. mora or lesr-affected by the influence of Congress politicians, and the Delegates to it, Being chosen, in many, of the states; at tho places where, and whilst the legisla tures ire in session.would be selected more or less, under the influenco of the politicians in.lhoie. JegislalurcDiand.at the, several sets of Government! For these reasons., toeether with those Bucceated' last week, add ohers which sntuht be urffed if we had space, we' shall continue te advocate a Democratic National Convention in November, 1823, and a Democial'ic Stale Convention on the 4th of July next, at being calculated to promote the harmony .anu success ot tne pany,uowi jn the Union and in this Slate. IP I Most Horrible. We find the following Birratiye in the Cincinnati Sun of Tuesday last. ' Can it be true! ' We can scarcely regard-it any other light'tban as a horrible fiction, Baltimore aim. It has been a matter of considerable inauirv with the priests of die day, whether the spirit of.God, or tho devij, was .upper most in the world; but generally conrteetieu that the latter took the lead. In the follow ine instance, wq shudder at the depravity of. the human. heart wonder at its hard ness, and sigh over its obduracy. Some three-yeats since a family of the first standing, in onr city was called to mourn the loss of a father, who had toiled to amass a fortune for his wife and children. Scarcely had he been laid in the grave, 'vhen'a plan was fixed upon by the children two sons and a daughter, too horrible to thinY of, yet too true to slumber, to abduct the mother who stood between them and the property of the dead father. Accor dfngly.the mother was prevailed upon to go "to tho country; where some relation resided. The-journey was comenced; but on, the same evening, the old lady was teturned to this city, aecretly taken to the garret of their family, mansion, and confined in room where no ere could reacfr her .hut tl.aiofthe daughter, the usurper of her mother's rights. Here in solitude, the old woman lay, with just food sufficient lo keep her live, beyond the reach of friends.a muzzle otr htr mouth to keep her from crying aloud for help. 'A story was raised some few weeks nfte,rthaiithe old lady had died io the country mourning was put on by the sis ter and two brothers, as well as the rela lions, who actually supposed that the old lady ad'lawful. owner of the property was ceau ana in ner grave. ,i 'Two years rolled awav and the dauvh ier and sons are in quiet possession of their ill gotten wealth, when a circumstance Uansp.ired shocking to relate,, A, person employed about the premises', who had of ten heard or surmised he heard, away in ,lhB,.fartherest part of th,e upper garret.moan n,o,fow, indeed,as to be scarcely thought earthly' about two months ago heard the groans more distinctly than ever, and be came convinced that foul play had been Used upon some body. He watched till well as eujed that in the dar,k and ghostly rooms of -this gsrret, a human form was sufferine the pains of, confinement and villainy. He a roused the household, the guilty daughter being absent.rushed to the spot with a lihl burst open the door, and there beheld the miserable form of the poor pld woman in thp last agony of death! Whata sight! No pen can describe 'the scene. Language fails ,to give an adequate view of such a spertaelel 'On the return of the daughter her hus band and friends, by bribery and threats, succeeded in quelling the noise just bursting ' forth. and Jiad the body secretly buried, snd fhm utylh jpparnate now sund up. in tb fifti ftdblety la lift very clly' as. pure., and healthy, patterns brail thai is good and vir tuous. Steps are sniJn lo be taken we learn to Investigate this foul afialr.antl bring those concerned in i( to justice.' Jot.-Smith, thb Mormon, grows more audacious and impious withi Hie' apparent Immunity frorn ariest, which. .He. enjnys, He pteaced at JNmivno on a recent Sunday to an Immense concourse of his 'bretherm' lie said in one of his late discourses that Governor Cariln was afraid he ("Sm'nli) wanted, to bek Governor, bul no fears need be'cnif.rtained on that, point as' hfl considered himself even now in a belter situation than ho would be if he, was Governor or Ptesi dent being Lieutenant General for (ir,f,and prophet for tlermly, either of which he, rnnsidered preferable to being Governor or President. Bankrupt in Kenluckv. The whole Viutnber who had applied np to 1st October, tor Hie benefit ot the bankrupt act in Ken lucky was 1270. The highest individual indebtedness was $010,000: next highest, ,$352,000: several of near 200,000: a great number from $20,000 to $100,000; and some (town a low as $70 $80. The Bssets surrendered up amount m about a million of dollars, while the debt liquidated by these amount ten to millions! An. Attached Friend. A correspondent oi the Kichmond Vhig stated tha a gen lleman by the name of Blanch, left Oairs, in Cumberland county, tor Missouria, and carried with him a hound dog. Soon after Mr. U. reached Missouri; he died; anu (strange to tell)the dog left Missouri, and, reached pairs. iome short ' t'ine past,- in search of his master the distance being one thousand miles or more, A western editor, giving a description of a storm, says: 'It is utterly impossible to describe the scene presented to the eye of the beholder in. the vicinity of the dwelling destroyed. We saw. as many as four hogs killed by the timbers; A man came 300 miles, from New Hamp sliire, for the express purpose of witnessing the execution of Colt; The officers very properly icftiscd to gratify his brutal appetite, and refused him permission lo enter, ' ' 'Yon are always in a bustle Kate.' said a mother to her daughter.. 'It's the, fashion Ma.' An Erie, paper stales that Mr. John Evans of Millcreek, raised the. present sea son, on less than an acre of ground,, eight hundred and fourteen hushels of, die sugar oeei. . , In a circuit of three miles, around the Southern-part of Bergen township, Hud son county, .N. Jersey, there are 77s acres of cabbages, containing 000,000 heads, An eel measuring 3 feet 7 inches in length, was speared at Northumberland Pa-, last week, by Mr. Thomas Gaskins'. It measured nine and a half inches round the body. A younn lady named Mary Ann, recently went to a ball with a bladder tightly blown tip for a bustle. A gentleman accidently ran against her and burst the bladder, re storing her chaotic form in its usual pro portions. The report was heard all over the town. STARS., A child poiqiing on a find frosty evening to the stars, said with great simplicity, 'Aunt', whit are hese? are they jittle 'ghh; bltt holes to Jet the glory through!' There is a man in Buckingham County Va. who has a wife who weighs .370 poudda ! Thunder. ffiraSElSSSH-AItao MARRIED In Danville, on Monday the 21st till; by Wm. , Kitchen, Esq.' Mr. JOHN HOWER. of Danville lo Miss DEBORAH WARD, of Rush townshiPj Norlhumderland county.) On Sunday, (he I3lli ult; bv Joseph BrpusU Eq; Mr PRTER- MUNQESS ER. to AURY ANN KLINGMAN, all of Mjfllui township, Columbia county. DIED In Danville, no the ??th pit., JAMES HUC3JIEB, aged sbbut U years son pf Mrs; Elizabeth Drown, widow 'of the Jato Silas II; Browr, formerly .ef )his CASH : THfc Suhsctibers aie about ieneivlhg and 'will open ihia few days, lliei CIlUiAP- EST and UISS.T Bssnrtmmtt bl goods ever brought to' this market, which 'thVy nWde. termined to sell fur CASH and PRODUCE i E. H. BIGGS, & Co,' Nnvi 6. 184228. CHATtLE.S KAHI.EFt, thariklu! for past rVow J resocctfullv annoo'ricos lo' Ills' numerous Irlcndg, and tho publip gcfierally, lhat he still, con' Unties to carry oti the above husinceslri all Its vari ous branches, at his old stand on tho corner or Maine & East "streets, where he hopes by his long experience! in business, that no la prepared to attend rind execute all orders In Ills line of business, with the utmost punctuality and wormanlike manner, as cannot tail to render satixlaction to all those Who may favor liini with a call. Particular attention paid to cutting, and good fits warranted.. N, O. All kinds of country produce token in exchange for work, and cash will not be refused. J3loonistiurff, Dec. 3, 1842. 32. NOTICE, IS hereby given, that wc have this day bought at Constabc gale, as the property oflnatc Uuss, tho following property, to win one red Roane Marc, one sett of harness and Collars, one bled, twenty-seven acres of Hye on the ground, thrco acres of Wheat on the ground, one Plough, and one Harrow.and havo left.the earn in the posession of tho said Buss, during our pleasure.and forbid any person taking them from him, cither by pUrchase,or otherwise; without our constnt. Mi & J.;LAZARU8. Orangovillc, Nov.28, 1812. NOTICE 18 hereby give i, that I have bought, oh tho 10th day of Nov. last, af Constable salc.the following properly of Charles Albright, to win one whilo & brown Coat, and one red & white Cow, and have left the said pioperty in possession if tho said At bnght, during my pleasure, ahd fotdid any person taking theni from him, 'either by' purchase or other wisewithout my consent. SAMUEL LAZEU8. Montcur.tp.Dcc. 3,-1.342. , THEESTJ1TE OF WILLIAM ' WELLIVER, EEC D. "LTOTICE is hereby jyiven, that letters testamcn XI'lary have 'been' granted to tlio subscribers, re siding in Madison township, upon tho late will, of Wm. Wcllivcr, late of Madison township.aforesafd dee'd. therefore, all persons indebted to -said estate, are requested to mako payment', and all having claims to present them for. settlement. JOHN WEI.LIVER, RICHARD DEMpTT. Executors, Jcreeytown, Oct. 29, 1842.8T"-ilwU ' State, Capitol Gazette. Two Dollars for the Settionin Ad vance. ' The undersigned embraces the present- opportu nity of convey ing to his friends and tho public, his sincere acKnowieugcmcnis, ror uic very uucrai putronage which they continue to extend to the Stale Capitol Gazette; and in his future, course he shall use every endeavor to, merit their approval of which he has l ho beet evidence in their generous support of the paper. The approaching ression of tho Legislature wjll boonc;of deep, intercut and im portance to tho people of .Pennsylvania.,, Tho elec tion of a State .Treasurer, and a United States Sena tor, and tho adoption of an Apportionment Kill, are among the important acts to be performed by llic Legislature; and they will engross much feeling and delibciulion. With the hope of increasing' tlio use fulness of our paper, we have made ample arrange-, mcnts, as well for reporting the proceedings of both branches, as.for presenting them to our readers at the earliest possible period. Wo have engaged the most competent Kcporters, an J our publication will embracofull details' of what may transpire in either branch during the session. In many instances vru shall give a full report of the debates, and in every instance we. shall produce such a syuojisis of the discussions, as will convey to tho constituent, the course and zeal of his roprecntativc. In addition to this, we have employed an able: and attentive! correspondent at the seat of general government; and our readers may anticipate, not only tho ear liest Congressional intelligence, but. also ,tho ear liest, and most correct information in regard .to the doings of the administration, and tlio plans and operations upon tho political chess-board. It may be well cnucgh to reiterate, what, we .Stated on assuming tho. sole ownership, and control of this paper, that i.is political character will remain unchanged. We. vmo educated in tjio school of Jcfleruonian democracy we have always zealously conlcndcd for tlio principles wo then hnoibed, and under the brosd banner of eijual lights, we shall be found rollyiug,faithfulfy defending our beloved doc trines', and our hallowed institutions. As tui organ of the democratic party, wo shall exert every zes and ability to maintain its usages a'nd pri'nciples,and secure the success of its candidates. A u. sentinel upon frccpom'SiWatch-tower, 'wa shall, always bo found vigilant and energetic in guarding the rights and liberties of the people; and as a journalist, our columns will contain that quantity and quality of intelligence which cannot fail to please and instrdct the general reader; With these prolTera of enterprise and declara tion of principles', and with renewed assurances of our, gratefulness, for the libcVul support extended to us. wo pledge oiir zcafoui. excrtibns to desirvu a continuance of the palronago of an ehllgh'lcilcd jpublie. TlfBif'Sf.', ' '' Thot?tato Capitol Gazette will bo published twlco a week during the seueipn of tlio. Legislat,vre, and once n weelc during tho remainder of the, ryear, at , the, following prices: n Tjiesessibl. only, (twice a week) ' '' $2 00 Thewholeyear, ' 3 00 Any person sending us five 'subscribers accom panied by ten dollars, shall receive a copy for their trpuble, gratis, Payments may bo transmitted by mail posbigo paid, at pur risk. . JQy a rule of the Ppst OfTiCfi'Departpient, Poattriiaiters are, per mittcd t'p frank letters oonflping ipoheV for sub, scfiptions. ' ': ioattcntiqn will be pajd to any ordpr unless tlio; money accompanies if, ' " ' .L JOHN B. BRATTON: HAVE just reivfd.a lSl?MpA , jtj bf every variety, which they' are enabled to offer to the public alittle lovrer than than thc.chcapcstfor the REApV'Gd'DOWNj inch'Bg"' "v ' torn oSmv.VtiIlv jrnbvifce? 1 the THOUSAND YEAR CRElhti"$YSTEM having bcin AD ANUONBU..' r, l Among thcir'ae'sortmcnt of Dry Goods may be found all the varieties of English', French and American Manufactuirs bfWool.. colt6n( silk, flax and hempt among which is; ah elegant assort-, mrnt of supt'rfi.ir, firic and common' Broad. Clothes, and CassimerestSattihets; Cotton and . Linen Drill ing Irish Linens) brown Hollands) 'Marscilcs and other Vestlngs, Silk Velvets; brown ond bleached Shirtings and Bhcctings, Calicoes; printed Lawn and Mushnsj Mousline de (alns; Challies'; plain and figured Silks; a large variety of silk, rnonair. and Alcrino Blmwls and handkerchiefs. Lady's and Gctlemen's Gloves and Mitts, Hosiery) Ribbons; Gentlemen and Children's HATS9 &c Ate' CAPS, 5ic, dec. Gentlemen's, uadies and Children's BOOTS SHOE. Among, their GROCERIES, will be found ' " ' ' ' Sugar and Coffco of several kinds and quality, Imperial, Young Hyson, Hyson skin, and Shouschong Teas; Chocolate, Hpiccs of, all kinds; Madeira, i'ort, Lisbon and .Malcga 'Wines, Brandy,' Holland Gin, Spirits, Rum, and Whiskey West India, New Orleans, Sugar House and Boston Syrup MOLASSES, HARD WARE, Knives and Forks, Cullcry Saddlery, Caichand Wagon, trimmings and mountings, Mill and "A cut Saws, tenant saws, Saddler's, Shoemaker'sTailor's and Carpenteis tools; Blacksmith's Anvils and Vices; Swcoplng and a great variety of other brush es; all kinds of Ropes and Cordage .&c. &c. A large and elegant assortment of CHINA. GLASS AND lueeRsware, CROCKEKY WAIIE. IRON Of all kindj by.the Ton or smaller quantity, Spring Steel, Bnglfsh blister, Crowley, Sheer and Cast steel, 'German stccl.and American blister, Nails and Spikes, ' Large and smalt Copper Kettles, It is impossible to mention separately in an 'ad vcrfuemrnu all the articles which they havo'on hand: but tbfa subscribers wish it to be understood that their assortment lms been laid in .solely with at view to supply the wants of, the 'country,vancl- there fore few' will be disappointed who may dall 'upon them to have their individual wants' supplied, pro vided they offer in ex'chango iho "READV GO, DOWN." WILLIA!l McKELVY & Co. Bloomsburg, Nov. 191 S3. 30 tf. j LECTURES ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR THE undersigned proposes' delivering a course of lectures on E. Grammar; consisting of 3li lectures for thobenelit of such young persous as, havo not an 'opportunity of attending school In the; day time; and Who are'desiroUa' 'of ' becoming ae-, qnainted rrtli tho zrsmmaroftho Emrlish lancuaee. Three lectures will be delivered each' week, on such evenings as' may be most suitable.. 'Those desirous, of uniting to form a class for the above pUrpose,will please make early application and leave their names at either of tho printing offices in Bloonuburg, or the" subscriber, inbrdor to commence as early as possible. JIJHJSIti U. lilliGS. Blbomiburg, Nov. 19i 181S-:30. $5 REWARD. i LOST, on Friday, the 21sl. day of Oct. 1812, somewhere in ihe township of Fish ingoreek, or Gcenwood, a'calfskin POCKET BOOK, . ,t,,. . , containing about $3S 'n "'" notes. One five on the Slincts Bank, .Pottsvilh?' and other Relief Notes of different banks. r Any person finding said Pocket Book, and will deliver it, with its contents, to. the owner, shall receive the nhnve reward. RICHARD HAYCOCK. Nov. 5, 184228. HALIS PATfiSTT BEEHIVES. fVHIS Ilivo w one oUhebcst conttiucted now I- in hcfl.and soarramred.asiosunerccdo the ns. .ceSity of killinB'becs to' take from them their ho uey . It is simple, anu can uo mauo wiut nine ex pense. ' ' Tha subscriber has tho riltU io tell toindiaidd, flj.'tbo privilege of making them4 fori their ovfnune, and rpquosta'UI who areMnterested in htea, to. call at his house, and sea the hlvej for themselves,; as be has becs now working in them. ' . . -i ' - OEOROJI LIUV LIST OP R)ET'Af,OPf and retail dealers, of Forelt-n. "Merchandill, ii the coirfity)f dolutnbla.-dlaeMil-a (d-h, lows for a t m , "Wni'rji .ir't'ts n F"l acT William Donald.oli nam i. Peter Uahly William Uii!illB.-Vc0i T 15 William MKevy t at. ri paid'! ,Aoraian Miner D'erf AiiMi John CI. (Jr'iek ' r -,k A. T,;;!, Ei K.C. Revnold . ... J. & J, Bownar.s-eo.,,, ,Vi . . - rptli) )h THIRTEENTH CLASS. . i kh Daniel L. Schmick unpaid h ill 1 ... I. t ... . . .i!..! ; 1 .1 hii icii i uauuil - ' ( UllUHIDi f ueorge weaver : 1 'iinpaiu,,,- Cvrus Ballon - iipaid,;J Robert B. Snrotil co. w :. James Davidson Ar- co. A.ndrew c Peter Miller C. A. h C. G. Brobst Shuman ctt Riuenhouie -Lever & Naale Grim, Derr & Dye f'i'v Robert M'Oa? - unpaid., paid paidlp unpaidf ' ;npaidj( Unpaid 4 unoaid i Masters A; Mather '. . Samuel Hackcnberg' Blearer Broth welt 'av Nathan Snyder" . Brown Sc Oreacy ' ' George Shiitaan ' - . ' Levi Beisel - . Geoigo rtaufman, . , Kownoverct Leibriek Ballist& M'NfncIt " 1 v E. it J. Lafcarus Covanhovan'c Siewird William W. Cook ui ' v unpaid' unpaid paid,! in n said . ' "'i ". pain-, unoait ! tanpaid I' unpaid, UBPSitl . Unpaid Ml Midi FOURTEENTH1 CLASS. f t I Wells ; HfipaidR! Israel Hrtp Christian Hartman unpaid Stephen Bafdy '' G. H. Fowler & co." paid, George Kelchner Neal M'Cay Vaniah Reese ctf co. Eves Kester it co. Hugh M'Williamii rJ;. Marshall Shoemaker & col James & Heilitihgton; ' , unpaid unpaid unpaid unpaid Art naiifl iaiu unpaid unpaid j i unpaidl paid unpaid ,i Uhp'aidfi linnaiilr George Kanfmari Coleman & Miliar William & D. Foax William M. Auton' .' Moses. Meyer Joseph Sharpless DenglerJc Wertman Russel P. WMlivef ' Colt&fRishel , O'Daniel's fc co; Silas Allen George Stives Jonas Sperring ' 'unpaid unpaid unpaid paid paid unpaid 'itt 'j'-. :'?i-' (c . 'S. - "s t r;.s paiu. " anpaidi: unpaid Alosea' May L. B. RUPERT, Treatr K Bloomsburg, ,Nov. 5, 184228.' VATLUABtiE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. TO be, sold at- public sale, on the premises, "A the 10th day of December, 18J2, that valua hie and well Improved farm, situated near Jersey town, Madison tojjfcsrilb, Columbia cburity,edjdin ing lands of Jacob Zeisloft, John Hcllerj and .others the toperty of John Vasline, dee'd. Contalnirig about 150 ACRES. About one hundred acred cleared land, lanrsj quantity ot well w stcred, a good Orchard, and in a good, statt of cultivation the-buildings are iimm. , A Frame - WW . ." sMSsWDWELLING HOUSE A Frame BarriM and a , , Stoxe SpHais:hatCi ' The uncleared land well Umbered. .... . ALSO: .i Another tract', situated in til samt township, adjoining, containing upward of FORTY. ACRS, part of which is cleared, the balanet' beine ! lent . Timber Land, Adjoinin'ff lands'of Wro. Wellivsr, and Pewell Jt dole. ALSO A iertain tract oftiriitier tAtd nUnalk in the same township, containint 21 ACRES AkA friucty-itiuc perchd. Adlninlntf Unda rf Prlnr Hc'lffr. T)hlM Rn.J.: t ' " . vw and others. Sale to commence, at 10 o'clock. A; M. wH.d termsofsalewilI.be made known. I'erstms del rous of getting information relative to tithe of tka above named tracts, can obtain the same by calllntf on ltOBBRTCAMPDELLho reside 4 farm, . WM. VASTlNfcjj AMOS VASTlNEj. HUGH VAST1NE, . i .' xtutor. if r t.f t f.) I: 1 1 a' f , ii 1 .t j 'i I I V t I'.r fS, 'i a