Fli'WVjT 1 111 I Mill A 4 1 A' fll S ilHBji,Hur. '''HBBBBBM - BBB I'MBBIBBB BBBB BBB BBB'' " ' 'BBB HJ V - IBBBBBB' BBM 1, BBHaW' I.B 'uiiaW tt ,V?BttT,r - ... .... ft.-t iUMW W i 3tl4.t VjU' jtA.,' 14 ' 1 nit im't II MI1KV, V"- ... J BBB ..BBBBBB BBB A VYBBJ.-.S "liB BV BBI fl'lBBdi I B BB i BB BWtBB I. BBIr" BBB BBT, BB HI l BBI Bl BV,uB1JlBBBBI I BBB" "J BBBl . BBB BBB BBB1"BBB VB1 f . BBI BBT BBB M . I BB BBB BBB BBB BBB I BBB BBB BW H I l.BBBBB BBI BBW-WBB l BBBBBB1 ITBHh KtHBl I T --jf - - - , -, " ,1, (ilMI I .1 ycix .1 1 BlTOSlTB .St. PAtlL'S ClIUKCH, MaIN-ST fAc COjQtfAfQIA QEVQVn$T will be fylM'miWfflpet 4num payable half yearfy in advance, 6r Two Dollars fifty Cent 8, if not paid within tlieyebr. iVo tubscription will betaken for a shorter Mriodttiantnxmontfiat&or-anyAttMqn' tinuance permitted, until all arrearages, hrt discharged. mDVnTlSEA(Mr$tiot exceeding a One Dollar 'for ' the fir si thfee inhrlionit iftd Twenty'five.centsj'of every subse qitcnLnsertynj . pcr liberal discount madetothoie'whoadvcriise bu the-year, r.R'PTER S.addrtssed on business, must 'lit post paid'. ' , ' 4- svr - rroui ihe Li&ii Wpfld of Fusion -J - inifiinnTniT mm JIV, HARRIET, DOWELS. It -t 1 -CHARTER I 'What a 'teagmficant 'nuptial' LitUimaU-Mrs. Benton to her aaugliler.aB i tntctihe the'chanibef of the latterat Sara' lloMitheT, discortted a costly 'diamond neck- lite? vritll'atperfuraeJ note ' scdoihiiahyln'g ll, '.Mr. Walliagforrt is indeed all thai ii bneroiu and n(ble!,sw"'., " l.c'i'lie daughter's ;elfek 'beeatns' tinged rithf crfmibuillough'smilei r(fse''to' hef liHnlie contsrnptVidl her "loer's'eoitly lflfAt that moment 'hbrnheah hm' torn lytcontindtnjetnotiops'but alasT atie'knewr ihitihti'co'uldfihd no aympalhy? Irt'iher iiiUeii from herpannt. '13r'B?nron'wi a'widow witlr no'cl'iiUI iiilhif!beaulirul''daogh'th" 'Aspiring, vain iidm(rtiiry."ihe' reiolred' 'that Isabel iould We;a' bnlli.nT raarch.'nnd ' forthVs, y .... .-..."g... ..w. vujm: ito the iprings where heb' loreWness sudn Ipdered Mist Bestow ThTele of the tea tan. Her charms had conquered arrinng )iKerllie"millionatie of the year a' middle id retired merchant, and in obedienre to bet mother'a explicit commands; was on ihe ensuing day' To'become the bride of Mr. ffillingrord.'" iol'habei.'tlidugh feeljoe if lo be her July to oteyTior parent, could not . submit loihia doom without many and painful ilmgglei. A year before she had met and oved a.youne painter when ou a, viait lo a ptieotT in'tne country; and (hough they had i. in .Vis e 'V a antlis his memory was irt, and she fell, that a i i a ait 4ir (7 n . liiough she might Wed the wealthy Mr. ItVallingrprd, ape could never give him the her tier IV M (, .w 'ttl ' '! till union approached her feelings became more , .'iif Bw!r, ; uilj 0 ow. in 1 vi'M inu more.acctus, until now she could have i.. I j.f. ,1 yl rl jlL'.l.J J , , , r Hung tierselrai her mother s feet and beg. til to be released from her engagement, cniT that she knew her narenL would nmvB .Aai?J tnpnghl ilsabe)va. her mplher left ap'irlrnent, 'there is no escape, .for ,nie from this halefuyalIiance,Apd yet Mr.Wall iogfojrd it all that is noble,j(and. generous jet;vet LI;cannot.oye.,Pvh Heniy he "claimed, apostrophising the abspnt, lover, wouli (hat you were here. But what, dp I ;. lor, months ha ,hs no jtj-r'.tten o and alasl I cannot conceal from bit "li that I am forgotten. No it is sinful in "ithus tu.think qf one , who, has .descried Uu-that ever hecouU forget, (hose ,,ement, when, we wajked tpgejhej under the old avenue, while the moon sim Mrtd down Jthroufh) the feayes and iour lirt beat in unison .with the npsic of( all snure around us.Oh, Henry, dear Hen- pi s.nd she clasped her, hands, that P'( you should forget those hours, Nor have I forgotten them, dear Ibelt' hicltiutsdia voice beside her, that thrilled .nerve, with extaey, and looking; pbunil she perceived her lover twh . l.ad Nered the little parlor unpercetved, ' i Vwlll not describe the thousand. things libit toftm mill l' (tia nivalin .Ruffiwa ill uvti 1(1 bBV met' IVPII-. Itkrt sll nioi'i nrnlnilo li0W- fluyPBiP..xpana!lBnipfvHenr,y,,musi! OfiiJniU P9lofe ouirepde.arsilhough.in'a1nioi6 suefcinct and. leak .l)fotefi mahn er thn vhe !it. Hfs laleffilAVor, even iV'Yoitt ,by Viiisef was't. fiorV; jfo .iar .w'rHjXn acroroing .to prprnis? tp. isanel but repeiveu inonanswer'' lAgain and again he had !Wtit .ton bifV always w'illlt!i llWg'suVcessi riihtll ' at'dgtli Ill's pn'tfe fni6Ue'liPii to wnie' .hi. i,'..ii.v. r:'.:i a standing the apparent coldness ofje'abelsand jhavinjpiniJidentHllyiiheard' that she -was'iat the Spring's he li'dde'sblved to see' hVr',"arntf leairi the Vriirst. . ' " ' ' 1 1 tien;t)W,s your nuithenIyt intejeepy ediyour letters,' Mjaid Henry wJien Isabel ;had in; turn; riarraied her! s'toiy" i-f.'and 'this marriage ohi i fsabef,cai3 y ou 'sacrifice 'ybdr- , r AVliatineed tp.tel, the result. .Ipje, eye triumphs, and it 'Was arranged that, tha 'night Kabel'shoOld' clone' With ''HeVIovu ' iff . ' ',.'i; v - , , .. CHATEJB,1,1. ,. . ; It was between tho hours of two rnd .three o'clock on the' sani'e' hight; that Isabel could' hot think of slee'riin? stole ni'io' the Ijjtle, private parlor ihstvas, adjoinip lo ine cnamoijr oi,i)er;mouie( anu,OL tar Irqip, the aporirucni ;occu()'n;(l .by Mi, Walling" Iford. The position of this p'arlor'rendered1 iVone fron, whic.lr'a noiiturnal fleU, .was ,noi only .possible bin easy,.for ip Jhis par-. lor, thq..a5(aiwiiidp- P9lf..yJl.m:h.o uniild with ;case.MepMi:o. llielcardf n,-i and a'nd'atmirfiend Hfthat'g'arderlWas'ane't)?' ihe1 IraillHgWW drtfiK'tonV " " Isabel ws seated,, if tablf.aPf?" there was, a small l,Amp ajlJ'.i 'WyT w.atcji., The hands of that tinyii wairhH seenfed lo berio'be 'srmoil'fiked or f3 ri'dve'p'sTl nrlJ thing coufd Induce W.VtS hourpffppointme,nj.J At.fir.st.apel awLaiisij the hour of rendezvous niilionhsijialiorii and without tre'ml ling but whep'ti' wasvap1 proaching to, trie hour for the sijryJ given with her loyer her duty to .hef parpnta rej curted to her and she hesitated Affer.iinn for her molher for Mrs; Benton was'still Ker m'other-struggled long witlrh'er'proni'iie to her over. At length she said. No, I cannot Ty. My mother . My molher, though harsh .you. may be I cannot cost you a, tear.) I will write: a note for Henry .telling. bim I cannot keep my' prom ise wilh himtand to-.morrow I will throw mysblf;atmy'uj6thers 'feet arid confess all. She wilLsife musi releiiH" ' Accordingly she took up a pen and haste ly, wiote a ffcw lihcsito her lover at every word blotted'the paper with tears'.At'length e'xfiats'ted M hei'em'olions' she:' leand back ()n the spfat9irtidutlgelna. fit of weping. J.ong Bhe,,wept, but finally nature allained iheunasteryland ike a rhild, wurn'but by grief she sank insensible to 'sle'cp. ' rjie da.wn was jusj beginning, to break ,w,hen .Mr. yajlinlord, ,5)10 cliantcd to, be an early; risef,, paaiing.down 1 the; corridor perceived the dduif oYJMrt, Behlon's parlbr ajar, wi'tli Isabel ap"jJitehtly tfnconi'cloue on the sofa, ' Alarmed Ht.the ?Jil. , he, entered but'findini 'hat Alts,Berilon1iW.as;,ony,a,s leepiheiwould iavc withdrawm .when his eyes wis'attiched hy ins name 'in he finish' ed noe (on'.(he tabje, and ed by ap j'ung'o'v'. erpblf!, curiosity he read,(,as foljnwp;- It istitie ,Wjll of, my unhitppy idestiny, combind with the desire of my mothei." I m'psr ti'e'i'er'see ' agatn n'e'yr "more lls'len o you'i i'neyer but, w'fijr utter. 'tje,k word; :ia-motro,w,Jl1bei;flme,ihe,nifFJpf fjl-Mf ingford fly then front my 'sight iti js a sac Vific'e lhai'I appeal id Vbnir libnor.to ' make Whofcaa ithis gentleman bdtW.ho isthia myst'erous ' lover of whom I have' never heardfAlas! I fondly dreamed Isabel ,tha you loye m?, bu I'seR ,nQW, that I .have been deceived uandtli,a yopr molher is perhaps forcing you into a upion you ab . His woida ware cut short by" ai foolfajf. Ifwa's Henry leapihg ho trfe window nd Wali'nc('oru''l'obkini'' ' around!' ;The" rivals gazv at each other, an inslaut.nor. tiljwa BMMWSPP theJ.r.feeiingswJien tfiey found,jhat;ihy-.wpre,ralhetiana.,8bn'rhsir exclainoiions'6f;asronlshrrient(aWdke Isabel' MHKfottoillf W the sitrljfe- inVef'fiirjihTt appeared on ilia; cfepe' 'fhe msens'ifle girl, was borne, from, t,hev rqdm and. tjten iheyoung jinaij gijg thmBelf at his; father sjeot ex(q(aimed. . . , 'My father my. father, , I,, am iun.pce.ntj i . , l'"VR.?r . . .!' . ; nrtot 'Kise sir,' said Mr. Walhngford, ! .am ",9 JfS Wi?ii!lSr Ja."H Jrpuj . ;acquser, nd'pur ju(Jge.j Why ye,y,ou, .come to; SaraiogalVt.-j ,i irsf '(si- It was absolutely mjcessary'ToPme (b (lb Olie Willi- I virt 1 mr'lii mil' 'very well; but then you choose M pay your visitsno. tliis've'ry dear person' at mo merits fliil are 've'A-' eriuihri'-Lt ''i,r!: .-..i . iHutiiniv, iui iiivmuuc. . 4"!l"!ri1?ince;ypuf unpw a,,wjiyqo,y)U thus question mef ! Why thus interrogdle. ,'Becanse':it's rriy'.'tfe'sire to"' khow:"th( most' minute dailiofyoijc love Jor Aliss. ,isapeM(5pon. , , :, , .,.,, . . r i . .1 . ' v .,- . Audi wh'ereforel' ' ' v,, . 'Because shiiuglif to be mV 'wYfei land not 'yours:'' ' ' ' ' " ' ,i,hijn siryou must know That is about' sixunoiHUwjago, in,u airojl, liirough ilie Sust quUhanna'coumry,' Wliilherl went as au arr list an'd?uhlte'r''ylrfriUifled IirmVl'me'tttiis tyuung lady. , Wljy tell' the 'rfcauhr W e' loved., .1 did not reveal ruv, real'iiaiuelor f ur.inhtll Irk llA li.Vn.l f.if .n .....ill ,.wfi ..n, Mn ilieisnii.'ot tlie'rich'Jklr. 1 Wallingford.' She primfsifd i01bi-,'ttliue"'eVit,j4artiiiV,!d! -we' wredi,Jrifei'ioa"ch'tfier'.' . 'U.ildiW let- proyet ialsp twjnft,jl feRuivetJI, u, fpjgqifier, unlit last "Week.l'.whellihearinif.Jarctdrnliillv. lin-a-'friend Here1rf 'olie-Ws ttf"ba rm'-tri : .. . V neu inouKii ne uiu nut nv in' khnm: myiagonytdro-ve meijihf rrttotlse3bel,' reproach ther for liiir'perfidyi.aiidibid.her.aq eie'rual' 'farewel. Otr-l'myi ifa'ther ihadI known ail, T w'o'il&'ltaye suiffere'd ViSy thfiig ratljer jhan co.ne hnher.? , , . '.Henry V si; the father w,jpjig jiw.aj, a tar, you'hare conquered; The love :of one like me cannot be, such as that'a young'man feels. ' The.sacrifjc'e will be' less io inc than to you, Jlke her, and 091688011,' The son fell oir Jiis father's shoulder'and weeping; would have'feiue'ed the boon, but Mrl'allirigfurd was inexorable' nor would " ' ' he suffer tha ceremony to be delayed more than a day the ample ,8eiilepaent he .made on fiisi son fuiiy'reconciling Mrs. iienlon.io tha match.r ; an " ExawSiTE" at coveb- 'Hark in, hark in,' shouted the huntsman as the eager p'ac'frushed'ihto a pforaisin'g, thick-set cover. . j ',,.' 'Gracious ,iae what exceeding hensum enimals'io" be sure' exclaimed a perfect young lady captivator.lookir.g at the hounds jhogha'SUspqdeifeye glass 'f 'jia'd no idea ihr.thing' was half so piciure'sque.',, , Now sir, foxes have ears. recullectl remarked the huntsman in a" reproving ? ., - ' .' ,'. '. j j'Js, it possiblet I never saw specimen, hot still' 'I wjsjiyoji' yjbuld.be stiljlsir. Upw tie de,ppevcan a.vafjnjnt .break, with, your cfap per" ringing like; any old twoipanlsj' ,. .. ' Tha'Ihighly Indignant huntsman was (e garcled,,wiih a riroforjn'd stare of astoniib myni i;on flje plasp ".of t btiV hero, Mr. phar.les.Oliyer. n had not ha'sjlglpesi Tobcepiiunt that-breathing ihm :lowesl, whisi per wa's contrary' to' tlie strict rules of huntJ jpr wfien 'tl'ie'holiiids were in cdVir; that a eneexe was 'unpardqnabje SjOd, tha a cobgh at onoe, merited choking., , M. Oli. ver' wondered what' on earth lid Mud idona "to excite'Uhe anger oflhe hnnfsrn'arl.', 'Ora pious me- what did I, say Yo ,e xl'lie' trial hor rid .Yandalf menially; astjejl jir., dlier,,8 He Was screwing up hisIipsilo 4,ihi,9tie ,aq opera )pe'ra,tu'ntl,'lieh,''a"'rriusical 1cryfromaf i'6uhd'riiyrrigMthr6bghhepc,ahHouricVdjl'g 'Jllift Td' Rl'tleflfakMdtlKptiod' $9 mi J-Ja to,, .Yblerr lal'peA SihejljiiriijBjiieijI.B.n.eij after Jfic ptliej, Joined, hlier skelter, In t-thcm-uaic'Diofiihe,: .fcllSse. -ThgiaipkllenV spi5M3flyh with .olJ, ng tig.hleiie j.reigtisupon, tTiefr Jaulenr ' IIHi'erl. (All w.oipJwaiqhiilgtfor,vtlpjr,glpri,i, t)awes4tl!lP gU'lJiif'Jicljainped tleir. bitf: wiiiiianijcipaiionSeOijueiighti fl ' 'The . liersdtftficatioiV or' tafornllatterei'i and perfurner's Bdvertisernents; Mr; Charles' ill? '"'! 'iS- 'tii r'ir-'u,- . J ji .. " !V "f.V "rt " ,"-n" v'U0Jt ocouriieiu Within a few yards, cantered his graceful galloway t'dwardsihim.v - . 4 1 'Ah I1 mfy ddar Oblo'ne,,.' linwtle tleel inqUired r. tiirviirl checking rli)s, Vriibling - i.' j iis-4 1 .si;-. .'.1 j , ri fin i, Byhat;meung.shfl!i...le,; abla-to . disiirw gufsh iu'U 1 ni w j 1 ?i ; -. , , , 4By"hiB brush.'b'riefly4 fresp'6,n'dd itiie'! t 'Brush I pray, What is a, brush,? t -'A i7 my dear, fello.wi-ra tail, ,resem.' Ming "your well trimmed whiskers rouud ,a broom h'aUdfc.' '" "' " i .tV '' - -.v.r.;. .J1! , .1 .'! . t now verv ouu.' '.You cainiot.mistake him, butsureiy ypu haveipo intenttpn of,ollo,wiug the; hunt. in that gerr-fsaidfthtJ Colonel iaUghing; , I 'GraciousinioV :TlTfe'trithJi I'Was'&bli.' liingiofjlsj 'kd; jh Appears Ooih like and so I delsrminejhikmgrning to examine 1 ve no iiiteiiiion.of beincihrnwii oft'. Hr wh!l,5'l5l9?.R!,91,ilLii,?fl,W'4v,csnien .aW,-? ,.-.Hedia,di;pfl9cSed4MVe.w,5yajrds, rtiBn.heTeiurneU!iandt:aaid r Hfifl' Oshould j ?,Wl'erilraeUl''wlial'A8halll tifyCbUV nel I . -. - 1,1 .i r!lltf tun lit JAVditf tha !',6aiurrijo'mtSijeutir .ti fYi ,Hallo;f'Tally'iho,V'asioa'a;a8touffcrrra! ftfflWWlre CoWnerjlurn ng' fiis' hrs'e's' head 5f?y ' -Mr. ujper,. leaving bim alonejlo , pon,der:pp.pn tjisJiArucjed duties., 3 u j ne urcssiup eir.-inver. nja the lappeafi inee'Of 'any' thing; but a fox hunters';' a superfiho bilck'cbat e'Kd PUella' jfMpi iui uciug generany upnneq (or ins .casual!- t!es.;of the, ,cbaea ftHs. jstee'da, Jighi limbe.di'showy. and hlghispiriledvbuleuil' ed only lo parry a lady or, Mr. CVarles Oliver, who was .not accustomed to lly. hedges.: , 1 . -,5i , k V I -k ' ' 'Me hounrjs 'coHii'rluetl ' to drive the fox: from ope coiner uMbacWto.the' olfier: wilhoulaffeetipg the -desired exit, eyparij. nau no unsire 10 qairnu quaners,,;ajinougn hfs 1 enemies were irt'such onenviable.'prox- fmiiyl Every now and then, h.e would come to the e)ge sf tfie wood and siirve'y; t .ir.i.Li . 1. , t ..'" oui uisiiaing,.(ne , appearance 01 tue sur; rounding 'pink cbats ia'ha pd'pped again, much. 10,'ih'e aiiuoyancej'if m'iiny 'who.flaV tersd, themsfifyes (pat' now 'Breyk' he'.m'jst," uu lite v.iHiu feapyjiy, oscjiub, uibu; ,juio .fi grumble of'suppiesseddisappoin(msnt,. , Every tiou'nd nbwfpressed close) to tha lox anil it was certain that out- he mast cprae or submiUo 'ha degrading fate bf being Jenoppeu ;' Kiieci .upon, aius, own health, without a meritorious, islrUgglomfori Ufa. , :-; run - ''raHey-hpij, 00,,09, -'rWBr.hoOj'op, bot j W.he astonishment ofi all, camp,,,, evidently fbr'a b"oad 'Tally-h'oo'ifroiri'a'taoilfce.with tlie view1 to hiljoo. -1 .'Fp.rlirdj-fpr'ard, pjladjishoufed' the lliintsman,lgailppppg;tp wards, fhe PPtwithi, a few of the liounua, from whence tlie. sound, came.' " :,t ' ' .pme .away, pqma , aVa .6awled'rthq whipper-in, cracking.his;, iwilipiftr A.erp rriaWef to leaVn the cover - ana joip. the huntsman. . ' ' " '' ' j1 ' 1 . J . . .!.. ...v...,. .. .. The horn winded a cheerlH? 'harkVor' WfltdiJthorse-a.rearidfBdarice de- bus 'bread with 'Tallyiho l'-iready.lo burst jrtAn' every Tonglilg tong,irei "rhehWraee Wtlli prickedVars "an3' uMha':hve M. me ! no. i abominate danger in all shapes' i:Tii i . "N6w!'AJr1 'ISci aVa'cms7 iai4 ir-.m oa . ts tt s-wei? aval 'Ht-fAi ItO ota, 'HJa'A 1 'Jill t f ,tVjt go fo; y denba radatji) W'Wft oth'er.ira at intotj j-sWj i! j fe'pjts.iiy!jj(t ! 'Ntit'h'Brtn'e1 idM,Wron5Ugleittd'jf , ic'A sp.pLhandreA-ihatlie; makesjfo,!' Jnglba fdrthofi'e'red .totet? sWrii. i I The huntsmen arrived a the placS'Wlier TifVy -lioo prpceedr'olnh'lF ji?rVAl1 M r.vOl,verf PXrieu.nglyiCht.navj jiqo. Anrobser.yatloR.jiboutdar'pq jop)j& hrt v'tn (Kfl nllf Irnm rt.liAnji irimA7 Wing in iiis.stirruBa( hetpktofft,hia iap, iihd;Cieercdl.lheU hodrids.ntOjpickiv.upsjtM scenti r ' - 'if ' - q.'S tttm aVgfng'trie' talii, trier 4rs'ritifad het earth with' dKtended nostti s,, but, ,no ttF sf!9n?. w,?8 giv.em . ,rhey ranslqgand ffOfti each,endoavoring to snatch' -.the Jrackandft leHditbo willing pack, bu'rallftofiio'pur'pdae VHero did'hbreaKfsir1rrnqu'ire,d nif?n, pjixzledby .the.und) ein8ag 'Gracious :mcJc!osenwheret 'ybdUilaafijt thanimel jumped '6uP,?ie'aMr';oivfe;f;, With a consequential air. . 'stf :t!-'- I1? iu f ipuld.be, found. ,wu c r.t 5 mr 'Itiis, very astonishing,! 'solifofuiridMrtt Oliver.1 ' j,'; 1 , 1 fK "i -T.'ji'il lifiedt f'Jf'iaiY .Tr. r t '.K.7if ?rri't sfiisi 'lajpeuiaajdhejqunisraanparposely mitt comprehending-ihe serVatiori. j 'I Pint to tha exact snot Oliver ' said Cnf U-il acour Val rr,Yt- tyki rois,it noitoiltt; tps riiiflioiq I inrafMaua I U il - ' njy iucjo law creature iff JtnJiw;Jii'Aibyrh.ai,trs aHa Who shall deft'iterd?,lhe'aVto the .Uirect,ig9,pJ pnted fiipger-at a.uiKel-withiaibuiibyjWilUurledovetf headi pe'ep'ipgfai" the- 'werla vbeloV.'wii!? indubitable pleasure being above daneer!tiw from.every quarte;Vi JMr., Charea..Ofjyeri bm lBUR?cb tolAM had eom'mitteU some mistake; hat -eonceivlhg'.'it- poli'tio 'tc? appear oolnd c'dllecWunder anv acoi . Idehts-or awkKardriess. Jie. wiih admi'rhL !aWt?.corjtined4'o.look,a.tthe enimol land occasionally obaerse-thathe- 'recognized him byhts 'tail.-'1' aca .-fy a:tt f ,V 1 Go jiome and'lUyeOUr. poociles.? sal.! ? his wrath.! up Id riijiism n,;-.-.-j r a '''Id';bglad'o;know;'whVlher', vourtaa4 knowsyd'rp jjqj,; quired the-whipper-iri 'Willi IoIImK nfi.Ak n n A !J. 1 saTiun in. the nervoustsy'stemiof MrjOharlee .Oliver1.' ' v ..JWi genii.emen1 .you must sd,niit' strong resemblance e.xisu'.beiw.een' tliat jitv tie crealure'a bushy tail'and myN whiskers, boTIi aajandVolor,' s'aid(Mr: 'Charles, Wi'jlK'-'Humilbant srrjlte, yo'intinV to )Ib exaltedisauirrej. tJ , ,t 4 ' j -Flohim Hoff "d'tiek-himih a hqrso ponli'-rgfo Jiotnel t gat your nurse to -cdhje wild, ypu riexj tirae.'t Such were the Vari ous, Utile pleasant suggestions from loei- jriged.spor'ismen,.at being subjected to "tJie yucvuuo unii(ipuiiiimi'ni occasioned by MrU ry '" . ' ... J 1 'iiijiunuiiiTO 10, spsBK'WH , in-.a. fgolV ebmhWvl aiMnwnnlrtha u-:H''. .J .wfiisperfri'he' disjileased " with beih thpisainajeaipri; bacauie he i.,igri'erah times (points out' the'rOa'dj' " uadoubtsdly, caitie frb&r'lhBl'ilHV,or thed':huntsm'an'J!a , :kNbldx?hMreher WlV-WeSfM. ' JMy'good fellow, !I ronst Yeqtfrttyou'fri'iit itfifnkcherafty,! ! "jffi V " V ;o, '!ta ttilti tsV. rMr.t Chartea ' OlNer'pIaeecT'hrFglass qul- ilrio'K'i. 'ri1r'fit!ev5:d" ISJiriiVS I-. . V mM.M 11 TWT ...WW..H. . . ' . V