The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 12, 1842, Image 4
A SHERIFF'S SALES. .lkpV virtue of a writ of rendition! exponas, lo MJPmo directed wilj be exposid to public sale, on Monday, the'2tt day ofrNovcmber, 1842, at tlio Court House in Danville, the following property ,to wit: H rtafS, tract hf fond 'situate in 'Cl tawIsslbynehlp70ol. co. conlairiitig TiTTV ACRES: MORE OR. LESS, adjo'lng lands of WidoyV Clca-' ver 'and John U caver; andelbcrs, whereon is erec ted a ( n( p IJOG HOUSE AND BANKJBARN.t- , Beixcd, taken in execution, and lo bo sold as the property. o'CDariiei'Mourer!, ' r,"'l A'certatA lot of land in the town of T '. T .. !,.... ,( c rt i i 'inn - , waiKT,fiu,oiuuip uii!(iiiuifriiuroi.wuurpu anixniru street, and adjoining lots of George Swcney, on tho north and west, being fifty feet, on Churche strcete and, 'one:hundred and fifty feetlon Third.strect nd numbered in the plan of said town, No. one hurl drcdand fortr-six, whqrconlis.crcctcd, a, Tvilha email SIJOJP attached lo llio Bime, and" a s'mallTRA'ME STABLE. .Scizedftalien-incjrccutionj'and to be sold as tho property' 6f' Jonas jarring."1 ' " " A certein tract of land.sluattt in Mad' ison township, Columbia county, containing- -j - - tiv ' more or less adjoining lands of Robert Laihard,'E.' CrossIcy,tand olliersi whereon is creeled . TWOILOG 'HOUSES, v TWO X.O& BAItNS, and about 60 AC iMiiS cleared land. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of.Thona3 i'tackhouse. m By virtue of sundry" 'wftts'of- venditioni expo nas, to mo greeted, wjll be exposed to public sale, at the "same lime" and place, the 'folloniug property to wiu t. , Two certainhls.of ground, situate 'in the town of Catlavvissa, Columbia county',' and' numbered Njj. 25 anjT26( injbe plan of said town, andfronting"6n sccondWeel;, "adjoining lois"of Ja, cob Dealer and Stephen Daldy, whereon is erected TWO STORY HOUSE, pcbblo dashed out side, with a PAME K1TCH ENtand STORE ItOOM, attaclicd lo the same and oneFaiMi Wood Honsf.and F A'ME STABLE- Also FIFTEEN' ACRES, out lot, in tho same townshipadjoining lands of Geo. Zerr, and Thoaia's Harlman. ' Also, one other ter taitflot; situate iivthe'n'ew part of tho town of Cat' tawtssa, bounded on the west by an alley, on tho south by Walnut, street, , ? . Seized, Ukeinn'exeiu'ion, and'to'be sold as the prOpertyoPAlexa mien ,W. Ley bu'in. il BY virtue of a writ of plu vendiu'oni exponas to me directed, will be? exposed to public salo at the. same, time and place the following property to'wii:'M'i - V '' 1 ' A certain lot of land situate in the township of ,'DrrarcfeTc;jand county of Columbia containing VJltf& J? 10 AORE8, more or less, adjoining lands of John Lotkardand Jcremiah.'fairisand-.boundedon the, soplh west by.lhe Susquehanna, and Tioga turnpike, whereon are, erected 4 t TWO f,OP ROUSES and FRAME BARJS. Seized taken in; execution) and lo be sold as'the property of Joha'Bhaffcr, ' (' BY virtuei;of;awrftiof1Leya; Facias, to mo di cctedtwill bo exposed to public sale, at the same time and place the following property, viz.: All that certaiu Tiro Story Frame BWECXiING HOUSE. Situate in tlie'riorlhe'rh part of the' t6wiTbf Dan ville, iu.s3id county, on the West side of J'ine Street, being'biiLtecri feet iri frorit on said l'ine 8treet by twentysiiht feel back. And Ihe lot or piece of ground, and curtilege appertenant thereto, which lot is marked ond numbered in Montgomery's addition to said town.' No and bounded on "East u i mo oueei, oa.iuo norm oy lot oi J. u. iiann on the West by an : ollcjCoh-tho South by other lot of saTd II. Priuimer,aaid lot being forty .nine feet' in front, on said Pine Etrpet bv one hnmlreil nnrt r.irfu. two feet back. Seized, taken in 'execution, and to be sold as the property oi xienry rnmmef. ; ALSO Jfeginning at a post, a corner of ;twenty degrees", one Jiuudred and sixteen ) perches to a posttbence by lands of Michael Wert- .mvij South seventy degrees, West sixty-live per ches to a jiost, thence by the same, ' twenty degrees, Eat thirty perches, thence ;Soutn, sevr uty uijiK,, i,rw inviKj'iO'ja'rcnts to a post, iitence fSouth twenty degrees, Uarjpujrty.nipf perchei to a lot.t, tneiR'e uv pow or uto vacant, land; iNoitn iightyone degrees, East eighty-nine, perehfs'to tho plate of beginning containing Filiy-oue Acre's and 1 i .it c . . - . Hoaua, Cc. Seized, taken m execution, and to be sold as. the property of Charles Albright. JOHN .FRuir, SheruT: UcRirr'aOrncE, Danville, 7 ; October 21, 112,-ita.," J HALF'S PATENT BEE HiyES. wnia n:..i r..i. .... i in use. Bi)d to supercede the ne iasity of killing lees to take from them their ho py. It is simple, and can be made with little ex- ' The subscriber lias the tight to nil to indlaldu v, I'M.llvgv Ul lliablllg lilVlll lur MlCiF UVTIi uhv. i reauests all who are interested in lirrx. In rail ; his house, and see the hivei for themselves, as tm mtt now worxing jn mem, A OBORGE LILLY. TO THE NEW VOLUME QP THE UNITED STATES MAGAZINE AND j! . ' ' w r, , i . fdip ... , VOLUME XI, COMMENCING JtnSYi,!l8i2i ' Jons L. O'So'lttVAii, Editorl 'J " ! By an increase in tho number of pages, and anf Quantity of maticr heretofore furninlied to the rco' era of the Democratic Review, will bqlricreased'iii its' futuro numbers about "' .! ;SEVENTY-F1VE PER CENT. jThe Ediiorexpeclsaluablea1df6hli6w"h'clTotls durjng lho,coulse of the coming ypar,- from o. nuro Jjer.ol.tboniost ablo pens of tho,'"grcaU Domocralii Party -jlosclher with that of oh'ers.,!n'l(s','r)urc'lv lUcfaryd'eparlmcnt, to which thoslitrie'rl'olilicanicsl 'Ignatiori is not to be applied. Amongtulicm rnaj ue parncuiary namcu ; . , j BaAcrofl, Parke Godwin J: Li Step hen's Ji blUoopcr, Hawthorne, ' Tilileiu r As Kendall, Davezac, H a'vt sVj, H'liilliei; Paulding, "Jfrrtico, . Sedwirfc, A II Jiocrelt, :JJr)anl,T A Gilpin Jiroivnsoii, Ca3' Bitllff, Cumbrtleng, G.rJl Ingersall1. TlitTMonthly Financial and ' Commercial ' a'rtf c!es, which hive fnqucnily been pjoiinunVcd by.the jnoftt-iiitelligent criticisms duringjlho- jifcVt . year. fi lljeaiiejvos alono worth the bub-criptioti. lolli.e work Will bo continued from the same ablii-hnnu." , .. An drrangement has betn mitde,bv ..which t5e flotton, Quarleii Hcview, rditeJ'liy 'Mr.' jffKovJ pos1, will tie merged in the Democratic "RciieW.thb otter' being a frequent and icgulir1 contributor to U pbge.C It is proper to slate. jhatMr. jltioiv'n 60ii 's articles will be marked by, hjs naincf ,tiiough to most.ieadera thev would douinlcsD reveil them. selves iiy'their internal. evjdfpfo; (ind Unit," if Ids .beeii'agreed, under thei'cfrclufs(Sic'5" that' tlifcse cnnlrinulions shall be independent bl the Usual ' lia bility to editorial ravlsionfabd. '.ctfofrolr-theaulhor .alono luv(iig a similar responsibility for jvhatevcr peculiarity of views they may contain,' as tribd?h njpeaniig in me original worK ' which nas ueen herr'tbroio ediled with such distiiigufaheU ubilitv byhlmtelf. '-,'' . Among other attractive paper in preparation for the forthcoming volume, will be found some person al sketches, rciniimccnccs, and lneidi.lrs of the prfvale life of General Jackson, fronlltie pen of an intimate friend and member of his Cabinet.- ' The.Pr'rtraiH of which it i3intcilJeu'foillustral"o the intimbcrs of the 'ensuing. year,. and which" will bee'iequled in a line stylc.qfenjjmyjAg, byJ. Dick of this city, arc those of nr Col. R. M. Johnson, of Kentucky. j lion. Silas WnioHT.of'Tse'w-Ybrk, " '"' Sxnv.3 i?LCitixix, of'Pcnnsylvunia, . " John 0. HiLiiotN, ol'Sbulh Carolina , """ T. II, liKNTo.v, of Missouri, ' ' " R. J, Wjt'LKsn, of Mississippi, i- ' TutoDoiiK Sedgwick, pfMflssachuselts ,j. , C. C. G'AMunKLENo, of;Ncw-York, w 1(,K,," Gov. Dor n, of Rhode Island, . ,'l r; " " Pon riih, of Pennsylvania. IJVjth two or three of tho most cmine'ntvmemf)br3 of ihegrcat Liberial Party of Europe, 'from the(drr. fcfcnt countries; or else of others of "home produc tion,''. according to the facility of procuring portrait from' abroad. , -i iZ i ' tl . TERMS QFi JfUBLIOATJON. The subscribers having assumed.tho. publicalian of tho above Magazine, pledge themselves that it shall be promptly issued on the first of each month in the cities of New-York, Philadelphia,! Boston, Baltimore and Vishington. "It will 'rifso ,1)0 icnt bythe ' most1 rapid conveyances to the 'lilferc'ni towns'in.tlieiinteriqr'where subscribeis may reside. Tho facilities aflbfjed by llie eitei)sivo, ublisliJrjg business of the ndcrsigned enable theni ti make ibis promise, wbich.shaH bo punctually .fulfilled. To piomole the proper aijeclions in view, and, relyina upon the united support oflhb Dcmm ratio1 .party, as well as others, tho price of sub-sciplion i K!n.i ... . in... -.I- r E".4..i niir. ' ted States Magazine.nfiU'be placed on a par, at lea" with tho, leading monhhes -of England. Each number will contain one hundred and Iwclvii 'ijigex, closely printed in double columns, ,froni boiifgcois type, cast expressly for ihe. purpose, aud uponfyie white. paper; thus giving to ihe, wori an .incrcaisO in the ambuut of mailer of over seventy-fivo j)ert cent. The Portraits for the coming ycai, one of which will lo given to each numbcrwill bo execu ted on steel in an effective and fininhcd s'tvle; by J. L. Dick, which .will be accompanied with an oiigi- nal biography; a feature jntlio pan, which it would be impossible to givoin.a.woik of this kind.witlibut all cases in advance,- whiiotn meclianicjl.arrjngej iiient.ond in size, quantity of matter, &c, the Uni the most liberal and extensive mppoit as they ' ' 0,,.maMe,'s tnrouahout Hie United fcutcs are au could nptbe(furni3hed without an outlay of at least t',orizc'1 "veivo sulw.-riptionsfor the work. Any S2.C0O. per annum." Any'persons takijig our.cppics, or becoming re sponsible for fourubscribcrs, ' , ,. , mil be entitled tod fth Copy Gratis, Committees or Societies onremitting to the Pubjinh ers current" Ne'w-Ydrk funds, can receive thirteen copies 6f the work., ' , Persons he country who may -wish lo receive the work by m til, caq have, it punctually foiwerdcd, Ktrougly enveloiC(l,,hy icqiitling the a mount of subscription lother puliilshcr. RemUtaifcc mav be mate by enclosing the mo ney and mailing tho same in tho presence of I'ost niHtcr. Bank notes that pass curren in huiiicsi generally in the Slate of New-York will be received. ,'.... m,' 1 PLAN OF PUBLICATION. The'Democratic Review Wi( bd punctually do livcreo fiee of expense to eubfcribci's in the princi pal cities of,the.Uuion, oiithe first of tlirmoiith'.iind . forwardci to mail pubsculicrs olid agents on the 35lh of themen'th preceding publication. i! All commu'.icationa fur the Editor td he address ed (postpaid) to ; '1 J'. 11. G', liA'N.GLGY, Publishers, , ' 67 Ohdtham-stretl, Keu York. To thp Friends of the Democratic Party. The United States Magazine and Democratic Review will require the energetic and eoidiat co opeiation of every Individual who withca to the pure and sound doctrines of American lledublican ism advocated in such a manner na to exhibit- the best possible examples' of American principles and. Ame-iean Literature. The risk and expense attend lng the publication is so great,' that-without a pro-: port co-extensive with tlio Union it cannot bo us. ina paii)ievifOrko a ttberol pcaltproposedibr,tli cpmin'yjjar.wili excrcd .that of any other Periodical; in tho cbqnlry;, it therefbre'' prcscils' 'Imperative cloims upoh the support a'nd patronage of thepArty whose political tenets it i designed to, aiKocatcg and to thbso who aro friendly to tho advance of our Periodical Literature, itwill bo considered no less meritorious. "m There iano sccti'ori 6f' the "country whero ihero could not be found ono.or more who would desiro to be supporlcm of such a works and. to brnm It to the knowledge of such, your friendly assistance Js' rcsprciiveiysoiicileu. ' Tho following means have been .odoptcd to pro mole the great object of-this great Undertaking: It has been put at Ihe lowest possiblo rale. Five Dollais a.year for,BUch a wpfk, comprisiiig-nparly 1500, pages of45lnse)y printed fijatlor, in dnubjc column 5, and including Iwcrvfl.fincfy. engraved t'or trplts'br-'lheMehirlg, hienibcrs of tho, Deniocralic party, it must be evident, is rribdt clieapc'r than tho jsameamounofsuch mailer,, .wns. evqr befores furnished at in tho United Xat'es; w.e're'pot ',hc.sys tc'mdffttfiiaH'fe o;inrts.insistedoii',, .and,. not expected thit every Republican In the couhtry, able to afford -itWill dccmit a duty 'trf tako ihe" work, and thus crea.o.a .vcry.largo subscription Jist, it could not be published foi less than dou'blo the sum. ' "' t Tho very fir?t pom in (ho country arc cngpged ir assistjnee and furtherance of tho project, ay will l-o seed by our Prajpcctm,' - . rlCf TITC Ih. literary mnter thall bo ie be4flf.-its kjnd-J nni .canuu prqauccJ.anil it ii,Ilia..uctcrmiiiijon off j niiD iunrium m inaKe mis worK unsurpasseu uy any oilier pctiodicil dxtant. ' 'F ;flft-!' -Illypogiaph'al et.ccutipn BhiI be,;;nfal rc specls.'ihp bcauliijt tin- prefent state pfthe art wil enable the publislierH to iimduce.' ' . . , " , The Democralic Revfcvv is'got up" on ttlily nQtior., al pri mi pics, ind ilh a dijicaard 'of expenso never hrrHplbr njlonmjcd ii .pCiodiclf,JitCptlir,e;,itliiji- -n l,llM,1 1HCU ."1"" inn-linn ri-iuuicc oi opi intf a vefy largiVli-.t'of;iViib'.crilicf;anuvn lhis shall he accomplished. tlieefilcr'prLe wlU'er rrrlHlll,1n tn ihi, , nrnntint.ira. u Lery rent or the profit at the .'exnnc.tVd cjreuta'-, tjon. will be required to sustain Ihc'wiirW'nt'itK pre'fiJ cntimproveilstandaril. and'cnabls it 'trt'fuHill Mhe dcijtiny wlhichianmc,d fqt it that of bciniaUqly naiiojial fjcrndicjil (fieofgainnd n worthy' rcpre tentalivr of thn liieradlre of'Ahitfrican Dimneinev'1 ' The pnhliMiert fearlessly throw' f(he"mlcs.,'l5ii".' thnjflcriocraj-y of, Ihp Unipii. fpr sujipqrt.- Upon lhom$ill depend tn, a greatcjticnt ilioBiiecessof so, great1 an' lindcrtakinir. The Publishers nhd Btlifoi- can, and indeed wish, to do more than bring Hid' plan ujvtjie. vo(I: famy. before, .be. public. Tina they h'avd done tho numlersii1reXiy piibltTheiParb ndniilted bn al) Iside jb be worthVW thd cause INDUCEM ENTS TO-KE W. SUfl&CRIBER& k Poikoiw rcmliliiimg to the publishers a Ten Dol lar Nolo in currelit N. Y. filnds, 'will receive a copy of tho Dcinoccatio Review for tho ensuing two years. And; a Set of'lh'e 11 Cxkjbr 1 841T42, Gratis., forming tho lwp.fist.voJu.nieg ofllieNev Sejics, nhich comprise contiibulions from' many of tlio Icading writers oflhb hounfry.fogetlier'wlth a scijj-s or beniitifully-fngrat'cil Z'oittails" of "the- following prominent members of the--Demoernlic party and other, accompanied with biographical notices,viz: Gen. Andrew -Jackson, Mar tin Van Buren, Henry Hubbard - Marrus "Afartdri; fl'aithinston ' Georg'c'M Ballot. Charles Dickens. ' v Alex. JI. Everett. fflliam C. Bryant, Franiis Thomas, Garret J). flail, New Subscribers will be entitled to. iprcive set of the above Portraits grato,'in'addilionlo ihose or tho coniiug year. - , Any person rorwarding Twpnt':j;Pollars in cur rent N. Y. funds. fat-Pour yearly subscriptions.will be entitled to rcc6ive ' - , ! A Fifth Copy of 'the Worhfvr the gifr.eiit'. year anda.Setfor 1841-43 Gratit. Any persons remitting tho-publkhers Fifteen" Dollars in current N-jVv jjSndRjWiiriio ri'Vtled In re ceive a iet pjf the ttemqcral'ic'Jl rviw for'the current year, a copy ofW'Mbclixon 'Pa'peVS,- three large volume octavo. puhlMied afTen Dollars, und also De Tocqiievile',work, "Icmo'cni"c;viin America," Ujp volumes ocavo, published at Fo,ur Dollars. Any person forwarding Thirty Dollats In current, funds, will be entitled, lo rcccivo, Tnq S'c's' or the above works, arf'd in addition? a'eopof 'ThrJ)cmocrai!c Review for1 1 84 1--42 Gratis. , The Publishers carni";lv hone that the nlmtn liberaljndticements on their paitwili haxolliecflcct . .ri..L.'... it- - i,M ... i , . i flinging jjiviij uixessions 10 incir ustoi BUUacn- bers. AGE ITT S. Active and re'ponplblo Agenl'lvrnld-or, the aUov01n thedinerent States'ihronghqtit ihorounlry whob) avery "J1ber.1l dNeount will bo'allowed.All Po-tmatcr sendfns tho names of four Sub-riber onu rcmillmg I venty Dollars in' advance, in cui tent N. Yi riinda, will be entitled to A FIFTH. COPY" QRATLS. for rooie lhaniur TWf.,-r;T xifi, pE-r iiiscoct. Mew'MpfeS'e MAN UF ACTO fflr9 At Bloomsburg, Col. Co. by : APP Sc TZGHH i . THEV would infotm the citizens, of Columbia County,-thauhey have commenced thebusi nessal the,a(oveplpcc at the public jiuui-e of ,K. HOWELL, uhpre thijy ap. pr.Cjurcd tq manufac ture tn order, in the iiratL bb-i, and mo,t durulIo manner, MONIiAl'FJX'rs, TOMli-''A Llis. qBAD .and FOOT HToNESS, of nl Vizes Hod ualities, MANTLES, WINDOW and .pOOK SILLS, and DOOR FRONTS. Also PAINT, BARnnd HEARTH STONES. Oriler3j"prtoiiocan J'MeJu.jtb D. pROS,who wil act ns A,gcnt during bur absence. 'Thcyic6ni,tiuitly '-keep' oni'hand.a large Io( o Verhiont.Egypmn and Italian. Marble at, theii wholesale arolo, Ya'-dat- Selinn , Grove, .ynion county, 'a. Bloomsburg August 14',-1841. 10 I SHvVIjL DO. IT,!! LL persons indebted to, nie must make nav. lament .by tie FIRST ;0F AUGUST" next All who nealect (his notice,' wll find their ajco'uuu inthe, hands qf a Jutice of the Peacbror' col' lcc tlon after' that date. -'' "! FREDERICK- DREHEli BJpoms!nirg; JurW, AND NEW GOODS. THE f-ub-crincrfrinform the public, that they fiavo entered into Partnership, under, ihe.lirm ot nTZIltl 8c HBFPXi IT; aiid.havo ust rcccied from, Philadelphia, and now opeped,,at llieir N.E W S'l 'Q H IJ,.,.!V thicesl Cor-, vcr orillarl;el and Maine SI,rcl's,ISloomiburg; art entire new nnu cxlcnsivo aisormcnt ot j' jvlilch lhiy offer for sale, on reasonable terrnn,' aft Jlicir prices are thatinies., Ainong tlicir assortment will tic found 'IT 1 1 - i . i -.' .. - iBroadcolh, jCairnerfs. SaJjnictf 'i ar(d lf ; Summer wear; Caticuci; Ging hams; Cambrirsrt)jisHii.; ' -jr' tfiSilkiii AJuHn de.alfX -. ,,.,.5, ' , and vfir.iaus otherarlides ' j for JaditfH dresses; liipwtsSilk;.', j and Collon IlrintUwrJiifty and Jlnsa- ; llleuchedj ajuliBr,qw.n Domestic tAltts(njJ' "(and a variety of olherartictcssuitablo fnrthe seapq anu relieved to oc as opu anUCiiinplc'e 1111 assoil mcnt as is nsally foutnl in country storca. ocjjcb'urJTiiY''pKrbucE wiiiboicc, rccciv'cJ'm vcicliangccnnd KAnJt will nc-tibfi refused. ajJ;tt,o ' Uur Jiienils, aiiJ tho public genera ly, aro re- quested to call and examine fur themselves'. -liiiiuu iii KH.'in't 4SS-! -CHAltI,HS,HEFFLEY. Juno 25, 1842. 9 Bloomsburg, Be ve punned in your blrirul. -Anii IIPMlih'wiir ntlenil' 6i(.fi- The life of thi"Flesh is in-'the Blood." ; JiUviTicus, c. xvii. xi,. HOW IS THE BLOOD TO BEf'U Thousands can ansiverfhi? question, who j aiiow jrum ucuui experience mat 'dr. Leidvs BLOOD PIJLS, A COJli'ONANT rjAllT OF WHICH IS I SARSAPAKir.I,A, Are the safest, best, aiitl most effectual Pills 'Oi '"'how irt existence. !-r "CE?T'5'6u'MAV" ItE DETCEIVED THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE i 'DR.'fi if) Fj AJy z, 00 d PJU.S, ' " A COSirONANT PAllT OF' WIliO - ' ' sa'rsapaimli.a; V is attempted by Quacks and Iriipo'storK- to in irnuuco llieir vilo ami Uanccrous nostrums l.v umiiming ipr incirnaine mat ot "Ul.UUU J'll.I.S ' kifo'wiiig that tho Blood Pills manufactured by Dr. Lt-idy iave obtained (liggreu-teel reputation of any pll in exiitcitce, ajid tjnnk by such trickery to Impose u'po'if the public by selling' theirs upon the pojfullrityJofDfi L'eidy.'a Blood Pills. ' . . Tle,luM'CBrctl-'fote I'articularly requesled to hn rnnlinns vltiiCinv..l,,.n',ii.. rku 11. r Mr -.1 hn.ipqlil.ic arq assured that nr. I.cldtfs Mood Pills are the softst, b'el, aqd niWt ttlicactous or any now In vsc, cohtalnlng 'neither Mcrcuiy or ,tho Minerals, and rriayib'ciempjdycd by young and old, mqle pnd female at all links and under alt ctrcimmat.ces without fear Irdin' taking cold, Kiraiui irom met in livintr or., occupation. - Tn all cases where a purgation, ipav, be necessary thescPilK will be foupd both ellcclual' and easy in their operation, pioducing no nausea, or Sickness 01 tite fetomach, griping or nny other umilcapanl sensations. I Fill titer comment is deemed unnecessary" the numerous certificates published from (iriie to time 1 fro in Physiciins and other individuals must have convinced tho incredulous, and for tho further in lotmatiqn of all others, J9r.Leidy refers ihcm to the uuixMiius wmcn accompany cacn Uox. They afo )irepjrei-nnd'solil.whnles.lo and retail, at Or. l-IUIiVHUKJIhTU UMl'OIttV.V, No. 191 .VOltTf SEGO.W Street, below Vine street, (sign of the Golden' Eaglo and Ser perns.; Also sold at Lulz'e HculthiEiitporium, Dloomtlurs. Nov 20, 1841'. b 30 TETTER! TETTER! ITU HI ITCH! DR. J.EIDY'S TETTER 4ND ITCH OlNTiMANT.Aiiinfnlh.l.lP remedy VHnoiis alTcnions of the SKIN, removing Pimples, PaHtuIesi Hiiil Eruption of the SKIN, nml iariu:ulsirlv atlapted to tho cure .ifri2T.TERa.itl ITCH. Tins' oinunenl has been used in nunipr tius schools lliroujihuiit the ritv and eoii'itv as well H8 Faelories, emiloyin numerous girls mid ho6,Hild aiiioiij; whom Tetter and lieh, 11s well an other Affert-ons of the Skin, prevailed, with ihe most tinexnmpleJ Sue t eas. Names of School Teachers, as well as supeiintendanis and Proprietors or Fac toiies, eould ho giveiLeoiifirniing the above, out fur the deliriiry ibey feel in having llieir uameu published in connection with such loulltHon.aud tl;sj)t;ri;fahlp affeelions. tiitr TttiB I -. 1 1,1 ti "ir, rtinil bUIII M - . , jjj. ; Liitz'slJeatlh .tnporiw)t, Blodmsburs DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; IJA11D ! :WAnE:,cRrio'ftiRhfrtfn " ,.r:rQijEhm(i'EV:, P.reparetl aiid t,ol(l at )r. leidv' Health M Amporiiim. (Hiup oflhe (Joldeir E!t2fp and Werp'ehtlft.J'Nlrl'IOI north . r , w w ftorkcrly owned by I). S. TOBIAS. 12iUfttAlJU tAiX TfTB KSr'EOTFULIiY inforhis lilsfi.'enJ9. art-1 - ','ilhe aublio ncncrally. that he has iu.1- W cd trorri Philadelphia, a now and extensive assort I mcnt oi brugs, ITIcdicincS). Oils, Pnintv' TariHshcs, mass, Dycstnfl'sr onf'ccloin ai'irs, &c. fcc. wheh, in addition to his fprmdr st6clr, compriseJlA complete assortment of article's In )ils lincbf Iiulhcss7 All persoris wishing io purchasd 'nhy ofthoabovo articles aro parlicularly invited to'call and, price the articles in his Store before baying elsewhere as lio is determined to sell as lowland by a litto Jewing, .lhan.cnn4bo Jj9ugl.1t any. wjicri else in iho su rrou fidi ng neighborhood. Tho Subscriber considers1 it hardly necssar'y fi mentirtn tho aiticlcs'n'particular'ng'he is confident that no orio can come amfssby enquiring forany.'altl do belonging to a Drug Store. . $ - N, B, Merchants and Physicians, will fjpd" i lo their advantage to call and buy' such articles a they .rnB stand, in need ofpshcysbUl'be.acCom hio'datcdj at a very low jiefceritoge.' ' - Ih few wordsiill 'are respectfully mvitcililtt"cajf, sco'Sml jhdgVfof themselves. 1 1 - js .'is . 'EPllRAIM LUTZ 1 Bloomsburg, JulylC, 184S. , , .ttf,S9; Gt'.rorner'fif Walnut 4- ThmVstrctts. 'If l-V.ltli6r,-'ltly,a VAflirti llint ..In iUC.I. . . . . A Or-K-thcir friends Jibcrallyibestow. rd pn ,thoii and l,icgjrcavo.Jo. ajHure.thcm.tat,iio j cbmiuarico of tliefr patriii(gb, botllnjcicrcliceto -wortirinnu'liin and rfiej4ni?irwhf ru- ii.i',l 1I.A 11. lies. i 1 1. , it is'highly.oilvantageona to. Gentlemen and -In-siitutlorts liaving.LIJiraries, to apply direct to tho Binder, making;atilcast Braving of 10 to, 20 per Cent, Anil soniqllines more All 'description's 'if Binding, neatly executed. Genlle'iiieii's Libraries filled up and repaired, Mu sic and( Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladle's scrap books. Albums and Portfolios, of oil descriptions made to oidcr. Biqdiiigdone for Libraries,, Insti tutions, Societies, &c. on advantageous Terms. TO PRORJIONOTARIES. REGIS ,TERS. RECURDERS.SUERiFFSj. ilERCH ANTS AND BANKS. They are also prepared to pianiiYacturo ' of every de crlpiinn, uch as 1ocluis, tecprd.i Decil tloolts. Itat;-lJoolit, ljrdgerej Journal JHMr.rt..itun,a Y-,Kj-lnll. -r. .1.-" . ..... ,mu. ....o, UCU. 1I lllC-imCSV- quallty of Paper,- (Hobjnsonls.-.I.vcry Surfaced) ,in' a style equal to any inadein tho, Cities' ofuPhiladcl.'" phia or New York, on ihq.most reasonable terms. ' Blink VbtiK Ruled Yo.ant PiVTEiiv. ; ' ""'fit'.vnp. A,i.vUtr,i i AiLft!- - N. B. Old Books rebound vith1 ricatnctg'""'atld dospatch; also Files of Papers. ' i , ; arnsburg, Marh 26..1842. Cmn. 48. ; A.lkorder for binding.or for blank books, Ijefi at this offiiV,; will be' forWa'ru'; rarid leni'meil as soon as' completed." '" ' 1 , " , ' 5il- WEBU, Agent. HEREAS, tho Honorable Ellis Lrwis, PrrsFdcntof tho Oourt of Over nml -Tit. miner and (ienenl Jail Dclivcry,Court, of ljuatter Seastoris of the Poace.nnd Court of Coniinnn Pleu and Oiphans'.Courl in tho, eighth judicial .djsrict, composed of the, enuntiw 'of .Nort'hu'mbcrlani'. I'mon", Columbia ahd Lyc'omingv'arid the Hon. ,1V Ilium Donaldson and George Mad:, Es quhes, Arsociatc Judges in Cpjumfia county.have issued their precept beaming dato tho 25lh day of August, in the year, of bur Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty -two.aiid'to mo dircclcd,for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminerand Gen eral Jail Delivery,, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court. . IN DANVILLE, in tho County of Columbia, ontho,thirJ Monday of November next, (being tho 31st day), and to cojitir.ue.' two week's : Njitlce is therefore herbyi given . to. the Coroner, tho Justices of tho Peace. nJ,finn-. stables or the said comity of Columbia, that they ue men aim mere in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock lir tlio fbrenobn of' said day, with their record-., inquisitions and' oilier remembrances, to those ihings which to their offices be done. And those that.aro bound by recogii'i, to prosecute against the prisoners that ate 'r,inay 09 ni.1110 jdi( 01 sanl. county of Columbia',' a'10 to Ue theii and there to prosecute1 against' Ihem1 as shall ho insl, Jurors aro rcauested to tual in their attendance, agreeably-to their noticej. ijimu, ui -uiyme, rue 11m uay or Ucl.,m tho year, ofour ' Lord one thqusand' eight hundred and forly-in'o, and In" thp' '07 year of the Iiidopc'ndeilce of the' ' United' States' '' .of America, ' p ' , ,u j ' - 1 JOHN FRUIT- shftr, , . o t. n . w".ni v.. rii;t;, .auynie, Uct. 1-1 1812, to A Broke ua thb e'linlnnira of the subacri' ber about 3 months since, WHITE STEER, drnnpping a little in bis horna, and about Imir years old. I he ownor is' requested lo take him away anil pay charges. JOSEPH PURSEL. Madison Oct 1st. LL persons .knowing themselves Indebted to tho lato firm of Rupert &. Harfnn. hu nolo a A book are requeued to inak." imrqediato payment 0' Jia longer indulgence pan be given. Those who neglect the call will alone bo responsible for'' conn queuces that will certainly fallow. . . J , , . ,w RUl'ER'F&BAUTOil, , UlfiaBubursr f) 12 IlUa " '7.. ' A