the i ntlHn Imm I N ftnnrnt Imnlwm In I JIB UI Oil ( ,'MIIIIH Ull 1 I W MUIIU lllgll" .... Inn!. U nn Argument whlili nVintilct ad Htim. MnMr tri w h I nil nil ilia niih n Hth. .... fr in nrrtvfl. to everv ftfieker alter rnr- J ' w inrnrmniinr : rtti this mnff fitmnted Him l- AtrmimiprRiicu uwiiu uic uuiuit; ii cv - . r. I a I . rC " ... ' .....ti n anA Ttnnflr nlacfilof lha locnt'.nn nf And tho very boundary lines of the couii pfCSCni lllwUIIVpmvmi oiiuaiuti iui a inn .!:.iirtn in Hi trarfftaruinnft nfipaa.irv Thuiincnt every circumeiance conneci- ra huh r ... ......... ... ihoold forover be put to rest, by tho lawful ICt 01 WB iBgoiiuro, in graining iiiu lung lotijjhl object of tho wishes of a majority .film Inhabitants of llio conntv. a removal of tho county seal from Danville to some mors central position. And here let me add site word, which may serve as a hint to boih friends and foes of the removal. 1 have taken up my pen in favot of the remo val and while health and strength and life remains, it shall be kept up until a removal ihall be effected. The cause is just, right and honest, and I believe in justice, honesty - 1 L I : -. iL.i .... ' Ontl UpngllinB5S,nu aisu uunevc, mai wcio these principles more strictly auncreu to, lliat we should scarcely need a court, house and jatl in Utcstate. Then while theie is a press thiTt will circulate the productions of my pen, the public shall havo them, and -.1 - . -I I . I.! as ine auinor isunxnown, so ici nun it main. Seek not to draw from the humble abode that which will avail you nothing. If the hasty productions of my pen aro a means 6f pleasure, gratification or profit, use tliem as such. I am at all timos amply repaid fo r all seeming toil, if I can but sec -Vhe cause of justice and honesty prosper in the land. NUMA. Rohreburg, Nor. 3, 1842, It seems to be a fact that Joe Smith has actually been arrested, or has surrendered himself into, custody. The Springfield (illinios) Journal, however, suspects that his surrender was not made until he was tolerably well assured of a speedy release by habeas corpus or some other trickery. Ths same paper contains afnrmal renuncia tions of Mormonism, signed, by ten late members of the Mormon church, who de elare.that they havo been'most scandalously imposed upon in matters and thing of a divine character.' , dn Thursday weeft, while .Mr. Win chester House was working on the steeple of the new church at Springfield, 111. he was stunned by lightning and fell to the ground, some 72 feet, and died in a few iniuutcs. George K. Budd, Esq. of St. Louis, Mo. has issued a circulai, in which ho es timates the aggregate production of wheat Ifi' the U. States in the year 1842, at 110; 269, 000 bushels, or 20 percent more than in 1841. We have already mentioned tho recent robbery of Mr. E.Russel.near the junction of ihe Townnda Creek and the Erie canal, New' York of about $4,000- The landlord of the hotel at which he slopped has been arrested, and all the money but 810 found in his possession. ' The number of castles of which there are known to bo existing remains.isin England 401: Wales 107, Scotland 152,Ireland 120, total 843. Tke iron war steamer for the Inkes is in ranid progress at Pittsburg. Her frame work is nearly all ut. and a eood deal of her shsathing on her. Every ,thing is of iron plates of which her sheath ine is composed are 7 Bths ol an uicli in Jlhickness. Bishop Hughes declares that ho did not alluile to Uud rellows or rree mason Societies in his denunciation o( secret, com iinations. He thinks, and very properly, lh at a man can-be a good Calholicifc a good )dd Fellow at the same time. "Grcal Firgcrics. Forgeries by a milk man of Greenwich, (Jonn, have been brought to lighfin New York, amounting to the sum of 15 or 20.000 dollars. 1 hirty ihree forged notes have' already beon dis covered that he' had discounted by the brqkes,. . le is among the missing. Congreis. It will reassemble"' in four weeks from Monday next, on the first Mor.dnv of December, and continue in ses fiion till tho 3d of March. What will it do? John C. Spencer, Secretary of War, hav published a lone letter in New York, 'do fining his position.'He not only goes the entire fineute for Captain Tyler, but he abuses the Whigs and Henry Clay like pick pocket. ., A Spanish paper speaks of a recent hai storm jn that country, and says thr.t some of ifliibouhl ' .boon ttie site for. Mrs. ftile, wife of William Siftr. b farmer, of Wllkin9-township,PennRylvania, lately Brought lortll tlireo children, two boys and n daughter, at one birth. This lady has a right to be considered after this lather more than a Sifer (cypher.) The Decloratlon of Toxsn Independence was signed on the 2nd of March 1836, by 06 persons, of whom SO were natives of the United States one Yucatan, one of England, and of Ireland, one of Scotland, and two of Bexar. Exlentitie Fire at Richmond.- On Sun day morning last. 13 buildings destroyed. The citizens of Springfield, Mo., were somewhat elated the other dav, because of the discovery of a silver mine in the wes tern part of, Dado county, extending some ten or fifteen miles in length It turned out however, to be a copper mine, which is said io be extensive. The Hall of the House of Representa tives, at Washington, is undergoing thoiOugh repairs, as also many other parts of the Capitol. The annual product of income of real estate, in England, is estimated at $295,000- 000. Immense Wings. Tbe Albelross has perhaps the greatest spread wings of any of the feathered tribe. They are commonly eighteen feet from tip to tip, and some of them have been caught, measuring twenty four, Importance of one vote. The democratic candidate for Prothonotary of Jefferson county, was, defeated at the recent election by one vote. - fViscontin Election. Eight democrats and & whig? are elected to tho Council, in this territory; and 13 democrats and the same number of whigs to the Assembly. Wheat was selling at Zanesvillc, Ohio, a few days since, at forty cents per bushel. Tho Drookln Eagle says 'We have, in this county,. a young man, now in his 18th year, who weighs 245 pounds, and stands six feet in his stockings.' The editor of the Dath Enquirer.has seen a squash which weighs one hundred and three pounds measures six feel six inches in circumferance. It was raised in the own of Litchfield, in Maine. Astono weiehiiiff half a ton, and com posed of flint and basalt, recently fell at Harrowffate.Entrtand. It was warm when t first reached tho earth. Ptnnsylvvnia's share of the Proceeds ofthePublic Lands. We undertand, that his Excellency, Governor Porek, has received official information from the Treas. ury Department at Washington, that the accounting officers have adjusted the ao counts of the several states and territories, under the act of Congress entitled: 'An. act to apporpriale the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights,' approved, September 4, 1841. The amount found due tho state Pennsylvania, we learn, is $00,313, wh'ch will bo paid upon application1 Mr. Mann, the State Treasurer, is the author ized agent to receiue it. No returns have been received of the election held in the 8tate of New York, on Tuekduy last. Tlw Weathers On Wednesday last', wo wcro erected with a snow storm which continued tor several hours. Tho snow mostly fell. melted as it About 550,000 tons of coal havo been shipped from t!io various outlets of the Scliuylsill ioat Region. Of this near 35,000 is from Pinegrove. Arkansas. General Cross, tho present aUo de mocratic member of Congress from Arkansas, has heen re-elected by a very largo majority. Both branches of the legislature aro also decidedly de mocratic. Over 230,000 tons of Coal havo been akipped this crason from the Lehigh Region. APPOINTMENTS BY THE GOV ERNOR. WiixtAM S' Jayne and Pkrrlk Ross, Esqrs, to be Associate Judges of the court of common pleas in arid for. the county of of Wyoming, constituted by the last legis lature,out of part of Luzerne . 'ti' r Tk WslaturM ofVermotit, Missouri and Tcnn- eiftcd, havo pissed resolut 16119 in faiof of a repeal of tho Oankuift Law, So (hat ptrsont who de sire to go through "that mill,1' must bo niout It, for its' narly repeal may be looked upon as cer tain. Two females were on iVday held to $100 each, at Philadelphia, to answer at the Sessions for caves-droopingt MARRIED In Liberty, on Tuesday 18th ulf Mr. SAMUEL SHANNON, of Mirs ANN A STRAW BRIDGE, of the former place. In Milton on Sunday 23d nit. by the Rov. Mr. Williamson, Mr. SHERMAN M. EDWARDS, of Columbia Co. to Miss MARY L. GRAY, of Northumberland, DIED In Limestone township, Co lumbia cortnty, on the 12th ult, Mrs. ANN FULTON, consort of Mr. Joseph Fulton, of Limestone, aged about 07 years. In Danville, on Monday last, ADE LAIDE ELIZABETH daughtei Mr. James K. Mitchell, aged 2 years 7 months. In Danville.on Friday last, Mrs. CATH ARINE RANK, wife of Mr. Isaac Rank, aged about 27 years; In Danville, on Saturday last, CHRIS TIANA HOFFMAN, daughter or lato Daniel Hoffman aged 4 years. In Valley township, on tho Miss ELIZABETH MAUS, years, 1 month and 10 days. 29ih aged ulf 82 On Tuesday evening last, in Mount Pleasant,Mrs. MERCY FOX, aged about 60 years. PRICES CURHEJitT At Bloomsburg, Fa (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat, 80 50 40 00 25 12 25 G 11 8 00 Rye Corn, Cloverseed, Ftaxsced, Butter, Oats. Eggs.- Tallow, Lsrd,. Dried Apples,- -1 SHOOTING MATCH AT RHOERSBURG- A Rhooting Match will bo held at Rhoersburg, at the house of G. W. Abbot, on Thursday, Nov. 17, at which a weighing about gOO pounds will bo. shot for, sub ject to tho usual regulations. Markcsmen aro gen erally invited ;o attend. A MARKSMAN. List of Causes. For November Term, 1842. FIRST WEEK. I Benjamin Haywood, ct nl vs. Edwajd R. Biddle, et al. SECOND WEEK. 2 ctal Robert' Montgomery et al vs. John Cousin 3 William Dale vs. Chailcs. Craig. 4 Comt'h. of Pennsylvania vs William Colt.- 5 Charles Miller et al vs Samuel Iiwin. 0 ilason Crary vs Mary Hassler. 7 John Cuminings vs John C Leesig. 8 Samuel Miller vs John Autons Adm's. 0 John Mann ct al vs Moses Moyer. 10 Gc'oige K Gehrig vs Frederic Fridley et al. 11 Henry Coder et al vg John Driggs Kxr. 12 John Kresslcr vs Aaron llooiic. 13 Daniel Hoatz. vs Burd Patterson. 14 Thomas Loyd vs William Kitchen. 15 Enoch 8 Clark vs .Edward Y Farquhar. 1G John M Maus vs Thomas Brandon. 17 Christian A Brobst vs Simon P Kase ctal. 18 Elizabeth Prong vs Michael Guiger's Exr's, 19 .John F Mann vs John S C Martin. 20 Comt'h. of Pcnnsyluania vs Wm M'Kcvy. 21 John G Brenner etalvs Henry Fotlmorl. 22 Theadorc Wcls vs the little S&SU Road. 23 John Straup vs Ellis Hughes et al. 24 Francis Balls admr's, vs John iihoads. 25 Valentine Best vs Henry Dcifcnbacher. 20 J IC Mitchell vs James Holmes. 27 J.ohu C Boyd vs George Erivin. 28 Samuel Hackonbcrg vs Eber Cutler. 29 puiah i'human vs Abraham Gricsimcr. 30 Nathan Ooher vs David Petnkin et al. 31 Abraham Tcrwilliger vs Daniel Giot," 32 Francis J Smith vs Thomas Chambers. 33 Henry Baum vs Philip Cotnei etal. 34 George Moycr vs George Mauset al. 35 Josiah Egbert ct al vs Cornelius Still. 36 Peter Aaldy vs Michael C Grier. $5 REWARD. LOST, on Friday, the 21st.. day of Oct. 1842, somewhere in the towftship of Fish, ingcreek, or Geenwood, a calfskin POCKET BOOK, containing about $535 'n ')an' noies. One five on the Mineis Bank, Pottsville, and other Relief Notes of different banks. Any person finding said Pocftet Book, and will deliver it, with its contents, to the owner, shall receive the above reward, RICHARD HAYCOCK. Nor. , I84H-S8; LIST OF RETAILOR. The following Is a llsfoT the Whojesalo and retail dealers of Foreign Merchandize in the county of Columbia. Classed as fol lows for 1842 viz: TWELVTH CLASS William Donaldson . paid; Peter Baldy ,paid William Biddle fe coj - ' . '.paid' Willianf, M'Kelvy , . .paid. John fc J. R. Sharpless paid Abraham Miller paid Derr it M 'Bride paid John O. Grier paid Leib ii Trego paid E. ii C. Reynolds paid J. ii J. .Bowman ii co. paid THIRTEENTH CLASS. Daniel L. Schmickt unpaid Rupert ii Batton ' unpaid Geoige Weaver unpaid Cyrus Baiton . unpaid Robert B. Snroul it co. nnnaiil James Davidson Si co; unpaid Andrew k Peler Miller paid C. A. &. C. G. Brobst paid Shuman it Rittenhouse unpaid Leyerg it Nagle paid Grim, Derr ic Dye unpaid Robert M'Cay unpaid Masters ii Mather unpaid Samuel Hackcnborg unpaid Eleazer Brothwell unpaid Nathan Snyder paid Brown & Creary ' unpaid George Shuman 1 paid Levi Beisel paid Geoige Kaufman. unpaid Kownover& Leibrick unpaid Bullist Si M'Ninch unpaid E. it J. Lazarus unpaid Covanhovan St Steward unpaid William W. Cook paid FOURTEENTH CLASS. Israel Wells unpaid Christian Hartman unpaid Stephen Baldy , paid G. H. Fowler it co. paid George Kelchner unpaid Neal M'Cay unpaid Vaniah Reese it co. unpaid Eves Kester it co. unpaid Hugh M' Williams unpaid Marshall Shoemaker & co. unpaid James & Hethnngton unpaid John Lundy unpaid George Kaufman paid Coleman Si Miller unpaid William it D. Fdux , unpaid William M. Auton unpaid Mosos Moyer unpaid Joseph Sharpless unpaid Dcngler Si YVertman unpaid Russel P. Wclliver paid Colt Si Rishel paid O'Daniel's & co. unpaid Silas Allen paid George Stives, unpaid Jonas Sperling unpaid Moses Mav unpaid rL. B. RUPERT, Treas' r. Bloomsburg, Nov. 5, 184228. LIST OP JURORS' Grand Jury for November Term 1842. Briercrulc Mahlon Hicks, Frederick Nicely Bloom Thomas Willits. Joseph Polio Catlatvissa George Mears. Jacob Yetter Fishingcreck John Albertson, Peter Valt, Cor nclius Coleman Greenwood- George McEwen Hemlock Jacob Rishel Liberty Andrew Billmcycr, James Madden Andrew Cummings Madison Henry Crawford Mahoning William McMahon Mifflin Stephen Michael, Gotleib Miller, Jacob Hartzcll sen Monteur John Richards Orange Godfrey Klino ' Roarmzcreek Daniel Keller, Lloyd Thomas ueorgo retterman. Traverse Jury, 1st Week BritrereeJi Luther Brown, Elislia Courtright Bloom Robert Hacnbuch, Joseph Hendershot Catawissa Stacy Marjaram, Jesse Cleaver, Ja cob Hoover, Thomas Harder Dory iSamuel Brittain, John Crawford Greenwood Andrew Eves. James Eves Hemlock Joshua Mcndenhall, James Emmctt, Adam htroup, Cornelius vanhorn Jackson Davd Remlcy Liberty George Billmcycr, William Rishel Madison William Hendershot Mahoning Alexander Montgomery, Jacob iS Lashells, John Potton, Peter Harder MiJJlin John Gearhcart Jr. Isaiah Shuman Monteur John II. Quick Orange Jacob Good, James Patterson Koartngcreek Joseph Sharpless, Peter Gear hart, Isaac Rhodes, James Craig SugarloafSohn Klino Valley David Blue Traverse Jury, 2d Week. Briercrcck John Frcas, Peter Bason, Leonard Sponeyberger, Isaiah Solomon Bloom John Robison Caivwissa Samuel Drum, Jacob Shuman,Solo rnon Helwjg, George Hughes, Jacob Clay well Derry-George Billmeyer Fishmgcruk -John Ephlin Greenwood John Coolj John Barret Hemlock Henry Keller, B aids Appleman Jr. Jackson Wra. Parks Liberty--Wm. Dale Limestone John Gouger Madison-m Joseph Sheep. Robert Johnson Jesse Barber Mahoning John Spcrring, John nest, Jacob Scchler, Michael Sanders Miffi'm Henry Pettit, Henry Miller, Sr. ilonr'our--Joh i Boyer, jr. Mount Pleasant William J. lkelcr Orange' Isaiah Kline, John Vance, Peter Hay ma,!! Sugarloaf--John Hess, Isaiah Cole vv., 'rsi fir sTom;. THE Subscribers are about receiving? and will open in a few days the CHEAP-1 EST and BEST assortment of goods, eve brought to this, market, which they ate de termined to sell for CASH arid PRODUC&' ONLY, E. H. BIGGS, &,Co Nov. 5, 184328. Blooms1urg AaLUlefy. THE members of tho BioomuhOro Anntia nr ate hereby notified to meet at tfGXCKiSl liUCK, on Saturday, Nov 19 at II o'clock'. Jl. Sft for tho purposo of making1 an excursion to1 Catts wissa. The BAND arb required to attend. A general attendance of the members Is earnestly requested. Uy order ot tno u.iptain. C. CRAMM, O. S. Bloomsburg, Nov. 6, 1842. VAlitTABTLB FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. TO bo told at public said, An tho premise, jttt the 10th day of December. 1642. that valua' bio and well improved farm, situated near Jersey 4...n. iu..i:.n (i..t.u ... ing lauds of Jacob Zcisloft, John Hellei, and others tho property of John Vastinc, dee'd, containm aboUt 150 ACRES. About one hundred acres cleared land, a agO quantity of' well watered, a good Orchard, and in a good staM of cultivation the, buildings are . A Frame dHSBal DWELLING ItOUSEJ A Frame Barn, and o Stone Spvinghonse. The uncleared land well timbered. ALSO Another tract, situated in th samir township, adjoining, containing upwards of FORTY ACRES part of which is cleared, the balance being excel j lent Timber Land, Adjoining lands of Wm. Wclliver, and.P.owell Bti y dole. , ALSO 'A certain tract of timber land situate fa the same township j containing . 21 ACRES And Ninety-nine perches. Adjoining lands of Peter Heller, Daniel Snyder and others. Sale to commence at '10 o'clock, A. M. 'wheri .terms of sale will bo made known. Persons desi rous of getting information relative to cither of tho above named tracts, can obtain tho ,saroe by calling on ROBERT CAMPBELL, who resides on ths farm. WM. VASTINE, AMOS VASTINE. HUGH VASTINE, Executory October, 21, 1842, 27 ts. BROKE into the enclosures about the first nf July last, a of the subscribe with some brendlo spots, short tail, and about four years old. The owner is requested. to pay charges and take him away. JOhN STU jKBE Fishing Creek, Sept 10, 1843. THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM WELLIVER, DEC'D. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters tcstamen taty havo been granted to the subscribers, re siding in Madison township, upon the late will ot Wm. Wclliver, late ol Madison townshlp,araresai dee'd. therefore, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and all havinj claims to present them for settlement. JOHN WELLIVER, RICHARD DEMOTT. Excoutorr Jcreeytowh, Oot. SO, 1843. sr-Owt EDUCATION. A School for the Instruction of youth, i the various branches of science' and liter lure, will bo opened in the Academy , Bloomsburg, on Monday, 3d of October. Application for admission to be' madd the School Committee, or to llie:Subscrlbi when the terms of tuition will; be ma known. J.'D. BILKS. J I