The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 12, 1842, Image 1

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j!tSSL't JWS It
I narc sworn linon the AHhr of tiaA. Atei-iinl hn.mitv i -.i3 " r ... . . J-"" ""' " ' ? i , tH'Jt ttx
1 . i, , . , - 1- . i 1 - .r.r - J tin UT"; rT7 .'r . It: '. ''J -r-
' ,, f ii . . ..--..-. . U. -..j. .... v Aril
iigf re 1311 r tv cast, g TCi-y an
Vt lunte VI.
Wi 1 IV II Iff! am ' .:.,-: 'XMJM
.OrroslTE Sf. Paul's Church, Main-st
published every Salufday morning, at
' TWO DdLfURS per annum payable
7ititf yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
Fifty C'elUs, if nofrpaid.wilhin.the year,
Noiub'icriftioh'ipUl be takcnfor.iaishorlcf.
period'than aixwianin sjwr finysutscoV,
UinuQnc.eupermitedx until all, arrearages,
snuare consmcuoushi inserlea ql
"One Dollar for tile first three W&rrtiihtt
''And 'Tib'en'UffiU cents for edifj'iubs&
qtthit nseftion.' sZpMJiberalnliscounL
joutdcto flfose.vhoiadvfiytisepy the, year,..
LETiTERS addressed ;on'(jmiejs, tnuut,
tffS P.1SJ R1tft V )"-
rfSirtKoi 'Boston ;Mi8ccilan'cyt', '"W ff
,,- Thc Tiro: win
' jAmes' nr&fvfEhV' '
Soon eacli the other knew, !
But love grew up pore slowly;
Firmly and fair it'grew, '
WjitBrcd with Heaven a dew,.
'That plant so pure and holy."' ' " '
- Thereon burst forth a flo'ver, ' '
"ro'fullcrheauty moulded !"
yilunsh'irie, shade' and shower,. ' -c
which all Beeds"'of'powerJi' ' i
''A'ii'cI' mystery wert "foldildi'flU'i '
lTeyi"w flowqrjrare,, nu ,; f .
Aud.loved it for, its. beauty fixB4
gTheywalched it .willeweetcare,
Tjller they wee aware,
Itgirw to be a duly. .mum
Then tartedWeyin,'fearr
And gazed Upon each othei; " - . i
utfi'iisp said, ""hy loose our,. cheer?
We'.only will be' dear ' . :
Ayauter'ahd her!,brblher; "" 11
LnA :' : .t.-r.',,
' 'So dwelt they late' andsoon '' " ' "
In lo've' unclouded weather;'" a,t! " '
...They, loved thp n.elfifanje tune, n , (
,And,uriderneath-lle'jfioon, ',( t.'i ' .
, ''Tiv'as' bliss to be together.'
Frora' all the world eo wide,.
Kat-h'snul the other singled " '
Son'eiljing within did guide' , ' .
TJeiNlife-treams side by sjde, ., ,
U dtil at length they mingled. ... ; .
."And now. they cannot part, -i.t
'Bdt'inusl tto'i ori"foreye"r, ' ' ''
' ;BuV streams that rose'apart,
i,,Jp1n'ed in the mighty heal t "
.'.Ofione calm flowing river,
: i, mm
The Slather' Smile
... , BY A. E. CARPENTtlli . ,
There aro' clouds that must o'erishade us
"f'ltere'are griefs that all must know 1
There "aro sorrows that have made us. ,
iFe,e;ie idq,,of human woo ; ,
Butnhe deepest darkest sorrow, .
Though il sere tho heart awhile, 1
Ho'peV'cheeririg ray may borrow
nFjom a mother's welcome smile !
Thjre .are days in youth that greet "us
t txAY.iihia ray too bright to last
There'are tho cares of age to greet us
, When those sunny days are past;
But.the past scenes hover o'er us, '
'. And give bark the heart awhile,
All thit. memory can restore us..,
' In a mother's welcome smile !
'There are scones of snnnv nla'rr.'
t ---1 - --J I
..fln.whlch niem'ry loves to dwell
There are many happy faces
Who havo known and loVed us well J
fiul 'mlJjpy or mid dejection, ,
There Is nothinrr can bfiruile.
iaat can show the fond. affection
Of a mother's-welcome smile ) .
Cure'for Corn. Bub them with salt
very day for a week then htveiboth feet
MH"juVVo.e-'thVanktef k -:'v '
From tho Family C6mpahfon.''n tUuI
homespun YAiiNi?.: ;?!"!
'My starsf iha1 par'i'dn'ii voirMl al6W
a'cinPag I reckorl lie Wah'JMro'
gittlnf't'cf his 'own Wedding as llB'TfWrtlhgr
here's'aTd 'oneof lift' hridtmattTs oSlTSS
.Polly iVablosSbriiT'as sne ;' bi1Blre?,,,ipVroI
. , j ' j.vni.u iiiiu a biiiuii
IbbkihgfglBgs fo'rihrlrtwntie(h tirrVe.'
1 'He preaches enougirabouFlhe shorwi
y a iiiciiuiu, exciaimeu anotlier pouting
,Miss? .'and lib w 'We? oughl t'o,;' tanrnvS'ftii
oppdrtuTiiilesf not lo be reeiing along iiCfef
a shaif, wlieh a whole' wedding ' parly,(is
Siting lorliiK.'and 'the wafnps'dre' getting
eSfdr'andHlie' (?iiicfe'enf rbuiniriff;id a'c'risn'"
Have 'patience, glrU;' mfyW iVertaW
bunffi'SrgrapBs?'1 ' ,r ' '1 "J ,""V'5C
''OfHhaps'his 'old' foxeaied "hofse has
ju'miied out of tile pasiuVefand hie old e'eh-
lleman"has'l6 take'it afdotj adrinised' the
ftlariti VrrUelmnid: ' ,!u'' 1
' 'I'lie Bride used Inilu'str'io'us eflor'fs to ap
pear patient, arid rather 'indifrerr'aVrilJ
thWcHefal Vesllvefess' of lieranls'; 'aii'd'
would orcasionalfMtTect' eitrelne
ment ; but Her shrewd" atten'dariis' charged1
her" tfiih'tientTVlakii-' 3i(?iJ 'v '!...'
O t.M lUIUVI llit.lC Ull
casyUliSifihe'Wantedfolks'loTjeffeVfe.54'' ,
'Hellbr;JFIrjy(P?, ) rihotited1 blif ''Ca'piau.
Pcablossotn out oT UoorV' td'fifs''' '2o'p'peHs:
trowsere.d .son.,wl'oA''5Far'enlejtainiiiir the
young bcaiix brtlie p'eighWhn'od with feats
uf dgility In iu m pi rig1 wiiiv wtJi'ehts'FbVd
throw down thetirnrkVand" put'lhe' tnd'ld'
' . .j .......... 1 ,
on'Hnip, anU'rido'downilnnrooa'ufKr'ico'lr-
ytib can't see-Parson Gympsj',- and iellMirnl'
lo 'hurry alohg 'We are airwaiting'for'him'.
He must-think weddings'' are all like his
meetings; that can be put off to the 'Sunday1
after' the fourth Saturday in next' mbri'th,'
after the crowd's all gathered and ready to
hear the preaching; If you don't meet' him1
go clean to his honse. '1 'speut he's heard
that Brushy Creek Ned' is here with ' his'
fiddle, 'and has'taken a scare.' ' -
As the nfght was wearing on, and 'rid
p'ats'on had come yet lo unite the destinies
of Geoige Washington Uodgkins 'and'1 'Hie'
amiable and accomp inhed' Mi'ssPoliy Pe'ai'
blossorriii the1 former individual intVnated to
his 'intenteft", the propriety pf passing off
the lime by naving a dance;
Polly asked' her'ma', and her ma 'after
arguing that it was riowhe fashfon ih her
time, in North Carolina, to dance before the
ceremony, at last consented;
The artist 'from Brushy creek was called
in, and, afier much turning and" spitting' oh
the screws, he stamped his foot, and struck
up'-'Money Musft,' and 'away went 'the
country dance. Polly Peablossom -at liie
head, with Thomas' Jefferson Hodgkiris as
her'partrier.arid.Geprge Washington Uodg
kins next, with' Polly's sister, Luvisa, for
his partner. Polly danced lo every gentle
man; and Thomas Jefferson danced to eve
ry ladyj lhen up and down in the middle,
and hands all. round. . Next came George:
Washington and his partner, who under
went the same, process, 'and so op through
the whole as Daboll's arithmetic says;
The yard was lit up' by ihreb or four.
latge light-wood tires, which gave a pictu
resque appearance lo the groups outside.
Oi-. otje aida of the house was Daniel Ncw
itan Peablossom and a bevy of youngsters,
who cither could not or did not desire to
get into iho dance piubably the former
and who amused tliemselvea by jumping ic
wrestling. Ou the other side, a group of
matrons sat under the irees, in cliaiis, and
discoursed uf the mysteries, of. making but-
tercfjuring, chickens of the pip and children.,
of llie croup, besides lamenting, the nnsfor.-i
tune of some neighbor, or the indiscretion I
of some neighbor' daughver, who had run
away and. married a . ciicti's rider. A , few
pensive couples, .eschewing -the 'gjddy
dahci,'' promenaded tha ycrd, and admirqd
the moon) or'wondwcd it all,'if little
IdalsuFs 'infli'geT blonV" in7 tSSK'
M6k1ntrvdan5seT; a'sallirilafllJll!) rfertf
stars were wgrlds Jikthls.' f Pjhaps'tTiey
may have sighed, sentj'mett'taily'ai ihe fully
oi me mutiquitoeMndbiigatwhichiwrre al
ii-uie.u.arojum me. tires to get their -prellv-
J'.veei.iic jliey. .may. have talked of Jtrue-
ove,' and pirgh'teU.lhdirJrffwSI'lof auehl we
. Old OaplKApaoToloS-t?5?hi nin uie wormy inan'a.ajty chair to lis
ten lo hia 'twice ipld tales' of -huir breadth
scapes,' of 'the byileg-and sieges he had
passed, .lor ypu anus Hknowi-Mhe Captain
iiairiot, ne DaUUyr
'."M B"npowUer in de
ence oelpved cotintrv..
At Uie especial request of Sanire Tnmn
kins, ilift yamain iirfrrated "the, .perilous ad
ventures orNewntiru lui hone aui'ontr the
Stfntlilblesl.U HpWiholdiNefria:ri und " iiis
nreri liveo0tifaHigai6r "fleSh ''and'prUhed
cdrn? andf'iirdr'(:lle,d' bh're.iiibtuU'1'tiroUch
aiw'palmeio', hb'w. they 'met bowlegs and
his wanlor's's'prairib, and whut
lighting was iln're.J Tire.a'muslinK' fncii'teni
ol'dJill Obnb arid llieit'errapin 'ra'iseUslioVifs
Of fauyliieV a'mohg the y'6'iingk BrJod, Vli'6'
IlitllJflAoll all Iv....lil llT. MS !i tC'.l..! !.2l.i!
u ....iiu muuiiu m iicdi ui - uie -wars.-
Blll.tlleCunidcn' 'Bard',' 1'jfeac"e'vi(j ' his'
ashesiugiilfoiC'iipta'ih 'fafnl.iarlpcaliedh'iri'''
vasiViiihig'one itayfagairisi (IfeVogsXyrn'fie"
breast-WorkVifrillkingts'oupi but' bf8a' terfftpifi
lieliyiwhcn a randUm Bhot' frnm-the.e7ielhy
brokeithe'hell.anU'8piIi..hisVsoup', WheVeiffl-
on heiraised'hls head ovtir-thei-'brdas't-worK?'
audi' bung' out 'Ohj vmi t biiic7ftrif.'Viru
coulduVdb hat'agt!i( if- vodr nH8atforV
limes.-' Then tho.CjtptiJlnpVfieP re'p'eUtedfj
i.mprirlunities', la'ididdwuvsliis1' piper5 cle'ared:i
I IW e.'.-marcliB(l:oo toournextistatlonju sa
. J1lig(lngfeii8...Qu bforf did;htde, , . .
.ney sijiii jnteu uoiuwewiian s nigger,
, Ann two outer winte men by Ins side,'
Tlje remainder of, the epic we have forgot
After calling put for a chunk of firo.and
rejightitigliis pipe, (e dallied . mjee over
HiUjjAlauama, in General (. Flood's aimy
and fijughi the battles of palace and 6as
ee .over again in detail.!y from
uaiuwin, county DjazcU away and, ,i.nade(tlie
Utile iioys aloresajd tliink (iey .voipd, lieii
thunder, almost, aid tlje.pifles fnjm Ptilnani
made their patriotic yoi r.g spirit . long to
rtjvengi) that gallant corps. And the Squire
was asoi)ished at the narrow, cpeapa ins
(neud had of .falling into, the hands of
. At this slacs of affairs. . Floi d hiot. he
General, bul Uie ambassador) rode up, with
a m VfilpriiiiiA Innu in liw t.iinntpnniw.n ri.o
Ilaneersjelt'off in the iindYe of a 'sct. .and
assembled arouud'tde messenger, lo near'
i., Vij.US r-:i!i?'...?.i... ' ' .iil.t-.i.i
(he news of the 'parson, rhq, old ladies
Cipwded up loo, and the Captain
aim tue uaptain and the
Squire we'V eager to'heaV;'' ' Bui'FluyifTe!
the importance ol his situation, and was in
po hurry to divest himself of the momenta-
t' dll'llllV.
,'Weii'as I rode llown to Boggy Gulf I
Who cares what the devil yiju saw,'
exclaimed 'the iinodtieni 'Caniaiii; ' iell us il
the Parson is coming ti'rst, and ' yi'u may
take all 'niglit (o tell the balance', if you like
'1 saw, continued I'loyd pertmaeious v,
Well,, my dear, wlwl did you see, said
Mm. IJea)lonsoni,
'I saw that sumehudy had t oaken away
some of the rail uu 1I1T cross' way, or they
had washed awuv or sniiiehdw'
: . - -
Did'auybody ever hear the' like;'
llie Captain',' ''" '
'And so I cot down,' safd "Floyd", ''arid
hunted some more, and fixed oi't-r tli'e ' Ixig'
gy place.' ' ' .. i.", ' '
lU're Pollyilahl her hand, on s arm, and
ru.quesjed, vjili aibeseeclupg looki to know
il'lhe. Parson waj oii the( way , . .
; .'riltvll.yoiMlljdbuut it presently, Poll ;
and theiitwieii,l gut to irlje jrua.of the .creek.
llieif-. - (i
,VnTJ.-.,t: r-...1 ',.' ..ff'.Jti ,; s:.".C8:flt 63
plossomi'stalled agaiiuVtt ,unrttt ?oqj
.'BtfUtill.honey', "l the'J dhihp.tell rif his)
b,ntJ,Au i.S..iUA..n..i-Jt'j.i..'w.-i?i. tfi
r."M "Pl.t " wavB wuuiu iiavo-iiiu- wavn
TmOPii-'V1 V'Pft W u43,JjMA
wnRnunf,l')aMiilliq Aea?.?ls lH'yRPseUj the
nlii:iluHu a'.i ti-i. ,Ti i .'. .......
TO' k m oX ao old .al. ,i;ory,iR pitjpw.
ondimu ounvawningiy,,to iiiacpatft'jWaKe
hini'whWbrolheiJFIoJdihadctbssed over
the'rtVi of tft'creek', "aifd 'ajriVe'tlf'safely-'Jal
th'erson'i',w r7iT- ra.iMMoVwf UUhSffi
l0Jv.(iln'ip!: noticed.ji MkiW o'H
nis, oroiiier-nes; vot('j.niiohiy
S'nar'befo'r'' till llipfp' fnlLa
I ' - " .piw iim r iwjuiuiu
I is,teaiou's',r6?ne rtrj,Pirs0ri''G,'ri V'wiih
aiille prf pectoeacng''
b'.o.ryas.eyet,, . ...
ftirs..t'ehl)los8om trietUto iiCoarridiitinlo
hi" say5 if "the PA'srihMraSnmiiirr-ti'iidl
;m..l;...l - Yi... t?ri- j .'' .,v;.tJf-T
""r.'v.'ptv "'"?!" i?Y!U' on. ins way,
rejoii.-i -g.?. , .. , , . , ",
;,VI(en', I come -to f'lhe- Piriev-flatr" he.
ton''tin'upd,'r'1oldiSriTp'ffeaT aqitieihiilg 'wlii'e
lf lUlSt road. anu-5 jwherejie, would, Juvesi
slopped: wouliLbB hardtOTJny;,iC,ihe jmpa
uent' uapiHiti -Wail not'interfefe(lii' i ut't m
1 large horn from eiw.ep the, logs. , arid
rube''aT.on(Pilote' wihinilut set a' nacksr.if,
nuutls 16 ve fiih. A' f(?' ' in'nr- UnM'aJ
1 ... i .. . :-o- .. . r . .
ljqj,n a Boncesvalles.yvjui ufficienU
tHioii;to',every. hound,;foistnd Jour,.of lov
leereei-'ih'at'hH riwrd 'the It'iipkU'. 1,1 i,.iijiji
u-T.Vorua'fiVOIRi'Was' a1 xfii pf
gopd7l"iincs,,ahd 'the vay he (lid lilu.w w'a'f
thewayj a,s(S,q!i;re, 'Jmpjiips. afi?rwardi-
very happily, described ii; a:id as they ivyere-
til the' canine clioir" sunie1', thirty voices
every key, the musirmay Le 'imKgmVd hex
ter than deseriued. AIiks I ahitha Tidwel
tlie.'firit bridesmaid put iier hnnjls,: ,o )ici
e,ar'n. and critd imt, 'My :stiirs !vwe:ahall all
Bd 'tynw'd a way'.'-' ...!.. , . n
' -Vni''- -T. J.'-.....' . li.l. ji ;ii
i-ne jupsirei eiiert 01 anreviating lit
messenger s story was produced, as that
prolix ner.onagp. in copperas was seen to
take Pollys us ill's 'drill wlifpersome'ihiug in'
her ear. - - 1 1 !f
'0, Lloiyd.yod are jnkine; vou atiehln'l
' ( ,n- ... uu;' , 1 ". . ..y ;.-
10 serve, me so , An .i yoii .joking,- bub V
asked Pllyvitla look ,tlia(,eienied;o, beg;
he w'uuld say iyes, u r tu
ri's'irufiHspr&aehiiig,' he 'replied) Uhe
qa,kVsal-driUlh:,, ;
,i(o(iy wiiispureiijsomeiutng, p.'ier rniot,nir
wlio threw yp,.he:, hapds , and .exclainieil
',0, my !' rnd then whispered the secrel 10
s,omb other lady', and away" it'vvent. Such
whTsirin'and'ihrbwinVffp of'panUs iiilfl
eyes, ia,preiy seen aiii ytiaKer mcujig,
I . 1 . . . . "
IJoiitiiernatipn was pi every fqe. I'oor
Polly was a. Very personifieaiion of Pa'
tietit on a 'monument, sfnilillg gre'en arid
yellow 'melancholy '
1 he Ciaptaw, discovering that something
was the mailer, , drove oil the dogs, and, in,-
quired ,w.hai (iad happened to cause such
niUii3ion. MVtiat tlio IJevit's the matter
hold.? 'he'said, 'you all'lbok as down in
the inou(h as we, did pn '.he .SVinTreSaii-
u l't'ejwlieu the quar)crinaa(er,,tolp ps tpe
provisions had all give i out,! What's' tli
matter T won't somebody tell me!" Old
o'marihas the dogs 'got into the kitchen
iiufeat..up all ihe M.ipper, whal else has
ifoine ,tP' pass 1 Out, vyit(i,il,lt.',(i -,, . 1
1AI1, flld man, bad news, I' said the wife.i
jvi'th a' sigh.' ' ' '' -1- - ' '
Wel, what is It '? You 'ate all cedii c
as'Ud astF(oi,y(a'rriJying a' fellow to
death.' 1 I . ., , , '
Parson Ghtnpsy was, digging a new
orse irougn, ami cm nwies 10 me oone-
f t ...lJ - . f
iciith'afooi adze.and can't come O.debtJ
'"I wish lie liiid taken, a fa'ney m a' done
it a week agsp w,7iij(' a, gnl, .another,
p.uson, or, as. no .other lims wouldjfuit but.
in day, I wish Jiti had ctit-dis dern'lJ. eternal
head off.' , .' ' '
LFaniei'vuewnan'reaoiossom', at ihirjunc"
Th&i gemleman'lviih 'a"pecftrntirr,WlinVof
,,.:.: to' .7011 -m.iih !?oc- . -', ;
p "ism1 'jyi'i' hiw&a$t.i
I can .bring, hiirr lo showing,' as he ook
oi?. BMSnTCfretk NfidWndmVtf
' t f ;?. 5
une 0
flws m wtwi Kiat t, xvr1
jw.' , .n.. niir,:i, .:iit..i.j..i:.t,. .1
. I ?-h&me- Wtbthel,lBiheotning,'1tI;a
.Manna did noticombiin betterjlijne tottbe
V .. .. T rrt . . .
wuuiid j uuiDKirs was ra new v-i e
T?'J rJ'?J ali S,mJi?frMffiderrta
. ,"r,., cauaeo a'
Whanarajwefallithinklngof-T' fViytfete' 1
'Fquirc Tomptihs,Wrah pjWrftth? ceri
ihiVlicovVryy h?tfl?y pTpJm 1 :
;that iJibouljyJs(jiW-,jeBptil..i
itoGcor'eAVt'lHodgkrrnihJfcndVhlBiaV. ?
expres's'ea a hintW the'sort.'whicri tl6!Cnis-,' '
irp'otVcoif'. V j.'- I
t?r J bIptsorrMnsinua.ted tpher Jini-ff
Hand.': that) ini htr iiAimia''ntinlilu1nnr-iUtlft 1
ter sort Of people inrNorilPCa'linaV hadtfaP' J
f.' I! 1
" " SJ "''IK maiiicu.ur a lliaijia- r
iraie.. . i n wnipii in ni.i m nn.ran a. .
.'None,,, of arr nonesejiseoiii, Jlyfcral I?
uniieiof yflur 'Dupliii counfyisar'iMocracV I,
abohl here now. i.' -Ciie retleV ioii'ifi peopfen
I think1 you 'say !'- by-TnovV pfl
n? l!SlipmP"WW: iho40 PPore8t,dFO.untyaf
ip the State. Betlerisor't of ;pB6pIe,"tiXit'T
QiiMllty. el..TW'hvo lhe?DVvil'a'6eherhl5
wfe are f -XnhH TSf it,S.
w.rBauovrijenu qypiern ntfftOMitl
u ider Newman and Floyd. f6r?theicountry?rt
Why, damn it! we,arenthe -.very best soil
of people , Stuff,! t nonsense j r 'P'
ding shall go on P(oUy shall, have a hus
band,' 'Mrs- P'.'s eye 1ft up, her ch'eek
llushed, as Hhe heard 'the old North Slate
spnkrn'o'sii disparagingly ; bulahe 'was
woman Jof':good sense, 'and ' reserved the
(astiantiop. Ojr a future certain' qcture..M,w
1 lungs were.spin.arrangeijpriilhe.vied-
dinu; and as the, old wooden clock onUths
panile-piece strticK one, the bridal party
weretfuly'arranged on the Ifloor; and the
c'riiwd 'Gathered round, eager' to observe" evV't
ery twjnkle of ihe bH'degrbom's eye, 'ind
ejvery biusl) of jhe blooming bride.' "n ,
l.lje bridesmaids, and their male atlandr-T
ants were arranged m couples,, as in a cOlil-'jfl
IjonUo fiifm' a hollow square and 'betfothinV"
p irlies.J 'Each of ihe altepdants. bore 'a
candle. Miss Tabitha held hers in a, 6ng
brass, candlestick, which had .belonged, itov
I'olly s grandmnihert ip .shape and length I
snlnStl ing resembling 'Cleopatra's needle;
.li3i,'Liivis'a: Boriie a Mai tin one, lh? 'iliird
aiieiitlpn" bore such an (artie)e as is usuajlv'.w
suspended pn a' nail wall ; ;andit
a, fourth had a curiously idovised srimething''1
cut out of woof with a porket'-kiiife'.'Fdr'1
want of a further 'supply of' candl'estiq'ksT
the male attendants held naked candle's , inw
their handsj Pojly wasj dressed in white,
and bore a bayflower with its'greeh Ueavea'''
in her hair and the whisper went rountl,ir'i
Now don'l she look preitv f George, "WVu
H Odditis rejoiced in a while 8aun.fipio,cIe
and aivept vas.fiiraigit.collared,like'ia Con-A
tjiieutal officer's in the Revolution, a'nilUiad
eagle buttons on it. Thev were a' fiiie'ldok"
When everything iyas ready., a,.,pajiaQ "
ensued,, and all eyes, were !turnedoniie;su
Squirt, who seemed .to - he ur.der!ioiiijrrta
menial agony, slicli hp fourth of JhlV "uYd"-1
tors feel when they fiirgei their speeches;'
or a hoy arn.exhibiiion wheii.he.has ,tobe'!
prompteu iropi behind tlie scene. .The,
truth wris, Squkre Tompkins war a -man 6f!
lonns: but had always lakeh then) f.'b'h'
'fpem hrools,auil never trusted his memory.'"
On thi ocpasioi) he had qo 'Georgia.'Ju.'
tice or iy oilier took from'read'
the marriage ceremony, and' wai-'v1.,0SB
how to proceed. Il thoueht" over
i'thitiir he had ever learned hv ' B.frif?
i I
1 1
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