n I Lave on-orti upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the .Mind of Man." Tlfotnas Jefferson MINTED km) PUBLISHED BV II. WEliB. VdumcVl. BLOOBISBURG, COILUMIMA COUNTY, PA. SAT 3J12.B AY, . KOVJSMiiSjHK, 5, 18455. - OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT OrrosiTE St. Paul a Ciiuncit, Main-st The COL UMJ3IA DEMOCRAT will bo published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One. Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-Jive cents for every stdjse. qucnt nscrtion. f?A liberal 'discount made to those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. THE ATTORNEY. AN EXTRACT. Hour after hour passed; still tliero sat He attorney looking at that letter. lie seemed to have grown old since he entered tht: room. His face was. haggard; his temple sunken; and he twisted his fingers one in another with a kind of childish help lessness. It was near midnight; and a faint noise echoing through the street made him start and cast his eyes fearfully about him; for he was grown within the last few hours as superstitious as a child. Then he thought of getting up, and going to his own home, away from this sad gloomy office; hut ho was afraid. His thoughts were not of pun ishment. They were of the grave, of the crrti-worm, of the future, and its unknown eternity. He began to recall to rnind what he. had done which ho must accour.t for hereaftjr. He began to think his acts ovor one'by one. Hdw clear his memory was! He recollected as it were but yesterday, one man whom he had defrauded of all he oivued. He had died in that very room, at his feet; and had cursed him with his dying. heath. He knew that, that curse was upon him; he felt his weigtit palpably pressing him to the earth. Well tho man had diud; they said his heart was broken, his family had become beggars, and his only child, a beautiful girl, was now a com mon haiiot in the streets. Ho thought of a poor woman whose son he had imprison ed vears before for a triflincr debt. The son died in jail, and the mothei went mad and would watch for hours at the office duor until, lie came out; and then would shako her long skinny fingers at him, and laugh in his ear until it made his very flesh creep. Then lie thought of many who had come to him in his legal capacity; thoso whom he was grinding to the dusl, to beg lor a liUle delay; but a week, nay, oven a day, and they would pay him all; but like a good lawyer, and one who had the inter est of his clients at heart ho had crushed them to the earth, he had wrung from them their last cent, and had thrown it into the coffers of the rich whom he served. Ho had turned a deaf ear to thorn all; but they came now. They would bo heard! Their cries were ringing in his ear. Ho fancied thai ho saw this sad array coming (lowly down the dim stieet, gliding in the old building one after another; shadowy and spectral, on they come, up the creaking stairs along the dark entry until they wcio crowding at the door of the office. He could heai them whisper, and fancied that they were pointing at him from without. Ho drew his chair closer to the fire; he ilirrei! up tho dying coals, for he was be ginning to be chilly; and felt that if there wan a blaze, it would not bo so lonely. He coughed loudly too, and rattled the po Vfit against the bars of tho grate; for there was something in the dread silence that made him shudder. Tho feeling however, would not go off, for when ho ceased, the tidiness seemed' more intense and fearful, lie would hare given worlds to liavo bee,, it) his own room in bed; but he dared not venture alone that dark passage, crowded w'ub aceuseid Tjien ie fancied the office looked darker and more gloomy, that the lights were duller than usual, and he got up and trimmod them, but still there was Ihe same dull, uncertain light, tie tried to ar gue himself out of these fears to laugh them of as ridiculous; and he threw him self back in his chair and laughed aloud. If ever mortal man felt tho agony of terror ho did, for at that moment his laugh was echoed from the da'k passage 1 Crouching back in his chair, with Ins heart heating fast and hard, and gasping for breath, his hair bristling, lie sat watching the door. Ho heard a slight motion in the entry, like a sliding creeping step. It stopped. Then it came again, and nearer, then a hand touched the knob and was withdrawn. Thon it took it again, turned it, and opened the door jyar; and two bright eyes gland in hrough the erack. It opened wider; and a tall, gaunt figure, stole cautiously in turning the key afier it. It then slowly and with a cat like stop, crept towards the Attorney, until it came in full light of the candle. , With a feeling partly of horror and part ly of relief, Bolton sprang 10 his feet, as the light revealed to him ihc ghastly features of Wilkir.s. 'Wilkins,' exclaimed he. That's mo!' said the other, looking vacantly about him, 'That's me I wonder where Lucv is!' 'Lucy? your wife ?' oxclaimed the attor ney, staring at him. Why, you should know. She's dead, lonjr eo." r'toy told mo so,' said he, shaking his head sadly; but I don't believe it. She wouldn't die and leave me all alone. I know she wnuld'nt, It wasn't like her.' Poor fellow 1' muttered Bolion. 'Its loo true, bl.e s dead.' Dead ! Then who murdered her?' 8lioutcd the maniac, confronting' the attor ney: 'who murdered her, 1 say?' he fuirly screamed, and at the. same time advancing; 'who murdered her?' I'll tell vou who did it I It was Reuben Bolton ! lie did it ! She told me so in the grave yard. I laid my head upon her grave, and she spoke to me, and told me ! and I swore I would have revenge ! And now I'm looking for him ! 'Good God ! George I' exclaimed the Attorney, shrinking from the excited mad man. '1 never harmed your wife; indeed I did not !' 'Who are you?' demanded Wilkins clutching him by the coat, and dragging him foiward with a strength whicli his ap pearance scarcely indicated. Ha ! have 1 found you?' 'God ! Georgo ! I never harmed your wife !' exclaimed Holton, absolutely paraly zed with fear: 'never, on my soul?' You lie ! you lie ! Where is she then demanded Wilkins, now roused to a per fect frenzy of madness. '1 swore I'd re venceher! I've caught him! now for his blood ! Huzza ! huzza ! shouted he, suddenly dashing his hand in his bosom and drawing out a large knife.' 'God of heaven 1 protect me !' exclaimed the Atlorney.struggling to gel loose. 'Help! help! help! Now, however, Wilkins was ungoverna ble. He sprang upon the Atlornoy and hora him to tho earth: but liolton was a muscular man, and driven to desperation his struggles were fearful. lie threw Wil kins from hint, and although wounded, con trived t get to his feet and grasp the poker. This however offered but slight resistance to the maniac. Regardless of blows he dashed in upon the Attorney and drove the Knife up to the haft in his stomach, and drew it with a lung downward cut, and as the wretched man fell, he sprang upon him and hacked and gashed him until his loud ar-rpnms were stonned bv the blood that gushed up from his throat, and his groans and cries sank into silenco. John Smith has said many good things and amongst tho test, that a 'newspiper is i like a wife.becauso overv man ought lo javc one of Lis own.. , v : NOTES FOIl A TOURIST. 'Madam,' said a free-spoken, warmheart- ed, enthusiastic, and a lilt!.) quisical son of old Kentucky, while paying his devoir. to ', one of the famous lady tourists of America, ! 'Madam, you should have been born in , Amerina. " thn orfinicst rnnnnv in the known world; nature has clustered all her I Htupcndous and dazzling works upon this land, and you should he among them'. Wo have got the greatest men, the finest men the finest women, the broadest lakes, tho tallest trees, the widest prairies, tho highest waterfalls, and the biggest hearts in the crea linn. 'Madara, go and sec, the Falls of Ni agara. May the Lord take a liking to you, my deal ma'am, if 1 didn't think I'd waked up in futurity, wjieu I firsl seed that big slnutejidicular puddle, (hlauleiidtrular's ,an alge-iira wqid, you mayn't know Why madam, I could tell you, .something about thenr falls but you uiusn't put it in your hook, 'cos nobody'll ever believe it. The people thai live around there all loose their speech, and never hear each other speak for yeais, with the noise of cularicll Fact, ma'am, true as that's n pencil and note book you're taking nut your pocket. -Why tliero was a man lived (here ten years, and he got so dcef he never knew a man was speaking to him, (ill a pall of water was poured down the back of liis nerk! When you go lo see the falls, ma'am you must do ail the talking you warn to before you get within twenty five miles of them, for after that not a woril of any kind on bo heard! 'Then, ma'am, you should go and see the great cave in Kentucky, where the bats liibernaeulate in countless millions. Tliero is not another such a hole in the ground to be found upon ihe earth. Ma'am if you iro. back- Ut,5t-.,J '--a r mammonth cave, you 11 put your loot in jt no, beg pardon, you'll excuse me that's quite impossible; but you'll leave a !ig hole in the book you're going to .write. There is no end known In it, madam, and there a salt water lake in the middle of it twenty-five n'iles broad. One of the, rooms is railed ihe 'Aniipndion Chamber,' from the unpronounceable (act tint n man can walk just as easy upon the ceiling as upon the lloor and in this apartment there's a natural fountain of pure brandy! - The same cave, too, is u positive cure for consumption. You haint been South, yet have you ma am: you hsini si en the Mississippi river ar.d the city of New Orleans? Well ma'am, Nev Orleans is a hundred and twenty-live feet below the level of the sea, and the Mississippi runs through a canal Ijridge'righl over the city! The inhabitants are chiefly aligators and screech-owls, the last two words has been vulgarly perveited into Creole. Their lood is chiefly cum, prorured from trees in the swamp, and which they call gumbo. I here is a paper published there, called the Picaroon, the name being well chosen as significant of its professed piracies upon Kant's Philosophy Karon Muticbausoii the Pilgrim's Progress, Joe, Miller, Washington Irving, and Bell's life in London. It is a violent and stupend ous political print, and the government has endeavored in vain (o suppress it. One of the peculiar marks about this cxtraordi'r.aiy city is the entire absence of those small quadrupeds uf ihe genus most commonly known as rats. One was seen many years airo, bv a citizen, whu brutally murdered the unknown creature, hut was immediately tried and sentenced to be hung for the 4 enormity. 'You will hear, madem, a gteat dea about the 'floating populatiou of New Or leans, a phrase whicli you will underMaml when 1 tell you that the town is half tie year under inundation from the Mississippi! You should have been boin in America in v dear ma'am, out as you were not, you may possibly, die here, and that's some con solution lo vou.' 'Go on,:I'U follow, lliee.' asjlhe thunder paid to tho lightning. umj 4Nr ou UP ON' SANDY. ' A good anecdote is told by a Methodist circuit rider, Who not long since called at ,l l",,l8e "f a livi..g somewhere "ear the head witers of Sandy rivcrl in Virginia, lo stay all night. Every body knows llio character of the citizens of this rL'gl"" f country, and that it had been for a number of years gone by and in all proba bility for a number of years lo come will continue to be, nn account of its mountain fastness, the home of a most ignorant and debased population. Out Parson, a rrian of great simplicity of character, on entering, found four men seated on the floor playing cards. These, who st'encd scarcely to note his arrival, he passed by lo whero the wife of the 'proprietor of the mansion was silling, w)o very, .soon engaged him in onversation. Ainimg other (locations usual v propounded, she asked, 'What in out your business in thees parts be, stranger? 'I am hunting tho lost shcop of tho house of Israel,' replied the' Paron. 'Old inrt'n? old man!' cried the woman to her husband', 'old man,' I say, I H lay any thing thai the old ram thai was here t'other lay belongs lo this man.' The Minister was forced to explain wi'.creupon gazing al hint with an air of curiosity end astonishment she rose to her feet anil exclaimed 'a preacher! well, you'ie the first critter of that sort, as was ever in ihcse parts afore, as I've - seen but niaby you'd liku to take a dramjstrang- r?' 'No madam, I never drink.' 'Nevei drink? well raly,!' The men, during this dialogue, continued their game at cards, but as if suddenly struck with the impropriety of such conduct of animal of which she had heard, but. never before sav,)the woman addressed the card players with the air of one accustomed lo command. 'Looky here, men, ain't-v'ou d d nice set to let a preacher come lime and catch vou, or I'll breaK this pine Knot over your cutset pate3.' It is, hardly necessary to antt that the room wasspeeuty lcared. The anecdote abovo related is literally true, and aiiorus but a fair sample ot the character of tho settlers on Sndy. Knox, Post. A Character. Mr. Walsh, in a iccont letter to the National (nlclligf ncer, notices the death of Barrere, the famous member of the Committee of Public Salety, whose name is familial to all acquainted with tht deujls ofthe Frencli Revolution. 'Ho pre sided in the Convention at l he trial of Lou is XVI., and voted himself for the death of tiie monarch., He was the rhetorician of tho Reign of Terror surnamed the Anacte. on of the Guillotine. Ho was born at Lar beu of a distinguished family; gained repu tatiou at the bur and in tho provincial repub lie of letters; was elected to the Constituent Assembly, but did not make a figure until he entered the Convention. Mad. de Gkn- lis celelrated his polished address and rea dv talents. No hero of the Revolution 4 excelled him in glibness of speech and the arts of varnishing events and doctrines with both the pen and tongue. It is nearly n mi racle that he survived to live in quiet in his birthplace from 1830 until his demise. He suffered imprisoninont, expecting to be sent to ihe scaffold ovety hour; was about to bft deported lo Cayenne; owed his escape lo Bonaparte's I8th Brumairc; went into ban ibhmenl in 1810, under the Bot,rbon edict against at) the suiviving regicides, and re turned when the Revolution of July re qpeiied their country to tliem and the pro scribed Uonnpartjsl. Barreie left manu script manor for, sixty volumes, chiefly memoirs.' A body that weighs one pound, on rithe Earth, wbnld., weigh twenlyrseveti auu a half pounds ,if trationorled lo.tliev.Sun.taud an ordinarytsizediOtim would ther.8Mkweihl I four thousand pound. ,iiaa3 A JUDGfi 'PUZZLED. A Western Judgo or Justice of tno Peaco was recently 'thus, bothered by ono of the half wild vagrants of the woods who was brought up "with n empty whiskey bottle in his own personal custo dy, r.-.c-l 'So, sir; you're there!' said the Juslice. 'So you always, come os near the truth. as that?' was.lho reply. ouence, sir, wncro uo you cuiiiu from?' fci 'You'll be smart if I keep silence and you find out?' 'Don't be imnudent, fir; what is your occupation?' W 'Look hcfe.JmJgc, I II tell you' ope thingi and I Want to do it respectfully.' 'Well, sir. You're d d impUdeht yourself.1 This will not. do1: whefe do' 'you coma from sir?' 'This side 'of sundown,' 1 'Have you an' occupation'?" RcckoiO What it ?' ' '( 'Del you o pinto' whiskey I can tell what yours is.' Do yon mean to satisfy mo ?' Certainly, Square; wha'll you have?' 'It is necessarythat you should under stand that order and peace are necessary in society Whatever wild freedom' you may find in the woods, you are now here in a community' 'of law, and quiet submission will evince wisdom on your part.' ' Squire, I should like to understand you, but you're too big for me; Just say rio more about it, and let's'" go 'anil lake a drink.' . 'I never drink,' 'What?' : ' " r ' -iievBiT sir?' ' ' - -t-TTT- - 'No sir, never.' ' '' "'' 'Sir, I bid you good morning'.' I Jiavo no desire foi a furlher acquaintance with you. irhooah I'm comings ! ana mo backwoodsman broke out of cdurt. ROMANCE OF REAL UlFE. Some years ago, says a foreign journal, the captain of a porsair carried off the wife of a poor wood-cutter residing in tho neigh borhood of Messina. After detaining her for several mouths on board his vessel ho landed her on an island in the Sjutli Seas wholly regardles3 of what might befall her. t It happened that the woman was presented (o ihe eavige mnnnrch of the Island, who became enamored of Iter. He made her his wife, placed her on the throne, and at his i death left her the sole rdvereign of his do mains. By a Europeaii vessel which re cently touched at the Island, thepooa wood cutter has received intelligence or hfs wife. She sent him presents of such vast value, that he will be prpbably one of the wealthi est individuals in Sicily .until it shall pleaso her majesty, his august spouse, lo summon him to her court. A Dutchman, on proceeding to a placo from whence ho heard cries ofdistressf discovered one of his neighbors lying under a stone wall, which had fallen upon him and fractured his legs. 'Well den,' said Hons, 'neighbor Vaulervjken, vat ish do- matter vid you! mil 6ays ftlattey, vy you see mino conditions vid all dese pig stones upon me, and poth mine legs broke off close py mine poddy,' 'Mein Got,' said, Hons, 'ish dat allj you hollowed so liko dc tivil, I thought you was gotdo tooth aclis.' 'Nabby where's the children's bed!' 'Arn't ii thar, mam?' 'No. npr the bolsters noither.'- Whai? Oh '. now I think on't mant guess Mjs Susan put the boUtor on for a. busjhAand now I. ihmk on't again,l reckon Mi6s Jane Wor'dnut tire bed, too, kaeo sho lied qn an awful, big bump, this mornin,'-r Oh lliese.gals mpnj, never-r-Jlluah,? N.a.bbyV . just me lumg.jj jS is jt. i '4 'J ii n j j 8 5 li t M i I. V. r i t