The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 22, 1842, Image 3

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    J, Q. Aclanxs.and Ilhocle island "tha
editor.of the Naw. Bedford Rogfstorf m-ho-llclng
the report that John Qulriuj Adams
jiad volunteered Ills services to Messrs,
Anthony nnd I'earco, Bays t 'On Wcdijee
day wo conversed with" ihe, gentleman who
called upon'Mr."Adamfin-,-TefattOrt to the
Bubject,- and Hy-iiiiiiw.eare infamled It: IS
true. Mr. Adains declared it as Ids' oplnt
i lmt tho FciioU's Constitution Was
framed and adppjed in accordance with the,
first principles oftiut Instittftiona, -ttiat it'W
tho cstaUished 'ConBtHiitioit of. Rhode. -Is-Ian,
and.tljo supreme Jaw of the State,
thai Thomas W. Door is the rightful and
;t yiriimntn wovornor of Rhode Island, and
that escaping
ftotu -these con'
A dreadful accident lately occurred in
Switzerland! Tho calastrnphy happened
while M. Brossaid, Prefssur of Philosophy
at tho College or Bourg, and his lady, and
Madame De, La Flecheic, a friend, wnrfi
making an excursion in an open earriage
in wniiiif.,' down a sleep declivityi
rpins navo wav. and Ihei homes dashed
ovot a percipice 000 feet deep, drugging
the carriage after ihcnl; Madame Brdas'.ird
wa? ktlled'oii tld spot;, M. Broward was
seriously hurt, but is expected to recover,
Madame De . La Llechcre', who was thrown
nut as tho carriane. was.falliiii:.dowo1.cauglt
by some shrubs gro wipe out of the side of
ihe precipice, and was scarcely injured.
-Mr' .Sajlmbn. , Gppdrlcl, of Te'rrp.ij'ute('
Indians, is successfully engaged in manu
f('.iurintr molasses from ,thucorh stalk.
ia prohounced by competent' judges to be
fully equal to mo sugar nousc raiuabscs
Mr, G. tepresenle the stalk where thn cur
lias bVciToariy taken oiT, as very different
from those on which it is pei milted to
prow aniLripen, the first being full of juice,
aild that iemarkably sweet. Eight gallons
pfjuioe yield abolif . two gallons ot molas
A Koaufifut "art do of this sort is now
Biadein'liouiDiaria. It is clearer and light
er in colpf fthan the' molasses of the sugai
caie?. bearing a strong resemblance ,lo ,liq
uid.honey. '
'Oh INIonilay morning.CoU was sentenced
lo beliunin.on the, 18th of November next.
He remonslrMed(thei Tattler saysj agairtts
pastjng lenience befoie ihe case couiu be
carried to tho Court of Errjirs.Bnd conteqd
A that the excitement' of thb neopje, and
t o! tho p
uiry wer'i
the'prw'u'diceso'f the jury ' were spfficient
causo Tor granitng a nEtv- ttliV and charging-
J . Iff k ntari vOflllrifilC I lll ttfill t
the' venue. He also lequasts mo usu
remarks make under p;uQlrcircumstaricc8, as
unnecessary in his case
Judse Kent cxhonoraled the jury, Coll
rose firmlr and self possessed; and' defeli
ded the murderous deed. He said. 'I
havo never" committed an aclioil in my life
which, under ,the. same ciYcumstaii6c3, I
would.' not do air'ain. I was insulted hi
rhy own ofliccj and resenied It then, ub
would do now, which led. io thfs result
manner, and mattcr.of his speech Avpsj'slri
kingly charactorislic of tho whole character
and lite of this unlorlunalc man.
' Heroes of- the devolution.' vwxe are
in tho U. ..State just one hundred soldiers
of the Kfcvolution, oh the iMiiHon' ' liisi
Over one hiindied 'years of agft.-'asl follows'
New Hampshire 1 ged fOl. - 11
Mris3acliu'selts( . r,
Vermont ' 1 agedlOi'' '
New York 111 aged I07,ono l09
New Jersey 2 bolh-108 .y t
Pennsylvania 13 l'tiged 1 10 ong 1 1-1
Virginia "5 ljaged(li0,( , 1
NortlV.Caroliua 8 ibdo aged ! lis. ,
South. Carolina 4
:i fiu
Ohio. ' :
Missouri '
7 i
, 9
13 -0.i
t ii .'-0 1 1, -
' i" -ii .ijifi! !;"
ii.-1 -w
'; .! I out T . .
.A ,Jl Siilk) f
. i i-i;-:l .:isoi"i
.1 .li .!.(, jrffc. ..'i
2i-pneiagedUlO!ft"j' ''
1 aged' 108- - .
The oldest man on the list, is Michea
Hare of Union cnuntv. P. who is in his
1 15th year. Pittsburg Sun,
; Trarnpled lo Death. Tha Pittsburg Spn
states, that as the steamboat Cleveland and
Michigan were dnscr-mlitm the Ohio to
Beama, drove of 250 entile took friu
ftorrt the noino of tho steamboats, ''untied
their heads in a diffpienj (liroplion from that
in, vhirh , jlicy wero h,eing driven, ritfhed
gainsi ineir urjvers i.nuprseu jiiu auo
trampled bver lliem. injuring one of ihcin
so severely -that ho died uliorilv nl'.or. I n
cattle," perfectly maddened, rpfhttdi dow
the road to tho imniement danger of ull wh
happened lo be in it,
Mammoth Pumpkin. Mr.- Isaac Town
send, of Hyde fark, biought to this village
on 1'riday last, n maminoth PumpUiu raisci
ny him, It weighed 80 tin. 11 was ox
hibited ot tho Fair at Washington Hollow
and was larger , than any other that, was
Interesting judicial Decision. In T,y-
xomme coi.a linptisi. mnmier-namou'diaii.
ilia sent, a ynunir lady named Armstrong,
need 17. In opnosttiov ir tho will of her
;falhor, who was a Presbyterian, and receiv
ed iter into his unwell, me - .lamer uecamu
very much incensed, and ihrcafelicd, person
al violence, lo.Hic. r.leigyman,who thoreupon
made application to a eourt to liavo him
bound over lo keep (lie peace. The court
ordered Mr. Armstrong, on account of the
threats he had used, 10 gijo bail in $500,
but ouleriid the complainant, tJ.r. . Jo
laylho costs-ol Ihe pro.seruiiun, because )ie
Ifa'd lutcrferrfd with thu lawful nulfrurity of
the father, over lijs own offspring, in its
minority,, a,.d. thereby provoked, luni, in his
excited reeliugn, lo tnedililo the personal,
mjuiy, and lo make the threats cutupluintul
ol, jbuaitlVo therefore hut. just that the
iroseciiior should ,paj thu costa wnci his
ownlirst wrongiii qciuau occaaioiicu.--Jiidgf
Lewis Jaid dqwn thosu. tinea puiula
his decision:.
Is). That the authority of tio father re
sults from his duties. Ho is oliitryeil, with
tthc duties of iirti.eiia?ceaiid' education.
lliuve cannot ho perloiilied vithiijil thu nu-
ihority ti:o iiuiaud :n.d to eiiforca Vibocll-
;encu., I he term educulion is hot limited
ito the ordinary instruction of the child in
jlhu pursuits of liieraturu. It coillprts'liundit,
ja. proper.. &iteiitiiif, . lo the inorul and iteli-
,giou.i seHttvwtits Of thu child. , In .tiis dm-
harge ot till la the.iluuoubifcil nuht
if the failmr tu-i deijinai'u sul'fi'- teachem,
(either m tiot.a(a, riligion ol literature, as
Vie islialLdejMit best calculated lo give cOrrncl
Huns lu.tlie child. 1 v
That hu cannot force, it to adopt
jiipinions contrary tu the dieiales of lis ou n
eoiucu!ii'e,.l)ut he has a right- to its lime,
nod us atiuuliouidiiiiMir us; minority fot-ille
purposu ofenablmg liiin 16 itfiikti'.th'e ellori
iiicuiubeut on luni as 'a fullivri 'mo train "i
up in Ihe way u should go." ' ' "
3d, I hat he may not compel ft, against
Us own convictions of right, to become a
member of any religious doiipiniiiaiion, .but
after il has been iiiin.iteil, with his own free
will; into the religious communion to which
fits parent belongs, ho may lawfully restrain
t, during Us ICL'al liiiaucy, liOm violaiini;
the religious Obligations inquired in Us he
half, by placing itself under the rcligiuds
control, of a minister whose opinions do not
meet us parent s approval. . '
TF ondtrful Hscapt. On .Friday last, as'
is stated by the, Baltimore bun, llirto .'men
who were va l work in an iron mine not far
froib UihVcity, narrowly escaped an a'wful
doath.' A maa of earth sixty feet' 'thick
suddenly gave'.Wuyr above ihera. Two of
them emailed without injury by 'jmproyijijj
a silicic second ol tiinojn ireitini: out ol the
reach of the fallini; earth. The third, Pelf I
Rebhoon, was not so foriunaie. His Ouch
wad terribly shattered, but he was nut iiiifch
injured in other respects.
Maine. The most complole sweep that
lias prouuuly been made since the -days ,o
William the NoYman, is tha't of the Wliigs
in Maine, Ueloto mat lavorite ucrnOcratic
leader Guv, airfield. So ulter has been
iheirdiscomfitbKvlhat. wo are .almost dfs
posed to pity them. A kind, "comlin'sserai
ing genius, ihaf of delay in making tip the
returns in some have been
diapoBed lo break their fall a liulo by keep
ing bauk the worst, uows, In Oxford coun
ty, lor i.islance.itho result is not even yet
precisely Known,- bilt Fairfield's majority
jover' Robinson '"(Whig) in. ascertained to. bo
noi less than 2.U00 voles. There ale sov
,eral towiift in h"o county, that have not given
one n itig vote,
iliu elections, in cases where Ihcie was
before no' choice, ebcm io be' resulting very
favorably Id the D'emocraln. 1
, .
'The followiui; is an, estimate ,of tlie a
mount of specie in the United Stales Trea
surv, made by. ihe Kecisicr, in a recent
couimuiiicaiion to Congress:
Il lias been estimated by .somo, that there
was specie and bullion in the country oh
tho 30th ol September, 1820, 5 18.000
000; but say,. ,20,OUO,000
Imported from 1821 Id 1841,
20 yearn , 181,589,841
Doduct exported from 1821 to
Balance '
Tip rfflcienl.Comrades of Napoleon.
Thp VomVeMr qnnounco ihe dealh.of Gen'
er,,llw:Barpn ,St. Cyr. Nngui Peer of
.France, at tho bail) ol .Vichy,: .The four
ir'fer tFfancitis animuncetijilie. death of Baron
LacrH.v.lhe cejebraied suigeon, ni Lyonu.on
the29iji tilt, uljoui the.quino Hour that, his
wift;,,iyo, lliuoupss,, Paris.' 'Baron
Lsrrey.! says (ho Co.urrUr- JtraHcais '.was!
ono of 5iu.'tfir.iUurgeons:of ihe ngo.imd one.
ilf the inoai nnuablo clnraeters inmu'diety.
N.-jpidflnn liiinself': hore witness, to his
scifjice by employing him on nil iiccasluns,
niul. priM)laiiier Ins rarn virluo ill his immor
;ta,jyill, , B unii Larrey wiia on his. return,
from A'&etia, .lifter making a. medical lu,
ipeetiuu among tho troupsjn that cony,'
- , ... ,..'.,-, . 1 1 '.
-'.Flounia selling in.Baltlmoro'rat.$4i 12;. to
01 10. Wheat 80 to65icts. per bushel.:
ltyjiiskey..33i,ccntstpergallou..-w :
h K ' - - .jjw( .t- jH
.4 flerd of .BuJfatoes.OinJh xacanj,
6l near' (lie Corner oC Brdadvay and Prlnp
dreet, are to bo seen about twenty buflaioes
that hnVrt bcen brouglu from, lhe Wesv No
ono who would bo gratified with a sight df'
the animals, riatvmieiakb the sp'cV fdr )f is
On ihd salrid lot 'wheWnho lcb6ns' weVp in
1810. , , . -v ,
A Bold Preacher. 'The boldness of
Samuul Duvics will hu illuslraled by a sinUloi
ani'cdolo. When Presidelit of Prilifceion
College,' lib visiied'Engltind for the purpose
in ooiiming uonaiois for inu niainiiuuii.
I hu kinir (UrorfM! II 1 had a cunosiiv to
icar a orcacher from, w.ilds,of, Amcn'cai
lie accordingly aitnnueili and was mo mmJli
struck with Ills cinnnifliidurg cloqiiiiiien.thul
he rixtiTessed liii astonishment loud enough
lo bo lifeafd llalf way ever tile boue, ill'
such erins at these, "He is a wonderful
inatii! Why, )io beats my bishops! ate.
Duvics, observing that Ihe king was attracti
ng more ntUiiiiion than himself, paused, and
nnkirrg his majesty full in tho face, 'gave
i i in in an emphatic tone, tho following re
buke: "WJ(en Ihd Ifoij loare'.h, let the
lesistr of the forest iremble; and wlien tho
Lord spcaketh. lei (he kings of tho earth
k'oi'p'silonce.'1 'J ho king instantly surunic
bark' in his seal, like the school boy that
had been tanned over 'Ihe head bv hia inns
ler.aiid ten) allied qtitel during ilia remainder
of1 the sermon. The next day the monarch
sent: for him, and, gayo. him fifty guineas, fur
itie'iiistimtion over wllteli ho presnieu, ou
sertiilg at tliu SHine time to' his courtiers,
"He ik'-art honesi man an'honest.niari.
Western Jlailrond. It, is stated that for
the last dix daye two thousand barrels of
Hour tier (lav more than could he talten on
the, road' ivi'iho'ut a larcer supply. 'of cars
havejirjived ai Greenbush, and have there
thoen. tohipp,,Muw York,, to bo trans
ipurtcd'to. . Boston byi water. -
W.e learn from ihd , Philadelphia North
American, thai Col. It. ,M. johKson, jii
afigirt'i'iikS-froio. the cars in that pity on thu
1 Dill instant, ami - while surrounded by
jcrowd ol ins friends, had his pocket picked
Of 5150. , .. '! ,'! ".
There is nothing purer than honesty
nothing jtmeeler. than ,eharit; nothing
warmer than love nothing richer lhan
'Wisdom nothing brighter than virluo
, , .i V - - ' r -i' -lie r':.l
aim nnioinu more Hiuaumsi i nai laiin.
I le itnitci t1 one mint), loim ine puresi
the. Hwcelest Ihe richest ihe briglesl
and tho moi steadfast Happiness.
A, reclinir drunkard, on meelinff1 a friend
accosted bun tliu 'Well. I heard vou can
raise the ddi il.J iTcs,', replied, the iriend
and with his fndt sent tho .drunkard's, bas
;kai;,ponlainih!z.a, jui of runi, twenty feet
aboyo his lioaui ' , !
I ' ' T- ' ' ' '
It is folly, (6 "call th'c'jovs ofijiur child
hood tho. cteaipsl. They arc, .like the
earnest flower of spring, tho crocus, lovely
and richly tinted, but small and, scer.tles
'It is summer that brings - forth flowers'vof.
'matured splendor. fliidjiagrance.
SI Republican Sentiment. The Bay
oiatfis leijiocrai says inai -inu nine
,come w.iien. a nan snail nave wcigui
'the community in pioporlion lo sizo
iof his sntil; and not to (ho weight of - his
money baas', Or to tho extent of Ins lands
or to'ihe value of his .merchandise,'
last. Airs,
In this township on Monday
MAj?Y';ANrrLO.VE, aged 07
fat, Blopmsburg, Pa'
(Corrected fPeeklu.)
Wheat, : $ .80
' Bulter,-:
Tallow, r
Dried Apples,-
pursuapce of an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Columbia Count, on . f
Tii'urday tile lOtli day of Noyctpber next,
at ten o' clock in tho fotenooit; WlllianiiJ Ikcler,
Administrator, &e. of Jacob Ale. lalo of Mount
Pleasant, township in said county, deceased, will
expose to Salcbyipublic Vendue, upon tho premi
sed, . "
of the North end of a certain tract of land, eiliiato
ilirMount l'lesant toxvnship, adjoining Daniel
Force, Daniel, Jl'Carty, Edward Cavanco, and
William IkltKcontabiipgjllnety eight acres; and
1 . . " ' -t - , I 1 ... .1. i
aoqui iufiy ace utieiu .uje premises,
but .'nobuildingi: latq the cstato oftaid deceased,
situate in thq township of .(fount Pleasantt and
!coui'uyviforcsaid,. ,.
JAUuu tiXliiUi, Vtert. .,
ALT, persons lmowiilj 'themstives' iftiieticd to
.tlfala'te firhi iof Wveft SLViviSnMi fi6t6 or
liook nrosrcflucstcjUtoniakQ immwliato paxmciitiM
nV Idng&r 'indulgence! ciri io 'given. Thoso1 'who
neglect the call will nk'lio .lid responsible for consc-
lucnecs tli5it,xillccr.tai;ily follow. ... , .
Djpomjburji Pct, 22, 1848 , f .
Y vlrtuo of sunJry Wriu bt vciulitlotil x
(llfoims. to mc directed. Will bo cinofscd to
puUlic'salo'at'ttio Court llbutc. in DailTilld, on
Monday t!io 31st day of Octobcr,1842, at'lO VcIbck1
M mo loliowilijt-propetty, .viii .f .
A certain tract or parcel of land, situalo
upon the SytqUbhanntt arid loga Tii'rnplkd Hoad.
and upon tho East branch of i?riartrc,k,"aboui Iwb;
arid. a. half Mies front tho town of Bnarcreeki
whereon is a
2 Dwelling Houses,
A Wheel Ws-'igSit Shopy
Ind adjoining lands of 3. T. Hcadly, heirs of
Geofgo U(!atn-dcccascd,'and 'Others anil containing
obouthirtctifl Acres, inorc or lc?
Upon a certain other, tract, or Farm, of
land, situate Upon said branch of Uiiarcrcck, .and
bounded upon tho East by the county lino'belwccn
lblumliki and Luzerne counties, upon tho South
by )nnd(f'6f Uamard.Scibeit, Nicholas -Seibert and
S. Fvllendlcy, upon tho West, by 'tho aforesaid
'lot of thirteen acres, whereon thai Furnaco and
other buildings arc crccted,'and by lands occupied
by Hchry 'f rough) and'upon thci Kortli, by omer
lamia of tho defendant, and containing-about Foity
five Acres, moro or l&ia yheicon ia a
The land U all improved. ' .' J ( i
A certain farm lot or tract1 of Latid situate
upon said branch of Briarcreek, and bounded
'.r .. . . r :.i e' L." f
oOUtU'Dy-mot lasi aiorcsiuu.iufc.ui, laiuij wi owui
!Fortv-five Acres. East by tho countviiinc o Luz-
nA n,l Columbia, and bv lands .of William
Zalmcr, North by lands of a. K. Hcadly, VVeat
hv nthcr lands ol tlio defendant and containing
Ninety ,Acres, moro or leas, Whereon .is a
A large frame Dwelling House, a Stablo,
andan old Saw t Ml.. , Upon this tract
there is about .Sixteen Acres of iin'prvcil1 Meadow
land. . ,'
Uponiti lot containing (Jne Acre and six
.perches of lahd, bounded Upon tho South by tho1
jaforcsatd lot tor' farm, or ' about Foiiy-fivo Acres,
bounded fapdii the East by "tho aforesaid tract,
hereon tho Grist Mitrand old Saw Mill is erected
upon the Noith and' West by other' land of tho
(defendant, being a triangular lot of improved
ground, but without buil-Juig upon it,
Upon a .certain other lot containing ,Four
Acres'df land moro :or less, sltuato up&n tho
South bide' of Summer'- hilt, and bounded ' South,
,bv tlio'-afurisaid farm of for'ty-fivo-'acrcs-atid'tho
.said'lot of ono acre and six pei'chcs,' Eaity-by the-'
aforesaid Grist' Mill tract, Worth by other lands of
defendant. Wct by lands occupied by Henry
Traugbj whereon w.a
' 1 ALSQ .
lUpon a crrlain other tract situate upon the
Summer hill and bounded. Eastby tho aforesaid
tract whereon tho' Grist Mill and oilier buildings
afo erectcd. JSortn by lands ot H. I' . Headley, and'
other lands defendant,- West by lands of J. Jacobyv
William Edwards, and by; other lands, .contuminc
about Ninety Acres,' part ni which is improved but
without building.
TJpon .a triangular lot of unimproved land
situate upon Summer hill, and bounded by the last
aforesaid tract upon tlio South-East and by lands
ofS. F. Headley upon tho North, and by lands of
J, Jacoby and others upon the West, containing
Forty Acres more or loss, quantity unknown.
Upon a certain tract of Timber land,
situato, upon the North Mountai i, adjoining
land ot Jesso llowman, . r . ileadly and others
surveyed August 1793, in pursuance of a warrant
issued out of tho Land Office to Alexander Coc
hran, dated July 28, 17931 and containing Four
Hundred and four Acres,
thirty perches and a.
Seized, taken in execution, and
to sold as ii
property of Thomas M'Nair
Sniniry's Ornci, Danville, ?
September '30, 1842. ts. 5
A School for the instruction of youth, in
the, various branches, of science ,and . litenn
ture. will bo opened In 'the A'cadejny in'
Hloomsburg, on ' - j
1 'Monday i 3d of October.
. Application for admission to be made to
the School Committee, or to tho subscriber;,
when'thb terms of tuition will be made'
.known. '' ,'' ' ' -t
' tlf-Jiiil " ;i.t. , ' 'loir. ' ''
ltMU Sale:
K pursuance of" an m&it bftlio Orpliaris' HobA
of "CoIuinMa County,-bni b
Monday tho 7ih day ofNoypmhocriexf,
At ten o'clock in tho forenoon, Daniel Gigcr anfl
Henry t'lger": A'drnlrilstra'tcfi &.b. 'ot Henrjr'Gigert
lalo of MonliicrVto'wnshlp In" eiid cotIntj',-'"decrt8ea?
will cxposiitd Public Vendue, upon thd
prcmisea ccrtan - - . ,'.-i
BitUfite' .6f ji( Mqutucrl,. :Tqjnnhip; t .fnf
said county, aiJ(inu)s.lon.d pi", Mary, Forest, Jobnf
rry, joim,mcuaius; ncxanut-r (immfi, Lieonaru,
Rupert, and' others ton'tahiihg '
m&r ACRES, ..-
or thereabouts; lite the estate1 of said' de'ccileed.situ
ate in tho township of Montuer, and county nfore
said.- ! . v,... a : 8'.
Danville, ,ottl2thl848,, . . ..
Independent Troop.
HE. members of, tho Iwuxpeniient Taoojf
are hereby notified to meet' fct thrf house of C.
Docblcr in liloomsburp;, attO .o'clock 'As M., onl
Saturday fho 29lh day of October irut.nioUnted.Bndl'
in uniform, for drill. Atthe some place immediate
ly after a drill a ' '"'
will be' organized and sit to fiearclinqucntari
elcctioi will also be held to electa second .Lieuten)
ant for said Troop, ' ' .' 1 ' - '
A general attendanbtfofthb raemb'cis' tk earae!!
requested. ....
uy order ol ,tho .captain, ' '
' Ji SLOA'N. OJB.'
Dloomsburg, 'October 8 1843, .
n '
ESioomsliurg: Arullcry.
fTTJHE mctflbcrs of tho
' u nr archtreby notffied'to meci'atifio Houso of
CrDof bjcr in Ilp9msburgj-at.l0 o'clock.., M, ontj
Saturday the, 29th, day of Optoberirist, in 'uniform
lur unu v( mc.Hauiciiiaeu luiweuiaicir aitui uiuv.
i' rl , Ii' I.
will bo organizedandit ,to hear delinquenU., -r,
A general attendance 'of tlib membcrd is pmitmjf
rcquertca.' ""i ' ' aJtrT tooi
. ' By order of the CipUinS - ; r oil 1
' .0. nSil ORAMMt Q.&k
Bloomsburg, October 8, 1812.
- ... iT-'i-t
n i "A
'- BROKE into the enclosures of the ubsrltt
about the firit of Julyias't.'a "
vi I
. , j,.: i - .
years old. rue owner l
fnnil Ukc-hlm aorftv.
I Fisliing Creek, Sept 10. 182.
3 U
miner t
Session t
and Orphans Court in'lho eighth'judicial. dismct,
composed of the counties of Northumberland,
Union,- Columbia, apd Lycoming) and tlie Hpn
William Danahhnn and . Gtarm ' MnrlrJ Raw
quires, Associate Judges iii, CJtumbfa( cobntyihave,
issued thHr'prcccp'tVcar'nlnj 'datb"the SStli'ilayjbf
ugusi, in uo year ui our ijoru one inousxnu
eight hundred and forty-two.and to mo dircctcd,for"
holding" ' ""' 1 ' ' .- ' Wt
A Court of Oxjcf arid 1Tir)'niner?iria fcjiu
crah ' Jdil ' ' DeHvtrylWirietalQtfttTW
Sessions hftn'c 'Peace; Vo&mih'ty&ts
and Orphan CoMrt, , , ;A
INt P.ANVILLBja.tha .County pf gqliuiibia(
on the third Monday of Norember ijext, (being Ijiq
2 1st day) and 6 cohti'nuo1 two weeks : .
. . ; ,7 ' i i V w t- ''-'
Notico is thcrefdro lierby given 10
the Coroner the Justices of tho Peace,-.' andiCon
stablespf tlicsaid county ,qf Columbia thai; they
bo tljen and there in tljcir properper'soni, ,at, ,10
o'clock in tho forenoon of said .Jay wjtlij their
records, inqulsitio'ni' arid' bthc Ycmomtir'aricesJ to
those things which to their offices appertain to
be done. .And those that aro boiind by' feeogiiii
zances, to prosecute against tho prisoners tbatvbto
or may be in tho JaiJ of said county oT Columbia
are to be then and there to prosecute .against them
as shall bepust, Jurors are requested to bV punc
tual in their attendance, agreeably to their notices.
Dated at Danville, the 14 th day ofr Oct., in
tho year of our Lord one' thousand eight
hundred and forty-two, and in thp 7 year
of the Independence of the United ' States1
of America. : ' !
JOHN FRUIT Sheiff,- .
Snrnirr's OrrrcE, .Danville,
, Oct. U 1842. 5
IS hereby given by tho C'ommfssfoners of Cojpui
bia county, thai .from and after this dale, all the1
repairs necessary tb'keep the county bridges in or
der will bo dono by and atthe expense of I he sevri
al townships in" which such bridges aro s'ituated.'iir.a
.that tho County Oommiesionets will not I'fHafler
enter into contracts for- any repairs thai ,ay bo
. ' . ' i. Commissivntat
Commissioner's Offick, ? niij aO
Danville, Auir. 17, I648.riii tu
i ' " " " TS i$fAtt o4J
Abrf.taijijjncl, abnufiour
s requested-to pay charge
WHEREAS, thp Honorable Ellh Lewisp
Prcsidbnkof tho Court of Oyer on'-l Tor
ind General Jal'lelivcry, Court; of Oaaftcif.
If tho-Pc'acc.and Court of Common' Plea.