The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 22, 1842, Image 2

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    OOnfasion of what tha irtABlrtcd Vint a. tinf.
rid and distinct dream. 'sh wfin iimmrttii-rt
before the tribunal', ossembledln .cWorroly
to tho rules of tho'Order, to tiy and' con
uummi m i uii-a,;iiuigu ui Jc sacrilegiously
u.Driuiujr ur vyws.anu proianattng tne sane
tity of iNe convent.'
Faiigued by tho "exertions she had tinilcf
gone, my narrator fell back upon her chair
and itwas in a voice, almost indistinct. from
i ib wcaKncss mat sne added.
'You guest her doom?'
Perhaps, I suggested, Mho poor girl
was confined to, a conforilces coll! . .
A gtfshty smllo came" over the features of
l,0t9ldJ.'.dy, a smile in. which there was
Gomething'riorrible and painful to sec. She
again ealfedl in her bhair.placed her'head
on my shoulder, and approaching, her face
,,HiWBB, n08f.,u iow;ptiissmg wins
per; which thrilled mo to tho heart, and
trfado'rno shudder, 'she was built tip in the
cariiy or a wan anu leit were to' did'
Jionaparte's opinions of Christ- The
following conveieation.islsai&W.khow "not
wiin wuai authenticity ,to have bbtn related
by General Montholon. .Monihoon is. twell
known as tho faithful adherent ofjNapoloon
in;his fall and his amanuensis at St. Hele
na;!!! giving ; the world a history bribe1 lifer
auu .iiiucB ui iiio great warrior. J no sen
tijrients are worthy of tho greatest mere
MatQa(rds the greatest of all Beings, who,
tHough immortal once, put on mortality
visible 'ttWhe fashion of man.
tl'know man," said Napoleon, 'and I
tel you that Jesus' is not a man! The ro.
lbzion of Christ-is a mystery which sub-B1r)if-rrtotce,
and proceeds from
n mind which is n5t u.lrnan n.lnd. We
fihU in it a marked individuality, w,jc, 0lj.
ginated,a strain of words and actions, un
known before, Jesus borrowed nothing
from our knowledge. He exhibited in him
self, a perfect example o'fh'is precepts.
Jesus is not philosopher, for his proofs
aro miracles; arid from the first his disci
ples ardored him.- lu fact, learning and
pliilo,drtphy,ara of no.uso for salvation; and
Jsus came "into tnc.Jworld to reveal the,
mysteries o"f Heaven and the laws of the
"Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and
myself founded omniresi but on whatfoun-
daliqns.djtl,, the creations of our ge ,
iiuaj v,(iii jurtc, jesus vjiiusi aione
founded hfs' empire upon love, and to
this hour millions-of men would die for
iiim.T.rr (
.'It was nouday u.haitlei lhal ach5ev.
id 1 the triumph of the Chrislia,. Uejo ;
the world. No: it wis a long war, a con
test Toflhree centuries begun by theApos
tles,.,lhon, continued by the flood of Cluis
Mrstiopjj. In this .war,- jf all, the
kings and potentates of tho, earth, were op,
one eide oh (ho'bthsrI see .to arm bdt a'
nfy'slerious1 ferce! some men scattered h'cTe
and'there ioialltparlsof the world, and who-i
have ino; other rallying point, than a cora
H)on faith, irllie mysteries. of the cross. !
'1 die before piy time, and my bpdy will
b6 given back' to the earth, to become food
for worms".,fc Such is tho fate of him who
had. been called the great Napoleon. What
ao abyss between my deep misery and the.
eternal kingdom of Christ, which js pro
claimedlove;d, and adored, and which is
exterfdhig over'lhe whole ear'thl Call you'
this dying? Is it not living rather? The
death of Christ is the. death of Qpdl'
Nappleon-stopped at the last words, but
General orlrand making no reply, the
Emperor added : If you do not perceive
thatJes'us Christ is GoaI did wrong to ap
rtoiuypu 'Geheral.' ,
'There' is'sdmethine awc-insniririi?' in' the'
'fact that three of our Presidents died on.
the 4th of July. The coincidenqe, )s to
say tho least;, strange and inexplicable.
Nor do we ever think of their deallis-beds
withoutva fefowiof renewed 'patriotism. The
last words of Jefferson were 'I resign my
-Jimieing roused bythefiring.Bf a cannon,
nnd Ic-Jd tliaj his. neighbors, were, rejoic
ing for the 4th of July, he cxclaimeil, 'It is
a great arid glorious day,' arid:6xpired with
the word? Independence forever!' ori his
lips. Pesident,Monroe died'on the morn
ing of our National Independence. WJien
the firing began at mi$lfigriti"he. opened' his
ej'es intiuirlngly, aiuKwhen the caiiso' was
commiimcated lohiriitfi- cheerful, intelli
gent "smile indicated that he understood
what the, occasion- was,al(lipugh speechless.
England has nnthiiiir. in her hisiorv. like
-this, if we except 'the daviW wbfds of
mgciiivu uiuuuy, which excel tuose or an
lier oilier patriotsf ar.d thrill the- heart like
the blast of trumpet. It was alter he had
disrobed ori the scaflbld that he p'laced jiio
head'on the block. The executioner, think
ing he only wished, as was usual," to try
the'bldcfc.asked him If lie Bhduld nse again.
Not till nhe resurrection,' onewered the
dying patrjoj, 'striue onlV
StnaUr j3trilon.'Vtw gentleman mdo'
n ssd mistake on Thursday morniiig,i just
before (lay, He- was on board a steamer
bound (onMaypvjlle. TliOjboai rounded
to land him, a light was on slinreitlio Sena'
tor,with his cloak on, Btepped off, thinking
lie eould reach terra fiaraa. But ho dropped
into water rallier loo deep fbr 'him, Fortu
natelyiowevenhe ,tyas,near enough to land
lo escape .drowning though lie received a
severe &QtVrg.Chttinmtla Gazette
squio my oa.ani ,my daughter, to ny
country.'The dyipg words of
tho same day.were still m'- ctitracleristic
'-'TiiiiTn .-wiTnocvr-1 eaVi
? !
( Subject ti . flit, decision of National
" ' ; WANTED, ' "
b A-FEiv nustitiis OF
In payincht for papers at tfiiOfiice," ' ' '
In the course of tho election campaign
we often asecrjpd that. the,. Danville faction
w.cro jn, fa'vot; pfa division in, preference to
a "removal; and that Fruit was pledged by
his connection with them and the Berwick,
division men, to go for a division if a re
moval could not be prevented without.
This was as often denied by theiri,. ind we
were denounqcd as every tiling but honest,
foi making the. asdertion, -Although in
private, we had often heard them declare
this to be their determination as a last nrc-
veniBUo.j(0 removal', y0j wo were ,10t
prepared to havclncu. : Po1k -yoW and
threaten so soon after the election locfiect
it, unless i the removal question was dropl.
But it seems the late strong expression in
.'avor of a removal,. has rendered them des
peiale, through 'fear that tlc next legislature
will do justice' to tho county, and in their
tvrath they threaten tu assist the division
men in their unholy pioject, tha a few
speculators-in Danville may retain the frau
dulent location, of tlie courts. As evidence
iicar what the Danvile Intelligencer sas.
'If a division is afleclcd, we trust the peo
ple of Danville will be exempt from all
iihtue 'while they act on the defensive,
uguwut r,emoval. '
In what way' aretne, 'Ui ion tho de
that 4 insjo'rity of Cdlutnliia county are not
jri '"fav'oi ol a removal, wheii'Danie'l Snyder
(lie rerdoyalcsudidalo', Had three-fifths of
all tho votes polled? and that tod when the
dpposfng candidate was pledged against it.
Under these circumstances, can they even
hae a 'face to' oppose a removal, burdened
and seared as their faces and consciences ate
against submitting to the wishes of tho ma
jority f No, they know 'it will hi of no
uso to them, and their only remedy now is
to fight for a division, regardless of the in
jury that may accrue to the county regard
less of Its future welfare and prosperityih
fact, regardless of all other consequences,
provided (heir own immediate ends are grat
ified, by retaining the county seat at Dan
viile. They are willing to loose moro than
one third of our1 territory, and one third of
our population Nearly ' dbublo our taxes
fore'veri- and yet the county seat would be
rio'nea'rer the centre of tho remaining' coun
ty tha'n i't now is df the whole county.
Tliia-is the substatico of lh bove threat,
and that they viwatlerript to carry it into
effect,- n$ one who knows 'them will, for
one moment, doubt. They are now despe
rate, and will 'resort to desperate- means.
But who will favor the division? Will' the
people residing within th'b limits df the pro
pbsed new county! Let the voters ariswer
for who will deny but that' the vole between
Snyder and Fruit is a good data upon which
to 'decide. ''Within the' limits 'of the new
county, Snyder had 000 voice1,' while Fruit
had but' 218, being more than four id brie
agam'sf-'a' division. Will' the representa
tives from old Luzerne assist them, both
being: pledged? against) -il? vYVill -Senator
Headley tiow advocate it, such a strong
expression in tho limits of the new. countyj
as well as in the .whole: county, against it,
We feel confident he - will not. Ho must
and will carry-out the wishes of hisccuu
stituerits as exprossetl through tile ballot
boxes. Ho is noti.'lhe representative of
Berwick dnl Danville alore, but of Colum
bia county. ' Then who will efTeqUa divi
sion, if affected at all? Tho people of Dan
ville. Who will deserve the blame? .The
people 6f Danville; But says the' Intelli
gencer, "are we to blame or acting jn self
defence?" As well might tha tobber men
tion that he is right tn defending his ill,
gptten'-wealth, and is right in taking more
with it, that he may retain ; What Jie. lias
njieady-sloleii. JIf one is'(,rigJt,f,o il; :the
other. But lo return Jo put first position,
'were wo right .in -paying , that Fruit was
pledged by his cormccfton to aid the divl
i . - .i. f.- ...
sionl The lianvillo faction, who now
avow themselves in favor of a division, sup
portcu. nun. me ucrwick uiviston men
.6iippprlcd,him. and voted for him. Look
at it, and then answerj were we right.
The Algorine dr J, G. Montgomery fof
him, says that the Berwick division men
Voted for Daniel Snyder. Aifow did, his
true, Not on account of the division, how
ever. Il was discovered a few hours beforo
tho election that the Danville faction had
piomised to make a certain gentleman' co!
lector should Fruit bo elected. To prevent
thisi'd few votes were. given for Soy'dtlr.
This is the secret, the. whole secret, and
nothing lAil the. secret. How do -you like
it?- It was only change for change ;i'
"By the coursa of Daniel' Snyder, last
winter, he brought the, division bill upon the
verge of its passagenot by advocating it
himself but by persisting in advocating a
removal 'Which' the legislature would not
grant. J r-rMlgcritte.
This' reminds us of the story
ot a man
. . .i r
who'hal an- illegal possession of a. farm.
The rightful "owner cairte todisposesa hinn
and received a severe beating for his pnins.
Upon complaining of maltreatment while
pursuing his own, the possessor' replied.
T!ia he was not to blame, for il you had
loft me in quiet possession of your properly
I should have, had no reason to complain,
and would not have beaten you, and if you'
still poriiot, I will destroy you and your
farm. I acl in self-defence." This ia
piccisely thu situation in which Daniel
onyuer was piaceu ast winter, lie was
asking as tho Representative of Columbia
county, for the removal, and tho Danville
faction, to prevent it.advocaled the division,
and "brought the bill upon the verge of its
passage;" and all because they were hot
eft in peaceful nosseseion of their fraudulent
ly- obtained cou nty seat.
The election being over, we may now
bast around uis for a candidate for the speak
er ol the Htm'ae of Representatives. And'
shall, it belli should be a man of talents
01 active business hernia, ond one well an
4uaii,i..-u wiin wie rutes oi the house. We
ve carefully IcoIkh) ovar tho lu. ur mcii
I l .. . X r -.
iioio ciu-ci, aim wo nnu no one whom wo
think should piefercd to COL. HEN
DRICK B. WRIGHT, of Luzerne, as he
unites all the qualities requisite for a good
epeafter, besides, he conies from a strong
democratic courtly in Northern Pennsylva
nia, which portion of the state has never, to
our recollection, had a speaker.Let every de
mocratic paper at the Norlh respond lo this
nomination and1 urge his election as an act
of justice to the democtats of the North.
Passed through this village, on Wednes
day morning last, on his way to the Will-
laiiiojum .uiicauipiiicni. no arrived tioro
about 7 o'clock, accompanied by Colonels
Dorrance, Rj-noIds, and Jjaj Bp.wmap, of
WilResbarre, and Doct. Salsburv. A large
number of our citizens, winhout distinction
of party walled upon him, .and extended lo
him a cordial welcome to our beautiful vil
lage. After breakfasting at Mr. Doeliler's
Hotel, ho left, escorted by the BLOOMS'.
BURG BAND, and several gentlemen of
Bloomsburg, as far as Jerseytown, express-
ing himself highly gratified at his reception,
and of tlto beautiful & fertile valley through
wnicn be was passing.
Tho Intelligencer last n-eek publishes the
notice signed by several citizens of this
place in regard to the erecting of public,
holdings, should a removal be effected, and
insinuates tha,t it was merejy an election
eering trick. Wo can assure tjie public that
iho names attached to Jhe notice are a suffi
cient (juarranteo, thaUJiey .wilj perform all
tlioy nave promised ,to,dp. In facj, the bill
wNcb- PS!?,e(UK I"0'!" at, !10 cXlra sesjion
required them to do all they have promised
,in the notice referred to, yhjch the Intelli
gencer man knows to be a fact, as well as
every other person who has lead it.
Tho .election in Ohio ban rmlin,i ;
favor.of the democratic partv Shannon is
elected governor by about five thousand
majority over.ilip whig.. candidate. The
dcmogralB have u pipjprjty vof, JO in the sen--ate,
nnd.or 14 Jn thp hogte; making 24 on
Hag eleafed he wholo democratic ticket
by an increased volo. ,
i Tho Keystone contains a list of the scna
tors and members of tho House of Repro
sentatives, Tho senate stands 10 demo
crats to 1-i wliigs. Houso 02 democrats to
38 whigd," giving a democratio majority on
joint ballot of 29.
The- elegant stone bridge over Miller's
river at Montague, Now Hampshire, lo have
been completed tho next day, buist on Fri
day week) by too great pressure at the
sides, before a sufficient weight was placed
on tho, top of tho arch, and most of this great
structure now lies deep in, tho bottom of the
river. Tho arch was 79 feet span, with .21
feet, rise,- ,
There ia now an exhibition,. at Boston, a
remarkable pioducl of human, ingenuity. It
is a piece of silk, about a yard sauare. con
taining a portrait of General Washincloni
the Declaration of Independence, and, fac
similes oj tbo4 signatures of the signers,
which was woven, in various colors, during
the pasl.yoar, by Mr. Henry Hardy,
The Easton Pa. Sentinel says "In this
county there are seven millions of dollars
invested in. the coal trade; in flouring mills;
one and a half millions; in the manufacture
of iron, five hundred thousand; in tanneries,
one hundred jnd fifty thousand; beside
woolen and other
During the three last terms of the court
of Commpn Pleas, in the counties of Barn
stable, Nintnckot and Dukos, Mass, which
contain a population of between 40,000 and
00,000 inhabitants, not a single bill of in
diclinent has been found by the Grand Ju
ry- JJ
About a foitnight ago, in Pjtlaburg, a girl
lour uioiuiis old, who had been left for a
short, time in a cellar kitchen by her moth
er, wag attacked hy a large rat, which so
mangled one of the arms, of the poor euffe
rcr as to oventuallyQcuisc her death.
rhp 'ggefi lMh7i Eunpe, eays the
antwerp j(mrfrl, iliojp-via: the Belgian
Giant. Poerlcin Van' Cmnn Wo
leet high, and thirty two years of age.
Nine hundred persons in .Warren county
Mississippi, were reported by the tax col
lector as unable lo pay the State taxes.
A Sitht The BoBion Transcrint savs:
"The country on tho Missouri, L'Eauan
court is neatly are of timber. The river
bottoms are narrow, and the grpund, gen-,
erally, high and bluff prairies. This nnnn
bare country, is at times as far as the nvn
extends, in overydirection, blackened wilh
buffalo. It has, been estimated that fifteen
or twenty thousand may seen
at a gUnee."
The number of church iiiomben in i,
Sandwich Islands IS IP. 210. llPlnT nonl
one nun oi me population. The number
admitted during the year ending on the h
of June last, was 2443. Nombnr nf ..i,i
dren in the schools, .18,000 to 19,000
i no ivmg nas lately joined the Temperance
Society. '
The Schooner Ilannah.with all on board.
is supposed to have been lost on Lake Rrin
pn Wednesday week, 'during a heavy rale
of wind.
, ,w vapM ul D111
from South America tn TCnmnn ia i
il is comnuted thai il.o -r
t " " f IV UVtY I
ger tnan it has ever been since tho sepa
linn I - f '
u' colonies irom Spain,- upwards
twenty years ago.
Over ten thousand barrels of flour arrived
at Boston last 'week, by railroad from Alba
riy. The last European says that the whn1
quantity of manufactured goods sent from
Liverpool to tho United Slates, bv all ih
shipping houses together, in a given period
mis year, does not equil the ouantitv .i
by a single first rate shipping, house in a
similar period, but ono of prosperity. In
this state of things, what are called transient
Hups; get no freight, while even the narkt
shjps got little or none, ,
Daniol. Webster was born in-. 1782. , 8n
Wo learn from tho 'Colombia Democrat,'
that Daniel Snyder, the Democratic R8
moyat candidate lo the Legislature is elected1
oyer his opponen,;VMiV, by a majority of
875. Fruit Was supported by a piratical
faction at Danville which has long lorded- it
over the ppoplo of Columbia county HJs
now hoped that their arm of power isbro
ken. Tuhkhannock Patrol,
. Tho Columbia (S. C.)Chronlclo .qf tho
28th ult, states thalrecent'tests at tho Wash
ington Navy Yard, of the adhesiveness,
strength and malleability of tho Iron - man-
ufaclured by the Ncsbell Manufacluiing
Company of South Carolina, have cstablis- '
hed for it a chaiacter infinitely superior to
any other iron, foreign or, domestic., It is
.further slated that the officers of iho Govern
mcnt aro so well satisfied with its super
iority over all other irori.that they intend to
apply it to the manufacture of gun barrels,
and other puiposes that require quail,
The following remedy for rheumatism
'ether chronic or inflammatory, will be found
very efficacious. It baa been tested by
several old rheumatic patients, and found
to afford immediate lelief 1 qua't spirits
of whine, 2 of. castile soap, 1 ox. spirits of
hartshorn, 1 oz. gum camphor, and half a
glass of spirits of turpentine. Tho soap
and camphor to be cut in small pieces, and
dissolved in the liquids. It can be. kept ia
a bottle, or any close vessel, for use. Th
parts affected with rheumatism to bo rub
bed with the mixture and kept warm.
- A most remarkable case of longevity, in
rigid New England, it that of John Gilley,
of Augusta, Me.' who died a few years
since, at the venerable ago of 124. Ho
matried at the age of 80, a girl of 18 years
old, by whom he had ten children, tho
youngest of whom, at his death, was more
than 100 years younger than his father.
He was of Irish orgin, but a native bern
cjtizens of Maine.
At tho time the . late turn oni of the oper
atives took place(in Lancashire, Kogland,
iJ. Eielden, Esq., M, P., had upwards of
1,000,000 pieces, of manufactured goods
on hand. Since the turn out theao
goods are in demand at an advaneo of 9d
to Is per pjeco., Ills calculated, that ha
.will m.k. .i p,ofik tr lUp vliauga ,iu
prices,, produced b tho turn out,, of from
40 to 50,000 sterling.
Mitchell, the ex-member of Congress; is
kept busy at the State Prison at Sing Sin;,
New York, as boss whitewasher. He has
a gang of about a dozen under his charge,
and is said to excel the wholo of them in the
fancy blushing.
The Auslin Gazette sisserts that Genetal
Houston received 100,000 as a bribo to
release Santa Anna, after the battle of ,San
Novel presentment. Tho Grand. Jury
of Cass county, Ga., at the late session of
the Courts in Casville, 'presented the Con
,tral Bank of Gcorcia as a nuisanco to the
Stato of Georgia in goneral.and to tho county
ot tass in particular.
A. man out West, has been terribly Ironn-
cod on his wife, because he took his sur
tout and boots out of her bustle iust before
sho hoisled it on. Next time he'll miud
lug own business.
Milk. Tho Erie Rrailroad broueht r
the cjly 03,000 quarts of Milk, during tho
month of September. The milk is boushi
n Orange county at two cents, and sold to
dealers on arrival four cents a quart.
The road earned in the whole, during tho
rapnth 910,000, of which B.fiOO wa r.
ceived for freight, and 4;2Q0 for passon
gers.The milk produced at half a cent a
quart, $4C8. The weight of the milk was
ninety three tons.
Munificence. Vr) Mercer, of Adams
county, Miss, has built, a church and par-
sonago nouse at an expense of moro
than 830,000, for tho use of the
people who work on his plantation. He
pays the minister salary. $1200, and finds
him in bread and meal,
Yen you're a married man. Kami!.
you'll understand a eood manv iliim, na vmi
don't now; but velher It's vorth while going
throunh on mnnli in Innm i:,,i. i,
... . ,u Bh lltllD-UD IUU
charity, boy said ven he got to the ond of
the alphabet is a matter of taste, I think, it
also was,Marin Vart puren.f ,a