is TSSTB. WltBOCT f BAB. " MXVHDAV, tiCTOBERU, 16412. DANIEL SNYDER'S VOTES. "Under this caption, John G. Montgome ry, publishes in ll:e lost paper of the Mgr.' rine, ,n long list of what ho calls Daniel Snyder's votes in the Legislature, and a bach of mote Jesuitical, malicious, false misrepresentations were never given to the public. The intimation, ton, that those votes were given upon the main question, a wholly false and gratuitous. Daniel Snyder, unlike John G. Mont goraery, xas always been a uniform, con sistent, decided democrat,, None of your lime serving, changing policy men, and as such he was elected by the democratic par ty, snd having been so elected he sustained the interests of the party without any ehilking or dodging. And we defy J.G. 'Montgomery, the, Algerine, or anyof the Danville faction, to point out a single prom inent vote of his .in the Legislature, where he was not sustained by tha democratic, members, not only in the house of repre sentatives, but in the, senate. Even the vote of David D. Montgomery, the brother of John. G. Montgomery is placed side by side with that of Daniel Snyder, in the votes Tecited, and yet John G. Montgomery, is willing to outrage the feelings of a brother, nnd denounce the whole of the democratic members of the house in order to injure the election of Dsniel Snyder, because it voouti he againtt hit perianal interest, and be beneficial to the county generally. And this act will be considered still more dotes table on the part of S. G. Montgomery, when it is known, that David B. Montgom ery lost his re-election by allowing himself to be used ss a mere tool andsyccophanl of 'tis .brother .to advance At j private interest and' that 0 the Danvilleaction. We shall not attempt to follow him thro fill the catalogue, but merely glance at some .-of the votes mentioned in the article to how the utter recklessness of the writer, and how little dependence .ptaced lapon the remaining portion of his statement. The article says that Daniel Snyder 'Voted to increase the state debt $800, O0." This bill was authorting the governor to Borrow this much mosey to pay the semi, annual interest npon the state debt due it, August following and was passed by a large vote. This interest must be paid or repu diate and decisis the state insolvent. What Pennsylvania says he did not do right. None but sn Algertnt and hit crew. "Ho voted to authorize the issue of $2, 319,818 in certificates of stale stock." There were pressing claims on the slate for money due the domestic creditors, and the statt had no means of paying, and had this bill passed. There would have been no necessity of the passage of the celebrated Relief Bill, which' is afterwards brought into the sccount of the crimes of Daniel Snyder. "He voted to spend on corporations, 8,500,000." There is not one word of truth in the above This sum was appropriated by an amendment offered to an original bill, ex pressly for the annual expenses of the go vernment, the repiirs, and the payment fur work already done to the canals, and was to have been paid with the certificates of stock mentioned above. Both of these mrasures, however, were defeated, and of course, no appropriations had been made thus farnor a dollar voted out of the trea sury, except th fits! t800,000, which went to pay the semi annual interest an the stale debt. "lie voted to further Increase the state debt to the amount of 03, 100, 000 -to allow the banks to issue shinplaslers to that a mount -to give the shinplaslers to cornora lions tie.. and to tax the people to redeem heir uttinnlaKlnra Am! ttiitle. Sny'def'fiferf for jhea, In oon sequence of petltions'sent from 'Columbia county, signed by a largo number of prom inent democrat's asking him to. do so, and of others, who were in Banishing at the time the bill.pisSed, urging him to vote lor it. Aniong those who signed petitions for the issue of small bills by the banks, were John G. Montgomery, Wm. Ooli, Win. Donaldson, Peter Baldy, Valentine Best, and John and Richard Fruit the very men who denounce Daniel Siiyder for voting for them, and so well satisfied Were they with its passago, that delegates weie elected in Danville and Madison, instructed without opposition, to sustain his renominatioti, and only brought up now, because he is the candidate ofXhc removal party, and likely, if elected, to interfere with their private interest, Thus much for these 10,000,000, which they unblushiugly charged Daniel Snyder -voting away, But it is in character with them. Falsehood, misrepresentation ami slander, are the only weapons they ean ose against him1 And these will be used with out stint or measure, and 110 act is too vile, grots or unprincipled, for them to resort 10, to defeat the Election of Daniel Snyd-:i,iid by that means prevent the removal from taking place. The remaining votes mentioned in the article referred to, are of apiece with t)ioe we have dissected above. Must of them were sections of amendments offered for the express purpose of killing the main bills before the house, and were voted down by the friends of the several bills to which they were to be attached, knowing them to be so intended. Daniel Snyder did vote for immediate resumption of the banks in almost every shape and form in which it was' presented to the house, and voted fur the final passago of the resumption hill, and the journals are full of his votes to that effect, which will be found by any man. who will take the trouble to examine fur themselves. We have the journals of boll) sessions, which any person can exunine by calling upon us. They need not lake the trou ble of travelling to Daaville, at the extreme end of the county for the purpose. They are in the centre of the county where the couth ought lor. since to have been held, and had they been, we should not at thi- (lay have had Columbia count; excited by either the removal or division question. John Pollnger - 'Chsrles ;'Levah Jose.plM.cVan Robert Hampton William Roth .0. Williams' John Hughes Jaihi'H Mears Leu is Lee Wright .Hughes Geo. Dreiijbauch Geo. Feiiderman jt. Even GrifTh Thornton Mears Johh Forhinger J11I111 llnitlerman William Sro'.t Gideon Gfger J. Giger Carpenter John Swahy Rubin Orrauge Elijah Price C. M Rink Joseph Denglef Aaron Yost Joseph" Stoker William Hughes D. liatich Joiih-) Poihinger Rubin Yost Isaac. G nihil Philip Yost John Perry Esq, Daniel Ranp Samuel Eck Casper Shirt I eier Gexihart D" Larow Jr. Gideon Cresher D. IlnuckSr. M . Perry JS. St Fox '-Jbnas'Keittlo Solom'an Levnn. S; Hampton jr A. Menrs Samuel Horn Jesse Price Jecse Williams Clarke Williams G. Mears single E. Delopioger Hauio Fox John Fisher V, Forhinger J. Hiddermau Jesse Lee W. Thomas J, R. Hnwer S Hiddermait A. Barringer .John Snyder. Peter Miller A. Beaver R, Fedderman C. Foihinger Isaac Irwin D, . Geit-el jr, George Walter S. Weary John Piliier W Billert M. Snyder Join: Belst S. Mears jr. Peter Miner D. Sausemaii Thomas Thomas S. Griffea John Aldrick John Perry jr. Ixnac Lee Samuel Dyer the remove pijrtytfor Ibftppa Sf? ine their sentiments in tavor .01 ".ireniDim shd against a division, anu using the. .most degrading means ip order to prevent ine pep- . 1 t. :.. ,i.a!- pie irpm(.expre-iiHg iiieiiucivcpt ob uj bold and daring nliempt to have the tneelirjg rirffAiiiicil with officers in favor of the Daf rille faction, who were tnt invited there; iif.; utiqsesii.onahly had no, voire mi the meeting. Resolved That we cannot nor .will not make a wilting sacrifice of justice and our interest in the lemnval ol the seal of justice from Danville to Bloomsburgi in order to gratify tl;e ambition of a couple of individ uals in Roatingcrcek, one of whom is hun gering and thirsting to he a nienber of the late legislature, and the other a county commissioner. Resolved- That the proceedings betsgii ed by the nfficrs and published in (he Colombia Democrat and all the other papers in the roomy. The meeting gave six tremendous nnd heartu cheers for DANIEL SNYDElt. REMOVAL. EQUAL JUSTICE TO ALL. against DIVISION, TAXATION nnd OPPRESSlON.and adjourned to nif.ct at the polls 00 the 2d Tuesday of October. (Signed by the Officers) their shinplaslers.' This isja grots psrversion ol trutknd of facts. FirstIt did not Increase the state debt fo; the money was to go to pay debts aire a ay due lrom Iho atats. Sscond The shinplaslers were not given o Incorporations, but used for the purpose ouovs stated. These shinplssters, however wsrs noth Ing more than small bills issued by th banks, eallcd Relief notas, and now eonsti-1 p9 olm'oat tBu only cksuUUos.tbatia aet THE TRUE VOICE OF In pursuance of public notice, one of the most numerous and enthusiastic tuwm-lup meetings ever convened in 'Columbia coun ty, assembled at the house of Elijah Prirr, in Roatiogeieek, on Saturday, uiu first ol October, 1842, aud organized by appointing UUUKUtt f til 'I'ISItJIAW, 1'resiaeiil. Jonas Farinoer ) VOLKtlANS KEINBOLB Abraham Beaver Apam Mknsii Conrad Yost PeTer Miller Able Tuomas -V.Presidsnts, UANItL JVLLtR John Kiiodvs James A, Fox John Iluoius John Lxx Georqk Howsr Joshua Fttsrman Michael Jt. Homer T unnnri Henry Mity . f JValhun urtrsoacn After the 011 nniz it'on of the meeting it was ably and eloquently audtest,ed by (Jul. Miehat R. Hower, and William Thomas Esq., both of whom are mechanics ant residents of Koaringcreek. I hey spoki- wnli power and erTect,vud depicted instrouu language their utter deiestaiion of ihn eoursr pursued by the Danville faction 111 their at tempt to coerce (lie people ol the county into toe support of Richard 1'ruit. that they may effect their division slander den action, and false misrepresentation, and repudiated the idea in indignant and manh language, ttiat Hie citizens or Koaringrreek were to be nought lor live dollar-:, or hv taste of gingerbread, to throw away their own interest, that a few reckless sperulaiois of Danville, might riot on the fruits of their toils, earned by the sweat of their brow. On motion a committee of 100 were appointed to prepare resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting to wii: Secretaries Benjamin Slaum .Lewis piociins Jos. Long Abraham Blswird D. 11. Howbj Jonas Barrisger 1. G. Craig;. Jofii) Svrte John Base John C. Myers Jacob Fisher 'Henry Dyo Harmin' Yost Henry Fisher Joliu Johnson W ho reported the following whieh were 00 vnunoiikly and enthusiasm-ally adopted. JlcovcdTH Me believe the lime lias an iicd, when there must be either a renin val, or a division of Colombia nonniv, and of the two we are satisfied, that .the Dan ville people would choose a division because they then would retain the courts of the county. Jlssolved That of the two. we prefer a removal, bet-aiiee it would be but an act of justice to the inhabitants of the county, and the least expensive. Resolved That we will, therefore, sus tain Daniel Snyder, for the legislature. Because he obeyed the instrtirtioiis of twenty eight hundred of his ronstiiucms, rousiiiuiing 1 large majority of them, by sustaining and voting fur the passage of a hill rewuviug the sel of jiibticc from Dan ville. Because he opposed and defeated the pro ject oft. dninion ( llie ci.uuty ol Columbia. Uecau6e we have corfidence thai he will again te Ins every exertion to defeat a like bill should it be again brought before die legislature. Because he will advocate a removal in prelereuee to a division. measure which ihe inhabitants of llie couiuv should druad qual to it srourge, as it would he destruct ive 10 our prosperity. Uec.atwe we know him to he an Iioopm man and a faithlul representative, niid lhal with him we can Falt-ly irutt our righis and IllterrtlS. Becatire the Dan die faction use no ar gument otliei than ahu-. and slander, to show that the removal is not jusi and right, 101 would not lie. Inr the interest ol the people ol the county. liecaoee we believe that the removal would save to the countv thousands of dol,- ars annually by redue tig the expenses of Iho county, and the travelling exoenses of iudviduals to anil lrom the county seal. Because Ihe present location of the nuhlic uunuiogs are extremely iiiijiibi, compelling ine iiiiiatiitauis ol Hie county 10 travel at least one third further to attend cnuris.than iey would were they in the rentre. Uecause this nnlair location makes the burthen I er unequally upon the ponli' which is anil republican amlcontrarv to the priiiciptra ol our form of government, and mo jusi rigius 01 man. ttesowta 1 hat we cannot support iticiiaru mm, Because he now professes to be opposed 10 a removal, wnen mil a short tune mnee he was in fivor of it. Because, if he wilt abandon his friends and throw himself into the hands of hi ene'iiiee, for the sake of being their candi date for the legislature, there is 00 knowing what measure he wnuld not sustain, if it was calculated to advance the interest of hi new allies. Because we cannot have any confidence 111 the pledges of a man, who can thus change from patty to party for mere ioteres ted motives. tra . . k uecause wn are satisneu mat 11 he is elected, a division of ihe county will he the consequcnce.therefoie. Resolved That we go the polls on the 1 1th of October next and vote for Daniel Ssnyder and the whole removal ticket of equal rigius anu justice, againsi Kichart 1'ruit, Hmeion, I .lXHtinn, and Oppresinn. uesoivea i nut we as Ireemau, do not wish John O. Monlgionery, and John Rhodes, to come in our midst to diulalo anil tel us how to vote. Bauause, John Rhodes, has mailo his boasts, that he could buy all Roariugcreek township for 95,00. Jlesotued."ThM we look down upon the on " aran table conduct of many of the Dan ville faction, with titter contempt on account of their ihaving' attended a meeting recentlv ihsld i JUatUgcf skj exjaitwljr, ky V. Presidents Secrtlaries Greenwood Aroused. DAtflEL. SK1DER- ANn JUSTICE RICHAED FRUIT, DIVISION, HIGH TAXES,' AND OPPRESSION. Pursuant to public noiice gO of the in hahiianls of Greenwood township, conven ed at the house of G. W. Rhoero- burg, on Tuesday evening, the 27th inst and orennized by appoiiitiog JOHN PA UK, I'resideut. Jiinathan I.kmom, Philip Reece, Jonas Hayman, Wm Aldertson, Peter Girton, Roswell Smith. Samuel Sladon, A. D. Cool, The object of the meeting being stated by John Parks, On motion, the following ommitlee of twenty weie chosen to dralt preambles and resolutions for the considers lion or the meeting, viz . Jacob Livaus, Sh'ively Siadmi, G. W. Morris. Jamcx Gib too, feamiirl McLsrty, Joel Parker, John Richari, Esq. II. Lemon, Janus Mather, iho Moore. Samuel Glaney, Z. Ross, b lines, w . H.tlgar, Kichard llaycocK, U. V. .Mioire. A. Cramer, J. McMurtry, John Legget. j 1 he committee having retired lor a short me. returned and reported the following which were unanimously adopted. Irhtrtas I! v uuiust maiia-veiiiis and nlrigtte, an improper location of the se:st of osiice was first formed in wolomhia county u open tioUtion 10 the Mill of ihe majority if ihe inhabitant then therein resitting, who seeing the injustice of ihe act, and viewing te inconveniences to he endured in couse uenrc thereof, immediately remonstrated l'-miik: the injustice of the location in llie most randtd manner, and have lor a long 1.11- exerted hemselves to oblam removal to the centre ol ihe county, by picturing out their embarrassed situation, aud solicit tig the Senate and Mouse Representatives o grant that which they, by ait act of ju I ice, could not withhold. let, whei.ever the subji'cl was candidly presented for leg slative action, the unprincipled exetlions ol the inhahit'iitts of l)ativtle;hy their tnisrep resentatinns and glaring acts of injustice tave swat ed the action of Ihe ninjitiers ait'l thereby defeatetl our demands for removal, although near Iwo thirds of Ihe inhabitants of Columbia county were the petitioners rna niiereas, to decide the long agitated question, our conventions haye placed tie fore ihe people, loo candidates, one 111 favor of u removal of the seat of justice, and the other in favor of a division, thai the ques liuo may be (fairly weighed throutrh the ballot box political feeling have been toiC' rafiscd, and all parlies favorablo to a remn val will express their voice in favor of DANIEL SNYDER, the removal cam! date, whilst those of Drti.villn vid Berwic unite upon the support of Richard Fruit who, if elected, will assist in these perm cious measures of dividing our small county to grainy a lew greedy speculators The have induced Fruit to pledge himself against a dnuion, for the purpose of tleettving the people, and endeavor to dope llieni into their iiuhnlv measures. It is also a loud and glaring assertion, by the L)anvitlites,that the femoral question is only a measure of speculation, wherein the inhabitants ol Blnomsbnrg, are the only participators This is a falsehood, as dark as the shadows of the muloighi glpo.m, yet this is an asser lion among the most reasonable of theirs, Fur they cannot set forth one reasonable and honest argument against the people's demand for a removal of the, sent of justice lrom the line ol Soritiiniibcruual to the cen tre of Columbia county. Therefore, Resolved That it is not only the people of Blooiiishurg, who ore contending for t removal, but the honest anil intelligent of all parts ol the county, who havo hung high their banner or equal righn, and manfully maintained their principles through so ma ny trials and former eonirjut, and who ate jo r willing is) Mtmdm k'r k$&TBvW M $pjt tin 1 1 l.. i.ii.f ' m YviiUjii u-imiuhihc! iiiiupec; woiisaellng ,ns representative (if Cojumbin. county. J)a acted wisely upon all occasions, .and j0n estly adhered td the instructions of his r0n. siiiocuis, wnicit eniiues mm in toe sunnnri fall iiten favorable to cdual rights ami justice llesolvtu I hat (llie acctisatiopt set forth by Felly Best, ugainsi Daniel Briyder, la ihe gfalitig hittulMillls, are' dishonest, untrus nnd unworthy of the notice of any honest minded man. tiemg ralcuiateu to decU the people and favor the election or a n&i who would curse the county with the great est disaster that could ever befall it. v Resblved -Thai Richard Fruit who li heretofore atreniiously advocf4d the remn. ..-I I ... I. I . . .1 , V vui .uuuar, nun wnu lias ouw luroeu a Ujn. lie convict, lor tho. sake of a nomination for office, has rendered himself tinwonli f the support of the Freemes of Colurnbii ounty. Resolved That Valentine Best, by hi unwillingness to allow the people to test dig present pending local question, unmolested by his violent, twangs of scandal and abuse uas renuereu hiiiiscii uiiworiuy 01 the con. lidence of any good meaning citizen of this county. Resolved That the voles of Daniel Snv. tier upon the lax 0111s which llie assertion I felt) IJesi couples to JJritiah bondage are siricily such principle as the political party to which he boasts the honor nf of being a member, have always advocated, and were advocated by the democratic puny at the lime when Daniel Snyder voted with mem. Resolved -That the only sure plan ar tniaruing ourseres against the baneful n Mills, which would inevitably be experienced oy a uivtamn 01 our smau county, 11 exert-cvery honest meaus ol defeating thtJ election 01 Richard rruit, and cause a sen , I,., f . .1 .. M erat rauy tor toe sLpport 01 1113 rcmoa! aiKlioate. Resolved Tint we now call upon thej andid consideration of the freemen of CnJ oii'bia county, to decide a question wliirW will either rendei them comforlablv bin with an act of justice, or forever deprir them ol sacred rights as a allow in thecoonly to be cut, carved, and diviJ ed lor Ihe gratification of a few reck e. political the expense snd incoo venienee 01 the tax payers, uesoivea I'jiat we will go to the no Wi wiin ine which worn 01 RE MOVAL. EQUALITY and JUSTICE ..gainst FRUIT, DIVISION, HIGH TAXES, and OPPRESSION. Resolved That the course nnrsoed bJ th Editot of the Columbia Democrat! J advocating and sustaining our interest i the exciting question of removal that nos agitates Columbia cuunty, meets with ou apprnbalirtn. Hesolved That as the Editor of thi Columbia Democrat sustains our inlereit.'! we will sustain his, in preference to tbon who oppose it, therefore we- will ns sa exertions 10 extend ths circulation of lii paper, that the people may have eorr iufoimttion' and recommend to all who fee an interest in behalf of the removal, to mV scribe for his paper, aud thus encoursn him to do his duty manfully as he has ben to:ore done. Resolved That the proceedings of lli merting be signed by the officers, and roH 1-1 .1 " .. Til '. , iisoeti in tne ijioomsourg uemocral, tad 1 otner papers in the rnnniy. (Signed by the Officers.) in PHILIP BILMEYER. We have been much amused course pursued by this gentleman electioneering lours through tho county-B with whst grace and ease he turns his co: to suit the company he is in, and how ieil he is to become "all things to all mcn."-l In the lower townships he asks his frienifl tojgive him tlieir support because he it cM posed to temnval, and Conner a removi man. In the upper townships he chang nis position, lie is a removal man, an Conner a Danville man, and therefore I should be supported by them because he their friend, and he even went so far s say that the Dsnvillo people were in fsvoj of removal to prevent a division. We.B nrss of mind is a constitutional compl'i with some, and he must be possessed of to nn eminent drgree.ifhe supposes lied gull the people, by such silly electioneerirl as this, when there is not 0 man in county, but what knows that Philip nieyer is now and nlwavs has been a Dm ville man up to the hub, and is now dot: all he can to secure the election of Fruit- He opposed removal last witter with name, and with his monoy, and yet hs c now ask them, for their support that lie C use his influence to injure them anu th friepds. Will he gut it. We think not John Fruit was in tho upper end nf 1' rounty electioneering against the remot upon tho grounds that Danvlllo was within eleven miles of Nor,l(lHmIberlndll, snd lli tt should the removal take place. lower part of the coriniy would gooff Northumbcilsnd. Wkrt sostsw. 'H gotstoo thslvesf