The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 08, 1842, Image 3

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    The Itinerant la'hderet fobn Q Mori
gomeryiU travelling llie counly dealing out
his low ami oft repeated falsehoods relating
to Daniel Snyder and ourselves, for the pur
jiose of turning the attention of the people
from Ike main question oeiore u:em. un
Saturday last he attended a meeting held in
Perry and spoko for an hour, tho whole
luitlien of his speech being a reckless tissue
of low, vulgar blackguaidism, detraction and
falsehoods, that would have disgraced the
varies! street brawler in a drunken frolic at
Ymilisia muster. He received, however,
(yOnC 01 WO DUVClcai icuunvD uif lliu ai'Ul, mat
- -.!.- ..I . ,!... I, ll, ll.l
coud bo given by on intelligent, disgusted,
and insulted people. They all eft him and
silently retired beyond the sound of his
voice. Never was a man more severely
mortified and chop-fallen. He looked as if
he was calling upon the earth to swallow
him, that he might avoid any further notice
He quickly jumped into his carriage and
made all haste for Danville, and wo hope
he has been now practically taught a lesson
which ho Ought long since to have known,
that although such vile j contemptible elec-
' tionecring may answer for tho meridia n of
Danville, tho intoligent freemen of the coun
ty will not receive vituperation and slander
as arguments against tho election of an hot:
eat man, nor win tney uu mauo o ucnuve
mi -i - ( . i . l.i:
that they mane a removal any more unjust,
or a division any more just. No, nor will
they blieve that a man, who requires such a
eomse of electioneering to sustain him, any
more worthy of their support. It will re.
coil back upon their heads with ten fold force
on (ho 11th day of October next, when the
reemen of the county will speak, with one
voice of thunder through the ballot boxes,
and placo their vote upon such baso and con
temptible electioneering, by giving Daniel
Snyder at least oho thousand majority over
Hichard Fruit, whose only claim to their
mnnort. is the ability, with which his
friends aro able to wield a weapon ten
times more to be dreaded in society, than
.the assassins dageer.
It is an old trite saying that, men's poc
kets governs their principles and actions,
and never was it more completely verified
than in the conduct of the Danville faction.
They have always been loud in their de
nunciations againt incorporations and banks,
in the electioneering campaigns whenever
they supposed they could advance their in
terest thereby; but as soon as the election
was over they were as eager to embark the
whole nog tn them, as they hau Deiore
been zealous against them, It seems that
the fevor takes them but once a yoar.
Wm. Colt vas elected to tho Legislation
ts an anti Bank man, but no .sooner does
la take his scat than he uses his influence
to procure a charter for a bank in Danville,
in cnmnliancc with nctilions signed bv thu
whole Danville faction. And Valentine
Beet, with all his borrow of incorporations
was willing to be included in a company
that was to receive, as a gift from the
itate. the North Branch canal, upon which
the slate had expended upwards of 34, 000,-
000, and for which the people would have
to be taxed to pay if he succeeded in gel
ling it. But thanks to the sternness of our
Pnpaantn(? irn nitial si t tint tin mna An
...r , -
3 t a m .aIIih. .tin lani.haH nnl...i mill
lliia malma him An virilflnl afrainnt hin iff
tolt, too, could vote for one appropri-
lion of five thousand dollar to the Danville
uiiutu company III auumuu u icu uiuueanu
hod, tnd for tho building oi
poor nouse, at an immense expense to ine
coumv. in uppn inn nnnr ni manoninir iowii
hip at the cost of tho other townships, but
v , r , ... D
when the county ask for their rights, they
tiUSB it will rnndir.t with the interest of
Its neorilo will ha taxed for their own ben-
The Algerine or John G Montgomery
,t ii. .1 w .
v i " ni Asaiivmu uuicio ui iiaiuouuig
0,.,. lE.ivav, wnai wc saiu ueiore, uiai ue
! 1
- .mio ,uc uoociuuii, anu ciiaiienge i eicr
--j "mi uar jruiug ncr iwr. -Jicauiey
... ,B 0u ,i0 wuuge iace nir.rwuncr
iiviiuu lllduu lliu Dllium, 10 COU-
ii un uiic, JUIU II 11 18 I1UI irUB, II
aW In .! aT IT. .1.1 I .! . l-.l
j 6C Aiuuur i ceruncaie oi me
nun ,wC gu sun lortuer, anu say, mat
Mh.. . ..I
Bouaiur um say mat ne was
&tu vj cemifimnn in llano a
Yfttm r j 1. - 11 .
"on have the boldness to sav that ihev
opposed 9 division. What non-
We, thc undersigned Citizens of the
county of Columbia, in order to set at rest
the unfounded clamor respecting the great
expenco to the people of erecting tho pub
lic buildings at Bloomsburg in case a re
moval of seat of the Justice shall be effected,
hereby individually and collectively pledge
themselves, lo tqke the county title to the
lots and county buildings at Danville into
their own hands, and will then furnish the
samo quantity of laud, Deeded to the coun
ty without reserve, and will erect thereon
at Bloomsburg, public buildings that shall
at least be equal to those at Danvillo iu
every particular, without any expense to
people of tho couoty. We hope this will
satisfy our Danville neighbor.lhat they will
not be called apon for any part of the
$20,000, which they allego will have to be
collected by way of Tax for new buildings.
Philip Bilmcycr says he does not know
how he has insulted the people in the cen
tre of the enmity, unless il be, because he
refused to publish his notices in the centre
of the county, and thought it a sufiisient
notico lo them, if handbills were stuck up
in taverns. You have hit it exactly, Mr.
Bilmeyer. The people in the ccnlre.lhiuk
they have as good right lo learn what you
are about in your office, through the mcili
urn of their paper, as tho aiistocracy of
Danvillo or Berwick. But perhaps Mr.
Bilmeyer, supposed ai others in that inter
est asserted, that the people in the middle
section "were an ignorant ser," and by go
ing to tho tavern, they could get some one
to read the notices to them. This may, or
may not be so. It looks like it. Mr. Bit
meycr, may say what he pleases, he did
treat the centie of ilia county rascally in
withdrawing his advertisements fiom us.
What are the (acts, the law requires him to
publish his notice in two papers in the
county, for which he gets pay from the e
tate. After his appointment from the go
vernor, and when he was looking out foi an
election frum the people he advertised in
the Democrat, Sentinel and Intelligencer.
Dividing hc two prices among the three.
After his election he withdrew thoadvertis
ing from us, and gave the whole to the two
other papers. Il is known that the demo
cratic party, after his nomination, sustained
him, some portion of the removal party,
however, sent delegates against him. Was
this a sin? It seems so, and this was lo be
visited upon our heads, and to punish the
people, he took from us the small pittance
of six or eight dollars a year by giving his
advertisement to Berwick and Danville, thus
throwing contempt and insult into. the faces
of the very men who voted for him, and
saying in strong language, that he cared
nothing for them now, he had got Hut he
wauted, and they might tike care of them
selves. But now he wants another term in
addition to the two he has already served,
and he has plenty of honied words for all
who will vole for him. Will he get many
in the removal interest. Have you any
assurance that ho will not treat you with
the same contempt hereaftett He is now
pepitent, it is true, but will he not turn his
back upon you after the election! He done
it before, why uot now! He holds out to
you one hand in friendship to get your
votes, while the other he is aiming a dagger
at your heart by advocating Fiuit. Let
him alone, atrd let those who he supports
vote for him, but you should vote for tho
men who sustain vou. "Take care of your
friends first, aid if you have any thing left
give it to your enemy." This is an old
proverb. Practice upon it and give your
votes one and all, for CHARLES CON
NER, ancljet his vote be equal with that of
Snyders, and all will bo well, and Mr.
Bilmeyer allowed to patronize such papers
as he pleancB at his own expense, and not
it that of the people.
For false handbills on the eve of the elec
tion. The county will bo flooded with
them when it is too late to contradict them.
Especially bewareof one that it is said the
Danville faction are to circulate on the day
of the election, that Daniel Snyder has
withdrawn fiom the contest. It will be
false of course. Be piepi red for them, and
kick the circulator out of company. Let
him go back to Danvillo with bis head
The sheriff gives tiotlao thai the Elec
tion in Orangevitle is to be held at the house
Geoige Seiples, instead of L C. Johnson,
as his proclamation directs
This is the last paper that we shall issue
before tho people of this county will be
called upon to give their decision through
the ballot boxes, upon a question of im
men bo importance to the inhabitants and
their futuie prosperity. The county is
threatened by a division. Berwick is aux
ious for it,-because Berwick is io be inadc
the seal of justice, and Danville, because it
would pieveiit a rtniuval. These two fac
lions are now united in this grand object
because their gods are in danger and noth
ing will save the county from destruction
but a removal, and they know it; Heaven
and earth are moved, fraudbills, containing
gross and unfounded charges against Daniel
Snyder are circulated, the paper of tho AI
geriue is filled with personal abuse of indi
viduals, hired bullies are travelling the couu
ty circulating their vile and malicious slau
durs, and yet nut one argument is brought
I'orwmd, why the county should be decided
or the courts remain at Danville, for thu
best of reasons, they have none. But it is
by such vile uicaiis that they intend to de
ceive and cheat the people out of their
rights. But will they do it? Can they do
it? No. The people know their riglils,
and will maintain them.
A Danville man was in MilHiu last week
electioneering against Snyder, because he
was in favor of a division. We have been
prepared to hear of almost any chaige that
ingenuity"br knavery could invent, brought
against him, but we were wholly unprepar
ed for this, wo did not suppose that any
man would have brass enough to make the
assertion, but it seems we need not be as
tonished at any thing they may try. Not
even if they should assert thai he was anti
removal. Ouo would be as true as the
On Tuesday next, face it for one day.
Remember that you have faced it many a
cold, bleak, stormy day in winter, aye,
nights too, in travelling ten miles further to
the seal of justice at Danville, than you
ought to have done.
Now is tho lime for a LONG pull, a
STRONG pull, and -a pull ALL TO
The only hope that the division party
have of success is, thai the friends of remo
val will not turn out on the day of election,
We trust our friends in the different town
ships will disappoint tho Danville faction,
in this respect, by getting EVERY MAN
TO THE POLLS, We must nul only
beat our opponents, but we must complete
ly rout ih a in. Awake then, and be up and
Be cautious, and disbelieve every asser
tion that the Danville faction may make in
regard to the removal candidate before you
Our opponents are desperate, and will re
sort lo any means lo defeat us.
Give one day to your country turn out
on Tuesday the lllh of October, and poll
every vote. Let no man stay at home. It
is important. Your enemy is at work,
using every dishonorable means in their
power to defeat the removal. They even
threaten pipo laying in Danville, To the
polls then, let nothing keep you away, and
lake your neighbors with you.
Considerable excitement exists In Beaver
count), iu this Stale, created by an order In
sell certain lands by the Cnmmissioners of
the Nicholson Estate. The list of lands
so directed to be sold, embrace tracts exceed
ing one hundred thousand acres, now in
possession of hundred of persons who never
dreamed that there was any other claim
than their own upon them. A public
meeting of the citizens has been held to
adopt measures for mutual protection and
safely. Nicholson, it would appear fiom
reports made to the Legislature, whiln acting
as Comptroller of the Stato Treasury, ''prior
to 1700, entered lands to a great extent,
and took the public funds for tho pur
chase; consequently he soon berame a
defaulter to a large amount, for which a
judgment was ablained, binding, it is asmiint
ed, tins large property; and of course affect
ing many innocent persons. The Com
missioners havo allowed the claimants a
few days to compromise the matter with
the State, but the Beaver county people
seem determined to lake the matter before
the highest tribunal, and compel the State
to,a legal iflvesligMioo of its clajjg.
, tiii!2 M6rMoN, elf f i
, Tho Mormon city of Nauvbo ha grown
to be quite a considerable place. It stretches
along the river bank for moro than three, and reaches back into the country
about tho same distance. Each house is
built on an acre lot, which the occupant
cultivates, i ue place was begun in No
vember; 1839, and such h as been Its ranirl
growth that it now contains a population of
iu.uuu souis, ami mo number is rapidly
uncasing. ii is xuu miles above St.
Liouis, upon the Missnsppi river, at, the
head or tho Desmotnes rapids They
have two extensive steam saw mills, a large
siraui iioiiring mm a tool laclory, on s
handsome-scale a foundary and a com
pany nf considerable wealth" from SiafTnnls
hire, England, who are establishing tho
uianuiaciure ot ine unglisli Uhint there
They have may extensive public buildings
in the course of construction, besides the
famous temple, and there are a very large
number of good houses and stores in the
progress of construction. How a man of
Joe Smith s talents could ever gather around
him such a confederacy can be the innate
credulity of mankind, and the ignorance of
me people, no scholar has read tho Mor
inon Hible without pereeivtng its glaring
mistakes. Il is a tcry ingenious attempt
to deceive those as ienorant as tho writer
lo the student in Greek amf Hebrew
is a farce.
Independent Troop.
rlJvlL members of tho Imdkpexiikst Tnoor
JBare hereby notified to meet at tlio house of C.
1, -l.i m .
uocoicr in uioomsourg, at io o clock, A. M. on
Saturday the 29th day of October int. mounted and
in uniform lor drill. Atthc same place immidiate
lr after a drill a
will be organized and sit to hear delinaucnts sn
election will also bo held to elect a second Lieuten
ant for said Troop.
A general attendance of thc members is earnestly
By order of tho Captain,
Sloomburg, October 8. 1848.
Bloomsburg Artillery.
THE member of tfca Bloomsioo Armix
r are hereby notified to meet at tho lluiws oi
WiJoeblcrin llioorntburg, at 10 o clock, 4. M. on
Saturday tbo SOlh day uf October inet. in unhVi-m
for drill. At the same place immediately after drill
will be organized and ait to hear delinquents.
A general attendance of the member i aresUy
By order of the Ciptain.
Bloomsburg, October 8, 1642. '
Iiit oi Letters,
Remaining in the Post office at Bloomsburg,
oeut. 30th IS42.
George Beers, Mrs. Mary Maranda Ecbert,
.fija Kouciien, Mhs Alula Kouchlcn,
Mr. WiUMin Marke.
FROM the subscriber a colored girl,
aged about ten years, bound lo me from the
Almshouse Philadelphia. All persons are
cautioned not lo harbor her on my account,
as I will pay no charges for keeping, nor
for returning her.
Orangeville, Sept. 13, 1842.
That I litre purehaocd at Constable Sale the
followiug articles sold by Richard Brewer
Constable on the 31st in&t.n the property of Gcsrgc
Hurtiel all, of which property I have loaned to
the said George Uartzel djring my pleasure, of
which tne public mil take notice.
One Lot Oats ?5 00. Ryo $10: 'Wheat $5,
Straw $3 50, onepnirQuillarj (I 12, one Log
Chain $1 two Ploughs $4 12, one Harrow $1 25,
one Calf $2 40,. one Heifer $6, one lot Potatoes
in the ground three dollars seventy five cents, do.
Corn, eight dollars, do. Buckwheat, three dollars,
half a Waggon two dollars, Apples three dollars
twenty five cents, Harness five dollars vcventy fivo
August 31st, 1842.
Est v ay.
Brnkn into the enclosure of the subscri
ber about 3 months since, a
dronpping a little in his horns, and about
four years old. The ownor is requested to
take him away and pay pliargen.
Madison Oct 1st.
BROKE into the enclosures of the subscribe!
about the CrU of July last, a
with soma brcndlo spots, short tall, and about four
years old, Tho owner is requested to pay charges
and take him away,
ponas, to me' .directed, will be exposed Mr
public sale, at tho Court House. In Danville, oft
Monday the1 3lst day of Ocfober,l642, at 10 o'clock
A il., the following property, viz t
A cerlain tract or parcel of lanJ,- situate?
upon tho Susquehanna and tioga Turnpike' Road,
tnd Upon the East branch of firinn-rik admit iari
and a half miles from the town of Brlsrcrtele
whereon is a
2 Dwelling Houses,
A Wheel Wright Shop,
j4nd adjoining ianJ of 8. F, Headly, heirs of
George Beam deceased, and others and containing
about Thirteen' Acres, moro or less,
tpoo a cerlain other (tact, or Earm of
land, situato upon said branch of Briarcreek, and!
bounded upon the East by the county line between
Columbia and' Luzetne counties, unon the South
.by lands of Barnard Seibcrt, Nicholas Seibert and
a. I . II Cat) Icy, upon the West, by tho aforesaid
lot of thirteen tlcrcs, whereon the Furnace and
other buildings aro erected, and by lands, occupied
by Henry Traugh; and upon the North, by other"
lands of the defendant, and containing about Foi ty
five Acres, more or les whereon is a
The land is all improved.
A certain farm lot or tract of Land situate1
nnnn caul brancn oi unarcrccK. anu nounacu
South by thc last aforesaid lot or farm, of about
Forty-five AcreB, East by tho county line of Lux
crno and Columbia, and by lands of William
Zahner: N.wth by lands of S. F. Headly, West
uy otuer unus oi uic ueicnaam anu conuwuujj
Ninety Acres, more or' less, Whereon is a
A large frame Dwelling House, a Stablsy
and an old Saw Mill. Upon this tract
there ' about Sixteen Acres of irnprved Meadow
Upon a lot containing One Acre and six
perches of land, bounded upon tho South by the
aforesaid lot or farm, or about Foity-five Acres,
bounded UDon the East by the, aforesaid tract,
-whereon Uu Grist Mill and old Saw Mill is erected
upon tho Noith and West by other land of the
defendant, being a triangular lot ; of improved
ground, but without building ujon it.
Upon a certain other . lot containing Forir
Acres of lend more .or lesc, situate upon tho
South side, of Summer' hill, "and bounded South
by the aforesaid farm of forty-tire acres and tho
said lot of one acre and six peichcs, East, by tho
afuretaiil Grist Mill tract, North by other lands of
defendant. West by lands occupied by Heaty
Traugh, whereon is a
Unon a cerlain other tract situate upon tho
Summer hill and bounded East by thc aforesaid-
tract whereon the Grist Mill and other buildings
are erected. North by lands of S. F. Hcadley, and
other lands defendant, West by lands of J. Jacoby,
William Edwards, and by other lands, containing
about Ninety Acres, part oi which is improved but
without buildingi
Upon a triangular lot of unimproved land
situate upon Summer hill, and bounded by I
aforesaid tract upon tho South-East and by lands
of S. F. Headley upon tho North, and by lands of
J. Jacoby and others upon tho West, containing
Forty Acres more or less, quantity, unknown. -
Upon a certain tract of Timber land,
situate upon tho Norm ntountaii, adjoining
land of Jesse Bowman, S. F. Headly and others
surveyed August 1793, in pursuance ofa warrant
issued out of tho Land Ofiico to Alexander Coc
hran, dated July 28, 1793, and containing Four
Hundred and four Acres, thirty perches and al
lowance. Seized, taken in execution, and to sold as tho
property of Thomas M'Nair
JOHN FRUIT, Sheriff:
SnEnirr'sOrricK. Danville,
September 30, 1842. ts. 5
A School for the instruction of youth, iit'
the various branches of science 8nd litera'
tore, will be opened in tho Academy isv
Bloomsburg, on
Monday, 2d of October, ,
Annlication for admission to be made tcr
the School Committee; or to the subscribers
when the terms' of tuition will be mad.
known. '
J. D. H1L.ES.
Bloomsburg, October 1, I9it.
S hereby given to ail concerned, that I havo
miri-hancd of Joscnh Grimm', ono Mantle clock,
ono Beaureau, one Hcifrr. two Hogs, one Bed, ouo
wing Table, and have le It litem in nis possession
durine; my pleasure. I forbid any person purcha.
' . i . I ...I. . . I ..... nn.nrt .
ng, or using mem Vi, '