, R(,0 o.'aity good meaning citizen of tMa "jjeiotved Tlint the votes of Daniel Sny , nnon the (ax bills whlrh llio ussertton '"I Tl. I.I.I. 1. I pfJ ucsl roupion iu iJiiuso uiiiiunyt;, I., a, ml, nl in r i nt en na lliR nnlilir.nl tiy i which he boasts the honor of filling i niembcr, have always advocated. i ,i pre nuvocntco nv iiii; ueiiioi.ruui: niy ul the time wliett uaniei onyuer voieti hh mm. Ittolvcd Thai the only snro plan of jjtiling oursehes against the baneful re ,11! winch wuuiil inevitably be experienced I f.tn f ., nninll riinilU IB 111 J) (IV 1SIOO U I UUI onion .......... i- icrt verv honest means ot uelonling the fl.. nf llinlinr.l firi,il. nml nrilipn n (inn Ccti."i ul ' " i ... II. fnr i m i nnnrl nl the removal Jjilio"ate. Resolved That wo now call upon the undid consideration of the freemen of Co- nirbia county, to tieciue a question wnion .mi tili.i rnmlnl thnm f-nmlMrlnhlv hll'St tiiiinii tct of justice, or forever deprive hem of fiacretl rights as a people, by allow- ngilie county to lie cut, carved, anu tliviil- I tlln (rratifipullritl llf 11 flVV reeklpflS loliiicai pariizaus.at the expense and incon tinence nl the tax payers. Resolved That we will go to the polls; .l.o watMi mini nf SNVDRIi. KR I'll 111!' ....... . - - ' - - - - inVAL. EQU AMI Y and JUS I'IUK. irn'mst I'KUIT. IMVlSlWlN, uiuu ,'.vi?s ,.,.1 nPPRK.SMION. Resolved I hat the courso pursued ny 111? U.UIMJI Ul UIU wuiuiiiuiii iumuimi in silvocating and sustaining our interest in die exciiine question ol mnuval dial now mutates Columbia county, meets with' our approbation. Resolved--That ns the Editor of the Columbia Democrat sustains our interests, we will suatain his, in preference to those who oppose it, therefore we will use our exertions to extend the circulation of his paper, that lho people may have correct inlm motion and recommend to all who feel an interest in behalf of the icuioval, to sub . r i ? . - l.l . fjrine lor nis paper, ami uius encourage Imn to do ins uuty maiuuiiy as ne nas ncre lofiire done. Resolved That the proceedings of this riffling be signed by the officers, and pub lisliedin the Bloouisburg Democrat, and all ajlhcr papers in the county. (Signed by the Officers.) A very large rneetingjof the citizens of Driercrcek township was convened in pur fiwnre of public notice, at the Hriurcieck rchoo! house in said township, on Thursday ihe29tbday of September J8-1JS. Tim wcling was oiganized by electing GEORGE KELCHNER. Presi.lrni, jmiN Knour. .Ioskpii Wise, Isaac How o .... 'n.. . r.v i Eit, oa.iiiuuii i KAoiii.i,, v ice ire Miirriis, John JFreesc, and Simon Jlugcnbuch. EJeciataries. The object of the meeiing being slated, on motion, it wa3 Resolved That a commitlec of TWEN TY besppoinled lo prepare resolutions for the consideration of the meeting. Whereupon the following committee was uppoir.led: John Hess, Hector MeCor inick. John Hill, Isaiah Salmon, JohnCon imr, Gilbert II. Fowler, Henry D Knorr, licliman Hutchinson, Samuel Kelehner, wm, Ilflgenbnch, Jacob Meckenstoiu. F, AVnrkheiser, W.ti. Hutchison, Georgo II. Freese, Aliraham Dieterieh, John Kelrhoer Ilenjamin Fowler.Samuel O, Jacoby, Daniel Ziner, John Zaner, who reported" the fol lowing preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted. Whereas, We are now on tho ove of ono nr,l.u nincl imttnrlnnl . I .. I .1... t.. ........ 'l iiiw muoi ill I li i an, c. Cl : 1111 1 3 uiai Uil 9 UVUI taken place in Columbia county, as upon its t i. i i. r . - . . icsun uepenus ns iiiuiru prosperity, it is nut merely whether thif. or that political party shall triumph, whether this or that candidate shall be ejected to the legislature --but whether the county ehall bo ruined by a division or be kept together by seinoval. Therefore Iitsuved That wo view the attempt of a lew reckless speculators to cut and earve up llio county merely lor the advancement ol their own personal inicrcst, tegardless of the injury (hat the people may receive by the act, with feelings of indignation that words cannot express. Htiolvcd Timlin order to prevent a division, and effect a removal if possible, 118 tllft lpncl t,vnpiliivn mpnoilrn llml rnn n.iti. be adopted to settle the exeiled stale of feel "ig in ine county, we will give our voles to, and iifo our every honorable exertion to so eure tiie eleclion'of Daniel Snyder, to the legislature. Hisoved That we will do so, because we believe him to bo honest, failhful and nip-iblc. Hccausc, wo believe he will advocate th wishes of his constituents & entry them out In Ilia linn- .r l. :.. 1.1. ,1 r -.- ... iin. ii ii iiij d in i VI , I r(;.u u imb oi ino Iruwns, lavors or promises Irum any quarter. Iiesovtd That the faction who surround the Danville Intelligencer, by issuing their ic. ndiilous hand bills, abusing and Marnier lag Daniel Snyder and his friends, deserves tin tcverest censure that a community can heuow upon them. Hetolved That Richard Fruit, the can thdate of the dh isiun fjoiion for the legida U rc is not entitled to tlu confideure of eith Ctfarly, from he f id of his Uving be longed la nl), and left each ai his Interest preponderated. llcsovcd That wo cannot, therefore give our support to Richard Fruit, berause we wuut to elect a 'nan io ino legislature whom we Know will be honest and faithful to his ronHtitueuls. Jiesovcd That living ns wo do, within the limits of the proposed nrw county, we can call with the greatest confidence on all thrOiighoui the county who are opposed lit division to eoti'C lo our refrun and Hive themselves aH well a? us from being oppress ed with taxes,for years lo come. Ilcsoivcu t hat wo will use our utmost exertions to defeat the election of Itiehard Fruit, io the lcgiahituto. because wo rousi dcr lie has made so many pledgee, that he cannot perform them all, thereinto wo fan not titpporl such a man lo represent Coluin hia county in tho stale legislature Ihsoved That wo will give our support to Daniel Snyder, for the legislature the democratic removal candidate, aodlhutwe are determined to vote the removal ticket, the whole ticket and nothing but the ticket. Jtesovcd Thai we now come out with a full determination not io be trampled under fool any longer, by a young set of specula tors, but to go for the labouring class, Mich a man as IJanii'l bin der, tiitigootl old-larmcr the. pour man's friend, and on the 11th of October next, c will go to the poils, wim the watch Word, Snyder, Industry and licntiny. licsovcd That the proeeeding of tin. meeting bo signed hi tin ofliicers and puh halted in all llio nowsptpcM m the county (Signed by the Officers') The piety of tho Algenne was moth shocked at the idea ol our atlendiuu a camp mcetinc near Berwick, hut it appears that his religious scruples, were like hU-coo science, Mlirown to lite den' on Bunilav last, tvhilu he was travelling through the upper portion of the county electioneering, particularly while drinliiiig, carousing, and ... i .... . electioneering in a bar-room, making so much distuibani'C that the neighbors lineal cued to prosecute htm lor a breach of the Sabbath. These things may do iu Algiers but they will not be countenanced in Co lumbia county, any more than his raking up the ashen of the dead lo vent his fiendish dispoiitio'i upon the living. Look out, Jllgr.rine you may gel nabbed the third time. John Fruit was in the upper end of ihe county electioneering against lho removal, upon the grounds thai Danville was not wiilfui eeuirmiles of Northumberland hue, and lint should the removal take place, ihe lower part ol tho county would go tiff io Northumbctlaiid. What nonsense. 'Small potatoes t?iat very.' Il is said thai John Rhodes has taken up his residence in Roaring Creek and Mifflin until after the election. We wonder in which township he intends voting. Whcie does he get his washing and mending done? Remember that will be the quesiiun, when you ofiei your vote. By the way, whore does he get the giiv gcr cakes thai lie says ho can buy lho voters of Roaring Creek wilh. He uitict yet a largo supply, if he always nibbles them first. John Fruit declares that he can and ivill elect his brother Richard. Who elected him sheriff? Was it himself, or the people? He boasts so much of his ability io e.eet any man in (lie county that lie pleaM-s, perhaps he had Metier bring inluwlhe field aooilcr member of his family fur l'roihono tary. There is now but one candidate for that office, and il is no more than fair that he should take care of all of his family as he has the power. The people will no doubt do as he bids. Butter try it. The remains of Mrs. Tyler reached Richmond on Wednesday evening week attended by lho President, General Hunter, Mr' Feudal, General Mnon, General Es ton, and some of tho higher officers of the Government. They were receiv.eil at the depot by a large number of citizens, and attended irhoiigh tne city Inwards New Kent, wherathe remains were depotiled in the family buuiug ground. The New Orlejns Pienune of the 3d nisi. say: 'The hark Hir.im W. T ler, arrited yesterday from Havana, report ihe eilovv fever very h-ttl in 11-ivann; all luinls on hoard, with ihe CM'cptlnu "I one man, were th-lt while iu Havana, they however recovered. Tile man u ho eseapi d while in Havana, look the fever no llie pat-sage from Havana to ibis port, and died on his uirival iu this city.' Hjfnammj'jacfwmnfl-f Dr. Joseph P. Peiers, txten.iey known as a inaiiufariurer of pills and medi cal lozenges, hong hiintelf at New York on Sunday lat iu tits bed post., He has-been in poor health lor a number of years, and he appeared the day before to.be very much dijeoied in sjiiriis and almost distracted, Nineteen wacnns, contalninff eome Iwo or three hundred of tho Tusearora tribe rif Indians, camo up from Niagara cotlntyt N. Y . last week, to meet their brelhen of lho Seneca tribe, on tho reservation near this. city, for the purpose of joining in their annual athletic, games These sports, con sisting of ball playing, wrestling, running leaping, tit: Will probally continue for two or three d.iys. Tho Washington correspondent f 'he Baltimore I'airio'. says tho. Madis.mifin and ihe Globe are to be meiged into one paper. n iiler the management of Isaac Hill and Francis 1'. Ulan. A prnpliPt has sprung up iu Buffalo who piedicls t lint Bofl'ilo will hu burnt on tin. 10th of.laoiMry, 1813. hul lliein Ueepau eye on the prophet, or he may fulfil his own piedictioii. Ths wife of Morgan, the great antimagnn is at Naiivoo, and is now the betier half of a Mr. Harris, ono of the prophet's) chosen men 2500 persons have applied for the benefit of tho Buikrupt Ae.t in Manic, and but 200 in New Hampshire. A man some months ago. was killed hv a (.pring gun in lho District ol Columbia Tim instrument was set in House hone, and the tlcrem-ed was geltmi! I ii lo Ihe prmilr.rs to sletl the geese. I he owner was indicted (or murder. Tho jnn relumed a verilict ol not guiliv. Verv right. Everv man can prnleet his premise!, jti any w,iy he please.-', from tiespas. The Massai'hiifeilM l,iiihiltiro has re fused lo inquire lulu ihe Ursnhne Conveni iifTiir. wilh a view lo pay for the los nr. easimied by Ihe rims. This toleration of the tleseendents tans! is i)n- bnsit ot the Fori- TEUPRR V.NCK TRIUMPH Mr. William.'', a Temperance lecturer in the West has obtained, since he placed hi own n.imn to il. ihirty-tive thousand, eiglil hundred and fifty signatures ot the pledge, tn Western I'eunsj Unnia. Virginia, and Ohio, without counting those in I'ltt.-.lnirg, where he has, with others, made gre.it efforts. Of the numiier mentioned above nine were distillers and thirteen rentiers ol ardent spirit, all of whom left the htiMuess. In Fiilsburg.withiii three weeks., over thiee hundred have joined ihe Cohl Water Army. Give us a lihcnl system of education com bined with a temperate populaiioo, and we will have, in twenty year.", a nation such as the sun never vei shone on! Horrid Death. A young man named Oiho W. Rohrback, on ihe' IGih instant, came to his death at his falhei'ti farm, ue.ii Sharpshnrg. Aid., in the following dreadful maunertlle wa siandiug a ot, laigejporlatdc threshing machine, and having finished a nek. fie horses were stopped, ami while the wheels were yet revolving, he stepped on one of the arms with the intention of springing ofl, lo prepare and direct the next preceding, but, from some easose. Iii.s foot slipped, and his leg being caught be tween the arms of ihe two wheels the arms of the two wheels, swiftly revolving in op posite directions, was instantly shorn off below ihe knee, and the thigh utterly torn and crushed lo the hip. He expired in about fours after the accident. .J.I..H'WI.I I J i.'l.. UsrJ 'ulncss of Snakes. A writer in ihe Genesee Farmer advises those who are iu the h.ibil of destroying s-iakes, to let them alone, as tliev are early risers, and at work in the field hv llio lllOfe depredators, hre.i'j of day, picking up the corn worm, which infest corn fields. What was made in vain? Joe Smith The Slate Registrr of the 2 0 1 1 1 oil iys (hat. Joe Smith .Mormon prop hel, has recently leeetved an important revelation, which requires him to be in Etigl-md in a short lime'. It U rumored (hat ho has already departed for Washing ton where he is required to peiform our aelep. r EDUCATION. A School for the instruction of youth, in the various branches of sciunco and litera ture, will bo opened in the Academy iu Blooinsburg, oo Monday. 3d of October. Application for admission lo be marie to the School Committer, u to the subscriber; when the terms of tuition will be made known. J D. BILES. Bloomsburg, October I, I8J2. N. B- A Ic ture. on instruction 'in com mon Schoi'l. will be delivered iu ihi) Aca.l-imiiv- on S iMirday en ning; Oel. 1st, 1T7 o'clock, p-dienls and guardians ere .renpert. fully inviled lo alleiul. Broke into ihe eni'loiue her ithout 3 iinoilli.-. hucc, a of the Mihfli WHITE STEEIl, drooppiug a huh: in Ins horns, mid alioiu four years old. I'lo' mvoor is requested lo take him away ami n.iv chu'rgu.s. JOSLPIl i'UKSEL. 181. . - , . Maditpn Oct, GENERAL. ELECTION. WHEUEAB, by nn act or lho General A iscmlily or tho Commonwealth of Pcnn Bjlvnniii entitled 'An net relating lo the election or thii Conitnonwcallh, pacsed lho 2d day or Jus y,A. U. 1830 it is made tho duly of th Shcriir or every county to give public notlco oo such flection to bo holdrcii and to made known in kucIi notice what officer are lo be election: Therefore, I JOliNHUlT, High Sheriff or tho county of Colinnbin do made lileiwu. liv lilts odtcrtUciucnt. to lho Electors of milil couii v or Columliln, llmt a G.tiV.l,h UlihC'J'ION, will bo held in InoeaiJ county, on Tuesday te Wth day of October, next' at the several dUtricW llicicuf, at rollowinj, to wit: Uloom tuwlisluii, at the houio or Charles Doc- liter, Ulooinsbury. linet creek townslup, at tho town-houeo in Berwick. Cutuwiasa township, at llio house now occupied by iiiacy Marjeruin, in tho town of Catawissa. Derry totvlihii, at the house of Jacob ijcidcl, in said township. Fishing Cieck township, at llio houso of Daniel Peeler, in said township. Greenwood township, at lho houso now occu pied by Joseph' demon. Hemlock township, nt tho houso or John M' KcynoUls, in said township. Jackson township.' at the house or Joshua lav age, in Buid township. Liberty township, nt tho houso of Hugh M'- Klrntli, in said townstiip, l.inieslono towusliip, (a scpirulo election di tict) at die Union School housj in (.aid town liip. .Mahoning towtithiii, at 11. Court Jiuu.-o in Danville. .Wifilin township, at tho house or John Keller, jr. in cud toivuship. Jt.nhs in tnwnsliip, at tho house now occupied y jiiiin i-inver, in Jer:cyinwii. Mount 1'le.m.int timiii.liip, at tho houso of I' rcilerul; jMiller. in said townstiip. Montour township, at the Iinuie of Lcnord Lazj rus, iu s.ii I IikmhIuii. Suirliur township, at the homo Ezekiel Cole, in sjiii Mwnsaip. nujriiigoreeK rownKinp anno Homo nory oc cupied by Ail.nn U.ihle, in biel lowihh IJr.inije towmlnp at the houso of Isaac C. Johnson, in the town of Ur.inevillc. I ho thdtiiet l ompo.-seil ot' ili.it part nf Mifflin townslup, laid oil loi a now township, to c.ille.l I'ustiin," winch, by an net of Asic.nLlv, piiwed tee urdiuiy iirAjiru, isyu waa established into separate election district, at lho house of Adam .Michcal, in the said district. Valley township, nt lho houso now occupied by Junies It. Ten Drook, in said township. At which tunc and places aro to be elected by mo irceuiuii ui uio couiiiy oi i;oiumuia O.V PEHSON far member or tho House or Kepiescntativcs or the commonwealth ol rcunsylvaniu ONE PEItSON to fill thn offices or Prothoiiotnry, Clerk or the Courts or General Dunrtei Sessions, 0cr and 'I'ermiucr and Orphan's Court. ONE PEHSON to fill the office of Register of Wills and Hccordcr of Deeds. ONE PEHSON for Ccmmissioner. ONE I'EJfSON for county Auditor. In pursuance of an net or the General Assembly of tho Commonwealth of t'euusylvjtiia entitled ' An act relating lo tho Elections of this Comiiiou weallh," passed the Ud day of July, A. D. lB3a. Notice is her. by Given. That the general election and election for intpec tnrs mid judges aro to bo opened between tho houis of 8 urn! 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, and shall con tinue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in tho evening, when thu .oils shall be closed. 'That every person, excepting the justices cf the peace, wlui shall hold any olrice or nppuinlmcnt of profit, or tmst under tho government of Hie United sutc, or forttiH 6uto, or or any city incnrpoia ted district, whether a commissioned ollicer or oth ciwiee; a kubuidiiiale olritei or agent, who is or shall bo employed under tlu lejulative, eceulie, or judiciary department of this Slate, or of ihe United ot.itcs, or ofuuy city orineorporateddistrict and also that every member of Conrcs, and of the State 1. !g stature, and of this select or cuinmou council of anj city or commissioners of any incor porated district, is by law iiieaptblo of holding or excreisini at tho same lime tho office or appoint ment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk uf any election of this Commonwealth; and that no Inspector, Jude or o'her ollicer nf any such elec iu saall be eligible to any cilice to le llicn wiled for." Anil the sud act of Assembly onlillo.1 ''an act relating to the elections of'tlus Commonwealth ;" p.sshd July 2d, 1S3'J further provides an loilows to wit- "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall meet ut the retj.ectie laces ap pointed loi holding the election ill the district to which they respectively belong. "before iiino o'clock in the morning, on the 2d Tuesday of October, in each and every year, and each of siid Inspec tors shall appoint ono clerk, who shall ho a quali fied voter ot such district. "In ea-!o tho person who shall havo received the second highest number of tho voles for 'n npector fhall not attend on tho day of any election, tho porson who shall havo received tho second high-l number nf ntea far Judge at ihe next preceding elccti in, shall act as Inspector iu his pl.ieejnud iiiensetho person who slril! have re ceivrd tho Fceond highest nuinber or vcti d for In spector bil l II lint attend, the person elecicd a JuJge. appoint an iu-o.vtor in Iiii place; and in cami the vcrsan elected a J udgo hlull net attend, then the liispiilor who received lho highest iiumt'er r votes .hall appoint a Judge- iu his placet and if 'iny vae.iuey i-liall continue iu llio board for the space of out, hour after tin; tunc liked hv law for the npeiiimi I'm the chviiiiu, tho qualified voters of ihe tnwii'hij). w.ud, or ditiittfor which such olfi r IijII have l oon eloctid. present at lho pluco election, hhalt elect one or their number to fill vnrHliey. It alu t le Ihr dtitv of R.111I rtsr.Fnr. rrsr.cct- ivcU ,ti .iltond at the place of h'!diug every general cpe.'Minr lowiliip vlection, .luring llio whola limr slid kteylwii wkept, open, Tor Iho purpo'e or giving informilion lo tnq impaclors or judge, when called on in relation to llio, right of any person assessed by them to vote ut 'c-nch ilcctiou.orsuih other matters in relation to the asses lineat er re votus the aaidui-' cpCQton or judga, w i Jthcrof lwml, sttll roml IS 10 rmo require," "No ticrson tlull be rennitted (0 vote at any cleci lion, as aforesaid, ciher than a white freeman efthd ago of Iwcnty-otio J cars or n'lofe', who thai! havo resided in this Stale at feast oho year & in the elec tion district whero ho oilers to vote.at least ten day Immediately nrccedinir such elcctioii.and within two years paid nfJloto or county tax, which shall havA been assessed nt least ten days bclore the election. Dut a citizen ef tho I'nltcd btitcs, who hud previ. ousty been n voter or this Male, end removed therefrom and returned, and who shall havo resided iu the election district and paid taxes a aforesaid, shall bo entitled to a vote after residing in this stata six months t Provided, That tho while freemen cit izens of the. United Stntcsjielwccn the ngcsof t cn-ty-one nn J twenty-two years, and having resided in this State 011c year, ind in the election district ten days as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to vote, nhhougb they shall not have paid taxes. No person shall ho admitted to voto whose iiamrt is not contained in the list or taxable inhabitant? furnished by tho commissioners unless. Fiist ho produce a receipt for the payments within two years or n state county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence cither 011 liio own oath or Affirmation, or the oath or aflir. rnalion of another, lint be has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath to the payment thereof, or becond: 11 lie claim a right to vote by being an elecloi between lho nges of tweiity-oiio nnd tweuty-two years, he shall deposa 011 oath or alhrmalion that he fins rctidcd in tho Slate at least ono year next before his application, and make such proof of residence in tho district nis is required by this uct and that he docs verily be lieve from the accbunls given him that ho is of the aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is requir ed by this act. Whereupon tho name of the per son so iiihlniitteo 10 vole, shall be ins3.-leJ in the. alphabetical lift by the inspectors, and a note raado opposite thereto by vviiting the word "tax,"if ho bhull be admhtcd to vote by reason o? having paid a lax. or ihe word -age," if ho shall bo ad mittc't tu vote mi account of his age, audio eiiher case, the reason nfsuch vole shall be called out to the clerks, who f hall nuke the like note? in tho list of voters kept by then;. 'In all cacj whero tho nnnfc of tho person claiming to vote is not found 011 the list furnished, hv the commissioners and a33csoM, or his ligh' to vole whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it tlutl bo the duty cf tho inspectors to examine euro person on oath as to h'n qualifications and if ho clain.s to havo rcsideef within llio state for oneycar or nurc, Ida oath shall bi (Uti'icient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he ha, resided within tho district for more than ten days next immediately preceding said election, and shall also himself swear that Ins bona iide ressidence, in pursuance of his lawful calling is within the district and that ho did not remove into said district, for the purpose of voting therein. "Every peaon qualified as aforesaid, and who shall niado due proof if required of his residence and pay incut of taxas, as aforesaid, thrill bo addmit led to voto in the township,vvard or district in which he shall reside. "If any person f hall prevent or af tempted lo pre vent any ofliccr'3 of nn election under this act fiom holding such olectirm, of use or threaten any vio lence to any sdeh slficcr, or shall interrupt or im properly interfere with him iu the execution of his duty, or shall block up, or attempt lo block up the window or the avenue to any window where lha ame uuy bo holden or shall riotously distrurb tho reacoatsuch election, or ehall use or practice, dny intimidation, threats, force or violence, wilh design to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting or to rcstain the freedom of choice, such person on conviction shall bo fined in any sum not exceeding five, huuderd dol lars, and be imprisoned for any time not less than twelvo months. And if it shall le shown to the court where the trial of buch oflenco shall be -had that tho person so offence was not a resident of tho city, ward, district or tovrtislup where the said oHVnce was committed, and not entitled, to vote therein, then on conviction, ha shall be sentenced to pay 11 fine not lees then ono hundred normoro than mo thousand dollars, and Le imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. "If any person or persons shall make any fctt or wager upon lho result of any election within this commonwealth or shall olfer to make any sucli bet or wager, cither by vcrbel proclamation thereof- or by any written or printed advertisements challenge or invite any pel son or poisons to mcko such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay threc.timcs the amount so litt, or offered to lie bet. "If any person, not by law qualified shall frau dulently voto at any election, within this common wealth, or bcinj otherwise qiialuied,i.iiall voto out of his proper district or if any person knowing lho want of such qualilicauoa shall aid or pneuro such person or peibous so oti'.udidg, shall on con vict on, be fined in r.:iy mi.h not cxued.n.' two bundled dollar, and lo impiisoneJ for any. term nut exceeding three months. "If any person sha'l vote at more lha.i one dic tion district, or otherwise fraudulently -voto n:oro than once on the same day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to tho inspectors two tick? in to gelher, wuhlho intent to illegally ot", or shall vote the same, or if any presuu shall 1 dv.so or pro cure another so to do, ho or they so lfen.iing, rl.a.l on conviction bo fined in uny sum not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dolUr.s, uiid be imprisoned for any term nor less than three nor more than twelve monllw. "iraliy person not qualified to vote in his com. mouwealtli agreeably to law, (except the eons of qualified citizens) shall appear nl any placo of clciion for the purpose of issuing ticl.eti), or of in fluencing ttio citnzuis qualified Ij vote, tie shall on roncition, frf.'tl and pay any sum not cxevciiin5 0110 hundred dollars for every such yl.cnco and bo inprisoned foi any tonn not cxosduig thrco month." The Judges are to make their .returns for ihe county of Columbia, at tho Court House In H'anvzUe on b'riday the Mrh day of OctoLor, A. D. 18'. Cod save the common wortllh. JOH.N FRUIT, Sr.:HJf. tjiiKiurr'j Nrricr, Danville, ? ipt, tG. 1812-10 ' J ' IS hereby at ('oiifiiub)i in hinging in tliveii, b- I have purchased b'.ie, the follow injj property Aaron I1. jrritwr if. to ult: HUUL1AU, and one MANTI E !Uk K. winch r.Kii.i nv 1 havo Itit with lifn duHog tn pleiiRiir-, ami HI perv.J same front ottijrwjsej are vv .une ng ,:usi taking thu his ; pnScM-ifm by pun base, or without my consent." PRICK,