The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 24, 1842, Image 2

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    IfllirMllHHI V IKU I.I IICIl 1 IU1 tllU uuuiwav
i nainitii nHfuininuiin. aim ui uuuluiu-
itig tho imptesslon of which they wore ns
nuch ashamed as grieved that any trace
M ."I.-. 11 I 1M.M,1'a
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. Ji -i U.1.H..t.M .l I.i.lali in At.
UlllllVfll III III" IBI'KA 1MW
LI -f ."iir. ,U.a ..flmf
ruth, n lint k shadow rested still evidently
II kill' w iiuiu a no wi H'liiR
L - . .J l..i it I nani lit In It I d
. . I . .Ml I. ... t,,. lliAnn.
InOrS 01 IHS reCUIH uuirajtju, iiiuugu mojr
MAm dar Tdthotp nnd Iihf lirnlhcr. in sonic
nrn man iiiii;e3 uusovu uon unw
ClrlUU iUHM 1UVU Ml tuc waooiuu mv mu1
.... - .1.. I .
IIIUI ilia ucan nan ujuiu vatuwuj w..
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hAvac i trip nnrRRii n nnp. ii is in ttiEaiaiiw tit
'VD.SMIIPfMI nT. nilil'll Hfl LIICV
were by the trusting impulses of her own
-sweet and generous nature; and they ut
lenirih nsrtod. not to meet again till the
appointed hour on tho morning oT the day
whnn she was to he received in a chaise
which should await Iter in this very spot
anrt nnnvev them to a church in a parish
about twenty miles distant.where he would
have ever arrangtimeiu complete to take
her. hv the hiehest law of God and man,
under the protection of that relation para
mount So any right or claim of parent or
iimlfpH. In the meantime he was to ab-
np.nt himself from the country, ootn to avoiu
the chance of any reencounter with Sir VViU
mot pr George, and also to, prcciuue me
formation of anv suspicion, and to favor the
r.nurse she herself pursued at the Hall, of
simple silence, in relation to him. And so
thev narted. She was wrong perhaps;bui
if so, she was, or at least believed herse
right 1 hurry over tne oonciuumg mciucuis
my story, The appointed time came round,
onJ trrantl nreoaralions were made at the
Hall for its celebration bv all tho tenantry
All wai in readiness also for the intended
departure of the family on the folio wing day
, . ,? i ii' . :t -.1
arrangements in wnicn .nce, wiuuv anu
nassive. had borne no personal part, -every
ihinffbeiner directed by Ann Edith. She
reo nested that she might not be disturbed.
in her rnmn. beTore the hour at which Iter
nria(nni would he reonired to -greet the
. - . . f A TT
excitement, she left he Hall, in her simple
bonnet, and shawl, accompanied by tier
raaiir; and making iher way -quickly
through the puk, was in season to meet
the chaise which drew np it the sprit -of her
former meeting at '(he exact hour of the ap
pointment, ten in the morning, -Startled
and distressed not to 'find her lover in it,
she would "hastily -withdraw had not a
'note been handed 'her by the driver, in
Edward's handwriting stating that a cause
-which need not then be explained, compel
led him -to send the chaise empty for her
end her maid; but that the driver was en
irely to be ttusted, and would convey her
othe church where the marriage ceremony
'twould be immediately performed,for -which
lie had procured license and -engaged -the
attendance of tho minister. Itetreat was
now too late, even if it' had been her -own
desire. Stepping hastily into the chaise
and closing its blinds, they -were whirled
rapidly off, After a ride of a couplo -of
hours, and a single stoppage -to change hor
ses, the chaise drew up at the gate of an
old church yard, from -which a pathway
led to the open door of the church; one of
the prettiest of those old Gothic structures,
email, half covered with ivy, and embo
somed in -the solemn shade of venerable
trees, of which there are so many scattered
about in the most retired places in England
Embarrassed at remaining in the chaise at
the gate.and uncertain what to do, while un
nblc to conquer a certain reeling ol vague
uneasiness in Iter surprise at not seeing
Edward ready to receive her, she elitirom
the vehicle, and raising the lateh of the old
Avorn decayed gate, they passed up the path
and Alice presently found herself within
the shadoW'of -the deep and low arched
entrance or portico that opens into tiie main
:aisle of the building- when she was startled
at the sound of a voice-front within. Look-
in hastily 'in. she perceived group of
-persons collected around the alleiuat which
a minister was standing -in his while bands
and surplice, -evidently, as a glanoe -reveal-ed
performing some mairiage ceremony,
which had just been -commenced. Not
-without some apprehension that a mistake
-iind been committed as to the place, -end
and concluding that if such was not the
case, some other couple must be destined
-nearly the same hour to the purpose, she
-drew back behind the massive colums of the
arched doorway, greatly distressed and a
larmed nl her position, yet supposing that
the nosilian by an undue speed had antici
-nated the -moment calculated by her lover
3or her arrival.and expecting him momently
relieve her by his appearance, Under
the circumstances, retreat was out of uhe
oueslion. Before this time her absence
must have been discovered, and tho letter
alie had left in bet worn -for her father must
liave disclosed the purpose though not the
direction of her flight. It ws conceived
in a beautiful spirit, explaining all the
crounda and motivesof (he step she had
taken, and appealing carnally for their
f withdrawing Alice ;from the scene ot so
forgiveness and reconciliation, (hough she
knew H was vita to implore 'their corisenbTThey can procure their candidate to pledge
( c onawaea in our ntxrj
'TltBTft W1TH0CT TEAll
S.lTVJtDJty, SEFTJK.VBEn 4, 1842,
(Sultfect to tht decision of tht Nationa
No Division.
Do tho people of tho county understand
"tllectiuiir IS U tiutetToMk4TM,.tP,e October
daily, and the only answer wo can give is,
thafwe fear not by" all, though we are
satisfied that a largo proportion do, and
will act accordingly. But what is the true
Tind only real issue.! Wo answer, a re
moval or division.1 But wo are asked, can
not -we prevent a division without a remo
val! No. The upper portion of the county
are determined to have one or the other,
and if the removal is killed, a union will be
had upon the division, and then the county
will be distracted not by the 'removal' but
"by the 'division question.' The Danville
faction may throw around it, all the false
coloring that their inventative imagination
can 'conceive, and it will not change the true
issue. They may ay that they aro oppos
ed to division, -that they want to keep the
county together that they are opposed to
removal on account oT the expense tliey
may make false issues by attacking tho
private character of Daniel Snyder, and
imrwgn his -votes in the Legislature ihey
may denounce every removal man as a
knave' and 'stool pigeon' and shout 'pirate-
ism1 until their throatshecome hoarse, and
yet me TKUIS lSSUr; tviII do the flame
not the Danville faction prefer the latter?
would it nofbe natural! By removal they
lose the courts, by -division they retain
fliera, and of course of two -evils to them,
they -will choose the least. Indeed, they
have repeatedly declared, (hat before a re
to oval should (ako -place, they -could and
would effect a division. But having been
defeated in their division project of last
winter, they now Taise a hypocritical cry
against a division in the ounty,thinking,hy
that means to stifle the cry for a removal
Are they any the less friends of division
now than they were last winter! will they
be any the less ready to assist Senator
Hoadley at the next session than they were
at the last!-that they did so, we have post
live prooT in their acts at Harrisburg. So
well was their course understood there, lhat
Senator Kidder,whi!e opposing (he passage
tif Mr. Headley's new county bill, publicly
declared in debate, that the division Avas ad
vocated by the gonilemen then present from
Danvihc. Bid Mr. Headley deny it t No,
Did the gentlomen themselves deny it! No
Has the Algenne uniou it in Ins paper,
though often charged npon them by us t
No, They know that proof is at, and
they dare not. But they can skulk around
the tousty, and deny jl to the private ear
iimrlf nrrainst it. nficr he finds that the
people have become aroused, and tjiat noth
ing else will save him. A year ago their
candidate professed friendship for the remo
val, at least until that iime, ho had always
acted with the removal parly. Sinco that
ho has asserted lhai a division was prefera
ble to a removal- And now, to induce the
Danville faction, who have always hero
tofore been his open and avowed enemies,
to take him as a candidate for the Legisla
ture, he pledges himself against both. Can
such pledges be wort any thingi will
ihn neonlc trust to a man their dearest
rights as citizens, who can so quickly turn
i ,
against his best friends regardless of all
formet pledges to them, and the obligations
under which thev have laid him by their
acts of friendship to him, when he and his
particular friend was beset by tho very men
into whose hands he has now thrown him
self. No thev cannot, and will not. It is
not, hnwever,whelhet this or that man shall
be elected to the Legislature, but whether
the removal or division shall take placo.
One or the ollmr must take place, and lhat
too shortly. Choose ye between them
For upon the icsult of the election on the
11th of October uext depends the fula ol
Columbia county. Remember then the
walch word, 'Kemoval and no Division.'
Our friends throughout the county should
bear in mir.d thai tho approaching election,
is of far more thao ordinary importance.
II is not whethdr this or that man shall bo
elected to the Legislature it is not whether
ihis or lhat political party shall triumph
No. But whether the county of Columbia
shall be destroyed by a division, or the
distracted state of the people be forever put
at rest, by a removal. Remember that you
aro voting not for tl'e man only, but for the
question for or against division for or
against a temovaI,at!d thai the result of this
eection decides the fate of the county either
weal or for woe. Let not then the vile
31 HtlTITTT-
our interest, anu il you tare
business on the second Tuesday of October
put il aside for one day and cast your voto
lor him whom you Know win watch over
your rights, and protect the county from
y?e ate taken to do by the Algerine, for
saying that the Danville faction had threat
ened to import votes into Danville, to be
used at the October election. v e repeat
what we have said upon the subject, and
the Algerine virtually admits the fact, when
e says that they v ill poll more than seven
hundred votes in Mahoning and Valley, as
it is well known that they have not now
over five hundred legal voters in the two
townships, and all ihey poll over that, are
the effect of "pipe laying." It is easy
enough to insert on the list some two or
three hundred ficticious names; and, if they
can get men base enough to assume them,
increase their vote thus much. It has
been done under less desperate circtimstan
ees than that in which the Danville faction
is now placed. Men who will use corrupt
and dishonorable means in the beginning of
an act will not stop at any thing, however
base to consumate it.
In another column we publish the pro
ceedings of a meeting of a largo number of
the friends of removal iield in Roaring
Creeh, on Saturday last. Wo seldom have
attended a meeting where more union and
harmony of feeling pervaded than was
manifested there, notwithstanding some fivo
and twenty of the Danville people were on
the ground endeavoring to CTealo a disturb
ance and break np the meeting. But being
foiled at the outset, in their attempt to get
eontrol of the meeting by appointing a
president of their kidney, they relrated
into one corner of the baTrnom, where they
held a meeting, including about a dozen
men, from Roaring Creek, whom John
Rhodes, John Fruit, and Richard Fruit had
spent three days in drumming up for the
contest, & passed some flaming resolutions,
written by John3. Montgomery, all for
the love of the dear people. Their resold
tions no doubt, will bo ushered forth, ai
the voice of Roaring Creek, and spread
before ihe people as the unanimous senti
ments of tho inhabitants of that township,
hut wo -can assure our friends that the peo
pie ofthsi lownship tindersYaad thelf inter
est too well to beguiled into the support of
man, who has linked himself with the
Danville faction, and turned traitor to his
former.friends for tho purpose of destroying
ihobcst interest of iho county. Roaring Cteek
is good for three lo one against Fruit,
aay our friends in tho district.
For several weeks the Danville faction,
have been secrelcly and insiduous'.y endea
voring to injure John McReynolds, tho
supervisor on tho North Blanch Canal, both
at home and abroad, for the purposo of ere
ating an influence against tho removal ques
tion and Daniel Snyder, but finding their
secret operations had no effect, thoy aie
now attempting to destroy him, with their
base and scandalous falsehoods through the
columns of the Algerine. In tho last Intel
ligencer they intimate lhat John McRey
nolds offered lo.bolray (he removal party if
they would slop their opposition to him.
A more foul and malicious falsehood never
was uttered by man, and he who wrote
lhat aiticle in question knows it to bo so.
This course, however, is in character, with
their usual operations, first flatter and coax
Mnd promise office, then persecute slander
and abuse then, by baseless chaiges,
attempt to destroy the confidence of the
friends of removal in every prominent man
who takes an active part in tho cause.
I'his game has been of some advantage to
them herotoforo.and knowing tho hopeless
ncss of their present situation, and despair
ing of electing Richard Fruit imloss they
can create division and jealousy in our
ranks, their personal arrows .are hurled at
everyone whom they have the least pos
sible chance of affecting. As it respects
Mr. McRcynolde, by his leltor which fol
lows, thev have a chance to lire upon him
their charge, if they have it in their power
He asks them to publish any letter of his,
whether it was diiectcd to one who
had always professed friendship for him, &
who. to sav the least, had been laid under
obligation by the acts of.McReynolds whicl
would have induced an honoruble man. not
to have joined in the unholy crusade against
himQrTLjUllcsitpposedp&rsonal bent;ut
to another, uui it seems arrrre
vapors of the political region of Danville
destroys all sense of honorable feelings of
gratitude for past favors ot friendship in
tho breast of every man who removes with
in its bounds, or inhales its blighting
Buck Horn, Sept. 10, 1842.
Sir, in Ihe Danville intelligencer, of the
ICth inst. V.Besl says that I wrote a letter
to an individual of Danville telling what
had dono; and intimating (hat I would d
nioro hereafter, if required, thereby mti
mating that I was willing to go against th
removal party in this county. Now Sir,
it Mr. ucdt, or any ol his lriends, lias any
such letter, it will be an easy matter to sat
isfy the public of my willingness to betray
the party, by a publication of the letter in
the columns of the Danville Intelligencer,
which would be much more to the point
than his comments; as an intelligent com
munity will be altogether as competont to
judge as ho is.
You will oblige me by giving the above
a place in the Columbia Demo
crat. Yours, &c.
We learn from Roaring Creek, that the
course pursued by the Danville faction, in
attempting to prevent a fiee expression of
the citizens of tho township in a matter
which deeply interests themselves, at the
late removal meeting held at Mr. Kerns, is
recoiling upon their own heads with ten
loid lorce. J ho people indignantly reject
the idea, that they are not qualified to ju'dge
of their own interost and wishes, and that
ihey can bo brow beaten to abandon a mea
sure for which thev have fought for thirty
years, by the Danville faction. They aro too
intelligent and understand their interests loo
well to be duped and forced to go against
their well known interest and that of the
county. It has spread a spirit abroad in, that
township, which will leach the wire work
ers of Danville a lesson on the sccondTues
day of October which they will not soon
The Danville faction have issued hand
bills, rnnifcining the proceedings of a meet
ing which ihey calLthe voico of Roaring
Creek. Wo will handle it next week
without gloves
AT a meeting held by a large number of
citizens of the township of Roaring CreCkj
at the houso of Elijah Price in Numidia,
on the 21st of Sept. 1842, Solomon FcN
tcrman, presided, Michael R. Hower and
Joseph Dengler, Vice Presidents, Lewis
Bidding Secretary, it was
Resolved That it Avas -expedient to hold
a. meeting of the - . .
at the House of Elijah Price, in Numidia
Saturday, October, 1st 1842, at two o'clock
P. M. to adopt mcasuresto secure union of
action among the friends of Removal and
Opponents to Division, at the approaching
election. Il is hoped lhat all will at'.cnd
without distinction of party.
Several strong adddrcsses.will be deliver
The Algerine asks us (o pubfish what ho'
calls a correspondence between certain men
in Orange and Gieenwood townships, and
Richard Fruit. Wo would havo no hesita
tion in publishing it, did we not know that
it is not what it purports lo be. The sigoera
were merely instruments in the hands of
some Danville men to blind the people an
to the true issue before them. The corres
pondence was written in Danville, and a
young lawyer despatched with orders to
procure as many names to be attached to it
as could be found willing in those towliships
to be used blind-folded, and we will bet a
grain of honesty with any man in Danvilb
if that much can be found (here (o bo slak
ed, lhat neither of those who signed
the letter to Richard Fruit, saw the
reply of Fruit, after his signature ww at
tached until i( was published by (ho Alge
rine. By (he way, has the Berwick Sentinel,
the Danville Intelligencer, or the Danvilla
Democrat heard that a Democratic Removal
Convention was held atJBloomsbiirg, on tho
29lh of August. If they have.their patroni
:-iW..moiol interest, wctuld like to know
the result of that convention. They in
entitled lo some little notite from them for
the aid they render towards their support.
Tho obligation must be all one side, one.
would think from their united opposition to
the interest of the friends of removal. WiH
they brook it.!
The Danville Democrat is out against
Charles Conner as a candidato for Register
and Recorder, because he is ajemoval man,
thus showing their preference forP.Uilmeyor
becauso he is opposed to removal.The (wo
tickets aro now fairly before the public in
(heir (rue character, pledged for.andgaiait
removal, then let lhat bo the lest vole,
Philip Bilmuycr has heretofore insulted
the friends of removal by refusing to give
thorn any information as to the business of
his office, and now, notwithstanding his
secret electioneering, among the removal
parly to persuade them not to let that ques
tion interfere with his election, is endeavor
ing to injure Charles Conner, among tha
opponents of removal, upon the local ques
tion. This is a species of faUo election
eering truly. Let oar friends remember
Tho Algerine speaks in high pr'aiae of
Richaid Fruit, the division candidate for
"Assembly.and lauds his political integrity to
the skies. What, Iho people of Columbia
counly place confidence in Richard Fruit
the man who four years sinco abandoned
his political party and voted against their
favorito candidato for governor, and who
ha now abandoned the removal party with
whom ho has acted for seycral years, and
with whose assistance his brother was
eleeleil sheriff, and flung himself inlo the
keeping of Us enemies, upon conditions
lhat they would take him as their candidate
for the Legislature This is Ihe man in
whqm tho people are called upon lo place
confidenco and abandon the removal to
sustain! The Algerine must, call on hi
immediate serfs, they aro dutiful subjects
and will obey, none others will answer.
The N. Y. Express is of the opinion
that the Revenue Bill, just passed, will
give employment to at least a quarter of a
million persons.' and the means of -a com
fortable livelihood to quadruple that