The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 27, 1842, Image 4

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"What a fovely girl Emma Wharlon is,"
said Charles Lawrey to a chance acqaiii
tance whom ha chancod to meet in the
etroct, and as the young man spoko lio
glanced across the way to a young lady
whoso graceful step and elegant figure at
traded universal attention.
Ahl that is Miss Wharton!' said Mr.
Henry Gowen, the friend whom ho addres
sed, I've heard she's rich; but there's no
knowing certainly now-a-days, since if a
girl has but a thousand dollars sho is made
an heiress by the popular report.
I do not pretend to know how wealthy
'Miss Wharlon is,' replied Lawrey with
some coldness. 'She is an old acquain
tance, but I have never troubled myself
about her riches.'
Faith, now.thai's the firsUhingl would
trouble myself about. There is'.it a girl I
luve known for a month, a knowledge of
"whose fortune I hav'nt at my finger
ends, It don't do to throw oneself away
on an angel without a sixpence. Catch
-ne at it.'
Mr; Henry Gowen spoke frankly. He
made it his business to ascertain at the
"earliest poseible period after an introduction
the exact fortune of every single lady whom
he honored with his acquaintance we say
honored, far as Mr. Henry Gowen had a
few thousands of his own, and was thought
to be tht handsomest man in his family, he
considered it quit.e a condescension to make
the acquaintance of any lady. On marry
ing a rich wife ho was fully resolved. That
such adrintagcs as this should be thrown
away on a penniless girl, was not to be
thought of, and if ever a hawk had a keen
eye for Us prey, Henry Gowen. had one
for an heiress.
From what Charles Lawrey iad said the,
fortune hunter suspected that Miss Whar
ton was worth more than ho had at first
suspected, so he lost no time in making
her acquaintance, and, as a matter of course
began to prosecute his inquiries as to her
wealth, with what effect will appear from
the following conversation with Charles
Lawrey, about a month subsequent to the
preceding interview.
I can tell you all about Miss Wharton,'
aid Gowen as they met in the street,
Yes! I soon ferretted it out Let me
elone for such an inquiry as this is. Miss
tVharton is worlh exactly one hundred and
ien thousand dollars, in ground rents, mort
gages, and houses She has also twenty
thonsand dollars in slock. Her income
Bust at least be seven thousand dollars a
pretty pill as times go. And then she's so
deucedly handsome. Faith. I've made up
my mind to make love to her, so if you
know any body who has an eye that way
you can give hirn a friendly hint that iis no
use,' and Mr. Henry Gowen pulM tip ,js
hirt collar with all the coxcombry and con
ceil of a finished exquisite.
There might have been seen t'look of
urpise on the face of Lawrey when his
acquaintance first announced his intentions
towatds Miss Wharton, but this expression
quickly subsided into a quiet smile, (which
also soon passed away, so that eie Mr.
Henry Gowen had finished speaking, the
counlenace of his hearer had assumed its
usual composed demeaner.
Pray, when do you intend to bring mat.
ters to a crisis!' asked Lawrey.
In a month at farthest. When I've
onco made up my mind I lose no time; 1
flatter myself that I've already made a con
siderable impression on Miss Wharton.'
You conceited coxcomb!' muttered Law.
ley to himself, and after a few common
place expressions they parted.
.P I !J T . .1. . .
-oiuuia, saw uawrey mar. evening as
lie entered the parlor where sat his betroth
ed! who do you think is about to aspire to
your hand, or rather to your fortune, for
it seems he has found out that you have
Who!' said the lovely girl, 'oh! surely
you must mean Mr. Gowen he is the on.
ly fortune hunter among my acquaintance.
he added laughing 'and now recollect
lie lus been acting very willingly of late,
nun iiiis gvcb guiie so lar ss io seim roe
this piecs of verse poetry he calls it.
Lawrey took the manurcript and read the
poem, laughing with Emma over it. At
length he spoke.
'As no one knows of our engagement,
dearest, this fellow has made me Ins confi
dent, and told me to warn any body that it
wouiu oe useless to pretend to your hand,
while ho is in the field. What chink you
f .1 n
vi mat cmmai
Emma's fine eyes flashed.
I will brink down his coxcombry yet,
-with your permission, dear Charles. The
impudent fellow! For the sake of my sex
I ought to expose hire. Pray did he honor
you wim ino exct amount or my fortune!'
To the very cent, a piece of information
1 never possessed before. I wondei where
lie learned it, for his minute particularly
convinced me that he spoke with authority
but to slay as I was going to Court.I
met tbu clerk of the Surrogate, who called
me to turn, lie asked mo if I knew vou
and then if knew Gowen, for.' save he.
'that gentleman has been here looking at
-ihe late Mr. Wharton's will, and calculating
jrom ii me uaugnier e toriune. Now, 1 tin
not know Mis? Wharton, but I think ehe
ought to be acquainted with this.' So you
eee, Emma, your suitor has it al by the
$01 ilw wfekV fad jEutni
iy JujbJngly;ngininUtliobn TylsjIJ
and he thinks himself str. irreaislaile ti'iirt
he can win a lady at once.'
'And ho tells mo ho wilt propose for you
in a month, and that his success is certain,'
said her lover with mock solemnity, and
then both looking into each others faces,
burst into a merry laugh which lasted for
soma minutes
'A thought strikes mo, said Emma at
length, her eyes sparkling with mischief,
and then she recounted to her lover a plan
which sho had formed, which only increas
ed their laughter. What the plan was that
so pleased Etniuagaud Lawrey shall appear
in due time.
The attentions of Mr. Henry Gowen to
tho fair Emma Wharton, noon became the
theme of conversation, and many an opinion
was hazarded as to whether the attachment
was reciprocal. Of the sentiments of the
gentlemen there could apparently be no
doubts, since his attentions were constant
and minute; but the conduct of Emma was
not so easily unriddled, sinc.e altho' she
did not reject the attentions of her new
lover, she could hardly be said to oticoui
age them. The gossippers, howevei.soon
came to the conclusion that 'it was to be a
match" and that the deportment of the
lady was to be attributed wholly to coy
ness A fortnight had elapsed since the conver
sation betwixt Lawrey and Emma, when
Mr. Henry Gowen sgain met Lawrey in
the street
'Deuced fine girl, Lawrey, is that Mies
Wharton, Said Mr. Henry Gowen, '1
was never so deeply in love in my life.'
'With her fortune, you mean,' drily said
Oh, faith, with herself I confess, be
tween you and I, it was her money that
induced me to pay attention to her, but
I'm afraid I'm more deeply interested in
her than would bu piudent if there was any
danger of a refusal.'
bo you think your success is certain.'
'Why, yes, I may say so 1 fancy there
is little dnubis. Emma is a little coy, to be
sure, but aside from that, every symptom
is favorable! Ah! but here comes the an
gel heiself-good bye don'iyou wish you
wero as hanpvas 1 am?
A pieciotis rascal!' said Lawrey to him
self as he bowed to Emma, and exchanged
with her a meaning amile.
Mr. Henry Gowen hastened to join the
side of Emma, and accompanied her home.
Soliciting a lew in inula tele u-lele with hei
as she entered the parlor and took his seal
by her side 1 lien, in a set speech which
he had duly composed and commuted to
memory Tor the occasion, he tendered her
his heart, hand, audfuriuue. Emma heard
tiim out gravely and then replied.
I ccrwiuiY vusm u icci iiiyatsti Honored
by ycur proposal, sir; but as I atlributo it
wholly to my fortune and nut to myself, 1
cannot be so highly flattered as 1 should
under other circumstances. Excuse me
for declining your proposal,' she sdid, ris
ing, 'and take a word of counsel, Never
go again to the buriopale s Oihee to learn
lady's wealth. Good morning sir.'
These words, without the tone in which
they were pronounced would have been
sufficient to discomfit even a greater cox
comb than Mr. Henry Gowen. lie left as
if he could have wished the floor io open
and swallqw him from the scornful took of
Miss Wliar'.on. Seizing his hat he hurried
to the door,and before iiiglu was ou his way
to the bprings.
A merry laugh had Emma and her lover
that evening over the discomfited fortune
hunter. And when, a few mouths Uier,
Mr. Ilenrv Gowen taw their marriage in
the newsDatier. and recollected that ha had
made a confident uf Charles Lawtey, he
' ...' .
wisely concluded that even the Springs
would not save him from ridicule, aud sail
ed at ouce for Europe.
A ragged militia officer, and still more
bandy legged negro, met at the bar of a pub
lic house, where the following conversation
took place :
'Guff, ) ou'r a good honest fellow, and I
like to compliment a man what'6 lived an
honest life if he's is black; you shall take a
glass of drink with me Cuff.' 'Well, Gap-
ting, I's berry dry, so 1 won't be ugly 'bout
it; some niggars i to pioud to dunk with '
militia offiuei; but wheu he's sober he iis
as good as uigger 'specially if do nigger's
Good Advice Ue content as long as
your belly is lull and your body warm
remember the poor, kiss the pretty girls
don't rob your neighbor's hen roots
never pick an editors'a pocket, nor think
that he is going to treat kick dull care 10
the devil, aud black your own boots.
Shooting Stars. The New Haven
Savans kept a sharp look out for the
'Shooting burs' on Monday and Tuesday
nights, the period of their annual arrival;
aud much to the satisfaction of the watchers
between 11 and 12 o'clock Tuesday even
ing 79 Shooting Start were seen. The
exibition it was thought would be continued
on Wednesday evening.
A Fruitlttt Search. There is a man
at Wheeling who has set out in search of
the individual who first nominated John
Tylsr. The number of aspirants to that
honor, who sprung up a year ago, have
satisfactorily moved that tliev were nnt n.
j tilled to the honor. Where is Mho man who
'is roiiruco.mjs'ct t 1
Which in paint of sizebeauly uf papr,
and typography, convenience of form,
value andfreshness of C'onteiits,and mw,
ber will far surpass that of ami ever be
fore issued from any newspayer establish
mem m the world.
The subscriber, publisher of tho Boston Notion,
feels n degree of honest pride, in being able to an
nounce that ho is now mailing tho most extensive
arrangements, for the publication, at an early period
of a
which Ire has every confidence, from the nature o
his arrangements, in assuring the public, will far
surpass, in point of
tiny of his previous efforts at newspaper publishing,
and to which ho will challenge the world to pic
duce an equal! It will contain printed nutter, to
tho amount of near sixteen thousand square inches,
or one hundred and four square feet 1 employing
ovcrthreo million seven hundred thousand letters 1
It will be embellished with over
200 Splendid Engravings!
of a serious, comic and ludicrous character, a Ial(,
number of Ihcm entirely original. The Letter
Press Contents, will be of the most valuible charac
ter, and no irticlc will be allowed a place in its col
umns that has previously appeared in any American
publication as it will be lilted with entirely new
and freth matter. The next steamer from Europe,
will bring us a large quantity of materials sent lor
by us, expressly for tire columns of this stupendous
Among other matters, it will cor.tiin two es-
the two most celebrated and popular noielists of the
age, and also a NEW NOVEL by Mrs. COKE.
Theso novels, when printed by tho booksellers, will
probably sell for from two to three dollars. A large
number of splendid Tales,, Slorie3, Bio
graphical sketches, Memoirs of dUtinguUbcd cha
racters, Poetry, Anecdotes nnd fun enough for a
year, &c. Ac. will fill up its columns.
Though tho promises we have made above may
appear to the readers of the prospectus, too liberal
to be fulfilled, we can assure them in perfect sincer
ity, that we are not only able to accomplish all we
havo proposed, but, that we have in view oihet
striking features nnd novelties, which will material
ly enhance the value of our sheet. The public has
pronounced a favorable verdict on our former .Mam
inothNotions. but wc havo taken measures for ren
dering the forthcoming; ' Le.yiathan"aiill errate.r
prodigy than liny of its predecessors. We haw
engaged the assistance ufneveral of onr roost distin
guished literary men, both by mulling selection!.,
and furnishing original articles, and such a rigid
censorship will be exercised in making the sheet,
that nothing unworthy of being cherished and pre
served, will Cud a place in iu columns. It will be
emphatically an
For this GREAT WONDER the charge will bo
Only S3 Cents per Copy.
To Aoksts. Those newspaper and periodica
AgeutB throughout the country, desirous of havme
any of this astonishing publication, niil please semi
us their orders at mice, accompanied " ttli the cnl
as only n limited edition of Thirty Thousand Cop
ies will be printed. Orders will be supplied in the.
order in which llicy aro rece ved, after allowing e
reasonable time, for distant agents. The wholcala
prico to Agents and others wrll be$20 per hundrd.c
t' llty copies MU twenty-hve copies; 5
To Cuius. 1'ert.ons clubirig, shall receive nikl
comes fer 92 Fourteen copies for r3 Twenty
cPcs to"" nd Twenty-Five copies for JS.
fl'i. i..i..., i.,oi.ti.. ...:n .
. VB. i Aiuo 1 WBIIIia.lVia ! I J II mill HUM'
bis themselves to forward u remittance, shall re
ceivo mi extra copy tor theinselvei. in a separate
wrapper, for every 2 dollars for uiue copieo they
may enclose to us.
J'ublUher Boslon Notion.
Notion office, Boston, lune 1, 184S.
The postage on this sheet will be ouly one cent
under a hundred miles, and 1 1-2 cents oxer 100
miles as it will be printed as a newspaper, Extra
uosion muaurupicj motion.
Estate of Marshal Kany, late of Bloom-
township, Columbia county deceased.
WTOTICE is hereby givcn.that letters of admin
istratioli on tho above estate, hac been cran
ted by tho Itegister of Columbia county to tho 6ub
scriber residing in ilontcnr, who requests all iu
debted to nid estate to make immediate payment
I .11 I .f. . - .
uuu an Having claims against 11, to present tlicm
properly authenticated for settlement.
JACOB D1EHL, dm'r.
Montour, July 16, 1842. Cwl2
LL persons indebted to mo must make pay
ment by Uio FIRST OF AUGUST next.
All who neglect this uotico, will liud their accounts
intho hands of a Justico uf the I'eucefor col lec
tion after that date.
Bloomsburg, Junc25, 1642.
THOSE indebted to ttio estate of tho lalo Doct
H it. VETliiKl.X deceased, either
by Note, Hook Accouut or Vendue Nolcss
are hereby notified that tho Notes and Account,
ate left in the hands of 1DDINUS BAI1KLEY,
Esq, for collection, yvhero they are trqucfetcdto call
and pay tho samv on or beforo the 10 th day of
August noxt, or they will be proceeded against ac
cording to Uv.
L.B. IIUPERT, Administrator,
flloooBtursr, July jp; 184 13
New Swe
HE subscriocrs inform tho public, that they
have entered into Partnership, under the firm
and have ust received from Philadelphia, and now
opened, at their NEW 8TOHE, i"orUiicelVo
tier ofJIurkel and Jlain Slrtth,Eloomiburg,
an entire new and extensive ussormcnt of
which they oner lor sale, on reasonable terms, as
heir prices aro suited to the times. Among their
assortment will be found
Broadcloths, Ca-simeres, Satihctts, and
various hinds of cloths Jor men's
Summer wear; Calicnen; Ging
hams; Cambrics; Muslins;
Silks: Muslin de lanes;
and various other articles
for Ladies1 dresses; Shawls; Silk
and Cotton Handkerchief's and Hasr;
Bleuched and Brown Domestic Muslins;
and a varictv of other articles suitable for the season
and believed to bu as good uoil complete un assort
mcnt as rs usally found tu country stores.
(rt-COUNTItY PKODUOE will bo received In
exchange, anJ 1AbII will net bo reluscd.
Our friend-i, ai.d the. public generally- are rc
quested tu call and examine for themselves.
JAOOIJ tir nil,
Bloomsburg, June 25, 1842. 9
lie ye purified iu your blood,
And Health will a'ttr-nd vou.
The life of thi Flesh h in 'the Blood:
Leviticus, c. xvii. xi.
'Thousands can answer this question who
know Jrom acual experience that
Are the safest, best, and must effectual Pills
now in existence.
"ffT is attempted by Quarks and Impostor. to in
H. tromici! tlitir ule and dangerous noMrums hy
assuming lor tlurr name Hint ot "IH.OOU J'll.I.S'
knowing that the Blood 1'ilU manufactured bv Dr.
uiiiiy imvr. itiuniiini me ifrcurmi rtpuiaiim nj any
, ..: i.. I i . . i .i . . . . . i
in exitrtnce, huh iiiiiik ny sm n trickery to
impose upon tho public by helling their:i upon the
popularity ot Llr. I.udy's lllood Tills.
The public are therefore particularly requested to
tut cautious mien pnrcliasing, to ask lor Dr. LEI'
The public are .Ksured that Jr. I.rtdtps lllaml
I'itln arf the Kiifml, brut, and nit efficacious
or any tunc in ute, containing neither Mercuiy or
llio .Minerals, and may bo employed by young and
old, male and female at all litiux and undtr alt
tircunutaiiCfs twUioul lear Irom taking cold, re
strurnt from diet in mine or occupation.
in an cases where a purgation may be neceusary
ceo Pill will bo found both ell'ectual and easy in
their onitiou, picMlucing no nautca, or Sickness
of the Stomach, griping or any other unpleasant
I' urthcr comment rs deemed unnecessary the
numerous certrncules pulimlicd trom time to time
from riiycimns and other individuals must h
. : i . i. . : , f - .
i uimiii-cii me iiicri'uuious, anu lor me runner in
formation of all others, ilr.Ltidy refers them to the
unertious vlucti accompany each Box,
They are prepare' and so!d,who!eoc and retail
at Dr. IjKIO VH Iir.JlI.Tlt K.UfOKtV.TI,
Io. iai JVOUTIt HKL'tKYU Street, below
Vine street, (sign of the Golden Eaglo and Scr
lcnts.; Also sold at
Lulz's Health Emporium, Blooniklure.
Nov 20, 1841. " oo
U1N raiAiN T. An infaliable remedy fo
.ii mut. jnei. nuns ui mo oiu, removing
i uii'iick, i aNiuii's, anu urupiion ol (!
SKIN, and particular! v adapted to tho cure
I his ointment has been used in numcr
nus sclioolh ihruiifjhoui ihu city and county
as well as Factories, employiiiij ntmicrou
fjiris anu bnys.unil aninuir whom Tetter and
urn, as well as other AHeci'nns of the Skin
rr. i Intl tlli.l.n . , , .
r.. I " "" niosv nut x.inipieu BlIC'
cess. i ames ol briioul t eachers, as well
an supeiiulHiulants and Proprietors of JV..
loiies, ciiulil bo p,iveii,ciuifirining ihu above,
but for tho delicacy they leel in having their
nameu published in I'tinneriitin with such
loathsome anil disiiareenhln iiflVrihns.
Prepared nnd sold til Dr. I.pkIv's IItut,
-iiiporiiini. jmoii in ti,e Uolden F,nilh ,
Si-rpfMiti.) No. loi , second Mreet.l.
iu- ;
low v i ii-; iiiso full! hi
J.UIZ sneulth Ampuriun, Bloombur,
. a raw Aiaanwue
Formerly owned by D. S. TOBIAS.
iraESPECTFULLY informs his friend.. .1
3. the aublio generally, that ho has iust
cu irom ruuaucrpnia, a new ana extensive 8g3c
mciu oi
JUl'llirs. IrlctllCEIlCS. Oils. In;iJ
" 3 7 tau
Yarntuhcsj Gass, Bycs4uf ?sl
CoHsfecilionaarics, &c. &c
which, in nddition to his former stock, comprise,!
- . i ... . . f .. : i i i j..1 . -4
wuipii-iG u.ui Mucin ui uuieies iii uisiine or DU&ltic
All persons wishing to purclmso any of tbu nl,
articles arc particularly invited to call and prico ill
articles in his Store beforo buyinz elsewhere n J
is determined to soil as low, tuid by a little, Jcnir
lower tlian can lie bought uny where else in tj
surrounding neighborhood.
l no nuuscriucr consuicrn it Hardly nccssary t
mention rue aiucics in paivicuiar as lie is conlidciB
that no ono ran come amiss by enquiring fo rany ait
cio belonging to a urug store.
N. B. Merchants and l'liysicians will find ;
.1..! 1 l . 11 --.I I .! 1
iu uiiu uu,uiuliu iu uui, uuu uuji buui uruciCgul
they may stand in need ol, a? they shall be occorl
modaled at a very low percentage. I
In few words all arc respectfully invited to caJ
sec and judgo tor themselves.
Bloomsburg, July 10, 1842. ti SU.
No. 04, corner of Walnut Third strcttm
rfTttE sulmcubcrs rclurn their unccre thanl-i:!
JL l'icir friends for the favors so liberally bctto J
etlon them, nrru- beg leave to assure them that rl
efforts eIioII bo wanting on their part Xo merit
continuance of their patronage, both in reference!
workmanship and cheapness of prico to suit til
It is highly odvontagcous to Gentlemen and Itl
xtitutioiis having Libraries, to apply direct to til
Hinder, making at least a caving ot 10 to 20 j
cent, and sometimes more.
All deseripttons of Binding neatly executed,-.
(icntlcmen a Libraries fitted up and repaired, M J
sic and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladio'a rcraj
'looks. Albums and l'ortlohoj, ol all descriptor
.nade to order. Binding done for Libraries,
Unions, Societies, &e. on advantageous Tcrmj.
They ate also prepared to manufacturo
of every-description, such as Dockets', JtccorM
Vired Jloiika, Jlr.'j-Koohs, Lcdgtra, Journal
.ticmorandumt, Cficrt-llolls, &c. of the firihl
quality of Paper, (Robinson's Ivory Surfaced)
a ny it-equal loany rnauein tno tiiucs ol I'liilacti
phia or New Yoik, on the most rcasonablo term. I
Blamc iVnriK Rulki) to any Patteux.
rs. ii. uw mooks retionnu with neutncii ar,I
do? patch; also r ilea of Papers.
iiarritburg, Marh 26, 1842. 6mo. 48.
All otders fur binding.or for blank bookil
left at tins iHiiro, will be forwarded, sci
returned as soon as completed.
II- WEBU, Agent.
Ifsohito5 of Partnership-
O HOE is hereby given that tho Copnttntrj
Binp neretotoro osisting under tho firm of
C A- & C, G' BROBST,
has this day, April 18, 1312, been dissolved by null
mar corjoenr, tn perrons milebtcd to tho firm arl
requested to rvttle their accounts with: nnd thcl
having claims against ihe firm will present them fJ
cnlHnr,.., , I (I lllimtsi'P 1
C. A. BROBS1'.
N. Ii. Tho business vill no carried on by CGI
HHOIIST, who solicits a continuance of public fil
(Tr-The B001C8 and NOTES of C.A.BROBSll
yvill be placed in the hands of Joseph Brobut, KmJ
ior coiiecuon. rerfons wishing to save coat will
picasc can nnd settls their accounts.
Mew Marble
At Bloomsburg, Col. Co.l
njlHEY would inform tho citizens of Columtiil
Jl county, that they havo commenced tho bust
nesi-at the above nlaco nt tlm ,nl.l, l,n.,...rr
HOWELL, where they are prepared to mnnufac-j
ture to order, in the neatest, best, and most durallsl
ql.AD and FOOT STONES, of all sizes anil
wruers lor btonecan bcleftwith D.GROSS.yyts
wil act as Aircnt durini? our nhsi-n.
They constantly keep on hand a large lot cf
.... wgypuan nnu iiauan jviarlilo at lltcu I
wlmlcHalo Mnrule Yard at Scliiu Grote, Uniua
couniy, fa,
Uloomsburg August 14, 1S1I. ItS
BifeIti(on of Partnership,
MOTIOE is hereby giy en, that the CopatirsM
ship hcrcloforo existing under the firm of
has this day, May 10, 1812, been dissolved by rmf
tuul consent. All persons indebted to tho firm, n
requested Io teltlo their accounts with, and thcw
having claims against tho firm will presimt then
for settlewcuVto, J. STAMDAOII.
N. TJ. Tho bnsinc8s,will be carrird on by JA
COB 6TAMBACU, who solicits a continuance cf
public patioiiagc,
(Tj-The Jtooka and AU nf i
ltci will bo placed In tho liandu ofJosejit Brubft,
.f"r ro"et'tio" Tersons wishing to bovo ccit
wllljiWte call nnd koftlo theii accounts.