The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 06, 1842, Image 4
JPoetryi The following spirited lines ore from tho Lowell Oflering.and were written by a'Fac tory Girl,' ray country's flag. My Country's Flag ! I love to gaze Upon thee, bathed in Freedom's light! I love the verybreezo that plays Among thy folds on yonder height. Thy Stars and StripeB 1 I love lliem well, For all the high-born truths they tell They o'er my spirit casta spell, That seems by angel impulse given: It savors less o( earth than heaven. My country's Flag! I love to think Of thee, as of a heaven-born thing, And with thy every thought, to link A holier name than prinoo or king. The Christian's God it was who made The hand to rear thee, strength to save And made thy champions bold and bravo To lift tho Stars and Stripes on high, And tell their freedom to the Bky 1 My country's Flag! A sight of thee Shall waken liveliest gratitude; And many a youthful heart shall see, That to be great is to be good. That noble being all must love, Who, rising in grandeur far above, Meanwhile was gentle as a dove, And wrapt around his towering mind, The chords that bound him to mankind. Mil country's Flag! Wave on, wave on, Till aristocracy shall cease, And every eye shall greet the dawn Of Liberty, the morn of peace 1 Till every being on our soil Shall eat the free reward, of toil, And every chain, and serpent coil, Before thy silken folds shall flee, And God's own image stand forth free. THE PLOUGHMAN'S SONG. Away with grandeur, pomp and gold Away with childish ease; Give me but strength my plough to hold, And I'll find means to please. Tis sweet to toil for those we love; My wife and darling boys Bat tend to make my labor prove The sweetest of my joys. The humble morsel I procure, When labor makes jt sweet, Is eaten with a taste more pure Than, food that raonarchs eat. Tis mine yes 'tis my happy.lot, From cares and av'rice free, To own this secluded spot, Dear friends and Liberty. Thus I, no monarch on his throne Can grudge his destiny; Let him his weight of cares bemoan, Whilst I am truly free. When labor wearies and grows dull, I with my dog and gun, Go forth the finest game to cull, And thus all sorrows shun. Now. tell me all you gentry train, Who have what fortune gives; Is not the cheerful country swain The happiest man that lives? New Store AND NEW GOODS. THE subscrioers inform the public, that they have entered into Partnership, under tho firm of EVER & KEFFIjEV ; and have ust received from Philadelphia, and now opened, at their NEW STORE, JS'orlhweslC or ner of Market and Maine Streets, Bloomsburg; an entire new and extensive assornient of DRY QOODS,GROCERIES; HARD WARE, CROCKERY, AND Q UEENSWk RE, yc. which they offer for sale, on reasonable terms, as heir prices are suited to the times. Among their assortment will be found Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Sallinells, and various kinds of cloths Jor men'a Summer wear; Calicoes; Ging hams; Cambrics Muslins; Silksi Muslin dc lanes; and various other articles Jor Ladies' dresses; Shawls; Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Hose; Bleached and Brown Domestic Muslins; and s variety of other articles suitable for the season, and beueyeu to tie a goou anu complete an assort znent'asis usally found in country stores. 0CjCOUNTUY PRODUCE will be received in exchange, end C'ABll will not be refused. uur menus, ana me public generally, are re quested to call and examine for .themselves. JACOB EYER, CHARLES HEFFLEY. I Slleanutiurf, June 3ft, 1813, j PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Honorable Ems Lswis, President of tho Courts of tho Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery, Court of .Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in tho eighth judicial district, composed of the counties of .Northumber land, Union, Columbia and Lycoming; and the Hon. William Donaldson and George MacK, fcsq Quires. Associalo Judrresin Columbia county, liavo issued their precept bearing date tho 26th dny of April in tho year ot our liord one inousanu eigni hundred and forty-two, and to aie directed, for hold ing A Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, uotnmon ricas and Orphan's Court. IN DANVILLE, in the County of Columbia, n the third Monday .if August, next (being tho Sthdavl and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to tho Coroner, toe Justices of the Peace, and Uonstawcs ol mo said county of Columbia, that they be then and there in their wooer persons, at 10 o clock in tho forenoon of said day. with their records, innuisi tions. and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro bound by recognizances, to prose cute against tho prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county of Columbia, are to be then and there to prosecute against them, as shall bo just. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual in their attend ance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Danville.tho 8th day of July, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight huiv drcd and forty-two, and in the GCthycar of the Independence ol tho United status ol Amen ca. JOHN FKUIT, Sheriff. Sheriff's OmcE,Danville' July 8, 1842. ANOTHER GREAT WONDER 18 FORTHCOMING 1 1 A L TIATHA1T NEWSPAPER, OR QUADRUPLE BOSTON NOTION, WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED, Which in point of size,bcauty of paper, and typography, convenience of form value andfreshness of Conlents,and nun, ber will far surpass that of unu ever be fore issued from any newspayer establish mem m ine wona. The subscriber, publisher of.tho Boston Notion feels a degree, of honest prido in beine able to an' nounco that ho is now making the most extensive arrangements, tor tho publication, at on early period oi a STUPENDOUS PRINTED SHEET OR QUADRUPLE NOTION! which ho has every confidence, from the nature of his arrangements, in assuring tho public, will far surpass, in point ot SIZE, BEAUTY AND VALUE, any of his previous efforts at newspaper publishing, and to which ho will challenge the world to pro duce an equal 1 It will contain printed nutter, to ine amount oi near sixteen thousand sou aro inches. or ono hundred and four square feet ! employing over mrco minion seven nunured thousand letters It will be embellished with over 20 Splendid Engravings! of a serious, comic and ludicrous character, a laiu number ot them entirely, original. Tho Letter Fress Contents, will bo of tho most valuable charac ter, and no article will be allowed a place in its col umns that has previously appeared in any American publication as it will bo filled with entirely new and fresh matter. The next steamer from Eurone, will brinrr us a larcro auantitv of materials cent fnr by us, expressly for "the columns of this stnpendous sneet. Among other matters, it will contain two ejt- TirU FULL SIZED KOTELS, By BULWER AND JAMES the two most celebrated and popular novelists of tho age, and also o NEW NOVEL by Mrs. GORE. These novels, when printed by tho booksellers, will probably sell for from two to three dollars. A large number of splendid Tales, Romances, Stories, Bio graphical sketches, Memoirs of distinguished cha racters, Poetry, Anecdotes and fun enough for a year, &c. &c will fill up its columns. Though tho promises wo have made abovo may appear to tho readers of the prospeetus, too liberal to be fulfilled, we can assure them in perfect sincer ity, that we are not only able to accomplish all wo have proposed, but that wo have in view othoi striking features and novelties, which will material ly enhance tho value of our sheet. The public has pronounced a lavorabio verdict on our lormer .nam' mothNotions, but we have taken measures for ren dering tho forthcoming " Leviathan" a still greater prodigy than any of its predecessors. We have engaged the assistance ot several ot onr most distin guished literary men, both by making selections, and furnishing original articles, and such a rigid censorship will be exercised in making the sheet, that nothing unworthy of being cherished ond pre served, will find a place in its columns. It will be emphatically an. INTELLECTUAL GIANT! For this GREAT WONDER the chargo will be Only 25 Cents per Copy, To Aqexts. Those newspaper and periodica Agents throughout the country, desirous of having any ot this astonishing publication, will please send us their orders at once, accompanied ith the cash as only a limited edition ot I hirty Thousand Cop ics will be printed. Ordeis will be supplied in the order in which they aro received, after allowin reasonable timo for distant agents. The wholesale price to Agents and others wrll bc$20 per hundrd. Fifty copies S 10 twenty-five copies: $5. To Clubs. Persons clubing, shall receive nine cofies fer $2 Fourteen copies for $3 Twenty . e m , m . ... - copies ior pt- anu i weniy-r ive copies lor jo. To PosTMASTEns Postmasters who will IroU' bis themselves to forward a remittance, shall re ccive an extra copy tor themselves in a separate wrapper, for every 2 dollars for nine copies they may enclose to us. .GEORGE ROBERTS, 1 publisher Boston Notion. Notion office, Boston, June .1, 1842, The postage on this bhcet will be ouly ono cent under a hundred miles, and J. .1-2 cents over 100 miles; as it will bo printed as a newspaper, Extra t.. r . l i . v at . , ; ' - - on EEBHEW PLASTEH. THIS Rccipo, obtained of an old Jew by a trav eller In the Eastern countries, bids fair to bo of immenso valuo to tho Western world. Since this plaster has been introduced into America, every other plaster, salve, ointment or lina mcnt has been discontinued by ill who have had nn opportunity oftcshng tho superior medical virtues of tho Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster. Truth, though simple, is powerful, and will prevail with an enlightened community over all the puffings and fictitious affidavits with which the world is flooded. Tho sterling worth df this plaster, is recognised, op- . ..1 1 '.! , 1... .1.- ).!!,,,, prcciaieu, uuu lis uso tfaiicuuiiuu wv miio. classes of society. Ono simultaneous burst of op- probation arises from tho thousands who have used it, which shows, that when a remedy possesses high ly intrinsic merits like this, it docs r.ot fail of re ceiving the patronage of our intelligent public. To bo had otthe stores of John RMouer.Blooms- durg,Grim, Deer A Derr, Washington, A.Miller, Berwick, P. E. Vasllnc, Danville, and J. iy J. R Sharpies, Cattawtssa. FE ASIAN FliiiiS. r' is now a settled point with all those whjhave used the Vegetable Persian Flits, that they are pre-eminently tno best and mosi cincacious FamilyMcdicine that has been yet used in Ameri ca. If every family could become acquainted with their sovereign power over disease, they would keep them and bo prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho first appearance ol disease, and then how much distress would bo avoided and money saved, as well as lives of thousands who aro hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession ot a remedy which they can place dcpcndancc on. fjAll who wish to guaid against sickness, should uso tho Persian pills freely, when needed : no injury can ensue, i used from youth to old age, when taken according to the directions. Sold by J. R. Mover, Bloomsburg, Grim, Deer y Derr, tt ashinglon, J. iy J. R. Shaniless, Gatta wissa, A. Miller, Berwick, and P. E. Vastine,Dao ville. Iyv5 16 tc7BIiOODcl Be ye purified in your blood, And Health will attend you. " 7Ve life of thi Flesh is in the Blood." Leviticus, o. xvii. xi. HOW IS THE BLOOD TO BE PU RIFIED I ! Thousands can answer this question . who know from acjual experience that DR. LEWS' S BLOOD PILLS, A COMPONANT rAnT OF WHICH IS SAUSAPARIIXA, Are the safest, best, and most effectual Pills now in existence. wm Awsnws t I. EST YOU MAY BE DECEIVED ! THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE lo-BOOD FILLS, -c ARE DR. LEIDF'S BLOOD PU.LS, A COMPONANT PAUT OF WHIG SARSAPARILLA. i is attempted uy quacks and Impostors to in troduce their vile and dangerous nostrums by assuming for their name that of "BLOOD PILLS" knowing that the Blood J'ills manufactured bv Dr. Lcidyha0 obtained the greatest reputation if any Pills in existence, and think by such trickery to impose upon the public by selling theirs upon the popularity ofDr. Leidy's Blood Pills. The public aro therefore particularly requested to I. a .. .. 1 I ; . i r 1 1 t in uiuuuub wucii jinrcuusiug, vo astt ior nr. uuv UV'8 11 LOO U PILLS. The public are assurej that Dr. Tsctdu's Blood I'tlls are the safest, best, and most elttcacUms of any now in use, containing neither Mercury or ine .Minerals, and may bo employed by young and old, male and female at all limes and under all circumstances without fear from taking cold, ro straint from diet in living or occupation. In all cases where a purgation may bo necessary these Pills will bo found both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or Sickness ot the Stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensations. Further comment is deemed unnecessary tho numerous certificates published from time to timo from Physicians and other individuals must have convinced the incredulous, and for the further in formation of all others, Dr.Leidy refers them to the directions which accompany each Box. They aro prepared and sold.wholes.ile and retail. at Vr. Jji: II) VH MliJtMj Til EMPORIUM, , iui mm. , mw raireei. oeiow Vine street, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Ser pents.) Also sold at imIz's Health Emporium, Bloomsauw. Nov 20, 1841. b 30 TETTER! TETTER! I TO HI ITCH! DR. LEIDY'S TETTER AND ITCH OINTMANT. An infallable remedy for various affections of tho SKIN, removing Pimples, Pastules, and Eruption of the SKIN, and particularly adapted to the euro of TETTER and ITCH. This ointment has been used in numer ous schools throughout the cily and county; as well as Factories, employing numerous girls and boys, and among whotrj Tetter and Itch, as well as other Ailections of tho Skin, prevailed, with the rno6t unexampled Suc cess. Names of School Teachers, as well as superintendents and Proprietors of Fac toties, could be given, confirming the above, but for the delicacy they feel in having their name published in connection with such loathsome and disagreeable affections. Prepared and sold at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, (Sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpeanls.) No. 101 north second strect.bc low Vine; also sold at Lutz'sHeallh Emporium, Bloomsbura. Nov-20. 1841. 3fj EYES TO THE Formerly owned by D. S. TOBIAS. EPnitAIlYI IiVTZ "W ESPKCTFULLY informs his friends, and JL the aublic generally, that he has just receiv ed irom I'iiiladcipnia, a new and extensivo assort ment! Drugs, medicines, Oils, Paints Tarnishes, Gass, Dycstnfl 's, ConXccfionnrics, &c. &c. which, in addition to his former stock, comprises a complete assortment of articles in his lino of business. All persons wishing to purchase any of the abovo articles are particularly invited to call and price the articles in his Store before buying elsewhere as he is determined to sell as low, and by a little Jewing, lower than can be bought any where else in the surrounding neighborhood. The Subscriber considers it hardly nccssary to mention the ai tides in particular ns he is confident that no one can conic amiss by enquiring fo rany aiti cle belonging to a Drug Store. N. B. Merchants and Physicians will find it to their advantage to call and buy such articles ob they may stand in need of, ns they shall bo accom modated at a very low percentage. In few words all are respectfully invited to call, see and judge for themselves. EPllliAlM LUTZ. Bloomsburg, July 1G, 1842. tf 29. BLANK BOOK No. 04, corner of Walnut $ 77iirrf streets. rBJlici subscribers return llicir sincere thanks to JL their friends for tho favors so liberally bestow ed on them, and beg leave to assure them that no efforts shall bo wanting on their part to merit continuance of their patronage, both in reference to workmanship and cheapness of price to suit tho times. It is highly advantageous to Gentlemen and In stitutions having Libraries, to apply direct to the Binder, making at least a saving of 10 to 20 per cent, and sometimes more. All descriptions of Binding neatly executed. Gentlemen's Libraries fitted up and repaired, MU' sic and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladic's scrap books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions made to older. Uindinjrdono Ior Libraries. Insti tutions, Societies, &c. on advantageous Terms. TO PROUHONOTAK1ES, REGIS TERS, RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, MERCHANTS AND BANKS. They are also prepared to manufacture BLA1TE VOrLZ of every description, such as Dockets, Records Deed Rooks, Dau-llooks, Ccdsers, Journals Memorandums, Check-Rolls, &c. of the finest quality of Paper, (Robinson's Ivory Surfaced) ir a stylo equal to any madcin the Cities of Philadel phia or New York, on tho most reasonable terms. liUN-K. YYOHK KULKl) TO AST PATTEriX. CLYDE & WILLIAMS. N. B. Old Books rebound with neatness and dospatch; also Files of Papers. iarrisburg, Marh 20, 1842. Cmo. 48. All orders for bindtng.or for blank books left at tins office, will be forwarded, and relumed as soon as completed. H- WEBB, Agent. Disolutlon of Partnership. "TJOTICE is hereby given that tho Copartner. snip nerctoloro existing under the firm of C- A & C, G- BROBST, has this day, April 18, 1842, been dissolved by mu ... 1 . L A II f II. . . . iuui cunsciir, nu persons inuciitea to tne lirm aro requested to settle their accounts with; and thoso having claims agnnst tho firm will present them for seiucmct to u.u. uituuBl . C. G. BROBST, C. A. BROBST. N. It. The business will dc carried on bv C. O I1ROBST, who solicits a continuance of public patronage- KyTho BOOKS ond NOTES of C.A.BROBS P will be placed in the hands of Joseph Brobst, Esq for collection. Persons wishing to save cost will please call and settle their accounts. C. A. BROBST. Mew MarMe MANUFACTORY, At Bloomsburg, Col. Co APP & TICHN R. fFlHEY would inform tho citizens of OnlnmM County, that thev have commenced tlmlmQi nessat the above place at the public houso of E, HOWELL, whero they are nrcnared to mnnnfn. ture to order, in the neatest, best, and most durablo manner, AlumJAU'.NTS, TOMB-TABLES qr-AD anu ruur STONES, of all sizes and uahties, MANTLES, WINDOW and OOOR oiibf, anu iiuun rjiujvris. Also PAINT. BARnnd HEATlTiT srni.-i?u Orders for Stonocan beleft with T). firtnss ii ow us ijgeni uunng our absence. i hey constantly keep on hand a largo lot Vermont, Egyptian and Italian Marble at thci wnoiesaie Marble l ard at Selins Grove. Unio couniy , 7'a. Bloomsburg August U, 1841. 1G Disolutioii of Partnership. OTICE is hereby given, that tho Copaitner shiii heretofore cxistinor nn.lor il.n n .... -r a ...v ui R. & J- STAMBACH. has this day, May 10, 1842. been diasnlvp.l l, m .uu. vwu, jiu Injuns iiiucuieu to the iirm, are ..nt Anon, All J. 1 . . i . . " icqucsicu 10 seiuo jneir accounts with, and thoso iiimug cianns against tha linn will present them for bellleruent to, J. 8TAMBACH. REUUEN STAMUACH, JACOB STAMBACII. N. B. Tho business will be carried on bv JA COB STAMBACII, who solicits a continuance of crYVUa ISooha and JWitfM fif If rut,, if bach wil bo placed in the hands of jro,rh n.h.i iffift., wi6hinS to v. coat van uiiufci-iiiu uicir accounts. REUBEN STAMBACII. TSIIAIj 1,1 ST For August 7'crm, 1842. Robert Montgomery, vs. John Coursin, Robctt Fairman and Win. Swisher. Rev. Daniel Barber, vs. Thomas Barber, and Caleb Thomas, admr's. of James Barber,dcc'd, William Dale vs. Charles Craig. Samuel ParLcr vs. William Donaldson. George N. Bowman vs Silas E.Craig. Edward K. Biddlo vs Joseph i'axon anl Charles Cox. Com'th. of Pennsylvania vg William Colt. Mary Strawbridgo vs Jcsso Ftinston. Charles Miller and William K. Brown vs Sam uel irwin. John Spohn vs Daniel Musselman, adm'r. Mathcw Kylo vs Samuel Miller. Mason Crary vs Mary Hosslcr. Mary Fowler vs William Sloan and Jackson Sloan. John 'ummings, jr. indorscr of Isaac M'CnrJ vs John C. Lcssi. Samuel Miller vs James F. Murray and Robert Aulcn, adm'r of John Autcn, dee'd. IS. W. Ucnnct vs William W. Cook, John F. Mann, who suci as well for himself na Columbia county vs Mosrs Moycr. George E. Gehrig vs Frederick Fndly, John Moore, ct ol. Joseph Brobst and Gcorco A. Flick vs Siiln Easton. II alter Livingston and A. Lyman, tradinrr nmW the firm of Livingston 4" Lyman va Christian A Brobst. William Donaldson vs David Pctrikcn. Henry Coder and Ann his wife, for tho uso of C , Brobst vs John Briggs, Executor. Peter Lunger vs Charles Hcllloy and William Robison. David Alligcr vs George W Shaw. Thomas Benficld vs Thomas Chambcts, ct al John Krcssler vs Aaron Boono Samue A Birkenbino vs Jonathan Pursell Gcorgo Taylor vs Samuel F Hcadlcy Elisha Smith vs Hugh Smith Daniel Hoats, vs Buid Patterson ct al James Deifcnbachcr. ct al. vs Thomas Chamliera ct al EleazcrS Kinney vs Moses Davis fr John Ruch Benjamin aywood. ct al vs Edward R Bidillc. ct al Thomas Loyd vg Willhm Kitchen Enoch S Clark, ct al vs Edward Y Farquahr John M Maus vri Thomas M Brandon Christian A Brobst vs Simon P Kase, ct al David Reich vs Henry Primmer LIST OF JURORS. Grand Jury, for August Term, 1842. Driarcrech Derrick A Bowman. Allen M fJn. gewcr, Peter Hoffman Bloom Caleb Baron. Peter Srm,,i Mcllick, Jacob Mcllick. Cuttawma John Bitter, Isaac Yctter Dcrri John Dyo Greenwood- Ilobcrt Fairman, George Gray Jackson John Connor Liberij Frederick BIup Limestone Daniel Gougcr Madison Samuel Kruelcr. Richard Fruit. Jnlm Kctncr Mahoning Lot TJcrgsrtcsscr. Mifflin icnjainin Yoho Sugarlouf Joshua .Blink, William J llcss- ValleijVcler .Bright, Jacob Sidlcr. Traverse Jury, 1st week. Briarcreek John T Davis Bloom Daniel Gross, William Sloan Dcrrii Michael Hcrr, Michael Hendcrshnt..r!m Magonigal, John Seidlo Greenwood Philip Reese lkmloclc James Everett. Michael Hlorlfpr Tin. vid Smith Jackson Peter odgo Liberty Adam Follmcr. Wm ITemlnrL-cnn John Hendrickson, Hugh M'Cracken L.imestone David Davis, George Smith Madison Joseph .Masters, Elisha B Smith Mahoning James Cornclison, Wm Kitchen David Stuart Mifflin Ualhcvr JJrown. John Noycr, Gcorgo Schwank, Abraham Wolf Montour Uavid W Clark. Lewis Kaufman, Peter Rupert Orange Jacob Roup, Edward McIIenry Ruarinz creek Amzi Fox, Peter Hcrbine, Wm Lmville Traverse Jury, 2d week. Briarcieek Jacob Bomboy, Jonathan Eck, Jacob Hill, John Knorr, senr. Alex ander Thompson. Bloom Cyrus Barton, Mooro Criveling Andrew Crtveling, John Grotz; Joseph. Long. Caltaiuissa Stephen Baldy, Peter Hotline Ueorge Holabach, Benj. Millet. Berry Daniel Carr, Hugh Watson. Fishing creek Abraham W. Kline. Greenwood Jacob Rvans. Hemlock Robert Moore, John Puisull, Thomas Vanderslice, Limestone John Caldwell.David Krum Abraham Waller. Madison Richard Demon, Clark Dil- uwe, regg ureen: .uaiwmng John C. CJrier, Sewell uiubs, fcdward Morrison, David Philips. luoniour i-ranltlin Hartinan, George &i vr lima. Mounlpleasant William Kitchen. Orange Daniel Fornwali. Sugarloafllenty Hess. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Marshal Kany, lale of Bloom township, Columbia county deceased. mrOTIOE is hereby givcn.that letters of admin rSI ".if"1,1,0" 0,1 tl10 Dbovo C6,at. ho been gran ted by the Register.of Columbia county to tho Ii riM,tP b . MontcnT who requests all it debted to said estate to make immediate paymrni and al having claims against it, to present --...w.wuicu iur scuiemcnt, JACOB D1EHL. Adm'r. Montcur, July 10, 1843. ' 6U!S I SHALL. DO IT J J AZ V , mo ",ut make nay ment by lio FIRST OF AUGl'i et n , TB r . " ol,ce' wU1 '""l their accouuu nthe hands of a Justice of tho Peace for culleo FREDERICK DREJILT, Bloomsburg, June85, 184U,