The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 06, 1842, Image 3

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    bill nolwiiiisinnuinff iho whole notico of
the city were In tho field, they wcro unablo
to restore quiet until lato nt night. The
military anil police, to the number of n
thousaml, remained on duty during tho
night of Tuesday. The Philadelphia pa
pers of Wednesday morning, say thai no
person had been killed, though a large
number wcro in the hospital severely woun
Alluding to the passage through that city
tf three Government messengers to Mexico
the baltimoro Clipper says.
This looks as though our Government
anticipated a rupture with Mexico, which is
rendered very probable by the latest infor
rnation from that country. Tho tone nssu
hied by the Mexican authorities has recent
ly become very warlike and threatening, to
which they may have been instigated by
other powers" No matter. Wo stand
ready to repel by force, whether Mexico
come single handed or aided by others. If
she court's war with the United States, she
will have it to her hcait's content If she
bo assisted by a European power, it is not
difficult to foresee that the war will embrace
all the considerable powers of Europe,
some of whom are only availing an excuse
to strike at each other.
If any power has been so foolish as to
calculate on finding us weak from internal
divisions, it will discover its mistake
for, however we may differ about local mat
ters there will be perfect unanimity in repel
ling foreign aggressions, and in maintaining
the honor of the country.
Ii Mexico has dared to declare war against
us on the grounds assumed in tho note of
Mr. Bocanegra, and has to stand the result
sicglo handed, she will not soon bo in s
condition to offer a like insulf She is only
precipitating a fate which would be inevita
ble in lime.
More Forgeries. A system of fraud and
forgery has just been dircovered in the
Auditor's office of Illinois, by which tha
State will bo & looser to iho amount, it is
said, of three hundred thousand dollars.
The perpetrator of theso forgeries is Mil
ton II Walsh, n young man who had been
a clerR in the office of Treasurer and Au
ditor for several years past, has hilheilo
borne aa irrcproachablo character.'
On board of the barque Adsirio, recently
arrived at New York from tho coast ol
Africa, are two Krewmen, brougiit out at
their own request to this Country. They
are fine looking darkies, both having a'stripc
rnnnif. rr ,!nwn llinir fnppn. fmm tlip fnrrlip.1l!
fa ' "
to the chin They are eolored'gemmen' of
distinction in their native land'
Uf. t. i. f, IIKIU9 UIIU 1,11. IkUUVil
Sinclair, shot last week iu Orange count,
N. Y. one hundred and twenty-five wook
cock, in eleven hours.
t- n n:n.:.. xi. n-t ,
Tho New York American says that
nearly half the retail groceries in that city
sie in tho hands of Germans.
It is not generally known that tho cherry
will hear when crafted on the laurol. A
correspondent of the Gaidencr's Chronicle
peaks to tho fact, and says, ho last stun
ner ate some excellent enemas; mo lrun 01
i 'Mavduke.' budded on the common
lurcl, Doth iriew very luxuriantly, and
he former bore very freely each year.
At Cincinnati, on Friday last, new wheal
f the best quality was selling at 50 cent
er bushel.
There are about seven thousand negroes
n Washington city, two-thirds of whom
ro free. A largo portion of the slaves are
iirp1 I"-.,.,, ii... ..!-,., ;.,
.nun umici iiiuiva ill iliu wiiiiiiy,
hiefly from Marylaud.
It is said that the tax on every person
1J a year; In Great Britain, 830 a year.
Mil 111 tlin TT..tlnl Ct t
... ..... w ,... v. iuivu "I'UMI I) J Hi
t-.-w.ll .an i '
etum uuiL'micu, it) uo sure
Governor nnniiftlii. nf iMicaiocinni !i
111 It ulwilll in llm 'I',,..,.. ........
111 I. - rill. .. .
"J 3 " - 4 -
Euctioxs. Slato elections tout nla In Tvpn
"I , .iiukimu. iiiiiinis. rti.i mnin llllil n i.antir
vi iiuiui wuroiiiia aim i r nncsseo
V ln.1 rm t ...
, j,.u tiuireuav. . in TonuMseo,iiow-
( wevuun is omy lo till vacmicies,
The folJowInff story is told In a' Parisian paper
Tho Incident, it n said, occurred in the Island of
Cuba. Tho talc is an Improbable one; and no doubt
originated in the inventive brain of some penny-a-liner.
"A protended American slave-trader arrived with
n cargo of COO negroes, all of whom he quickly
disposoj (if; but in about three weeks afterwards the
wholo of theso new slaves disappeared in one night
and wcro never seen agon. It was afterwords
recollected, that on tbo morning following tlier
evaslon, tho American sailed for Jamaica, with COO
European passengers. On making inquiries among
the planters who had bought these negroes, it was
learnt that most of them had becomo apparently
subject to.discasc, winch caused various parts of
their bodies to turn whito. A chemist also deposed
that he had furnished tho American captain with a
largo quantity of nitrate uf Bilvcr. llcnco it is
confidently inferred, that tho pretended negroes
were no other than so many vagabonds of all coun
tries collected in tho American ports, who. lent
themselves to this now specicB of fraud. This
is more likely, as, from their all speaking cither
English, French, Spanish or Portuguese, none
wcro sent to work in the fields, but wcro employed
in domestic services. Some few wcro appointed to
bo overseers of drivers, and wcro remarked for the
severity with which they treated tho negroes placed
under them."
Gov. Dorm. Ho passed through Cincinnati! on
tho 26th Jit. so says tho Republican. Jlo Is said
to have been through Canada to Chicago, St. Lou
is, &c.
Great Fire in New York. 'The Ro
tunda JJurncd Down. Wo learn from
the New York papers, that on Friday night
the Uotunda in Prilico street, Nww York
containing the panoramas of Thebes and
Jerusalem, was consumed wilti its con
tents. A few moments after tho closing at half
past nine o'clock, It was discovered to be
on fire, and iu lejs than half an hour, ow
ing to the combustible slate of the paintings
ami other meterials in it, the interior was
entirely consumed. In addition to this
loss by Messrs. Oalherwood and Jackson
the owners, fio former met with an
almost invaluable in the total derlruc
lion of a large portion uf his ancient relics
and original paintings, obtained while on
Ins visits to Mexico and surrounded countty
The walls of the building remain standing,
although tho heat was suvero that they
ci ackeil open in several places. Tho in
side of tho building, with (he circular wall
enclosing the fi noes after the roof had fal
len, presented the appearance of an immense
fiery furnace. The presumption is that u
cjuglit from so nc spark issuing Irom the
lights inside that had been used in the
course of the evening at the exhibition.
Tho total loss is estimated at over $20,000
hut a small poitiun of which is insiiiod.
The building, as well as its contents,
belonged lo Messrs. Catherwood and
Great Fire at (ocie&ter. N. N. Loss
of life On Tuesday morning last a first
broke out iu a building nick named the
DublinCastle, 'during which a girl perished
in tho Humes. There vveto several fit miles
severely injured in escaping from the
flamts ono with a broken arm, another
with a fractured leg, and the third with
her back severely injured, if not broken.
There were but few men at home bring
mostly absenf in tho country harvesting;
some that were there, sustained more or
less injury. A man moved there the
evening previous, who had 00 sovereigns
and a gold watch, all of which ho lost
himself escaping by leaping from a window
at the expeuce of a severe contusion of
the head. A woman excaped by jumping
from a window in tho upper story.
This building, though not the subject of
any legendary tale, has long been noted for
tho amount of human life it sheltered. It
belonged to Mayord DegroiT, of Schenecta
dy was 200 feet long and 40 wide; and
in '35 was the residence of over forty .lam
iles. At the time) of its destruction, there
were twenty threo familcs resiJent in" it
with an aggregate of otio hundred and
twenty children, ranging from infacy to
twclveyears of age! Add lo this tho fact
that a large portion of the children were
Bllltcttid with the measles that nil, some
two hundred in number, old and young
were forced naked us it were into tho street
and tho scene of distress may be imagiu
We learn from a paper published in
Stamfoid, Connecticut, thai a fool-daring
feat was a few days ago performed iu that
town. A boy uamed Barnes ascended tho
norm end of the Congregational Church, so
along tho ridge of the roof, and up tho
steeple lo tho lop of the vaue,(a distanco
of about two Ittindred foet,)hy lha aid of
nothing but the lightning roll attached to
the building. From the ground to tho (op
of the vano is ono hundred and tweniy-onu
feet. After swinging awhilo upon tho vr ne
and dancing a jig upon tho brass ball, he de
scendt'd agaiu,wiih apparent self-confidence
that ho hail not been in tho least exposed
lo danger'
No Damage Done. A Western paper
in noticing an accident which happened to
n horiio and wagon that tumbled from a
budge into the stieam'. says they were both
recovered. The wagon not nt all injured,
and the horse ns sound as over except-that
tc could not breathe)
A'Shrmy 77m.' Tills morllli", tm" so
far been chaiaclerizcd by a succession of
storing unparalleled in the memory of lour
oldest citizens, 'and which, at the south and
west, have been vciy destructive to human
life, to tho crops and to shipping, Wo have
already given the delails of many "moving
accidents by flood Bhd field,' and were we
to gwe tho particulars of all tlut reach us,
our sheet would havo room for Ijttle else As
it is, our readers must bo content with a
brief notice of the most prominent contents
cf our exchanges, which wo generally find
headed "effects of the late storm."
The latest information from Richmond of
the lato freshet slates, that at least one half
of the wheat crop on the river has been
swept away, and much of tho remaining in
jured: that not a plant in a thousand of the
river tobacco is left standing; and that the
corn is most seriously injured, much of it
being laid prostrate or washed up by the
roots, while a part has been immersed, and
must sufler gieatly.
The Pittsburg Advocate of the 20lli,9ays.
"Ono of the liea-icst ram and hail storms
we ever witnessed, occurred in this city
last evening. Too streets literally became
Prince George's county, Maryland, has
.suffered immense damage, in the loss ol
crops, bridges, &c. Tho tobacco crop, at
best a short ono, has been greatly injuted.
A gentleman near Marlborough, lost 75,000
promising-tobacco plants m one field; they
were swept entirely off. Another, a neigh
bor of his, is supposed to have lost 200,000
and many ethers havo losl considerable
quantities. Owing to the lateness of the
season, and tho scarcity of plant?, they can
not, in the majority ol cases, be re-planted.
mi mu ii i m m i Mim
Death of the 'Due D' Orleans'
Funeral service was perfoimed at New
York on Sunday morning at the church of
Si. Peter in Barnly street, in commemora
tion of this event. The Freinh residents
of New York were to have met last even
ing lo concert tneasuies in conjunction
with the Consular authorities and the
French Naval officers, for some appropriate
testimonial of National respect. Another
funeral ceremony is to bu performed at the
Catholic , dihedral this morning: The
officers and ciew of iSe Gouier, and of the
arspile, the Mayor and the Councils
we re to altrml; Ii thi iiiy wo sec the
h'rpm-h rpfidfTs arc desiri'd to rill at the
OlFicc of the French Con.-ul, between 10
and 2 o'clock anydiy this week- in concert
measures for the same purpose. -Spirit of
the Tiiiics;
It is somewhat singular, though true
wp have it on tho authority of those engag
ed. in the department that a live gamr
snake, about twelve inches in length, was
found in the Savannah mail bag. on open
ing it nt the Baltimoro post office, last
Saturday evening. What object his snake
ship had in ill tis clandestinely pissing
through the country free of charge, wo arc
unable to divine. Sure it is, however,
that we have at last hit upon a true snake
story The reptile vas decapitated and
carried off by some boys.
She should have a Pension. In Prince
George county, Aid, on Saturday night last,
a lady gave birth to three children, two
boys and a girl, all uf whom were doing
well ami Kicking. 1 Mat is what we call
raising tip materials for our country's
defence, mid Government should provide a
bounty fur the parents.
Tho Washingtonians of Hartford cele
brated the Anuiversaiy of American Inde
pendence in the first distillery erected in
Connecticut' The building is 204 feel
long, and there was room lo set six tables
the wholo length. The stand for the
orators was a still upiine down, anu capa
ulu ol accommodating lour persons,
is 'carrying tho war into Africa''
J3 Snake Story. The Sunbtiry (Ps.)
American relates that a most singular inci
dent occurred at tho table on one of the
most worthy and respectable farmers in that
neighborhood, a lew days since. The fain
ily had baked some pief early in the morn
ing, and had set them in the cellar lo cool
for dinner. It was observed before the pie
was cut, that it appeared very full, and no
sooner was the knife thrust into it than a
snalio issued out to the umazemenl and ter
ror of all at (he table. This was a kind ol
desert as unwelcome as unexpected. The
snako, it was supposed had got in between
the crust while the pie was cooling on the
cellar floor.
Storm in New Haven. On Thursday
evening last there was a very violent storm
iu New Haven, Con, during which ii is
saiil blue fish fell, that were five or six
inches long! That Now Haven is a great
place, producing more comets mid meteors,
we believe' than any other part of the world
Tho addition of showers of blue flish stag
gers our belief considerably. The siory
has a scaly smell.
Jl Grand Speculation.'-'Vho Madisoni
an of Saturday says: "Wo hear that a
certain capitalist Is negotiating fur the pur
chase of all iho claims again! the stales,
amounliiig lo $200,000,000' If rumor can
be relied on as lo the amount ho is to givo
for llicm, when they aro finally paid, (as
they doubtless will be) ho will realize a
handsome profit on the investment1"
America, wss on Thursday '"discovered to
ueauctauiter to the amount of $15,000.
Ho left a few days aco to visit Boston, and
it turns out that he went England In the
f'linnr.l iln.,... tt! f.I...l. ... I. I...I
-I..!,., oivniii,;,. lin JIIUUUB WIHJ I1UU
entrusted with their properly, will also be
losers lo Iho amount of SlO.OOO. The
gentleman's name is Pollock, and has Itfi a
wife and one child behind him. The
Bank has offered a reward for his rapture
and she return of the funds- N. Y. Ex
press. HTSTESJIIilEto
MARRIED On the 21st inst. by Wm.
Kitchen, Esq. Mr. SOLOMON PHILIPS,
lo Miss M AHGARET NIFF, both of Dan
DIED In Liberty lowuship,tm the 17lh
inst, very suddenly, Mrs. MARGARET
McMAIIAN, consort of James McMahan,
in the GOth year of her age.
On Friday, the 22d, inst. JANET,
daughter of Peter and Anna Blackwell,
of Derry township, in tho 22d year of her
age- .J..,. :ui
At Bloomsburg, Pa.
(Corrected If ecfiH
Wheat, SI
1 1
Corn, -
Flaxsced, Butter,
Dried Apples,-
Military Elections
Hi U be held in tho bounds of tbo several
companies comprisinjrthe 1st llat.71st Kcc.
8th 1). P, M on Monday tho 15th dav of ucust
next, between iho hours of 10 A. M. and 6 P. M.
for the purpose of electing by ballot,
Ohc person for Capluin, one penan for
First and one person for Second Lieu
tcnant,for each comp.retpectiveh.
1st company at tho house of D. Gigger, Montour.
2d company at the house of J. Lemon, Greenwood.
3d comp. at the house of 1). Pooler, Fishing Creek.
5th comp. at tho housp of E. IIowcl, Ulooiiisburc.
9th company militia, and Dloomsburg Hangers at
11. tiagenbuch s, Seidletowll.
10th company at F. Miller's, Alt. Pleasant.
1 llh company at Sugarloaf.
1 ho Independent Troop and Artillery, at C. Uoeb-
lew, lllooirnburg.
The Orangcvillo and Khocrsburg Kifilo company,at
G. V. Abbot's, Khoer.iburg.
All commanding Officers of companies and other
persons holding Legal rolls, aro notified that it is
their duly to attend the proper places of elections
with their rolls.
Maj. Ut. Dat.lUl Keg.
Orango July 2G, 1812.
Tcziifica'nsacc Mass JccJins''
Being desirous of prolnoting by every honorable
means in our power, the blessed cause of temper
ance throughout our Country; we do thcreforo
invite, and most earne tly request the member of
Temperance Societies, throughout tho county of
Columbia, and the adjoining' Cotintics, and all
others friendly to the cause, to meet at JEIJ&'EY-
1 U WW, on Twr Hay, Acoust 25, nt 10 o'clock,
A. M. for the purpoe of advancing tho causo by
public addresses, and otherwise; we have tho prom
ise of several able and talented gentlemen to deliver
addresses on tho occasion.
N. 11. Thcproccjsiun will form at 10 o'clock,
A. M.
Committee of Invitation.
July 30, 1842.
Tho Dloomsburg Artillery will hold an electon
for commissioned and nun commissioned officers for
said company, at tho house of Charles Doebler in
Dloomsburg, on Monday the 15th day of August
next, between tho hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 0
o'clock '. M. at which time and place will be lrc
ted, one person to serve as Captain, one person
as First Lieutenant, and onq person as beennd
Lieutenant, said company; besides tho non-com-missioned
officers required by tho Constitution and
bye laws of said company.
II. WEBB, Capt.
July 30. 1812.
In tho panal below Dioomshurf Basin, t
Tho owner must take immediate care of
her, or sho will bo dealt with according to
hi w.
Jul v 30. 1812.
Remaining at the Post Office Dlouma
burg, Juy 1st, 1812.
Andrew Crevlin, Camilo Carrado, John
C, (ieiger, Lawrence Gdrvey, Jacob liog
ci8, John Ueakirl, Melles h elder, Jesse
Elizabeth Wagner.
Escaped from the custody of tho sub
seriber, ADAM LANE, u colored man,
who had beeu arrested for a breach of the
ppace, The above reward will be paid for
his delivery to mo, or upon his committal
lo the tioal in Danville,
CALEB VOX, Deputised Cons't.
Ml. Pleasant, Aug. 4, 1813,
One oftWLonW.'ecncrs'in ilie Banli.
Is Hereby Given
TO all legatees creditors, and other persons i'rf
tcrcstcd in tho estates of Iho respective dece-'
dent and minors that tho administration and guar
diansaccountsof tho said estates have bcoh filed in
the Office bf the licgietei of Iho county of Columbia
and will bo presented for tho confirmation and aU
lownnce to tbo Orphans' Court, to bo held at Dan
ville, in and for the county aforesaid, on Tuesday
the 10th day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
1. Tlin hi.nlinl .if .fnlin Mlilvitly aitiiil.ite-l.n
of tho estate of Isaac Lemon, lato of Greenwood
lownemp, iiccu.
2. The supplcmehtaly fifccmint of John Shivclyj
administrator nf the pslntn uf iinln-rt Imp Llmrt. Intri
of Derry towlithip. dee'd.
3. 'Iho account uf Isaiah Salmon, administrator
oi mo estate ol William urcvcling, late or IHoom
township) dcc'di
4. The tccoud supplementary account of Dmicl
and Henry Gigger, adminis rators of thccslato ut
Henry Gigger, lateol Montour township dee'd.
5. Tim nr'i-niml nt Tnmod Ml t-fttilit-irlrrn 0..i.i!.,:n
executor of tho last will and testament of John
wiison, lato ol Liberty township, dec d-
0. The account of John Kcltz, guardian of Wim
Ileitz, n minor child of Jnscnh Iteilz. Inln of Cnttn.
wissa township, dee'd.
7. t'llft CMniilfimnnlarlr fli.iMilil nf fJ.niM
Isaac llartinan, executors of the last will and tesJ
tamcnt of Michael Hartman, jato of Sugarloaf
township, dee'd.
W. Tho final occodnt of John Israel and rhilip.
Diddle expfttlnrs nf tlin ljf will nn.1 ( nC
Gcrsham Diddle, late of Deny townthip, dee'd.
9i The account of James Kocher, administrator
de bonis nout of tho estate of Thomas Canity, lata
of Briar Creek township, dee'd.
t , .7. ' - a
HioiBTER b urricE, uanviuc,
July 15, 1812i
Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
1 mo directed, will be nTnoapit In nnltiln cnln Af
file Court House, in Dnnvillp nn Mnmt.iir Ihn ift'ih
day of August 1842, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the fol
lowing, viz :
.i cmtT.iT.y -lot op aitovjvi
situate in Danville, Columbia county containing
adjoining lot of William Hartman, Charles Whit)
and tho Canal, and frontinor on Mill street, whnrr-j
on is erected
w-ather-boarded, as the right, title and interest of
tho defendant.
t5(M7X'd. Liken in fi-rri-ullnn In Km i-aI I nn .I
T unu ,u mi duiu ua luo
property of NoahM'Kcan and Robert Adam3.
JOHN FRUIT, Sheriff,
SnEnirr's Office, Danville, 3
July 15, 1842. J
T3T5Y virtue of a writ of alias venditioni exponas
QjQ to me directedill be cxposrdto publlcsale,
at the Court House, in Danville, on Monday, the
loth day of August, 1842, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tho
following property, viz :
A certain Hot of laiad Sit
uate in tho township of Driarcreek, and county of
Columbia, containing TEN ACRES, more or less,
adjoining lands of John Lockard and Jeremiah
Harris, and bounded ort tbo Southwest by tho
Susquehanna and Tioga Turnpike, whereon are
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as thd
properti' of John Shaller.
JOHN FRUIT, Sheriff;
rsnEnm- s uffice, mnvuie,
July 15, 1842.
T55r virtue of a writ of venditioni ciponas,to ma
"S directed, will be exposed to public sale." at
the Court House in Danville, on Monday, tho 15lh
day of August 1842, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the fol
lowing property, viz:
interest of-a certain lot of Rronnd.situate in Bloom
township, Columbia county, containing ONE
11AL.C AUKti, more or less, adjoining John Uoj
bison and others, whereon is erected
Seized, taken in execution, and Ui lo sold as thd
property of John Hazelct, jr.
JOI1IV FRUIT, Sheriff.
Siirmrr's Office, Danville, ?
July 15, 1812. 5
THE subscribers, trading under the dim of
give notice, that they have this day dissolved, part'
ncrship by mutual consent; All those having ac
counts with the firm, aro requested to call aiid sct
tlc before tho 15th of Aucust next, as thev aro
desirous of closing the firm accounts as soon as
ninnmsburg, July 4, 1842.
'I he buMnesj will be continued at tho old 6iand
by iho subscriber where he will be happy to attend'
upon his friends and tho public generally, and
supply them witli Good very low for cash or
country produce.
131oofnbburg,JuIy 4. 1842.
S3 hereby given (o all concerned, that I have
purrhased of Joseph Grimm, ono Maotlo clock,
ono Ucaurt-au, one Heifer two Hogs', ono UcJ, oau;
wing Table, and havo left them in his possession
during my pleasure. I forbid any person purchase
ing, or taking them away, without my,coiisent."
Hemlock, July 2, 1S42.
HOSE indebted to ihc estate of the lalo Docf,
11'. Jf. l'&HlMiU.V, decked, cither'
by Note, Jlook Account or Vcnduu Votes
are hereby notified that tho Notes and Aceoiint,
aro left in tho hands of IDDUSGS DARK LEY,'
Esq. for collection, where they aro requestedto call
and pay tho same on or before tho 15th day of
ugust next, or they will bo proceeded against ac
coidiug to law,
L. D. RUPERT, Administrator.
Bloowsburg, July 10, 1343 4w IS