The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 06, 1842, Image 2

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The steamer Groal Western, Captain
Iloskins, wlilcli loft Liverpool on th? lOtli
July, arrived at New York about 0 o'clock
on Saturday morning last, making the trip
in about 13 1'2 days. She brought Bristol
and Liverpool papcts to the 16th and Lon
don to the 15th tilt
The Death of Duke of Orleans. The
Prince Royal of France is dead. The In
lilligenco reached London on tiio 12lh
June by a pigeon express from Paris. The
official account stales that on the morning of
Oth at half past ten, (lie Duke of Orleans
went to Neuilly, to take leave or the royal
family, intending to set ofT the next morn
ing for the camp of St. Omar. A short dis
tance from Neuilly the horso ran away.
At this moment the duke, to avoid tho
danger, leaped from the carriage; but un
fortunately' his spurs, or, as some says, his
reword, caught his travelling cloak. This
accident caused him to fall, and the Prince
received some contusions on the temple and
the wrist. A cerebal congestion was
occasioned by tho shock, and was succeed
ed by a suffusion on tho Lrain.
Having fainted in the road, his Royal
Highness was removed to the nearest house
occupied by a grocer, and assistance speedi
ly arrived from the 'IVIeries.
At half past four, after having received
the succours of religion, the prince breathed
his last, surround&d by the king, queen, and
royal family.
The death of the Duke was subsequently
discovered to have been produced by a
fracture of the spine.
The accjdent may prove of immense
consequence to the' peace of Europe, be
cause Franco has thus been deprived of an
heir apparent to the throne, Louis Philippe
of a son, it is highly improbably that the
king of the French will live to witness the
arrival of his infant grandson at majority,
and a regency in France would be an
occurrence portentous of the mos ovenlful
civil commotions amongst such an excita
ble people.
The late Duke of Oileans was born at
Parlermo on the 2d of September, 1810,
showing him to have just reached the age
of 32 at his death. His mother, Marie
Amelie, the present Queen or the French, is
daughter or Ferdinand, King, or the Two
Sio:lies,and whomkLouis Philippe espoused
at the lime ho was wandering abroad as
plain Duko of Orleans. The departed
duke was one of a family of sever, children,,
to whom Marie Amelie has. becr.ecvcr
warmly attached. The Duke de Nemouts
Louis Philippe's second son, was horn at
Paris on the 25lh of October, 1814
The Duke matried, on the 30th January
1J337, a princess of the house of Mecklen
burg Schwerin. By this ladyhis royal
highness hasjefl'.two sons, the Count of
PariiTborri August 24, 1838;and the Duke
of Charlres,born Nov, 9, 1840.
A duel look place on the morning of tho
15th July, in the neighbourhood of Ostcrly
Paik, between tile Hon. Crauej(?)Berkey,
M' D, and cantairv Boldero, M. P. Two
shots were exchanged of course without
The House of Commons arc about pass
ing a. bill to prefect Her Majesty from be
ing frightened to death by crazy men, and
hump-back boys, and rustv arid wont-gooff
pistols. Offenders to be chastised sum
w3 Comical Run on the Bank of Ent
landjs thus described. In the House of
Commons Mr- Hume stated that he had
that clay made a run upon the Bank of
England wit a real Imlf sovereign as a
matter of favor had trot ten shilling in silver,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, without
pausing to asic Mr. Hume what he intend
eo,to do with so much cash, quieted the
fears of the House bv statins that the
Mint was hard at work upon silver coin
snu mat it me honorable members were in
fetf days to venture a whole sovereign, it
was possible he might get change
enough to last him, the rest of his life.
Jail Walking Skinner, the celebrated
Norwich veteran pedestrian,- had nearly
accomplished the arduous task of walking
fifty miles a day for twenty successive
Glasgow papers tells of some operative
weavers who returned to Paisley from the
United Slates, and who but a short time
had left their country for America.
An invention has been recently brought
forward which is calculated lo have a vast
beneficial effect in filteriug, and so purifyi
ng, an mo water lor domestic and other
he snormous quantity of two millions five
mndred thousand gallons every twenty
our hours; and that, too, so thoroughly
nil tiTiTiiiiiir i.iMB i - ...
, J ' ' " 1 biinigtu nun
-1 - - , u .i uiigu. auu
, "b"t"J IBOUUU HUM!
he spring.
1 he dinner of ho Royal Agricultural
Ir. Everett, the American Ambassador,
ttended; and the Mayor; in an appropriate
- I , -iv.W,
ivuvu. vronoaen 1119 npn 111. iir
aoe a very nappy reply.
A -female child, sporting two headsbnt
u.ner mpec, periect, is now exhibiting
vs. Direct, new roau, Jjonuon.
The Election in France. Tho results
the election in France, so far as they
vernment parly, which, ir it has not ad
d new msmbers lo its supporters' will btj
enabled to musler at lent nearly the same
majority as in the last Chamber.
There' is nothing new from Spain or
Great Fire in St. Petersburg. On tho
Oth of .May a dreadful fire destroyed the
old salt works of No"o-Usolsky, .in tho
government of Perm, the property of the
Slroganoff family. The conflagration spread
to tho extent of 2 1-2 vcrsts, and lasted
three days. Besides ihe salt works, with
its immense provisons of all kinds of fuel
made for them, from 4,000 to 0,000 inha
bited houses connected with the manufac
tory, a large church, and numerous pro
ducts or nature, have become tho prey of
the flames.
From Jllaiers Dates to ihe 30lh June
state that the column of Mcdean has
second time destroyed tho fortifications of
fort Boghez. All tho surrounding tribes
have submitted. It returns with one can
non and some deserters from the regulars
of Ilerkani.
The promised disclosures of General
Bennett.ieeently expellod from Joe. Smith's
community ol barnts, has appeared in the
Sangamo Journal or the 8th inst. We
have not yet received the number, but we
learn from tho N6w York Advertiser, who
has been more favored, that Bennett has
published a column and n half in which he
makes Joe appear as pretty a specimen or
the rogue, rascal swindler, profligate and
vagabond as need be seen of a summer's
day. He charges the great Mormon lead
er, especially, with the grosest licentious
ness, to which 'hundreds or single and
married females' have fallen victims, and
which was not restrained from assailing
even the daughter of Sidney Rigdon, but
unsuccessfully, and he promises still further
revelations ol the most atrocious character
All this must bo very edifying to the
Saint, but as Bennett must have known
these facts sometime ago, it would have
been more to this credit to have told them
Man Murium .Wartnmr Hn
Bennett having exposed ihe 'Holy Juo'and
his practices with ihe women, has in turne
been exposed himself by the prophet, and;
U the latter is lo be credited, the General is
as gieat a Lothario among tho ladies as the
Holy Joe is represented to be. The latter
says ihat Bennett was excommunicated
because he was guilty of adultery: that he
had a wife and threo children living in
unio wnen tie came among the Saints, but
notwithstanding llto fidelity that he owed
to his wife, he began to pay his addresses
to another woman, and, having disgraced
one female, ho made the attempt Upon
others, and by the same plausible tale
overcame them also. Ho also .utempted to
. U .1... . '
.cai-u icmi promiscuous intercourse between
the Sexes Was a dnctrinn liplinvRil in hv iho
Lalter Day Saint3, and that there was no
harm in it. Joe, however, detected the
General in these practices and prcked him
off from the community, Flo preserve the
virtue or the Saints from the contamination
of such immoral principles. An affidavit
also accompanies this exposure, which ihe
prophet says was made previously to Ben
netts statement, in which the G ennral
admits that he was never taught any thing
oy omirn contrary to the strides pri.iriplce
w. inu uunigi, Ul Ul VII. UC, UT Ul IUO JdWS
as given by Joe, docs not reflect much
nonor upon his character. Previously to
joining the Mormons, he had connected
himself with a Methodist Church and
became a local preacher-afterwards forsook
them joined another sect, forsook that.and
was also expelled from a masonic Lodge
for bad conduct. When Smith commun
icated to Bennett tho fact that ho knew he
had a former wife, anil thai ilin spnur.iiinn
was causud by Bennett's bad streatment of
tier, tne vienerai attempted to commit
suicide by taken poison, without, however
succeeding in his design, ir these two
respectable individuals continue their ex
positions, the public will probably do tbem
tho justice to believe that neither of
them is much belter than ho ought to bo.
The Florida murders still continue. On
the 7th ult.a party ol abuul 50 Indians came
upon tho plantation or Contain Robinson,
near the Sandy Ford on the Suwaneo river
Captain Robinson s three sons and a hired
man were ploughing and wero shot dead.
Cabl, R. fled toward the house, but found
another parly or Indians in the yard. His
wife and daughter wore butchered and con
sumed with tho house- Ho rallied the
neighbors, but too late. This is the fifth o
sixth massacre within a year in the same
neighborhood by ihe same band.
The export of flour last year from the
United States lo foreign countries was
1,807,501 barrels a larger amount than
has been exported for many years. It is
stated in the New York Express as a singular-
fact, that a yery alaige portion of tho
hard bread that suppliee tho shipping of
England, and employed in made in
New York. The manufacture here is so
good and the flour so much lower than in
England, that it is shipped to London in
bond, from which it is taken for tho ship
ping, thus avoiding iho heavy British duties.
Formely, the hard bread biscuit was made
round, it is now made square, so as to
make much better stowage, which in long
voyages as important. "
"Tntrrn withoct rsAn
IL1TUHII.1V, AUGUST 0, 1812,
Subject to the decision of the Nationa
"Tho Removal Bill was taken up late on
Tuesday evening in the Senate, and defeat
ed by a decided majority."
So says tho Danvillo Democrat, but by
what authority or for what reason, they
alone can tell, as so far from the bill being
defeated by a large was not even
acted upon at all. It is true that an attempt
wan made, on thelajt day of tho session to
get the bill up, but it was opposed by Sena
tor Headley, and the Danville party,and by
the power of a resolution which was smug,
gled through the senate some days previous
to effect this very casp, requiring iwo thirds
to take up any local bill, tho attempt was
defeated. Thus much for tho Danville
Democrat's statement. It is in character,
however, with the whole course ihe past
winter, of those opposed to removal. Mis
representation was their grand weapon,
knowing that truth was death to their hopes.
Their ingenuity was strained lo tho utmost
lo invent statements as ridiculous and absurd
as they were untrue, to prevent the passage
of the removal bill, in all of which Senator
Headley chimed in with singular harmony
and fellow-feeling. The lunes were chan
ged however; lo suit the occasion. When
opposing removal, the upper portion of the
county was thinly populated, a large pro
poition of the land hilly, mountainous,
broken and uncultivatable, consequently
the population neyer would and never could
increase to any extent that ihe largest
proportion of the population was now &nd
always would be in around Danville a
majority of the county was opposed to re
moval, and to cap the climax of their mis-
ronrpnnntnltnna hqrl 1, Lnn 1. . . 1 1. V
--j.. .u.iui.w, ..uu i, 1V1IIIWII lllcll
Daniel Snyder would hare irritated the re
movalSquestion he ncver'wouldMiaro- been
elected in the county, as no member or ihe
Legislature ever had been or ever would be
elided as an avowed removal man, and
even went so far as to defy the election of
a man in favor of tho question. When .ad
vocating the division, which we assert was
done both by the Berwick and Danville nco
pie, Ihe new county would bp the finest in
the state, rich in minerals, in aoncul
lure, and susceptible or the highest state of
cultivation, and would eventually be a very
populous county. Thus changing their no
sition as often as was calculated to advance
tho interest of ihe division, or oppusition to
removal. But notwithstanding all their
misrepresentations and falsehoods, the hill
would have passed tho Senate "by a large
majority" had Senator Headlet fulfilled
the pleiges given, by him, both before and
after his election, & during the pendency of
the bill beloro the house or Representatives
that is, called it up, and asked the senate
to give it the sanction or law, and to hi n,
and lo lun oply.are the people or the cnuo
ty indebted for tho defeat of a bill leaving it
lo themselves to seltio this long vexed
The Election this fall in Columbia coun
ty will be one of exciting interest to the
citizens of tho county, at least to that por.
tion of them who are opposed to a division
of the county and in favor of a removal, as
the Danville & Berwick party have already
declared that, that would be the question in
tho county, and that they could and would
elect a man in favor of division. As thev
have Ihus flung rluwn the glovo of defiance,
tnos opposed lo division should not be
slow lo take it up, and do battle manfully.
Their cause is just, and as there is a large
majority of iho county opposed to division
all that is, therefore, wantintr. is
union and harmony to make their victory
sure. Lot this, then be tho test question,
support no man for the Legislature, under
any circumstances who will not nnreso'ved
ly pledge himself to oppose a division of
lite county and advocate the romovel. It
is time that ihe friends or removal should
wake np.and assert their rights manfully at
the ballot boxes,
fon. tug Columbia demociUi.
"By tho way, pnttion of Iho proceed'
ings referred 10 above, are well-timed and
appropriate. Not so with all. The toasts
making an unwarrantable attack upon one
of the representatives from this district
for the gratification ol disappointed ambition
written by a knave nnd offered by fools
are ill-limed and out of placo. Wo con
fess wo cannot comprehend tho motives
which induced them to blend n scries or
personal invective with tho hilarity or n
nation's jubilee. And if they find pleasure
in such conduct, we can only say thai we
envy not their feelings. Perhaps they may
derive their gratification from the couplet,
which says
' Wlicro ignorance is bliss,
"J'is folly to bo wise."
Berwick Sent.
Mr. fVcbbi
Being present at, tho Ornnge
ville celebration, and having responded, with
a hearty goodwill. to the toast referring lo the
.course of our Senator, S. F. Headley,
since his election to that important station, I
cannot permit the above article lo go to the
world, without some small notice, Had it
not carried upon its face however; evidence
of having been written by tho Honorable
S. F. Headley himself, I do not think ihat
1 would luve considered it even worthy of
attention, (as with the nominal editors of the
Berwick Senlinol 1 have nothing to do,)
much less of an answer, through a respect
able journal-but as he has thought proper
to denounce a largo number of his constitu
ents as "knaves & fools" foi expressing
their disapprobation of his treachery and
duplicity, his betraying of confidence re
posed in him, his breach or pledgesfsolemn
ly given before and after his election, for
personal pecuniary benefit, it is not only
right but proper, thai his baseness, in anath
aniatisiug a whole'cornmunity, for no other
crimu than publcly expressing their utter
detestation or iho character of a man who
can thus trifle with the interest of his con
stituents intrusted lo him under tho convic
tion, that a sense of honor, at least, would
have compelled him lo have made some
show of willingness to have fulfilled one, if
not more, of the many premises made lo
secure his election, should be made known
lo tho community. What is ihe toast which
has induced the publication of the above
denunciation of some hundred and .fiftv of
as respectable and, woTthy citizens as the
county oT Columbia cap produce, and to
say the least, upon a par (or intelligence
with either of the some half a dozen editors
of Ihe Sentinel, not excepting senrtor
Headley himsell? Why, sir it is as fol
lows: "S. F. Headley Tho Representative
who betrays the confidence of his constitu
ents for personal benefit, should be discard
ed by all honorable men."
Has ho done what (he (oast insinuates!
for it makes no assertion. If so, it is not
knavery to tell him of it, nor does it consti
tnte a man a fool to know -its trulh. That
he has not forfeited pledges given before
nnd since his electian, and that too, in a I
point, which deeply affected a largo mnjnri
ty of his constituents, residing in Columbia
county, he dare noideny over his signature,
He may do so in private conversation, but
if he is innocent let him rume doldly before
his constituents and deny an honorahlo
man ought to do, and not sneak behind an
anonymous paragraph denouncing as
"knaves and fouls" all who have stron"
reasons for not onlybelieving.bul for dread-
ing toe ellects of )iis treachery. He mav
say that there has been no specific charges
puuiiny made against him, therefore, he
has nothing definite to deny or refute.
'Pl.. u . , ...
i inn iic may 1101 nave even this honk in
hang upon in fiturp,I will place some char
ges upon this sheet; which ir true, and I
believe them to be, who will say, that ihe
writer or the above toast, and "those who
nirereu if are "Knaves and fools" for do
ing so? I then charge Senator Headley
with having before his election, for tho
purpose of securing delegates from removal
lownsiups m his favor pledged himself tl,
should he bo elected, to advocate tho renin.
val question in this coumy, as a
no Had always been a removal man, and
was one still, and that by so nledsinrr him.
self, he received the voles of several dele
gates in the County CDiivention.
1 hat after his nomination, he r,l,l,.,i
himself to .several individuals, tn nm
their voto and influence, that ho wnnl.l ,l.
vocate the removal.
Thai during the pendency of tlm hill :
the house of Represent alt VPS. Innuirif it...
settlement or the removal question to he de-
cue uy a vote ol tne people or.the county
he pledged himself to carry it thrn,,i, ,t '
eeuale provided jt should pass Hie house,
Thai' after its passage through, the l,out(,
refused lo fill fill s&id pledge, hm
every ihlng ho could to prevent Its passags
in tho senate,
That ho has betrayed his i-onsliliienis by
introducing, advocating, and"1frging ih'B
passage of a bill creeling a new county out
of parts of Lu zernc and Columbia, contrary
to the expressed voicn of a large mnjority
of Iho inhabitants residing within the limits
of the proposed new county, as well aS 0f
the county of Columbia generally, whicV
project was advocated by him, more to
advance his own personal pecuniary interest
than the public good.
These charges,! bclicvo can be sustained,
if he thinks not, then let him deny them
and the issuo will he fairly before the public
and he or I will soon be truly branded with
tho epithet of "krtave or fool" for if
have made theso charges without being able'
to sustain them, I shall certainly deserve
the title, but on the contrary, should I es
tablish their trulh, ho must submit to ba
branded wiih the character of a 'political
"knave," at Icasl, if not of "fool."
Perhaps it may be said that I use strong
language toward Senator Headley. Be it
so. I am only handing bark, however, with
a rough is true, some of the essence
of tho above.'quoted article from the Sentinel,
and ir the medicine administered, should stir
up ihe bile on the stomachs of those whoso
happiness consists in "ignorance being
bliss," it will teach them "'tis folly to bo
wise" lo that extent as to induro them to1
believe that all men are "knaves and fools"
but themselves. Voter.
"A man avowing his determination to'
agitate the removal question never can bo'
elected in Columbia county" exclaimed an
agent of the "Danvillo junto" while oppos
ing the removal during tho late session of
tho Legislature. Can this bo true, when
tho names of two thirds of all ihe taxable
inhabitants of ihe county can be obtained to
petitions for a removal! Can it be possible
ihat ihe Danville junto can dupe and deceive
the friends of the removal, and prevent
them from uniting on a candidate who will
carry out their favorite measure? We can
not nor will not believe it untiLwo see ihe
question (airly tried In tho county. That
the Danville junto will mnkp it a question
this fall, there cannot be any doubt, in fact
they havo already declared their determina
tion to elect a man opposod to a removal
and in favor of a division, nml it l,nimn,...
the friends or removal also to take a stand
and go to work with a united force, and
show '.hem that tiny will not be cajoled and
duped into the support of any man who will
advocate a division, or oppose the remo
val. Tremendous Jliot Conflagration and
lost of Life in Philadelnhiu. On Monday
last, the eity of Philadelphia was a scene of
almost uncxampl. d excitement and Riot.
It was the day appointed for a grand tem
perance negro procession and festival. Tho
procession was formed al the Hall in Bod
ford street, about 8 o'clock in tho morning.a
very great crowd having previously gather
ed, composed of boys, men and woman,
both whites and look on the pro
cession. The boys began to shout after
ihe procession, which soon became restless
and a fight ensued. Brick bats and other
missiles flew in every direction. n,nUn
heads and bloody noses soon became abun
dant. Tho procession, after a lurd fought
contest, gave way and lied in every direo
tion. The fight.however continued through
out the day in various parts of tho city.
Tho piiluary were called out, and several
arrests were made. Several men, both
black and while were severely injured, and
some lives lost. At half past r-ino in the
evening the new Smith's Building being
erected for a public. Hall, hy tho rich negro
lumberman, Stephen Smith, was discovered
to bo on fire. It was soon burnt to tho
ground. At hair past ten; tho bells again
rang Tot firo, Ii proved to ba iho colored
Presbyterian Church, in St. Mary street,
which was likewise destroyed. Both of
which wero set or, fire by the mob. By this
lime the negroes had entirely disappeared,
not one being to be seen in the streets, and
the city became entirely quiet by midnight.
The riot was again commenced on Tues
day morning, by seveial Irishmen in tho
vicinity of Walnut street wharf, nn ilia
Schuylkill, rushing on a couple of blacks
who accidentally made their
This was a signal for a ceneral munrnn.
and the mob paraded iho streets, chasing
u.m ucawng cvety iiejro who camo in their
way. I lie military were again tailed out,