He of the grey eye was building, a few 'miles off, a palace like & residence. It 'was of great size and beauty. Wow lie fhad it furnished wilh'fho most Bumptuous luxury. Co'it and pains were not spaied, until desire had no further room for wish iutr. Here tills rich man 'settled himself : and here, when ho hall become a little used to his grandeur; so that it did not sit swkwaidlv unon him. lie determined to rive a sunerb entertainment. Preparations were accordingly made; scientific cooks were encaged; foreign deli cacies purchased, and the most exquisite iliatipi nrenarcd. The hour and the company arrivedand ilia master of the feast looked round witb a nmlln. a9 each ono seated himself at his place. They ate and drank and mado merry, Delieht. and Friendiless, and Comfort seemed the presiding spirits of the banquet, After a while.when their glaswes were filled with rich wine it was proposed that they should have a toast. So a bcnevolont look ing elderly gentleman rose, and after speak ing a few moments, to the purport that ho felt suie that all those present wpuld join him, he raised his glass aloft, his examplo being 'followed by -the others, and said; 'Even handed bwj which in our glo mus republic dispense to all impartiality their dues.' When the revellers heard tho sentiment Ihev clinked their classes together, and 'raised a peal which made tho lofty ceiling rino-'seain then a second and tuen a third which was a louder and gladder peal 'than either. And at the Banie moment that (ho echoes theieof died awav. there-was about a mile off a human being writhing in his agony It was that of tho tipler, who stole the loaf when he was famishing, and had been sent to exmate his crime bv toil and imprison ment. The dissipation of yoars bad mado 'bira weak, and he could not bear up against 'oxnosure. Joined with hard work. Ho fell sick. Who would minister to a rascally 'jail bird? He went from bad to worao, and wns soon in a dvinir condition. Before the dinner party returned to their 'Jiomea that night, the corpse of the eonvie ' fed thief lay cold and clayed upon tho pri ian fjoor.iv. Y' Jlurora. A GHOST STORY. Ono of tho most plausible ghost stories 'we rememoer ever to nave rcart is containeo In the New Hampshire Slatesraan-a gazette Taual to any lc N. England in respectability 01 last weeic, x aero are in nearly every neighborhood 'well authenticated' accounts ( . 1 WTM I . of apparitions, ana every man and woman in some counties can tell marvellous his or liad implicit fai.h in tho M. 7" T",' . . ' -.-.. immi 'rrrpn I prima, n , ... , i5 wom iue living oi an liroaching dissolution, tho dead rcvisito d at umes-iuo gnmpse oi the moon Shakspeare -flpeaks of the grave as the 'bourne whence Jto traveller returns.'yet in Hamlet.Macbelh andj other tragedies 'the unquiet slumberera ud waiK mo earth,' 'and are seen by numer u WUUCSBBB. ine statement in the New Hampshire pojioi- is vannou Dy, the oaths of two jrespociaow men, tauen belore a justice of xuB peace in me town or Grafton. Hazen Whilcher and David M- Norris depose Inst An (h n f. t t 1 1 . . i I. a ...... .. ... u,6, ut n,e lvm junei iney were watcning ai the death bed of their jiuignoor, eamuei Mann, of North Benton, mu puiuii room, me situation of which is Jhua described: 'The bod was on the north iae, mo nre piaco on tho south side, the uoor way to me Kitchen on oast, and a door jeauing into a oeu room on tho west end of uib room, ana a setoi drawers, omhe east eiuo oi me room near the foot of the bed; nd a window by tho foot, on the north iae. i ne window was raised from four u six incues. The door into the kitchen -was open, an Mr. Ueorge W. Mann Biep. mere in me south east corner of it a ne aoor into the bed room Was shut, and Mrs. Peter Howe and Mrs. Mann slept mw ..wBUu Him wuom tney were wmcning oaa oeen in a dying state for .vi uays, oui appeared to have perfect wa still on Sunday night, deposition goes on io say mai mr. vvtmcher was standing j .... .u.v. .ud ouu, tioao io me open "Window, and Mr; Norris was silting south of the bed eome four or five paces fiom the head, on the west sido of the room. The candle was standing on the mantel over the fireplace, when both distinctly heard a groan. Both were positive it could not come from aiek man, nor the bed whereon he was, nor from another room. It was a 'deep lengthened groan, and startled both. Mr Whiloher stepped to the light, to see where the noiao came from, or what caused it.As he took the b'ght and turned aroond to ward tho bed, both saw the room lighted up, all at once, with an unearthly crimson colored light. It almost extinguished die lirrht n,h candle, so that it was very feeble.apparently almost out; and immediately both saw a strange looking man standing between them and the bed, looking apparently at Mr. uicjj ncy cannot describe, his whole face they -did not see; his clothes were dark, butthey cannot give the fashion or make, nor say whether lie had on boots or shoes or hat.Oolh were transfixedboth ftooil there aide.by side as Norris had risen up, Whttcher still holding the candle in his land, and no fire, n tho fire-place, at least uone Uiatgnvo any ighl.As the strange man stood belore the m, bis back toward them, and' his face towards Mr.Mann.Mr. M. appeared much excited and agitated rolled on the bed, and threw his arms about and opened his eyes wide, appeared frightened, and to gaze upon the apparition, and then tried to cover up his head. The sick man, it is stated, then declared that he had forty years pre viously assisted his employer in murdering a man and making away wltli lus body, no mentioned tho name of Edwarad,but in what connexion the deponant cannot say. The affidavit then goes on: 'Ho called no other name, and we may be mistakon in this namo, but think we aro not, Ho then sunk down; aftor turning over once or twice, arid throwing his arms about, groaned and died. We know wo wore frightened, and could not speak, or did riot, nor did the stranger, and as soon as Mann had finished confessing, and was "dying away, ho the stranger was gono. How ho got in or out, wo know not; one door was open but we did not sco him como in or go out, nor can wo believe that ho did.' The editor of the Statesman, in connec tion with tho affidavit, tells tho following circumstances. About forty, or forty-five vears sinoo, it is affirmed by individuals in me vicinuy, wai a man uy mc uaiuo -' HOUguon was-woraing in xjauuan, n. n., , , i ; r 1 re s as a toiner 1 he last season he was there, be finished on a house lor Jonathan moves and made his home with Mr. "Noyes during tho time. He lent Noyes some two or three hundred dollars in money, so that when tho house was finished Noyes was indebted to him about four hundred dollars for labor and money. When Noyes's house was completed, he went to work upon a house for Mr. John Gross, in tho vicinty his clothes and part of tools still remaining at Noyes's houso, He left Gross shouso ono evening to no up Noyes's and was nover seen after that night Some little excitement existed thero, the old people say, at the time, respecting his mvsterious disappearance, Ibul as ho was a stranger, it was said he had absconded and Noyes soon after pretended to havo received a letter from some place in New York, requesting him to sell Hodgdon' tools, and other things, and send tho money on to him. which he accordingly did, but whether the proceeds of the talo went New York or any other place is not known The excitement soon died away, and notn ing more was said or thought about it, un til the death-bed confession which we publish, brought the hidden mystery light. Noyes died a few days before Mann, to whom the ghost is said to have appeared, and on his death bed, intimated that he had something to disclose before could die in peace, but Mann went a day or MMfCTiiTiiminraBrMiCTMMiMB wii' Mr "l"'"" VP!1 grca't memlal i ajiuiiy ara unaer oorrih n mmnr r .... science, frequently exclaiming 'Oh God! forgive me that one sin!' Tho Edwards to whom it is supposed Mann referred.and who, many now suppose, was accessary w 1 uk, 4 liUI,1 ... ...u.uci, ,a Dim uving, anu has been jiaruauy oerangeu at times over since, wen as Mann. We should like to know Buiueimng more oi the character of the per sons of whose deposition we have fiven an abstract above. They are, however.spoken uo us vcpeciaoie. MARVELLOUS ESCAPE. Wo published Iastjweek an account of the supposea loss ot Messrs, Mathey, Friand nosers and a mulatto bov. who Mt h-0 on oaturaay night. July Oth, in an open boat, to go to Morris' Island. Considering all the circumstances of tho ease, it seemed . . ... - ..w.w impossioie that thev could hav P.-. ed They wero given up by every body ana every uody was in the wrong, for tney arrived here sale yesterday morning in the St. Augustine packet Stephen and riancis. iue tacts are bnefl v ihM? i he boat left the wharf about ft nMt in the evening, for Mortis' Island. Fmm mistaking tho lights, they got among the breakers before they were aware of any din ger and the boat unset This waa ahnm in rril J .. . .. u uuta. xiioy got upon me oottorn, sup porting themselves as they might, and in this position were carried out in cm t.t, tiiln All ninlit .I.:r...t . . .. .... uiiucu aoout at tho mercy of wind and waves. At day break on ountiay tney were in sight of Charles ton lights, l hey succeeded in righting ... uui mo was 01 COUrSO lull ol wa. ier every thing moveable was lost and mey were as helpless as before. During ... uV, .un uuai capsizea several limes and they clung to her with diffieuhvr An. other dreary night upon the ocean and bv tfcia limn t,M. ... .11 II . l . r ...uu .i.ojr woe an wen uign exnaustcd But they ware true to each other and as weariness or despair caused ono or ilm mh. er leave his hold upon their frail support, ni icsi cujiuii, mm, mi no naa recovered himself, For forty-three hours did they continue in this awful si late Monday afternoon they were fortunately discovered by kCapf Southwick of the Empire, on his wav to St. AnmiQiinn They wero then 18 railes from Charleston lights. Capt, S. immediately run down for them and took them on board. Fmm apt- c. his lady, and the tjassenfrr nr me umpire, mey received every attention and relief whir.h generosity and kindness could dictate and of which thev KlnnH in .i - . n-- w nuch pressing need. When within 15 miles oi oi. Augustine, they .Jell in with the Stephen and Frances, on board of wgisa ine rowrneu to Jhl cityj .Npyr is hat (Ms a stirring adventure a touching romance! So much was it considered a matter of certainty that they were lost, that, as wo understand so nan of the clergy went to church yesterday prepared to preaoh their funeral sermonlet them thank God there waa no occasion for itl (Charleston Mercury. SanaciN of a Dog. On Tuesday last, a yonng man about eighteen years of age.resi ding near Tapley's Brook, in Danvers, left t.ia rnllintc liiiin in 1 li A mnrnlnrf vtrllli fits 1119 lalllDi " uuuuU'iit tisvi luvitiitig aastr dog, gun Sic. for the purpose of shooting. About noon mo uog entered me house, ap peared in a stalo of extraordinary agitation, maKingmany motions wnicn were aucr wards understood to be invitations to follow him, but which at tho time occasioned somo apprehensions that ho was about to suffer on attack of lhehydrophobia. Finding no attention was paid to his wishes, ho finally left tho homo, and was notsoen afterward for several hours, when he again onteied and recommenced his attompts to induce the family to follow him. A person men in ino nouse, out wno wan . .1 , i I. not there at the -dog's previous visit, obscrt ving his strange conduct, and learning tha it was similar to what had bocn exhibited before, concluded there was sufficient 'meth od in his madncs' to constitute him a safe companion, and accordingly followed him out to see what would como ot it. At lust in the eagerness, the dog ran out of sight of the man who followed him. but being re called by a whisllo,kept himself afterwards onlv a short distance in advance. The man followed 'through brade and through briars,' but rather daunted when tho dog plunged in to the recesses of a swamp Determined to sco it out. howover, he went in after nim; and there discovered the voung man lying upon the ground insenst ble. with his faco dreadfully shattered by tho discharge of his gun. He was taken home immediately, the dog following in triumph, and although, as wo learn, still insensible yesterday morning, was not considered in a hopeless conditio,. Salen Gaz. Inleresling fro'n lihode Island.-li is said that an attempt was made to seizo two pieces of cannon belonging to the Slate by the Constitutionalist at Pawtuxet. a few nights since. Thoy so far succeeded as to break into the building in whicb tho guns were kept, and to drag them to a high w?ll through which they were making a passage when they were discovered, but managed to escape. The nanersuree tho effectual organization of the military, in order to be prepared for any emergency. 'uiottwwm'tieiiiuiiifgin'BrM6nrEfe oascneu oy me unronicle that an attempt .. miuuo iu rc iiig oarn oi ut. Anthony near Scituate and to enter his premises, he iiavmg renucieti nimeeit somewhat obnox lous aunng the recent troubles. The following prisoners were sRnt i!nn i ,i, Bristol jaii, under guard of a detachment of tiio oca i'encibles, on Wednesday evening, by the Fall River boat, viz. Hiiam Chap- pen, onarics H. Campbell, David M. G Hamilton, William S. Olney, and Caleb nuiey. i ne two tirst were concerned tllA n I In m r t.m. I. fir . ..uji. ,U ,Uk mo varren cannon. mauiey was one ofthe men who escorted mcssrs. recKham and others to Wonnnnrt oi. uiney was a lieutenant in tho Woon i vi , . . socKet company in tho Federal Hill and Chepachet expeditions, and is deeply implicated in the recent robollion, as is also iiaiumoji. AN INTERESTING FACT. There is now residi no in llin viol,.: thl n ana .nj I. I r ..... ,.., aim uas ueun ior some years, hlrrnlv PA.nan.t,l. .1.1 ...b..v .vwioui uiu genueman, who was preseni at mo execution of Major Andre? Ho was then a sure-eon in th r.h and was on a visit io this conniru- with i view to offer his assisinnrn t i. i , , ... I,.U1 band when struggling for their freedom ouuBcqueniiy entered the service, aud was among the unfortunato, who wore thrust into the Jersev Pricnn Rhino uiiuerwent me dreadfu rmpliip. . .1 ... . II14 sunenngs which prevailed in those living .uhiu. j. iiungii greauy auvanced in years, ue biiii enjoys tho blessing of health, and possesses all the buoyancy of spiiils and activity oi limb which a man of fifty miaht tnvat . fj4.ui m SCARLET "FEVER. The happiest effects have rnsullnri From washing the Datient i feels slippery lo the fingers. It is best to begin in time, when the fovpr nr r.iin.ca first appears; and with a cloth or sponge. apply it all over tho child every few hours but if the fever has got un. it hmil,l i, repeated every five minutes, till tho heat abates. A child was getting better under this treatment, but his nurse observed in the night that ho was again very hot she washed him all over and in a few minutes every trace of tho fever left him. Ho felt cool. lept comfortably until morning, and had no return of it. Even bathing tho feet In weaR lye has a very soothing efl'ecl. Mr, Hudson.of New York, in his sneprh on the Tariff, in the house of Representa tives last week, stated among other things, the fact that Massachusetts furnishes a home market for $42,000,000 of American produce, coming into it from every one of the remaininr twentv.five Slam nr ii. Union. BJiTirnojiv, aui,v ao, 1812, FOR PRESIDENT! JAMES BUCHANAN. (Subject to the decision of the Naliena uonvemion.j THE ADJOURNMENT. Both Branches of our Slate Legislature adjourned on Tuesday last after having passed the apportionment bill, tho skeleton of which will be found in to-days paper. Up to the hour of adjournment, no comma nication had bnen received from the govern or upon this bill, and it was generally sup posed that he wouldnot si gn it. The bill roceives but little favor from the democratic party generally throughout the state. An attempt was mado on the last day of the session to get up tho removal bill in the senate, but ailed. APPORTIONMENT BILL,&c. A bill embracing tho generaU '"appropria tions, a tax, payment of the Domestic Creditors aiid authorizing the Governor to invite proposals for tho sale of the Public Improvements, passed both houses within the last half hour of the close ofthe session. ELECTION OF SPEAKER. On Tuesday afternoon last, on the 35th ballot William HEisTErt.Esq. of Lancaster county,, was elected Speaker ofthe Senate, A thrilling Incident and narrow Es cape. On Tuesday last, three gentlemen went to the New Slopt,z Beaver Meadows for the purpose of descending into the mines! This slope is about 150 yards of a descent of 10 feet in 12, down which cars are let for the purpjse of drawing up coal, lor coal, and the gentlemen directed to i Qlinnr.l MM.!!- .L! . -.... uii mis was transacting, a la- oorer had passed down the slope some fifty j . o .nu ui mo gcnucmcii slept on to the car it was discovered by the hands that the chain attaching the car to the en gina had not been hooked, and the car star- ted, alarm was given, the gentlemen leaped from the car.and in an inatanl it was dashed into a thousand fragments at the bottom of me slope, passing by ihe labourer above mentioned, who had instinctively slept ore iue, wiiiioui aoing any other injury to him man laying him prostrate. A a nn r I n r.it n i i .... iiiiuiiuau, roinarneu, "ineir nar row escape from an instantaneous and l,nr. liblo death, and the thought of the almost sure and dreadful fate of tho laborer who naa descended before the car, rendered tho company entirely speechless for some mo .., mueeu nardly a word was ennUn until .1 ... . . 1 ' .. uiiumcr car nau descended and found me man uninjured, although almost ; sioie irom fright." - a NORTHEASTERN BOUNDARY, W .,i,-.:.j . uumuiiiou io 83V mat a nnnvjn tinnat linn nf l.nH.l .i . " """Hilary, Wll II Its var nun conditions and equivalents, has been nrrnri I... .1 . . . " - y .no executive and the British Special Envoy, with the unanimous consent of the commissioners ot Maine & Massachusetts. Wo congratulate all parties upon this hannv I 1 . - IV uuu uonoraoie resu It. 'I' 1TF . iiiiiMs. Yve nave reason to know ilmi ,l. r !. . . mu wuiiiiiiisBiaiiers ni lho mu wiuivW ui Maine and Massachusetls havo sijrninP,l (heir assent to a lino of boundary betwoen maine anu iNew Brunswick. uouy Knows that lho lerr torv in dispute embraces aI tho region ofthe Upper St. John, and tho general understanding e' ...a, uu, icgion is io bo divided into unequal parts; tho largest, and by far the most valuable, to be assigned lo Main,,. together with considerations connected with the navigation of tho St. Johns, (both Bidr. of the lower of which belong to England,) of the greatest importance to tho value ol ihe timber growing on its branches. Other important arrangements in different parls of e line, nittiertp unseltled.in various nlaces ociween Maine and the Lake ofthe Woods are rumored as likely to take place. ' I V . .... . Madiionian. The Apportionment JJW.The foll0i jng tablo precoma the scale of representation to Congress according to the Apportionment Bill, just p assed by the Pennsylvania Leg. isiaturo. 1st District Southwark, Moyarriefiiing Passyunk, Kingsessing,Blockley and West Philadelphia in the county of Philadelphia, and Cedar Ward in the city of Fhiladel phia. 2nd Tho city of Philadelphia! except" Cedar, Upper Delaware and North Mulber ry Wjrds. 3d The Northern Liberties and Ken sington in the county of Philadelphia, and Upper DeIawaro& North Mulberry Wardi in the city of Philadelphia. 4th Spring Garden, North and Bouih Pcnn Township, Roxborough,Germantowrt Bristol, unincorporated Northern Liberties Oxford, Lower Dublin, Byberry and More land, iu the county of Philadelphia. Qth The Counties of Chester and Dela- ware. Oth Tho counties of Berks and Lehigh,' 7th The counties of Montgomery and Bucks. Sth The county of Lancaster,excepl tbo townships mentioned in the ninth district. Qth The counties of Dauphin and Leb anon with the townships of Rapho, Warwick West Cocalico, and West Donegal, in tbo county of Lancaster. 10th The counties of Northampton, Monroe. Wayne and Pike. 11 Tho counties of Schuylkill, Nor thumberland and Columbia. 12th The counties of Luzerno, Wyora ing and Susquehanna, 13th Tho counties of Lycoming,Potter, Bradford and Tioga. 14th Tho counties of York and Adami. 15 The counties of Cumberland,Frank lin and Perry. 10 Tho counties of Huntingdon, Juniati Union and Mifflin. 17th The counties of Bcdford.SomeisJt Cambria and Indiana. 18th Tho counties of Fayette &Grcene. 19ili-Thc counties of Westmoreland and Armstrong. 20th The counties of CIarion,JoiTersoD, Clearfield, Centre, Clinton and MeKean. . 21st The counties of Washington anl 22d Tho county of Alleghany. 23 Tho coutios of Butler, Mercer and Venango. 24th The counties of Erie Crawford and Warren. Mr. Smith, of Virginia, affirmed in Ihj House a day or two ago, that the cotton productions in the U. Stotes amounted to 2,100,000 bales while 350,000 would sup ply all the manfuctures of this coutory. It is slated in the baltimore American that Cheif Justice Tanoy ardJudsa Siorr. of Massachusetts.'that as soon as tho Bank rupt Act went into operation, it did. ipsofecto, suspend all action upon futnra cases arising under tho Stats insolvent law,' Tho Secietary of tho Treasury, who has recently been very ill, is recovering from his indisposiiion, and will in a few days bs able lo attend to the duties of his Depart ment. A PLOT DISCOVERED; By the Richmond Aurora of Tuesday i last, we learn that a purposed insurrection among the blacks, in Smyth county, Vir ginia, has been discovered and put down. The ringleaders havo been arrested and imprisoned. Thev tn fnmlw! t-ilKnr 1l (tin old people, and making slaves of the young ones. The Alton Telegraph sava'lhs Iocbsls in Illinois, have taken possessions of the for ests. Never with! ... v I VWUIVWIUII - wo seen such auaniiiios .i n-n.nni .t!q in this A - vi w t Is a V I wiwf seunon oi mo state. The army worm Is creating great havoo with tho crops. 1 lie grass, in palicular, has fallen a prey to tbo destructive worm.' Edward Bonney, Obadiah Cnolev and Henry Kellog havo been - arresled near Warren, Ohio, for being engaged in the manufacture of counterfeit coin- In their possession was found 92, 070,50 spurious coin part of it finished and part unfinished, consisting of Moxican dollar and American half dollar pieces. A portion of their tool. implements and machinery was also caplur ed, "