ttoxo .worn upon the Altar-of God, eternal Hostility to every form of Tyranny ov er tho Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson Volume Vff. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, urrosiTE St. Paul's Ciumcii, Main-st TERMS The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will bc .published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars iyty Lents, if not paid within the year No subscription will betaken for a shorter penou man six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages xru uiscuargca. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will bc compicuoushi inserted at vim uuuurjor incjirst three insertions and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrlwn. ICT A liberal discount mnAr, tn ...7.- I ? .1 1 fiuut. iv iiiuou wiu uuvcrusc uy me year, LETTERS addressed on business, 71111st oe post paia. From the New Haven Herald SOCIABILITY OF BIRDS BEAUTI FUL INCIDENTS. Letter from a young Lady to Rev. Mr. Lindsley, of Stratford. Ueau bin: Having often heard that yourself anil family wero very fond of birds and something of a very fond interesting nature conoerning them, having come directly under ray own obacivation, indeed entiiely in connection with mysell',1 thought an account of it might not prove uninterest ing to you. Early in the summer of 1810, as I was one morning receining on my couch, in the back room, tho doors being open, a very small bird come hopping in, and tan about the.floor, apparently in quest of something to cat- I happenedto have a soda biscuit about mc, and instantly throw it some crumbs, which it ran to eat, b if hungry.In a few minutes it flew out. Before 1 fed them Goth plehtinffly.aricT they now out In n short timo one rcturncd.and partook B"ain; after a while the other, bo they con tinued through tho day. I did not think of seeing them any more, but I had no sooner takenDmy accustomed p)ace on my couch the next morningwhen in caino one of my littlo visiters, quite Umo and quitoat home, it ran near me, took a hasty breakfast and ran out. Soon its male came, and look his in quite as friend? a mrnner. Thus they continued coming from ten to thirty times a day, and soon became so attached to their hostess that they would seldom take their meal, ever ready on a clean paper by the door, but would run close to my counh,and look up to mc, to have mo drop it to them at my side, which they would take, perfect ly uriconccrcd. They nppcared a lime q'uite afraid of strangers, particularly chil dren, and would look to mo. as they came in, as if to ask, is it safe? However, they soon lost their (ears of them, and would como in when three or four were present. After a few weeks they began to carry away pieces overy timo they came, after satisfy ing their hunger,, which convinced mo they had little ones to feed, and I was astonish ed to see what a little load they would car ry, oftentimes threo pieces at once, as large as half a largo pea. .Thus they continued visitinir me for months: until somo ijme in the last of Sentembnr. itiel after tea, at tho ediroof a delightful evening, I heard such n nhirnintr and chattering as almost deafen- ed me.In an instant the little mother appear cd, enticing along her dear little ones, which 'wore almost splitting their littlo throats with their chattering; and soon tho father -annearcd. Thov ran up the steps into tho room, and stopped just at tho door, per 'fcctlv still, except the mother, who ran to crne,very hastily, stopped at my side, look ed up in my face, and began to talk, sho thought, as intelligently as any person would, conversing with mo. I never was more astonished' I supposed that sho was nUincr mc nrotect her little ones. She fitnnd in this manner a few momonls, talk ing as fast as she could, when sho ran back to her children, and they all commenced eating their abundant meal, which had been nrenared for them When finished they flaw out. and visited mo no more. I was then convinced that the mother was ex pressing her fralitudc, instead of asking protection. I mourned the loss of my dear little fami ly, not expecting ever to sco them again; when. O how was I delighted, as sitting nt my bedioom window ono Sunday morn jug, rarly ir. tho month of tho next June, the dear little creature who first made its appearance, camn running up the walk, direi tly to the door. Feeling vety ill, and ,he morning being rainy, I could not go and let it in,(lhe family being at Church) nd una obliged to let it go away(whieh it jid veiy biokeivheattedly, after wailing mOQBISBPRQ, COLUMBIA COMTY, FA. 'or some timo) without giving a welcome I reconciled mvsnlf. iliinb I I '"B WUUIU IB1 mo nexi uay; uut 1 waited for it dii not come, and I had entirely given un lb idea of seeing it any moro when, how I overjoyed ono morning; to seo it fly into me uoor anil run directly to my couch oiiGsiepneu direct v before mn. nLn,i . ----- suvj IUUI11.U and began to cliinnor- T .nnctvnrnil little Iiow do do. and fTflVn !inr ennm ft-). si. one ran out and soon her mate came ncii wry cuminuEU me r visit mm inn to forty times a dav. somoiimpH iniroii,- sometimes alone, would often stay and run uuuui uiu room, anu annenrei m ,. ,ir,.i wnen i ieit afte to answer 1 inir . . T ,. . ' I " "-'UIIIIUI niuiuiy uuvs. noi nninnr nhia in uamp air irom an open door, thev, when finding it closed. would coma in ilin"wi.i... and flutter, begging to come in. 1 would open the door a little space, just Ihnv .,.l.i: l;.i a 7 UB" ".kk wjumlmi iui muni i( nrnq and crowd through, cviileml ...wr "uiu nituiuuiiiiui v liv nn inn cnrinr... nrwt I. .1" : ' ? 1 -r"B"- , . "' "uw llc'r -j;raiiiuues Alter ta king thSiiyneal, totally-unconcerned at be. mg siuit in, tlipy would nmusn tlmmoi...... jiuie, men crowd out again on tho sera I - , ...wnmtiua (er, ana uy to their nest. J linn 1I1 "1C visits iu inca'rain inr mnm , quite at home, and for several of Hie list " carrying an-ay a ianro niEcs nrv visit, which convinced mc they had again a littlo chargo to feed, when one beautiful morning, about 10 o'clock, oli. such i hirping nil of a sudden ! and in a moment iiuu 11 vu miiu visiicrs on inn t hmniw. , e uuur, me young ones llutterine and mrping so as almost to deafen me. l.m ppeanng so happy as hardlv l0 know rhalto do. I threw down a "larg mess I crumbs, when the parents instantly ran 3 me, and look ihem 10 il.nir. i;.,i. ... flegded children, put it in anu . gain and aaam. for snmn m; r jer being sufficiently fed, all flew ou't ' 1 bus thoy continued to come, at times all itiguiuer. soinciimes ie it n Onnp. nno np two at once, somelimni nnn r geincr. and'Jlarufy leaving .Ino alone at all, unning round my leet wlien at iho table and picking up tho mites as thoy fell, and trying to amnso me. in about two weeks tl.-ey all came al once, aftor lea, took an abundant meal, ran about and chattered to me, and ran nut. I saw the dear little creatures no more. Had any ono havo told mc ono half what I had witnessed, I should have thought .it exaggeration; but myself was their only hoslees, and I can in truth attest that what I h.avo written gives bul Itle idea of the interest they exeited. Should they return again the coming sum mer, as they probably will, 1 shall give you a further history. In the meantime, believe mc, sir. Most respectfully yours, C. C. STUATronD, Feb. 4, 1812. The above mentioned bird is the Chip. ping Sparrow, (Fringilla Socialis of Wil son.) She and her mate havo again re turned to visit their hostess. If you deem tho above worthy an assertion in your Daily it is at your service. It furnishes good evi denco of what kindness and f entleness to tho feathered race, at the hands of a young lady can accomplish. Yours, Sic. J. 11. LiliNUotiij 1 . Eds. Daily Herald. 'The assertion that a man raroly mc to wealth by the work of his own hands, is hardly justified,' Village Record. It is a common idea Ihat as a man accu mulates wealth, he is entitled to increased, respectability. Now, this idea instead of being encouaraged should be repudiated by those who havo, in any wise tho direction's of the public thought, or tho guardianship of Iho public morals. It is a manifestion of no virtuous niinciplo no exhibition of Iho noble and moro generous impulse that chal lenge the esteem ot the good and iho great, to sco a man engaged in tho pursuit of gain indifferent to all other considcralions.Thesc good propensities aro often smolhored and sunnrcssed by this master passion When a thirst of acquisition becomes a principle with a man, he must close up all the aven tics of the heart his feelings become indu rated and obdurate, and ho is abandoned to self alone. No gcntlo sympathies slir his breast n.i appoals to his generosity no cries of distress move his compassion. It is will this consideration that wo find fault with tho wording of the paragraph wo havo (mated. It is as frequently the case that men snn as 'rise to- wealth. men irequcnuy . . . . 1 r 'rise to' noveitv.Mind cast in a mould sun ilar to John Howard's frequently do so. Va must nut more stress upou merit and less upon woalth, and then we will incul cate a propor sentiment. The dank is but tho guinea's stamp, The man's tho gold for a' that,' Independent Journal PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. iwUiVJbY.Look at that fellow trud" ig aiongwiina bag of specie on his shoulder. How nleaseil lm is. A miin curls his lip.and he treads tho pavement ..mi uiauam. no dows to every body lie meets, and looks important, just as if he carcu ic-r nobody. See how other seyo and envy him as he passes along he observes unu siruis moro consequentially. Ah! money is the thing lo make a man feel comfortable it makes him bold, fearless ami inuupenacnt. A man with plenty of money in ins nockcts carps nnt for dm . marks & opinions of the crowd, his money is a sure passport to favor. SCO that tllill. Mllnvprnno l.olr, his way through the crowd with all care, r.s 11 afraid of treading on somebody's toes. How timid ho is. His coat is threadbare, Itiough neatly brushed: h IS id amnnlli and greasy from long use. No smile dim l'les on his cheek, and as lm icd man approaching, ho respectfully slops jisido and gives him a wide row. Look at film his appearance tells as plain as words could tell that ho h IIS 51 II nil t nnrcr. . " -'Rill IIUIOU Tis queer what a feeling money inspires f iil'iiv v uu'.in. n the n that word nonpi." U nntu UU3UIH ,ji every one. I hero ir n r hnrm eil by iho conscious thai monev is voura. h-ven tho dravman. who is IrnnfprrinrT iltn liicuy uoxes 01 meials rom t in vmili nf ono uanK 10 another, steps higher, speaks more emphatic, and cracks his whip with a feeling of conscious superiority, from the u.i.,u iiiuugiii 01 1110 value of bis charge. Money is the urand ilnsiilnrninm ii, io... I'll uiuill UIU IUIC by which the world may be removed; its influence is supreme.ils power incalculable. All men are sirivinu to amjss nmnnvtiiav say to themselves 'put money in thy purse?' u ..nun uirrf, out lew wou d irnlv ho who steals ray purse steals rai!' say, SUMMER FALLOWS. Summer fallowing is a most imnnrinni ploughing with a carclul inversion ol tho surface, followed by tho harrow, oilier &c, will fit tho earth for the reception ol the eed. Ilut such farms aro few, and on all otner, summer fallowing1 can alone be relied on for the proper tillage of the soil. If the soil is properly constituted, there is not the east dancer of over ullage, and in summer fallowing the true rule seems to be to plough I till there is not a root, plant or seed left in the ground to vegntate or interfere with the crop, l realeu in tins way tne sou is tho roughly cleaned, its particles divided and xposed to atmospheric mtiuenccs, anu tno ecotnposition of the animal matteis'is facil itated In this country, wo as yet know little of what would bo called summer fal lowing ir. England or Belgium; although it is nrobablo an improved agricultnrc will render such examples less uncommon Juno is not too early fir break ing up lands, and from tho first operation, the plough should bo used so as to prevent vegetation of any kind on tho lallow. Ci ivalor. THE TURNIP FLY. Il is credibly tsserled lhat tho ravages of this insect, which for years past has proved so destructive to the turnip crop, may uo effectually remedied by sprinkling the youthful plants with house-ley or urine of any Kind, in wn:cn tuiro or munaio ui buuu has been dissolved. This remedy, if effec tual, and wo have no scruple as to lis entire efficacy, is certainly a cheap ono. Muriate of soda is but another name for common sail, and of nitre, the common salt-pelre of the shops, overy larmer has usually a sup ply on hanu. Wo havo-lriod this liquid on a bed of onions, a portjpjfrpf which, not withstanding tho carlinejjjKif tho season, had been nearly destroyed by small black fly or insect, with entire success. A single i ap plication proving sufficient to frustrate their oporatious and effectually to destroy all rel ish for tho mlant plants, we hope mat those of our farmers and gardeners who arc so fortunate as lo possess tho requisite fa cilities.for making this simple but important experiment, will do so without delay. A remedy lhat shall prove eueciusi in preeorv ing the turnip plant from the ravages of this pestiferous insect, would if promulgated, bo worth thousands annually to iho State. Maine Cultivator. A poor married woman was telling a staid lady, somewhat on tho wrong side ot liny of some domestic troub es which she in great part attributed to thp irregularities of her husband. "Well," said the, old inaid, 'you have brought these troubles on J'oijV self. I told von not to mairv him. I.was suro ho Would not make you a 'goodilius- band." "Ho is not a good ono, iq'Jjb sure. madnm. ' replied tho woman, "but ho is a great deal better than none al all,' iuUATT 80, 1842. MuituuMS OF VA Tim clrtH. r .1. . - U.h ::n? I- ' " l" 0 BVS Genera, and nt, ' : """nuurancoof its inhabl inuicv centuries hence. considered more a kin to romanci Z Belonging lo actual reality. Lwpiied by tli, llll !,0 c;ro,llas 'look tho crois,' and mo; r;.- ,:".:!0 "si" emulLted-V,;dannrJK,,",!a"',0'!d icrmiiiaiion, Urn wfopl l llMlI I. . . , ...W.W1V utc" 01U was born to her weak with hatre.1. ,1,..,,... . " 7 ""gieu i 1C L' N l)nli.r .... l 1 u-inr,. ir, .T "M"V " unmitigable, und w S 1 be"eKe ridiculed that devotion which brought womnii 1.. .1.- . confided thecareofthobeu d c ly , expcrienco.t hat k. n. b ' 10 . ,, . ' uiusiasm 01 a super ..; 11 u"ce rollsctJ. o sacrifice is o--., nu uutruig8 past endurance. ... .w LUllimuilLX- UCIH tfl onor..lo l:n. it, II, O- .W..IUOICU, -..u ,u,u,., uiicrwards to Gouvian St. wyr, anu, ....any, ,0 AJarsflal AU(,ercau. .k u,,u j..urjiice marked tho conduct u, u. HIi -.3-oostinacy and conlempt ul hnniTpr. Klfiunnna .1 ...,r..-!.. . 1 :-a--' 'iu ouuenng, charac terized the exertions of the besieged. When the castle of Monjuro was literally a hean of ruins, ihn rnmiimi nrii. i - '- - ui wic jarrison enter en iiuu mc wwu. anu cairying but loaded with cenades nmi provisions. " " .""r ""-case irighllullv jn. creased; but it was death even to name the wo.d, capitulation.' Three practicable breaches were open, and each wide enough for 40 men to mount abreast. Thev were repeatedly assaulted, and on ono occasion liamilin nnmn n ,t ; i t . . - .. o M" our times in vo hours. Tho !?,i. fought hand lo hand with iho Spaniards; and such was the fe 'impatient of tho lime iiniri 'L.l. ,' " Ll rOCUV lllsnl their muskets, the defendant, n,.,u. ..5 stones from ho breach, and brained their enemies with iheso readier weapons'' A partial supply thrown into the citv l.v while lfostairich, where -tho magazines had been provided for the use of the beleagurcd fortress, was seized by a a French division under Genernl Pino, the (own burnt, and the. provisions carried off or destroyed. Famine was now awfully felt, and in conseqeuenco disease became moro extend ed and more malignant' i ho situation of the inhabitants was hopeless, for the ingen uity and weariness ot the besiegers prevent ed tho possibility of succors being intro duced' 'the opaniarus now died in such numbers, chiefly of dysentery, that the daily deaths, were never less than thirty five, and sometimes amounted to seventy; and the way to ihe burial piace was never vacant. Augcread straightened the blockade and that the garrison might neither follow tho example of O Donnvl, nor receive any supplics,however small, ho drew his lines, strotched cords witn oeus aiong tne mier spaces, and kept watch dogs at all tho posts, Tho sullenngs already endured by tho inhabitants almost exceeds belief, and the official report delivered to Alvarez the governor, by Samaniego, who was at tho head of the medical staff, and has left written record of the seise told-a frightful tale of the horrors which reigned over that brave and devoted city. lliaro did not remain a single building in Gerona which had not been injuied by tho bombardment; not a houso was habitable: the people slept in cellars, and vaults, and holes amid the ruins, and it had not unfrequently happen ed that tho wounded were killed 111 the hospitals. Tho slreets wero broken up, so that the rain water and the sewers stagnated there; and thpe estitential vapors which arose wero renucreu more noxious by tho dead bodies which lay rotting amid the rums. The seigo had now endured seven months' Iho very dogs before bun ger consumed them, had caused to follow after kind; they did not even fawn upon their masters; the almost incessant thunder of artillery seemed lo maRo them sensi bje of the state of tho city, and the uiina tural atmosphere affected them as well as human; it even affected vegetation; In the garden within the walls tho fruits withered, . . . ...LI. II I.- and scarcely anv vegeiaaia couiu uo rais ed. Within die- last three week3 above five hundred of tho garrison had died in the hospitals; a dysentary was ragtng and spreading; the sick wero lying upon tho ground, without ueas, nunosv wunoui ioou, and Ihero was scarcely fuel to dress tho little wheat that remained, and the few horses which yet unconsumcd; In this wretched 6late, the skeleton of what had been a garrison sallied, were successful for a moment, bu't,.in turn wero, repulsed and driven back' "ithis was a dying effort; unablo even,tp inter the dead ono hundred bodies lying oyer the giounu; naneu, couin less, ana putrescent, anu uiu. gutomur uu JVhshIjcv 11. dor tho delirium or n fever, thoso of thd inhabitants that remained, accepted honora ble terms, and yielded all that was standinff at Gerona. Maxwell' s Lfc of JFcMing- CAN THIS BE JlfsTICfi, As the sun shone down gaily ono morri mg on tho crowded slreets of ihe great metropolis, a drunkard came forth from 'a Utile gfog shop where ho had passed tho night' Jle stood and pondered. Ho was racked by the agonies wMpIi mm-t, i. . riod immediately subsequent lo a fit of in toxication. Pain nnil turn. . t'.i. despa.r, mortification, and deep disgust With himself hurnt h Is cnni tIA .ti t 1 , ' "wmii uu JUH 1119 uegredation. With an llntvnnlcrl l.iiin- ncss, thoughts of many clftnccs neglected -of weeks spent in.riot-of the scorn of he world, and tho superciliousness of those called respectable, cui his heart with a sharp grief. Heaving an inward groan, he started off, and down a bye street id walk away if possible such font fill ,nrt . - - --.MB ft VllbVi (ions. After a whilo his nnnnitfn and ho wished for food. Wishing merely was vain, for ho had not a rtd cent. In an evil moment he vichlpd tn ii, . e saw in a sma rnMri t i' , b ; uicuu nil- ed on a barrel top. He entered, and whilo y u Uilrrci 'OP- Ho entered, and wi llie owner was busy at the back shelf, ravenous creature jiuBinod a loaf, i made off with it. The 'keeper of tho C tho and cener nr ilm rn- eery saw, him as he wcnUwliscovered life heft and pursued the cri.ri?3al. Ho waa Drought back, a nnlicnmnn naii.i .. , ...... wUiii.u, UHU lilt! deed substantiated by tho preseneo of the used. So the thief was tnkpn ntr ,n son, and being arraigned a few hours after wards, was summarily ennviptp,! on tenced to the customary place just out f ihe city, there to remain fur mn,r t hard labor and confinement. . . " w muii r UaV D JitllMS.tUe Lsamo hnur wliPfrin curtains riojBsysiTRrTiTr-nTMtrnW mahogany. Jio-pc'rsonage who sat there seemed of about middle size, rather short and stout in figure, and head a little bald. On a table near him lay a hat with a broad brim. By the opposite side of tho tablo stood a second gentleman, elegantly alliied, and with a Iottly loolc th-a spoUc of pndo within. And can the transfer be maoo without iho others knowing it!' said the gentleman in the chair. As easy as speak, answered the other, they never examine.' 'But they might examine.' 'I tell you, only pay them a handsome dividend, and they'll rest easy rny length of time. Then tho middle aged geutleman put his finger under his chin, and looked down a moment abstractedly. 'Have you not determined yetr asked Iho personage standing. Long ago, sir, long ago. Uut it is a dangerous gamo, and must be played cau tiously.' 'Well, shall wo lake this step or riotr The bald man raised up, his twinkling cyo moi iho eye of his companion, and-ihe two looked at each other a moment there was an evil fatabilitv in that look. Then the stout gentleman bent his head gently two or three times without spealcing. The other understood him; ho smiled, and turning, left the apartment. Who, think you, wero iheyf l wo ras cals of rank. The one seated was princi pal officer of a monied institution the back part parlor which was the sceno ol tho incident just described. The second a dealer in tho kind of article which die institution had manufactured had como there to have a private conference with tho first. The subject of that conferencu was a scheme for making a splendid forluno jointly, by means of peculiar facilities for cheating possessed by bntn. Our narration must skip over interven ing events, to the period when the conspi racy of those two wicked men worked its way out. The bubble burst. The master hand had arranged things well, and thoy triumphed. Yet was the tempest a terrible ono I -Widows, left with a narrow competence; young children; sicfc people whose cases were hopeless, but who might linger on for many years; sailors away upon tho ocean; mechanics, fishermen, whose earnings were scant and dearly bought; serving girls, keepers of small shops, young men just commencing business, economical doctors and clergymen in their novitiate, all theso and a hundred more, had either deposited money in tho institution, or wero sufferers by its bankruptcy in other ways. It would be an endless effort, almost to (ell who was wronged. Yet the tempest blew over after a time.