The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 23, 1842, Image 3

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    fiy lasl evening's mail wc lean thai the
J-ejult of the election in Louisiana I'as lutncil
in favor of Democracy, and Louisiana is'
tfglit side up.' Monlon'n majority fur Gov
vornor. as far as heard from, is 1D73! Tho
Whig majority in ilio samo parishes in
IS 10, was 3,880, consequently the Dem
ocratic gain is 44G31
Thero will bp a Democratic majority in
loth houses of (lie Legislature!
This-is the first time that the Democrats
have over carried their candidate for Gov
ernor. flu tables arc turned, in the candidates
'for Congress.
The honorable E. D' Vliite(Vhig)has
been re-elected from tho 1st district with
out opposition.
General DawGon (Dcm) is re-elected
from the 2d congressional district; by bo
wccn live and six .hundred majority.
Partial returns, received from tho 3d con
j;ressionai district indicate that James G
tfryce( Dcm.) has been elected over the
honorable John Moore; the present Whig
Representative, by a large majority.
The , sober second thoughts' of the pco
pic never wrong, but always efficient.
The Boston Courier says that there was
no one seen in the' 6trcets of that city on
the -4ih of July intoxicated; nor were thero
any accidents of a serious -(nature during
tho day and evening. This for a city in
which must have been on that day 150,000
people, and nearly all of thsm, at some
t'nno of the day or evening, in the street, is
without parallel, we belivc, in the history
if the world, except in our own city on the
occasion, when hut two intoxicated people
made their appearance in the streets. N.
V- .Sun.
German in America. A mammoth pub
lication with th'w title", in the German lan
guage, ban been slatted at Ilarrisburg. It is
a larger sheet than ihe celcbiated Brother
Jonathan. It is of course, all Dutch to us
Imt wo understand that its contents arc the
etioisest literary productions of the 'Father
Land.' The present number is embellish
ed wiili numerous engravings.
The Galena Gazette of tiie 2nd instant
reports a battle between tho Sioux and
Chippoway3 on the authority of the cap
tain of the steambort Hook River. About
one hundred and thirty Chippeways atack
ed the Lower Sioux village, killed thirteen
anil wonnded eighteen. Five Chippeways
wero killed and number wonnded. The
latter then retreated to their own country.
The'Eangnr Courier of Monday last says:
'It is stated here, and is true, that Captain
Talcott and his surveying party north of
St John, have been recalled, while the party
south of the river wjll eon'.inne their topog
raphical survey ,Thie movement is supposed
)y some not only to indicate, hut almost lo
prove, that ihcUoumlaryQiiestion has been
agreed upon,
We learn from the New York American
that on Friday this noted forger and exmem
her of Congress, was sonlcnced to three
years imprisonment ih the Slate pripon.
Outrage at Haxverd Uuivcrsity. Some
rnischcvou person has been preparing an
act at Harvard, for which ho will probably
Buffer in tho end On Wednesday, a largo
bomd shell was placed in PrufesserPicrco's
recitation room in the University Hall,
which exploded with such violence as to
shatter the ronm in every part. The parti
tions of three other ronm3 contiguous were
all throw.i down and other injury dono to
tho room. Tho winJows were all broken
and (he floor broken through down to tho
Commons Hall, Tho cause of tho outrage
is not kntiwn nor have tho perpetrators
been discovered.
Remarkable. Washington died in
the 1(ts hour of the last week of the lait
month of Iff? year in tho eighteen century.
that the new lino of demarkation between
the United State ct Texas gives the latter
about seven hundred milci of what has
been considered tho territory of Louisiana.
It alto takes from Arkaneas the whole of
the ticli county of Miller, & part of Lafay
tile, and includes many of the moat oxten
sive pUla'iun of the two Stales.
New Mode of Killing Fitas, Place
the animal en a smooth board, and pen him
to viih a licdi' of shoemaker's wax; then
as win as he been nes quiet, commence
reading to him the doings of Congress du
riu? the present sus.-inn; and in fivo minii-
iej ho w: burst with indignation,
..-This, vord admits, of!, very., peculiar
significations under peculiar. circiimstanccs,
as was instanced in debatoVpoti tho re char
lor of Bucks County Bank last Friday in tho
IIouso of Representatives. One clauso
restricted its discount to 'tho amount of
specie in its vaults or an equivalent.' Mr.
Stevens did not understand tho lorm, and
said he would like to know what specific
construction was intended. 'In the Tow
anda and Berks County Banks,' continued
Mr. S. 'the notes of the Director were
considered an equivalent- in some sections
of the StateocA is considered nn cquiva
lent, and in others hooppolcs and shingles',
and it would be satisfactory to the people lo
know tho real specie basis of the Bank's
capital for if it ware either, Ihe director
notes, pgrk, hoop poles or shingles, ho
should voto against the bill. Notwithstanding
tho lrughter which followed, the troth of the
remark proved somewhat effective The
motion to transcribe for a third reading was
voted down. Washingloman'
The friends of Clay held a meeting in
tho court house on Saturday evening, and
adopted resolutions favorable to a tariff and
'Harry of tho West;' Tho meeting was
addiessvd by Mr. Cochran of York, Mr.
Morris of Pbiladclpliia.aml Messrs, Fisher,
Berryhill and Sedgwicji of this borough.
They adjourned seemingly well pleased
with each olher. Tiashintoman.
A young man 'named Israel Camp. jr.
or Wyalnsir.g township, Kardford county,
was shot dead, in the morning- of tho -1th
in3f by the accidental discharge of a gun.
It seems that young Camp, with several
others, was engaged io firing morning
salntca'with musknr, in commemoration
of thegtestday of cur National Indepen
dence. In rc-lnading his gun, after having
pill down tho powder, with one wad just
inside the muzzle, ho was feeling in Ins
pocked for more wadding, rested against
his breast. In this position tho gun was by
some means discharged, tho contents pas
sing directly through the young man's
heart, who fell to tho ground and instantly
expired, Thus was a young man of great
worm and promise hurried into eternity,
even while the heart was overflowing with
;,.,r ,,, I i. rt .,
jujr uuu uiKiiitv, nu was m mo ivtli vear
oi ins age. Montrose Volunteer
rt f ,
j'saims ana nuns. A lato number of
tho Glasgow Courier says, that a maiden
lady, suspecting her fomalo servant was
regaling her beau upon the cold mutton of
tho brdcr.caltcd Bcttv, and inquired whth
cr she did not hoar soma one speaking with
Her down stairs. 'Oh no, ma'am, replied
tne girl, it was only me singing a Psalm
Xou may amuse yourself, Betty,' replied
tho maiden, 'with Psalms, bat let's have no
Htmn Botty; I have a great objection to
mms. Hetty cur.sicd, withdrew, and took
tho hint,
Damage by Hail Tho Cayuga Patriot
estimates that damage to the amount of
$100,000was done in tho towns of Maniz
and Sennet, in thai country, on Saturday
last hy u nirst tremendous hil storm.
This storm extended its ravages at inter
vals from Onandago to Erie county indica
ling that iis course was uninterrupted
through that whole distance.
The committee appointed by tlieLegisla
lure to investigate matters of Bank briberry
has reported a majorit) & minority reports,
both of which exculpate Governor Porter
from all tho charges alleged against him-
Tho majority report was made by Mr.
Shamvood, and is considered to be an
able and impartial document. The minori
ty report was made by Mr. Lowry and eon
curring with (he material points,
It is stated in Bradford's 'History of
Massachusetts,' that in 1753, on the anni
versary of the Society for promoting Indus,
try three hundred females of Boston as
sembled on tho Common with heir spin
ning luhccls, They were neatly attired in
cloth of their own manufacture, and a great
crowd of spectators assembled to witness
the scene
There was no talk, in thoso days, of
homo leagues and protective tatiflj.
Wo learn from the Nashville Whig that
the new mail arrangement from Louisville
to that eiiy went into operation on the 1st
instant. Tho mail from Baltimore is now
only six days in reaching Nashville
A white woman was recently violated
by a black ruffian, near IIopkinsville.Tenn
He was arrested, and doubt to pun
ished as he descrvus,
The ResuU thus far. hl tho Slates in
tho Unioh.-.butNQrlh Carolina, havo held
elections oinco .tho' Exlia Session, making
to oiaics; ot tins number 10 havo given
democratic majorities,
The Hard Stuff. The amount of spe
cio whirh passed through iho Custom
IIouso of Now York, from June Mih to
'ho Hinst. was 858,979.
Ladies in Luck. Tho Govorrior of
Missouri patdoned .a female convict lately,
because thero wero no accommodations in
the prison fsr ladies?
Agricultural Cumositv. Tho editor
of the Lancaster Intelligencer has in his
possession a combination of stalks of rye
making ten vigorous, full grown stalks,
each eight feet four inches high, with remar
kably large and full heads, and all grown
rom one seed!
Up to tho 9th inst. 31,828 cmigranls
had arrived ai Quboc this session.
Thirteen old soldiers of the Revolution
were present and took part in the nelebra
tion of the -lib instant, at Ulica. Twelve
of them rode in tho procession. The
youngest of tho twelve is seventy-two, a'jd
tho oldest ninety-two years of ago and their
aggreato ages ia tiio hundred and seventy
six. Bank in Florida. The
Sentinel savs.
'Thoro is not, in all Florida' we bolicvo
at this timc.abank in existence. Wo believe
the Jacksonville bank, even, has changed il,
residence, and now struts in Fulion streets
New Nork. The bony arms of Locofoco
ism. or some ism, has cleared the field.'
The Morton Creed is thus given in a
paper called tho Wasp published in the city
of Nauvoo: 'To mind one's own business,
and let every body else do likewise.'
Highest Land. Tho highest point of
land in North America, east of the Rocky
Mountains, ia Mount Mitchell, a peak of
the Black Mountain, in Buncompe county,
North Carolina. It is six thousand four
hundred and seventy six feet high, by ac
tual measurement.
Gofcntor Dorr. Is said to bo at King
ston, Upper Canada.
Trtincndotts Load. Ono train of cars
on the Worcester Railroad left Boston on
he evening or tho Fourth, aficr the fire
works, with twenty-fivo cars, contian
ing700 passengers!
Nice Mouthful. 'Hallo Pomp, what
aro you doin' dare!' 'Fishing.' And what
you got in your rr.ouf?' Nogn but some
worms for bait.'
Three men were drowned on the 4th at
New Comcrslown.Ohio. and the Ohio Stat
says six persona were drowned on tho
samo day, at Akson, Ohio.
Preparations are in progress in IheTwclfih
Congressional District of Massachusetts, to
give the lion. John Q.Adams a brilliant re
ception on iiis return from Congress
It said that a U. S. Sieamer has been or
dered to Halifax, on some business connect
ed with the Boundary Question.but that sho
cannol leave New York for want of funds.
Can this be possible?
MARRIED By tho Rov. D- S.Tobias.
sometime a-o, Mr. JACOB to
Uliss JiYDlA SRRAUP, of Hemlock.
By Ihe same, on tho 21st instant. Mr.
H It. KM AN, both of Orangeville.
.&t Blpomsfoiirg, Fa.
( Corrected
fl'r. !.. 1
- 50
5 00
1 25
1 1
1 50
Com, .
Fla.u'ced, Butter,
Dried Apples,-
nplTOSr: indole,! to tho estate of tho lato Doct.
by Note, Hook Account or Vendue .Votes,
aro hereby notified that tho Notes ami Accounts
ore left in tlio hands of IDDINGS BAHICMIV,
Esq. for cnlk-ction, whero thoy aro requested to call
and pay tho same on or before llio IStli jay of
Augud neit, ortlicy will bo proceeded against ac
coiding to law,
l.. II. IMTPI'PT .ii:....,..
j Bloeussbutgr, July 15, 1613, 4v 13
ts Hereby EJivon:
rpnO nil legatees creditors, and other
JX tcrcstcd in tho estates of tho respective Jcce
dent3 and minors that tho administration and guar
dian nccouhtsof llioeaid catate havo been filed in
tho Office of tho Itenlster of tho countv' of Cnlmnlim
and wilt bo presented for tho confirmation and ul
Iownn:e to llio Orphans' Court, to be held at Dan
ville, in and for tho county aforcenid, on Tuesday
tho 16th day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
1. The account of John Shivcly, administrator
of the estate of Isaac Lemon, lato of Greenwood
township, ice'd.
2. The supplcmcntaiy account of John Shivcly,
adminlstraiorof tho cstato of Robert Lockhart, lato
Of Derry township, dee'd.
8. Tho account of Isaiah Salmon, administrator
of tho estato of William ('reveling, lato of Jllooin
township, dee'd.
t. Tho second supplementary acrount of D mlel
and Hcntv Glaiicr. adniinislrators of llio attain of
Henry Oiggcr, lato oi Montour townshipdee'd.
0. Tho account of Janifj Strawbridgc, surviving
ovecutor of tho last will nod testament of John
Wilion, late of Liberty township, dec ib
0. Tho account nf John lleitz. minrdinn nf Win.
fteilz, a minor child of Joseph iiciti. late of Oatta-
wissa township, dee'd.
7. The sunnlemcntarv nccounl of Gcon-ft nm!
Isaac Hartr.ian, executors of the last will and tes
tament of Michael Hartman, late or Sugarloaf
township, doe'd.
y. i he final account of John Israel and I'hilip
Uiddlo executors of tho list will nnd testament nf
Gcrsham Diddle, Into of Deny township, dee'd.
9. Tho account of Jamca Kochnr. administrator
do bonis non, of tho estate of Thomas Cawley, lato
vi ariar urceK townmip, uec o.
J'UIMP UII,liMliYGR, Resistcr.
Keoistkii's Ornci:, Danville, 7
July 15, 1813. 5
Y virtue of a writ of venditioni eisponai to
SLU mo directed, will bo exposed to public Balc,at
tho Court House, in Danville, on Monday, tho IGth
day of August 1812, at 1.0 o'clock, A. M. tho fol
lowing, viz :
ciiir.fT.v 7,ot of anov.yv
eiluato in Danville, Columbia county containing
mm wsi umsa
adjoining lot of YiiUam Hartman, Charles White,
nn,l fVw. f 1 1 r .! Wilt . . .
nu mu vunai, uuu UUMUIIg Oil IHIli SUCCI, WilCfC-
on is erected
vur.u "it
watbcr boarded, as the right, title and interest of
tho defendant
Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as Ihe
property of JN'oah M'Kcan and Robert Adams.
JOHN VrtUIT, Sheriff,
Sur.nirv's Office, Danville, J
July 15, 1812. $
SE2322IF5?'S SALE.
RT)Y virtue of a writ of alias venditioni cxponoF,
Jyji to mo directed will bo exposed to public sale,
at tne Court House, in Danville, on Monday, tho
15th day of August, 1812, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tho
iouowing property, viz :
A cerdaiEi lot ofi land Sit
uate mine townthip of Briarcreek, and county of
Columbia, cootannug TUN ACRUS, more or less,
adjoining lands of John ,ockard and Jeremiah
Harris, and bounded on tho Southwest by the
Susquehanna and Tioga Turnpike, whereon are
Seized, lakcu in execution, and to bo sold as the
property of John Shaffer,
JOHN FRUIT, Sheriff.
SurniFr's Oetict, Danville, "
July 15, 1812. 5
V virtuo of a writ of venditioni mo
Jj directed, will bo exposed to. public sale, at
the Court Hout.0 in Danville, on Monday, tho 1 6'th
day of August 1812, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tho fol
lowing property, viz:
interest of a certain Iotofgronnd.Gituate in Bloom
township, Columbia county, containing ONE
HALF ACRE , moT or less. aJioinin'T John IIo-
bistm nnd otherj, whereon is erected
Se'ued, taken in execution, and to bo sold as tho
property of Johii Hazclct, jr.
JOHN rRtJlT, Sheriff.
SheiufVh Orncr, Danville,
July 15, 1S12. 5
fJTilHE subscribers, trading under tho film of
U HGPKltT .to llAHTOff.
give notice, that they havo this day dissolved part
ncrship hy mutual consent. All those having ac
counts with tho firm, aro requested to call and set
tle boforo tho 15th of August next, as thoy are
desirous of closing tho firm accounts as soon ns
Bldomsburg, July 1, 1812, ' .
Tho husiucsj will bo eonlinucd at tho old btand
by tho subscriber whero he will bo happy to attend
upon his friends and tho public generally, and
supply them with Good very low for cash or
country produce,
BlpomsburgrIuIy 4. 1G12,
S3 hereby given lo all concerned, that I havo
purchased of Josoph Grimm, ono MantJe clock,
one Ueaureau, ono Heifct two Hogs, one Bed, one
n ing Table, and havo left thorn in his possession
during my pleasure, I forbid any person parchtu
ing, or taking them away, without my consent.
Hemlock, July 2, IS 12.
Bcmaining al the Post Office Bloomi
burg, July 1st, 1842.
Andrew Orevlin, Camilo Carrado, John
C, Gejger, Lawronro Garvey, Jacob Hog
cis, John Hoakirt, Melles fl-ldtr, Jesse
Elizabeth Wagner.
.' For rfu'gthl Tehh, 1842.
Robert Montgomery, vs. John Coursin, Robcrj
Tairman and Win. Swisher.
Rev. Daniel Barber, Vs. Thomas Barber, and
Caleb Thomai, admr's. of James Barbor.dcc'd.
William Dale vs. Charles Craig.
Samuel I'arlcr vs. William Donaldson.
GeorgoN. Bowman vs Sil.n R.
Edward R. Biddlo vs Joseph P&Utn
Charles Cox.
Com'tli. of Pennsylvania vs William Colt.
Marv 2'trawhr!dtte va .foaar. I'nn.t.n.
Charles Miller and William IC. Brown vul
del lrwin,
John Spohn vs Daniel Mussclman, adm'r.
Maihcw Kylo vs Samuel Miller.
Mason Crary vs Mary llossler.
MaryTowlcr Vs William Sloan and-Jackson
John y'limmings.jr.. indorrcrof Ieaic M'Crd
vs John C. I.csii.
HamucI Miller vs Jamca F. Murray and Robert
Autcn, adm r ef John Auten, dep'd.
13. W. Bennet v William W. Cook,
John F. Man,,, wlin ,n.. 11 l.r ie
I . ' "w lul IllillSUi 1 R5
CoJumbia county vs Mosrs Moyer.
Gcornc J3. Gehrfrr r TVo,!,,;,.!- I.'. lit.. t,
Moore, et al.
Jaseph Brobst and Geortrn A. V.lSs km
Easton. J
Unltcr Livingston and A. Lyman, trading under
the firm of Livingston Lyman vs Christian A
William Donaldson vs David Petrikcn.
Hcnrr Coder and Ann W,a ,ir . .1... n.
A. Ilrobst vs John Briggs, Executor.
Peter Luneer vs Charleu Unnw wi:n:.
David Alligcr vs Gcorgo W Shaw.
Thoma3 Ben field V3 Thomad Chambers, ct al
John Kresslnr vs Aaron Bnono
Samue A Birkenbino ts Jonathan Purscll
George Taylor vs Samuel F Hcadley
Elibha Smith vs Hugh Smith
Daniel Ho,i(s,vs Burd Patterson et al
James Deifcnbacher. et al. v Tinm.. ri 1 j
, - -..itiiuo viiuiuocra
ct nl
ElcazerS Kinney vs Moses Davis John Rtich
Bcniamin Havivoml. oi nl n,i...i i, Tr ,,f,
- j - wunatu iv umuiej
Thomas Loyd vs WillUm Kitchen
Enoch S Clark, ct nl vs Edward Y Farquahr
John M Maus vs Thoma3 M Brandon
Christian A Brobst v3 Simon P Kase, ct al
David Reich vs henry Primmer
Grand Jury, for August Term, 1842.
Briarcrccli Dcrrie't A
gewer, Peter Hoffman
,r n'T , P.aron' pclcr Mnch, Samuel
Mclhck, Jacob Mellick.
Laltaivissa John Rittcr, Isaac Ycttcr
ficrry John Dyo
Greenwood-Robort Fairman, Gcorgo Gray
Jnckcon John Connor
Liberty Frederick Blue
I-Amcttonc Daniel Gouger
Madiion Samuel iJrnglcr, Richard Fruit, John
Mahoning Let iJergsrtcsser.
Mifflin. Jcnjamin Yoho
Sugarloaf Joshua .Blink, William J Hs
Valley Peter Bright; Jacob Sidlor.
Traverse Jury, 1st week.
Briarcreek loha T Davl3
Bloom Daniel Gross, William Sloan
Derry Michael Herr, Michael Hcndcrshot,Johrt
Magonigal, John Seidlo
Greenwood Philip Reese
Hemlock Jambs Everett, Michael Stcckcr, Da
vid Smith
Jackson Peter 7odgo
Liberty Adam Foltmcr, Win Hendricksem
John Hcndrickson, Hugh M'Cracken
iimcsoiif--DaVid Davis, George Smith
Madison Joseph Masters, Elisha li Smith
Mahoning Jomes Corncliion, Wm Kitchen
David Stuart
Mifflin Mathew Brown, John Jrown jr. Daniel
Noyer, George Schwank, Abraham Wolf
Montour David W Clark. Lewis Kaufman,
Peter Rupert
Orange Jacob Roup, Edward McHenry
Roaring creek Acizi Fox, Peter Hcrbine, Wm
Traverse Jury, 2i tceek.
Hriarctetk Jacob Domboy, Jonathan
Eck, Jacob Hill, John Knorr, eenr. Alex
antler Thompson.
Bloom Cyrus Barton, Moore Crireling
Andrew Cnveling, John Grotzj Jo3opli
Cattawissa Stephen Ralcly, Petof
Bodiue George Holabacli, Dcnj. Millet.
Derry Daniel Carr, Hugh Walton.
Fishing creek Abranam W. Kline,
Greenwood Jacob 'Ovans.
Hemlock Robort Mooro. John PursliII.
Thomas Vanderslico,
Limestone John Caltlwell.Daviil Krnm
Abraham Walter.
Madison Hichan! Dcmott. Clark Dil-
dine, Pegs Grgen.
Mahomwr John C. Grier. Sownll
Gibbs, Edward Morrison, David Philips.
Montour rratiUlm Hartman. Georpo
II. Willits.
Mountpleasant William Kitchen,
Orange Daniel Fornwalt.
Sugttrloafllcmy Hess,
Estate of Marshal Kany, la!" of jJioovi'
township, Columbia county deceased.
"KKJOTIOfi is hereby glven.that letter-; of admin
Ixi ibtralion on tho ulovu estato. hive lief n nran
e.l by tho Register of CV'imtia county to tho ,-ulr
scriber residing in Jlontenr, whorfiju.'- all in
debted to said cstato lo moko jminedldte payment
and all having claims against it, to present them
properly authenticated for Eettleirent.
Monleur, July 10, 1812. BwlS
I SllAI-l, DO IT ! i
ALL persons indebted to mo must mnke pay
ment by tis FII1ST OF AUGUST next.
All who neglect this notiee, will find their accouut
inthc hands of a Justice of the Tcace for collec
tion after that date.
Uloorasburg, Jur.e5, 1S13.