The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 16, 1842, Image 3

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    "tiictii wiTliocr run "
BJITVItDJlV, aULV 10, 18,
Subject to the decision of the National
Convention .)
A large nuinbsr of arrests of tho 8uffrago
party lists taken place, anil an examination
of prisoners is going on daily. Several
liave been discharged while otliors have
been committed for trial fur high treason.
TIid charter party having conquered the
suffrage men, are now taking their revenge
' very coolly, by imprisoning them without
mercy. It is said that several hundred
have been thrown into tho prison, whore
lliey suffer severely from their crowded
elate. Governor Dorr has fled, and sup.
posed to have gone hi Canada.
Alluding to the rumoured Treaty, tho Na
lional Intelligencer says 'Wo aro afraid
that the news is not only prematute, but
that there is a possibility nf its not becom
ing true at present" Certain it is, that ru
mor represents the settlement of one at
least of tho questions between Great Britian
and the United States to have been found
eo difficult as to leave a doubt whehtor it can
be considered probable-'
Tho New York Tribute says that two or
more of the mills at Lowell have been
stopped, and that between 2000 and 3000
ftelory girls have been thrown out of orn
' ployment.
Ths Whig papers of Philadelphia, are all
out for Mr. Clay, for the next presidency.
t The Spirits of Timet, Democratic, advo
. vocaleu Coinodore Charles Stuart, for the
samo high station, the Pennsylvanian,
seems to be in favor of Mr Buchanan and
tho American Sentinel, publishes Tyler
proceedings and eulogises President Tyler
without avowing itself in favour of any bod
y )n particular for the Presidency. There is
xi) Scott or Johnson paper in Philadelphia'
Hara-ti;es evertfuimg coining down.
It is estimated thai there r mTtltanics
out of employ 2.000 inp'hiladtlphiaj3,000
in New Yoik; 1,000 iiy 'Boston; 1,500 in
Ualtimnre.aud 5,000 in ail the large towns
n the Atlantic in all, neaily 10,000 out of
employ. This embraces those discharged
t by the Government. Wages are alsso com
ing down-prices coming down-pride com
ing down impudence coming down N.
Y- Heruli.
Great excitement prevails at Minersville
imong the miners. It appears that the
workmen have turned out and refused to
"vorlc or lei any of theii comrades do so.
The Potts villc military has been called into
acrvica, and the sheriff and the Priests have
aided to aljay the turbulent feeling'The last
meeting held by the miners, numdared eight
hundred men. An attempt has been made by
the proprietors of tho mines to reduce the
wages of the workmen.
Another account of tho disturbances a
.mong tho iriuers at Minersville, Elates that
on Friday and Saturday last about 1600
men had taken up their station on Primrose
Hill and manifested a disposition to pro
ceed to violence if fheir demands were not
complied with. To make their em
ployer pay cash to them for their wa
ges instead of orders on stores. These
stores, it soerni. are owned by the employ
ers themselves and for the goods thus re
ceived the minots have been cempelled to
pay about two prices. The employers a
greed to comply when another difficulty
took place. The workmen then struck
tot higher tvuget, which the proprietors re
fuse to give, and thus mater9 remained.The
wages of the miners has been from H to
$0 per week.
Two persons wont to law in Middlebury
Vt about some rotten eggs, which were
sold for good ones. It was carried from one
court to another, until the eosto amounted
tn $4000, or in orther words the sheriffs,
lawyers and judge sucked the yelk, and the
partioa carried away tho shells.
Great Emigration. .Tho New York
Americans says that Ictlois received from
the continent of Europo announce tho com
ing of thousands of Germans to the United
States, One letter atatos that 20,000 are
about to embark from one district, and that
rage for emigration pervades the whole of
Germany and Holland. The only event
that can possibly prevent tho coming of
these masses of emigrants, is the want of
vessels. An immense army of emigrants
aro on their march into France to embark a
French ports, In conGrmation of these
reports, we extract tho following from a
French paper, published in Paris, noted
for tho accuracy of its statements.
Emigarlion fro'n Germany. Whole
villages including the rich as well as the
poors aro emigrating, says a letter from
Mcnlz, from Germany to North America.
Three of those in Upper Hesse have.within
a few months been entirely abandoned, and
soveral in Rhenish Prussia aro preparing
to follow the example. A short time ago
the whole population of one of these villages
passed thinug'i Menlz on it way to America,
accompanied by its pastor and school mas
ter. Qalignani.
Fatal Occident, At Cincinnati, a few
days eince, a barouche containing two
men and three or four young ladies was
precipitated into the Ohio river, from a
feiry boat, by the horses taking fright and
rushing overboard. A crowd gathered.but
some, moments no one had the courage,
to attempt tho deliverance of the individuals
from their perilous conditions, till two
young mechanics, named Ferdinand For
rillo and 'Vm, Whigham, jumped into the
flood, and succeeded in rescuing the females
wan ttic exception ot a miss Henrietta
Smith, a young lady aged 15, years who
was drowned. Tho driver narrowlly escap
ed. The two horses were drowned The
body of Miss Smith was recovered abon t
two hours after the accident,and from sever
al bruises on Iter body she had doubtless
been struck by the horses while under the
Immense Emigration. The New York
papers state that upwards of 30,000 emmi
grants have already arrived at that port
since tho commencement of the season
There are now a large number of vessels at
the Quarantine full of passengers. It is
supposed there will be 80.000 arrivals this
season. One thousand seven hundred and
seventy oight passengers arried on Thurs
day week.
Lieutenant Wilkes is about to publish,'
with the consent of the government, a his
tory of the Expiming Expedition.
Placo several small pieces of camphor
gently in basin of pure water, and with a
red hot wire ignite them as they float,
lumps will shoot about comical anties. ex
hibiling a lively dance of fire balls.
John S, Ingram. Esq, Editor of the
Harrisburg Washinglonian, proposes to
furnish that paper (and it would be super
fluous for us to say that it is one of the best
engaged in that glorious causoj to Socie
ties, on the following terms in andvance;
7 Copies 1 year
15 "
100 " '
Hon. C. F'Mtehell. This distinguish
ed personage it seems has some how or oth
er come back from Ohio to Philadelphia.
He was arrested there at the Merchants
Hotel, on Saturday evening, and taken
down to Moyamensing. The Honorable
gentleman we are told is to go immediately
to New Yor'c, where his sentence awaits
Sheep. The number of sheep ia this
country is estimated at thirty-fonr millions
one fifth of which belong to New York.
A 'guess' at the product fixed it at ninety
millions of pounds of wool.
Snno. The mountains in tho vicinity
of Schoharie, N. Y, white with snow on
the morning of the 27lh of Juno and much
injury was dono by the frost to corn and
The New York Canal lolls to the 1st of
July ore9 105,000 leas than for ths same pe
riod last ycarl
MUs Gaylord, a young lady of Hadley,
Mass, was buit to death on tho nigh of the
10 inst., in consequence of indulging in the
dangerous practice of reading in the bed.
Tho Mechanics Bank ofPhiladelphia,one
of the suspended banks, has returned specie
payments in full.
Treasuy Notes. Tito amount of United
States Treasury notes outstanding on the
1st of July, was $9,077,009 05,
On Sunday, the 3d instant North Stam
ford during tho exercises of the sacramen
tal feast tho i'roysterian church was struck
by lightning, and tho Rev. Buffet and Rev.
Henry Fuller prostrated to tho earth, Mr.
Buffet was very seriously injured, Mr FulJ
lerlessso, but both havo recovered,
An intemperate fellow named Joel Hotch-
kiss, of Guilford, Ct, shot his wife with a
gun, a few days since, with intent to kill
her, but tho charge lodged in the leg. A
few years since ho waslried for tho murder
of his first wife, but escaped through in
A young maned William Roberts, of
Elklon, Maryland, arose in his sleep a few
nights since, and .walked off a high porch,
by which he broke his arm, and otherwise
injured himself.
Equivocal. 'Boy; who do you belong
to?' asked a gentlemen iho oilier day as ho
stepped on board of a steamboat, and saw
a 'darky' listlessly leaning on the guards.
'I did belong to Massa William, air, when
I came aboard; but he's been in do cabin
playing poker wid de captain 'bove an hour,
don'i know who Ibong to noiv.'
CN- O. Pic.
Emigrants arrived at Quebec this year to
July 2nd. 27, 657. To the same date last
year, 18,707. Increases, 8,950.
One-eighih of tho population of the town
of Kendal, England, are said to bo pa upers.
At the Second Advent Meeting recently
held at East Kingston, N. H it was deci
ded that the world would end on the 8th day
of April, 1843.
Wheat is estimated at 33 per cent better
through the country, than it was' last year.
There is no danger of starvation!
Goad. The law of Maryland, taxing
the Brokers $3000 per annum, went into
effect a week or two since. All the pirates
shut up shop, and hauled in their signs.
Tlmv talk of testinitthe. constitutionaliuof
uiu law. ou iiiigiii a unci icsi ine "cousin
utionality' of the law by which ho is sent
to the tread-mill; but it would n't do much
An Extra of the St. Louis Republican nf
the 3d insf, contains a statement of a dread
ful accident which we give below.
The Edna landed' at tho mouth about one
o'clock this morning. The Iatan was lying
there, and the Edna landed on the out side
of her, and laid in such position that it was
difficult for the Iatan to get away from the
shore. However af'.er a little trouble, the
Iatan got under way, and had run threo or
four hundred yards, when tho Edna shoved
out from the shore. Her bow could not
havo been more than one hundred feet from
the shore when she collapsed ber flues.
Her engine had been working out of gear
full a half hour, and had not been stopped
more than ten minutes at tho very out
The number of wounded is sixty thee,
mostly Germans, Some two or three were
blowed into the river and saved, and it is
supposed that two or three others were lost
The Cabins of the Edna and Iatan are
filled with wounded, and they aro receiv
ing every attention from the passengers
and others, that can be bestowed upon
As. soon as the accident happened the
Iatan dropped along side tho Edna, and
towed her to the Illinois shore, where the
Anawan took her in tow, and the Iatan
proceeded to St. Lnuis with the wounded.
The Edna was bound up tho Missouri
with full Height. She has been towed in
by the Anawan.
Not a single cabin passenger was injured.
Two or three only have died, though it
appeared almost impossible that several or
them can recover.
A number of men and woman appeared
to be literally skinned, The whole force
of the steam was thrown aft, over iho deck
puiongsri u they dept.
Hon. B. A. Bidlack has puablislio-.l
his speech in behalf of the Wyoming
claimants, made some years since, in pampli
let fdriri.'
It is not likely that Congress will adjourn
befoio the time for annual meeting in Dec
ember next and then they continuo right
on. Had they not better resolve themsel
ves into a permanent body, like the council
ot Fivo Hundred, and thus save the trouble
and expense of elections?
Extraordinary Phenomenon Wo aro
told by a gentleman from New Jersey,
that the Highlands of the Neversink in that
State near the Highland flights have been
gradually sinking since last Thursday, and
that in same places they havo alredy set
tled ten feet. The soil in that place is
mostly sand and gravel. N. lr. Sun.
At Jersey City, on Wednesday morning,
a man named Cook, whilst engaged in fir
ing cannon on the occasion of the deuiiso of
Senator Southard.had both his hands blown
off by an accidental discharge. Another
man was injured slightly.
MARRIED On the 10th inst;, by the
Rev. William J. Ever Mr. HENRY MIL
LER oI'Mifflin to Miss. MARIA ROTE
BERGER ol Roaring Creek'
DIED Near this place on tho 8th insf,
MARY, infant daughter of Caleb andSarah
Barton, aged about three years,
In Danville on the 8th inst., Mr. GIDE
ON MELLON, aged about 41 years.
At Bloomsburg, Fa.
(Corrected Weekly. y
Wheat, $1 10
Rye- 05
Corn, - 50
Chiverseed, 5 00
Lard,. , ,
Dried Apples,
THOSB indebted to tho estate of tho late Doct.
W. jr. l'ETttlKIJV, deceased, either
by Note, Boole Account or Vendue Notes,
are hereby notified that tho Notes and Aceounts
are left in tho hands of IDDINU3 .BARKLEY,
Esq. for collection, whero they are requested to call
and pay the same on or before tho 15th day of
August next, or they will bo proceeded against ac
coidiug to law.
Formerly owned by D. S. TOBIAS.,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and
the aublio generally, that he has just receiv
ed trom Philadelphia, a new and extensive assort
ment of
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints
Varnishes, Gass, Dycstufl 's,
(.OniCCIIOnariCS. oiCC. VC.
which, in addition to his former stock, comprises a
complete assortment of arliclesin his line of business, to bo fulfilled, wo can assuro them in perfect sinccr
All persons wishing to purchase any of the above ity, that wo are not only ablo to accomplish all wo
articles are pailicularly invited to call and price the havo proposed, but that, wo havo hi view other
articles in his Store before buying elsewhere as he striking features and novelties, which will material
is determined to sell as low, and by a littln Jewing, ly enhance tho valuo of our sheet. The public has
lower man can ue nougtu any where else in tho
surrounding neighborhood
Tho Subscriber considers it hardly nccssary to
mention tho aitidcs in particular ns he is confident
that no one can come amiss by enquiring fo rany aiti
clo belonging to a Drug Store.
N. B. Merchants and Physicians will find it
to their advantage to call and buy such articles as
they may stand in need of, as they shall be accom
modated at a very low percentage.
In few words all aro respectfully invited to call,
sco and judge for themselves.
Bloomsburg, July 1C, 1842. tf 29.
Estate of Marshal Kany, late of Bloom
township, Columbia county deceased.
T&TOTIUE is hereby given.that letters of admm
J33 istration on the above estate, have been gran
ted by the Register of Columl ia county to the sub
csribcr residing in Jtontenr, who requests all in
debtcd to said estate to mako immediate payment
and all having cliims against it, to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Montcur, July 10, 1843. 6wl3
LL persons indebted to mo must make pay
ment by tAo FIRST OF AUGUST nort.
All who neglect this notice, will find their accouuts
inthe hands of a Justice of the Peace for collec
tion after that date.
Blocmtbur?, Ju.n5, 1813.
JJlHSULUTlUiN U 1 Alt! IS filloJL j-a 5'
rTFlUE subscribers, trading- undcrlbo film of
m jta ii a nTnV. 1
give notice, that they Jiavn this day dissolve?! part fjt
nership by mutual consent. All those having aoa
counts with the firm, aro requested (o call find ctf?
llo boforo tho ICth of August next, as they nfnj'
desirous of closing the firm accounts A3 soon ur
L. ft. RUPERT.
BloomsWg, July 4, 1842, f
Uio business will be continued at tlie old sttndii
by tho subscriber whero ho will bo happy to attend
upon ins incnus anu wo puunc generally, miUi.j
supply thcrti with Good very tow for cash or"),
country produce.
Dloorasburg,July 4. 1843,
IS hereby given to all concerned, that I havnj,
purchased of Joseph Grimm, ono Mantlo clock, .
one Ucaurcau, ono Heifer two Hogs, ono Bed, onrt '
wing Tabic, and Ilavu loft them in' his possession
during my pleasure. I forbid any person purchas
ing, of taking tlicm away, without my consent. ,
Hemlock, July 3, 1S43,
Remaining at the Post Office Bloom
burg, Juy 1st, 1812.
Andrew Crevlin, Cnmilo Carrado, .Tohn J.J
C, Geiger, Lawrence Garvny, Jacob Rog
eis, John Reakirt, Melles Welder, Jesse
Elizabeth hgner.
is : t
Which in point of sizc,beauty of paper,
and typography, convenience oj 'form ,
value and freshness of Contents,aml nun,
ber will far surpass that of anu ever b
fore issued from any newspayer establish
mem in uie world.
Tho subsciiber, publisher of the Boston Notion,'
feets a degree of honest prido in being able to an
nounce that he is now making tho most extensive
arrangements, for the publication, at an early period
of a
which ho has every confidence, from" tho nature of
his arrangements, in assuring tho pubUc.'wiU fat
surpass, in point of
any of his previous ellbrts at newspaper publishing,"
and to which ho will challenge tho world topic
duco an equal I It will contain printed mitter, to
the amount of near sixteen thousand squar'o'inchcs,
or one hundred and four square feet! employing
over three million coven hundred thousand letters I
It will be embellished with oyer
200 Splendid Engravings'!
of a sorious, comic and ludicrous character, n lartr
.number of them .entirely original. The .Letter
r ress Contents, will bo ortno most valuaolo cnaraV
ter, and no Article will bo allowed a plnco in its col,
umns that has previously appeared in any American
publication as it will bo filled with entirely now
and fresh matter. Tho next stesmcr from Europe,
will bring us a large quantity of materials sent for
by us, expressly for tho columns of this stnpendous
Among otlicr matters, it will contiln two bx
tho two most celebrated and popular novelists of tho
age, and also a NEW NOVEL by Mrs. GO SB.
Thcso novels, when printed by tho booksellers, will
probably sell for from" two to three dollars. A largo
number of splendid Talcs, Romanics, Stories, Bio
graphical sketches, Memoirs of" distinguished ch
meters, t'oetry, Anecdotes and fun enough for a
S r.ii i
year, utv. tun mi uj, us tumiiiua.
Thoueh the promises we havo made above mat
' appear to iho readers of tho prospcelus. too liberal
pronounced uuvorauie verdict on our former .Manv
mothNotions. but we havo taken measuics for ren
dering the forthcoming ' Leviathan" a still greater
prodigy than any of it3 predecessors. Wo. have
engaged tho assistance ot several of onr most distin
guished literary men, both by making telectinns,
and furnishing original articles, and such a rigid
censorship will bo exercised in making the sheet,
that nothing unworthy of being cherished and pre
served, will find a placo in its columns. It will be
emphatically an
For this GREAT WONDER the charge will bo
Only fS5 Cents per Copy.
To Aoents. Thoso newspaper and periodica
Agents throughout the country, desirous of having
any of this astonishing publication, will please, send
us thoir orders at once, accompanied w ilh tho cash
a3 only a limited edition of Thirty Thousand Cop
ics will be printed. Ordeis will bo supplied in th
order in which they are rcce'ved, aftor allowing 6
reasonable time for distant agents. Tho wholesal
price to Agents and others wrll beS20 perhundrd.e
Fifty copies S10 twenty-fivo copies; gS.
To Clubs. Persons cUibing, shall receive sink
copies fer S3 Fourteen copies for S3 Twenty
copies for $4- and Twenty-Five copies for CSS.
To PosTMisTins Postmasters who will trou
bis themselves to forward a remittance, shall re
ceive an extra copy tor themselves in a' separaU
wrapper, for every 3 dollars for nine copies they
may enclose to us.
Publisher Boston Notion,
Notion office, Boston, luno 1, 1643.
The postage on this sheet will bo ouly one cent
under a hundred miles, and 1 1.3 cenU over 100
miles; es it will bo printed as a newspaper, Extrt,