1 -fhV :--sv Poetry n - MOONLIGHT. A 2VEW VOLUME. MAY 1st, 1842. THE SATURDAY POST. A FAMILY SHEET. or THE MAMMOTH CLASS. Btf TH01U 8 CAMPBELL; kin tli at would made a maid's cheek fluih TOlh, 08 if kissing were a sin nil i n 1 1 ii n uiuic ii iiuuui .l toll ahj rt n nnr I ... 1 - 1.1... I. O Uk a 111 Ml 111 U t BIIU U WAMWXf Beneath a modest moon. ays, gone never to come back: hen love returned entranced me . .Ill 1. i... so. H. BLI11 113 UIUIIII60 .i.U.W uut eiuii In the dark-chamber of my heart; e not my memory's fulme track I will not let you part. I'll l. .. nH.lUal 'Intra. nt nn mv bosom dront her head; n jjuvuiikiiii i.iwi. ...i moment 'then concentrated he blisB oLyears; is if the spheres Their course had faster driver, carried) Enoch-like above, A living man to Heaven 1 i Moon's the Earth's enamoifcd bride; I'rua to him in her very changes ro other stars she never ranges; dips Though;crossed(by Inm, sometimes she ' light, in short ottendea pride, And. faints to an eclipse. i fairies revel by her sheen: IP is only when the Moon's above 'he Are fly kindles into love, And Hashes lignt to show it: i nightingale salutes her Queen Of Heaven, her Heavenly poet. sen ye that love by moonlight gloom tleet at my grave.and plight regard, hl could I be the Orphean bard Of whom lt'is reported, lat nightingales sung o'er his tomb, When lovers cam and couriea GOOD HIGHT LITTLE STAR. Good night little star; I will go to my bed, "And leave you to burn, While I lay down my head "On my pill, to sleep Till the morning light; Then you will be fading, And I shall be bright. Fresh Flowers. New Store AND NEW GOODS. VIE subscriDcrs. inform the public, that they I havo entered into-Fartnership, under the firm EVER & HEFFLEV; Ldhave mst recei red 'from Philadelphia, and now bened, at their NEW STORE, JYorthtceslCor kr of Market and Maine Strects,Bloomsburg, entire new and extensivo assorment of bRV G 0 ODS, f,GRO C'ERIE S; HARD WARE, CROCKERY, AND Q UEENSWk RE, fyc. Irhich they offer for sale, on -reasonable terms, as' lieir prices are suited to the timee. Among their Hsortmcnt will be lounu Broadcloths. Cassimeres, Sattinelts, ond. various :&indt of cloths Jor men's Summer tvear; Calicoes; Ging hams; Cambrics; Muslins; Silks: Muslin dc lanes; and various other articles for Ladies' dresses; Shawls; Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Hose; bleached and Drown 'Domtslic Muslins; Ind a variety of other articles suitable for the season, Ind believed to be as good and complete an assort ment as is usally found in country stores. frt-COUNTRY PRODUCE will be received m iicnango, ana unon win not tie reiuseu. uar friends, and tlie public generally, are re- kneeted to call and examine for themselves. JACOB EYKR, CHARLES HEFFLEY. Bloomsburg, June 6, 1842. 0 Susquel&anna Hotel, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. CHARLES IIARTMAN IW9 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and B the public, that he has purchased the above lurke and commodious well known House, la'ely occupied by Samuel A. Brady, and having newy Ifitp. and furnish d with F.utlrc Now Fur nHvrb, is'now prepared to entertain all who may -II ' I . I : 'L . . I. !.." .11 .! I wavdie prpviJsd with-thc choicest of Liquors and bis TnI.K with tbe best the country market af- I fords, he flatter hlmsell he shall be able to give general satisfaction to ail who may favor him with Ithwr cuitsm. Anew .volume of .the popular family newspaper Saturday Evening Post, will be commenced on me urst .01 May, isr-i, Dcauiiuny printed on tho finest white linen paper. The Poal is the old est and best established paper in the Union, having already got to tno commencement of the 23d Volume. While scores of papers which havo been started In tho last twenty-three years, havo passed away forever, the .Post still maintains its proud position in point of circulation and -profit, at the head of the tamily newspapers ot trie day. I he great size of the paper enables the proprie tors to give a greater variety of original and selected matter thun can be found in cotcmporary Bheels. Tho paper has been greatly Edlarged and Improved, And now appears in handsome new' type, and has received tho praise of many editors of teste, as the handsomest Jamilu sheet in the 'Union' Our.ef- forts Jiavo been directed to the combining of beautv and simplicity, with utility an taste. The Posr is printed on stout white paper, rendering it neat and durablo for filing ; while insizo.it surpasses every other weekly newspaper in rimadelpma, and lias received Worn its cotcmporanca tho tilo.of The Philadelphia Mammoth. Tho great size of the paper enables us to give all impoitant Congressional proceedings at length, and all reports and other important' public documents in lull, togetiicr with occasional congressional Speeches in full. Literary Department. Tho Post is acknowledged to be the hrst news paper in the country in the quanticy and quality of its original tales, essays, poetry, and other matter. -The following contributors are a warrant of its merits. T. S. Arthur, author ofiThomasX Beach ' Lemperance Pledge, Milton Smders, author 'The BrokenMcrehant,' nd other Temperance of 'The Miami Valloy' SB Anderson ILydia H Sigourney 'IS W Thomas, author of Stories. Professor J. H. Ingrahami author of'Lafitte.'Kid,' Clinton Bradshawo Howard Pinckney &c. &c, Jesse E. Dow. author of C Therese Clarke Miss J Estello the 'Log of Old Iron- sides, &c. &c. Louis Fitzgerald Pasistro, R. M. Walsh, Miss E. Leslie, N. P. Wilis, Mrs. Emma C. Embury Mrs. A. F. Annan Mrs. Lambert James H. Dana Lewis J. Cist Lydia Jane Pterson Theo.S. Fay George P. Morris Francis S. Osgood Alfred B. Street John G Whittier Misa L.H W Essling Mrs R F Nichols Mrs Amelia B Wclby J Tomlin J Ross Browne Lucy Seymour Mrs Mary H Parsons Mrs Carolino F Orno Mrs M St Leon Loud Mrs Ann' 8 Stephens J T S SUUivan MrsE C Stcdman Mrs Caroline Pee Hentz William Wallaco The publishes havo made an arrangement, in Ad dition far a n Original Novel, from tho pen of H. W. Herbert, Esq. author of Cromwell, I ho urothers,' &c. which they have been publishing for sometime past The sceno of this novel is laid in America the subject is the Buccam'ers. Such nn -opportunity to subscribe should not bo lost. Original Stories appear in every number of the paper, with original articles upon all subjects. The.-Post contains the greatest varioty of Origi nal Tales, Sea Sketchks, .Essays, Poetry, Songs, Uharaucs, bi3ide the latest and best selections Irom the Amcaican and English Magazines, and all tho other fountains of choice Original Literature. THE TEJIMS. It U issued at tho old established rate of Two Dollars per annum, Cash in advance, and may bo truly said, now that it is enlarged, to be tho Cheapest papet in the Union. As friends and neighbors often wish to clvb to gether to facilitate remittances, wo offer to such, or o any person who will secure us the names and money, tho lollowing Inducements to Clubs.. 3 copies for 5 dollars in advance post paid. 7 ... 10 It is to bo understood, that to entitle any person the benefit of tho, above terms, all arrear ages must be first paid, and the subrcriptions .mu s be remitted in advance post paid. We adhere to tho Uash system. GEORGE R. GRAHAM & CO. Third and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia' Mew Mar Me MMUFACTORYj At Bloomsburg, Col. Co. Br AFP & T2CHNER. THEY would Inform tho citizens of Columbia County, that they havo commenced thebusi cssat the above placo at tho public nouso oi i.. HOWELL, where they are prepared to manufac ture to order, in the ncatett, best, and most durablo manner, MONUMENTS, TOMU-TA1J1.KS, qEAD and FOOT STONES, of all sizes ond ualitieg, MANTLES, WINDOW and DOOR SILLS, and DOOR FRONTS. Also PAINT, BAR and HEARTH STONES, Orders for Stone can bolcft with D.GROSS.who- "wil act os Agent duiiug our absence. 1 ney coiibtantly keep on hand a large lot ot Vcrmont,Egyptian and Italian Marble nt their wholcsalo Marble Yard at Sclins Grove, Union oounty, J'a. Bloomsburg August 14, 1841, 1C NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all thoso indebted to the Estate of William Ritter de ceased, cither on note or book accounts, or Vendue notes due, that payment must be immediately made, othorwise tho accounts will be left with a collector. L. B. RUPERT. Adrar.' BIporusbnrcr.Feb B, 1841 OR 'EEBPJ2W PLASTEPw. THIS Recipe, obtained of an old Jew by a trav eller in tho Eastern 'Countries, bids fair to bo of immense .value to tho Western world. Since this plaster has been introduced into .America, every other plaster, salvo, ointment or lina menthas been discontinued byill who havo had. an opportunity of testing the superior medical -virtues of tho Jow David's or Hebrew Plaster. Truth, though simple, is powerful, and will prevail with an enlightened community, over all tho puffings and fictitious affidavits with which tho world is flooded. . Tho sterling worth of this plaster, is To;ogniscd, op- preciatcd, and its use sanctioned by tho highest .classes of society. One simultaneous burGt of ap- probation arises trom tho thousands who havouscd it, which shows, that when a remedy possesses high- i -. . ' . . i : r . . i 1 . r i r ly intrinsic munis uku mis, 11 uuu r.oi lau oi re ceiving the patronage of our intelligent public. To bo had at the stores of John .lt.Moycr,Blooms durg, Grim, Veer J, Derr, Washington, A.Miller, iserwiclc, J'. Ml. 1 asllne, JJantme, ana J. y J. iu Sharpless, Cattawissa. 'Be ye purified in your blood, And' Health will attend you. The life of thi Flesh is in the Blood." Leviticus, o. xvh. xj. HOW ,IS THE BLOOD TO BE PU RIFIED ! 1 Thousands can answer this Question who know from aciual experience that DR. LEWS' S BLOOD PILLS, A COMl'ONANT rAnT OF WHICH .IS SARSAPAIUIXA, Aro-the safest, best, and most effectual Pills now in existence. EEST YOU MAY EE DECEIVED! THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE IC7- BCOD FXZiliS,os ARE DR. LEIDF'S BLOOD PILLS, A COMPONANT PART-OF WHIO SARSAPARILLA. IT is attcmpted'by Quacks and Impostors to in troducc their vile and dangerous nostrums by assuming for their namo that of "BLOOD TILLS' knowing that tho Blood Pills manufactured by Dr, Leidy havo obtained the greatest reputation of any a ...o in cbioiciitc, miu mum uy bucii int:&lTV 10 impose upon the public by selling theirs upon-tho 'popularity of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills. The public are therefore particularly requested to bo cautious-when purchasing, to ask.for Dr. LEI DY'S BLOOD PILLS. The public are assured that Dr. Zeidy'a Blood 'Villa are the safest, best, and most efficacious of anu now in use, containing neither Mercury or me .iinerals,-anu may be employed by young anu old, male and female at all limes and tinder all circumstances witnout lear irom taking coli:, ro straint from diet in living or occupation. In all cases whero a purgation may bo necessary theso Pills will bo found both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or Sickness ot tho stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensations. Further comment is deemed unnecessary tho numerous certificates published from time to timo from Physicians and other individuals must havo convinced the incredulous, and for tho further in formation of all others, Dr.Leidy refers them to tho directions wnicti accompany each Box, They arc prepared and sold.whoIcsMo and retail, jAJr.XjEIO'HMIi:JIX,TJIJlMP01HUM, No. 101 JYOttTIt SECOA'Jt Street, below Vine street, (sign of the Golden Eoglo and Scr penis.) Also sold at Lutz'g Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. Nov 20, 1841. 30 TETTER! TETTER! ITCH! I T C II 1 DR. LEIDY'S TETTER AND ITCH OINTMANT. An infallablo remedy for various affections of tlio SKIN, removing Pimples, Pastilles, and Eruption of the SKIN, and particularly adapted to the euro of TETTER and ITCH, This ointment has been used in numer ous schools throughout the city and county; as well as Factories, employing numerous iirls and bovs.and amonp- whom Tottiir nnd Itch, as well as other Afl'eclions of the Skin, prevailed, with the most unexampled Sue- cess. Names of School Teachers, as well as euperintendants and Proprietors of Fac- toties, could be given,confirminr the above, butTorthe delicacy they fee! in having their names published in connection with such loathsome and disagreeable affections. Prepared anu sold at Dr. Lenly s Health Emporium, (Sign of the Coldon Eaglo and Berpeants,) Wo. 101 north second slreet,be- low Vine; also sold at Lutz'sllealth Emporium, Bloomsburg. Wovm mil. 30 PERSIAN FSLEiS. T is now a settled point with all those whs have used tho Vegetable J'crstan a-uis, mai incy nro tirc-eminent V tno pest anu raoai uiucuuuua VamihiMeiUcine that has been yctused in Ameri ca. If every family could become acquainted with thnir cnnfli-oitrn nowcr over disease, they would jCCCp them and be prepared with a suro remedy to apply on tho first appearance of disease, and then now much distress would bo avoided and money savtil. ns well ns lives of.thousands who are hurried out of limo by neglecting disease in its first stages, nr ,v not lieins in nossession of a remedy which ,hev can nlaco dependence on. (Tr'All who wish to cuard aaamst sickness, should use tho Persian niiig frpclv. when needed : no iniury can ensue, impilfrnm voulh to old ace. when taken according to the directions. . - . 8old hv J'. R. Mover, Bloomshurg. Grim, Deer is Derr, Washington, J. 4- J. 11. Sharpless, -Cattawissa, A. Miller, lierwiek,and P. E. Vastinefiao- ville. lyvS 10 EYES TO THE Formerly owned by D. S. TOBIAS, now .in the hands of E. LUTZ. has purchased the entire Stock oi Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints Varnishes, Gass, Dycstuff , fecti onaric, &c. &c. -Formcrlv beloneinK to.Mr. Tobias. And in ad dition to tho former Stock may bo had a new and splendid assortment of all articles belonging to his lino of busincss.just received from Philadelphia. All persons wishing to purchase any of tlm above articles aro particularly invited to call and prico the articles in his Store before buying elsewhere as he is determined to sell as low, and by a little Jewing, lower than can bo boucht any where else in the surrounding neighborhood. Tho Subscriber considers 'it hardly nccssary to mention the aiticlcs in particular ns he is confident mat no ona can come amiss y enquiring iu nuij mu do bcloncinrr to a Drue Store. N..B. .Merchants and Physicians will find it to their advantaco to call and buy such articles as they may stand in need of, as they shall be accom modated at.a very low percentage. In few words all aro rcspccttully invitod to can, 6ce and judge for themselves, EPHRAIM LUTZ. Bloomsburg, Nov-13, 1841 tf 29. No. 64, comer of fValnut & Third streets HE subscribers return their sincere thanks to their friends for the favors so liberally bestow- ed on them, and beg leave to assure them that no efforts shall be wanting on .their part to merit a continuanco of their patronage', both in reference to workmanship and cheapness of price to suit tho times. It is highly advantageous to Gentlemen and In stitutions having Libraries, to apply direct to the Binder, making at least a saving of 10 to 20 per cent, and sometimes more. All descriptions of Binding neatly executed. Gentlomcn's Libraries fitted up and repaired, Mu sic and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladie'a scrap books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions made to older. Binding done for Libraries, Insti. tutions, .societies, occ. on auvantageous i crms, TO PRORHONOTARIES. REGIS TERS, RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, MERCHANTS AND BANKS. They aro also prepared to manufacture WORK .of every description, such as IJockcts,' Jlecords, eetl Books, Day-Boohs, ledgers, Journals, Memorandums, CJiecU-Balls, &c. of the finest quality of Paper, (Robinson's Ivory Surfaced) in a style equal to any madcin the Cities of Philadel phia or New York, on the most reasonable terms, Dunk. Wbiik JtoLi:n to xsr 1 atteun. CLYDE & WILLIAMS, N. B. Old Books rebound with neatness and despatch; also Files of Papers. iarnsburg, Marh 26, 18-12. Cmo. 48. All orders for binding.or for blank books, left at this oflice, will be forwarded, and returned as soon as completed H- WEBB, Agent. . n-nntrriomn ornnnc vmTn AD MINI o I It A J OR& .NOTICE. Estate of William H. Petriken late of Bloomsburg Columbia county deceased. "OTIOE is hereby given,that letters of admin istration on the above estate, havo been gran ted by the Register of Columbia county to the sub scribcr residing in Bloomshurg, who reqests all in debtcd to said estate to make immediate- payment and all having claims against it, to present them properly authenticated for settlement. L. B, RUfERT, Adm'r. Bloomsburg, March 12, 1842, 'rn rliiiiinii In fli'rtw!" ELECTION is over, and I have got now BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, or as tho boy said, a new coat made out o daddy's old one, as I have bought out Ma nasseh Bowman's whole Stock, hook and lino, bob and sinker, and employed some j first rate workmen to do the best of work at the shortest notice, for cash only I there fore invite Peoplo wishing to enjoy goou i health and warm, dry feet to call and try mo. N. B. None need come without the Pu- tcr Dinktum. STEPHEN MANSFIELD. Col. B. S. BnocUWAV, Foreman. WANTED at the abovo establishment, wo or three good Journeymen, to whom constant employment and liberal wages will be fji-en. Berwick, November 6, 1812. ISissoatiion of Partnership. OT1CE is hereby given that, tho Copartner ship hcretoforo existing under tho firm of O A- & C, G- BROBST, has this day, April 18, 1842, been dissolved by mu tual consent. All persons indebted to tho firm are requested to settle their accounts with; and thoso having claims ag.iinst the firm will present them for scttlcmct to C. G. BROBST. 0. G. BROBST, C. A. BROBST. N. n. Tho business will oo carried on by C. G. nitOBST, who solicits a continuance of public patronage- XyVhe BOOKS and NOTES of C.A.BROBS V will bo placed in tho hands of Joseph Brobst, Esq. for collection. Persons wishing to save cost will please call and settle their accounts. U. A. UROBST. N pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, on Thumhy the 30th day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, William J. lkelcr administrator, $c. of JACOB ALE, late of Mount t leusant towncosp, in said county, deceased, -will expose to sale.by public vendue, upon the premises Porty Acres of the noith end of a certain tract of land situate in Mount iJlcasant adjoining Daniel Force, Daniel .Mccarty, bdward Uavence and William lkelcr. contaiuing 00 acres, about 40 acres of cleared land on the premises but no buildings, late tho estate f said deceased, situste in tho township of Mount Pleasant and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Danville, Map 4, 1842, 'i Orangeville Znn, ORANGEVILLE, Col. Co. By J, . BEugUcs- THE subscriber informs his friends, and tho public generally, that having taken the above well known stand, and fitted it up in good style, he is now prepared to entertain company in tho best manner. His 1JAU will always be furnished with tho best of Liquors, his tablo with the best the mar kett afford, and having good stabling and attentive no3 lers, no solicits a share ot public patronago, and natters nimscll lie wiall bo ablo to give general sat isfaction. JOSEPH C. HUGHES. Orangeville, Moy 1842. SHERIFFS SAM3. Y virtuo of a writ of levari facias to me di rected, will be exposed to ni.blic sale, at the Court House, in Danville, on Monday tho 13th day of Juno next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tho follow ing property, viz : ALL ThAT CERTAIN TWO STORYj Frame Building", and tenements situato on the east side of Mill street in the town of Danville, in said county of Co lumbia, onlaining in front on said Mill street fiftoen feet, and in depth about thirty-two feet, ad orning mo mug store ol reter E. Vostine on tlie north, and lot of Hon. Wm. Donaldson on the south, and tho lot or pieco of ground and curtilcgt ui'fGiiiuuui. iu mu emu uuuuuig. ah -aiso iuc in terest thereon from the 15th day of December, A. u. lull. .Seized and taken in execution, and to be 'sold as the proporty of Charles L. Sholes nd Shrples Taylor, administrators- of Lyman Sholes deceaeed, ci at. JOHN FRUIT. Sheriff: oiiFnirr uitick, Danville, May 20, 1842. Dissoution of Partnership, OTICE is hereby given, that tho Copaitnrr ihip heretofore existing under the firm of R & J- STAMBACH. has this day, May 10, 1842, been dissolved by mu tual consent. All persons indebted to the firm, are requested to setllo their accounts with, and those having claims against the firm will present them for settlement to, J. STAMBACH. REUBEN STAMBACH, JACOB STAMBACH. N. B. The business wil be carried on byJA COB STAMBACH, who solicits n continuance of public pationage, (Cj-The Books and Vor of Retibm Rtam bach will be placed in the hands of Joseph Brobst, .Esq, for collection. Porsons wishing to save coit will please call end settle their account. REUPJEN 8TAMBACJI,