The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 09, 1842, Image 3

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8.1TUB.UJ1Y, J-ITLV 0, 1812,
Subject to the decision of the National
Convention .)
Tho lenglh of the proceedings of the
'Orangevillo colobration oxcludss much of
other mailer prepared for to days paper.
JSJJT.Y 4, 1842.
The OGih Anniversary of Aoerican Inde
pendence was celebrated al Orangeville", in
a very appropriate and pleasant manner.
Tho morning was usherpd in by several dis
charges of ? field piece placed upon an emi
nenco in the neighborhood, the report of
which, echoing and re-echoing through the
surrounding country, gavo notice te the
citizens that the anniversary of our natal
day was at hand. At an early hour, a
largo number of cilizen3 assembled in the
village lo participate in the festivities of the
lay. At half-past 10, a procession was
formed under the direction of Doct. G. W.
Lott, Chief Marshal,in the following order:
The Bloomsburg Artillery, headed by their
splendid Band, and Martial Music, on the
right, nextcamo the excellent and well
disciplined Orangevillo and Rhnersbnrg Ri
fle company, under the command of Capt
'Staley; next citizens two by two, the pro
cession closing with the committee of ar
rangements, tho orator and clergy of the
day, and Revolutionaiy Soldiers present.
After passing the lenglh ef Main street, the
procession returned to Union Church, which
though a large and spacious house, was till
ed to overflowing, graced by the presence
of a large number of tho beautiful ladies of
Orangevillo and vicinity. As soon as the
liouso had beeume scaled, the Band struck
up a patriotic air, which was followed by
1hevsinglng a hymn and by a prayer. The
'Declaration of Independence was read by
Col. H.'Webb, followed by an eloquent and
patriotic address from the Rev. William.J.
Eyer, which was listened to by an attentive
audience with the greatest pleasure and sat
isfaction. The services having been closed
by another patriotic air by tho Band, the
p'ocossion was again formed, and proceed
ed to a beautiful grove on the banks of Fish
ing Creek, where about one hundred and
fifty sat down to a sumptuous table.furnish
cd with all the luxuries of the season, by
Mr- Gorge Seiplo. After tho clolh was
jremoved, the company was organised by
theappointraent.of Michael Formuahl,Esq.
President; Col. Henry Webb and Irani
Derr Esq. Vice Presidents, and E. G.
Rickets, Esq. SecretaryTho following
toasts wcro then read by tho Secretary and
drank amid tho cheers of the company and
the roar of cannon.
1 Tho day we celebrate.
2 The memory of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence.
3d T.Se President of the United State.
4th The Governor of Pennsylvania.
0 Tho Army and Navy.
0 Tlia memory of George Washington.
7 Tho Volunteers and Militia. They
ore of the People and of course the
people's best protectois against foreign or
domestic fees.
8 The Fair. The truest, patriots, and
pride of our country. Lovers of all mankind.
9 The Revolutionary IVorthies on the
ground. may they long be remembered as
true soldiers.
10 Our Ragle may it never wave
over any but our fathers and the home of
the brave.
1 lib The United Slates of America
The Land of our nativity, her constitution
is based on moderation and justice; may
wo duly appreciate its value,
12th The young and rising genera
tion m&y llipy neer forget the services of
their fathers of 76.
13 The memory Lafayette may the
sons of Columbia never forget his worth.
M,Fornwold-The departed heroes of the
Revolution though "gone to that borne
from which no traveller returns'," yet their
worth and scrv-iio wjll not be forgotten.
H, Webb Surviving soldiers of the Rev
olution May their country never forget
that to them and their associate compatriots
they owe a debt of gratitude beyond their
ability to cancel
Iram Derr The 4th of July,1770 This
day 60 years ago our fore-father plegded
their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred
honours, in the cause of human liberty, wo
this day celebrate their achievements; let
us duly appreciate them and act to day as
becomes tho sons of such noble aires.
E. G, Rickets Liberty thou glorious
name It strikes terror to tho despot's heart.
Dr. G. W Loll Lafayette, the distin
guished champion of American liberty. His
memory whTbo gratefully recollected in
the land where he aided to plant tho Slar
Spangled Banner
Henry Auten. Orangevillo and Rohcs
burg Riflo Company may thoir display
ever be as splendid in field of battle as on
the celebration of this day.
Charles Conner B. A. Bidlack, our
able and respected representative in Con
gress' John Mr.Hcnry Our Representative in
thcLegislature D.Snyder.Esq. Ever faith
full to tho interest of his county and
constjluante,- although ho may be denouueed
by a few interested individuals, yet ho will
receivo tho thanks and gratitudo of the
many for tho noblo strnd ho has taken
in favour of the rights of tho people"
Alferd Howell. Jefferson and Adams,
parallels of grealness in the fount case of
American nobles. On the 4lh July 76 they
pledged their lives for their country's good,
on 4th July, 1826 they resigned them to
their author may peace bo unto their
J E. Aulen R1 M. Johnson, tho peo
ple's candidate for the nrxt President, he
is honest and capable Tho's Jefferson 6aid
that was all that was necessary
J. Derhammer Washington Lafayette
the brightiest stars of America and French
nation and wo may add of tho world.
M. Silverthorn The congress of tho
U S. may they establish a protective tariff.
Alfred Howell Tho ships of our navy,
the Ladies of our land, may tho former
be well rigged and the latter well manned
Hector McCormic Martin Van Buren
Wo still remember him for his devotion to
tho country.
Geo.SeipIe The county ofColtlmbia.the
whole county and nothing but tho county.
II.Auten Gen.NathanielGreen, his name
will decond to posterity as a copartner, in
tho cause of the revolution with our beloved
MatthewWhilo the threebest presidents
of tho United States, peace, plenty and
W, J Ikler. Tho gallant Jthnson, let
tho people remember him for his services,
Jcsso Coleman Georgo Washington
the father of our Liberty and chief of Pa.
triots. May his name be echoed from every
true hearted American and not bo forgotten.
Moses Everett Col. Johnson tho work'
ing man's candidate for president.
Daniel Sluckcr The principles of De'
mocracy the greatest good of the greatest
number, ant! tho delegation of all power to
its legitimate sourse tho People
Iram Derr Tho Bloomsburg Band, and
Artillerists. Without theirsweet melody our
celebration would be no go.
Silas Stackhouso Col R M. Johnson,
the bravo and faithful soldier'
By tho Company Our host and hostess
may their table be always as bountifully
supplied as the one this day furnished the
E. G. Ricketls Col. R. M. Johnson
may his sores be healed by tho thanks of a
grateful people. '
By aGuest JamesBuchanan- An honor
ed son of Pennsylvania, well has ho full
rilled the duties of tho highest station his
state 'alono could confer, and may her sons
never be satisfied until he is placed in tho
presidential chair'
H' Delong The brave and gallant
Johnson He is not forgotten.
A. B. Stewart Washington and Lafa
yette, may they never be forgotten by the
American people.
John Staley Gen. Scott and R. M.
Johnson When candidates beforothe peo
ple may tho press take an honorable course,
?nd not traduce their characters.
E. G. Rickets Gen. W. Scott May
his services on the plains of Chippewa
lung be remembered.
Alfred Howell. The Americau Navy
May it sail on a sea of glory, and wafted by
the gales of prosperity, always enter tho
port of Victory,
M S.Mears The Fair Ses Anil lo the
garden was a wild man the ' permit sighed
till woman smiled.
Irani Derr Tho constitution Under its
protection we live, for its protection the
patriot is prepared to die.
J. H. Furman Our County Rich in
mineral and agricultiturc, her prosperity
retarded only by n distracting-local question
may the Legislature, in their wisdom
givo tho people au opportunity of settling it
among themaclvo.
Charles Conner Tho citizens of Orange
villc. deservedyl noble for their enterprise
and hospitality.
John McGorgill Hon. James Buchanan
the worthy son of Pennsylvania may ho
bo elevated to the highest gift of the nation.
Isaiah Conner Henry Clay, the patriot
and statesman His services in thecouncils
of the nation will fee remembered by tho A-
merican people.
John B. Edgar Daniel Snyder.'Esq.our
present member of the Legislature Ever
true to his constituants, a sound mind
and truo heart; ho seeks no occasion to juke
or dodge; nor visit his sick family.
AndrewCrawford May our old Patriots
and Revolutionors give thanks for this glor
ious day.
Daniel Fornwald Tho Revolutionary
worthies on the ground. May they long be
remembered as true soldiers.
Andrew Crawford May this day be re
membered by tho sons of freedom for ever.
Wishine that we may all be true sons of
liberty, and all have tho heart of Fashing-
ton so brave, so as to stand in front of all
tyrant invader; and this the Star of tho
North shine brilliant to the world for ever.
William Thornton The signers of tho
Declaration of Independence May wo im
itate their noblo example; our country first,
ourselves afterwards.
John Covanhovan May HcnrvClay,tho
greatest statesman in the world, be promo
ted to tho highest office in the gift of the A
merican people:
John B. Edgar General Andrew Jack
son, the hero and statesman, one of Colum
bia's noblo sons, second to no man living
May he ever be held in rememberanco by
all true hearted and patriotic Americans, and
may his gray hairs go down with honor and
peaco lo the grave
Jacob Scidle The army and Navy
The pride of friends, tho terror of onemies
Abraham A. Kline Tho surviving sol
diers of the Revolution present may their
dtys be long,&their exit from this world be
as peaceful and happy as the nation now is
whoso liberty they assisted in achieving
M. S. Mears Col. Johnson. The hero,
statesman & philanhrophist Well does he
deserve the gratitude of iheAmerican people
for his noble conduct both in the cabinet &
field, he is entitled to receivo(lhc highest
office in tho gift of the American people.
Alfred Howel Tho three greatest and
best Generals General Peace, General
Plenty and General Satisfaction.
George Wolf Samuel F.Headley Tho
Representative who betrays the confidence
of his constituents for personal benefit;
should bo discarded by all honorable
H. Webb. Colonel Hendrick B. Wright,
the talented and distinguished Reprcsenta
live from Luzerne. His services in the Le
gislature entitle him the of the
people. Highsr honors await him.
B. Diaterick The fair sei of Orange-
May they ever bo as uselul in the domestic
circle as they are beautiful at a celebration.
Samuel Rhinehard- May the Star Span
gle Banner of our navy bo seen floating in
ever sea whero commerce is advantageous.
bamuci Uonner. ten. W. bcott the
hero of Chippewa and Ludy sLane. May
he bo the next President.
Jacob Sloycr A. Jackson, tho hero of
New Orleans. He will over bo remember
W M. Covanhovan. Gen. Lafayette
May his disinterested services long be re
rnembored by a grateful people.
W. A. Kline. R. M. Johnson, the peo
pie's choice.
Geo. W. Boats The Ladies of Orange
ville. Amiable and accomplished.
L. B.Rupert. The signers of tho declara
tion of lndependince. May their names
be handed down not only to the rising gen
aration but to may generations to com p.
James Everet. Here is wishing that the
Volunteers who have attended here to day,
may live to bo honored as they honor Wash
ington and Jackson-
Isaac Welch Richard. M. Jehncon-r-
The brave and gallant iero, tho able states
John. Covanh'ovan. May wo remember
thai union is strength. ..-.
John Kline. Col, .Johnson, -Ifto' Gen,
Jackson, he is the favorite of tho people-
W.R.Evans. Gen. Washington. Ho
will never bo forgotten'
Capt. John Staley Our American In
dependence, has secured to the oppresaed
of all nations a home, and raised up 17 mil
lions of worshippers at (ho shrino of Lib
erty, Jacob Labour. Col. Johnson, may he bo
elected President of the United States.
E. G. Rickets: Our Fanners. Tho
prido and glory of our country.
Isaac Kline, Esq. Tho United Slatos of
America, 'the land of the free and tho homo
of the brave.' May sho never loose this
characteristic as long as vogotatian cov
ers the earth, or tho sun shines in the fir
A, Dildine- Colonel Johnson, tho hero
of the Thames.
0. W. Fortner. Our Sires gained our
political independence, may we show pur
selves worthy sons by freeing ourselves
from the dominion of King Alkahol-
At the closing of the toasts, the following
Resolution was adopted.
Resolved That all -he papers in tho.
county bo requested to publish the proceed
ings. About 4 o'clock, the procession again
formed and returned to tho village, highly
pleased with the. whole proceedings of the
day, not an incident occurring to mar tho
festivities of tho occasion.
The diseomU on country Bank Notes,
has diminished materially in Philadelphia,
within the lust few days.
Rhode Island. Governor Dorr, has
tied again, and his army at Chepachet, his
last headquarters, has dispersed. Some
accounts state thatone or two men have
been killed.
A carrier of one of the weeklv newspa
pers in Philadelphia .counted 950 houses
to let, on his route through the principal
streets ol that crty.
At Bloomsburg, Pa.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat, 91 10
Rye 05
Corn, 50
Cloverseed, 5 00
Oats. :
Dried Apples,-
HE subscribers, trading under tho fnm of
givo notice, that they havo this day dissolved part
nership bv mutual consent. All those having ac-
counts with the firm, oro requested to call and sct
tlo before the 15th of August next, as they are
desirous of closing tho firm accounts as soon as
Bloomsburg, July 4, 1842.
The businesj -will be continued at tho old stand
by the subscriber where, he will bo happy to attend
upon his friends and tho public generally, and
supply them with Good very low for cash or
country produce.
Bloomsburg,JuIy 4. 1812,
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
ui uoicrauia wouniy, on
Thursday the 30th day of June next,
at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, William J. Ikelcr
administrator, ifc. of JACOB ALE, lato of Mount
Pleasant towncosp, in said county, deceased, will
cxposo to salo by public vendue, upon the premises
E'orty Acres
of tlie noilh end of a certain tract of land situate in
Mount i'leasant ailjommg Daniel Force, Daniel
McCatty, Edward Cnvcnco and William Ikelcr.
contaming 90 acres, about 40 acres of cleared land
on Jhe premises but no buildings, late the estate ef
said deceased, situsto in ths township of Mount
Pleasant and county aforesaid.
Danville, Map 4, 1842, 2
JC7The salo of tho above estate is ad
journed to Saturday, the 10th July, 1842.
ALL persons indebted to me must make pay
ment, by , lAo FIRST OF AUG US T next.
All who neglect this notiee, will find their account
fnthe hands of a Justicu of the Peaco for collec
tion alter that date.
Bloomsburg, Jun 25, 1843,
x vuiue o a.vfni ui lea jiu ja w "-iu
rtfnntv. will Iia PYntotpil Irt nublic salo.
Court House in Donviilc.on Monday, tho 25 j JS
ot Jt.'y. insi, nt 10 ociock, A. fli. mo ioiiowij s
pcrty.viz : t
cn Cattawissn Creek, in Mifflin township, C
tia County, containing
C, ?
more or lets, adjoining land of 13- Hubley,
Snyder, and others. Whereon is oreeted n .1
MILL, two 1.00 HOUSES, two Log Bnrn
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
properly of David Davis.-
SJieriff's Office, Danville,
July 1, 1842. 4t.
S hereby given to all concerned, that 1
purchased of Joseph Grimm, one Mantlo
one Ocaurcau, one Heifer two Hogs, ono Bed
wing Table, and have left them in bis posst
during my pleasure. I forbid any person pu
ing, or taking them away, without tny conser
Hemlock, July 2, 1342
Remaining al the Post Office Bd.
burg, .My 1st, 1842-
Andrew Crevlin, Camilo Carrado", J.
C, Geiger,. Lawrence Garvey, Jacob 1
ers, John-Reakirt, Melles Welder, JessJ
Elizabeth ragner. ,
UK i,
Which in point of size.beauhi afna
and (ypography, convenience offc
value and freshness of Cnntflnt.t. find rt '
uc ii(iui nu.ijua3 mui ui uini ever
fore issued from any neivspaycr cstabt
mem w me woria.
The subsciiber, publisher of the; Boston No1, '
feelsadcgreo of honest pride in being ablo trt
nounco that he is now making tho most cxteri
niTAnrrpmPTltfl. far flio rmlOifntlnM n, nnK n
of a
OR )
which ho has every confidence, from the natuf,
his arrangements, In assuring the public, wi
surpass, in point of '
any of his previous efforts at newspapor publish1
and lo which he will challengo tho world to
duce an equal ! It will contain printed mitte, 1
the amount of near sixteen thousand square inci
or one hundred and four square feet ! employ
over three million seven hundred thousand lett'f
It will bo embellished with over ,
900 Splendid Engravings! r
of a serious, comic and ludicrous character, a Ir.
number of them entirely original. The L
Frcs Contents, will be of the most valuable cha)
tcr, and no arliclo will bo ollowed a place in its
umns that has previously appeared in any Amen
publicalion as it will be filled with entirely t
and fresh matter. The next steamer from Eurt
will bring Us a largo quantity of materials sent,
by us, expressly for the columns of this stnpend;
Among other matters, it wiil contiin two
tIke full sized novels,
the two most celebrated and popular novelists of
age, and also a NEW NOVEf, byj Mrs. GOl'
Thcso novels, when printed by tho booksellers,
probably sell for from two to thrpo dollars. A la;
number of splendid Tales, Romances, Stories, X
graphical sketches, Memoirs of distinguished c
rtw'tpra P,ptrir. A lirtfilntna an.) fun f
year, etc. &c. will fill up its columns.
Though' tho promises wo havo made above rr.
appear to the j-paders of the prospcetus, too libf
to be fulfilled, wo can assure them in perfect sine
ity, that wo aro not only able to accomplish all
have proposed, but that wo haVo in view oil
striking features and novelties, which will matcri
ly enhance tho value of our sheet. Tho public J
pronounced a favorable verdict on our former Ma'
inotliNotions. but wo have taken measures for re
doring tho forthcoming 11 Leviathan" a still grea
prodigy than ahy of its predecessors. We ha
engaged tho assistance of several of onr most dist
crushed literary men, -both bv makinir srleelin.
and furnishing original articles, and such a rif
censorship will be exercised in making the hhe
that nothing unworthy of being cherished end p
served, will find a place-in its columns. It will
emphatically an
For this GREAT WONDER the chargo will
Only 23 Cents per Copy.
To Aoests. Thoso newspaper and periodii
Ageiits throughout tho eountry, desirous ol Uavi
any of this astonishing publication, wiil nlciso fc
us their orders at once, accompanied with the rtv
as only a limited edition of Thirty Thousand Co.
ies will lie printed, Ordcis will bo supplied lit t.
order in which they aro received, after allowing
reasonable time for distant agents. Tho wholesa
price to Agents and others wrll boS20 per hundrd
Fifty copies CIO twenty-fivo copies 55.
lo tiLuus, persons clubing.khall receive xrr
comes fcr 82 Fourteen copies for S3 Twcn
copies for $i- and Twciity.Five cop!c for SS5.
To PosTMASTins Postmasters who willtio
bis themselves to forward a remittancs, tnall r
ceive an extra copy tor themselves in ajsqwat
wrapper, for every " dollars for nine copies the
may enclose to us.
Publisher' Itn3ton Notion.
Notion office, Boston, June 1, 182,
The postage on this sheet will bo oinv fne cm.
under a hundred miles, and 1 1-2 cento over 10
miles; as it will be printed as a ucwsp3pcr, Extt
Boston (Quadruple) Notion,