The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 25, 1842, Image 3

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    "TnoTU without rein '
S.1TUIIB.1Y, JTVA'E 25, 1812,
(Subject to the decision of the National
We aro requested to mention that tlio
Rev. WILLIAM J.EYER will deliver the
Address at tlio Orangcville Celebration.
Wo aie Under renewed obligations to tho
Hon. 13. A, liidlack for valuable publio
4th jujly,-
At a large and respectable meeting of tlio
f ...
citizen oi urangevmenncl vicinity.conven
d at the house oflsaac 0. Johnson, June
22, J 842, Dr. G. W. Loll was called to tho
chair, Isaac Welch and Daniel Fornwald ap
pointod Vice Presidents, E.G.lticlcetls and
Jesse Uoleman Secretaries.
Resolved. That this meeting justly ap
iiut:iaic ilia merit o nnr imp hit inre ,n
casting off iho British yoke, and believe
tho day ought to bo commemorated by their
RcsoWed. That wo will U60 all reasona
bio exertions to celebrato our birth of liber
rty at Orangville on the approaching An
Resovcd. Thrt a committee of threo be
appointed to select an orator for the day, as
also a suitable person to read the declaration
.. - . - j'j.uiiiiuu umu V-VIII 111! IIUC 3(1UU
IVfllnn: h mnnnn I .iTi.xit n(..I rtnJH 17
Resolved That a commmille of Twelve
... w MtiuttbitJbma lUl II1C
irrftrt UnWfiU TnUn U T?,l T
'hMlAH I1..LI T T 1 wm
w... , WWII. YJ
laley, and Dr. G. W- Lott,
Resolved That Ihree of the above
nrrr tnnn. i(innmr.ia.n a t:ii i
tiw vinu rtiiu jiuuuisuurgii nine vom
a in niffmi tr. ..-. .a . T.J. f 1
.IT .
Also Iiesovcd That the foregoing bo
UU 151100. Ifl I ha llpmnnro T? nnirinw
G. W. LQTTiPrcsl,
Danirf. Fnpvn.C r Wis-
ii wu nn roin nnin. itioi .1 1 1. .. i
a '"inni'.i in iii'tii ijsi, a
Iff I :nr,tAr,i;.. l 1 r
K n IHR olil 01 Jannnrv nnvt In rrivn
expression of the voice of Pennsylvania,
uiaiion in a candidate fur the next Pre
PTift .Vln.. it. 1. 1 1
t - "'H HtllbS 11(11' UVbl
mvujiuio 111 various pans oi uie aiaic.oui
"H n'i'- r iiifii
COnV front tliri Hnrriuhurrr Unnnrlop
the ftlfThih nf Tantitivtr fu l,Ann :nAM..
a been requested lo slate, that, after a
t. . t - -
interchange or sentiment, it is consid
expedient that a convention nf our
a .. . a I . I - .
, v wr. .w .(MHiid Wl JL. Clin
annil iho election of JAMES, BU
IXTIRf... .. . ...
i a ii in tnc prreiueucy, siioilld. . be
al Harrisburz,
TUB ElCillTIl Or J.NtTARY, 1313,
... ....,k.UIMg ...VI.
s on this .interesting subject. It is
fore tepccifullv recommended that
s commonwpalih, to. clod delegates,
ponding Willi Hie number nf Senators
epip(uilHirs tu whiuh they aro en
to represent the fame in the propo
,' Condition of the Slate Treasury.-TUe
following document was submitted to the
Legislative on Saturday last, in reply to the
resolution of the 10th inst. by the Secreta
ry of tho Treasury; in which he says the
whole amount of revenue in the Treasury;
on the first of June inst. was $604,027
15. 01 this, sum there was handed to
him by his predecessor, unovailable at that
time, and still ao the following sums:
Specially deposited in the Har-
risburg Bank 850,000
Specialty deposited in thePen.
Bank of the U. S. 280,000
Specially deposited in the Gi-
rard Bank 0,000
Leaving a bahnco of available funds of
$228,628 15. Or this sum thero is in the
Bank of Pennsylvania, and branches; ap
plicable to interest.the sum of 8224,05-1,85.
Amount of Available funds in the Treasury
$101,073 40.
The character of tho available funds in
Treasury is as follows:
Relief notes of suspended
banks or (hose uucur-
rent $39,073 00
Relief notes of current
banks 37.255 00
Demand notes on sundrv '
country banks 14,503 00
Deposite in several banks
Payable monthly in Re
lief Notes 12.S887 19
Specie in the Treasury 27141
The amount. applicable to tho payment
of interest, including the amount in the
Bank of Pennsylvania, $350,532 73.
I lie Amount of notes in the Treasury:
issued under the act of 4th May. 1841! is
only $8G,9?8. The amount likely to be re
coivod into the Treasury frow the first of
Juno to the first of August, is estimated at
$177,000. This, in the oninon of the
Treasurer, will be Lilly realized, and should
thp collection of taxes be favorable will be
exceeded. Tho paymeutinto tho Treasury;
trom the lsttinst. havejrather exceeded tho
expenditures, but the funds havo not male
tially changed since that time either in a
character or amount,--Therc aro several
shorter loans still unpaid; which; paid; will
oe applicable to the paymonl of interest.
A most melancholy catastrophe occured
at Johnsontown county of Kilkenny, Ire
land, recently A Mr. George Healy, a
gentleman possessed of about 5,000 a
year, was burned to death in his own resi
dencc, and a great portion of tho .house,
which was a very fine one, was consumed.
1 110 (ire was believed to be the result of ac
Apportionment Bill Passcd.-On the 17th
inst., the apportionment bill was taken up in
ne House of Congress, and- tho Senate's
ratio of representation finally adopted. The
vote on concurring with the first amend
mcnt, fixing the ratio at 70.G80, was.vears
113, nays 104; The vote on the second
amendment, providing for tho renresenta
tion of fraclions.was, yeas 110, uays 102.
A motion to lay the amendment on the
table was negitalived by vote of 112 nays
to 98 yeas- So tho bill awaits only the
signature of tho President to become a law
Tho bill for the paymtnt of the domes
ticcreditnrs out of he relief noles which
maycome into theTreasury.passed the house
on I'ticsday, by n vote of 00 to 30. We
are glad to see that at last this meritorious
out sullering class of nnr citizens aro about
to receive thtt which is duo them.
It will bo seen that the President and dir
ectors of iho Taylorsvillo Delaware Bridge
company have pledged to tho public their
private Estates for the redemption of the
notes of the Institutions. As the amount
in circulation is less than SIO.000, and
as the Estates thus pledged must exceed
3150,000, the security to the public must
provo entirely satisfactory; and pul ihe notes
in the best of credit. The pledge will be
seen in another column. Buck's Co.
Tha Episcopal church in this couuty is
prosperous in the highest degree There
aro now 20 bishops, 1,200 clergymen, 1.000
churches, and over 700,000 members. It is
a singular fact, that the first Episcopal min
ister oriUineil in this country stilt survives.
Ic was in Now York the other day, and,
according to Journal of ninety-
ons ycai? of age.
This important Bill has at lensth nascd
both Houses of Congress and has been
sent to the President for his signaturebut
ivliftllini tt ttfttl vtAii. I.!
uiitw will itkCI! 9 DUUllUIl IJf 11111
is ycl problematical inasmuch as it con
stilutionality, lending strongly towards
consolidation and the right of the general,
government to prescribe to the State in a
mandatory manner.
In the bill, as it passed both House,, the
iatio for each Representative, is 70,070,
which will give Pennsylvania 24 members
instead of 28.
A correspondent of tho Philadelphia
Gazette says. tl heard a gentleman from
Ohio say last evening, that money was so
scarce in the west that may of the boatmen
on the cjinnals could not gel enough to pay
their toll. Ho thoughtWheal would soon
be down to 25 cents a bushel, specie; and
Pork 1:2 cents per lb. do More than a
half of the whiskey distilleries had suspend
ed operations. Indeed there was no sale
for produco or merchandise of any kind,
on account of there being no specie or cur
rency. Mirchantsin Now Orleans posa
lively decline consignments of western
produce, being unwilling to pay even the
The Legislature of Connetic ul has post
poncd indefinitely the bill abolishing im
prisonment for debt, and pased a resolution
settling finally and forever, tho somewhat
celebrated Jarvis case Mr. Jarvis is di
covered from her husband, within an olmon
ial allowance of six hundred dollars and
without any right of dower on the death of
Dr. Jarvis.
Tho British Navy employs in time of
peace 33,000 able-bodied seman,2000 boys
and 13.000 Marines making an agL'ieate
Naval forco of 4G.000 men.and 2000 boys.
The receipts on the Reading and Phila
delphia Rail road.during the month.for pas
engers, and freight on merchandise, are slat
ed to'havo been but little less than $20,000.
Stale Standing jSrmy,lt will hardly
ba credited that wo have at the present
lime, a 'standing army' of commissioned
officers numbering more men than General
Washington had to fisht the most brillan
battles of tho Revolution! According to
statement just submitted to the Legislature,
by the Secretary of theCommonweath:it an
pears that-ihere -vill bo nine thousnnd one
hundred ana thirty seven military eom
missioner issued this year! Ttis would
employ one Cleric about eight months
making them out were
he to fill up fifty
commision a day.
The Observer.ofTriests.states that there
is at present living at Hil Silesia
a man named Hans his 142d year,
He has not gone out of doors for the last
twenty-seven years, out still takes two
three turns in his chamber every day. When
the weather is fine he opens his windo
and smokes three pipes He has not been
able to speak distinctly for six years, but ut
tcrs a few inatticulate sounds, which his
granchildren who attended him ('all his son
are dead) understand. 1 his man,' adds
tho Observer, 'has lived in three different
centuries a thing ne;er witnessed, perhaps,
since the limes of the palriarchas,'
Three largo beef cattle have been fed for
several years by Mr. Hagarty of Lancaster,
fa., tlio largest of which is estimated to
weigh, nett";veight, about twenly.fivo hun
dred pounds, the other two aro much inferi
A bill has been introcuced in the Senate,
to annfx Schuykill county to ihe Eastern
District of iho Supreme court of Pennsyl
Maink jioundary. Congioss hat passed
an act to reimburse the expenses incurred
by the State of Maine, in 1839, for the
protection of the frontier, at (he same
rate as if the militia called out had
been in the actual service of tho United
Fortylhree men, women and children,
from tho mine of PiclouN. S arrived al
New Port, R. I., on Thursday last, on
their way to Pennsylvania, to seek employ
ment in the r.oal mines.
( King, the acting Governor of Rhode Isl
and, has issued a proclamation, offering
1000 for the aprehension of Gov, Dorr
lit .HIV llinn ItMtMn nna i'iic ITlttn ilinr
1 ""J - "mi ruw jai. 11 iiiu suui
list party in Rhode lisland do not moe 1
with sure and awful vengeance flora iho
people, it will not bo because their tyranny
and impudence do tint deserve it.
At Slralford, Eng. Shakspcare's birth
place, upwards of 1.000 persons ate em'
ployed in slayinakins. After Ubnring
twelve hours per day, their earnings do not
amount to 1 2-3d. each.
A young Physician of Rome; says a let
ter from that pity, has succeeded in discov
ering the means of petrifying all substances
of ciganic formation, without their -being
changed materially in color A few days
aro sufficient to operate this transformation.
He has already exhibited flowers birds,
fishes, and even human heads, beautfully
Smuggling has been carried on prclly ex
tonsively.of hte over the Canada: lines En
titc packages of printed goods may be oh
tained at 7Voy at 20 per cent, less thancosi
of regular importation
Emigrants' About 0000 loreigners,
mostly emigrants, arrived in New York du
ring last week.
The lalo Benjamin Broughton, Esq, of
Fredericksburg, Va, has bequeathed $2
000 to the Tract Society, and other lega
cies for Ihe benefit of tho Sundry
DIED In Berwick on Sal11rd.1v the 4th
insli, of scarlet fuver, ADAL1NE, aged 4
years and 3 months; ,011 Saturday the 11th
inst., SUSAN ANN; aged 7 'vears and
3 mnnihs;on Sunday ihe 12ih.,DENISON!
aged 13 years and 3 months; children of
William Beilerly;of this place. Susan Ann
and Denison were tnterred iiinne grave.
In Limestone township nn the 23ih inst
Mrs. ELEABETII WINNER.aged 72yr.
2 month and 7 days consoit of Mr.Friderick
In this township on ihe 10th intt. Mr.
SAMUEL HAMBLIN al an advanced age.
Bloomsburg' Artillery.
The Members of the Bloomsburg Artillery, to
gether with the Band, aro commanded to meet at
Ornngcville, on Monday, Ihe 4th duy of July next,
at 9 o'clock, A. M., with side arms and uniform,
for exercise and drill.
By order of tho Caplnin,
T"l r l mc rrt'n - ... .
Xj. ilUiUO I UUrtli. U. H.
Juno 24, 1842.
LL persons indebted to me m ust make Day
mint v ihn F'I?NT DP ATlnnan .
M- 'v - - - ----- . w- lunuuj iieju
All who nculect this nntiee. will -ml tl..:. -
a , .. ...... .4,111 ui-Luuuia
in the hands of a Justice of tho peaCe for collec-
tton after that date.
Bloomsburg, Juno 25, 1842.
UL subscrmers inform iho public, that they
imsitu iiuu j otiiiersiiip.unucr tne lirm
and have mt receive! frnm Phll.iil.l,.M
... - ........v u, ul(v, j,VvV
opened, at their NEW STORR 1 .irthm,.
tier of Market and Maine Strceti.Rtoamiburg;
an enure new anu extensive assorment of
Which tllCV nflir fnr nili nn rajnrnMt
heir prices are suited to tho times. Among their
, .w, Vll )i,uiiWiiauie iviiUS. as
Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Sallinetts. and
various kinds of cloths Jor men'
Summer wear; Calicoes; Ging
hams; Cambrics; Afuslins;
Silks: Muslin de lanes;
and various other articles
for Ladies' dresses; Shawls; Silk
and Cotton Hantlherrhipf TTte.
Bleached and Brown Domestic Minlins;
and a variety of other articles suitable for the season,
'and believed to he as good and complete an assort
ment as is usally found in country stores,
GO'COUNTRY PRODUCE will be received in
exchange, and CASH will not be refused.
Our friends, and the public generally, are re
quested to call and examino for themselves.
Bloomihurg, June 25, IS 12, o
New 'Mi re
At Bloomsburg, Pa-
(Corrected ilcchly.)
Wheat, $1 10
Rye- 05
Corn, . , 50
Cloverseed, . .5, 00
Flaxseed, j. 25
Djied, Apples,-
is JFonTiicojiuva 1 1
Which in pnint of siz(,beauty rfpep-r.
and typography, convenience 'of form,
value andfreshness of Contcr,ls,and num
ber tVlll far strnrt. Ihnl nf 1.-
. J J ...... iuCI UU
Uore issued from any newspayer establish
I .11 111 1 VI 1 1, r. l -I
rii.i tit ific WU11U,
The subsctiher. miM!l,er r,u ni tvt.!
i ........ wm uuluu .'uireni
feclsadegreo of honest priJe in being able to an-
..u,,.,v. mm jm ia now maKing tlia most extensivo
arrangements, for the publication, at an early period
winch he haseTcry confidence, frclh Ihe nature of
his arrangements, in assuiing the public, will far
surpass, in point of
any of his previous efforts at newspaper publishing,
and to which he will challenge tho world to pio
duce an equal I It will contain printed nutter, to
tho amount of ncarputeen thousand square inches,
or one hundred and four squaro feet ! employing
over threo million seven hundred thousand letters !
It will be embellished with oVef
SO Splendid Engravings!
of a serious, comic and ludicrous character, a large
number of them entirely original, ".he Loiter
t ress Contents, will bo of the most valuabfocharac
ter, and no article will be allowed a place in its col
urnns that has previously appeared in any American
pubhcalion-ns it will bo filled with entirely new
and fresh matter. The next steamer from Europe,
will bring us a large quantity of materials sent for
sheet3' CXprCSS,y for the coumns "f stnpendom
Among other matters, it will contain two is.
the two most celebrated and popular novelists of tho
age, and also a NEW NOVEL by Mrs. GOHE.
These novels, when printed by the booksellers, will
probably sell for from two to threo dollars. A large
number of snlenrlifl Tnlno n.mnnAAH c. ! r: .
, . , , r , " iuucb, bio
graphical sketches, Memoirs of distinguished cha
racters, I'oetry, Anecdotes and fun enough for a
year, &c. &c. will fill up its columns.
Though the promises wo have made above may
oppear to the readers of tho prospectus, too liberal
to be fullilled. we can sssnr.. ilmm ,n
, . - ... jjbt.i-v, e.iji-ui-
ltv. that We aro not onlv nhln in nm, i: i, n .
j'.uiiuovu, uui uai we nave in view other
striking features and novelties, which will material
ly enhance tho value of our sheet. The public has
pronounced u' favorable verdict on our former Mam
inothlS'otions. bqt we have taken measures for ren
dering the forthcoming Leviathan" a still greater
prodigy than any of its predecessors. Vc have
engaged tho assistance of several of onrraost distin
guished literary men, both by making selections,
and furnishing original articles, and such a rigid
censorship will be exercised in making the sheet,
that nothing unworthy of being cherished and pre
served, will find a place in its columns. It will ba
emphatically ai ,
For this GREAT WONDER the charge will ba
Only 95 Cents per Copy.
To AoENTS Tho;n n,mn,n.. ..-.I;.-
Agents throughout the country, desirous of huvinc;
I "'V MioiHsuiiig puuncaiion, will please send
I us their orders at once, accompanied ith the cash
i as only a limited edition of Thirtv Thousand Cop
les wijl be printed. Ordeis will he supplied in th '
order in which they aro rece'ved, after allowing 0
rnnnri!)lit( ,!.... .If........ ml. . .a.
Pce to Agents and others wrll beiUO perhundrd.o
1 copies jiu twenty-live copies; Jo.
0 Ji.Bns. -r-ersons clublng, shall receive sire
cortts fer 8S Fourteen copies fjr S3 Twenty
conies for St- and T.venty-Five copies for ?5.
Til t'OST3tlS'rF.ns .Pnslmetfira nlin will . .
bis themselves to forward u remittance, shall ro
ceire an extra copy lor thoaiselves in a separata
wrapper, for every 3 dollars for nins copies the
may enclose to us.
. 'uhlisher Boston Notion.
Notion office, Boston, lune 1, 1842.
Tho postage on this sheet will be ouly one cent
under a hundred miles, and 1 1-2 cents over 100
miles; as it will be printed as n newspaper, Extra
Boston (Quadruple) Notion.
Susquehanna Hotel,
TjrBESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and
K . tha ii m 1-1 i .)..., U- I .- 1 1 ... i
large and commodious well known House, lately
occupied by Samuel A. Brady, and having newy
fitted it up, and furnish d with Entire XewFur--
HitUfA. ia nmv trt AnlAr,!.. 1I ...I- - .
call on him in the best manner.As his, XtAU will al-
ways ne prpviueu witn the choicest or Liquors and
his 1'Ani.G with the bl
fords, he flatters himself ho shall be able to give
geners sat isfacUon to all who may favor him with
their custom.
Cratavussi, May J8lS,