A Savannah pa'pe'r mc-nllon a cabbage', fen grown on the Tunderbnlt road, near that town, which Weighedl8j pounds. The Cape of Good Hope papers notice tho discovery, by an English whaler, of seveal islands in the Pucfic Ocean, pre viously unknown. They were eight in number, of some extent, fertile, and inhabi ted. Tho appearance of the natives and the canoes, was totally different from any others in that neighborhood. Hf5BEEH3Bf?3E! Edward C, Delavan, of Albany, New York, has devoted sixleon years of labor, and a fortune of 800,000 in promoting the 'glorious cause of Tempcrenco. What a rich and pleasing reward must tho present onward progress of the gical moral reform be to him, for his philanthlpic 'iborsl We learn that on Monday last, says the Ky. Intelligencer, nt the opening of tho EsliU Circuit Court, the S'leritT of the County resigned his commission, and the Judge was compelled in nljnirn Court without doing any Imsineaa General distress is said to prevail thotighout the coontty. Mrs. Mills.of Peauhbuiinii township, Pa, whose death was said to have been caused bv violence at the hands of it minister named Paik, the jury have drclarcd died from natural causes. There seem lo have been no good ground fur the scandal which implicated the clergyman, Thay work cheap in Connecticut. The salary of the Mayor of Hertford, the Times of the city says, is S40 per annum, and a first rale on is procuring at that If he gives many leves ho, probably canno'., lay up' much ol his aalsry. Tho Richmond Compiler says that a relative ofyoung Remmrs has paid into the coutt Charlotteville t?2u,000,ihe amount of bail forfeited by hi non-appearance lo anwer the charge of having murdered Pro fessor Davis. TheMormon, Nativon Legion, it is said, comprise two thousand well disciplincd.aud fully armed soldier. Gov. Cjrlin was to reviow them on tho 7ib.--.of Mav.v 'J" Smith' commands this formidable nrmy, In tho ship ArgoTvhi.-h arrived at New York on Momday from Havre, came pas sengers the wife and daughter of General Cass, American Minister to France, The Army worm and cut worm arc doing a vast ded of injury in different pU o Gallatin county.IU, The timothy is almost entirely distroyed, There was u severe frost at Pitlnbury-Pa on the 15, which destroyed the fruit, Thero'is lobe a grand celebration these tlement of Kentucky, in that btaie, ... ,u next. The Missomi Seminal reports a .t..,, nnn. ni seven eg Bale ot corn " i bushel. C0lleSe Hrn..-Tho "th . t !!Heimi rnlinlV. 1. 1 ary, ai jjivihb01," ; ' rsn 400 students were i Aired education Ioss $12,000. S20.000. Destructive Storm. A s of wind, Rylown, hail and lightning, passed fin nn the 17th and kil number of Tho hail negroes, and did other d stones rematneu on the ound lor more than an hour. Killed- The St Mormon Proph ni. Smith, the Moi Louis Era states nt Nauvoo, i rnon prophot, w an affriy, a day or rirovious, Man Cone. ?nofher 'mpl'ill died at his resi Hon. Joseph on Sunday in hjs 7Hd donee, Grey ascd was the first Prcsi rear. Tli rtho District Court of the city dent JuJb I'iiiladelphia. and coujf (ve nt Charlejton, S. G-; ; enri- f of antiquity, in the shape of a Sprayer book, thirteen hundred anj nen year old' h is a master piece nnmanship, fhe St. Louis people have been Lynch anolhergnng of gamblers, They will soiree in those regions shortly, we r 1 1 .... J VU3 A fi Sound Democrat Ddctrtno.Cnn one generation bind another andsall others, it succession? I think not. The Creater has made the carlh.fpr the LIVING, not tin DEAD." Thomas Jrjfflirsan, ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY HE RO GONE. Departed this life at his residence in Columbia, N. H, March 7 184a, Major Jarcd Cor.e, aged 83 year.". He was born in llultnii, Ci, .lunc, I GOO, and entered the sctvico of his rounlty in repelling ihe Re gressions of England against the Colonies in 1775, at the age. of 10, and continued in active and most laboiious seivicc to the close of that memorable contest for liberty. He was insjver.il important battles was with tho brave and lamented Col. Sciui- mel when slain; and finally afier suffering every thing but death itself- he was nt the closing scene; ihe surrender of Lord Com wallis at Yorktown, V'a. Ho was retained cd in tho peace establishment with the rank of Major which ho soon resigned, anil en gaged in metcanlile pursuits, from which ho was soon after called by his fellnw citi zens to engage in political life. He repre sented his native town in the General Assembly sixteen sessions in succession. He was also appointed a civil magistrate, and was cahed to various duties of which ho hischarged with faithfulness and fidelity to his constituents, and honor to himself- In 1800 he removed to Columbia, N. II, where he wad soon called from that lelire mout which he sought, to serve his fellnw citizens in the capacity of a magistrate, and to fill various town offices, such as Town Clerk, Selectman, Collector, ifcc, some one or more of which offices he continued to hold til! incapacitated by the infirmities of ago to ditch-irso ihnr duties, lie also was a number of the Now Haiiipslinc Lpg isliilure tlireu Sessions, malum; in all nine teen session he ban served his fallow citi zens in the Liginininrnd more '!t-'i six'v years he had served hi country ci.h.:r in a military or rivil rapacity during with lime, no nun. perhaps, occupying his posi tion ever had fewer enemies or maintained a more prefect character for honesty and integrity of purpose, or purity of motive. He was emphatically tho 'noblest woik of God,' an honest man. He wa3 twice mar ried, and the father of twelve children, len of whom with the second wife survive Inm. Although he was strictly moral and pro fessed a high regard fur religion; yet he neglected to become personally interested in the blessings of the great salvation, till within a few years of his death, when he .aiviuililalvL fjinml, tUa RutM.-nnnonll himself with the Congregational Church, a member of which ho died. His last end was peace lie rests Irom his labors and toils and his works do follow him. Beauties of Banking. The RulT,ilo Courier says In a laic number of Syles tcryCiiunierfit Detector, we find a list of the names of upwards of twelve hundred hams in ihe United Stales. Upon a care fiiftxaminaiion, we find that of the twelve hdidreu, three hundred ate broken, or "no sA-'i" which means the same thiiiff sixty- fur are fraudulent institution; forty-four e cither closed or closing; fifty-five are at discount of from 35 to 90 percent; C'i are rom 2 to 20 per cent discount; and 53 are at par or worth 100 cents on the dollar, in city oliN'cw 1 ork. 1 he s ime paper also con tains a list nf over 100 different counter feits on the various banking institution in the Union. Horrible Crime. Tho Nashua, N. II. Telegraph stales that in Ashburnham, Mass, a girl sixteen years old, who was about lo givo birth to a child, when, on be ing palled upon to swear lo its palernit, charged it upon her own father His name is Ward he is sixty years old, and tho father of sixteen children, of whom this tin fortunate girl is the youngest' The peo pie of ihe town assembled, anil gave him six hours to leave tho place, duiing which lime he disposed of his property a mounting to handsomn sum, leaving it to his family and took his departure for parts unknown1 tie had always borne an excel lent character. A She Devit.i Lynn; Mass.on Mon day a little boy was so severely whinnhd by a school mistress, that ho died in tho course of few hours after from his injuries. The inhuman wretch was forthwith arrested, Mopped in I xme.K lad was slopped t Pittsburg, on Saturday last, walking off a sieamuoat wun oi) in specie, and annul tho same amount of Banks notes, which he had taken the trouble to appropriate to him4 self, probably under an impression that the owner did not know the worth of them. Important Disris'on. On the Irial of a woman in England, for hitting off a man nose, the foreman of the jury decitlcd, that if a man attempted to kiss a momaii against her will, she had a right lo bite 'oiT his noso if she had a fancy for so doing! A verdict was accordingly rendered for tho defen dant. Tho New York Journal of Commerce ays that there have arrived nt that port from foreign porls during the week ending last Sunday; 0205 passenenrs; 1560 of whnui have arrived on .SWilay; making a total uf 'J2.201 time ht January. THIN OUT YOUR REACHES. ! The Gcrinantown Telegraph states that Mr Rldjrway 'raised last year, on his splcn did orchards, near Delaware City, upwards of eighteen thousand bushels of peaches, the finest over brought to Philadelphia The plan Mr. R' pursues to get laige fruit, is to thin them nut in their green slate, that the energies of the tree, instead being divided a mouiT thousands of diminutive peaches, are concentrated upon one third of the number, giving them three times the size, and this size brings thrtic times the prico of the small, sour, immatured Truit which is so constantly met with in the markets.' THE LEGISLATURE Tho Legislature of this Commenwealth will reassemble at Harrisburg, oh theOihof June inst., pursuant to adjourment, for the purpose ul apportioning tliu onugressioiial district, and the transa, ling such other busi ness as circumstances may dictate. Another Bank Robbed. -We are inform cd, says iho N. Orleans Adveitiser, that the Branch Bank ol Louisiana, at bf l'ran cisville, has been robbed of some $89, 000, or more. Tho Cashier, it seems, allowed persons to nveruraw; a least so noes the slorv. He has been dismissed it is said, from the the employ of the Branch ilisfortues.'it is said, never comes single A man named llutrhcson with Ins son and two other lads, hail been to tho Savanah Market, lo pp'I a drove of cattle, and Were on their wav home. The father snipped night nt a tavern Uid sent the boys on in advance of him. During the night he was robbed of all tho proceeds of his sale, and continuing Ins way home nennvlcss found that his son had been struck dacd by lightning In ihe road, and his two companions so severely Injured, that It is believed tltcy win not survive A heartrending accident occured nt Rim crsdurg, in Clarion county, Pennsylvania on the 1 1th inst. A young man by the name of Hilliaid it seems was in a wagon for a muscmcnt commenced brandishing a sword and giving orders to the by slanders. A young man by ihe name of Fox who stood by with a ri lie commenced fencing with it to amuse the lookers on when inadvertency Fox placed his hand upon Ihe luck, and the rifle went off: the ball ci;lc;ed bc head of Hilliartl, who fell dead from ihe wagon. Fox was not aware that the rifle was load ed. Is another melancholy warning to tho3o who play with fire arms. Keystone. HISTORY OF A FORGER. The Bnslon Mail gives a short history ol a notorious character namec Ilamrald. who has at least a dozen aliases to his ninir, and wnosc me is quite as riicquercu wnn crime rs tho vidians of olden time -Abaleno.Ri naldoorJack Sheppcrd not excepted. lie went through the opcratiion of hanging himself in London some years ago, while waling his trial for forgery, and while his keeper went for medical aid, cut himself down and escaped. He was subsequently' '.ranspnrled. but oven then contrived to cs cape from Rotany Bay. He J'as been several times in jail at N. Orleans and Cin cinnati, but found means to break his pris on walls; Ho was sentenced to Sing Sing, but onlisiened the sympathy of some phihin ihropists nt New York, and was released, lie is now in j-iil in Newport, bu how long he will remain there is uncertain, lie is an excellent penman, and a man of ready talent. A most horrible outrage on a young worn an was perpetrated near the village of Fol ton, Oswego Co, on Monday week, by cit;h or ten young scoundrels fo'tir of whom are now in jail at Osween. Wo hope uieir iriai win lane piace oeiore a Juuge and Jury who do ho hold that systematic abomination are a necessary eveil with Major D'Avezac, and some others momber of the Legislature of that Slate Like Gov ernors, liks people Tho w heat rrop iiiKeniucky promises an abundant yeild. OBITUARY- Deparled this life, nt his residence in Greenwood inwnshin, on Thursday last. ABNER MENDENHALL a high'lly res pecuhle citizens, and a worthy member of the boeiety of l-ricnds, aged abotu73 years, On Sunday evening last, Mrs- MARY A'PELMAN, wifeof Bnltis Applemanof lienuocR i ownsiup, aged about GO years PPJCES CTOP.ElTTs At Bloomsburg, Pa. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat, 31 10 Rye 00 50 5 00 1 25 12 40 8 11 11 Corn, Cloverseed, Flaxseed, Butler, Oats. Eges, Tallow, Lard,.- DrieU Apples,' 1 50 We are requestad to announce PETER BIGGSc .is a candidate Tor MAJOR of tho 1st Bat talion 71sl Rpgimer.t, at lite June Election. SHERIFF'S SAM virtue of a writ of al. Icvurl facias to mo directed, will tic exposed to nubile sale at the Court Iloliicin I)anviile,on Saturday, the Mth day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the following pro perly, viz i ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR piece of ground situate hi Liberty township, ill the county of Columbia, anil stacof Pennsylvania, Uioinmn lands of William Campbell, Robert oi- mon.on, anil lands of John McWilliams, boglnnlng at a stump, a corner of lands ol Ilnbison anil Si monton, thence by lands ofSimonlon, Dcarmond ana CampbelliNorth sevcnty-icvrn and one-hall de grees East, sixteen perches to n post, thence soutti thtity-cight and one half degrees bast, right perch cs to post, thence Kouth seventy one degrees cast, ten perches to a post, thence south lurty six and a half degrees cast, elplit perches tort post, thence south seventy-one degree) cdst, Idn perches to a post, and north liticcti ami cnc.louith degrees west, eight perches to a Uhesnut oak, thenco south eight degrees, forty perches, to a post, apd north seventy live degrees east, eiglny-two perches and O-lOlhsof a perch to a stonb heap, thence by lands of the said John M' Williams, horth forty seven degrees west, one hundred and twenty perches to n thence by lands of Uobrrt Simonton, south thirty four and u half degrees west.one hundred and thirteen perches and 5 lOlhs of a perch to the place of be ginnlninp;, containing fifty acres strict measure, whereon uro known us the Liberty Furnace, Foiii carconB Kilns, ONE COAL HOUSE AND BRIDGE HOUSE. also, fteve nil vrins of Iron Ore are opened on said tract ol land. Seized, takn in execution, and to be sold as the propeily of Dlrd Patterson, With notice to terra te nam. Sherips Office, Banville, May 27, 1812. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. 1 WELCH &, M AIT IT PROPRIETORS. WILL BE EXHIBITED AT Bloort.sburg, on Friday. June 10, 1842, AT O OCLOCK. P. M, In announcing this extensive Establish ment, the proprietors are "ratified in having it in their power lo assure the prblic that ineir company eiamis UINKlVAliLEU in the Y OllLD, cnmhinin the largest num ber of superior Trained Arabian Horses. together with,a Company of Ladies and ueiuianen oi ine nrst talent ttiat can be produced either in Lurovc or America. Among whom arc Mr- C. J. ROGERS. Mr. GEORGE CADWALLADER, Mr. GEO. SWEET, Mr.w.HUWAKiJ.Mr. JtlSLEY & SON, Mr, im;i.iKUfN, Mr. JENNINGS, Mr HILSIE, Mr. PAMER, Mrs J. SMITH, Mrs. WELLS, Misses LOUISA WELLS AMELIA WELLS.IMARY WELLS.Mas lers GLENROY. COLEMAN, CHES NUT and CHAMBERS, Clowns M essrs. WELLS and WILLIAMS of COOKS AMPHITHEATRE. The Exhibition will be accompanied by a SPLENDID BAND OF MUSIC! CONSISTING OF 13 MEMBERS. Admission Boxes, SO Cents Pitt, G,ii Cents. For particulars of performance, seo bills of ihe day. CROSS IlEYESo ESPEOTFULLY Informs hi friends and the public, that ho still occupies tho nhiivn well known Tavern in llloomsburi'. fnrmrl kept by Il.J.VIEZ, G It OSS, and that he has thoroughly repaired, and made such alterations in its internal arrangements, as to give him in creased facilities fur the accommodation of custom ers. As his ISar and Table will always ho pro vided with th-a best, ho hopes to receivo a shara of public patronage. May 81, 1813. 4 Susquehanna Hotel, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. CHARLES If ARTMAN TT ESPEOTFULLY Informs hU friends and Jill tho public, that ho has purchased the above largo and commodious well known ilouse, lately occupied by Samuel A, Tirady, and having newly filled it up, and furnish 1 With Entire New Fur. niture, is now prepared to entertain ell hn ., call on him in the best manner.As his BAU will al ways he prpvided with the choicest of Liquors, and his TAIlliE with tho best tho country market af fords, ho flatters himself he shall bo able m ! general latisfactlon to oil who may favor him it!j Cj.U17r.see, May 1812. Military Candidate CJOIiONEIi. We have been requested to annonttcc" BENJAMIN P. FORTNEft as d candidate at tho election In June, fdr the offiM ol COLONEL) of the 71st Regiment '. M. Wo are requested to anndbnee, thai Lt. Col. MtCIIAfiL r- mwM, will be a carldidato fdr the office of COLONEL of Iho 71st negimcntj V M. at tho enrUlng Juno1 election. - We are requested (d announce HIRAM R. KLINE, as a candidate fyr the office of COLONEL1 of the 71sl Regiment, at the Election In Juno. i Wo are requested to announce Col. MATTHEW McDOWEIX, as a candidate for re-election to the office of COLO MKT. ,.r,i,n "rt.t T?r.Titrpnt. P. M. at the June Election. We arc requested to nnnouhco LLOYD TIldMAS, ns a candidate at tho June Election, for the officd of COLONEL of tho 71st Regiment, M. We oTe requested to announce that Mmor ANDREW CRIVLING, will be a. candidate for the office of COLONEL of tlm 7Ut Uccimcnt, I t Mt at uio enxumg " cleetiom MAJOR1 We arc requested to announce WILLIAM THOMAS, ... . r .1 m f -WJ7.JYJII nf tVlR 2il as a candiuaieior wu( ' Battalion, 71st llegimcnl, r. m. ai mo junu mic tion. We are requested lb ahnounco MICHAEL P VANCE, e nt k tnt7 nfiliRlat Bat as a canuioaiu iur mjwM --- tation, 71st Regiment, aiinejuneicwuu We arc requested lo announce ABRAHAM TROXALL, n n candidate for die office of Mjor of the naiiaiiou ui me June election. BRIGADE INSPECTOR ....... -1 tri..,nni.0 c (Yin First ItrirrnrlP IMfJIUU LHIQIUI'I J - ' yiilitia. ..;,,,7o ,1,1,1 rt,is Stihucrs, 'hnn rfn fnr nasi lavors, 1 am uiuuou. .... f. 1 HllllAAl 1... . (Tur mvcplf In vnur consi uv ill, 111.."- . ...... j - . ror tne 1 si iirigauc, 0111 jjivioiuu, l hh- S IVama IWIIIlia at, UIU suauuig ...... j Election. I therefore respectlully solicit your kind influence and generous support, If elected I will cheerfully perlorm tne sev. .l ,t.,,:oo ...id. tmnriitilliv. nnil do all in blfll .l,llb3 ....I. .). ".. j - - my power to give satislacion DANIEL FOLLMER. Limestone township, Col. co. ? April 25; 1842 te- 5 BRIGADE INSPECTOR. Wc arc authorized to announce. Cnpt.JOHN FOSTER nn.ia.1DE VSSrECTOll. nt the June dec tion. BRIGADE INSPECTOR. TO the Militia and Volunteers of the first Brioade, Eighth Division, Pennsylvania Militia. FelliiD .ScWim.'-Induced by a favorable expression of a large number of friends in difl'erent portions of the Brigade, I offer mysell lor your support lor the ofhee of brigade inspector at the ensuiiifr June elec ion. 1 do not wish to"PufT" myself into notice, believing that my real miUtaru qualifications, will De a suihcienl recom mendation to ensure me a generous support amor.g my lellow soidiets. 1 shall, there fore content myself with assuring you. that it 1 should be so lortunate as to be elected tho duties ot the ofitce, villi honor to inv- self, and to vour satisfaction. JACKSON McFA.DDE" April 2, 1812. BRIGADE INSPECTOR- To the Militia and Volunteer of the First migaue.cigiiiii umsion, Pennsylvania minim- Felou Citiitns and Soditn. As the time is rapidly anoronehlnrr the 1st Biigado, 8ih D"i vision. P' M torn- posed ol the counties of Northumberland! Uiiion,,3nd Columbia, will be called immi ' in eiei:i a suitaoie person Oh tie officii of Brigade Inspector, CAPT. WILLIAM N. ICASE, Of Rush township. Northutnherlaiiil chh nircrs himself as :i ".milil iib tr ,;! kit; Hiving oeen engaged In military affairs for Ihe last 20 years he is Induced to believe that he has some claim tinon his mllli,,,. FT.- I . t . hretherni and he feels persuaded that he is fully competent to discharge the duties c iho officii to tho entire satisfarimi, f i,. peoiue. tic there ore runner,, .v,i , . .. ....fr . ... iiii iuira,,LH. April 3, 18i2 u.