Sit Concludtd-from first pagi. "f As eoon as the pirate discovered that we vteto gaining, he gave us several shols of his long Tom, but tho distanco ws too great, and by sunset he was hull down fiom the poop; a few minutes after lis haul ed in his square-sail and studding-sails,and rounded to; and when last seen, was very busy In picking up the balo gooJs, which would no doubt come in play, thought not quite so acceptable to him as the dollars would have been sweotensd with our blood. At dusk, we could just discern the villain, dying to. See nil secure inhold, Mr.Tomkins, and !put on the hatches; and as wo have a steady tradewind, let her go till midnight 'tsouth ioulh.westj and let all hands get eomo rest. 1 must do the the same, for I am nearly done up.' The excitement being over, I was nearly prostrate, and afttr thanking God with mote fervor and sincerity than I ever prayed be fore, I threw raysolf iulo my berth, but kad a feverish tad dreamy sleep till twelvo o'clock, when my trusty mat called o ac cording to orders. 'Twelve o'clock, sir.' How is the wind and weather?' 'Fresh trado, sir clear and pleasant mon rising going nine, large' Take in the lower studding-sail, Tom fcins, and haul uy. south east, if she'll go it good full;' "Ay, y, air.' It is BUfficisnl to inform the patient reader that we saw no more of the pirate, and made much better progress sow that our barque was in ballast trim only. We fin ished our passage without farther troubte. Many were the jkes cracked by all hands, as they talked over tho events of that day of excitement. The underwriters not only paid for the cargo thrown overboard at once on receiving the news, but, an learning the particulars, Voted a piece of plate for roe, and a gratuity in cash for the mates and men of eqbal value. In conclusion, I have met e'.y to remark, that the above tale is founded on facts, and is not expected to inte.est any, except nautical men, being too full of technicalities 10 amuse tho general reader, and too im peifc la claim the notice of the literati' A man was suspected of etealir6 Tind was nnested. ' What am I taken for? ho enquired of the sheriff. 'I take you for a horse,' was the reply; where upon he im mediately kicktd tho sheriff over and ran off. At Private SALE. THE Subscriber offers for tale his large TWO STORY BRICK fl'.uated on Mntn-fltrppt. THnnmetmrrr C.cA sn P - b ww. vw, a u It has been kept as a Tavern for the last 13 years, find in vce tnrttfA fw o Kin I'-,..., CO feet front, and 60 back, with stabling for 50 hor ses, and a good well of water. It is a corner lot, oo leet tront and 14 hack. ALSO A half lot near tho above, with a FRAME BARN ALSO A half acre lot with a new house, and eight or ten bearing TREES, of good fiuit upon it, situated on 3d street. ALSO AtHa.cre Iot at BLOOMSBURG BASIN, on which is a TWO STORV t HOUSE and a WIlAliF. ALSO 9 12ths of an undivided IJ acre loffronting 1st st mid Greenwood road. This Lot is well calculated to divide into building LOTS. rThI?.b !-'.c."y l,cinB situated in the centre .oftlio IKON REGION OF COLUMBIA CO UN. TALIST WU,'i' at,entlon of API- rhaLTi11 '0ljI 'setl"r ?r ejn?l''ly, io suitpur- ,., , - ,T DANIEL GROSS. aJloomsburg, Jfov. 7, ,1811. .FRAillB $jfff& mm ;!A NEW VOLUME. XftATr. 1st, 1842.- THE SATURDAY POST. - "A FMilLY SHEET. 0? TUB MAMMOTH CLASS. . Anew volume of the popular family newspaper, Saturday Evening Post, will be commenced on tho first of May, 1842, ibeautif jlly printed oa tho finest whito linen paper. The Post is the old est and best established piper in the Union, having already got to the commencement of tin 23d Volume. While scores of papers which have been started in tho last twenty-thrco years, have passed away forever, the .Post stilt maintains its proud position in point of ciiculation and profit, at the head of the family newspapers of the day. The great size of tho paper enables the proprie tors to give a greater variety of original and selected matter than can he found in cotemporary sheets. Tho paper has been greatly Edlarged aitd Improved, And now appears in handsome new type, and has received the praise of many editors of taste, ns the ' handsomest family sheet in the Union' Our ef forts have been directed to the combining of beauty and simplicity, with utili'.v an taste. The Posr is printed on stout white paper, rendering it neat and durable for filing; while in size it surpasses every other weekly newspapca in Phitadclpnia, and has received from its cotcinporarics the tile of The' Philadelphia Mammoth. The great size of the paper enables us to give all impoitant Congressional proceedings at length, and all reports and other impoitant public documents in full, together with occasional Congressional Speeches in full. Literary Department, Tho Post is acknowledged to bo the hrst news paper in the country in tho quantity and quality ef ita original tati-s, essays, poetry, and other maUcr. The following contributors are a warrant of its merits. T. S. Arthur, author of Thomas J. Beach ' I.emperance Pledgc,''J. Milton SinJers, author TlieBrokcnMerchant,'! of 'The MiamiValley' and other Temperance S D Anderson Stories. Lydia H Sigourney Professor J.- II. Ingrarivm E W Thomas, author of author of 'Lafitte.'K'idj Clinton Bradshawe, &c. &c. Jesso E. Dow, J Howard Pinckney author ofiC Tlierese Clarke the 'Log of Old Iron Miss J Estcllo sides,' &c. &c. John G Whitticr Ltuis Fitzgerald Pasistro. . Misa OH W Es.ling R. M. Walsh, Miss E. Leslie, N. P. Willis, .Mrs. Emma C. Embury Mrs. A. '. Annan Mrs. Lambert James H. Dana Lewis J. Cist Lydia Jane Picrson Theo. .5. Fay George P. Morris Francis S. Osgood Mrs It r Nichols Mrs Amelia B Welby J Tomlin J Ross Browne Lucy Seymour Mrs Mary H Parsons Mrs Carolino F Orns Mm M St Leon Loud Mrs Ann S Stephens J T S Sullivan MrsE C Stedman Mrs Caroline Pee Henlx William Wallace Alfred B. Street life .L dition far a n "" ,iaV8 made an arrangement, in ad' Original JVouer, from tho pen of H. W. Herbert, Esq. author f Cromwell,' The Brothers,' &c. which they have been publishing for sometime past. Tho scene ef tlii- novel is laid in America tho subject is the Buccaniers. Such an opportunity to subscribe should not be lost. Original Stories appear in eTery number of tho paper, with original articles upon all subjects. The Post contains the greatest variety of Origi nal Tales, Sea Sketches, Essays, Poetry, Songs, Charades, bi side the latest and best selections from the American and English Magazines, and all tho other fountains of choice Original Literature. , TUB TERMS. It ts issued at tho old established rate of Two Dollars per annum, Cash in advance, and may b truly said, now that it is enlarged, to bo tin Cheapest papet in the Union. As friends and neighbors tften wish to clvb to gether to facilitate remittances, we offer to such, or o any person who will secure us the uames and money, the following Inducements to Clubs., 3 copies for G dollars in advance post paid. 7 ... 10 It is to be understood, that to entitle any person to the benefit of tliOj above terms, all arrear ages must bo first paid, and the subrcriptions must be remitted in advance post paid. We adhere to the Cash (system. UEOKGE R. GRAHAM & CO. Third and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia' Mew Marfele MANUFACTORY, AtBloomsburg, Col. Go. nrVIEY would inform tho citizens of Columbia JB, county, mat they have commenced thobusi HnwnTeTBb0V0,1,aC0 at the I"11"0 house of E HOWLLL, wbcro they are prepared to manufac. luro to order, in the neatest, best, and most durable manner, MONUMENTS, T0MB-TABLE3, luu " ruui oiUiMES, or ell sizes and uahtics, MANTLES, WINDOW and DOOR SILLS, and DOOR FRONTS. Also PAINT, BAR and HEARTH STONES. Orders for Stonocan beleft with D.GROSS.who wil act as Agent during our absence. j iicy constantly keep on hand n largo lot of iTmoni.ogypuan and Italian Marblo at their wholesale Marble Yard at Selins Grove, Union county, Pa. Bloomsburg August 14, 1841. 16 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby riven to .11 indebted to the Estate of William UiitrrU. ceased, cither on note or book accounts, or Vendue notes due, that payment must be immediately made, otherwise the accounts will be left with, a cellector. , h. B. RUPERT. Adm'r. uioorasonrg.i-eu 6, I8j on HEBREW PLASTER. THIS Recipe, obtained of an old Jew by a trav eller in the Eastern countries, bids fair to bo cf immense value to the Western world. Since this plaster has been introduced into America, every other plaster, salve, ointment or lina mcnt has been discontinued by all who have had an opportunity of testing tho superior medical virtues of the Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster. Truth, though simple, is powerful, and will prevail with an enlightened community, over all tho puffings and ficiitious affidavits with which tho world is Hooded. The sterling worth of this plaster, is recognised, ap preciated, and its use sanctioned by tho highest classes of society. One simultaneous burst of ap probation arises from the thousands who have used it, which shows, that when a remedy possesses high ly intrinsic merits like this, it docs not fail of re ceiving the patronago of our intelligent public. To be had at tho stores of John ll.Moyer,Blooms durg, Grim, Veer ? Derr, Washington, A, Milter, Berwick, P. E. Vastine, Danville, and J. Jf J. R. Sharpless, Cattawissa. 8CJBXsOOD-D8 Bo ye purified in your blood, And' Health will attend you. ' The life of thi Flesh is in the Blood:' Leviticus, c. xvii. xi. HOW IS THE BLOOD TO BE PU RIFIED 1 ! Thousands can answer this question who know from acjual experience that DR. LEWS' S BLOOD PILLS, X COMPONANT PART OF WHICII IS SAnSAPAlUIXA, Aro tho safest, best, and most effectual Pills now in existence. LEST YOU MAY BE DECEIVED ! THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE ARK DR. LEIDro nnn FILLS, A COMPONANT PART OF WHIC SARSAPARILLA. T is attempted by Quacks and Impostors to in , troduco their vile and dangerous nostrums bv uaauuuug mr uicirname mat oi "ULUUU I'liiLH knowing that the Blood Pills manufactured by Dr. Lcidy havo obtained the greatest reputation of any Pills in existence, and think by such trickery to imposS upon tho public by selling theirs upon the popularity of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills. The public arc thereforo particularly requested to bo cautious when purchasing, to ask for Dr. LEI DY'S BLOOD PILLS. The public are assured that Jfr. Leidy's Jilood Hills are the safest, best, and most efficacious of any now in use, containing neither Mercury or the Minerals, and may be employed by young and old, male and female at all limes and under all circumstances vithout fear from taking cold, re straint from diet in living or occupation. In oil cases where a purgation may bo necessary these Pills will be found both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or Sickness of tho Stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensations. Further comment is deemed unnecessary the numerous certificates published from time to time from Physicians and other individuals must havo convinced tho incredulous, and for tho further in formation of all others, Ur.Leidy refers them to the directions which accompany each Box. They oro prepare' and sold.wholes.ile and retail, at Br. XjF.IVVH 1tK.lti TJt IlJtU OHIU.Tt, No. 101 .VOllTII SECOJVJf Street, bolow Vino street, (sign of tho Golden Eagle and Ser pents.) Also sold at Lulz's Health Emporium, Bloomsburr. Nov 20, 1841. " 30 DR. LEIDY'S TETTER AND ITCH OINTMANT. An infallable remedy for various affections of the SKIN, reraovintr l?tes' P"lules' a"J Eruption of the bKIN, and particularly adapted to tho cure of TETTER and ITCH. This ointment has been used in numer ous schools throughout the city and county; as well as Factories, employing numerous girls and boys.and ameng whom Tetter and Itch, as well as other Affections of the Skin, prevailed, with the most unexampled Suc cess. Names of School Teachers, as well as superintendents and Proprietors of Fac tones, could be given.confirming the above, liut for the delicacy they feel in havino- thnir names published in connection with such loathsome, and disagreeable affections. Prepared and sold at Dr. Li-iilu'. ir.iit. Emporium, (Sign of the Golden Eagle and Sorpeants,) No. J9I north second low Vine; also sold at Luiz's Health Emporium, Bloomsburz. FBRSXAN FXLXiS. r' is now a settled point with all thoso whihavo used tho Vegetable Version X'ills, that they arc pre-eminently tho best and most efficacious - (JJliij1 Ll J . J , , . ca. If every family could become acquainted with their sovereign power over disease, they would keep them and be prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho first appcaranco of disease, and then how much distress would bo avoided and money saved, as well ns lives of thousands who arc hurried out oftimo by neglecting disease in its fust stages, i n.!imnfi rcmcdv which they can place dependance pn. ajAll who wish . onmct ciflrnnaa. ulinuld use the Persian W gUUlU UgM.W". . pills freely, when needed : no injury can ensue, it used from youth to old age, when taken according to tno Directions. Sold by J. It. Mover, Blbomsburg. Grim, Deer ft Derr, Washington, J. . J. -it. miu wissa, A. Miller, Berwicts,and P. E. Vastine,Dao ville. Iyv5 1G , JHYJES TO THE Formerlu owned by D. S. TOBLQS, now in the hands of E. LUTZ. EPESKAOI 1LUTZ has purchased tho cntiro Stock ol Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints Varnishes, Class, DyestulTs, Confcclionarics, &c. fcc. Formerly belonc'niE to Mr. Tobias. And in ad' Jiiinn to tho former Stock mav be had a new and splendid assortment of all articles belonging to his lino of business, just received from Philadelphia. All persons wishing to purchase any of the above articles aro particularly invited to call and price tha articles in his Store before buying elsowhcro as ho is ilpiprmincil to sell as low. and bv a little Jewing, lower than can bo bought any where else in the surrounding neighborhood. The Subscriber considers it hardly necssary to mention the aiticlcs in particular ps ho is confident that no one can come amiss uy enquiring u rany am bcloniincr to a Druir Store. N. IS. JrcKnts and Physicians will find it to their advantago tocalin,.i mY such articles as they may stand in need of, as they sliull ha. accom modatcd at a very low percentage. In few words all are respectfully invited to caH sec aim judge tor themselves. EPHRAIM LtTZ. Bloomsburg, Not. 13, 1841 tf 21). No. Gi.corner of Walnut 4- Thrd streets f HVJE subscribers rrlnrn llieir tiiwrn tVinnl-o to H their friends fnr tbn fivra an liHnrnllv koctni. cd on them, and beg leave to assure them that no enuris suaii oo wanting on ttieir part to merit continunnro of llieir nntrnnnm. linlh !n rnfornnin workmanship and cheapness of price to suit the It 13 hiphlv nilvnnlnn-onnn in fimllnm.m nnA Ti. dilutions liavinor Libraries. In nnnlv ilimri in il.n Binder, making at least n saving of 10 ta 20 per tcm, uuu comeiiinc3 more. All descriptions of Binding neatly executcd. Genllemen'a Libraries filial nn nnH ro,i!mJ xr sio and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladio's scrap books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions . 1 . i 1 Tf. If 1 - iuuuo io oiaer uiuaing uone lor libraries, instt muons, oocieucs, occ. on auvantageous 1 erms TO PRORIIONOTARIES, REGIS TERS, RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, AEROHANTS AND BANKS. They aro also prepared to manufacture BLAISE WORK TSjffi'SteI' 6Uch as Voch-eta, ISecords, Memorandums, CATf'0f ntrfab, quality of Paper, (Robinson's Ivory Surfaced)", ,n v 7 . ,ne U,"cs of Philadel. r w. .J' w. :X. ! m mosl "wonaMe terms, TO JINI i ATTEllN tvr t, n, . t, u YDl: & WILLIAMS. dospatchj also Files of Papers. arrisburi:. Marh 2C. 1R4 111 , r ... UiHU. to. All orders for bmding.or for blank books, iu ui , , riuce, win uo lorwarded, and returned as soon as completed. JVEmi1 .Igent. ADMINISTRAI'ORS NOTICE? Estate of miliam II. Pelrikcn late o Bloomsburg Columbia county deceased. TsVTOTHJE is hereby givcn.that letters of admin tVi ,!'rat'c"1 0,1 tho overstate, havo been cran ted by tho l eB,ster of Columbia county to the sub scriber residing ,n Bloomsburg, who rcqests all in debted to said estate to make immediate payment, prer Bloomsburg, Msr.hy-8i?PBaT'Ad",r- 'Tell Chapman to Crow!" ELECTION is over, and I havo got a new BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, or as the boy said, a new fcoat made out of daddy's old one, as I havo bought out Ma- nasseli Iiowniati s whole block, hook and line, bob and sinker, and employed soma first rata workmen to do the best of work at tho shortest notice, for cash only I there foro invite People wishing to onjoy good health and warm, dry feel to call and try mc. N. B. None need come without the Fit ter Dinktum. STEPHEN MANSFIELD. Col. B. S. Brockwav, Foreman; WANTED at the above establishment, wo or three cood Journoymcn, to whom constant employment and liberal wages will be ei"en. Berwick, November 6, 1842. dissolution of Partnership. OT1CE is hereby given that tho Copartner ship heretofore existing under the iirm of C A- & C, G- BROBST, has this day, April 18, 1842, bcon dissolved by tmi. tutil consent. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to scttlo their accounts with; and those having claims against the lirm will present thein for scttlemet to C.G. BROBST. C. G. BROBST, C. A. BROBST. N. B. The business will tie carried on by C. G. IJKOIIST, who solicits a continuance of public p. ironage- 03The BOOKS and NOTES of C.A.BROBSr will bo placed in tho hands of Joieph Brobst, Esc for collection. Persons wishing to save cost will' please call nud scttlo their accounts. C. A. BROBST. Whereas, the undersigned in connection with WILLIAM REDEMEIR, have been engaged in company in digging ore on tho farm of Samuel Mo lick, and whereas, the said Rcdemeir has left tho concern, therefore, we shall hereafter refuso to pay any debt ho may centract cither in his own name or that of tho company. CHARLES RITTER, ALBREIGHT KEILINO. Aprill5, 1812. BRIGADE INSPECTOR To the Militia and Volunteers of the Fint Brigade, Eighth Division, Pennsylvania Militia. riends and Citizens Soldiers. Thankful for past favors, 1 am induced by wy fiiends to offer myself to your consi deration, as a candidate for the office of. BRIGADE INSPECTOR ' For the 1st Brigade, 8th Division, Penn sylvania Militia at the ensuing Military Election. I thereforo respectfully solicit your kind influence and generous support. If elected I will cheerfully perform the sev. eral duties with impartiality, and do all in my power to give satisfaction DANIEL FOLLMER. Limestone township, Col. co. April 25; 1843 te- BRIGADE INSPECTOR. TO the Militia and Volunteers of the first Brigade, Eighth Division, Pennsylvania Militia. ' Fellow Soldiers:-lnAuceii by a favorable expression of a large number of friends in different portions of the Brigade, I offer myself for your support for tho office of Brigade Inspector at the ensuing June elec ion. I do not wish to "Puff" myself into notiro, believing that my real miUtary qualifications, will be a sufficient i.torn mendation to ensuro me a generous support amor.g my fellow soldiers. I shall, there fore content myself with assuring you. that if I should be so fortunato as to be elected my best abilities shall be exerted to perform the duties of tho office, villi honor to my self, and to your satisfaction. JACKSON McFADDEN April 2, 1842. BRIGADE INSPECTOR To tho Militia and Volunteers of the First migaue.iMgnih Umsion, Pennsylvania minim- " FeMmu Cltirens trnrl As the timo is rapidly approaching whf a I the 1st Biirrade. flih f)i posed of the counties of Northumberland, Union.Jand Columbia, will be called upon lo elect a suitable person to fill the offico of Brigade Inspector, CAPT. WILLIAM II. KASE, ui "u "vrn3,p Northumberland county offers himself as a candidate for said office. 1 naving oeen engagsd in military affairs for the last 20 years he is induced to beli&r that he has snmi. plnim nnn. i.:. ..-. .. . MW Il.tMia ""-...em, uuu nu ieeis persuaded that he ? milts Mn.nAf. . i ; . ... t.jr v vuimibidiu to utscnargo the unites IMA nflir-n In ihn 1: Ni i people. He there fore r,tru .i:ii iVMh.VimitJ OLfllbl., vnur aitHi.iiii April 2, 1842lg. aTl A fTrnw stt a" nnHE public aro hereby cautioned lint ta crodit. r irusi my wilo ULIZA, who has desertallJ my iiouso, without any just cause, as I shall pay no. debts ef hor contract nir afici il.i. .Ul. 1 3 ; , . ... Jvori ua WEUIJ, 2il I IJIaoro township. April 38. 1842 v p