The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 07, 1842, Image 4

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    . . tTJic EMscnthrraJEcd,
i T, a. wniTTixn.
Ma KtltoCi3 3TrnU runkenn.
An abject worshipper
Tk pride of-manhood pulse 'had grown
Too faint and-cold to stir?
-And he kail given tho spitU
' To thomnbleuea thrill,
Ji.ui bowing totho .poison cup,
Had slotted dnUils fall.
"JXhcr im a eiangc, the doua rolled oft
'And light fell on tit brain
And like the passing of a dream,
That comtth not egaia, -The
shadow eftheipirit fled,
Uo stwthe gulf-before,
:11s ihuJflcrod at the waste behind, i'
And was a nu-once mora.
H shook the serpent folds wy,
That gathered round his heart,
.As shakes the-swaying forest oak.
Its poison Tinta apart;
vHo stood erect returning pride
Oreir terribly -within,
.And contcienco cat in judgnent oa
UU aaost, familiar aia.
.The light of intellect again
I Along his pathway shone.
And Reason like a monarch eat
Upon hU golden throne.
'The honored aooVlhe w isa once'raow
Within his preienco came
And lingered long on lovely lips
His once -forbidden name.
"There may le glory inlhe riight
That treadeth nations down;
Wreathes for the princely coirqueror;
JYido for-llio-kingly crown;
iSot nobler b the triumph hour,
The disenthralled shall find,
TVfcen evil passions bow eth dow
lint the God-like niud.
.'fhazma, df tho New Orleans Picayune, cires'in
tfi recent number of that paper, the following exqui--edt
'Of all tie-words in languago there's no ethar
-Equal in gentle influence to Mother!
It is tho firstnamclhat-wo learn to love
'It is the first star ahining-from above
ETt is a light. that lias t-softer ray
Than aught we rind In evening orday't
MoiheiM-It back to 'childhood bringi"fha man,
"And forth to womanhecd it leads'the maiden.
Molhcit 'tis wilhjthe namo all. things began
Thatare-with sympathy fully ladcn-
0! 'tis the fairest thing in Nnturc'o .plan,
.That ell life's cares may not affection smother;
While-lives within tho yearning heart of man,
Melting reiacmbrance-of a gentle mother.
QxHTLSKKis, Years may -pasa over oir
&udi without affording en opportunity for
acts of benelicencf or extensive utility;
therein, not a day ptiaes, but, in common
uansactioni ot lite, nnu especial y in Wo in
tercourse of domestic; eocieiy, gentleness
finds place for promoting the happiness of
ethers, and for otrengthening in ourselves,
the habit of virtuo.Thero are situations, bow
- few, in human life, when the encouraging
?rtception, the condescending behavior, and
the look of sympathy, brintr greater relief
to the heart than the roost bountiful gifts.
In whttarer manner yos conduct with
is men.hi discreet with fools; on wisdom
tthsro ie much dependance weakneis iiin-
apable of trust.
Is it not true that the young not only ap
pear to be, bnt really are, most beautiful in
'the presence they -lovef It calls forth all
-heir beauty
r. lie who imagine that he ean do with
out the world is much deceived; but ho -who
ffaneies that the worU eannt do without htm
is still mote deceived,
All persons wh ean defer their laughter
until a convenient time, thonld be taken to
'the Huwance Society, ts extraordinary ca-
of Uutf ended mimutitn.
Tht ever action and restess power of
thought, if ist employed abort -what is
good, stiHirnraly aad unavoidable engen.
der svil.
I wouia apply io mstf pdrj'rician what
Balijer said of the J7asque people. 'It i s
MMfted thsrthey understood ono another,
iut I ia not believe itr
Two things fill my mind with ever new
fond increasing admiration and veneration,
tlte ofteaer at?fl moro constantly they occu
py my thoughts, the stsrry heayens above
ni mwsl law wllk m
To toy books its ome do, who makenri
Use 'of llierri. only because they-wero pub
lished by an omlnerit printer, ii much as
tf a man should buy clothes that did not
fit him, -only becauaa they w'ero mado by
somo famous tslor. A , w
Very Fair. Aro you fond of novels,
Mr. Jonest'
Very, responded ihe interrogated gen-
tlomio, who wished to bo thought by the
dy questioner, fond of literature.
Have you,' continued the inquisitive la-
day over read. "ITen Thousand a Yean'
'No Madam I never read that many
novels in all my life!'
The lady hung her head for a moment
and stopped,
AYr. Prewilt, of tho Jissiiipp't Creole,
said that. Good, for you. Afr, Prewitr
Is that bell ringing for fire?' enquired a
man of ono of tho firemen, as tiio Slate
Home bell tolled out the fearfnl alarm.
'Nor replied the other, 'heaven knows
wc have too much uf it already it'o ring
ing; for water.'
'None of your tlatkf at the sailor said
to the rope.
I'm into ygu a foot,' as the man said to
the boot.
'Deeper and elill,' as tin man said ven he
fell into the quagmire
'Rocked in the cradle of the deep,' as
the man eaid in the diving bell.
'You belong to tho rising generation,'
as .the tlour said to thuyeast.
'A cheil's among ye, taking nofesl as tho
absconding teller said, to tho bank diiec-
'I'm -a bust-cr? as the sculptor saitl when
ho. was asked his business,
JEvil of Snuff Taking. A. Lowel -paper
says that at an evening party in that town
a few weeks since at which there was a
goodly mrnber of old maids, a young man
intending to bo polito. paseed around hi
f nuff box. The old maids as usual, wishing
to patronize the brau, took freely of tho
conclusive duct, and said to relate; when
tho room was swept the next morning, no
less forty. four false teeth were foundtip
on the floor.The poor creatures had actually
sneezed them out' They aro preserved
and tho owners can have them by proving
property and paying "for 4his -notice,. Old
maids arc not 'up to -.ntia".''
At IPsivate
THE Subscriber offers for tale his large
si'.usted on Meto-street, BloomSburg, Col. co. Pa.
It has been kept as a Tavern for the last 13 years,
and ia well calculated for n Storo and Tavern, being
ou teet tront, and iit eacu, wan stabling lor SO hor
bm, and a good well of water. It is a corner lot.
06 fect front etid U14 back.
AT Ort
A half lot ngauha r-wnrrltA'ME BARN,
' Al.SU
.A half acre lot with n new
and eight'Or ten besting
of good fiuittiponit, s"tuted on 2d street.
A 1J acre lot rit BLOOMSBUnO IMWIff, on
Which is a TWO BTUUX
and a WHARF,
0 lCths-of en undivided acre lotfrontinr; 1st fit,
Knd (ireenwooil road, Tliis,Lnt is well calculated
no divido Into building LOTS.
The above property being situated in -the centre
TY, is well worthy tho attention of the CAPI
U will be eold together or separately, to suit pur-
Bloomsburg, Nov. S7, 1641,
THIS Recipe, obtained of on old Jew by a trav
eller in tho Eastern countries, bids fair to be
ot" immense value to the Western world. Since
every other plaster, salve, ointment or lina
mcnthasboen discontinued by ill who have had aa
opportunity cf testing tho superior medical virtues
of the Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster. Truth,
though simple, is powerful, and will prevail with nn
enlightened community, over all tho puffings and
fictitious affidavits with which the world is flooded.
The sterling worth of this plaster, i3 re cognised, ap-
....!. ..i i : i.: i i... ,2 us......
classes of society. Ono simultaneous burst of an-
probation ariscsfromthc thousands who have used
it, which shows, that when a remedy possesses high-
ly intrinsic merits like this, it does not fail of re-
ceiving the patronage of our intelligent public.
To be had at the stores of John li.Moycr.lilooms-
durg, Grim, Deer $ Den, Washington, A.Miller,
ucrtoiel:, f. jU. Vaittnc, Vamille, ana J. J. A.
Siarplcss, Cattawissa.
Be ye purified in your blood,
And Health will attend you.
The life of thi Flesh is in the iioorf."
Thousands can answer this question who
hww from ac;ual experience that
Are the safest, best, and most effectual Pills
now in existence.
ter se 025 PSSaIi3,cJ
is attempted by Quacks and Impostors to in
troducc their vile and dangerous nostrums by
assuming for their name that of"BI.OOD PILLS"
knowing that the Blood Pills manufactured by Dr.
Leidy have obtained the greatest reputation nfany
Pills in existence, and think Iry such trickery to
impose upon the public by felling theirs upon the
popularity of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills.
I no public are therctoro particularly requested to
bo cautious when purchasing, to ask for Ur. LEI-
Tho public are assured that Ur. T.ctdrfa Wood
PilUdre the safest, best, and most efficacious
of -any notvin use-, containing neither Mercuiy or
tho Minerals, and may bo employed by young and
om, maip ami lemoie ai an nmcs aita timer an
circumstances without fear from Inking cold, re
straint from diet in living or occupation,!.
in all cases where a puroa"-"1"-'!-ur. in.ccssary
(bp-snJUii'-T'trrwiounirboth effectual and easy in
rtncir operation, producing no nausea, or Sicknc
..! wHim1..Biii,HiB uruny omcr unpieasani
sensations. .... ,
t-urther comment is dpomcd unnecessary the
numerous ccrtilicatcs published from time to tune
. .v..w, u , ,.,u..,u.n uiuH iiniu
convinced the lni-m1nlntl nlwl Tnr llm f,,rll.,.r In.
f,7 7i n f, t , V , V
formation ol alt ntnors. Jr.T.cniv reform ihm tn ilin
,. ..m ,7 , '
.cu oecornpaiiy enen 1 ox.
No, 181 .VOTf SECO.Vn Street, below
Vine street, (sign of tho Golden Laglo and Ser
pents.) Also sold at
Lulz'g -Health Emporium, Bloomslurtx.
Nov 20, 1841, so
I T O II !
I T C II !
m? I.P.inV'S'Pt?TTi7n iwn rnnrr
niN'PMAKM' a ;. r ti i i i V
OINIMAiN J An llfallablr, remedy for
various affections of the &KIN. removing
riiiiincB, rasiuics, anu ivrupuon (it lite
SKIN, and particularly adapted to tho cure
This ointment has been tised in numer-
otis schools throughout the city and county;
as well as Factories, employing numerous
girls and bnys.and amnni; whom . Tetter and
.,u, m..Ci n)c,.luSBi.,0oMn).re,nrneii as 800 aicompc,C(
cess. Names of School Teachers, as well
as supetintendanta and Proprietors of Fac-
tones, -could bo given.confirming the above,
but for the delicacy they feel in haying their
lamex puoi.sneo in connection Willi such
loathsome and disagreeable affections.
low Vine; also sold at
Ltitz's Health Emporium, filtemsbtirg.
Nov. to
x ii.ji.iiuu nnu ouiu ui xjr. j,qiuy a lieain iiiu nciierroi ioiumna county to Iho sub
Emporium, (Sign of tho Golden Eagle and riler residing in Bloemslmrg, who reqests all in
debted to raid estate to make
l,Hn... .H, I.I . II. I 1T..1H ..1 I..
T is now a settled point with all those wluhavo
used the Vrgcluble I'erman Ji'Ui.i, ttiat titey
nrc-cininenllv the best and mct efficacious
JFamilv.fledtctnc that has been vet used in Ameri
ca. If every family could become acquainted with
their-sovcrcirm power over disease, they would
keep them and be prepared' wltll a sure remedy to
apply on tho lirst appearance ol Disease, anu men
how much distress wpuld bo avoided and money
saved, as well as lives of thousands who aro hurried
out of lime by neglecting disease in its first stages,
or bv not bcina in nussession of a remedy which
they can place dependance on. QCJ-AI who wish
i b ' ...., -;
PlI,s, w,'e t,ccJ ! n0 '"J0'?, can cnsu.e.' ,f
used from youth, to old age, when taken according
10 1110 "'""ons.
Sold by J. R. Moycr, ffloomsburg. Grim, Deer .T
Derr, Washington, J. $ J. It. Sharpless, Cutta-
tetssa, a. Miner, ucrwicK,anu r. n. tanine,uau-
Formerly owned by D. S. TOliMS, now
in the hands of E. LUTZ.
nM V the c",0 Stockcf
Drugs, Medicines, GPilg, lPRsssts
Variiiahes, Chinas, Eycslirt
CotBfectionai'ics, &c. Sec.
Formerly belonging to Mr. Tobias. And in ad
dition to the former Stork may bo had a new and
splendid assortment of all articles belonging to his
lino of business, just received from 1'JiiluiJelphi.i.
AH persons wishina to pun-liasc any of the above
articles are pailicularly iinifcJ to call mid price Ihe
articles in his Store before huyine elsewhere as he
is determined to cell os low, and by a little Jewin
lower than can be bought any where clso in the
surrounding neighborhood.
The Subscriber considers it hardly r.e-cssary to
mention (he aiticlcs In particular pr ha Is -confident
that noonocon eomoiiiniss by enquiring fo rany aill
clc belonging to a Drug Store.
N. B, Merchants and Physicians will find it
to their advantage, to call and buy such articles ns
they may stand in need of, as they shall bo accom
modated at a very low percentage.
In few words all are respectfully invited to caH,
sec ami judge lor thcmsclvu.
Dloonisburg, Nov-13, 1841 If 20.
, j rr- i.... o
" garner oj rumui o
HU subscribers return their einccro thanks to
j ihnr friends for the favors so liberally bestow
cdon them, and beg leave In assure them that no
efforts fbolt be wanting on llirir part io merit
" continuance nf their patronage, both in reference fo
worKinansUip and encapncis oi price to suit th
s It is highly adT.intnKeoua to Gentlemen and Tn.
stitutions liaving 1itiraiics, to apply direct to Iho
Binder, making nt least a savins ot" 10 to 20 per
cent, and sometimes more.
. All descriptions of Binding neatly rxecutcd.
uciuiemeira i.uiranes lilted up anil rcna red. Mu
-!.. 1 ...!. 1 ' . .. .'
b'b " 1 iiiuuicaisnounii 10 pancrn. laciioM scrap
i i. ah , . ... . ..
uuuivs, ;iiuu;iB mm i inuoiios, oi an iicscrira 0113
,noUo to 0I(Icr, JJiniin(r done for Ijil)f arirf "j tj
tutions' i'ocif,iea- & 011 vantageous Terms.
They arc also prepared to manufacture
nt every description, ouch ai Oacliets, lleconh.
sicca ijooHi, llau-Jtooks, Led vers. Journal
Memorandums, Chcck-llolla,&.c. of tho finest
quality of Paper (Hobinon'a Ivory Surf ced Vn
n stylo equal to any madein the Cities of Philidd-
pnia or ew x ork, on Iho most reasonable terms.
Busk Wonn RoLtn to int Pattwr.
, N. B.OId Books rebound with neatness and
Varruuurg. Marti 20. 1848. Cmo. 48.
All orders for bindintr.or for blank books.
left at this office, will he forwarded, and
: "iJUjtgM
Estate of IVilliam II, Pclfihen late o
J)loamsbnrg Columbia county dtctated.
T&TOTJOr. ia hereto clven.ibat hum f..i.i
istmtion on the above estate, have been gran
and all having claims against it. to nrescnt ihem
propeny auincniicated lor rcttlemrnt.
. , J.D. HU'fiRT.Adm'r.
PWrasbwc, Mcreh 12, 1813,
t'Fcll Ghnpman to Ci;
ELECTION is ovor, and, I ha
nr as tho bnV said, a new ' conl!
- 7 w UUL
tladtlv s old ono, as l nave none it om t
iiassc uowniiiii s wiioic oiock. tmnk
i i -t- i 1 i . "
inn. linn Hinuiir. hiiii iMiinini-n, ...
- --, r"-;vu ion
HM,n . n l,n,Brt In .In 1 1. I......
nl ltn olinfnal iiMllr.., fn ncli r,nl T .1
c. . !....:,.. ?Mnnn ... I 1 l 1 .. ....
. - a A i lu
, I , .1 ... r . ... i, - .
ncaiiii anu warin, ury iuui 10 can and
N. Tl Nhnn nppil enmn tviilinni it,, n
tcr uinktum.
Jol. o. urockwav, Aomnan
WANTED at tho nbove eatpblielirr.en!
Wo or three good Journeyrtien, to im
constant employ inent anu JUfsral wagi
ages vti
be gfeii.
Uerwiclc, November 0, 1842.
"IrVTOTlOE U hereby given that tho Copvttt;.
tj snip luvcioioro. ousting unusr the iirm ct
C- A- & C, G- 15ROEST,
tit,1 minenni Allrifiranna itiflolil.H irttk.f.u I
an...,l anlllrt n.tM,..,,.. ...111.. .... I .t 1
laving i-iui.iii uu:unst inenrui win Ttreseiii llirmf
i.; : . .1. . ...
scttlemcttoC.G. BROBST. I
C. G. UKOr.ST,
:vr n ti.- ...:n :..i , . .
11. A tiu uuaiiica nui ut lui iitu uil UY Vilii
uiiuusi, iviia so lens n r.niiiiiiuuiirft nr nn , ,. "
(XT t lie UUUKS ana JNUTKS of C.A.llltOEIt
will be placed in tho hands of Jofculi B.obsLEn
please call and settle their accounts.
U. A. HRO.iST.
ncreas, uic nnurrsmneu in connccuon m-
.1 - i . , , ..
WILLIAM REDKMEIR. have been ensaru:-
rpmnanv ill ilicrirlnff orn tn tbn firm nrKrrr!V
or. that ol tiio company.
UJIAltI.Ea KIT Jilt,
AprillO, 1812.
To the Militia and Volunteers of the Fin;
llrigade, Eighth Division, Penmylutii
riends and Citizens Soldiers,
Thankful for past favors, I am induct!!
by my fi lends to offer mysell to your com:-!
deration, as n cnniltualo lor tho oltice el
For tho 1st Brigade, 8th Division, Pcns-I
sylv.mia Militia at the ensuing Miliiaijl
Llection. I therefore respectfully fohttl
your kind influence and generous su j'pccl
If elected I will cheerfully perform these'.l
eral dtittea with impartiality, ami do M i
my power to give satisfaction
Limestone township, Col. co.
April 25; 1842 to- 5
TO tho Militia and Volunteers of t!ie fit"
Brigade, Eighth Ltivision, Pennsylvaiw
Fellow Soldiers:-hAuceA by a favoral!
expression of a larco number of friends it
different portions of the Brip.nlo. I offcl
myself for your support for the office
Brigade Inspector at the ensuing June cletl
ion. I do not wish to "PufT" myself
notice, believing that my real mlt'tojl
qualifications, will he a uufiicient rtcoa-
mrnilnttan to ensurn me a generous fuppcit
arnotg my fellow eoldieis. I shall, thtnl
fnro content myself with assuring you. w
if I should be so fortunate as to bo elects:
my best abilities (shall bo exerted to perioral
Ilie unties of t ie ofiico. with honor to intl
self, and to your satisfaction.
.April 8 1813.
To the Militia and Volunteers of the FM
. Brigade, Eighth Division, PcnnsylviM
FcMow Citizens and Sodicrs.
As tho time is rapidlv ripproachiiijr wlifi
tho 1st Biiirado. 8th D'i i-Minn. AI' CO lit"
posed of the counties of Northiinlhsrland,
Union, and Columbia, will be called ups:
In elect a sullablo person to fill the ctTice
of Brigade Inspector,
Of Rush township, Northumberland eotmij
oners nimseii ns a candidate for said, ow
njvniy iiccii engagnu in military auaiis i
the last 20 years he is induced to bclicvt
that he lun some claim upon his military
brelhern; and he feels persuaded that ho ii
fully competent to discharge the dulie 0'
tho office to tho enliro satisfaction of th'
nanr.).. II.. .I..f... .C.U.. rli,'i!l
ir-i . .... r.!.
jii.,jjfli;, uu IIIGIOIWIU ICSpCOIlUil
your sunrages.
April 2, 18121?.
raHE pmilic are hereby oantinncd not to cr.'i-'
U f tfllsl my wife liLIZA, Who has dewriw
my housvithout any jut cause, as I tlull pay n"
dcbU ef her coulracling afiei this date.
Blm townWl, April 20. 1815.