'Appotthnmuii i'Member'e Cvngrt st. ms ooitci new ocoDniei tno atunnon KeiTrha Houss of tfepresentatlYos at Woshin I KJ- Amotion to fix Ilia ratio at 50,120 IRs been adopted' This will give a ho use HTjns what largsi than the present W' Considerable dogate has aricen concerning J tho representation of large fraction. Tho principle of representing them has nlvaye Been selection m rennnylvania. It ti o;nc what surprising that it Uas nererbacn adopt d by Congrass: It seems manifestly un just that a fraction in any elate amounting to within n small nnmborof the ratio agreed on, should eo entirely ttnrenreientad Tar inn years. It would ba evidently rnoro fair tint-any fraction exceeding half the ratio Would be entitled to a raemW. It is dif 'ficult ro make the representation perfect ly equal, but this mode would render it intra ecfu, than that of leaving the frao tion unrepiesented. Another proposition which ap'paars per fectly fair, is that if a state has n fraction cT one-half the ratio, it shall be emitted to an additioaal member for the last fivo years ut of tho ten for which tho apportionment' is made, and so in proportion for any grci tcr on less fraction. METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCI ETY. The annual election for officers of this Society was held in Now York last week, vken Bishop Roberts, was re-elected Preei dent, Rev Georgs Lane, Treasurer, nnd Francis Hall, Esq, Recording Secretary. The managers remain pretty much as thay wera last year. Tho operations of this Soci ely from its commencement havo boen very extensive and eminently successful. The South Amorican Missions have been bus peinJcuoiiU reductions have been made .id numerous ollur Foreign Aiesions. The appropi'ntions for lhotpast year, amounted to SllZjOOO, as follows: Domestic isiions, Liberia Aissions. Oregon da Buenos Arris do Rio Janeiro do Montevideo do $70,000 22,000 10,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 Persont record Awful Causally. Ttoenty Drownid. The Boston parurs a melananehsly dialer which ocaored in that oily on Friday kst, by which distress- .ing eicumstance twenty persons in tho full vigor and. baoyauce of youth were Sainted ifily into eternity. About 8 o'clock, A. M., on Fridsy, the 3sy bejnjr ne Iventy-four of tho Boys of the "Far'm School"on Thompson's Island oblsined permission oftheSuperindentto go a fishing excursion down the outer harbor in live &cooi boat, scomptmied by one of the teacher, in whese judgment and discre tion the utmost reliance could be placed Thoy hr.d a fine lime of if, and romnincd out until about threa" o'clock, when they started for home, iu. the full glow af youth- ful hilarity. At about 4 o'clock, when be tween Thomson's Island and Fort Indcpcn- .dencc, tho boat was struck by a flaw- of wind, and uuddinlyupsot. When the boat went, a bos rolled nut, and four boys clung to it and kept np, until they iWere. taken oF by the schooner H. li. Fos- tor, Cupt. Foster, which happened to be besting up, and fortunly descried tjiem. Captain Foster landed them at TdplitFs toot house about fenr o'clock io the afisr- IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. I By the arrival of theBrilishrn ailjstcamer Medway, which arrived at new York on friday, tho editors of the Now York Hor-' nld have received tho following important intelligence from Moxicotby private corrta fcndeccc. 'Santa Anna las st length poetivolyg pro cured a loan in London, to the amount of 3,000,000 sterling, fur n period of four teen years, without tho payment of any an .nual interest, until the period of reimburse, flient, when the holder of the stosk will receive 8140 for3100, out and out. The agents for this loan are James Morrison k 3o., of London. The Biiffah Government becomas the guarantee for its repayment .to the English stockholders, and in consid ntion thereof, nil English manufactures are to be admitted into Yera Ortiz and other forts of ilextco, at nominal duly, for lh aaroo period at which the loan is tckeu. We farther learn thai it is the intention of the Mexican government, as eoon rs they shall havo received eteatu liip5,mwe kest, and other munitions of war from Eng. JuaJ, widbtoBglit totbera ofldwlk Evg hili flag; the proceeds of their losi tnat'5" terrible invasion of Texas will bo ioth by sea nnd landand thatn' number of Briliish navy and array officers will bo engaged to lend theit troops to battle. It is stated in some nf the Baltimora pa pcrs that one of ihe firemen of the Jedora S-52.' has confessed that he changed the weights on. the 6sfoy valve of the tngine.in order to to show oft the power of the boat The Steam Canal boat Black Hawk start ed this morning for Lockporf This boat is propelled by a paddle wheel fixed at the stern; and from all appearance will un doubtly answer tho purpose, there being scarcely any more swell occasioned, than by tho usualmanncr of towing by horses. Bufrulo deru. Economist April 22 At a down-csl tec-total-ssciety, compos ed f young ladies of 'certain agrs,' it ha3 been decided that kissing is inloxicating.and the members uf that society are not allowed to 'indulge in that delicious amusement. Up to the first uf April, the number of ap applicants fut the bankiupt lav, in the I). States, was 6, 530, sis of whom wore fern :ds. The hitter are said to nnsscsa five personal estates;" Hard JitiiC. Boston and Fasliton are to run for $20,000 at the Long Island race corpse, ou the lOih uf May. yr 7 HUM AT HIS WORK. A fire occuurred in Louisville, Kentucky on the l(3i! inst by which a number of houses wero destroyed, and one man bunt ed to dcntli. A man namod Pattott wan stabbed by another named Ai'LuughliiMvlio wua in liquor, and vvs supposed to be tho incendiary. In Albany, en Monday, a man numcd Burl:, chopped his wife to pieces with an axe, while under the iiifluonco of rum. The Ohio Old School Republican states that Bear the, Buckeys Blacksmith, is a bout to resign his Indian agency, and com incncc stumping it for Clay. A petition for the pardon of Bscjamin Rnthbun now confined in the State Prison at Sing.sigited by the mott ribpcotablo citizens of western New York, and muj.miy of the members of the New York Ltiginlature has been presented to Gov. Seward. The amount of British manufactures uually imported from 2?nglamt, amount to $50,000,000, and all of this is paid in specie. IIighii'ayllobbery. A. F.Clark Esq,, was knocked down in oneofthu streets of Ssston a day or two since, and robbed of a gold watch Ius Been Rendered. By a jury Nnw York, a vortiict against Win. M Price, for 83,000, as the amount of his defalcation to tho Ucited Stales- 221 The Arena gives the following as lii"aTf o-r- York fashion: Brides walk on the Battery in the morning those who wish to be, in the aficrnoon Iho'so who ought to he in the evening. .70 be I!xccutcd--Jzmo2 Rice has re ceived his death warrant, and will be execu ted within the walls of the jail, in Bedford, Pa; on the 17th of June next, Columbia lluilrcad.l is staled that tho expenses on ihe Philadelphia audOoluiii bii Railroad, this year, will as one half less than laetyear. A horse, cart and man, with thirty bus hels el pnlateE, wont off of a war fin Balti more, last week, iKlo tlui b3V. The hoise, cart and man got out, but the potatoes.poor things! sunk, A house in Clements, N.S.wai destroyed ti- firo on the lOih inst. and ibrca children ihe cldeet II and the youngest 2 years of ego perished in the Homes. Tho owner of the house was abicnl on business, and hisife. had -gojie to ineeling two miles distant. Holtes, oiv) of crew of tho ill-fnted William Browm, has been found guil ty of inan-slaughter on the higo seas, by a jury oud rccommendtd to msrey. The CoMncil of W'lieeing, Vu, have do- clared against licensing housss or lUo ealo ardent Bpixjis; ' .Th National Inlelligcncer says": llut an offer had been mads to the Government, at pr.r, andolherwise favorablcj lorms, for a coneidersblo psrt of the TJ 6; ILotn lately authorized by an ect of Congress. The An-oiiAN Wah. Upto 1830, this war had cosl the British Government SG0, 000,000. Sinco then, it has cost $15,000, 000 annually- , . The Mississippi Legislature have passed a law repealiug vcy part of law which gives lo towns and villages the power to license drinking-. Iiebcllion.Vi copy ihe following from an article in the Morgan town (Va.)Republican H shows a bad state of things. Wc are told that in the adjoining eountv of Harrison, the deputy sheriffs have thrown up, and gavo uo'iice to the High Sheriff that they will no longer act and that in the lower tmd of tho came county, the people met to the number of four hundred or more, and passed rcsluilions lhalfdnring the present statu of affairs, thoy ivotthl rii sist the collection of all debis by the officer of the l.iw. They entered inlo an nrrange mcnt io chastise and ride upon a tail, any man who would aitend a sale of executed property for the ptirpnso of bidding for it, and a number of other resolutions of tho same iuipert & bearing-' About lobe Scllhd' Tho Maine Bonn dary Question, li is prij)Dud by the British Government to purchase the whole trad in diip'ute, and lo pay for it according to an apprsii'cinsnt by competont Ctlmmis sioners appointed fur such a purpose. From SI, 000,000 to 02,500,000 are named, or Biime sum between these, s tho probable amouut. Thin, proposition has been sub milted by tho Secatary of i.ts to tho Gov ernors of Main and Massehusctis, und the jicgotators.il vvaiiungion arc only waiting lor action of the Stale authorities. The Crtole Negroes Set at Liberty. By an arrival at Wilmington, N- C, wo have been favored with tho perusal of the following loiter; Nassau, N. P. April 10, 1842. A special session of ths Admiralty Court convened litis djy to hear the charre of Piracy against the 17 negroes imprisoni d 1 irom me 'Creole.' J lie Atorney General made his -iinlion for delay of trial on the ground that it was impossible to obtain tho necessary evidence- hero, end offered for the perusal of tho Court a number of aflida vits ol'tha captain, maty and crew and passengero of tlie Creole shovinf' that ullinient evidence could ho procured from the United Stales, if lime was allowed. Af ter examination ol ihe testimony ofi'eicd.the Court replied, thftt were the captain crow and passengers, as act forth in thu affidavits hero present to tejiity in this c.ise, they should consider them &s njt eniiilotl to be lief or credit and should chaigo the jury to thai effed; mil thct no evidence could" be procured to convict the prisnnors, for they wero perfectly jnsiified in the course pursued onboard the Creole and were now nbnr.t be to set free. The Chief JusticH then abdrassed tho no groes something in this stylo. It has pleased God ) set you free from the bonds ofslave ry, may you hereafter live ihe life of good and faiihfu' subjects of her ll.iji-siy'a Gov ernmcnt. 'i'hey were then tct at liberty by Proclamation. Tho seln -James Power' arrived hero from Baltimore an the 11th inst- The rrnc.-..aj 0 (11. trion reTiaino m first re- poricn; sou noiiers antr-tisrt.j as yet been eavod. N- Y. Esptes wwUJlOt V'e find ihe follcviiig in the Philadel phia -Ledger.' How amusing it must have been lo sec the goulioman pick his teeth after his delicious dessert: A gentleman iu New Orleans, having played an April trick upon his wife in tho morning, was setved up in fine stylo at dincer- 'Ho is noted f.o his partiality for 'fritters' as lighV desert,' and on this occaa ion, after he had tried for ten tminules to chewjone, nicely 'sauced over' and 'fried brown,' lio fouud ihey were made of ibo layesi of cotton that had been dipped in butler'' Wc call that doing htm brown' Tho Grain crops, all the county over are. described as foretokening an ubundant liar vctt. The TFcathcrl Vi'.hin a weak past wo havehad nil sorts of weather that canbo found between the torrid and frigid zones. Rain, hail, snow, heat, cold and frosts, havo each paid us a visit in turn. It is feared that the fruit has been injured. The National Intelligencer of tho 23d inst, ot-.tss that, nn offer has been mat! a to tho govrnmcnl, at par, and on otherwise favorably terms, for n considerably part of ihe United States Joaa hlely outhwjzed by vJ Numerous Force'. The kpaeite of London numbered; on tho 1st of January, 1C42, four thousand,. fourhundred and fourteen.' Large Exgt An eastern paper tells of nn egg laid by a species of hen imporicd from France, and dascibea the egg as nine inches round it the longest way, und sovrti the olhor. Wo arc gratified lo learn that our friend Lt.Col. KEAL .1oOAY, is a candidale for tho office of COLONEL in the 4Gili Regiment- He is a good officii, nnd v?o hops ho will be elected, ns he well deserves to bo hoisted a peg higher. T)IED- At the rcjidcnce of hjs son in Woodvjlle, Luzerne county, on the 22d ult, RUFUB BENNETT, an old soldier r.f ihe Revolulion and one of the r!irs of the fatal bloody battle that resuUted so disis ttrously to the' Wyoming colony. At tho timo of the massni-re Mt. Uenunl was ID, at hi-) death about C2 years old. His remain wcre buried with military honors by the ctuzans soiUi?rs ot f'yuunng. ... . . . - . BLOOMSDURG AHTILLBHT. Tho mciilLcrj nf thta rjniTinnv rril! mnrt f it uouseoi unirics iJacblcra in JJIconiswrs cu Saturdau .'he 7th uuu ofAfau inst. at 2 oVlock in the afternoon, In complete uniform i, mimary oicrci:o anu Unit. II. V72BB, Captain Wo Imvo bc!i,r;rfaf3!e'.l to sr.nonr.co HENJAMIN P. FORTNEJl, is n cnm'i Jata ot thn election in Jun, for the office ei UUIilttUL of the 'dct JRcgiment i M. Wo are rsqucstrd to annouuci, that LI. Col. MICHAEL i?; HOrVER, will baa can Male for tho office of UOI.ONKIi of tho 71 it Kegimei.vt, P. M. ot tks 0U3uiri!; lunc election. We ore requested to tnncunce that Major ANDREW CMVUNG. will be aenididitefor the office ofLIEOTENAKT UOI.OMEI, of ItitJ not KegiKcnt, l W. at iwe ensuing Jii'io election. ERIGjBDE inspector. We mo authorised to anr.cunce. Cvpt. JOHN FOSTER of tJnlon County, us a CandiJato for the cfiico of USSUSDH XSl'i:CTUItc at tho June etc tion. SHEJKSFF'S SAJLES, pfpY vixtu? of a writ of olias fiore f.icias to me jjj dijected, will Hi cidosid to public silo at tho Ucuri liouFcm DaiKillc, ou rlo;iiliy, trie .'-Jta il;j of May next, at 10 o'clock, Ai M. the follo-.vius j:io peity, viz : One Ff:h Pait of len acres of land, sit uata in Derry townbip,'n Cclurubia county ,bounil cd by by laudii of liobcrt .ilcCoy,.Mc;cr and others. JLSO, Tho nndivided One Fifth Tart of two and a half acres ofUnd io tho same township, and adjoining lande of John 3id!c, FreJcuck Swilzsi-, end c'.hcrd, clcaicd and in miaJd-.y. JJoiied, lakn in execution, and lo U sold as tie propeity ef Andrew H. Cuiumings, JOHN l'UUIT.SAf.-:; Kurnirr'a Omcr, ) ' Uvi!l, April 9, 1842. 5 ."Efipursuanca ofn order of tho Orphans' Court Thundtiy the 80;aaw-ty-,.v., at tcn'o'cloek in tl.o fsrcneoi, William J. lhek:' r.dmir.istrstof, ifv.of JAC'OU AI.G, lau of Mou.it Pleasant towncotp, in said county, ucccascd, will cipose to calo by public vendue, upsn tho premises Forty Acres ofthcnoith end of n certain tract of land dtuatoin .Mount i'leasant aljoining Daniel Torcc, Daniel .McCaity, Edward Cavence and William IUslcr, contiiuiug 50 acres, about 40 acres cf cleared land on th( premises but no buildings, lute tho estate i( said deceased, eitustc iu thn township of Mount I'leasant and coir.-.Iy otare&anl. JACOB EYEHLY, Clvk. U3nilIa,Map4, tC-13, S Tho 71st Uegiaient, lot Uiigade, 8th- Divuion Pcnmylvania Militia, will rscst as follows for pa lado and hicpeclien. Tho Volunteer Itiflo Cosipany, cominsnded by Oajitain Gtalay, tho militia companies coKtiinr.ded by Captains Patterson, iSiucker cad Cainjibell, will meat at Rhoertihurg. cn Friday, tho SOlIi day of May nost, at 10 o'clook, A. M., cquJpt njecrding to law, Tho other companies of tho let H<al.'ion, to wit : Volunteers, Captoiii3 Swcby, Webb ai.d Ifc7.1et, and militia, Captalna YnsDc Aritt, Bcidlo tr.c:i and Stuuplier, wilb their nepccilvo compa nies, iv ill mcnt at Uloomtburg, ott Saturday, tho SHtufMoy. Tho ltd Bailallion will meet at Cattawisja, cn ! Monday, Iho 23J day of Hay, enj tho Volunteer companies attached thereto, to meet at tho rains timo and place. m, Mcdowell, c. Ail ll 1842. A "NSW VOOTiMfEK THE SATURDAY POST A FMULY SIIVET. O? Til 5 MAMMOTH CLASS. A .ft. vfllilmn r.f tir r!ils- r..lt nnM.irui Sa'.urdkV Evening Pn.it. will bj cortuunccd ciith? Snt nfjtlay, 1340, .be."!fjll- pr'itrd o'o the fir,pi.t white linen pijr. The Pott it ilia bid- eat and belt esUblbhed piper in t'u t'nicn, having already got to ths roinmcnccment of tho While rcstej of yiap'M which lmvo been tttriej in ihr hit tivrnty-thTco years, aa patscd away Pjrevcr.tHo Pest still mai"nhw its proud position in point of ciiculitljli v.ud piou, at :ha head of t'uo family ncwspa-t-ors of tho day. The great mo nftlio paper inaMca tho proprie tors to giv? c grtu'er vurilv cf orijin j a, id selected matt?r than can bo f.iuaJ m cuteapsrary eU::ls. Tho paper has bc:u greatly Edhtrgcd aud Imprtved, And nivt sp;.nii in licndtowo new typo, chi has received ;1vj pmis of many editsr u; Ifsto, os tUa ' handsaw ' faoniv shtst it; fie Un'onf Ouref far.s have bcus directed to the Cjaibluhu of beauty an fintplicity, with ut:!i'.v iin.t tar.tj. Tho Po.r is printed on clout wiiite paper, rurjciinj; it licet and durdMcyfor filing; wliilo in the it rurpotccs every other we liy nf.vsoapct in l'l i'.i.dcijn'fi, ftiid luia received from it3 CetctHporaries th? lila'of Tht Philadelphia Mammoth. Tha ureal s'-ze of the jMpcreniKcj us to givs all hr.poitant Congressional procrrdingft at lcpgth, tad all reporta and other ir.ipjttanl public do(.mcnt ia full, together wilh occational Coujreciijntl Speeches iu full. , Literary Dtpsrtmcnt. Tho Po:t ia acknowledged to le tha hrst newli paper in the country in ihe qrianliiy nnd quality of Its oiigiu-jl liilca. cs.wD, piclry, and other mtt.tr. Tho following contfiliutora arj a warrant of iu mciitj. T. H. Arthur, author of Thoeiss J. Bench I.s.nperancc PlaJdr,' J. SlilCou Suidsrs, autlor The Br.i'-.ijiMcr'hart, .t.f'l'h AbanVallej ar.d other Tc.'iipjfa.icoS D Vuclo s-i Otoriea.. tjydiu li Gijourney Professor J. H. InjmhamE IV Thomas, authsr of author of 'LBlte.'iCU,' Ci:nt'jn JlraJihawe, &c. A;c. J "Toward Pinikney Jejio E. Dow. oaliuroi 0 Theresa Clmio iho 'Lo? cf Ola Iran- Mica J lMrlfo GilcSf wCwC . Jtrmi G VYhi'tier I,o iiiI'1iir.ieratit Fcsiitro, M"i. H Y Eciling 1!. nl. v. nlsli, Miai E. Leslie, W. P. Will. Mr;. Eauna O, Embury Mu. A. F. Annan Jfrs. Latibsrt James H, Dam Lcwih J. Cist Lydii ana l'iersoa I'hec. S. Vny Gcorije 1. Morria Pr.incia S. Os-joud Ali'red 22. Utrcct 111, It I XN.ctlOlJ lit s Arr.clte D Welby ;J ToitVu J Ilocb E-swno ,IjU; Ecymiur !Mrs Mary H Parscni 'Wrj Ca.oline V Orno Mr Jii Ft icon Loud .Mrs Ann 3 Stephens J T a Sullivan jMra E C Stfdnssn Mrs Caro'ire Tea JlontC HVillifm Wallaro o rsado ta amuecincnt, in ad The pub!ihei dition fir a n Original Novel, from tho p.-n of 11. V. Hctbcrt, Ps. author of Cromwcl!,' T.io E. o'hcrs,' &c. whitij they have been puyiflihiif for jTuctimo pa3t. 'liii ec.io of this novel is 'aid in America thj cuig.'ct ia tha Hxccam'erj. Kuch an cpporluru'ly to sulac-iba f-'ioiibi not bj lo:,t. Od'sinnl Stories r.p.pjjr in every number of tho paper, with ciijinal j-IIlIcs jpon all cnbjxto. 'J'fic iJ03t cvntain3 ths greatest variety of Origl nr.i Talfu, S-.a h;etchk3, Ei,s.-ys, Paetryi 0:153, Charade;, bit ido th- latt-ct nni best sidection' from the Ameiican and EnglWi Mssarh.et, and all tho other fountains cf choice Original Literature. r2SS TiX.US. It U issued at the old cstabijshnd rata of jTwo) Rv'.l'irr. per lanuci, Cash in cvance, end .may ha truly caid, no that it i3 enlargoJ, lo be the (cheapest petptt in the Union. As friends niut r.cichhers oitcs vish to clvh to gcther to fac'jlute icni tlirces, wo offer (o such, or , o uity tcreen who will secure us tha ilaiacj and money, the following Induceman's to Clubs.. 3 copies for 5 dollars in advance port pa?d. 1 --- 10 to ihe MiVfiWCKjccu, ll.it 10 eutitlo any person a2e9n-.ua to first paI37arfrif-Xuflj. all erraur- bo remitted in advnr.ee post pjUi. "" Wo adhere (0 iho Cp-h vntcra. GLuP.GE H. GRAHA.M CO. Third and Cemut streets, Philadelphia' PJJUEy would inform t1"! citizens of Ctimiibia jjj. County, tin. thv have co.i-...;n:ed tltebusi ffs : ih! sieve place at iht public house cf E. IiOV.'ELIi, where they an-prepared lo uunafiiC' ture to o.der, in th? ueutejt, lejt, and -nctt duial Io Banner, .MONUMENTS, TOMB-'J'ABLES, (jSAl) and FOOT STO.VHis, cf all a.id ualitics .MANTLES, vVIN'DOY und COOK SILLS, and HOOK FHONT.S. Also PAINT, 3AUaml liRAKTH STONES. Ordcra f..r Stone can Lolefi with D.GKOSS.who wii art us Agent d irin; our I!seco. They cnnjiantly k:? on hand n larije lot of Vermont, t!ryptia.i and Italian Msrtilo at (heir who'.ciiaia MarLla T'ml at Selius Grovo, Union county, Pa. Bboinslm.-ff Aujant 14, 1511.. ,16 . NOTffCE. NO'lTOK i.-" hurrhy yiven to M, ihosa indrnp't 10 the' R;Vo of H'lhuiit Hi iff de ceased, eiitier i noli or bu-' i" m,,., or Vendue notes due, 111.it pumj.ti must bo immuuiait'l nide, otherwise iho account Will be loft w"(i e coiico'or., L. B. RUPISUT. AdrnV. A