THE KtiSUllKECTION Oil, PERSIAN" PIXELS. JJopr.RtonTo TuiHroKAW.BnAjfiJKTu'svANs (QlanUsr PunaATivr, the MATcmtss diricedl Bawative, or.nny other bills or compound beforo tho public, H3 certified to by Physicians and others condemn tnem until thry have tried thcin, then wo are certain they will net. It is now n settled point with all who have Used the Vegetable Persian Pills that thoy aro pre-emi-tietitly thobest and most efficacious Family Mcdi cmti that has yet been Used In America. If every family could become acquainted witli their Sovcr cign pent Ct over disease, they would keep tliem and bo prepared willi a suro remedy to apply on tho firs appearance of disease, nud then how much distress would to avoided and money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by, not being in possession of a remedy which they can placo dc-. pendencc upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. The name of theso pills orginalcd from tho cir cumstance of the medicine being found only in the wmetarics of Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities' and virtues. In half n cen tury it becamo an established medicine for the dis easesof that country. Tho oxtract of this singu larproduction was introduced into some part of Eu ropo in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated iy aitiaus in curing certain diseases, where all oth er medicine Has been used in Vain.. Early in the year 1793; thecxtract was combined with a certain vegetable mediciuo imported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir- ame cucct ot this compound upon tho human Rys tem, led physiicans and families into its general Use. Their lonir established r-.harnF.tor ilmir ;i-r. sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific oction upon the glandular yon yi u,y system, are sucn as'WiIl sustain their re putation and general use in the American Kcpub- CERTIFICATES. t certify that I have, by way of experiment, used the Hygean, and most of tho rarious kinds of Fills, in my praclice, which havo borne tho highest repute in the public estimation, that havo been offered for wue in tins vicinity for the last fiveyeats, including those called the Resurrection or Pcreain Pills: and the public may rest assured that none among the whole catalogue has answered a better purpose; as m cuounu euecmai remeuy, man tlio Resurrection w Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.- , Cmtins Backus, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Ohaso & Co. Gents. Hearing iiiutii sum auoui ine extraordinary, effects of the Resurrection or Persian Pills. Unon tttnsf. nlmnf in become mothers, we were induced to make a trial of tnem. my wito was at that time tho mother of five children,-'and had suffcied the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her .confinement of each, Sho had tried c ery means and taken much. medicine, but found littlo.or no relief. She commenced, taking the Persian Pills about three months uctore her conhnement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of timo previous) and in a short time slie was enabled bv'thcir'URn'to niiptul in the ceres of ta. mother to hor family until her con finement. At the timo she commenced taking the U I 1111 .. r . . w f tiuan unu ior several weeks pi evious, she was afflicted witli a diy hard cough, and frequent cvuiu cramps, vvnicu. ino use ot ine i'Uls entirely .removed beforo using half a box. It is with the greatest confidence that we adviso all those about to -.become mothers to make useof tho Persian Pills, All lliose that have, taken them in, our ncighbor- uoou nave got along in tlio same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. There docs not appear to bo half tho danger of other dancers scttinn- in after confinement, where these Pills arc taken. We unitedly' say.fgt none neglect taking them, for they are jn tho reach of tho poor as wc'.I as tho rich. Wc are truly "thankful' that there is a rcmpdv nhU. femalos can easily procure which tends to lessen the world of suiTcring,.which many, of them havo to bear, mm periiaps save we lives oi thousands winch would otherwise bo lost. Rochester; May 14, 1838: corner of Cfllliilmii square, Edinburg street; for further particulars bee suuscrioers. " ' .8. Rour.nTS, Ann O. Ruuekts. Rochester, Sept. 21, 1830. Messrs. E. Chase & Co. f think it my duty to let you know what a great x:ure:your,i-ms have, perlormcd on me I had been sick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con- uncu to my pcd. l had been given'over as incurablo, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and'brcak; my eougli was dry and harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever. and night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita- lileriess ot tho nervous system, and other difficulties 'which'I forbear to mention. .After I was given ovcr I tried almost all medicines which were advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Pcrsian.Pills. I began to gain in u'shor. timo after I'c6mm'ericcd faking them; and, td bo brief, beforo I 'took 3 boxes, T was able to rido out and to take'eon fciderablo exercise, and at thi-j time I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If any noe wishes a more particular liistory of my suffer intf", ho may call on me, at the corner of Main and Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. Fits OcnKD The undersigned hereby certify, that wc are the ParcnU of two children who have ficcn afflicted with.fiu moriTor less from their infen eaond that we havo spared no pains or expense in endoavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ycial effect, until hearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian Pills, when four boxes were immediately procuied, and before three boxes were taken, tho :fiU had abated in frequency, and ev'eiy sym 'torn much Improved, and now wo arojiappy to 'Btate that our -childjcn by tho use of tho Persian Pills, with tho blessing of God, are. entirely cured 'and have no symtom orappcaranco of fits, will find m the Pertdan Pills a sure and perfect cure, JOHN &; .MARTHA JOHJVSONt 'Canton N. Y. Dec 10, 137. 'The above pills may bo had of tho following a agents John Jloycr, Blpomsbiirgs H. Miller, Uer wick; J, Cooper &, Sons, Hazclton; C.'Hortman Espcytowrii John Sluwpless, Cattawissa; Lyman' Sholes,-Danville. Lrra 'lavlor. asrert for 'he Slato of Pennsvlvn ttU Wiling' at Rochester.,!. Y. to whpm all prdcrs cinte addicsseJ '---j-- KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE DR. JOSEPH rRIE8TtiEY PETERS, Celebrated Vegetable Antibilious Pills, Are effecting some of tho most astonishing and wondcrlul cures that havo ever been known. Tlio itown and county aro filled with their pioiso. Tho. i-aiaco onu j-oor nouso -alike echo with'theirA-ir-tur In .all climates thoy still rctnln.thcit'.wondcr ipi virtues. . i -.- acxiraei jrom n letter tvritlcn by Dr, francis JJogart, of Providence, R. Dec. 7, 1838. . " i'ctcrs ruts aro nn excellent opeiimcnt and cninartic medicine, those effects being-produced b tho diffcrenco of the quantity taken, and aro dcci ucuio superior toJjco's, Brandrctli's Morrison' pills l" Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ban gur, luaine, jan. u, Aaa " They aro a peculiarly mild, yet efficient nurca- tivo medicine; and produce little, if any griping of nausea, i navq prcscriocu uicm with mucji success m pick headaches and slight billious fevers." Extract from a letter by Br. Joseph TT'i nams, ot jjurnngnam, f l. Jahi 1837. .11 I'M.. 1 f 1 . f . . i uuiiiiuiiy iccoinmcu reicrs rctcrs 'ills as mildly cilective, andin no caso dangerous family iiiuuiiaiie. i ncy arc peculiarly lniiuential in cos tivcncss and all the usual diseases of tho digestivi organs." Exlrat of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith oj Montreal, U. C, Sept. 29 1830 " I never knew n sinclo natcnt ninlirinn that could put tho slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters' Vcgotablo Pills, .which aro really o valuable discov cry. I have no hesitation in having it known that i uso uicm extensively in my practice, for all com. plaints, (and they aro not a few,) which have their ouuiku in utu iiiipuruy oi ine oioou. - Extract of a letter from Br. Pyc, of Que ucv, j j. u, luarcn u, j 37. " r or billious fevers, sick headache, torpidity of tho bowels, ond enlargement of spleen, Dr. Peters A'llls aro an excellent medicine." Extract of a teller from Br. Gurney, of .m wncans, ja. uct. U, liiU7. " I have received much assistance in mv practice especially in and yellow fever from Ulu i eiers j-iiis. i iiresume, that on an av erage, i presenbo a hundred boxes a month Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of Galveston, Texas, JlprilS, 1838. " They arc certainly an excellent gcneril family uivuiuuc, unu uilio is no quacKcry-ouout tnem. Bxtract of a letter from Dr. Prilchard, of Hudson, n. x. June iHUli, I was aware that Dr. Peters was one of tho best chemists in tho United Statos.nml fnlt n,,rn,1 he would some' day (from his intimate knowlecgc ui iiiu rujjirues oi neros and drugs; produce nn tiuuiuui mcuicinc. ami i muet irkiinu- .irn ih. as , egetabic mis fully respond to my cxpectationst They are. indeed ,a superior medicine, and reflect creuuaiuco upon the chemist ia physician and KUli JJfiltUBVjittCT. Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs. of Philadcl. ..1 11 1 n .nnn ' ' " xour Dills aro t in milito.f m 11,;, nnxr.iUr.. and yet most powerful in their effects, of any that I havo ever met with in-a practice of cicrht ond tWPntVVPJira Tnir n.lmn ,1. 1 I.-. ...j y - ..v.. -buuii wii ,iiu VUJ-IU UUU J1UI1CU uii uic iiupunues oi ino wood, is evidently very sur- Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore, JOcc. 17, 1830. " 1 om in the daily habit of nrescrihinnr thorn (Peters'Pillsl and thev in ncarlv nil rnsM nnaunr cd my purpose. I havo discarded other mcdirines, OUUH.-U1. -.iiviu very goou ones, in their tavor. extract irom an address dclived on the evening of the Uth May, 1837, before the Medical Board of New York, bv Br. Emerson. See Nciv Yoih Mediml J(cprrls,Jor 1837 " As a body I know that wo have set our fnen n. gainst tho generality of patent medicines, and expe rience has taught Us that tlio great bulk of Ihcm arc mero catch penny trash; but I feelcalled upon to make au honorablo exception in fuvor of the Vege table Pills of our woithy and skilful fellow laborer andcitiicn. Dr. Joseph Priestley Peters, of' which, (in consequenceof their peculicrlv nutritions nplinn on mo oioou,; i, and several members of this hon orable Society, aro ardent natrons.'' This frinn.llo allusion to tho regctabIo,Pills was received with a warm rounu oi apiauso by all the members present- A frcsli supply of tho valuablo Pills i tint rPr.P.IV(til by John R. Moycr, Uiid D. S. Tobias. Wlo'omsburg unu f iiuuui xjiuuiu, Uiiuviue. I'nce 25 cents per Box, October 31, 1810. Dyspepsia IDyspepsia !. THAT troubjesomo and peaccdestroying dis ease. Tho usnnils nml tone nf l1iMioo...ld ..r , -- - - .uuMouuue nui' ler from that common and distressing complaint. Dyspepsia is frequently caused by overloading or utMcjiuuig uiusiomacn oy excessive eating or dunk ing indigestible and acrid substances ink nn Into the stomach, or from long continued constipation of tho. bowels, a sedentary life.fear. cricf. anxieiv. n ,. pious draft of eold wuter, drastic purgative nicdi-. tKuunf, iiuscarnages, mtprmittent and spas modic affections of the stomach and boivela. lar meals, late hours, and too frequent use of spiri- luutia iiiuurs. Tho symptoms of Dumepsia mav be describe! as a want of appetite, or on unnatural or voracious one, nausea anu sometimes bilious vomiting, sudden and transient distensions of tliQ stomach aficr eat ing, acid and putrescent eructlons, wafer brash, pain in the region of tho stomach, cosfivcness.palpitaiion f the heart, dizziness and dimness of the sight, dis turbeb rest, tremors, Inental despondency, f latulencv. spasms, nervous irritability, chillncss, sallowncss of complexion, great oppiession after eating, languor and general debility, sick head-ache, &c. CURE At tho head of all remedies stands Dr. uariiclis vompouml strengthening Tunic and uerman Aperient lulls, which actcreatlv unon the peristaltic motion of tho intestines, thereby produc ing regularity of the bowels, at tho samo timo im proving tho funttions of tho debilialcd organs, thus invigorating and restoring the digestive onrans to n healthy action. This medicine seldom fails in pro ducing relief. Full and explicit directions accompany tho nbnvn medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which descrilms diseases, tho manner .of treatine-. Ac For snln" "nt Tobias' Health, Emporium Bloomiburt' Nov. 7 iBlo'- - ' ' -'. 4 ' q DR. SWAYNE'S cojirouND svniii' of ritWNUS TIUOBIVIAiVA WILD OIIEjRltY, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting o JJloocl, Soreness of Throat, Whooping , Cough, and alt Diseases indicative of CONSUMPTION. UKl.XXS ARE DANGEROUS. So It iaivlil, hofcowho neglect their .COLDS and COUGH. At first you complain of having a Cold, which is ncgiccteu; oner which a soreness is cxpcricnccd.irt tho lironcliia. with a Hackinrr Coiurb. fho disease settles upon the llings, which tho patient mi, tuun icauiu.uv u viisuiig away oi tne louy, attended with heclie fevers mid spilling up of Jlor id blood and matter from ulcers on the lungs; a pain and weight is also experienced at tlio affected part of the lungs; tho functions of tlio animal economy grow languid; the body becomes dry; tho eyes sink deep within thoir cavities; at length tho patient pays the debt of nature, when. ho is flattering him self with tho hopes of a speedy recovery. To ob viate all those distressing symptoms "Spare no Timo" in procuring Ihe above Invaluable Medicine ot tho very commencement of your Cold and Coughs whereby your health may bo secured and me and money saved. For salo at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsbttrg Entirely cured by the use of Br. O. P, Harhch,s Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa., afficted for two years with tho above distressing dis- caso ot wmch he had touschis crutches for eighteen months, his symptoms were excruciating pain in all his jointj. cspccially in his hips, shoulders and ankles, pain increasing towards evening, attended with heat. ,Mr. Hilson, was at ono time not able to move his limbs on account of the pain being so great; lie being advised by n friend of his to procuro Dr.-Harlich's Pills for which ho sent tortho agent in West Chester, and procure some; on using tho med iciuo tho third day, tho pain disappeared and his strength increasing fast, and in thrco weeks was a ble to attend to his ljusiiiess, which ho had not dono for eighteen months; for the benefit of others afflic ted, ho wishes these lines published hat they may bo rclioved, and again enjoy tho pleasures of healthy life. For sale at Tobias1 Health Emporium Bloomsbttrg. Nov. 7, 1840. 28. MO HE POSITIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Br. HarlicKs Compound Strengthening and German, Aperient Pills. 1 Alleghany, Jan. 8, 1840, To Dr. Harlich's Accnt Sir: I wish to stntn for tho benefit of those' who may "be' afflicted, that Dr. Harmcu's ,Pills hayo entirely cured mo of Dyspepsia, of which I havo been uliiicted for ma ny years. I used both kinds, tho Aperient and Strengthening, arid I am constrained to say, that tney aro a valuable discovery, and act upon tho sys tem mildly, but very effectually. I found tho Tonic Pills to quicken tho circulation and cause a dntor. mination to tlio surface, and to strengthen the weak stomach and increase its powers. Tho Ancricnt Pills aro (ho best cathartic I over used. I am r.nn. fidcr t all Dyspeptics would do well to mako immp.. diate trial and bo relieved. Any one can call at my house and be satificd of the above at pleasure. DAVID It. POPE. N. B. The original certificates mav be seen at tho ofiico of tho " Spirit of tho Times." For salo at No. 19, North EIGHTH STREE. CURE YOUR COUGH BEFORE IT IS oht I checked at the commencement, and disappointed of iu prey, u proper means i.uii necn tcsoitcd to. The vciy many who have thus been snatched from that fatal ravagcr, by tho timely usq of Dr. SWAYNES COMPOUND SY't UP OF WILD CHEliRV. bear testimony to this day, announcing the cures, tho wonderful cures, performed by the uso of this invaluable nicd'ciiie. For salo at 'Jobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg, Nov. 7, 1840. " 28. THE ESTATE OF ELIZA BITTER, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of administration on the above es tate have been granted to the subscriber, re sidin;; in Illoom township, Columbia oeun ty. Therefore all, persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, aro requested to make immediate payment, and all those hav ing claims .will present them. WILLIAM KITTER, Admr. Bloom, Jan. ?, 1841. L.IVERY AND EXCHANGE. hKY respecllully informs his friends and the public, that ho has alivavsouhand. nt tho Li. rery Stable in Bloomsburg, forthepurposo of Hire Lixcuangc, avaiieiyoi Horses, Sulkies, CSigs, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness fo the accommodation of customers. Ho has also made arrangements for carrying pas sengers irom uioomsBurg to juuncy, and from uioomshurg to iJuckalews on tho Owego turnpike Leaves Bloomsburg for Munrv evcrv; at 7 o'clock in tho morning and arrive at Muncy tho samo evening. Leavo Muncy every Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and arrive nt Bloomsburg tho samo evening, Leaves Bloomsburg every Wednesday morning for Buckalews and return tho satno day, Personal application can bo mado at his residence, when every means will be used to render entire tat isaction to tlwso who may givo liini a call.. JNUAH W. PltfJKTIS Bloontfilurg, March 28, 1810. '' '48.' - COMMON SCHOOLS. N pursuance of a law passed, June 1,3th, 1836, the annexed statement is published for tho in formation of tho Directors of tlio Common Schools of Columbia Oounly, transmitted by flic Superin- icnuani oi wonuuon Hchools. JOHH McIlENRY ' JOHN DIETERIOH, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Commissioners. Commissioners Ofiico, ? Danville, March 2, 1841. 5 To the, Bircctors of Cornmon Schools , , ,. . Columbia County. tl Gesttlemex: Tho following statement is mado tn accordance with the School Low passed in 183G. The amount of tax every district must levy to en title itself to tho sharo of Stato Appropriation is a sum equal to at least SIXTY CENTS for every taxablo inhabitant in tho district, uccordina- tn the last triennial enumeration made in tho spring of 1839. A list of taxablcs in each district is hereto Districts that have already accepted the Common Cchool System, and teccived their share of tho op- propriation for former years, will on levying tho proper amount of tax, be entitled under existiug laws to receive for tho school year 1842, which commences on tho first Monday of next June, ONE DULliAK lor every taxable. DlRtrif'tn ivllirli linv-n nnt tpffivpiI nnv nnrl nf .... ,.. .wv..-. -..j . . inu uiiiujjiiuiiuji ui luuuur yt-ar, nui, wiiuu uo cepi ino system 1- u it ilia l-lltoi' xifliu, at tho annual election in March noxt, and levy the proper smount of tax, will under existing laws re ceives 40 for every taxable in tho district, in 1835', and 53 00 for every taxablo in 1839, accord! ing to the annexed list. Theso sums by a resolu tion passed April lath, 1840, will remain in tho Slato Treasury for the use of non-accepting dis tricts, until tho first of November, 1841, and no longer. JSumbcr of Taxablcinhabilants in tin several School districts of the county, according to the enumerations of 1835 and 183'J. DisTiucTS 1835 1839 Bloom, .. ,453 345 Brier creek, :.340 .. ' , 378 Cattawissa, 345 .. 403 Derry, ' 350! . '315 Greenwood; 250 " " !' 230 Hemlock, 327 ' i ' 200 Liberty, .. 2G8- 249 Limestone, 121 130 Madison, ' 302 319 Mahoning," ' 3G8 -039 Mifflin, . - '370 - -438 Montcur. . , . ,.v . . 148 Mount Pleasant, 147 114 Roaring creek, .322 358 Sugarloaf, ' rii154 ' 157' Jackson, 75 Fishing creek, - 129 147 Orange, 158 Valley,' - 113 I am yours, respectfully, FRS. R. SHUNK, Supt, Com. Schools. Harnsburg, Feb, 23, 1S41- LIST OP LETTERS. Remaining at the Post Office at Blooms burg at the end oi tlo quarter ending on uic isisioi March, 1841. Appleman Mathias Mouser Joseph Barnard Robert McKillicart Joe BloxidgeJohn Aloyer Angelina Bomboy Charlock Maus B. & L. B. Blecker Jacob Mclick Henry Coleman Jesso Merling Emeline Coleman Joreph Mqrling B. Henry Dnveiiing Alexander Urway Joseph Corish Sirus Parmian Daniel Doan Lnno Miss Emmet Alexander Faux D. & W, Fry John Garreilson Edward Grois Daniel Hopper Paul Hattinan Reuben Hartman Jacob Ilcadley Esq, Haines Jacob llaslett John llauso Isaac 2 Kendig Ciiiatian Kahlcr Charles Keller George Lynn Josiah McKelvy Win. 3 Mclick Andrew McDcrmont James Purdy Lockwood Poo Joseph Pursel Washington Russcl George Hitter William Shults Marialt, Smith Margaret Slayman Mary Slater E. Sidney Sabilbiss Isaac Tobias Daniel Vanderslico Rebecca 2 V inccnt Richards Washington Susan Whilenight John Wells jr. Israel William Thaddeus Waller D. J. Wagoner Elizabeth Wells Clara B. RUPERT. P. M. Those inquiring for any of the above let- i ti I i nlfincn cnt It m . ' I in .1 i . " i aii (jurbuiis niueuieu ior rostago must cash up. I havo accommodated ilium, now ici uicm nccommouato me. FANCSr &. WINDSOR MAJTUFAO TORY fpTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his BL 'a unu me puuuc generally, that he con tinues 10 carry on ine business of manufactuiing CBSAIM6S AWD SETTEE., of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and .uiai nu win aiienu to turning any article in wood uuii may ueoruercu. no will also attend to HOUSE & ORJTAMETAL PAINTING-, in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con- iinuum-c oi puuuc rnvor. Turning shop on Mar ket ttrcet, nearly opposite the Printing ofiico of tho Columbia County llegistcr-finishing shop on the mum ui'cim-uriy opposiiQ ucorgo Weaver sstore. ubWJAMLX HAGENBUOH. Bloomsburg. Soiitembcr 10, 1840 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNhRSIIIR I HE Purtncrshiii lierrnf.,rn .... 1.. fitm of E. HOWELL, & Co this day by mutual consent dissolved. Tho Hni, , : .iL i...i. r v.. 1. ,1 t, . . iamia 01 "IIUVU.11UWCI , Willi W1IOIM nil ks,,.. ,l. !.. debted to, or have claims against tho firm, aro re quested to call and settle the samo without delav - ' '.. . enoch-howew,, , , , ., -.outbi;rt, . Biooaisburg, April 7, 1811. ' THE BOSTON jVOTIOUT IS NOU- THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST. 'AND HANDSOMEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN AMERICA I "fejN Saturday, Dec. 10th, 1840. tho BOSTON Lr- ft u nun appeared in an cntiro new dicsg new type, heading, fcc. Stc Tho headnlg ,-a designed by Johnston, (tho Crulkthank of Amcil. ci) and is ono of his happiest cil'orts. It unites tho comical with the serious, arid presents a splcn. did heading for the LARGEST and CHEAPEST PAPER the world his yet known. Tho publisher would state, that, os, during tlc past.tho BOSTON NOTION has been mon prompt in procuring and re-publishing the mo,v valuable literature of tho day, so a futuro incr liH. energy ond more ample means will bo cmpiojc(f for tho aamo purpose. iWi're Novels, Stories,iu& Sermons, from Ihe pens of tho most eminent living writers of Europe and Amcrica,have been, and will the most prominent of the writers may bo mention. uuiiLiiiun id no. mil MRiirii in its pn m iu nn.n. ed the names of Buhver, Dickens. Cockton, (author of Valentino Vox.1 James. Ainsworlb. Mnrr Mrs. Tioltc-pe, Mrs, Norton, Countess of Blcssimr.' ton.Halliburton, (author ofSam Slick,) Chamiing, lintttnn Tr..l rnA.1n. T.. ...I.... 11... . i "vjj wwjiw, viuuuo, Aiiiuiiuiii,jjyrain, i iirs. olgoumoy, xc. OCC. Also it has and will continue to contain a large quantity- ot original mailer Political Essays,with. out partizan argument Moral and ltoligious dis custions, without sedation bias Misccllaneoui Aiticlce togethcr witli all the current Political, Domestic, Oomincrcial and Congressional intelli gciico of the day. No cfibrts or expense will bo spared to make it. THE BEST AND MOST ACCEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER in the world and every way worthy n contmuanco ol the nnmciiso patronage it has thus far received, The Notion has been in existence but littlo moro than ono year, and it now eniovs the unnnr allcled weekly circulation of w 17,000 COPIES ! Now subscribers are conssantlv nonrinir in. ir.,1 beforo' another year is past, tho subscriber flatters himsclfho circulation will be doubled. Specimen copies will do sent to those who m.iy wish it". THE DOUBLE NOTION will bo published occasionally durinir the vcar. and sent tn nil ilmtn subscribers who pay for ono year's subscription. TERMS THBEE DOLLARS a year, always in uavance no ordcrs,no matter Irom what source will be attended to unless accompanied with tho CASH. Single copies SIX CENTS EACH. Postmasters or others rLmmittlnrru.!ii7inr shall have debt crmies sent to eurn nrroona nml places as they may designate,ond be entitled to tho i?ir copy gratis. . Mail subscribers will havp their papers deposited in the Post Ofiico, in this city, every Thursday eve ning. GEO.BOBEHTS. Publisher and Proprietor. Boston, Dec. 10th, 1810. NOTICE To the Supervisors of the Roads. HE Commissioners request tho Sunerviiors in tho several townships of Columbia countv. lo attend to the filling up of the abutments of tho County bridges, in their respective districts, when repairs of that kind aro required- in this way Mick repairs can bo mado at trillinc exnenscto the town. ships; and generally moro promptly and economi cally than it is possible for tho Commissioners to have it "done at the expense of tho county. JU11IN M'UlilSIlY, JOHN DIETEltlCH, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Commissioners. Jan. 9, 1811. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby civon that tho Co partnership horetoforo under tho firm of M. S. & W. McaxB, is this dav dis solved. All persons are forbidden to trive anv credit to said Firm from this date. 1 ho books of said firm are in the hands of John Coovenhoven, Esq, for collection fo whom all payments must bo mado. WILLIAM MEMIS. Orangoville, Jan. 12, 1811. IJOOI BINDERY. THE undersigned havintr nniehaseil thr. Book-Binding established in Milion, in forms the publis that he is now mennred tn do all kinds of Binding in the cheapest and most substantial manner. BkABTIS. BOOKS Of all descriptions will be dono to order at tho shortest notice. All kinds of conntrv nroduco will he in. kan in exchange for work. II. L. DIEFFNBACH. Milion, Dec. 5, 1810- 33 'J'lIE subscriber wouhl r i.i , .. ' rr.""'v III- unu ma vusiuiuurs anu 1110 public gener ally, that ho has just received from New York; Plates of fashions and drafts for cutting garments, bv which ho is enabled to cut in tho not only ol Now York, but of London: and make up m tho fust stile for Autumn and 11 imti wear. TIib Subscriber ,1,1. W OHJI.I.1U HiaiiKsior past favors, ami,iio- solicits a continuance, mnmrsinn- n 1,; part, every exertion to render (fPfir.rr,l cm:c. ' 1 - ' f. W.I 1 1 t .1 faction -j, HUM"' BERNARD RUPERTj lvrn no 1 n ... Til , uioimsuur.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers