v 1 1 . JS1 -THE I1KSURRKCTI0N Oil, ' PjEUZSIAN P2TL.1.S. Summon to TitKHiaEAS,T3nisi)ETit',EvAS8 iNfti.iW .PcntiATiVr., tho MatcIuv-99 (prirod) aATtT, or any other pilU or compound lcfore tlio public, 09 certified to by Physicians and other Let none condemn them until they havo trial tlicni, ami then wo are certain they will not. It U now j settled point with all who have used the Vegetable Pusic.ii, Pills that they are prc-cml-r.cilly fio bet and most efficacious Family Medi cine that ban yet been used in America. If every ft roily could become aciuainicl with thejr Sovcr cigu power uvr ijiscaro, they would Keep them and Ik prepared jvith rt mlrc remedy to -apply on tlio fird nppijMiuo of dtscare, alid then I raw much distress woi.lJ h- m oi'IoJ and money saved, aa well as the Uvcj of thousands who -arc hunicd out of time hy licglcuing dis.vo in lU firt plages, or hy Hot being in possession of ai remedy whiclillicy can place dc . pciidcnce upon. Tim Ilesurrcction, or Persian Pills. The name of these pitU orginaled from the cir cumstance of the medicino being found only in the ccmetarici of I'ctfda. This vegetable production being of apccu!iat( kind, leJ to cxpciimenls aa to ,iu medicinal qualities and virtues. In half n ecu lury it hccanioan established medicine for the dis caeca of that country. Tho extract of this singu lar production wr.s introduced into some parts of Eu rope in tho year 1783, and n?eJ hy many celebrated J'lif ihj in curing critaln diseases, where all oth er inisiifi'ia liny lieeu used in vain. Early in tho year ITJi, the extract was rombir.cJ with a rcrt iin vegetable medicine iuipoited from Dura Uaca, in the East Indicsnnd formed into Pills. Tlio ndrnir a )!e fiTo.t of this. compound upon the human pys tem, led phyuictn. alid f.imilics into its general use. Their lung 'CotrtblMie'd character their univer sal and healing virtue, the detergent.and cleansing quilit'tes of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, are such aa will sustain their re nutation and general use in the American Repub lic CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, used 'the Hygean, and most of tho farious kinds ol Pills, .in my practice, which have borne the highest repute ,in the public estimation, that liavo been offered for salo in this vicinity for tho last live ycais, including tho'so called tho Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and the public may rest assured that none umong tho whole catalogue has answered abetter purpose, as an eisy nud effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection ior Persian Pills, in most casea of disease. CsiAntEs Backus, SI. D. .Rochester, N.TT. Sept. 81, 1S37. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. , Chao & Co. Gents. Hearing inuch said about the extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or J'crsian i'illa, upon thoso about to hecomo mothers, we were induced to mako a trial of them. My wife was at that timetho mother of five children, and had Buffeted the most tedious and ex cruciating pain during and after her confinement of each. She had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found littio or no relief. She commenced taking the I'crsian J'iU about three .months In-fore hor confinement (her health being ve ry poor ubout this length of time previous) and ilia short timo she was enabled hy their use to aUcnd to the cares of a mother to lur family until her con finement. At tho timo she commenced taking the Persian Pillj, and for several weeks, pievious, she waa afflicted with a tly hard cough, and frequent scveio cramps, which tho uso of the Pills entirely removed before .using half a box. It i3 with tho greatest confidence that wo advise all thoso about to becomo mothers to mako use of the Persian PilU. Ail .those that have taken them in our .neighbor hood have got along iu the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. There does not .appear to be half tho danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, whero these Pills are taken. Wo unitedly say.lct none neglect takinir them, for they are in the reach of the poor aa well as the rich. Wo are truly tnanktul mat tlierc 13 a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen the world ol sutlenng', which many ot them have to bear, nndperhapa save the lives of thousands which would otherwise bo lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars sco subscribers. 8. RonnnTs, ' Axir O. Ro HERTS. Rocur.sTBn, Sept. 24, 1830. Messrs. E. Chate Co. I think i my duty to let you know what a great cure youf Pilla luvo performed on me I had been tijlt ubout 7 ycar-i abauf 2 years and a half con fined to my lu'd. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first ttmding; my lungs wero seriously affected; I had Sulccis gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh nio.uof the time; my liver was much 'swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chill?, focr, -tin J night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriitu blono3s of the nervous system, and other difiiculliej whitdi I forbear to mention, Aficr I was given over, 1 tried almost all medicine j which were adveitixed, hut to nj advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Terr-ion Pills. I began to gain in a short timo after I commenced taking them; and, to ho brief, beforo I took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to take con kideTalto exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am uldo to do good day's work. If any noe wishes ft moro particular history of my suffer i i-;s, ha may call on mo, at tho corner of Alain ar.d 'Jliuton-ttrcets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS, Fiti Ocnr.n Tho undersigned hereby certify, "that we are tho Parents of two children whohavo lieen offiictej with fits more or less from their infijti caond that we have spared no pains or expenso iu cnt'.eavoting to eft'-ct n cure, but without tiny benc yrial effeit, until hearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian Pills, when four hoxis were immediately prociiieJ, and before throe boxes wero taken, tlio jits had abated in frequency, and every sym torn much improved, and now uc are happy to tatu Out our childjeu by tho uso of tlio Persian rills, with the b!eing of God, aro entirely cured and have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find n the Persian Pill a (sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHN&ONt Canton N, Y. Dec. 10, 1S37. Tho nbove pills may be had of the following a Sent John Moycr, Uloomsburg; H. Miller, ller wlck; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazellon; C, llortman Espoyton-n; John' Sharpless, Caftawissa; Lyman tSholc? Danville. Ezra Taylor, oger.t for ho Stato of Pcnnsylva s!a,rt-i.iding at Rochester N. "ST. to whom all orders aa in address! KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE DR. JOSEPH TKIESTtiEY PETERS, Celebrated Vegetable Anlibilious Pith, Are em-ding -some of tho most astonishing and wondetful cures that have ever been kilottiir Tho town and cpunty are filled vt ith their ptalo. The Palace and Poor house nliko echo with their vit lues. Iu all climates they still retain their wonder ful virtues. Ecxtracl from t letter written by Br. Francis JJogart,- of Providence, 'll. J. Dec. 7, 1S38. " Peters' Pills aro an excellent ancilmcnt and c.atharlle medicine, thoso effects being produced by tlio ilillercueo ot tlio quantity tnken, mid aro deti dedlo superior to Lee's, Uraudreth's Morrison's pills I" Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ean gar, Maine, Jan. 0, 183cl. "Thry arc a peculiarly mild, yel efficient tiurca- tivc mcdiciiir; and produce little, if any grilling of n msca. I h ive prescribed them with mtirh success in aiek headaches and ilight bullous fevers. Extract from a teller by Dr. Johtjih 1JV Hams, of JJdrlingiuin, It, July 0, " 1837. "I cordially iccommed Peter's Peters' Pills as n mildly effective, andjii no cafe daneerous family medic!no. They are peculiarly influential iu cos tiveness and all tho usual diseases of the digestive organs." Extral of a lellerfrom Dr. Edward Smith, cf Montreal. U. C, Scpt.'lQ 183G. "J never knew a single patent medicine that I could put the slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters' cgctiible Pills, which aro leallv a valuable discov ery. I have no hesitation in having it known that I uso them extensively in my practice, for all com plaints, (and they arc not a few.) which have their source m the impurity ot tho blood." Extract of a letter from Dr. Pyc, of Que bee, L. C. March 0, 1837. " ForbilhoiiB fevers, sick headache, torpidity of me noweis, aim enlargement ot spleen, JJ. t'eters i'iiij aro -an excellent medicine." Extract of a Idler from Dr. Gurncy, of j.cw urteans, i.a. ucl. 0, 1837. " I have received much assistance in mv practice especially in uund co and yellow fewr from tho use of Peters' Pills. I presume, that on an av erage, l prcscriW a hundred boxc3 a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of uaivcsion, 1 exits, Jlpritb, 18.J8. " They are certainly an excellent general family medicine, and there is no quackery about them. Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hudson, N.Y.Juno 3, 183C. "I was aware that Dr. Peters was one of tho best chemists in the United Stales, and Yclt assured that he would somo day (from his intimate knowleege of the properties of heibs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. 'J hey aro indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit aliko upon the chtmitt Hie physician and tho jihilosopKer." Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs, of Philadel phia, Feb. 2, 1838. 'Your pills aro tho mildest in their operations, and yet most powerful iu their effects, of any that I havo ever met with in a practico of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chy lo and hence on the impurities of tlio blood,- is evidently very sur prising." Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Daltimore, Dec. 17, 1830. " I am in tho daily habit of prescribing them (Pctcrs'Pills) and they in nearly all casos, answer cd my purpose. I have discarded other medirincs, sg,me of 'hem very good ones, in their favor." Extract from an address delived on the evening of the 14th May, 1837, before the Medical Board of New York, by Dr. Emerson. See-New York Medical Reprrts,fu 1837. " As a body I know that wo havo set out face a gainst the generality of patent medicines, and expe rience has taught Uf, that the great bulk of them are mere catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to make an houorablo exception in favor of tho Vego tablo Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer and citizen, Dr. Joseph Priestley IVters, of wh'ch, (in consequence ol their pccuhcrly nutritions action on tho blood,) I, ar.d several memhcM of this lion oraulc Society, aro ardent patrons.'' This friendly allusion to the Vegetable Pills waa received with a warm round of aplause by all the members present A fresh supply of tho valuable Pills just received y John.R. Moycr, and D. S. Tobias, DIoomsburg bud William Diddle, Danville, a Price 33 cents per Box. October 31, 1810. By spepsia !53ysppsia PFniIAT troub;esome and pcare-dcftroying dis J3 case. Tho usands and lens of thousands suf fer from that common and di.trcssing complaint. Vyipepiiah frcjucntly caused by overloading: or distending the stomach Uyeacetsive eiding ordiink ing indigestible and acrid cubstancrs taken into the stomach, or from long continued constipation of tho bowels, a sedentary life, fear, grief, ansio'y, a co pious draft of cold water, drastic purgative midi chief, d.t hcutcry, miscarriages, intermittent and spas modic afleciiona of the stomach and bowels, irregu lar meals, late hours, and too frequent uso of piri tuons liquors, Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia may ho described as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and sometimes lil'.ous vomiting, sudden and transient distensions of tho stomach aflcr eat ing, acid and putrescent cructlons, water brash, pain in the rcgionof the stomach, cosulvcncss. palpitation f tho heart, dimness and Jinnies of the sight, dis turlieh rest, Ireinors.mcntaldespondency, flatulency, spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowness of complexion, great oppic3sioii after c-uing, languor and general debility, sick head-ache, &c. CURE At tho head of all remedies stands Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and German Aperient Pills, which act greatly upon the peristaltic motion of tho intestines, thereby produc ing regularity of the bowels, at tho same lime im proving tho functions of tho debiliatcd organs, thus invigorating and restoring tio digestive orgens to a healthy action. This medicine seldom fails in pro ducina relief. Full nnd explicit directions accompany tho above medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which describes uiseates, mo manner cj treating, &c Yor tola at obtas Health Emporium Bloomsburtt Nov. 7 1510. 58 DR. SWjYNtf'S COMPOUND BYItUP OF. For Coughs, Colds, Jltlhmas, Spittirig o' Blood, Sorcnes-iof Throat, Whooping Cough, and alt Dlicasts indicative of CONSUMPTION. DELAYS ARE UANOEROL'S. So US with those who neglect lluir COLDS and COUGH. At firol you complain of-hail:g a Cold, width is licgtectcd; after which njrorcneis is cxperienvrd in the li.-onMa. With a 1ackinc Couch, and finally tho disc.i.'o scltlen tipoijf llie lungs, which the patient will -oon perceive hy wasting away of the body, attended with hectic ttvci auit tpilling up of fior id bktd and mutter foin ulcers on tho lung-;n pain iiiul weight is also experienced at the aH'eded part of tho lung?; the ru.olion ol the animal economy crow lanniiid: the loly l ecomea drv; tlio ejci sink deep wilhin their cavities; nt length thu palienl pavs tho debt ol ilalure, when he H flattering him hclf with tlio hopes of a speedy recovery. To oh- viatotill thoso distressing Rvinptunis "fpuru no l ime' in iiroL'tiriiix tlio above Invaluable Medicin nt the very conimrnceniMit of your Cold and Cough w hereby your health may bo secured and lime- and money wved. For calo at Tobias' Ilcullh Emporium IJloonub ttrg Entirrly cured by the mc of Dr. 0. P. Ilurlich's Compound Strengthening and Germun Jlpctfr.nl Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa., .iffictcd for two cars with the obovodUtres-ingdu ease of which he had to nsehis crutches f.,r eighteen month, his symptoms wero rvcr.uciattng pain in till hU iointj. especially in his hips, shoulders mid inkles, pain incrcaiug toward.! evening, attended with heat. Mr. Uilsou, was at ono timo not able to move his limbs on account of the pain being so great; he being ndvued by a friend of his to procure Dr. Harlich's Pills for which ho sent to the agent in West Chester, and procure some; on using tho med icine the third day, the ram disappeared uiut ins strenttth iucrca!ua'i3st, and in three weeks was u- bio to ntlcnd to his business, which ho had not done for ciehtccn months; for the benefit of others afflic ted, he wishes these lines published hat they may be relieved, and again enjoy tho pleasures of healf.iy life. For salo at 'Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Nov. 7, 1840. ys. MORE POSITIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Dr. HarlicWs Compound blrcngllicning ana uerman Jjperient Pills. Ai.ixoiiany, Jan. 8, 1810. To Dr. Horhchs Agent Sir: I wish to state for tho benefit of thoso who may "bo afflicted, that Dr. Haiilich's 1'u.r.s have entirely cured me of Dvspensia, of which I have been ulliictcd for ma ny years. I used both kinds, tho Aperient and Strengthening, nnd I am constrained to say, that they aro a valuable discovery, and act upon tlio sys tem mildly.but very effectually. 1 found tlio Ionic Pills to quicken the circulation and causo a deter mination to tho surface, and to strengthen tho weak stomach and increase ila powers. Tho Aperient rills arc the ucst catnartio i ever used, l am con fide! t all Dyspeptics would do well to mako imme diate trial and be relieved. Any ono can call ot my house and bo satiucd ot Ilia above nt pleasure. DAVID R. POPE N. D. Tho original certificates may bo seen at the office of tho " Spirit of tho Times." For salo at No. 19, North EIGHTH STREE. CURE YOUR COUGH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. REMEMBER, delays aro danger ous. Thousand uio annually liom that dreadful dis ease CONSUMPTION, which might havo been checked at tho commencement, and disappointed of its prey.if proper means had been resorted to. The vciy many who'liivc thug been snatched from Ihnt fatal ravager. bv'lho tiniely'.usoof Dr. SWAYNES COMPOUND SyUP OF WILD CHERRY, bear tcstamony to this day, nnnoancing tho cures, tho wonderful cures, performed by tho use of this invaluable nieiVciuc, Fof salo at Tubias' Health Emporium Bljomsburg. Nov. 7, 1 840. 2S." THE ESTATE OF ELIZA HITTER, DECEASED. NOTICE IS IIEUEHY GIVEN, that Loiters of iiiliniuisirutini! on tin; ulinvn t's tutu lmvo been "ranted to the suhscriher, re siding in IV dam township, Cultinihia coun ty. Tliiiri'fiirn all persons intluhli'il tn lliu (statu ol" Fiiiil ileiciici'il, situ requested to tnnki' immcdiiilt! payment, ;iiu all those liav injr claims will present litem. WILLIAM KlTTEIv, Mmr. Bloom, Jan. 2, 1811. 3LIVBRT AND L-fT EXCHANGE. Ft 'STEHY respectfully Informs his friends and tho V public, lhal he has alvvtiyioUiand, at tho Li very fctablo in BloMnil uig, for lU purpose of Hire tr ijxcmngc, avatiftyot ESrscs, tilKicr. Cig:, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for the accommodation ot customers. Ho has alsojnado Brrangcments for carrjdng pas sengers froui Bloomsburg to Muncy, mid from Uloomsburg to Buckalews on the Owego turnpike Leaves ploomsburg for Muncy every Saturday at 7 o'clock in tho morning and arrivo at Muncy tho same tvcniiiit. Leave Muncy every Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and arrivo at Bloomsburg the same evening. Leaves Uloomsburg every Wednesday morning lor liuckalcws and return the same day. Personal application can ho made at his residence, when ovcry means , will be used to render entire sat isfaction to thoso who may give him a call, NOAH S. PRGNTIS Bloomsburf, ManhSS, 1810, 4a. 1 M y 7 CQimvLQlX SCHOOLS. aN pursuance of a law passed, Juno Idth, 1838, the annexed statement is publifhcd for tho In loimolioii of ihn DircetoTs of the Common t.'rhools of Columbia County, transmitted by the fcuperm tcndniit of Common Schools. JOI1H McHENRY, JOHN DfLTERlCH, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Commistionti's. Commissioners' Office, Danville, March 2, 1841.- 7'o the Directors of Common Schools in Columbia County. Gr.STr.r.)trn: The folltmhia statement is mado ill accordance with the Schoid Law passed in l&uC. The amount of tax every du-tnet must levy to en title itrclf tothoKhaie ol State Appropriation, ii sum equal to at lean SIXTY CliNTM .for every. taxable inhabitant in uio wsirici, uccoruma y last triennial enumeration made in the spring o 1B39. A list of taxablos in each district ia hcreti rutin-l'rik Districts that hao already accepted tho Commoi Cchnol SvHtcin, nnd lcccivcd their share oi uio j priwiation for former years, will on levjtmj til proper amount of tat, be entitled under exist iu r.tva ti i-.i-iM'f. for llm Fchool car 16'1, vvl ii commences on the first Monday of next June, GNJl UOLLAI! for every usable. Districts which havo not received any purl o tho appropriation of foimer years, but which ai cept tho system FOR TUB FIRST TIME, i. ihn annual election ill March licit, and levy th proper simuut of tx, will under existing laws n' -r.Wr.Cl .-111 fi.r ..vrrv Im.lblu ill the (lhttlict, il 1835, nnd f:l 00 for every taxable in 183'J,accnl-i, ing lo the annexed list. These sums by aresolu lioii pasfed April 13ih, 1840, will remain in the ytate 'i'leasiirv for theute. ef uoii-nCcepting in. tricts, until tho first of November, 184:1, and lio longcl. Number of Taxable inhabitants in the several School districts tlie county, uccording to the cnumerdlions of 18U5 (Z 1830. DisTiticTa Bloom, Brier creek, Cattavvissa, Dcrry, Greenwood, Hemlock, Liberty, Limcitone, Madison, Mahoning, Mifflin, Montcur. Mount Pleasant, ltoaiing creek, tjugarloaf, Jackson, Fishing creek, Orange, Valley. 1835 - , 1830 403 - HIS 340 378 3 IS 403 USO 315 E5G '230 3S7 . SCO 2C8 . i240 , 121 ISO laos 310 300 339 370 . 438 148 147 114 322 . 358 154 . .157 . " ,'75 ' 120 ' 147 158 113 I am yours, respectfully, FRS. II. SHUNK, (Supt. Com. Schools. Harrlshurg, Fcb,C3,1811 WHEREAS, tho houorablo ELLIS LEWIS President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter miner arid General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, compotcd of tho counties of Norlhumberland.Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; and ll.e ilcn. illim DoxAtsoy and Grouni: Mack Inquires, as- Eociato Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date tho 23d day of January in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forly-one, and to me directed lor holding Jl Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n cal Ju'il Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DANS ILLE, in the county of Columbia, on tho third Monday of Jan. next, (being tho 10th day) ami to continue ono week. aO JWJi is therefore Hrebu given to tho Uor- oner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said County ot Uulumlua, that thev lie then and there in their proper persons, at ten o clock, in tho forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitiona and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices appertain lo bo done. And thoso that arc hound by recognizances, to prosecute against tho prisoncra that aro or may bo in tho jail of said county of Columbia, ore to bo then sind thero to proiccuto against Ihcm as shall bo just. Jurors ore requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a- Krceably to their notices. Dated at Danv ille, the 12th day of March, i tho year ofour Lord one thousand eight hun dred nnd forty-one and in tho GSlli year of the independence ot the Umlcd Stales of Amer ica. JOHN FRUIT Sheriff. blicrill a Ullicc, Danville, March 12th 1841. TO PTVUIE Collectors for 16-10, will bear In mind Jl that they must be ablo to pay a good portion ot their duplicates at April Court, and atllhosn who aro in tho arrears behind the year 1810 must cctllo their duplicates then, or expect to bo dealt with ac cording to law. By ordor of the Commissioucrs, L. D. HUPEllT, Trcas. of Col. Co. TTE Subscriber would icspcctfullr informs his friends and the public generally, that ho con tinues to cariy on the business of mariufactiiiing OE3ABEBS Ami SEOTTSiES, of olinost every vatiety of pattern and finish; and .that ho will attend to turning any article ill wood that may ho ordered. Ho will also attend to HOUSE fe ORNAMETAL in all their branches; aud respectfully solicits n con tinuance of public 'favor. Turning shun on Mar ket street, neatly oppoaito the Printing ollico of (ho Columbia County Register finUhtiig diop on tho main street nearly opposite George Weaver's more. BENJAMIN IIAGENUUCH, Bloomsburg. Seirtcwbcr 10, 1810 aw. 7.S- NOIV THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST. AND HANDSOMEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN AMERICA I tfTuN Saturday, Dec. 10th, 1810, the BOSTON 'yJJ' NOTION appeared in an entire hew dress new type, heading, &c. cVc. Tho hcadnig was designed by Ji.hmtoil, (the Cruikbhiiiik of Amcil el) and U ono of liU l.jppicst dibits. It unites the eoinii al wilh the serious, and presents a splcrr Mid hciidm? for tho LLGI S'P olid CHEAPEST t'rt rhK tlm wotld hta yet known, l no pulilislier would Unto, that, as, during Uio mntt I Am. lio UBtl,.L. I IU1.U -folilical, Domcatir, Ounuiurcial and toi g.rssional intclli. grncc or tho i'ay. No clioits or tXcnso will l,o pj 'd to make it. niE iiirer and most aci'lttabli FAMILY Mitt Kl'-V PER in the work. on cve wnv wmlli a continuance of tho hltmcii'.e jatn najjc it lias thus far received, l'liii Notion has, bri 'i ill exigence tut hltlo mnro llian one year, and it now ci.jovs the unrar ulleled weekly circulation of crisis s New subrcribera are coutsantly pourinc in, and before another year is pc.it, tho subscriber flatters himself the circulation will be doullul. Specimen copies will no scut to iho.-o who raw wish it. THE DOUBLE NOTION will bo pubMcd occasionally during the year, and tent lo all ihcto tubsciibcrs who pay for ono year's hiibsciiption. i HUMS TMKUti a year, cm-eii tn advance no orders,no mailer fiom what sourca will be attended to unless accompanied with tho CASH. SiiiL.'o conies SIX OENTcJ EACH. Postmasters or otliers remmitting tiventy dtlkri shall have ctghl copies pent to sucn persons ar.d places m they may desiguato,!tnd bo entitled to the ninth copy gratis. Mail subscribers will have their papers deposited in the Post Office, in this city, every Thuisday eve- GEO. ROBERTS. Publisher and Proprietor. Boston, Dee. lOlh, 1840. Mm To tlie Sop ep visors of th.G Roads. THE Commissioners request tho Supervisor! in the several townships of Columbia county, to attend to tliefilliiig up of tho abutments of tlio County bridges, in their respective districts, when repairs of that kind aro reqmrcd- in this way such repairs can bo mado altrifliug.cxpcnsoto the town ships; and generally more promptly and economi cally than it is poseiblo for tho Commissioners to have it done at tho tixpcurc of the county. JOHN M'HENRY, JOHN DII3TERI0H, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Commissioners. y Jan. 0, 1811. DISSOLUTION OF I'A U'i NhKSHIi' NOTICE is hereby given tiiqt ilio Co partnership heretofore) existing under tho firm of M. S. & W. Aears, is this day dis solved. All persons nro forbidden to give any credit to snid Firm from this date. The books of said limt are ill tho Imnd3 of Jolip Cnovenhoven, Esq. for collection to whom all payments must be made. H'lLLIAAT ilEAHS. Orangcvilie, Jan. 12, 18H. BOOES. BIPJIBSESYo THE undersigned having ptucliused tho Koolc-Hindinji uslablishi.il in Milton, in foi ins thu publis that he is now ptcpnrctl lo do all kind of Dindiiig in the cheapest and most suliKtiiutial manner. Of all dpscriptions will ho done to order nt tin; bluntest notice All kinds of country produce will bo la ka in eselianga for work. II. I. D1EFFNBAOII. Milton, Dec. 5, 1810- U3 ANB NEW.. THE subscriber would respectfully in foim his eiistoiners nnd ihu puli'Tu yencr nllv. that liu has just icceivud from New Y,'.rk: ami drafts for cutting gaiiuentn, by whiillU no is eiiiiuit'ii in cut in too iiovvcht tasuimis not only ol New York, but of London; and make tin in the fast stile for Autumn and Winter wear. r Tho Subsrrihor' reliiniR his sincere thanks for past favors, nnd respectfully solicits a -coiiiiniiuitcc, ptomising on hi part, every exertion to render general sails ruction- DEUNAUD RUPEKTj Bloirasburgj Nov. 28, 1840, V