The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 13, 1841, Image 4

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$SlSlAflr PILLS,
CHurtmoivTO TnfcHTOEAXjtinlxnETii.EvAss
CIsniAx PunoAfirE, tho Ma-ttiilkbs (priced)
Masativi, or any other pilla or compound licfore
Ihe public, a certified to by Physicians and others.
Let nono. teondemn them until they havo tried
thcrrij and then wo arn certain they vill not.
It is now a settled point with nil who lmvo used
the Vegetable Persian Pills thai they arc
licnlly tho best and most efficacious Family Medi
cine that has yet been used in America. If every
family tould b'reomo acquainted with their Sovcr
kign power over dlscisc, they would keep tliem and
'bo prcpardd Villi a sure rcuiedv lo apply on the firs
bppcaranco of disease, and Vhcn how much distress
would bo avorded and money saved, as well its the
lives of thousands who arc hurried out of timo by
neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being
in possession of a remedy which they can placo de
pendence upon.
The Eesuf fiction, or Persian Pills,
The name of these pills orginalcd from the cir
iumstancO of the incdicino being found only in the
ccmeUries of Persia. This vegetable production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen
tury it became an established medicine for tho dis
eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu
lar production was introduced into somo pafts of Eu
rope in the year 1783, and Used by many celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth
er, medicine has been used in vain. Early in the
year 1792, tho extract was combined with u certain
Vcgetablo rncdicino imported from Dura Baca, in
tho East Indies.and formed into Pills. The admir
able effect of this compound upon the human sys
tem, led physiicans and fatuities into its general
use; Their Jong established character their univer
sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular
part of tho system, aro such as will sustain their re
futation and general uso in tho American ivepub-
1 certify that I have, by way of experiment, used
the Hygean, and most of tho farious kinds ol Pills,
in my practice, which have borno tho highest repute
in the public estimation, that havo been offered for
Kale in this vicinity for tho last iivo yeais, including
those called tho Resurrection or Persain Pills; and
thepublic may rest assured that none among tho
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as
an easy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.
CiiaAles Backus, M. D.
Rochester, N. Y, Sept 81, 1837t
Messrs. E. Chuo &. Co. Gents. Hearing
touch said about tho extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to
become mothers, wo were induced to make a trial of
them. My wifo was at that time tho mother of five
children, and had siuTeied tho most tedious and ox
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
of each.. Sho had tried every means and. taken
touch medicine, but found little or no relief. She.
commenced taking the Persian Pills about three
months beforo her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length of timo previous) and in a
snort time slie was enabled by tneir use to attend to
the cares of a mother to lur family until her con
finementi At the tinto sho commenced taking the
Persian1 PillJ, and for several weeks pi cvious, sho
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent
severe cramps, which the use of the. Pills entirely
removed beforo using half alios. It is with tho
greatest confidence that we advice, all those about to
becoroo mothers to rnako use of tho Persian Pills.
All thoso that havo taken them in our neighbor
hood havo got along in the same easy manner, and
are about tho house in a few days. Thcro docs not
appear to be half tho danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where theso Pills aro taken.
Wo unitedly' say.lct nono neglect taking'them, for
they are in tho reach of tho well as tho rich.
Wo are truly thankful tlmfthere is rt remedy which
females can easily procure which tends to lessen tho
world of suffering, which many of them havo to bear,
and perhaps save the lives of thousands which would
otherwise bo lost.
"Rochester, May 14, 1838i corner of Callidonian
square, Edinburg street; for further particulars see
S. Rosr.nTS,
Asa O. Kobeiits.
Rochester, Sept. 24, 1830,
Messrs. E. Chase Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
cure your Pills have performed on me I had been
sick about J years -about 2 years and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of tho first
standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had
S ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of the time; ray liver was much swollen,
and my stomach.very dyspeptic. J had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with oxtremo irrita
bleness of the nervous system, and othor difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I wan given over,
I tried almost all medicines which wero advertised,
lint to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Fills. I began to gain in a short timo after
I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, beforo I
took 3 boxes, 1 was able to ride out and to take con.
viderable exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good
health, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noo wishes a more particular history of my suffer
ings, he may call on me, at tho corner of Alain and
Clin ton-streets, itoencster,
Pits Cubed Tho undersigned hereby certify.
lhat we are the Parents of two children who have
Deen afflicted with fits more or less from their infm.
cy.and that we havo spared no pains or expense in
endeavoring to effect a cure, but without anv bene
ficial effect, unril hearing of tho Resurrection or Per
sian Pills, when four boxes wero immediately
procuied, and before three boxes wero taken, the
fits had abated in frequency, and eveiy sym
tom much improved, and now we aro happy to
Mate that qur childjen by tho uso of tho Persian
Pills, with the blessing of God, are entirely cured
and have no symtorn or appearance of fits, will find
n the Persian Pills ft suro and porfect cure.
Canton N. Y. Dec, 10, 1837;
The abote pills may bo had of the followinn
Jents John Moyer, Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Bcr
.wick; J. UoDper ac Sons, llazelton; C. Hortman
Espeytown; John1 Sharpless, Cattawissa; I,yman
tsholes, Danville
Ezra Taylor; agent for he Stato Of Pennsvlva
... n..i . tr . 1 ..
ib,iiiuhs nocueeier iv 1. lumiora an orders
taa tie audrcsioy
Cclcbrattd. Vtgtldbh Anlibllious Pith,
Are effecting feolno of tho most astonishing and
wonderful curcB that h&vo over been known, 'Tho
town and county aro filled with their piaibe The
Palace and Z'oor house nliko echo with their viri
tues. In all climates they still rctdin their wonder
ful virtues.
extract from a letter written by Dr.
Francis Bogart, of Providence, 'jt. L
Dec. 7, 1838.
" Peters' Pills ore an excellent opcilmcnt and
cathartic, medicine, thoso effects being produced by
the difference of the quantity taken,! and aro deci
dedlo superior to Lee's, Brandrcth's Morrison's
pills 1"
Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ban
gor, Maine, Jan. D, 1838.
" They aro a peculiarly mild, vet efficient miren-
tivo medicine;, and produce little, if any griping of
iinun 1 uiivu prcscnucu mem will! tnucn success
ill sick Headaches and slight bullous fevers.
Extract from a letter by Dr. Joseph Wil
liams, of Burlingham, ft. Julii 9,
" I cordially tefcommcd Peter's Peters' Pills as a
mildly effective, andjn no caso dancerous family
medicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos
tivencss and all tho usual diseases of the digestive
Extrat of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith,
of Montreal, U. C Sept. 29 1830.
"I never knew a single patent medicine that I
could put tho slightest confidenco in but'
Vegetable Fills, whicharc really a valuablo discov
ery. I have no hesitation in having it known that
I use them extensively in my practice, for all com
plaints, (and they aro not a few,) which have their
sourco in tho impurity of tho ,blood."
Extract of a letter from Dr. Pyc, of Que
bec, Li C. March 0, 1837.
" For billloiia fevers, sick headache, torpidity of
tho bowels, and enlargement of spleen, D.. Peters'
Pills aro an excellent medicine."
Extract of a letter from Dr. Qurncy, of
" I havo'received much assistance in mv practico
especially in jaund co and yellow fever from
tho uso of Peters' Pills. I presume, that on an av
erage, . I prescribe a Jiundrcd boxes n month.
Extract of a letter from Dr. licynolds, of
Galveston, Texas, Aprils, 1838.
" They are certainly an excellent general family
medicine, and there Is no quackery obout them."
Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, ofnui.n
N. Yt June 3, 1836.
" I was awaro that Dr. Peters was one of the best
chemists in the United States, and felt assured that
he would somo day (from his intimate knovvlecgo
of tho properties. of heibs and drugs) produco an
efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that
his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations.
They are indeed a superior medicine, and reflect
credit aliko upon tho chemist ihe physician and
the philosopher!'
Extract of a letter from Drt Waincs, of Philadel
phia, Feb, 2, 1838.
".Wu pliu ara iUo mlMf Jn tliplf operations,
dnd yet most powerful in their effects, of any that
I havo ever met with in a practice of eight and
twenty years. Their action on tho chylo and henco
on the impurities of the blood, is evidently very sur
prising." Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore,
Dec. 17, 1830.
" I am in the daily habit of nrescribinc them
(Pctcrs'Pills) and they in nearly all casos, answer
ed my purpose. I have discarded other mcditiucs,
somo of 'hem very good ones, in their favor."
Extract from an address delived on the
evening, of the lith May, 1837, before
the Medical Board of jfccw York, bxi
Dr. Emerson.- Sec iTciu York Medical
Peprrts,for 1837.
" As a body I know that we havo set ou: foce a-
gainst the generality of patent medicines, and tepc-
rienco has taught us that the great bulk of them are
mere catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to
make an honorable exception in favor of tho Vege
table fills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer
and citizen, Dr. Joseph Priestley Pcters, of wluch,
(in consequence of their peculicrly nutrition? action
on tho blood,) I, and several members of this hon
orable Society, aro ardent patrons.' Tins friendly
allusion to the Vegetable Pills was received with a
warm round of aplauso by all the mombcrs present'
A tresli supply ot tne valuablo Pills just received
v Jonn IC. Mover, and u. a. Tobias. llloomshiiT.
bud William Diddle, Danville.
Price 25 cents per' Vox.
October 31, 1840.
coMPdurtb svitur op. j., .
For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting of
jjioou, Soreness of Throat, Whooping
Cough, and all Diseases indicative of
those who neglect their COLDS and COUGH.
At first you complain 0f having a Cold, which is
neglected; after which u soreness is experienced in
tho Bronchia, With a Hacking Cough, and finally
tho diseaso settles upon tho lungs, which tho patient
will soon perceive by a wasting away of the body,
attended with hectic fevers ana spitting up at flor
id bloody and matter from ulcers on the lhhgs; a pain
and weight is also experienced at tho affected part
of tho lungsj the functions of tin! aniinal economy
grow languid'; the body becomes dry; tho fcyes sink
deep within their cavities; at length the patient
pays the debt of nature,, when ho is flattering him
self with tho hopes of a speedy reebvery. To ob
viate all thoso distressing symptoms "Spare no
Time" in procuring thcabovo Invaluable Medicine
at tho very commencement of your Cold aiid
Coughs whereby your health may bo secured and
timo and money saved. For sale at
Tobias' Dealt h Emporium Bloomsbllrg
Entirely cured by the use of Dr. O. P.
IlarhclCs Compound Strengthening and
German 1pcrinl Pillsi
Mr. Solomon Wiljon. of Chester County Pa.,
afficted for two years vvith tho above distressing dis
ease of which he had o use his crutches for eighteen
montjis, his symptoms wero excruciating pain in
all his joint, especially in his hip3, shoulders and
ankles, pain Increasing tdwards evening, attended
with heat. Mr. Hilson, was, at one timo not able
to move his limbs on account of the pain being so
great; ho being advised by a friend of his to procuio
Dr. Harlich's Pills for which ho sent to the agent in
West Chester, and procure some; on using tho med
icine thoj third day, the pain disappeared and his
strength increasing fast, and in three weeks was a
blo to attend to his business, which he had not done
for eighteen months; for the benefit of others afflic
ted, hp wishes these lines published hat they may
be relieved, and again enjoy tho pleasures of healthy
life. For salo at
Tobias Health Emporium Blobmsburg.
Wovi 7, lSio. 28.
J ''-ricacy of Dr. Harlich's Compound
pitZ " nnU- ?ermM MPErimt
Alleghany, JAN."8r 1
To Dr. Harlich's Agent Sir: I wish to stale
for the benefit of those who may 'bo afflicted, that
Dr. Haalicii's Pilxs havo entirely cured mc of
Dyspepsia, of which I havo been afflicted for ma
ny years. I used both kinds, the Aperient and
Strengthening, and I am constrained to' say, that
they arc a valuablo discovery, and act upon the sys
tem mildly, but very effectually) 1 found tho Tonic
mils to qmrken tho circulation and causo a deter
mination to tho surface, and to strengthen the weak
stomach and increase its powers. The Aperient
Pills aro iho best cathartic I ever used. I am con
fide) all Dyspeptics would do well to make imme
diate trial and bo relieved. Any one can call at my
houso and bo entitled of the abovo ut pleasure.
UAyil) it. POPE.
N. B. The original certificates may bo seen at
tho office of tho " Spirit of the Times." For salo
at No. 10, North EIGHTH STREE.
Jlnd the Ladies' -anil Gentleman's World
of Literature and 'Fashion
Tlie Casket and Vie Gentleman's unilttl.
A Mew Volume, under tho abovo title, ot tho
well established and fashionablo Magazine,
the Philadclphla'Caskct in conjunction with tho
Gentleman's Magailnc, which hasLccnevcry whero
pronounced tho most rcadablo and popular of the
day, will bo opened on tho first day of January,
1841, with an at,ray of contributors secured by the
union, of talent and fame, which no periodical in
tho country can boast or pretend to rival. The Uc.
ceinlcr number will, however, bo.u specimen of the
new volume. The volume will bo opened with new
and beautiful type, the finest white paper and with
ho first of n scries of embellishments unsurpassed
by any which havb yet appeared in any Magazine.
Tho style ofilcgance, tho beauty and finish of these
illustrations, and tho extensive improvements which
will be made, its typographical oppeaiance, and
abovo all, tho tone of its literary department, by the
brilliant arrayof contributors; whose articles have
enriched the pages of each number, will give it a
character second to no Magazine in the Union.
l'ho character of the articles which, shall appear in
its pages, will bo equally removed from a sickly sen
timentality, and from all affectation Of morality, but
while a true delineation of human nature in every
variety of passion isuimcd ot, Uolhiugthall bo found
in its pages to cause a blush upon the check of the
most pure.
Tho Litcrrry Character Will be sufficiently guar
anteed by the reputation of both Magazine thus u
nitcd, for years past. Writers of the first rank have
beeu regular contributors to their pages, and the
tales and sketches published in them havii been
widely copied and trad, and tho firm and independ
ent tone of the criticisms, upon the current litera
ture of tho day, has been everywhere approved, and
Tho List of contributors embraces the namc3 ,of
most of iho principal writers in America, with a re-
Dyspepsia! yspepsia
THAT troubjesomo and peace-destroying dis
ease. Tho usands and tens of thousands suf
fer from that common and distressing complaint.-
Dyspepsia is frequently caused by overloading or
distending tlie stomach by excessive eating or dunk.
ing indigestible and acrid substances taken into
the stomach, or from long continued constipation of
tno bowels, a sedentary lite, tear, grief, anxiety, a co
pious uratt 01 cold water, drastic purgative medi
cines, A) sentcry, miscarriages, intermittent and spas
modic atlcctions ot tlie stomach and bowels, irregu
lar meals, late hours, and too frequent uso of spiri
tuous liquors.
The symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described
as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious
one, nausea and sometimes bilious vomiting, sudden
and transient distensions of tho stomach alter eat
ing, acid and putrescent cructions, water brash, pain
in tho region of tho stomach, costivcness.palpitaiion
f tho heart, dizziness rind dimness of tho eight, ills
turbcb rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency,
spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowncss of
complexion, great oppicssion after eating, langtior
and general debility, sick head-ache, dec.
CURE At tho head of all remedies stands D,
Harlich's Compound Strengthening Tonie and
German Aperient Pills, which act greatly upon tho
peristaltic motion of tho Intestines, thereby produc
ing regularity of the, bowels, at the same time im
proving the functions of tho debiliatcd organs, thus
invigorating and restoring the digestive organs to a
healthy action. This medicine seldom fails In pro
ducing relief.
Full and explicit directions accompany the above
medicine. Likewise n pamphlet which! describes
diseases, the manner of treating, &c For salo at
Tobias' Health Emjwriym Bloomsburg
, 10V. 7 llUf xs
TOO LATE. REMEMBER, delays aro danger
ous. Thousand die annually fiom that dreadful dis
ease CONSUMPTION, which might havo been
checked at tbo' commencement, and disappointed of
itsprey,it proper means Had been resoneu to.- I lie
very many who havo thus been snatched from that
fatal ravager, hv tho timely uso of Dr. S WAYNES
bear tcstamony to, annoancing tho cures,
the wonderful cures, performed by the uso of this
invaluable medicine. For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
riov.7, itn .
Letters of administration on the abovo es
tate have been granted to tho subscriber, re
siding in Bloom township, Columbia coun
ty. Therefore all persons indebted to the
estate of said deceased are requested to
make immediate payment, and all those hav
ing claims will present them.
Bloom, Jan. 2, 1841.
spcctable number of English authors. Original
tides have appeared, during the lust year, fiom '
pens of tho following: Piofissors Ingrahum, Frott
N. C. Brooks, C. F. Winds, Captain Many att, lion
R. T, Conrad, Morton McMichael, Willis Gaylor.
Clarke, Esq. Charles J. Peterson Rev. Thoiuus II
Stockton, Samuel W. Stockton, E. Annstioiig, Esq
General G. P. Morris, Leigh Hunt, England, Mrs.
Fanny Kemb'.c Sutler. I'ark Beniamiu. Douclass
Jcrrold, England, Joseph Ci Ncal, James F. Otis,
f. ii. Ulhot, David liullmaii, Charlc3 VVest'J liomp-
mn, Judge Trempcr, John Dli Sollc, Esq. P. B. El
der, Grcnvilie Mellon, Edgar A. Poo, T.G. Spear,
Mrs. L. Sigourncy' Miss Calhariuo II. Waterman.
Mrs.- Ann btcphens, Benson Hill, England, Dr. J.
K. Mitchell, James Montgomery, England, A. M'
Makin and B. Holdcn, J. Bcauehamp Jones, J..E.
Dow, Mrs. E. F. Elicit, Dr. Thomas Dunn English.
In addition to this brilliant arrayof ntmc3 known
to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a
nonymous writcrsof no ordinary abilities, havo giv
en worth and character to the pages of tho Maga
zine. J ho 6cnes ot well known nauticil papers en
titled "Cruizlngin the Last War,"have had a run,
unequalled by any Scne3 published 111 any Alagaztno
rieT6JrilJ no aU"i'r promises to Open a new se
ries as n depictor'b1-eaLBnJ fr0m his knpwn abili
be relied upon him in maintaHfldJife, much .rnav
of tho Macazine. I'ancrs may bo oxpcctftSHj?"1)''
tho volumo.also from the author of tho jvell lcnowii
nrtielcs fen.itlcd"Tho Lde of Old Ironside." and
from tho author of Syrian Letters. The valuablo
aid ol tho authot of"Leavcs from a Lawyer's I'ort
Folio," has also been secured alid wo may expect
something Gtill moro thrilling fiom tho capacious
stores which a long lifo in tho profession has ena
bled him to amass. An occational Chit Chat with
"Jeremy Short," and "Oliver Oldfullow,' ia also
promised; with a variety of choice articles in proso"
and verse from various writers of celebrity. Tho
editors of both Ma5azi'lcs continue their services
under tho new arrangement. With such an airay
of talent. 3 Magazine of unrivalled attractions may
safely be promised the cominij volume.
In compliance with tho almost unanimous wish
of our lady subscribeii, wo shall tho ensuing vol
ume fnrnish thcin with a beautiful and correct plate
of Fashions monthly, a feature, It is bcliccd, that
will neither bo Unwelcome nor unpopular. These
fashion plaids shall bo drawn from original designs
from Tans and i.ondon, and may also no depended
on as the prevailing style in Philadalphia and Nw
Yolk for tho month in which they aro issued.
Ihcse, liowover shall in no vyiso intcriero with U10
rcaular and choice engravings, and music winch ac
company each number of tho work. Tho splendid
Mezzotint engravings lrom the burin ot .partaiu,
which huvo been justly admired, will bo followed
during tho volumo by several fiom the samo hand,
while tho steel engravings in tho i-iot ot stylo of
tho art, from interesting scenes shall still enrich the
Magazine. The choicest pieces of music for the
Piano and Guitar shall accompany each number of
tlie work
Tho work will bo published on the first of every
month in every quarter of tho Union. Tho most
distant subscribers conscquntly receive it 011 that
day, 03 well as thoso who reside in Philadelphia.
In ill tho principal cities agents havo been estab
lished, by which means subscribers :ah obtain their
copies free of postage.
Tbiims. Three dollars per annum, in advance
two copies for five dollars. No new subscriber re
ceived without tho money. For tho accommodation
of those who may wish to suhscribo for cither of the
following Philadelpha periodicals, this liberal pro
posal is made. For live dollars current money free
of postage wo will forward Graham's Magazine and
Godcy's Lady's Book, for one year. Address
Sotitn yest corner of Chesnut and Tldrd streets
Philadelphia, Nov. 1810(
IN baturday, Dec. 10th, 18-10. the UOSTfrl
NOTION appeared in an erltirn n. .1 1
........., 1.- .. m. . . . . u"l
in.-ngm.-ii uy umumimi, uio uruiKsnnnk of Alnti
ci) and is ono of Ids happiest charts. It uriii
the comical with tho serious, and presents a
did heading for tho LARGEST mil CHEAI'lii
PA I'ER tlio world lib yet known.
Tho publisher would state, that, as, dut'-i
past.tho BOSTON NOTION 1ms Icon'
prompt In procuring and re-publishing tl,8
valuable literature nf tho day, so a future incrcai
energy and moro amplo means will be employ
for the aamo purpose. Entire Nvvc'ts, Gloria ,,
Sermons, from the pcnsoflhe irtott eminent lni
writers fifEutopo anil Ameilca.havoVeir, aml
continue to he: published in its columns; ntuon
the most prominent of tho writers may be mentio
cd thb names of llulwcr, Dickens. Cockton, (atur,
of aleiitinc Vox,) James, Ainswortli, Manji
Mrs. Tiullopc, Mrs, Norton, Courtless of lilosm
tohjllolllbiiiton, (author of Sam Slick,) Ctaimir'
Dowey, livihg, Cooper, Simms, Ingrahan,Dvtm
Mrs. Sigourncy, iX;c.
Also it has and will continue to contain nlcr
qua'ntityoforiwtf matter Political Essajs.wu
out parlizan argument Moral and Hfligicus d
cusiions, without sectarian biat Misctllautci
Articles logitlicr with all ihq turrcnt Puliiic
Domestic, Commercial and Congiossional inu-1
gence of tho duy". No efforts or expente v.ill
spared to make it.
in tho world and every way woithy a continual
of tho iinmenso palruiiogc it has thus farnctht
Tho Notion had been in existence but iiu
more than onc,ycar, and it now enjoys the unrt
allelcd weekly circulation or
2.,000 COPIES I
New subscriber!) are conssantly pouring, in, tt
before another year is past, tho subscriber flatli
himself the circulation will bo doubled.
Specimen copies will no sent to' Ihoso who m
wish il.
occasionally during tho year, and sent to all iho
subscribers who pay for ono year's subscription.
in advance no mailer from what sou;
will be attended to unless accompanied with t.
CASH, Single copies SIX CENTS EACH.
Ppctmasters or others rcmmitlingtcttityiKfr
fchall havo tight copies tent to sin-n pritoii3 1,
places 03 they may designale,and bo entitled tot
ninth copy gratis.
Mall subscribers will havo their papers deposit
in the Post Office, in this city, cvciy Thursday m
Publisher and Proprietor,
Boston, Dec. 10th, 18-10.
ERY respectfully Informs his friends and tho
public, that he has alwaysouhand.attho Li
very Stable in Bloomsburg, forthopurposoof Hire
tr til change, a vaneiy 01
Morses, Sulkies, &igs,
which lie will feel grptified to keep in readiness for
the accommodation ot customers.
Ho has also made arrangements for carrying pas
sengers from Bloomsburg ia Muncy, and from
Bloomsburg to Bucfcalews on the Otvcgo turnpike.
Leaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday
oi 7 otciock in uu iiiuminc mm urnve ai ,iuncy
the same evening. Leave Muncy every Saturday
morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg the
samo evening'. x
Leaves Bloomsburg every Wednesday morning
for Buckalews and return the samo day.
Personal application can be made at his residence,
wnen every meaas win ie used to render entire sat.
isfaction to those who may give him a call.
DlcotoAure, March 28, 1810, - 48,
To tlie Saperviaq
tiie Roads.
THE Commissioners, request tho Supcnfcc
in tho several townships of Columbia conn
to attend to tlie filling up bf the abutments of 1
County bridges, in their respectivo districts, vtb
repairs of thht kind are required- in this way it.
repairs tan bo inado at trilling oxpenscto the to
ships; and generally more promptly and cconor
call v than it U postiihlo for the Commissiontn
have it done at the expense of tho county.
Jan.O, 1811.
NOTICE is hereby given that the C
partnership horetoforo existing under 1
firm of M. S. & W. ilcars, is this day I
All persons afo forbidden io give
credit .to said Firm from this date.
Tho books Of said firm arc in the hen
of Join Coovcnhoven, Esq. fur collect!
to whom all payments must he made.
Orangoville, Jan. 12, 1841.
TTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his
friends and tho public generally, that ho con
tinues to cany on the business of manufacturing
of almost overy variety of pattern and finish; and
that ho will attend to turning any article in wood
that may bo ordered. He will also attend to
in all their launches; and respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar
ket street, nearly opposite tho Printing office of tho
Columbia County Register finishing bhop on tho
main street nea?ly opposite George Weaver's store,
Bloemsfeurg. September 10, 1810J
THE undersigned having puichasedi
Book-llinditig established in Alilion,
forms '.he ptiblis that ho is now prepared
do all kinds of Binding in the cheapest:
must substantial ninnnor.
Of all descriptions will bo done to orJ
at the shortest notice.
All kinds of country produce will !'
kan in exchange for work.
Milton, Dec. 5, 1840- 3J
THE subscriber would respectfully
form his customers and the public gfj
allv, that ho has just received from
Plates of Fashions
and drafts for cutting garments, ".VSJ,
ha is enabled to cut in tho newest
not only of New York, but of London
make up in tho fust etic for Autumn "
Winter wear,
Tho Subscriber rcturne hie tltj
thanks for past favors, and rcspcctli
solicits a coutiiiuance, promising on
part, every exertion to render general
faction. ,.
Blo-rnisburg; Nov. 28, I8i0,