The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 06, 1841, Image 4

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4crintbh.TO TntHtosiy.BnisDETn'ii.EVAsii
Sjfsnus PcnqATirii thi MATciit8g.(pricoJ)
BajfATiri, or Any dthcr pills or cotripound before
4U -..1.1!.. i. I .. m ! i .1
' j'uuiitflu iLuiuiu io uy. i iijsiciaiis anu outers.
Let none' condemn them until they have 'tried
...mi, unu iiitu wuuio t-i-iuuu mey win nou
It is now a settled point with nil who have Used
1 r . i ti ..... . . .
mu vegciauio rcrsian i-ius mat they are prc-tnii
nently the best and most efficacious Family Mcdi
Cinfi that hns vrt hfrn itrA.l It. AMn.: if ........
j vv.a oil. tit f 11111.111 U. It U.WJT
family could bocomo acquainted with thqr Sover
cign power over disease, they would keep them and
be prepared with a suro remedy to apply on the firs
appearance of disease, and then how much distress
,Would be. avoided and money saved, as well as tho
lives of thousands who aro hurried out of time by
neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being
Kit fuaei-asiuM u a iviuvuy wiucii mey can piaco uc
jpendenbo upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills.
Ttio nsma if iIk.. ntll. -'-.I. .1 C .I,.
tiwuiw v. .ui,ev fjiua viiiiunu UVHI UIU VII"
'eumstancaof the medicine being found only in the
ui-iueianes 01 rcreia. xnis vegetable production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ha medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen
tury it became art established mcdicino for the dis
eases of that country Tho extract of this singu
lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu-
rnnn In 111 vrrr 1 VU1 . 1 I... 1.1
Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth
er medicine has been used in vain. Early in the
1.... 1TAA tl. i . i . t.i . .
jtbim luuuAiract was comuincu Willi a certain
vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills, Tho admir
ablo effect of this compound upon tho human sys
tem, led physiican3 and families into its general
use. Theirjong established character their univer
sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon the glandular
part of tho system, are such as will sustain their re
putation and general use in the American Repub
I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, used
tho Hygean, and most of the carious kinds ol Pills,
jn my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in tho public estimation, that have been offered for
sale in this vicinity for tho last five ycais, including
thoso called the Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills! and
the public may ret, assured that nono among the
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as
an easy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.
. CiiAnirs Backus, M. D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Messrs. E. Chase & Co Gents. Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to
become mothers, we were induced to make a trial of
them. My wife was at that timo the mother of five
children, and had suffered the most tedious and ex
cruciating pains" during and after her confinement
of each, fciho had tried every means nnd taken
much medicine, but found little or no relief. Sho
commenced taking the Persian Pills about thrco
months beforo her confinement (her health being vc-,
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
short time she 'Was enabled by their use to attend to
the cares of a. mother to lur family until her con
finement. At the time she commenced takincr the
n : n ; 1 1 . , r . ., ,
. viotoii t nn, Ui,u mr suvetai weens pi cvious, she
Viras afflicted with a dty hard cough, and frequent
evcie.cramps, which tho uso of the Pills entirely
removed beforo u sine half a bar. It i nlih l...
cibiuu riuo, unu lor several weens pi Cvious. she
4 n9!-...l 1. i i i '
removed beforo using half a box. It is with the
greatest confidence that wo advise all thoso about to
become mothers to jnako use of the Persian Pills,
All those, that have taken them in our neighbor
hood havo got along in the same easy manner, and
aro about the house in a few days. There docs not
appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where these Pills aro taken.
We unitedly' Eay.le't nono neglect taking them, for
they aro in tho reach of tho poor as well as the rich.
We are truly thankful that there is a remedy which
femaleB can easily procure, which tends to lessen the
World of suffering, which many of them havo to bear,
and perhaps save the lives of thousands which would
otherwise be lost.
Rochester, May 14, 1833; corner of Callidonian
square, Etlinburg street; for further particulars see
'8. Roberts,
AmrO. Roberts.
. Rochester Sept. 24, 1830.
Messrs. E. Chase Co.
I think it my duly to let' you know what a great
"cure your Pills have performed on me I had been
kick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first
standing; my lungs were seriously affected) I had
8 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen,
'and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with cxtrcmo iriita
bleness of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over,
I tried almost all medicines which were advertised,
but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short timo after
I commenced taking them; and, to ho brief, beforo I
took 3 boxes, 1 was able to ride out and to tako con
siderable exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good
health, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noa wishes n more particular history of my sufier
ings, he may call on me, at the corner of Main and
Clinton-streets, Rochester.
Fits Cdoed Tho undersigned hereby certify,
that we are tho Parents of two children who have
Been afflicted with fit more or less from their infon
cy, and that we have spared no paitls or expense in
ende avoring to effect a cure, but without any bene
fictal effect, until hearing of the Resurrection or Per
Ian Pills, w hen four boxes were immediately
procuieJ, and before three boxes were taken fh
fits had abated in frequencyan" U
?? .T.C5l im?cd now woarehLvTo
state that craf childjen by the uso of th- tlpy- Z.
PilU with tho blessing & Goet Ted
and have no symtom or appearance of fiV. 1
n tho Persian-Pills a surePandfeCt cure
Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. JOI'S0Nt
The above pill, may U had of the followW a
gents-Jon Mayer, Bloomsburg., H. Miller B
w.c)q J. Cooper & Sons, !!.&, 0. Hollman
Ezra Tflvlnr arrrt z- .1. a....
can rwi firiHj "
CehbtAUd pegcUbU Antibilious Pith,
Aro effecting sofrte bf the rnost astonishing and
"uuu,",m! v,uiM uiu. uuvu ever ocon Known. i ho
jown anu county aro rifled with their ptoise. Tho
Palado and i'oor houso alike echo with' their vir-i-T'ij1"
climatcs ,licy Btl11 rctan their wonder-
Ehxtrtt'cl frmn n frff
Irancis liogart, of Providence, 'Ji. J.
" J'ctcra Fillg nrn nn nvvONml Atn.,t
IVIlt U'wlllilwJlb UltU
cathartic medicine, thoso effects being produced by
tho difference of the quantity taken, and aro deci
dedlo superior to Leo's, Urandrcth's Morrison's
Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ean
gor, Maine, Jan. 0, 1838..
"Thcv are a nrmlinrlv ml 1,1 vi nu:...
tivo medicine; and produce little, if any griping of
uuuBi-a. i nam prcscriueu mem Willi mucti success
in niui iifuuacncs anu sngnt milieus levers."
Extract from a letter by Or. Joseph Wil
liams, oj JJurlingliam, Vt. July 9,
10J7. -
" I cordially rccommrd Peter's Peters' Pills as n
mildly effective. Olid in tlO PnRA ilnnrrnrniia ffiivtitt
rncdic'ne. Tliey aro peculiarly influential in cos
uui3uuu uu uiu usuai aiscases oi tnc Uigcstive
fixlrat of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith,
"I never knew n cinrrTrt tmihnt v.,ir.:A t
could put the slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters'
cBiHumo i-uis, wnicn aro really a valuablo discov-
crv. I have nn hcsifillinn in hfirinn it !..,..,
I uso them extensively in my practice, for all com-
pimms, iunu mcy aro not a lew,) which have their
source in the impurity of tho blood."
Extract of a letter from l)r. Pye, ef Que-
ucc, j. o, iuarcix u, joayi
" Forbilllnlis fnvrrs. ftJrlr lmnTn1irt r
the bowels, and enlargement of spleen, D.-.Tctcrs'
Pills aro an excellent medicine."
Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurncy, of
" I havo received much
especially in iaund co nml vr-Ilmv fn.r r,n.n
tho use of Peters' Pills. I presume, that on an av-
crage, I prcscribo a hundred boxes a month.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of
uuiucaioK, j exas, sipruu, m;ia.
"Thcv nro rrrtnlnlv nn ovnnWnn. irtAi
- j v.k.uvilkgvllbiai tuning
medicine, and thero is no quackery about them."
Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hudson,
ii. i. June o, ibju,
"I was nwnrn flint Tlr. Vtlra r n, t .
chemists in tho United States, and felt assured that
ne wouiu some day (Irom his intimato knowlcegc
of tho nrODCrlics of lierlia nml .lrumrt ..!..
, i . . , ""o'v I'.wuuvu lilt
clhcient medicine, and I must acknowledge that
ma uijciauie rius luuy rcspona to my expectations.
ThCV nro Inilnnil n .nnrrinp 1 n .
,T j.v..,. .ut.uti,iiti;, uilU ICilUCi
credit ahko upon tho chemist iho physician and
me pnuosopier.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs, of Philadel-
piua, a co. , lUiJS.
Your nillfl nrn tlirt m!l,1n.t !., it,
i " .i. .111.11 v,i:iuiiuilf
and vet most nownrfnl in tlinir iri. nr .1...
- 1 . ... ...w.. VI UIIJ, HtUV
I havo ever met with in a practico of cinht and
iwcmy years. A heir action on the chyle and hence
n impurities of tho blood, is evidently very sur-
-c.. . ... ..
Extract of a letter from Dr
Dec. 17, 1830.
ocott, ol Uallimorc,
"I am in the daily habit of prescribing them
(Peters'Pills) and they in nearly all casas, aiibwer
cd my purpose. I havo discarded other ineditiucB,
some of 'hem very good ones, in their favor."
Extract from an address delived on the
evening of the Uth May, 1837, before
the Medical Board of New York, by
Dr. Emerson. See New York Medical
Heprrls,for 1837.
" As a body I know that wo havo eet'oui face a
gamst the generality of patent medicines, and expe
rience has taught us that the great bulk of them are
mcro catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to
make an honorablo exception in favor of tho Vegc
tablo Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer
and citizen, Dr. Joseph Priestley Peters, of wh'ch,
(in consequence of their peculiarly nutritions qctlon
on tho blood,) I, and several mrmberd of this hon
orable Society, aro ardent patrons.'' This friendly
allusion to tho Vegetable Pills was received with a
warm round of aplause by all tho members present-
A fresh supply of the valuablo Pills just received
by John R.Moyer, and D. 8. Tobias. Bloorasburi;
nd William BIddle, Danville,
a Pn'cc 25 cents pcr'Sox,
October 31, 1840.
Dyspepsia! .Dyspepsia!
rjFWAT troubjesomo and peace-destroying dis--M.
case- 'J'l'o usands and tens of thousands suf
fer trom that common and distressing complaint.
Dyspepsia is frequently caused by overloading or
distending tho stomach by excessive eating ordiink
ing indigestible and acrid substances taken into
the stomach, or from long continued conslipationof
the bowels, a sedentary life, fear, grief, anxiety, a co
pious draft of cold water, drastic purgative medi
cines, Hi Bcntery, miscarriages, intermittent and spas
modic affections of tho stomach and bowels, irregu
lar meals, late hours, and too frequent use of spiri
tuous liquors,
Thc.symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described
as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious
one, nausea and sometimes iiVioti vomiting, sudden
and transient distensions of the stomach after eat
ing, acid and putrcscentcructions, water brash, pain
in the region of the stomach, costivencss. palpitation
f the heart, dizziness nnd dimness of the sight, dis
turbeb rest, tremors, mental .1.
' - , W4t f nuiuiuitr
spasms, nervous irritability, chillness, sallowness of
Bitm oppiession aucr eating, languor
and general debility, sick head-ache, &c.
cJ?IlpAt the head of all remedies stands Dr.
Harhchs Compound Strengthening T'jnic and
German Aperient Pitts, which act greatly upon the
peristaltic motion of the intestines, thereby produc
ing regularity of the bowels, at the same time im
proving tho functions of the debiliatcd organs, thus
invigorating and restoring the digestive organs to a
healthy action. This medicine seldom fails in pro
aucing relief.
Full undeir)I!it ilircrltnnB ,1 (....
meutclne. Likowise a pamphlet which describes
medicine. Likewise n namnlili-t nhUh ,
obias1 Health Emporium Bloomsburg
Now. T I Bin:
. . - -v. XB
compound sVnur of
For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitlin'g of
JJlooa, Soreness (f Throat, Whooping
Cough, and all Diseases indicative of
tnoso who neglect their GOLDS and COUGH.
At first vou comnlnin nf lnt!n n rvu .l,;l. !.,
V 1 - - . Will, .(llll.ll Ij
neglected; after which a soreness is experienced in
tt. . II - ...41 . .1 ... t ' ....
uiu vruncnia, wan a iiacKing uough, and finally
the disease settles upon the lungs, which tho patient
will sbbn pbrceive liy a wasting away of tho body,
uuuimuu wan necuc icvcrs ana sjnlling up ot Jlor-
. vum .iwui uivlib wii uiu tuue, u jmiu
and weight is also experienced at tho allbcted part
uiu lunBi uiu luncuons oi mo animal economy
grow languid; tho body becomes dry; the eyes fink
ttiCT tvilllin fllnir n.! I Ir.-. n. ll. . 1! t
""I' "n lltlllll.?, Ul ICIIIU JIUllL'Ill
pays tho debt of nature, when ho is flattering him-
ouu wan uiu iigpcs oi a specuy recovery, i o ob
viate all thoso distressing symptoms "Sparo no
Time" in proruring the abovo Invaluablo Medicine
at tho very commencement of your Cold and
Coughs whereby your health may bo secured and
timo and money saved. For sale at
Tobias Health Emporium Bloomsburg
Entirely cured by the use of Dr. O. P.
Harlich s Compound Strengthening and
German Pills,
Mr. R'nlnntrtn Wilcnh nf nlihcln. H,.l tl
afiicted for two years with the nbovc distressing dis-
PllCn nf lulltr- Imllft In licntiia .rnl.nnj C...LI.lA.n
v w. w HVUUUluu.UllHMUlUlbDIUI U1JJ 11 ll.i;tt
months, his symptoms were excruciating pain ill
nil imntv. panoiintlir in ltia litnj,t,lni.a ..l
..w ja.....T rj.uv.ui., ... ,11. .Ilj,0, EUUUIUVU UIIU
ankles, pain increasing towards evening, attended
wltll Mr. tl ilunn, tlrrtw n, nnn limn tint nl.ln
to move his limbs oil account of the pain being so
great; no uemg auvi6eu uy a lricnu ot his to procure
)r. ITnrlinh'R PilU Cnr tvllil'll tin nntlt In llin nminl In
Vest Chcstpr, and procure some; on using the mcd
icino thq third day, tho pain disappeared and his
strength increasing fast, and in three weeks was a-
lllfi In ntlnilll In Ilia Imuilinca wnirili lmti,1 itnl ,lnnn
for eighteen months; for the benefit of others afflic
ted, ho wishes these lines published lint they may
be relieved, and airain en iov tho nleasures of hojlt.iv
life. For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
IVT-. Wln.n
noi, i, loiui xa.
Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlicli's Compound
viTutginuiiing ana uerman jineriem
Alleghany, Jan. 8, 1840.
Tn T)r Tlnrlirli'o Airnnt Kir. T ...!.li . .1.1.
" - . w,. u ..Vll. Wl, . . 1.IBI! LU D1U1U
for the benefit of thoso who may 'bo afflicted, that
Dr. HllHTPIl'd PirtO llfltTA unlil-nti- mirnrl inn nf
Dyspepsia, of which I have been ufliictcd for ma-
.... T I !..! !.! .1. t . . 1
tai. l uscu iiuiu ninus, mu itpenem anu
Strenathcnint?. and I mu rniistrninml tn mi', (lint
they aro a valuable discovery, and act upon the sys
tem mildly, but very effectually. I found tho Tonic
li:n ....!i .t : i-.i -.1 i' .
i ma iu ijuitnun uiu circuiauuu anu cause a deter
mination to tho surface, and to strengthen tho weak
stomach and increase its powers. Tho Aperient
rills arc the best cathartic I ever used. I am con
fide t nil Dvsncntlcs wnnlil iln u-rll In mfit-n immp.
diate trial and be relieved. Any ono can call at my
house and bo satificd of tho abovo at pleasure.
IV. It. The orlrrinnl rprtifinntpa ninv-, tin ennn nt
tho office of tho "Spirit of the Times." For salo
at JN'o. VJ, Worth .laUHTJl STREEi
TOO LATE. REMEMBER, delays aro danger
ous. Thousand dio annually fiom that dreadful dis
ease CONSUMPTION, which might hao been
rllprknd nt lltn rnmmpnpfmpnt. nnil diannnnititn,! ff
its tircy, if proper means had been resoi ted to. Tho
. . 1. .. 1 tl 1. C , ,
yviy iuuii tvnu xiuvi; niua uc-vii mjuicuku iroui uiai
fatal ravnger, by tho timely uso of Dr. SWAYNES
bear tcstamony to this day, announcing tho.cures,
the wonderful cures, performed by tho uso of this
invaluablo medfeinc. For ealo at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Nov. 7, 1840. S3.
Letters of administration on the above es
tates havo boon granted to tho subscriber, re
siding in Bloom township, Columbia coun
ty. Therefore all persons indebted to the
estato of said deceased, are requested to
make immediate payment, and all those hav
ing claims will present litem.
Bloom, Jan. 2, 18-11.
VERY respectfully informs his friends end the
public, that lie has alwaysouh and, at the Li'
very Stable in Illooaieburg, for the purpose of Iliro
cr Exchange, a vailetyof
ESovfics, Sulkies, 6iigg,
which lie will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
the accommodation of customers.
Ho ha? alsd made arrangements for carrying pas
sengers from Dloomsbarg to Muncy, and from
Bloomsburg td Durkalcws on tho Owcgo turnpike.
Leaves filoomsburg for Muncy overy Saturday
at 7 o'clock in the' morning and arrivo at Muncy
the fame evening. Leave Muncy every Saturday
morning at 6 o'clock and arrive at Uloomsburg tho
same evening.
Leaves Uloomsburg evety Wednesday morning
for lluckalcws and return the same! day.
Personal application ran be made at his residence,
when every means will bo used to render entire sat
Htfactiori to those who may give him a call.
Rloomtin?. March 28. 1840. 46.
m2w exchange. mCo
J3nd the LadUs' and Gentleman's World
of Literature and Fashion
Tie Casket 'ahd Vie Gentleman's titi7rf
A Mew Volume, under thb ubovo litie, of the
well established anil fashionable Mogazine,
tlin Philadelphia Casket In conjunction, with tho
Gentleman's Magazine, which has be'encvety where
'pronounced the most readable arid popular of tho
day, will bo opened on tho first day of January,
1841, with an array of contributors secured by tho
.-!. r ..1.SL1 !...1!-t l
UIUOI1, Ol laillll unu iuuil-, mtiuiiiiu jJi'ijuuu ai ill
the country can boast or pretend to rival. Tho Dc.
cembcf number will, however, bo a specimen of (ho
new volume. The volume will bo opened with new
and beautiful type, the finest white paper and with
ho first of n series of embellishments unsurpassed
by any which havo yet appeared in any Magazine.
The stylo oftlcgancc, tho beauty and finish of these
illustrations, and the extensive improvements which
will be made, its typographical appearance, and
above all, tho tone of its literary department, by tho
brilliant array of contributors, whoso articles liavo
enriched the pages of each number, will givo it a
character second to no Magazine in tho Union.
l'ho character of the articles which shall appear in
its pages, will be equally removed from a tidily sen
timentality, and froin an affectation of morality, but
while a true delineation of human nature in every
variety of passion is uimcd at, nolhiug shall be fuund
in its pages to cause n blush upon the check of the
most pure.
Tho Litcrrry Character will be sufficiently guar
anteed by tho reputation of both Magazines thus u
nited, for years past. Writers of tho first rani; havo
beeu regular contributors to their pages, and the
tales and sketches published in them have been
widely copied and lead, and the firm and independ
ent tono of the criiicisms, upon tho current litera
ture of the' day, has been everywhere opproved and
Thti List of contributors embraces the names of
most of the principal writers in America, with a re
spectable number of English authors. Oriaiual ar
ticles have appeared, during tho last year, from the
pens of the following: Professors Ingraham, Frost
N. Ct Brooks, C. F. Winds, Captain Marryalt, Hon
R. T. Conrad, Morton McMielmcl, Willis Guylor.
Clarke, Esq. Charles J. Peterson Rev. Thomas II
Stockton, Samuel W. Stockton, H. Armstrong, Est
General G. P. Morris, Leigh Hunt, Epgland, Mrs.
Fdnny Kcmble Sutler, Park Benjnniti, Douglass
Jcrruld, England, Joseph Ci Ncal, James F. Utis,
R. S. Elliot, David Huffman, Charles West Thomp
son, Judge Tremper, John Du Solle, Esq. P. B. El
der, Grcnvillo Mcllen, Edgar A. Poo, T.G. Spear,
Mrs. L. Sigourncy' Miss Catharine H. Waterman,
Mrs. Ann Stephens, Ucuson Hill, England, Dr. J.
IC. Mitchell, James Montgomery, England, A. M'
Makiu and II. Holdcn, J. Beauchamp Jones, J. E.
Dow, Mrs. E. F. Ellctt, Dr. Thomas Dunn Eng
lUln In addition to this brilliant array of names known
to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a
nonymous writers of no ordinary abilities, have giv
en worth and character to tho pages of the Maga
zine. 1 lie scries ot well known nauticil papers en
titled " Cruizingin tho Last Var,"havo had a run,
unequalled by'uny scries published in any Magazine
for years. The author promises to open a new sc
ries of Tales of the Sea, and from hit known abili
ties as a depictor of sea scenes and life, much mav
bo relied upon him in maintaining the popularity
of the Magazine, Papers may' be expected during
the volume also from tho author of the well known
articles en,itlcd"The Log of Old Ironside." and
from the author of Syrian Letters. The valuable
aid ol the authot of"Lcavcs from a Lawyer's Port
Folio," has also been secured and we may expect
something still moro thrilling from the capacious
stores which a long life in tho profession lias ena
bled him to amass. An occasional Chit Chat with
"Jeremy Short," and "Oliver Oldfellow,' is also
promised J with a variety of choice articles in piosc
and vcri.0 from various writers of celebrity, 'l'ho
editors of both Magazines continue their services
under tho new arrangement. With such an array
of talent. .1 Magazino of unrivalled attractions may
safely bo promised the coming volume.
iwssiioa's .inn waitjiiwGS.
In compliance with the almost unanlmdns wish
of our lady subscribers, we shall the ensuing vol
umo fnrnish them with a beautiful and correct plate
of Fashions monthly, a feature, it is believed, that
will neither bo unwelcome nor unpopular. These
fashion plates shall bo drawn from original designs
from Paris .and London, and may also be depended
on as Iho prevailing stylo in Philadalphia and New
Yotk for the month in which they 'are issued.
These, however shall in no wiso interfere with the
regular and choico engravings, and fnusic which ac
company each number of tho work. The splendid
Mezzotint engravings from tho burin of Sartain,
whieh have been justly admired, will bo followed
during tho volumo by several from tho same hand,
whilo the btccl engravings in tho best of stylo of
tho art, from interesting scenes shall still enrich the
Magazine. Tho choicest pieces of music for the
Piano and Guitar shall accompany each number of
the work.
The work will bo published on tho first of every
month in every quarter of tho Union. Tho most
dislant subscribers consequntly receive- it on that
day, as well as thoso who rcsido in Philadelphia.
In "ill the principal cities agents have been estab-,
hshed, by which means subscribers -;an obtain their
copies free of postage..
Tkhmsi Three dollars per annum, tn advanco
two copies for five dollars. No new subscriber re
ceived. without the money. For tho accommodation
of thoso who may wish to subscribe for cither of tho
following Philadelpha periodicals, this liberal pro
posal is made. For fivo dollars current money free
of postage wo will forward Graham's Magazino and
Godey's Lady's Book, for ono year. Address
South west cornor of Chcsnut and Third streets.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1840
TE Subscriber would respectfully inforrnshis
friends ana tile public generally, that ho con
tinues to cany on the business of manufacturing
of almost every variety of pattern and finish and
that ho will attend to turning any article in wood
that may be ordered. He will also attend to
in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar
ket street, nearly opposite the Printing office of the
Columbia County Register finishing shop on the
main street nearly oppotito'Gcorge Weaver's store.
Bloomsburg, September 10, 1840J ,
BOSTOW , k"oti6k
N Saturday, Dec. lOlh, 1840. the BOSTON
NOTION appeared in an entiro new dip.
now type, Heading, ecc. ore. J no licailnig was
designed by Vohnttvn, (the Cruikshank of Ameti.
ci) and is ono of lita happiest efforts. It unites
the comical with the serious, and presents a splcnl
did heading for the LARGEST and CHEAPEST
PAPER iho world his yet knowii.
The publisher would stale, that, as, during the
past,thet BOSTbN NOTION has been mosl
prompt in procuring and republishing the most
valuable literature of the day, so n future increased
energy And moro ample mbans will bo employed
-. .i .- t.i..t!. nr l. c,....f ' j
U( uiu uumu iuujjum;. aziiui c xiuLtis, Glories, and Y
Sermons, from the pens of th'e most eminent livint"F
writers of En rope and Amcrica,havc bech, and will
contiuuo to he, published in its columns; anionj
the most prominent of tho writers may be mention
ton.Hallibuiton. fauthnr of Sam Slick.) CI innti'nrr
Dewey, Irving, Cooper, Slmfhs,' Ingraham,Byrant,'
Mrs. Sigourney,&c. &c
Also it has and will continue to contain a large
quantity original matter Political Essays.wilh
out parlizau argument Moral and Itcligious dis-'
cussions, without wctarian biat Miscellaneous'
Articles together with -all tho current Political,
Domestic, Commercial and CongieSBional intelli
gence of the day. No efforts or expense will ija
spared to ntako it.
in tho world and every way worthy a continuanco
ol tho immense patronage it has thus far received,
Tho Notiox has been in cxistencb but liltlo
moro than one year, and it now enjoys the unpar
alleled weekly circulation of
New subscribers aro conssantly pouring in, nnd
before another year is past, tho subscriber flatters
himself the circulation will be doubled.
Specimen copies will no sent to thoso who may
wish it.
'THE DOUBLE NOTION will bo published
o:casionalIy during, tho year, and sent to all those
subscribers who pay for one year's subscription.
. TERMS THREE DOLLARS a year, clu-ays
tn ulvancc no ordcrs,no matter from what source
will bo attended to unless accompanied with tho
CASH. Single copies SIX CENTS EACH.
Postmasters or others remmilting ttventfj dollars
shall have light copies tent to tucn persons and
places aa they may desiguatc,and be entitled to tho
ninth copy gratis.
Mail subscribers will havo their papers deposited
m the Post Office, in this city, cvciy Thursday eve
Publisher and Proprietor.
B03ton, Dec. lfitli, 1840.
To tlie Supervisors of
the Heads.
TJIE Commissioners request the Supervisors
in tho several townships of Columbia county,
to attend to tho filling tip of tho obutmenU of the
County bridges, in their rcspectivo districts, when
repairs of that kind are required- in this way such
repairs can bo made at trilling expense to tho town
ships; and generally moro promptly, arid economi
cally than it is possible for tho Commissioners to
have it done at tho expense of tho county.
Jan. 9, 1811.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Co
partnership heretofore existing under tlid
firm of M. S. & W. Meats, is this day dis
solved. All persons aro forbidden to give any
credit to said Firm from this dale,
Tho books of said firm are in the hands
of John Coovcnhovcn, Esq. for collection
to whom all payments must bo made.
Orangevillo, Jan. 12, 1841.
THE undersigned having purchased tho
Book-Binding established in Milton, in
forms the pubfis that ho is now ptepared to
do all liindB of Binding in the cheapest and
most substantial manner.
BIjAIOS. books
Of all descriptions will be done to order
at the shortest nolicc.
All kinds of country produce will bo la
kan in exchange for work.
Milton, Dec. 5, 1810 32
THE subscriber would respectfully in
form his customers and tho public gener
ally, that he has just received from New
Plates of rasliions
and drafts for cutting garments, by which
ho is enabled to cut in the newest fashions
not only of New York, but of London; and
make up in tho fit si stilo for Autumn and..
Winter wear. t Iqi.
i no bubsenber return- his sincew
thanks for past favors, and respectfully
solicits a continuance, promising on hi
part, overy exertion lo render general sati,
Blomsburg) Nov. 28, 1840.
ed the names ol JJulwcr, i)ickcis. Uockton, (author
of Valentine Vox,) James, Ainswerth, MarryaU."
jiirs. i ronopc. airs, rsorton. oounicss oi ui
A -