P. "tROTlI W1TU0CT TEin " 8JTVJIV.1V, JMIlCUQi 1841. We havn heim so much occupied with ttlher business the post week, that we have had no time to make a reply tu the attacks of tin vhig editors Upon the proceedings of the mVeting at M'Dowcll's Mills. Wo will endeavor to cook ?em up hereafter. The uncalled Tor and " Stool Pidgeon'' 'itlack, of the " Danville Democrat" upon Hlie Bloomsburg iron company, anti me wa ti power of Pishing Cteek, will receive too reply from "urn The object anil source o the" article will ho a sufficient answer. The proceedings ofthe meeting at Hagcn Wti receive no favor at the hands of the whigs. The whig editors in the county, from the Conservator down to our neighbor ofthe Register, afe .out upon them, In no measured terms. This wa3 expected, as the principles of democracy are to them, like a noxious vapor, destructive to their system. Anil were the proceedings of a democratic meeting to teceivo cnuntenance from'them, we shoilld strongly suspect that thoir positions were antidemocratic. Nash your teeth gentlemen, you only bite a file. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Clay, referring to the position of affairs in relation to the North Eastern Boundary, expressed the opinion in the Senate on Monday, that there was no cause or no probability of a war with England. Mr. Buchanan slated that the tumors of exciting correspondence between the Secretary and the British Minister, in regard to the Caroline, published in the Notv Ytuk Herald, were all false and not to bo credited in the least. The Cabinet and the Inaugural Address'. The Washington correspondent of the Inquirer under dato of February lOtli, states that Webster, Crittenden and Ewing, of an informal Cabinet meeting held that morning, and says that the Inaugural Address of Geheial Hnr-iion is believed to have been the subject of consideration. Thai speech will require' a deal of trimming, and fixing and patching, to fit it for the purpose. Ii must be of llio mystic school, with " no principles for the public eye," spiced with large promises in general, but enunciating nothing in particular. It is not easy to im agine a. more difficult tusk in the way of political literature than the concoction ol tm inaugural address foi General Harrison. New York Common Schools. In 1810 the number of school districts was 10,760 an increase of 03 over 1830. The num ber of children instructed in Common Schools 572,005 increase 15,770. The productive Capital of the Common School Fund amounts to 32,033,807 05. It also Jus the interest arisng from $3,583,333 34 of the surplus tevenuo of the U. S. depos ited in the State Treasury in 1837. President Van Buren hrsbeen invited by his political friends in Philadelphia, to slop end take a dinner with them as ho passed through that city on his return to Kinder hook. In reply, he expresses his thanks .for their courtesy, as well as for their 'uni form, inflexible patriotism;' but adds. 'The honor of a public dinner, you will, 1 hope, permit mo to decline. I shall be de iajned hero a few days after the fourth of March, and cannot Gx with certainly the day on which 1 shall be able to reach Phil adelphia. But I shall not fail to remain wiih you long enough to take by the hand those who may desiro to see me and to give and receive those unceremonious salu tations befitting old, long tried, and insepar able friends.' A Plot Thickening. By the treaty of Iai7, the United Slates and Great Britain were to have each but ono vessel of one gun on each Lake the British are nou luildimg steam batteries and vessels there. One steam frigate is building at Montreal and Kingston, and two ro on the stocks at bt. Mary a, U. u. one to be Kept in pie ces, so as to bo put together in 10 day's no tice. This latter is for Lnko Champlain, ind an English paper says, " when hos tilities commence, would not only maintain -possession of the Luke without difficulty, but prevent (he Americans occupying the Wi on its. tanks." GLEANINGS. Ohio Penitentiary. Tlio number of prisoners received in 1840 was 137 num ber in prison at that time, 488. Only 230 were at all educated persons; tlio mass be ing vety ignorant. Among them 120 were intemperate, and 222 temperate drinkers, and 125 abstinent. 225 Were manicd per sons, and 250 were single. 202 hud attend ed Sunday Schools. TheSteamer Missouri, now In progress at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, will bo ready in Juno or July, and is to be furnished, with eight ten-inch Paixhan guns, two of which will be mounted on swivel carriages on tho foieeastle. Printers at a Premium The Presid ing Judge of the Louisiana Supreme Court, and the Attorney General of the same Slate, arc both printers. French Policy. The French Govern in e nt is engaged in re-estabiisliiiig or loler. ating gaming houses in Paris, in order that the gamblers may rather leave their money in the French Capital, tian carry it else where. Collector of New York. Mr. Jesse Hoyt, Collector of the Port of New York, has been removed from office, and John J. Morgan, nominated by the President to fill the vacancy, The Senate will undoubl cdly confirm this appointment, and, as the H3.t President cannot revoke it,thc shoal of seckcra who have applied for that office will bo disappointed. Lucky Escape. The Texan ship Austin lately captured a Mexican schooner,having on board Gen. Lemos, on his way to Vera Cruz to be shot. The General- and his family wero put ashore at Campeachy, where he was kindly received and placed in a responsible office under the government of Yucatan. Fire and Loss of Lie. Tho dwelling Jiutise of Robert Miller, of Upper Freehold Township, N. J. was destroyed by lire on Tuesday last and a joutig lady, an inmate of the house, unable to effect her escape, perished in the llames. lJanii-noles. in rrnnrc lucre are no notes of a lees denomination limit 500 francs about 01 dollars, In England no bank note is allowed of a less amount ,than pounds sSerling about 25 dollars. In France there are no suspensions. Comment ii unnecessary. Price of Dependence. Cuba, with population of less than a million and a half, pays to the mother country the enormous revenue of $12,000,000. And this enur mo'.is sum is paid for the unsolicited servi ces of Spanish Grandees and Grenadiers. A Revival. At tho late election in the city of Frederick, Md., the Democrats elec ted their Mayor, all the Aldermen, and five out of seven members of the Council, by the largest majority ever given in .that place. Thaddcus Stevms.'li is rumored that this distinguished "Whipper-in" is lo be sent on a foreign mission, by way of keep ing him out of domestic mischief". S dden Death. U is staled that the Hon. R. II. Menifee, late a member of Congress from Kentucky, died suddenly a few days since at his residcnco in Flemings burg. Supreme Court. It is said that Judge Tucker of Virginia, has been appointed by the President to the bench of the Supreme Court, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Barbour. More Counterfeits, Counterfeit Ameri can quarters of dollars are in circulation. They are dated 1830, and are so well exe cuted that it is difficult to distinguish them from the genuine. English Banks. The present circula tion of private Banks in England is over 630,000,000, and of joint stock Banks, near $20,000,000. Another Exptosion. The Bank of Pat chogue, N. Yoik, failed last Wednesday, owing to the high flight of "public confi dence" since the Tato election. Hung. Tho negro who killed McClcary at Dayton, Ohio, id tho abolition rumpus, has been hung. Two of his associates have been committed fut trial. Hard Times. Nino demijohns of old Madeira wine were sold the other day, at twenty dollars a gallon, or one hundred dollars a demijohn, and .ten more not so old at ten dollars a gallon, The nine- were- ta kes by one individual foe family use... .... New Ilamjit'ldtt is entirely free from any State icit,-rBy ihis mode of calling on the people annually for the sum expend ed, tlic legislators aro held to a strict ac countability to their lionsliinenls. The rep resentative is not tolerated lit contracting n debt nn the credit of his constituents nud mortgaging their lauds to get money to loan to profligate roilroad corporations, or to bo expended to advancc'lhe interests of specu lators, as has been dono in many of the States, Harrison Consistency. Ofthe six mem bers of General Harrison's' Cabinet, four are now members of Congress,viz,: Messrs. Webster, Bell, Crittenden and Granger. ThiB contrasts well with the objection urged against the administrations of General Jack sou and Mr. Van Uuren by these disinter ested Federal patriots. How thoir profess ions ate backed by their practice! "Stronger than Ever." The Philadel phia Ledger says that a gentleman of that city madu ah offer on Thursday, that for $100 cash he would agreb to furnish in sixty days twenty shares of United Stales Bunk stuck, which would be at tho rate of S5 per share. We wduld not wonder, if ho could do it. Jercmuh Lcary. the coachman of Ex President Adams, died al Washington on Friday evening, in consequence ofthe inju ries received by the running away of his horses, when alrrmed at the filing of a Colt's tide in the Capitol yard. He wa greatly respected by Mr. Adams for his fi delity and excellent conduct. A Tough Meat Story. The editor ol the Barrc Gazette says he has an uncle whose grandfather knew a neighbor who had a cow that broke her leg, so that ampu tation' became necessary. Tho operation took.place and the operator succeeded in icplacing the leg with. one of wood. Afier the operation the cow recovered her health, gave birth to a calf, and yielded her milk us usual. Tho milk however lasted fur goiiio time of ihi) wood, but this ' flavor at length ceased. When killed tlio wooden leg made as good, steaks as, any other, jhough hardly as juicy. An Important Piece of News Intelli gence has been received in Philadelphia from the British West Indies, stating that orders had some time since reached the Is lahds from the Home Government, that 25,000 colored men weio to hi- disciplined as soldirrs, in addition to the ordinary colored militia and regulars of tho Is lands. Foul Murder. A man named William Cook, in Van Buren County, Arkansas, ic ccntly murdered a young man, who had not ir.jured him, named McNammc, merely as he said, to see how he would foci after shooting a man ! The sum ol 8500 is of fered for his apprehension. Important if true. A London newspa per announces that Governor Porter, o( the State of Baltimore, has pronounced Gen. Harrison f resident of the United States ! ! ! Caught in his own Trap, Tho Portland Argus relates an amusing case in which a beggar in that city received what he asked for, but nut what he wished fori A few days ago,a full grown able-bodied man, presented hiinsclfat the door of one of our citizens; and solicited the lady of the house to give him two cents. She remark ed she had none, and enquired what he wanted with them. 'To buy a dose of cas ter oil, inarm, (Was tho reply) fur I am dreadful sick.' The lady had no cents but she had plenty ofoil; and she prcpaicd him a stiff dose. Ho tried hard to get excused from taking it; but she was firm he was a sick man, and it must go down. The loafer found he was caught in his own trapjand where he meant to have a glass of liquoi; he got a dose of physic, hut making a virtue of iu'ccssiiy,and with sundry wry faces, Se gulped it down and cleared. He'd not call at that house again, we dare say. WESTERN FISHERIES. Tho growing importance of tho Lake fisheries may bo judged of by the follaw ing statement of the Detroit Advertiser. That paper says " the amount of Whito Fish, Trout and Sisktvct, taken in Lake Superior, Michigan, Huron, and on tho De troit River, was over thirty thousand bar relssaf which, 1050 barrels taken on the Detroit River. 000 at the head of Hog Isl and, and 8G0 on Goose Isle." Did you ever know a young lady that was too weak to stand up during church time who could not dunce all night at a ball. Mr. Clay, It is rutoored, U (o be despatch ed on a special mission lo England, lo ne gotiate h filial settlement of our international difliculiieih ' Blair and ftivhs have been elected prin ters to tho Senate bf tho United States. Tito resolution offerod by Mr. Clay, lo re peal the sub-treasury bill, was laid upon the table, yeas 27, nays 20i In Somerset village (Mats.,) and -Icini-ly, embracing two school districts and a bout 430 inhabitants, not a single death De clined during the year 1840. This speaks volumes in favor of the sober, temperate habits of the inhabitants of that enterpris ing village. Good Idea. Consider no man capable of insulting you who is mean enotigh to at tempt it. In this you have tho decided ad vantage. For whilst, by ihc insult, he ac knowledged you worthy of his notice, you, by yourncglect, provo him unworthy of yours. Uy Scissors. " I say, Tom, why do yon hang your head down these days 1" " I'm looking for tlio money they said would be lying in the streets when old Tip' was elected President." About a hundred of tho prettiest Balti more gals kissed Old Tip during his late visit to the " monumental city." It makes one's mouth water oi.ly to think of it." Lead. Tho Galena (Illinois) Gazette states that the exports of lead from that place during ihe past year were about twenty mil lions of pounds, the cost of which, at Ga lena, wa3 $700,000. Mori Steamers lo Europe. Mr. Col lins, one of the proprietor of the old lire of Liverpool packets from New York, is negociating with the Government for aid in establishing a line of American steamers lo England. lie proposes lo build four boats of 2500 tons each, in every respect like men of war. In case of a rupture with Europe, ihe Government shall lake them at a valuation agreed upon by both parties. If the contract is made, two of them will be ready in May 1842, and when all comple ted, they will make their trips every fort night. In addition to accommodations for 200 passengers, they will carry the Govern ment Mails. Another liowdi Legislator. A mem ber of tho Maine Legislature a few days since made a brutal and cowardly assault up on one of the doorkeepers, for permitting a gentleman to pass out contrary- to the rules. He was soon afterwards taken be lore a magistrate ami lined siv, anu Hie costs, for the outrage. He should be ex pelled from the House, nnd banished from society. A law-maker who turns law-breaker is unworthy of the title of " citizen." JJ'abash Treaty. The treaty lately made with the Miami Indians, at the forks of the Wabash river, Indiana, has been confirmed by the Senate nf ihe United Slates. By this treaty the Indians give up all title lo about 500,000 acres of land in that State, and agreo lo emigrate beyond the Mississippi. Changeable Climate. The Boston Mail says, the weather has been so variable of late, tint it is hardly safe for ladies to go into Washington street, without a boy to carry a cloak and a fan, to guard against cither extreme. It is said that in Illinois the Circuit Judg es are so poorly paid they arc compelled whon on the circuit to swap horses and gam ble in order to support their families. A Pepublican. Mr. Van Buren has de termined lo avoid all parade on hi3 way home, afier the 4th of March, and to pass through the various cities as a private citi zen only. The Ohio Monster. The Bill to create a State Bank with n capital of $12,000,000 and branches, passed the Ohio House of Representatives on the 18th ult. Its fate in the Senate is yet doubtful. j Intemperance. Ii is said that one-fourlh of the mate population of York, Maine, are drunkards, Civil War in New Grenada. Fifteen out ofthe twenty provinces of Now Grena da have revolted from the Central Govern ment, and declared in favor of a Confedera tion. Tho whole country is again involved in civil war.both parties having levied troops to enforce their demands, Bogota being the capital, the adherents of cither side wero rallying in its vicinity, at the last advices, and it is probable havo settled the dispute icfore now. If nrt, tho province will bo the scene of a protracted bloody tragedy. Better times. faimeyr tie loii, p8 viouslv to the election, that as soon as it should bo known that Gen. Harrison would succeed Mr. Van Blireri, public tbnfidcnce would be realm ed times would rapidly im prove agricultural products Would rise itl pi Ice and gonetal prosperity would pro vail I Every product bf ihe soil of PennaylvH hla commenced falling in price soon after tho rcsuit of thb presidential election Vas known prices have been fallitis falling falling up to this time. Look at thu price of flour, grain and whisltev. in all tho great markets. Flour down to 84; wheat lower than it had been for year, and wliis key actually sold for 17 centa per gallon ! ' Wo wanted a channel' Well you have a change I York Gazctlii Going lack to first principles. Wliat'i all these cotclettes and fricaudcaus) and all ibis nonsense oh this bill of faro about?' said an up countryman yesterday while caU ing his dinner at the St. .Chailct 'Wailen are all these rngnons nnd other fixins real, sure enough eatables!1' 'Ceriainly wliat shall I help you to some of tlio tele de5 vcauV 'Tele de whaiP 'f ete de veau.1 'No he's a perfect stranger. Give md some boiled ham when I full back tlodri first principles, I know what I'm aboii;' Extensive Swindling. The' Publid Ledger says that Sylvester's Reporter pub lishes a list of 152 banks which have failed) and swindled the community out of at least 638,000,000. Fattening Poultry. An exporitrienl hat lately been tried of feeding geese Vlth Uir nips, cut up very fine and put into a tfodgh with water. The effect was that six geeset weighing only 0 lbs. each when shut Upi actually weighed 20 lbs. each after about three weeks feeding with this food alone. New Genesee Farmer. Government Express. The) Herald states that Mr. Nilcs, the Post Masltfr Gen' eral, has made arrangements to transmit the) Inaugural Address of Grueral Harrison from Washington to New York by Express1 by which the whole distance will be tra versed in ten hours. An Old Office Holder.-TirS thnmaS O'Hara Croswell, Postmaster at Catskill, (N. Y.) a venerable nnd estimable citizen was appointed In 1702, under tho adminis tration of Gen. Washington, and has held the office from that day lo the piesent,near ly a half a century I " ' iiwp jmM a w MARRIED On the 25th ult. liv the) Rev. William J. Eyeri Mr. GEORGE LAWRENCE, to Miss LYDIA HUBER, both of Caltawissa. In Ilopkinsville, nn Tuesday morning last, lv ihe Ri-v. Geo. C. Drake. Mr. BEN JAM1N DIETERlCH, of Hemlock, to Miss MARGARET, daughter of Mr. Jo seph Brown, of the former place. In Hemlock, on Thursday last, by the sanm Mr. ISAAC WAGNER, sen. to Mrs. SARAH LEIDY, daughter of the late Mr. Esau Girton deceased, both of He'mlock. On the 25th ult. bv John Dieterich Esq. Mr. WILLIAM CRETHERS, nf Hem-, lock, to Miss MARY RINEBOLD, lato of Mifiliii. On the 18th ult. hp the Rev. Mr. Grin?, Mr. JOHNF. HERR to Miss MARY CLACKNER, eldest daughter1 of Mr. Cor nelius Clackner, all of Derry, On Tuesday the lOih ult. by Samuel Creasv, Esq. Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, of Luzrr'n-co. to Mrs.CATHARINE YOHE of Mifllinville. On the 10th nit. by the Rev. R. A. Fish er. Mr. AAIOS E. CAPP. to Miss MAR GARET W1THINGTON, both of Nor thumberland. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. fWIHE Collectors for 1840, will bear in mind J that they must bo able to pay a good portion of their duplicates at April Court, and all those who are in the arrears behind ihe year 1840 must settle their duplicates then, or expect to be dealt with ac cording to law. By order of the Commlssiuuers. L. B. RUPERT, Treas. of Col. Co. THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM KNORR, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of administration, on tho above es tate have been granted to the subscrber, re siding in Bloom township, Columbia coun ty. Therefore all persons indobted to tho estate of said deceased, aro requested to make immcdiato pay men, and all those hav ing claims will present pleaso them, pro perly authenticated for settlement' 1 shall attend at the late residence of tho deceased on Tuesday the 2d day of March next, to makd settlement with all who may call. Afterwards I can be found at ray rei dence. JACOB HAGENBUCH, Admr. Uloom, Feb. 20,1841,,