iB following admirable picture of aliap .nmmtinitv is taken from Dr. Belknap'i i'li. ... i-i,n KliWnns of Nnw IlamnBhirc. iLesstothc citizens or New Hampsli Mlhe rinse of his liislnry of that Stale t .iWiipre 1 to farm a picture of a ha mill ho :i town consisting "f i Mas mixture nf lulls, valleys and streams of Vim am wo uncoil ami rumv.i ppy a water ,d' tlic roiiiln ami biidges in good repair; a 'Lent inn fur Hie rcficshincnts of travellers nil for mit'lif entertainments. Tlio inhab- :,.nis mostlv liuHbamlnien, their wives ami nl . i - ....r. .1 Rtuhi. i iiirtro riitinnMir. iiiiiiniiiii.uiitiiM ..iti....r, ...firL-mnn. mill jt proportion m vi... Wo oi three trailers, n physician anil law- u.iwun cliiuilil li:tu a farm for J i ..l- ..T .t..w1 lltulnl1. nri. i. cicim in. hi ui iipuu J. ntirii Iflftidiug. !l r!intlil1 tlisposHiou and exom- ... ,n,ir;ii!.iini a ineiao uvsiciui nui " i ..! !... Dnriima nnil nrnpiipnr nrracli- IllenllC Ullk ewttuuw j..--" i A schoolmaster who should understand l,is business and teach his pupils to govern U.m.pUey A social library annually in- .i nml iimler irood reiuilalion. A Wni) of sensible men seeking mutual im tirovcinent. A decent musical society. W.. iitiMiHilnn' nnliliclall. horseiockey, nam- U.r ui- sill, hut all such characters treated Villi contempt. Such a situation may be t-nniiilprt-tl as the most favorable to jocial happiness of nny which this world can af ford. The Strange DiseaseThe Knoxville Register1 of the 6th inst. says that the fatal epidemic which lately made its appearance in West Tennessee, is gradually extending itself and has created much alarm in the vi cinilv of Henry county. It is supposed by eotne to bo the disease known several years tince in that section of the country as the Cold Plaguo." Col. Andrew Jackson Iltttehins, an dnpted son of the " old chieftain," and cd ucated in his family, died at the residence of the late Gcner,l Coffee in Alabama, on 15th inst. of pulmonary consumption. He was but 28 years of age, but gave piomise of great genius, and died much lamented Massachusetts Senator. The Whig members of the Legislature of Maisachu telts have nominated Rufus Choato, of Bos ton, as a candidate for the United States Sen ste, to iitccccd the Hon. Daniel Webster He will of course be elected. Small Notes. The House of Rcpresen t&lives of Maryland on Wednesday last, finally passed a bill, forbidding the issue of small notes by the Corporations of that State; excepting those authorized by char 4 tart to do so. Catholic Temperance Movemcnl.-rM St. Mary's Church, Boston, last Sunday weak, Dr. O'Flaherty administered the Temperance Pledge to over eight hundrded persons.. r. Failures. It was rumored in tho city on Saturday and Monday that several heavy failures had occurred in New York and Philadelphia, which will add grsatly to the embarrassments of business and finance. Messrs. Pupo and Aspeuwall of this city have 'stopped" for upwards of 3400,000 and n branch of the same firm in New York it is Haiti, ha nlco suspended with a large litof debts. The firm of Chiistmas, Liv ingston and Ward, late Prime, Ward and Kiuir, Bankers, of tho latter city, have also failed for an immense amount. These gen tlemen were extensive speculators in stocks, and are the agenis of several Banks in Can tin. Spirit, of the Times. More 'British Outrages. Tho steam hip Natchez arrived at New Orleans on the 5th instant, from Havana, having nowa to the 1st inst. Just before she left a brig arrived from Gallivns.on tho coast of Africa bringing intelligence of an outrage on a couple of factories at that place by a British man-of-war. One of them was owned by Don Pedro Blanco and the other by Don Pedro Martinez, and were the most exter ive ot tint place. The man-of-war's orew was sent ashore goods to tho amount of 8500,000 were destroyed and no less than 1500 negroes employed about them made their escape. This news created a great excitement at Havana. Protection to Settlers. A bill has pass ed tho Legislaturo of Alabama, providing: Vriiat in addition to tho properly now al- TWed by law, from executions, thero shall be exempted from execution upon all debt , hereafter to he contracted, for tho use of evsry family in this State, forty acres of ianu, winch snail be and enure to tho use and benefit of settled and permanent fami lies." Frosthjtes. It is reported that many of tho Jews residing at Constantinople have lately been converted to Christianity, Canada Military Pofcc. Tho Detroit Adverser states that Micro are 20,000 regu lars in Canada, and that in addition, each regiment of militia is required to havo two flank companies in constant readiness. As there nre 113 regiments in the Upper Pro vince, this will give 10,000 men. A force of 30,000 would thus bo called into the field .it n moment's notice. Infatuation. A religious manlac,namod Josrph Aukland, was committed to prison in New Yurk, for resisting and assaulting tho Coroner on Wednesday last. Ackland was laboring under tho delusion' that he could resuscitate his child which had just died, and his phrenzy beat off the officer who came to hold an inquest ocr it, He is a Mormon. Legislative Row. A row took place In the Ohio House of Representatives, on the 10th instant, between a Mr. Hartley and a Mr. Hatikins. Tho words "liar, scoundrel and villion,' were ficcly used, and quilo a sccno took place. Ghamcfull such men' disgrace their country. Heavy Loss. It is said that John Jacob Astor has lost a milliomof dollars by the failure of the U. States Bank. Immense ns such a loss is, it would bo felt less to him than if distributed among ten thousand "widows and orphans." Cold JVcalhcr. On Sunday, tho 25th ult., the thermometer at Madison, Wiscon sin, was 30 degrees below znro. On the same day at Fort Winnebago, tho mercury sunk to 30 degress below zorp. Hon. C. B. PENnosE. This gentleman wo are authorized to say is not going to the tl 1 just vet. Ho is to be Solicitor of the Treasury at Washington under the now administration as a sort of preparatory or initiatory movement to his further acquaint ance with "Old Nick." Tea. In 1840, 254,000 diesis of tea were shipped from Canton to tho United States, The prasenl stock of tea, including cargoes of vesssles expected, is 72,000 chests. Jluination. By the report of the Asses. sors of Massachusetts, it appears that the wealth of that Statu has been increased ono hundred, millions of dollars, during tho lust tort years. Hanks of Dtlaward Tho Legislaturo SINGULAR FREAK OF NATURE. The curiosity of our citizens, nnd the strangers. attending couit last week, was greatly excited by a colt prematurely foaled by n liiaro.bclonging hf. Mr. William In win, of this place. Thu limbs and body correspond with the natural ptfrls belonging to the species of the horse while the head rind face most strikingly resembles the Nriciln race of mankind. It would doubt- ess be a valuable acquisition to the collec tion of valuablo curiosities in our1 museums where it might undergo the speculations of tho scientitic for which purpose, we Un- of Delaware havo suspended the penalty of I desr! and. it has been placed in a state of Vi per cent interest on the notes ot tlio Estate preservation. CcarficUt Banner. Former Civilization. Texas dates to the 30th otatc that the remains of a largo village hare been found in Sabiiio county, about 17 miles cast of San Augustine. The ruins consist chiefly of the stone foun dations of houses arranged along a street of more than a milo in length. Breach of Mail Laws. About fifty suits have been commenced in New York, against persons who have incurred the penalty for writing on the margin of newspapers sent to their friends by mail. The fine for each oiTunce is $10; A gentleman in a stage coach, amid a iire of words kept up by two ladies, was asked if their conversation did not make his head ache "No, madam," said he,"I'havo been married twenty-eight years." Pap of Congress. The pay of Congress members every month is stated to amount to tho sura of 971,010, or $2363 every day. lie will lake one. Tho Charleston Cou rier contains the following gentle intimation that the Hon. Mr. Pre3ton has yet left suf ficient patriotism and "high senao of delica cy, and propriety,", to accept uf- a good fit office. That paper says with tho utmost sang froid: " We are requested by an intimate friend of Col. Pmjston, to state that the announcement made in this paper a short time since, of tho intention of that dis tinguished Senator to decline office under tho now administration was unauthorized by him. Col. P's high sensa of delicacy and proprioty forbids the idea that he would prematurely make or authorise any such public declaration." Here's a chance.. The following adver tisement under the head of Wifo Wanted is in the Batosville (Ark.) News. " Any gal what's got a bod, Calico dress, coffee-pot and skillet, knows how to make a huntin' shirt, and knows how to take caro of children, can have my services 'till death parts both on us." Maine Legislature. 'Tim body, without acknowledging the right of instruction itself, has instructed the Hon M. Williams to vote for the repeal of the Constitutional Treasury for n National Bank, for a High Taiiff, and for Mr. Clay's distribution bill.wheraby tho public lands may be used to secure foreign fiindholders in tho payment of tho State's liabilities. Marshal Soult,who is known to possess a largo fortune, claims in the budget 101,000 francs, viz: 100,000 francs as President ol tho Council, 30,000 francs as Marshal, 20,000 francs as Ancient Senator, and 10,- 000 francs as High Dignitary of tho Legion of Honor. Still it is not enough; he also claims 40,000 francs, as expenses to repre sentation. Banks not paid in specie. Luxuries. They had fresh shad and lottucc, in the Norfolk market last week. 77ie iSjnot'fo Parly. Gen. Harrison in his speech at Bultimoro said he had been called an abolitionist was ono in a certain sense intended to emancipate all the office holders! Extremely dignified this for the "Nation's Hope." Canada Steam Frigate Tho Sackelt's Harbor Journal states, that a steam frigate of one thousand tuna burthen is under con' tract to bo built for the Colonial Govern mnnt, at Kingston, Canada. Our Population. It is estimated that in forty-two years more, a century from tho :....,i r.. :...i ...i auiiiuvuiuuiifc ui uui iituiwuui muujjciiuuiiuu, our population will not vary much from fifty millions. Murder. A monster named Flood mur dercd his wifo on the 18lh inst. in Wrights vilIc,York county, by choking her to death Ho is now in jail. Troubles in Canada. Tho Buffalo Re publican of the 17th inst. says a rcpoit was ihon current in that city, that Col. John Prince, of Sandwich U. C. whose ultra loyality during tho troubles with the Patri ots led him to the most cruel acts of tyranny and rendered him extremely obnoxious to a largo portion, if not a majority of tho penplo of that Province, has been assassinated His dwelling and all his other buildings, with the whole of their contents, were burnt This may prove but the commencement of anothor icvolution in the Province. MONSIEUR 1SBI1GER, (FROM PARIS,) RESPECTFULLY informs the Ldid and Gentlemen of Blo.omsburg, that ho pro poses miming vinsscs ior untieing unite in2, Gallopadinff, and fancy Dances, such as ihe Gavat, the Hungary, tho Cossak', the (Jocliuclia,aml many oilier tlanccs. Mnniicur Ii. will also leach in private families, nnd academics if desired. . For terms and particulars apply at Ct Doeblcr's Inn, Bloomsburg, Thurday nex Feb. 13. 1'eb. 13, 184U lucJsCOU. l no lories oi urookviiie, U. C. held a meeting on lhe7lh instant, to ascertain how many would volunteer to res- cuo McLcod from the Lock port jail. Tlur- ly-two gallant youths offered themsolvcs.for the enterprise, and were enrolled with twen ty others who had been "shacked up" at Farmersvillo tho day before. They will find the undertaking no joke. PCWDBB MARRIED On the 18th inst. by the Rev. William J.'Ever, Mr. CHARLES MILLER, to Miss LOUISA ANN LON. GENBERGER, both of Mifflin. In Mount Pleasant, on Thursday eve riing last, by the Row George C. Drake, Mr Jt. ti. SPHOUL, Merchant, of Jli'Dowcll's mills, to Miss ELEANOR, daughter of ilr. Peter Oman, of tho for mer place. Bv the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 4th inst. Mr. DANIEL NEWIIARD, to Miss SARAH RODE, of Hemlock. Bv the same on the 21st inst. Mr. BEN JAMIN WAGONER, to Miss POLLY IIORNE, both of Scuylkill county. By the same, on the 24lh inst. Mr. PE TER 1IERBEIN to Miss CATHARINE OWEN, both of Roaring creek. By the same, on the same day, Mr. A A RON F. LAY BOLD, to Miss ELIZA MILLER, both of Monteur. On Tuesday, the 8fh insl. by the Rev- Mr. Gaston, Mr. JOSEPH COOK, of New Jersey, to Mis SARAH BOWMAN, of Mifilinulle, Columbia co. And on the same dav, bv the same.Mr. HYRAM REY NOLDS, to Miss MARY BOWMAN, both of Mifllinvillc, Columbia co. The two young women wore twins, and one r.er cmony married them both, standing on the floor at the same time. THE subscriber would respectfully in form their friends and the public generally that they have just received a lot of which they offer for sale al wholesale of by the single kce,on very reasonable term's RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg Jan. 20, 1840 42 JffiEJ AiLTSff EMPOMltiJSffi: THE Subscriber being in ill health antl unable to attend to the business oflfcts to sell at private sale his APOTHECARY fe DRUG STORE situated in the flourishing town of Blooms burg. Columbia county, Pa. It is the only complete establishment of the kind, iri liloothsburg, anu tlio subscriber is conviu ced, from experience, that there is not a more profitable Apothecary shop lor many, miles around. The "Health Emporium" is appointed agent for most or tho best Pa tent .Medicines in Pennsylvania and New York which agencies can be continued. 1 here is an Ico cellar attached to tlio In Madison township, on Thursday, the llthinst. bv Caleb Thomas, Esq. Mr MARSHAL'GIRTON, of Hemlock town shin, Col. co. to Miss EFFE FLICK, of Pcun township, Lycoming co. New Jersey Senator. Jacob W. Miller, Whig, was elected by the Lcjiislaturo of New Jersey, on Friday last, to succeed the Hon. Garret D. Wall in the United Slates Sonatc, after the 4ih of March next. cihorung. riro negro children were burned to death in Chesterfield, Va. a few nights ago, having been locked up in the 3S1JjS2S!STIiiIji house and left by their parents only a short PSilQm&tiai&n Society. lime previous. 77ie Smithsonian Bequest. 0500,000 in sovereigns fresh from the British mint, has been invested in Arkansas bonds, nnd now forms the capital of a bank in that State. McLeod. It ii reported that McLcod formerly kept a boot, and shoo shop at Bal timorc. He would have been wise had he stuck to his last. Mr. Woodbury estimates tho fluctaalions in bank currency, affecting prices, extrava gance in living, sacrifices of property, &c. &c. (not connected with his oilier compu tations,) at one hundred and fifty millions dollars ! .' The accreirato loss ha computes at three hundred and sixtyftvc millions, four hundred and fifty-one thousand, four hundred and ninety-seven dollars ! ! ! Journal of Commerce. State Debts. The debts owed by the several states is said to amount to tho sum of $200,000,000 ! Tho annual interest at the rate of 0 per cent, amounts to $12,000,- 000 1 The aro 3319 miles of railroad in use in tho United States, constructed at a cost of 80,000,000 dollars, and yielding an average of about 5k nor cent: 1802 miles more in progress of completion; nnd the whole number of miles projected, including finish- cd, unfinished, and routes examined, is noarly, 10,000. DON'T FORGET! That the people have been promised caster limes the moment Old lip was elec ted. DON'T FORGET 1 That the farmer was to havo double tho price for his pioducc.if he would aid in the election ol tlio Hero ol J ippecanoo I DON'T FORGET ! That the poor laborer was to receive dou ble the amount for his labor, under Harri son, that ho did before that tho poor man was no more to bo pressed and troubled for money I DON'T FORGET ITl Naval. Tlio U. S. ship Delawaro is nearly ready for service and only waits tho reception of fonr r.iixhau cannon. Sho is at Norfolk. These Paixhan nuns aro the most destructive engines of modern warfare. THE Ladies fc Gentlemen of Blooms burg, are respectfully invited to attend a r.i.- r. . ...... . I. " . : meeting ui inu ouciuiy, ai mvir lunui in the Academy, Wcdnde'sday Evening, March 3d. at hall past O o clod;. Tho subject ior that evening s discussion is the lollowinc, " Oushl iCapital Punisnmcnl be abol ished. A Lecturcili3 expected from Mr. C. P. Waller. J. II. DOWNING, Sect'y. February 27, 1811. store . . . Any person purchasing the store will, re ceive any information from tho subscriber with regard lo'tho businees that they may require. Possession will be given at any time be tween this and spring. DANIEL S. TOBIAS. Bloomsburg, Col. co. Jan. 10, 184'. The Pottsville Emporium will publish. tho nbove to the amount of two dollars, and charge the "Columbia Democrat." SMEJESIFF'S SAIiBS. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at tho house of Charles Doebler, in Bloomsburg, on Thursday the 4th of March next at 10 o clock in the iorcnooil,. the following property viz: A certain tract of land situated in Green wood township, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Joseph E. Sands, John Conner, E. G. Rickets and others, containing UiME HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES, about fifty acres cleared land, whereon is erected. a small Isili Mimm A.mmm TJ7?ROM tho faubsenber, an in- jjjj ilcntsJ apprentice named LE W IS MdRKAY.ngcil lOyears. Onn mill reward will bo given for his re turn, but no charges paid. All por sons aro forbid harboring or trusting him on rny account. illjUli lliU.lll'OUiN jr. Espytown, Feb. 27, 1811 MM THE Subscriber has on hand several hundred bushels of Lime, and intends keep ing a constant supply, which ho will sell, or exchange for country produce Lumber or Caillc of any description. He is in want of a quantity of Chesniit rails. ADAiu STKUUF, jr. Hemlock township, Jan. 1G, 1841. 38 2m: THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM KNORR, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lcltets of administration on tho above es tate havo been granted to tho subscrbcr, re siding in Bloom township, Columbia coun ty. Therefore all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, aro requested to make immediate paymcnf.andall these hav ing claims will present them. I shall attend at the late residence of the deceased on Tuesday the 2d day of March next, to make settlement villi all who may call. Afterwards I can be found at my res idence. JACOB HAGENBUCH, Admr. Bloom, Feb. 20, 1841, EiOGS- MOUSES AND STABLE. Seized, taken in cxcctttipn,and be sold as the property of David Utt. ALSO A certain lot of ground, situate in Hem lock township, Columbia county .adjoining lands of James Roat, William Galasp'y; Veniah Reese, vhercon is erected a MlgsaAND STABLE Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles Neihart. ALSO PITS ACSISS of unimproved land, situate in Briorcreek tewnship, Columbia county.adjoining lands of Jacob Shelharamor, John Conner and others. Scizpd, taken in execution and to be sold as tile property of John Dennis. ALSO A certain lot of ground situate in Rhoars burg, Greenwood township.Columbln.coun ly, adjoining lands of William Mather, An drew M'Cluro.and others; containing ONE HALF ACRE more or less, whereon id erected a wP!u ANU d2 SmaU Tallor Shor- Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of John Kinney. JOHN FRUIT, Sheriff- Siicmrr s Office, Danville, Feb. 12, 1811. Shcroby given that an Election for Direcloro'of thollLOOMSUURGi It AH. ROAD IKON COMPANY will bo held on Saturday tha 27tb day of February next at 10 a'clock A. M. at No. 07 South Third Street Philadelphia. JOSEPH i'AXTON Trwc- (JittaTnfMj Jan.23(IG10; A A A