The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 23, 1841, Image 4

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PBKSIAN 1? I li li S.
India FunoATivi, tho Matcm-uss (priced)
Sanative, or any other pill or compound before
the public, us certified to by Physicians and others
Iict nono condemn them until they hive tried
them, and then wo are certain they will not.
It is now a settled point with nil who havo used
"tho Vcgctablo Persian rills that they aro pre-eminently
the beat and most efficacious family Medi
cine that has yet been used in America. If every
family could becomo acquainted with their Sover
r ign power over disease, they would keep them and
bo prepared with a sure remcdv to apply on the firs
oppearance of disease, and then how much distress
Would bo avoided and money saved, as well as the
lives of thousands who are luirried out of timo by
neglecting disease In its first stages, or by not being
in possesion of a remedy which they can place de
pendence upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills.
The name of these pills orcinated from tho cir
cumstance of tho medicine being found only in the
ccmctaries of Persia. This vegetable production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen
tury it becamo an established mcdicino for tho dis
eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu
lar production was introduced into somo parts of Eu-
ropo in the ycaT 1783, and used by many celebrated
I'hysicians m curing certain diseases, where nil oth-
cr mcdicino has been used in vain. Early in the
year 1793, the extract was combined with a certain
vegetable mcdicino imported from Dura Baca, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir
ablo effect of this compound upon tho human sys
tem, led physiicans and families into its general
use. Their long established character their univcr-i
cat and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular
part of tho system, are such as will sustain their re
putation and general uso in the American Repub
I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used
tho Hygean, and most of tho various kinds of Pills,
in my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in the public estimation, that havo been offered for
ealo in this vicinity for tho last five ycais, including
thoso called the Resurrection or Persain Pills; and
tho public may rest assured that none among the
whole cataloguo has answered a better purpose, as
an easy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection
or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Backus, M. D.
Eochoster, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Messrs. E. Chaso & Co. Gents. Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to
becomo mothers, we were induced to make a trial of
them. My wife was at that time tho mother of fivo
children, and hud suffered tho most tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
ef each. She had tried every moans and taken
much medicine, but found littlo or no relief. She
commenced taking the Persian Pills about three
months before her confinement (her health being ve
TyTiaomboui this length of- timo previous), and in a
short timo she was enabled by their use to attend to
the cares of a mother to liar family until her con
finement. At tho timo sho commenced taking the
Persian Pills, and for several weeks' pi cvious, she
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent
scveie cramps, which the uso of the Pills entirely
removed before using half a box. It is with the
greatest confidence that wc advise, all those about to
become mothers to make use of tho Persian Pills.
All thoso that havo taken them in our neighbor
hood have got along in tho same easy manner, and
.arc about tho house in a few days. There does not
appear to bo half tho danger of other dangers setting
in' after confinement, where these Pills are taken.
We unitedly saydet none neglect taking them, for
they arc in the reach of tho poof as well as the' rich.
Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which
females can easily prtcuro which tends to lessen tho
world of suffering, which many of them have to bear,
and perhaps save tho lives of thousands which would
otherwise be lost.
Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Collidonian
quare, Edinburg street; for further particulars sea
S, RoBEn-rs,
Rochesteii, Sept. 24, 1830.
Messrs. E. Chase &' Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
cureyour Pills havo performed on me I had been
aick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first
standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had
3 ulcers gather and break; my cough vyas dry and
harsh most of tho time; my liver wag much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever.
and mght sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita
bleness of tho nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over,
1 tried almost all medicines which wero advertised,
hut to no advantage, until I tried your Venetablo
Persian Pills, I began to gain in a short time after
I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, before I
took 3 boxes, I was able to rido out and to take con
siderable exercise, anil at this time I enjoy good
health, and urn able to do good day s work. If any
noo wishes a more particular history of my suffer
ings, ho may call on me, at the corner of Main and
Clinton-streets, Rochester.
Fits Cubed The undersigned hereby certify,
that we are the Parents of two children who have
oeen afiiicted with fits more or less from their infan
cy, and that we havo spared no pains or expense in
endeavoring to effect a euro, but without any bene
ficial ettect, untu neanng or the Resurrection or Per
sian Pills, when four boxes were immediately
procuied, and before three boxes wero taken, the
fits had abated in frequency, and every sym
tom much improved, and now we are happy to
mute uiab uui' ujr um USO 01 tllO i Crsian
Pills, with the blessing of God, are entirely cared
and have no symtom or appearance of fits, win finj
n tho Persian Pills a suro and perfect cure.
Canton N. Y. Dtc. 10, 1837.
. Tho above pills may be had of tho following a
gepts John Moyer, Dloomsburg; H. Miller, Ber
wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazeiton; C. Hortman
Espcytown; John Sharpless, Cattawissa; Lyman
tiholca, Danville.
Ezra lay lor, agent for he Stato of Pcnnsylva
nla.residing at Rochester N. Y. to whom tl! orders
can o auurosau,
Celebrated Vegetable Jlnlibilious Pith,
Arc effecting somo of tho most astonishing end
Wonderful cures that havo over beon known. Tho
town and county aro filled with their piaise. Tho
Palace and J'oor houso ahko echo wltli tueir vir
ues. In all climates they still retain their Wonder
ful virtues.
Eextracl from a letter written btf Dr.
Francis Jiosrart, of frovidence, 11. 1,
Dec. 7, 1838.
" Peters' Pills are an excellent apctimcnt and
cathartic medicine, those effects being produced by
tho difference of the quantity taken,! and aro deci-
dedlo superior to Leo's, Draudreth's Morrison's
Extract from a tetter by Hopkins, of Ban
gor, Maine, Jan. 9, 1838.
" They are a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purga-
tivo medicine; and produce littlo, if any griping of
nausea. I have prescribed them with much success
in sick headaches and slight bullous lovers.
Extract from a letter by Dr. Joseph Wil
liams, of Burlingham, t. July 0,
" I cordially recommed Peter's Peters' Pills as a
mildly effective, nndjn no case dongerous family
medicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos
tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digcstlvo
Extrat of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith,
of Montreal, U. V Sept. 20 1830.
" I never knew a single patent medicine that I
could put the slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters'
Vegetable Pills, which aro really a valuable discov
ery. 1 have no hesitation in having it known that
I uso them extensively in my practice, for all coin
plaints, (and they are not a few,) which havo their
source in the impurity ot the blood.
Extract of a letter from Dr, Pye, ef Que
bee, L. V, March 0, 1837.
" For billious fevers, sick headache, torpidity of
the bowels, and enlargement of spleen, Dr. Peters
I'llls are an excellent medicine.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Qnrney, of
New Orleans, La. Uct. 9, 1837.
" I have received much assistance in mv practice
especially in jaund co and yellow fever from
the uso of Peters Pilfs. 1 presume, that on on av
erage, I prescribe a hundred boxes a month.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Beynolds, of
Ualveston, Jcxas, Mprilb, 1838.
" They aro certainly an excellent ccneral family
medicine, and there is no quackery about them.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hudson,
W.Y.June 3, 183C.
"I was aware that Dr. Peters was oneof Use best
chemists in the United States, and felt assured that
he would somo day (from lus intimate knowleege
of the properties of herbs and drugs) produce an
efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that
his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations.
'I hey are indeed a superior medicine, and reflect
credit alike upon tho chemist tho physician and
Extract of a letter from Dr. Waines, ef Philadel
phia, reb. 3, 1838.
'Your pills aro tho mildest in their operations.
and yet most powerful in their eflects, of any that
i navo ever met with in a practice ot eight and
twenty years. Their action on tho chyle and hence
on the impurities of tho blood, is evidently very sur
Extract of a letter from Dr. Seott, of Baltimore,
Dec. 17, 1836.
" I am in the daily habit of prescribing them
(Petcrs'Pills) and they in nearly all casas, answer
ed my purpose. I have discarded other meditines,
some ol them very good ones, in their favor."
Extract from an address delived on the
evening of the 14? May, 1837, before
the Medical Board of New York, bv
Dr. Emerson. See Neto York Medical
Beprrts,for 1837.
" As a body I know that wo havo set our faco si-
gainst the generality of patent medicines, and expe
rience lias taught ua that the great bulk of them ore
mere catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to
make an honorable exception in favor of tho Vege
table Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer
and citizen, Dr. Joseph rnestley Peters, of wh'ch,
(in conscqucncoof their pcculicrly nutritions action
on tho blood,) I, and several members of this hon
orable Society, are ardent patrons.'' This friendly
allusion to tho Vegetable Pills was received with a
warm round of aplausc by all the members present.
A rrcsn supply ot tho valuable mis just received
by John it. Moyer, and V. a. Tobias, Mlooutsburg
and w ilium iilddle, Danville.
Price 25 cents per Box.)
October 31, 1840.
yspepsia! iByspepsia!
nSTIHAT troublesome and peace-destrovini dis-
jS ease. Tho usands and tens of thousands suf
fer trom that common and distressing conmlaint
Dyspepsia is frequently caused by overloading or
uisienuing me stomach by excessive eating or dunk-
mc inuigesuuie and acrid substances taken intn
tho stomach, or from long continued constipationof
inu ooweis, a sedentary we, tear, griel, anxiety, a co-
timus uraii oi coiu water, arasltc purgaure medi
cines.'d scntery, miscarriages, intermittent and snas.
modic affections of the stomach and bowels, irregu
lar meais, lato hours, and too frequent uso or spiri
tuous liquors.
Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described
as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious
one, nausea and sometimes bilious vomilinir. sudden
and transient distensions of the stomach after eat
ing, acid and putrescent eructions, water brash, pain
in the region of the stomach, costivcness.nalnitaiion
of the heart, dizziness and dimness of the sight, dis
turbeb rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency.
spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowncss of
complexion, gTcat opprcssron after eating, languor
and gencral debility, sick head-ache, &c.
CURE At the head of all remeriiiu atamla Tir.
Harlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and
njicncrti i-ms, wnicu act greatly upon tho
peristaltic motion of tho intestines, thereby produc
ing regularity of the bowels, at the same timo im-
proving the functions of the debiliated orgons, thus-
invigorating anu restoring tho digestive organs to a
healthy action. This mcdicino seldom fails In pro
ducing relief.
Full and oxplicit directions accompany the above
medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which describes
diseases, tho manner of treating, Sec. For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
iut. ( loiu. H
. - "i 0
compound svitur or . T
- ?; . , -
For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting of
Blood, Soreness of Throat, fl'hooping
Cough, ana all Diseases indicative oj
those who neglect their COLDS and COUGH.
At first yon complain of having a Cold, which is
neglected; after which a soreness h experienced in
the Bronchia, with a Hacking Uough, and finally
the disease, settles upon the lungs, which tho patient
will soon perceive by a wasting away of tho body,
attended with hectic fevers and spilling up of Jlor-
id blood and matter from ulcers on the lungs; a pain
and weight is also experienced at Iho affected part
of the lungs; tho functions of the animal economy
grow languid; tho body becomes dry; the eyes sink
deep within their cavities; at length the patient
pays the debt of nature, when ho is flattering him
self with tho hopes of a speedy recovery. To ob
viate all thoso distressing symptoms " Spare no
Time" in procuring the aboVo Invaluable Medicine
at tho very commencement of your Cold and
Coughs whereby your health may bo secured and
timo and money saved. For salo at
lobxas Health Emporium JJloomsburg,
Entirely cured by the use of Dr. O. P,
Ilarhch's Compound Strengthening and
German Jlparient Pills.
Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa.,
afficted for two years with the above distressing dis
ease of which he had to use his crutches for eighteen
months, his symptoms wero excruciating pain in
all his joints, especially in his hips, shoulders and
ankles, pain increasing towards evening, attended
with heat. Mr. II ilson, was at one time not able
to move his limbs on account of the pain being so
great; ho being advised by a friend of his to procure
Dr. Harlich's Fills for which he sent to the agent in
West Chester, and procuro some; on using the mcd-
icino the third day, the pain disappeared and his
strength increasing fis.t, and in three weeks was a-
blo to attend to his business, which ho had not done
for eighteen months; for tho benefit of others afflic
ted, ho wishes these lines published lhat they may
be relieved, and again enjoy the pleasures ot healthy
life. For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Nov. 7, 1840. 28.
Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlich's Compound
strengthening ana Herman aperient
Alleghany, Jan. 8, 1840.
To Dr. Harlich's Agent Sir: I wish to state
for the benefit of those who may 'bo afflicted, that
Dr. Hatiuch's Pilib have entirely cured me of
Dyspepsia, of which I have been afflicted for ma-
ny years. I used both kinds, the Aperient and
Strengthening, and I am constrained to say, that
they ore a valuable discovery, and act upon the sys
tem mildly, but very effctually. I found tho Tonic
Tills to quicken tho circulation and cause a deter
mination to the surface, and to Btrcnglhcn the weak
stomach -and incrsasa its. -powers, Tho .Aporicnt
Pills are (he best cathartic I ever used. I am con
fidcr t all Dyspeptics would do well to mako imme
diate trial and be relieved. Any one can call at my
house and bo satuicd of the above at pleasure.
DAVID It. 1'OfiJ
N. B. The original certificates may bo seen at
the office of tho " Spirit of the Times." For sale
at No. 19, North EIGHTH STREE.
THE Subscriber being in ill health and
unable to attend to tho bu.stn.ess oilers to
soil at private sale his
situated in the flourishing town of RIoorns-
burg. Columbia county, ra. It is the only
complete establishment of the kind in
uloomsuurg, anu the subscriber is convin
ceil, from experience, that there is not ;
more profitable Apothecary shop for many
miles around. Tho "Health Emporium"
is appointed agent for most of tho best ra
lent Medicines in Pennsylvania and New
York which agencies can be continued.
1 here ta an lco cellar attached to the
Any person purchasing the stoi will ie
coivo any information from tho subscriber.
Willi regard to the businccs that they may
Possession will bo given at any time bo
tween this anu spring.
Dloomsburg, Col. co. Jan. 10, 1841.
The Pottsvillo Emporium will publish
tho above to tho amount of two dollars, and
charge tho "Columbia Demoorat."
'ERY respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that he lias alwaysoiihand, at the Li
very Stable in Dloomsburg, for tho purpose of Hire
or exchange, a vauciy ot
Ifforscs, Siilliics, Ciigs,
which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
tho accommodation ot customers.
Ho ha also mode arrangements for carrying pai
sengcrs trom uioomsuurg to juuncy, and Irom
Dloomsburg to UiickalewB on tho Owcgo turnnik
Leayes liloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday
at T o'clock in tho morning and arrivo at Muncy
., . f . . T . r . -
tno same evening, xeave .iiuncy every oaturday
morning at 8 o'clock and arrivo at Dloomsburg the
same evening.
Leave Bloomsburg ovcry Wednesday morning
lor iiucuuicws and return tno same day.
Personal application can be made at his residence,
when every means will bo uecd to render entire sat-
IMaetion to those who may give him a call.
.DloomAurg, March S8( 1840, 48,
Jlnd'the Ladies' and Gentleman's IVorld
of Literature and Tashion
Tic Cartel and the Gentleman' untied'
A Mew Volume, under the ubovo titio, of tho
well established and .fashionable Mngnzinc,
tho Philadelphia UasKet in conjuncuuu huh m.
Gentleman's Magazine, which has been every whero
pronounced tho most wadablo and popular of tho
day, will- bo opened on inourei uny
1841, with an array of contributors eciired by tho
union, of talent mid fame, which no periodical in
htinsl or tirctcnd to rival. The Do.
cember number will, however, bo a specimen of tho
new volume. The volumo will be opened wuu new
and beautiful type, tho finest white paper and with
tho first of a scries of embellishments unsurpassed
k., hive vol ooneared in any Mng.izme.
v. -"J , i !.u r.i..,
The style ofilcgance, tno ueauiy auu union u. ui.
illustrations, and the extensive improvements which
will be made, its typographical' appearance, and
above all, tho tone ofits literary department, by tho
brilliant array of contributors, whoso articles hao
enriched the pages of each number, will givo it a
character second to no Magazino in mo umun.
l'ho character of tho articles which shall appear in
iia n. -will boeauallv remoed from a sickly sen-
timentality, and irom an aueciauun ui luuiomuui
while a true delineation of human nature in every
variety of passion is aimed ut, uolhiug fchall bo found
in its pages to causo a blush upon tho cheek of the
Tnnt mirp.
Tim r.iierrrv Character will be sufficiently guar
anteed by the reputation of both Magazines thus li
nked, for yearB pa?t. Writers of tho first rank havo
beeu regular contributors to tneir pages, mm
loli am Blcptches nub is led 111 tucm nave ut-eii
widely copied and lead, and the firm and indcpeml
nni tmm nf tlin rrhicisms. uuon tho current litera
ture of the day, has been everywhero approved and
Tho List of contributors embraces the names of
most of ihe principal writers in America, with a re-Btux-inliln
nmnlMr nf Enclish authors. Oricinal ar
ticles have uppeared, during the last year, from the
pensot thetoiiowing: rroicssorsuigrunKiii, i
JN. U,urooks,U. r . vvinos,apiainniurryii,iiun
R. T. Conrad, Morton McMichael, Willis Gaylor.
Clarke. Esn. Charles J. Peterfeon Rev. Thomas H
W. Stockton. E. Armstrong, Esq
General G. P. Morris, Leigh Hunt, England, Mrs.
'anny Kcnibio Sutler, Park lleniamin, Uouglass
Jerrold. England, Joter.h C. Ncal, James 1. Otis,
R. S. Rlliot. David Huffman. Charles West Thomp
son, Judge Tremptr, John Du Solle, Esq. P. 13. El
der, Grenville Mellon, Edgar A. Poc, T. G. Spear,
Mrs. L. Sigoumey' Miss Uatharino u. waterman,
Mrs. Ann Stephens, Dcuson Hill, England, Dr. J.
K. Mitchell, James Montgomery, England, A. M'
Makin and E. Holden, J. Deauchamp Jones, J. E.
Dow, Mrs. E. F. Elicit, Dr. Thomas Dunn Eng.
In addition to this brilliant array of names known
to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a
nonymous writers of no ordinary abilities, have giv
en worth and character totho pages of tho Maga-
The scries of well known nauticil papers m
titled " Cruizing in tho Last War," havo had a run,
unequalled by any scries published in any Magazine
for years. The author promises to open a new se
ries of J ale3 ot tho Oca, and irom ms Known anili
ties as a depictor of sea scenes and life, much may
bo relied upon him in maintaining the i o,ularity
of the Magazine. Papers may be cxpecUd during
the volume also from tho author of the well known
articles en.itled " The Log of Old Ironside." and
from the author of " Syrian Letters. The valuable
aid of the. author of "Leaves from a Lawyer's Pott
Folio," has also been secured and we may expect
something fctill more thrilling from tho capacious
stores which a long life in tho profession has ena
bled him to amass. An occasional Ohithatwiin
"Jeremy Short," and "Oliver Oldfellow,' is also
promised; with a variety of choice articles in prosn
and verse from various writers of celebrity. The
-ditors of both Magazines continue their services
under tho new arrangement. With such an array
of talent, a Magazine of unrivalled attractions may
safely bo promised tho coming volume.
In compliance with the almost unanimous wish
of our lady subscribers, we shall tho ensuing vol
ume fnrniBh them with a beautnul and correct piaic
of Fashions monthly, a feature, it is believed, that
will neither bo unwelcome nor unpopular, l neto
fathion plates &hall bo drawn from original designs
from Paris and London, and may also bo depended
on as the prevailing style in Phihdalphia and Nw
Yoik for the month in which they aro isiucd.
These, however shall in no wise interfere with the
reculsr and choice cngraviugs, and music which ac
company number of the work. Tho splendid
Mezzotint engravings Irom tno burin oi curtain,
which havo been iutly admired, will be. followed
during tho volume by several fioin the samo hand,
whilo the steel cngrawngs in tho best ot stylo oi
tho art. from interesting scenes shall tlill enrich tho
Magazine. The choicest pieces ol music lor tlio
iVano and Uultar shall accompany each numucr ot
the work.
Tho work will bo published on tho first of ovcry
month in every quarter of tho Union. Tho most
distant subscribers consequntly reccivo it on that
day, as well as thoso who reside in Philadelphia.
In all the principal cities ogents havo been estab
lished, by which means subscribers van obtain their
conies free of postage.
Txrms. Three dollars per annum, m advance
two copies for fii e dollars. No new subscriber re
ceived without tho money. For the accommodation
of thoso who may wish to subscribe for either of tho
following l'hlladelpha periodicals, this liberal pro
posal is made. For fivo dollars current money free
of postago wo will forward Uraliam s magazine and
Uodcy a Lady s hook, tor one year. Address
South west corner of Chesnut and Third streets.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1840.
HtnTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his
Ji friends and tho public generally, that ho con
Uiiucs to cany on tho business ol manutactunng
;fTI!1S SETi1 EES,
of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and
thai ho will attend to turning any articlo in wood
that may bo ordered. Ho will also attend to
in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con
tinuanco of public favor. Turning shop on Mar
ket street, nearly opposite, tho Printing oilico o f lilt
Columbia County KegUtcr finishing shop on thy
main street nearly oppositu Ucorgo Weaver s store
Dloomsburg. September 10, 1810,
THE Subscribers respectfully announce)
o their friends and the public generally,
hut they havo received and oie now open
ng, a splendid and extensive assortment of
Fall Sl Winter Goods,
which with a stock on hand, embraces a '
variety of seasonable Mcrcliaudizo for tho
accommodation of town and County.
In the Dry Good line, they have all tha
varieties of course, fino and supetfiurj
Casitncrs, SuTlnclts, Mcrinoes, Silks Cat
icoes, Taglioni, (anew article,) Mari
na, Chinelle and various other kinds of
Shuii'ls,Pibbands, Laces, I.inins, Mow
clinede Lain,Muslins, Vcslings, Stocks,
Umbrellas, Lady's Bonnets, Bonnet
Silks, Trimmings; Fur, Cloth and Seal
skin Capt Boots and Shoes, Socks, cj-c.
cj-c. iS-c.
Sugar, Coffuc. Teas, Spices, Molasses,
Hrandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, &c. &o. assorted
in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin
Waie, Cedar Ware;
Crockery-Ware, Salt, Fish, Oils, Dye
stuffs, rami, yc. yc. ye.
and almost evory other article that can bo
called for in a country store all of which
having been carefully selected and obtained
at the lowost prices, will be offered at small
profits m oxchango for cash or country pro
Bloomsburg, Oct, 3, 1840. 23 tf.
N Saturday, Dec. 10th, 1840. tho 1IOSTON
N O I IOIS appeared m an entire new diesj
new type, heading, &c. &c. Tho heading wa
designed by Johnston, (thu Uruiksuank. ol Ameri-
ci) and is cno of his happiest efforts. It unitc
tho comical with tho serious, and presents a splen
did heading for tho HKGEST and CHEAPEST
PAPER tho world his yet known.
J ho publisher would stato, that, as, during tlio
past.tbe 150STON NOTION has been most
prompt in procuring and rc-publishing tho most
valuable literature ot the day, so a future increased
energy and more ample means will bo employed
for tho aamo purpose. Entire Novels, Slorics, and
sermons, irom tho pens of the most eminent living
writers of Europe and America,havo been, and will
continue to be, published in its columns; among
tho most prominent of the writers may bo mention
ed tho names of Uulwer, Dickens. Cockton, (author
ot Valentino Vox,) James, Amsworth, Alurryatt,
Mrs. Trollope, Mrs, JMorton, Uountcss ol messing-
ton,Hallit.iiton, (uuthor of Sam Slick,) Cbanninir,
Dency, Irving, (Jooper, simms, lngrahani,Uyionl.
Airs, feigoutney, &c. &c
Also it has and will contmuo to contain a largo
quantity ol original matter Political Ess.iv with
out partizuii argument Moral and Religious dis
cussions, without sectarian bias Miscellaneous
Articles together with all tho current Political,
Domestic, Commercial and Congicssional intelli
gence of tho day. No efforts or expense will
spared to mako it.
in the world and every way worthy a continuance
of lho iinmcnso pitronago it has tliU3 farrccchod,
Tho Notion lias been in existence but littlo
more than one year, and it now enjoys tho unpar
alleled weekly circulation of
New RulKcriberu aro conssantly pouring in, aid
before another year is past, tho subscriber flatten
himself the circulation will bo doubled.
Specimen copies will uo sent to thoso who m.ty
wish it.
THE DOtlULE NOTION will bo published,
occasionally during tho year, and sent to all UioW
subscribers who pay for ono year's subscription,
t TERMS THREE DOLLARS a year, always
in advance no ordcrg,no matter from what doiirco
will bo attended to unless accompanied with the
CASH. Single copies SIX CENTS EACH.
Postmasters or others rpmmitting twenty dollar.
sliull have tight copies sent to sucli persons aim
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ninth copy gratis.
Mail subscribers will have their papers deposited
in the Post Office, in this city, cvoiy Thursday ovc
ning. A
Publuher and Proprietor.
lloston, Doc. 10th, 1810.
Wheat, BSuclurhcat & Corn,
.1 few Busluls of pbl'jlTUES would
also be received'