Fhilomattiian Society. THE 1'itlics it Gi'iilli'moo of Wooins burg aro rcf pcplftilly invited to nllend a meeting of tho Society, at their room in the Academy, Saturday, this Evening, Jan uary 10ih, at half past ,fl o'clock. Tho subject Tor that evening's discussion jsth! following, "a Conscience an innate or an acquired principle!" It is also oxpeded that a l.ccturo will bo delivered, by a member of the society, dur ing the evening. b J. II. DOWNING, Soct'y. January 12, 1841. MM THE Subscriber has on hand soveral hundred bushels of Lime, and intends keep ing a constant supply, which ho will sell, ir exchange fur country produce, Lumbor r Caltlc of any description. Ho is iu want of a quantity of Chcsntil rails. ADAM STRO'JP, jr. Hemlock township, Jan. 10, 18-11. 382m: DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the Co partnership heretofore existing under the firm of M. 5. & Y. ilcars, is this day dis selvcd. All persons are forbidden to give any credit to said Firm from this date. Tho books of said firm nre in the hands of John Coovonhoven, Esq. for collection to whom all payments must be made. 1.yiLLIAAr MEkRS. Orangovillo, Jan. 12, 18H. CAAfE into theonclosuroof the snhsjeri ber about threo months since a AfERINO BUCK. Tho owner is requested to prrsvc property, pay charges anil take him away. VALENTINE KRESLER. Bloom, township, Jan. 10, 1811. Wholesale Dealers $ Retailers of Foreign Merchandize in the county of Colum bia, TAKE NOTICE. THAT in compliance willi ori act of the Goneral Assembly, approved the 7th day ofApril A. D. 1830, the Assistant Judg esand Cnmmissioncrc of tho county of Co lombia, will meet af tho Commissioners' office iiv Danville on Thursday tho 2lst dir of January 18 li, at two o clock, JJ M. for the purpose of taking up returns of the several Constables ol said county, that are to bo made to tho Court of Quaiter Sessions, on or before tho first day (lSth) of January term, 1841, and to place eaeli of tho merchants that may thus bo returned, dealing as aforesaid, into that class that may appear to be right ami just agreeably to the provisions af the 3d section of said act, when and where oach of you may attend if you think proper, culler in person; by agent or attorney. ' WILLIAM DONALDSON, GEORGE MACK, Associate Judges;. JOHN JJ'IIENRY JOHN DEITERICH, CHRISTIAN WOLF Commissioners. Attest, John S. Wilson, Clerk. January 8. 1811. ATTACHMENT CASE Notice to tho debtors and creditors of tho eitato of Thomas I'arker.lalc of Greenwood .township, that the subscribers have been appointed Trustees of said ectatc and that said Trustees will attend at the public house of Joseph Lemon in Greenwood aforesaid, on Monday tho 25lh day of Janu ary next.and at tho public house of Richard Fiuit in Jerseytnwn Madison township, on Saturday the 3 0 1 1 1 same month, for tho pur pose of receiving and auditing tho respect ive claims against said estate, trhen and where tboso having claim" will present them with their evidence &o. also all persons in debted to said estato aro required to make payment, and all those having in possession any property of the estate aforesaid are ro quired to make iramediuto surrender of tho tame. JACOB EVANS. BENJAMIN EVES, CALEB 7'llOMAS; Dec. 30, 1810. j. Trustees LIST OF GRAND JURORS For January Term 1811 Bloom Isaac Hess Caltawissa Richaul Browcr, Michael Harlzel Berry Thorns Gary, Andrew Brittain, Solomau Geisc Greenwood John Albertsnn, Geo. W. Morris. Richard Pollock, William Oyer Limestone John Flood V fSh..i.. II... I. f..l.M...l. T,.t, M.W.II. ' lams Madison Henry Crawford, Enoch Fox Mifflin David Miller Mahoning Peter llcinbaueh Monteur JohnK.Girton Orange Isaac Welsh Roaring Creek Aaron Baningcr Sugarloaf James Wilson, Henry Hess Piifey Jyhu Wilson, Wm Caldwell "run MOTION is now Tin: LARGEST. CHEAPEST. AND HANDSOMEST PAPER PU1JLISHED IN AMERICA! N Snturday, Dec. 10th, 1810. the 1IOSTON NOTION appeared in an cntiro new dreea new tvie. bradim?. &c. Ac. Tho tioailiiie via. designed by Johnston, (the Oruikshank of Anicii ci) mid Hono of liis happiest efforts. It unites tho comical with the serious, nnd presents n splen did heading for tho I. UtGEST and CHI) A PEST PAPER tho world his yet known. Tho publisher would stale, that, as, during the past.tho HOSTON NOTION has been most prompt In procuring ami re-publishing tho most valuable literature of tho day, so a future increased energy and more amplo means will be employed for tie anmo purpose. Entire Navels, Storilt, and Sermons, from tho pcn of tho most eminent living writers of Europe and Amcrica,havo been, and will continuo to lie, published in its columns; among tho most prominent of tho writers may bo mention ed the names of Bulwcr, Dickens. Cocktou, (outlier of Valentino Vox,) James, Ahisworth, Matryalt, Mrs. Trollope, Mrs, Norton, Countess of mossing ton.Halltburton, (author of Sam Slick,) dimming. Dewey, Irving, Cooper, Simms, lngruhum,Byrnnt. Mrs. Sigourney, &e. Sccv Also it has and will continue to contain a largo quantity of original matter Political Ess.iys.with out partizan argument Moral and Itcligious dis cussions, without sectarian bins Misccllanc6us Articles togclhcr with nil tho current Political, Domestic, Commercial and Congaessional intelli gence of the day. No efforts or expense will bp sparoj to mako it. THE UE3T AND MOST ACCEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER in tho world and every way worthy a contlnuanco of tho immense patronage it hai thus far received, The Nnno-f has been in exislcnco but little more than ono year, nnd it now enjoys the unpar alleled weekly circulation of New subscribers aro conssantly pouring in, nod before another year is past, tho subscriber flatters ninisen mo circulation will bu doubled. Specimen copies will do scut to those who may wish it. THE DOUBLE NOTION will bo published occasionally during the year, and tent to all those suMcriucrs who pay lor onconr a subscnption. TERMS THREE DOLByiS n year, always in advance no orders.no matter trom what sourco will be attended to unless accompanied with tha UAS11. Single copies SIX CENTS 15ACH. Postmasters or others remmitting twenty dollars shall havo rtiieotiics sent to Mien persons and places as they may deaignato.and be entitled to the ninth copy gratis. Mail subscribers will have their papers deposited in the Post Oflieo, in this city, every Thursday ovc- mng. GEO.ROBERTS. Publisher arid Proprietor, Doston, Dee. 10th, 1810. THE ESTATE OF ELIZA HITTER, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of administration on the above ca tato have boon granted to the subscriber, ro siding in Bloom township,' Columbia conn tv. Therefore all persons iuduhted to the estato of said deceased, nre requested to mako immcdiato payment, and all those hav ing claims will present them. WILLIAM HITTER, Admr. Bloom, Jan. 2, 1811. Reckless and malicious Slander Refuted, Mr. Editor: Sir I received a letter from New xorkat Maucli Chunk, P. A., statin; that I had iecn advertised in tho Sun and Herald us docamped from Port Cheator,N. x. and IMizabclhtown, N. J. with my run turners watches, riugs, &c. I have relumed lor the express purpose to refute the mall cions slander. 1 hero declare tho charge to bo entirely lalso and li.-ro tho cowardly wretch lo bring forward ono person who will swear that I have carried off his watch from Port Chester, or any other placo wore I have resided. The article in question was put in your paper at a time when tho author know that I was out of town, tnd knew that I would not hear of it until the publio tool; it lor trutn, not seeing a contradiction A man who will wantonly trifle with a fel low beings character out of malice towards him, should bo held tip to public scorn and contempt. Devoo V: Isinger was the nil thor of this nrtic-e. I would put the pub lie on their guard against this fellow, as he may be guilty of the like offence toward others. I will rofer to the annexed named giiiulcraon for tho truth of lny assertions Eli Darling, B. Bolden, J. M. Burger, A. J. Hurgor, Port Chester. Martin U Noo, W. Bunnell, Elizabcthiown N. J. By publishing tha above you will confer a favor oh ono wlio wishes .lotliing moro than his just duo. Yciirs, fee- JAMES COOKS.jr, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE. VJ fit VERY respectfully in forms his friends and tho public, that ho has alwaysouhand, at!io LI ory Stable in llloomslmrg, for tho purpose of Hire or Exchange, a vailcty ol WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for Ihe accommodation ef customers. He has also made arrangements for carrying pas sengers from Hlootniburg to Muncy, ami from Uloomsburg to Buckalowd on tho Owego turnpike. Leaves Uloomsburg for Muiicy every Saturday at T o'clock in tho morning and arrivo at Muncy the tamo evening. Lcavo Muncy every Saturday morning nt 8 o'clock and arrivo at DIoonvsburg tho same evening. Leaves Booin6Uurg every Wednesday morning for IluckalewH and return the samp day. Personal application can bo mado at his residence, when every means will bo used to render entire sat isfaction to thots who may give him a call. NOAH S, PRI3NTIS. IlloomiTjunr, March 28, 1610. 48. 1 l 2KB I THE subscriber would respectfully in form his customers and tho public gener nllr, that he has juJl rocoivod from Now York: Plates of Fashions and drafts for cutting garments, by which ho is enabled to cut in the newest fashions not only ol Now York, but of London; and mako up in the fitst stilo for Autumn and Winter wear. Tho Subscriber roturnn his sincere thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits a continuance, promising on his part, every exertion to render general satis faction. BERNARD RUPERT. Blomsburg; Nov. 28,1840. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining at the Post Office at Blooms- burg at tho end ol tlo quarter ending on the 31st of Decombor 1811. Marv Abbott John Lyn, Samuel Mellick M. McDowell" Esq. Robert McQtiad Cain Mayer Saiah Ohl Danici Palmer Richard Plnmer Daniel Pealer John Pursel Daniel Pursel Lewis Roto Peter Rupert J. 11. Robison Esq. Tho. A. Starkey F. B. Swaby Esq. George Stetelcr Charles Sailor Dr. Tho. H. Swaby Daniel C. Schmcrk John Bowyer Cyrus Burton John Belz Joseph E. Barklcy Andrew Urivelini 2 James Cocks jun. James Cocks Jano Doan Margaret Dawson Aaron Druinhcllcr Peter Doyle Aaron Fuliuer John Fry James Grimes Dr. H. Gearhcart Gen. A. Green AloxanderCrivelin or Andrew Crivcliu Paul Hopper Elsy or Delilah Hop- Maus & Squirs per John B. Hess Charles Ilageubuch Simon Hngcnbuch Lewis llollans Daid Jones Henry James William James John W. Jones Chester Smith John Tnwnshend Philip Unangst A. Vallerchamp George Sigler Rebocca A. Waldren Wcstly Wert Jaedh Woolover Israel Wells & Co. Isaac Johnson. B. RUPERT, P. M. Those inquiring for any of tho above Id ters will please say it is advertised. TRAVERSE JURORS, For January Tcrm,lS4l First Week. Briur Creek Thomas Cos, Henry Die terich, Frederick Nicely, John Doak, John Knob, Josuuh W isa, John Hill. Bloom Joseph Ilendershot, Lad wig Leict. Derru John Herr, Thomas Morehead, William Morrison. Fishing Creik Harman Labour, Benj Mellenry, William Park. Hemlock Daniel Pursel, John Robins, Eli Mcndenhall. Jackson John Mcllcnrv, Jacob Tur ner, Thomas Yocum, John Vorks. Limestone James Cnld well.IIenry Foil mer, George Smith. Liberty Andrew Billincyer, William Dale. MiJJlin John Kceler, Isaac Pctlit. Monteur Peter Rupert Mahoning James Whipple Sugurloaf Samuel Gibbous, Samuel Shiiliz Valley"Jamc3 Donaldson TRAVERSE JURORS, For January Term, 1811 2 week. Bloom Samufll Boone. Charles Harrun - -- -- - - a tiucl), Lewis Maus, William Sloan, Henry wenu Caltawissa John Kfeefer.JesscYocnm, Michael Fornwnlt Derry James Lake, Samuel Lard, James McNiiich, Thomas Robison, James McCor tiiel: Fishing Creek Alexander Colemm, John Hess, John Lazarus, Thomas Peeler, Phillip Hodder, TAbcrty Hugh Montgomery JAmestone Jonas Barrigar Madison Thomas Barber.Gcorne Derr, James Girlon, Joseph Heller, Lewis Schuy ler, Joseph Sheep, Caleb Thomas Monteur Jacou ileinnaucli MahoniAg William Colt. Mount Pleasant James Mordcn, Jr Orange John Auten John Edgar, Roar'tng Creek Michael R. Hower SugarloufSumes Hill, James Kilo Valley Jiueph ftlaus COKE YOUR COUGH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. REMEMBER, delays aro danger- oils. Thousand uioannually Horn thatdreaululuis. caso CONSUMPTION, which might have been checked at tho commencement, and disappointed of its prey, it proper means hail been resoited lo. The veiy many who have thus been snatched from that fatal rnvoger, by tho timely uso of Dr. 8 WAYNES COMPOUND SYlUi' OP WILD CHERRY, bear testamony to this day, nunojneing the cures, tho wonderful cures, jwrformcd by tho uso of this invaluable mcdi cine. For sale at Tvtjias' Health Emporium Dhomshurg. Nov.T, 1840.. 28. iS SEIS IPEBHSHHSIBS NEWSPAPERS AT UARRISBURO. Tho Harrisburg paper? have issued their annual proposals for furnishinc their shoots to all who may bo desirous of possessing thomselvcs of n naAvs paper printed at the Capilol of the state. Not having room to publish their prospectus at large, wo have copied below their tcrmc Tho Reporter, Koystono, and State Capitol Gazette, ate Democratic, nnd tho Intclligenror, federal. TERMS OF THE REPORTER. For tho session, twice a week, in ad vance, $2,00 For tho whole year, 3,00 Any person forwarding fivf. scssiun Bub- senders, nnd tho money, shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. W. U liUAS. TERMS OF THE KEYSTONE. During tho session semi-wockly 2 00 For the yeear 3 00 An' person forwarding us 92,00 shall re ceive the KnXstono from lbs timo of sub scribing to the closo of the session or six copies will be sent to nnv one office for 510 00. All Post Masters are invited to act as a- gents for t)io Keystone, in receiving subscri bers nnd remiling monoy to us; and any one signifying his willingness to act as such, shall receive n list of our subscribers in his town and neighborhood, with our terms of agency. MAKKUT dl I'AKllU. Harrisburg, Nov. 18, 1840. TERMS OF THE STATE CAPITOL GA ZETTE. Tho Stale Capitol Gazette will be pub lished twice a week during tho sittings of tho Legislature, and onco a week for the ic mainder of the year, at the following pri ces Tho session only, (twice a week,) The wholo vear, 82 00 3 00 Postmasters nnd others friendly to the Democratic cause, aro respectfully" reques ted to receive subscriptions to this' paptr. Any person procuring ua five good subscri bers, shall be entitled to the sixth ropy gratis; or any person prorming five good subscribers and forwarding $10 frco of pos tage shall bo entitled to the remainder for his trouble, and in tho same proportion for a larger number. UENLOCK & BRATTON. TERMS OF THE DAILY AND SEMLWEEKLY PENNSYLVANIA INTELLIGENCER During tho ensuing session of the Lecis lature, the Pennsylvania Intelligencer will bo published Daily and Semi-Weekly, on tue loiiow.tig terms : Daily during the session 83 -Kami- w.rnJvly do. Daily during the session aid somi- wrekly during the remainder of the year, per annum, Semi-weekly during tho session and weekly during the remainder of the year, per annum, 4 00 3 00 The Daily papor will be published on a sheet sufficiently largo to contain full reports of the doing ot both branches of the Legist ture, sketches of Congressional proceedings and tho general news ol the times, togeth or with miscellaneous articles on a vanctv of subjects. The Semi-weekly paper wih be nnblish ed on i sheet of double-medium 6ize, and will contain as much reading matter cs any paper ever published m Harrisburg. FjtJfllKRGAS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS W YJ President of the Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, in tho eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties nf Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Lycoming; and tho Hon. AVillim Do.vai.box and Geoiuib Mack Esquire?, as sociato Judges in Columbia county, haio issued their precept bearing date tho 21th day of November in the ycarot our Lord one. tliousand eignt nunureu and forty, and to rao directed lor Holding A Court of Oyer and 7'erminer and G n eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Fleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DAN ILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on the third Monday of Jan. next, (being the ISth davl and to continue two week. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to tho Cor oner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and ConstalJcs of the snid County of Columbia, that they be then nnd thero in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances to do llioso tnmgs wliien to their offices appertain to bo done. And thoso that arc bound by recognizances', to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may bo iu tho jail of said county of Columbia, arc to bo then and thero to pro.ecute against them as shall bo just. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, a grceably to their notices. Dated ut Danville, tho 1 1th day of December, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hun dred and forty and in the GSth year of tho independence of tho Uni'-ed States of Amer ica. JOHN FRUIT Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? Dec. 11th 1810. 5 THE PRINTER JVANTS A TEW BUSHELS OF Wliealj E?uckw!tc:U Sc Cons, AND A FEW LOADS OF A few Bushels of P TATOES would also be received' THE RESURRECTIM OK,' PERSIA PJIilS; crcniortTo TiiElltBEAN,llnAnnKTn,,EyA!'r' Saw atIve, or any other pills or compound beforer tho public, n? certified to by Physicians and other Let nono condemn them until Uiey have Ttricd them, and then wo ore certain they will not. It is now a nettled point with nil who havo used tho Vcgetablo Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently the best and most efficacious Family Mcdl cinn that has yet been used in America. If overy family could become acquainted with their Sovrr eign power over disease, they wotitd keep them and be prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho firs appearance of diseace, and thru how much distress would In! ovoided and money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who nre hurried out of time by neglecting disease In its first Klages, or by hot being in possession of a remedy which they can placd Je pendenco upon. The Resurrection, or Persian PilU, Tho name of theso pjlls orginatcd from the cir- cumstanco of tho medicino being found only in tho cemetaries of Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury it became an established medicine for tho dis eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth er medicine has been used in vain. Early in tha year 1702, the extract was combined with a certain vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in tho East Indies, nnd formed into Pills. The admir able effect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led physiicam and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing ijuuuuea u. meir spcciuc ncnon upon llie glandular part of tho system, aro such ns will sustain their re putation and general uso in tho American Repub lic. 1 CERTIFICATES, I certify that I have, bv way ol cxnenmenf. fipl tho Hygcan, ond most of the irarious kinds of PilU, ... .nj iui,u iia.u uuniG luc mgiicsi rcpuio in tho public estimation, that have been offered for sale in this vicinity for the last fivo yeatS, including thoso called the Rcsurreclion or Persain Pills; and the public may rcst.assurcd that none among tho wholo catalogue has answered a better purpose, m an casy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection or Pcrwan Pills, in most cases of disease. CriAnr.is Dackvs, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Choe & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about the extraordinary effects of tha Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to becomo Mothers, we were induced to make a tjjal of them. My wife was nt that time tho mother of five children, and had cufTcied the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each. Sho had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or uo relief. Sha commenced taking tho Persian Pills about threo months before her confinement (her health being vc ry poor about this length of timo previous) and In a short time sho was enabled by their uso lo attend to tho cares of a mother to bar family until her con finement. At tho time sho commenced taking tho Pcisiajl Pills, and for several weeks pi cvious, sho was afflicted with naiy"narrrcougii,--imu ntnjutni scveio cramps, which tho uso of the Pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with tho greatest confidence that wo advise all thoso about to becomo mothers to mako uso of tho Persian Pills. All thoso that havo taken them in our neighbor hood havo got along in the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. There docs not appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, whero theso Pills are taken. Wo unitedly! say.lct nono neglect taking them, fot they are in tho reach of the poor as well as tho rich. Wo aro truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily prcuro which tends to lessen tha world of suffering, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps save the lives ot thousands which would otherwise be lost. Rochester, May M, 1838; comer of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; far further particulars bco subscribers. 8. Ronr.iiTc, A.v.v O. Roberts. RocucsTzn, Sept. SI, I63C. ' Messrs. E. Chase 3 Co. I think it my duty to let you know what a great euro your PilU havo performed on me 1 had been sick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con fine;! to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with 'Consumption, by twcltcphytlciansof tho first standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of Iho time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and night sweat, accompanied with cxtremo inita blcncss of tho nervous system, and other difficulties' which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began lo gain in a bhorV timo after I commenced taking them; and, to he biicf, before I took II boxes, I was ablo to ride out and to take con bidcrablo exercise, nnd at this timo I enjoy good health, nnd am nblo to do good day's work. If any noo wit-hen moro particular history of my suller. ings, ho may call on mo, nt tho corner of Alain and Clintou-stcc-L-tb, Rochester. RUDY ADAMS. Fits Cnnr.n Tho undersigned hereby certify, that we are the Parents of two children who havo ueen afflicted with fiti inoroor less from their infan cy, and that wo havo spared no pains or expenso In endeavoring to effect n cure, but without any bene ficial cllect, utiU hearing ol tlio Kesurrection or Ter tian t ills, wiien iour uoxts wcro immediately procuicJ, ami beforo threo boxes wcro taken, tho fits had nbatcd in frequency, and evrty sym torn much improved, and now wo aro happy to ttato that our rhildjcn by the uso of tho Persian Pills, with thu blessing of God, are entirely cured and havo no sym torn orappcaranco of fits, will find n tho Persian Pills a sure and jcrfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JUHNtfUttt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1S37. The above pills may he had of tho following a gents John Moyer, Uloomsburg; II. JWiller, tier- wick; J. Cooper & Sons, liazeitou; u. jlorlman Espeytotvn; John Sharpies, Cattawii"saj Lyman tSholes, Danville. Ezra Tavlor, agent for lie atalo ol l'ennsylva nia.residing at Rochester N. Y. to whom all orders can be addressd. "'