DR. LEID'S SARSAVAlllLLA BLOOD PILI.H MOULD receive npreferenco over till Pills now in existence: First Bccauso they are composed of Vegetable 'extract, freo from minerals; anil may be taken a nil tlmoa with perfect safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, temperate living, a 'fear of taking cold. Second Because th.ey oro composed m such 'medicinal extracts, as Have been employed by all tho wort celebrated and respectable Physicians for more than a century past, in purifying the Wood and Anlinki fluid of tho body. Third Because they may bo employed ai ft talld or active purgativo, .according to tho quantity Itaken, and their operation .will not bo attended with Griping of tho bowels, sickness at tho stomach, prostration of the fyutem, &c, os aro produced by other pills, ( ( Fourth Docau9o they possess a combined acti6n, not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation wbatover. Their first clfect is in correcting all impurities with which tho blood and fluids of tho body may bo aff-cted, and by their gently opera tiro effijet, removing such impurities from the sys tem. Fifth Because they aro Iho terror of Quacks nd Impostors, for most persons are obliged to take the.Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and destructive nostrums, to counteract and prevent their miscbievons and baneful effects. Sixth -Because they aro tho only pills in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mercural, Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative and purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and last But not tho least important, lie because they aro prepared by n regular Apothe cary and Ph)sici.in-, attested Dy Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Lfcwces, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coie, Hare, &c, &o , which alone is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi dona and others accompany the directions around each box. jCJ-Pricc Twenty Five Cents a BoxJi Prepared only and sold Wholcsalo and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'3 Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second st.,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Uillicrt & Co., North Third street abovo Vine. G.S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. 1. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red lon, and all respectable. Wholcsalo and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: 3. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 1. W. Rohrer, do do W. Ebcrman Iiitiz. 3. W. Oakly, Reading. X. B. Mozer, Allen town. P. Pomp, Easton. Arid the principal Merchants and Drugist? in the Uoiied States. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg ty D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 1). COMMUNICATION. How few they aro that happen to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds J)y attention to them. How many thousands from euch neglect shorten their days, ond hasten their fi naldissolution. Parents noglcct them in their chil dren, and thus form the foundation for Consump--4ion, and hundred of parents annually follow their own children to the grave, having died from somo bflectiona of tho Brcat and Lungs, which weioneg !tcd in their first stages. Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young or old, ought at all times bo uttended to early, and ot suffered to continue any length of time, for tho Lungs once affected .disease soon makes rapid strides, ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Dh. BECHTEIVS PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs. Colds, Catarrhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or Side, all affection of tho Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is tho most popular medicine used throughout all Ger many is becoming equally popular in the United )State3, anil has established for itself a reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the same class of diseases, (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom panlng tho directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may ? given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted ftco from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes-ted-by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson, Jackson, Horner, Dewces, Coxo, James, &c. a circutnstonco alone sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. B. Leidy, Proprietor ef tho abovo medi cine, confidently rocommenda it to all, and assures all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine end would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. Prepared only and for sale Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Bocond Btrcet a few doors belov Vino street, Phila delphia also, sold by J. Gilgert & Co., North Third street above Vine G. 8 Clemens, do 3d do do Woo1 6t , J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d da next ho U cd .Lion, and by all respectabla Wholcsaloj ,and retail .PruggisU in Philadelphia. Thoy aro sold by: 3. V Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 3. W. Rohrer, do do. V. Eberman Litiz. 3. V. Oakley, Reading. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg V. ts. TOBIAS, Agent. UVERY AND EXCHANGE. rERY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho has alwavson hand, at the Li- Very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purpose of Iliro r.r AxcuangCf a vauciy oi BIrsej Sulkies, CJigs, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, "fchlch. he will feel gratified to keep in readinew for the accommodation of customers. He has also msdo arrangements for carrying pas sengers from Bloomsburg to Muncy, and from Diootnsburg to Buckalcws on the Owego turnpike. .uo&rca uioomsuurg lor iuuney every Saturday at T o'clock in tho morning and arrive at Muncy lh same evening. Leave Muncy every Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg the sama evening. Leaves Bloomsburg every Wednesday morning for Bpcknlews and return tho same day. Personal application can be made at his residence, whn every moans will bo used to render entire sat fafaedon to those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PIH3NTI8. Bloomsburg, March 58, 1810, 48. THE RESURRECTION OR, PERSIAN PIIiIjS. N UFEiiton to TimHioKA'x.BnAwnr.Tii'sjEvAk ?JlKniA:f Puhbatite, tho Matchless (priced) iSixATirs, or any other pills or compound before the public, as certified (o by Physicians and others Let none condemn them until tliey have retried them, and then wo are certain they will not. It is now a settled point with nil who havo Used tho Vegetable Persian Pills that thoy are pre-eminently tho best and mo3t efficacious Family Modi cinethat has yet been used in America. If every family could become acquainted with their Sovcr cign power over disease, they would kceplhcni and bo prepared with a suro remedy to ripply on the firs appearance of disease, and then how much distress would bo avoided and money saved, as well as the lives of thousands who aro hurried out of time by neglecting diseaso in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place de pendence upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. Tho name of these pills orginated from tho cir cumstance of tho medicine being found only in the cemctaries of Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury it became an established medicine for the dis eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu lar production was introduced into nomo parts of Eu ropo in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth er medicine has been used in vain. Early in the year 1792, the extract was combined with o certain vegetablo medicine impoited from Dura Bnca, in the East Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir able effect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led physlicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, aro such as will sustain their re putation and general use in tho American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used the Hygcan, and most of tho various kinds of Pills, in my practice, which have borno the highest repute in the public estimation, that have been offered for salo in tins vicinity tor tho last uvo ywits, including those, called the Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and tho public may rest assured that none among tho whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as an easy and ellcctual remedy, than tho Kcsurrcction or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Charles Backus, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chajo & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to bocomo mothers, wo were induced to make a trial of them. My wife was at that time tho mother of live children, and had suffeicd tho most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each, She had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found littlo or no relief. She commenced taking tho Persian Pills about thrco months before her confinement (her health being ve. ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a snort time she was enabled by their use to attend to tho cores of a mother to har family until her con finement! At the time she commenced taking the Persian Pills, and for several weeks pievious, sho was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent severe cramps, which the uso ol the Pills entirely removed before us'iiir half a box. It is with the greatest confidence that we advise all those about to become mothers to make use of tho Persian Pills. All those that havo taken them in our neighbor hood have cot along in the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. There does not appear to bo half tho danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, where these Pills are taken. We unitedly' say .let non neglect taking them, for thev arc in the reach of tho poor as well as the rich. Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily prcuro which tends to lessen tho world of suffering, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps save the Uvea of thousands which, would otherwise bo lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars sco subscribers. S. RonEnTS, Ays O. Roiiehts. RocnssTEn, Sept. ii, 1836, Messrs. E. Chase Co. I think h my duty to let you know what a great cure your Pills have performed on me I had been sick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve phyiiciaps of the first standing; my lungs were seriously alli'Cted; I had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of tho time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and nizht sweat, accompanied with extreme, irnta bleness of the nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time after I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to take con. siderable exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If any noo wishes a more particular history of my suffer ings, ho may call on mo, at the corner of Alain and Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Cured Tho undersigned hereby certify. that wo aro the Parents of two children who have Dccn afflicted with fits more or less from their infen cy, and that wo havo spared no pains or expenso in ende avoring ia cfl'ect a euro, but without any bene ficial eft'ect, unjil hearing of tho Insurrection or Per sian Pills, when four boxes were immediately procuicJ, and before thrco boxes were taken, tho llta had abated in frequency, and eveiy sym torn much improved, and now wo are happy to stato that our childjcu by tho uso of thd Persian Pills, with tho blessing ot Uod, aro entirely cured and havo no nymtom or appearance of fits, will find n the Perbian Pills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MAItTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. The above pills may be had of the following a gents John Moyer, Bloomsburg; II. Miller, Ber wick; J. Cooper 5c Sons, Hozelton; C. Hortman Gspcytown; John Sharpless; Cattawisia; Lyman Shulcs, Danville. Eira Taylor, agent for he.Stato of Pcniuybva niB.rrsiuins ai iiocncster vt; i. to whom all orders can bo Rddrets-J, KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE VR. JOSEPH PRIESTLEY PETERS, Celebrated Vegetable Antibilious Pills, Are effecllni some of the most astonishing and Wonderful cures that havo ever been known. Tho town and county arc filled with their piaiso. Tho I'alaco nnd i'oor house alike cclio wun mow vrx- u cs. In all climates tneyeull retain weir w onucr- ful virtues. Eextraet from t letter written by Dr. Francis isogarl, oj rroviaencci u. i. Dee. 7, 1838. " Peters' Pills are an excellent npctiment and cathartic medicine, those effects, being produced by tho difference of the quantity taken, and aro dccl dedlo superior to Leo's, Brondrcth's Morrison's pills!" Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ban gor, Maine, Jan. v, ibjo. " Thoy arc a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purga tivo medicine; and produco little, if any griping of nausea. I have prescribed thcin with much success in sick headaches and slight billious fevers." Extract from a letter by Dr. Joseph Tin- nums, oj jsurungnam, vi. amy u, 1837. " I cordiallv!recommed Peter's Peters' Pills as a mildly effective, ondjn no case dangerous family medicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos- tivencsa and all the usual diseases of the digestive organs." Exirat of a tetter from Dr. Edward Smith, of Montreal, U. U., dept. zu ltsus. ' I never know a ninalo patent medicine that I could put the slightest confidence in but Ur. Peters' Vegetable rills, which are really a valuable discov ery, i have no hesitation in having it unown mat I use them extensively in my practice, lor all com plaints, (and they are not a few,) which havo their source in the impurity of tho blood." Extract of a letter from Dr. Pyt, of Que bec, Jj. u. Jiiarcn u, 1B37. " For billious fevers, sick headache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of spleen, D. Peters' Pills aro an excellent medicine." Extract of a letter from Dr. Ourney, of JXew Urleans, l.a. uct. v, isa7. " I have received much assistance in mv practice especially in jaund co and yellow fever from tho use of Peters Pills. I presume, that on on av erage, I prescribe a hundred boxes a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of Ualveston, Jexas, Mprila, 183s. " Thev are certainly an excellent ccheral family medicine, and thcro is no quackery about them." Extract of a letter from Sr. Pritchard, of Hudson, N. Y. Juno 3, 1836. "I was aware that Dr. Pctofs was one of tho best chemists in the United States, and felt assured :liat he would some day (from his intimate knowlecgo ot the properties ot licrbsjind drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge thnt Ins Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. They aro indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the chemist thejAjcian and the philosopher. Extract of a letter from Dr. Woincs, of Philadel phia, Feb. 2, 1838. 'Your pills are tho mildest in their operations, and yet most powerful in their effects, of any that I have ever met with in a practice ot cmnt anu twenty years. Their action on the chyle and hence on the impurities of the blood, is evidently very sur prising." Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1836. " I am in the daily habit of prescribing them (Pctera'Pills) and they in nearly all casas, answer cd my purpose. I have discarded other mcditincs, some of them very good ones, in their favor. Extract from an address dclived on the evening of the 14th May, 1837, before the Medical Board of Nevi York, bv Dr. Emerson. See New York Medical Rcprrts,for 1837. " As a body I know that wo have set our face a- cainst the Generality of patent medicines, and expo' riencc lia3 taugH n that the great bum ol tiiein ate mere catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to make an honorable exception in favor of tho Vege table Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer and citizen, Dr. Joseph Priestley Peters, ot which (in consequence of their pcculicrly nutritions action on tho blood,) I, and sovcral members of this lion- orablo society, are arueni patrons.- juiis iriunuiv allusion to the Vegetable Pills was received with a warm round of aplause by all tho members present. A fresh supply of the valuable I'nls jutt received by John It. Moyer, and U. a. Tobias, Hioorasbiva and William Ulddle, Danville. (Prtce 25 cents per Bex.) October 31, 1840. Byspepsia! iByspepsia THAT troublesome and peace-destroying dis ease. Tho usands and tens of thousands suf fer from that common and distrccsing complaint.- Dyspepsia is frequently caused by overloading or distending the stomach by excesuve calms or dunk. ing indigestible and acrid substances taken into the stomach, or from long continued constipation of the bowels, a sedentary life, fear, grief, anxiety, a co pious drait oi cold water, araitic purgattre medi cines, A) eentery, miscarriages, intermittent and spas modic altections ol the stomach and bowels, irregu lar meals, late hours, and too frequent uso of spiri tuous liquors. Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and sometimes bilious vomiting, sudden and transient distentions of the stomach after eat ing, acid and putrescent cructions, water brash, pain in tho region of tho stomach, costiveness.palpitaiion of the heart, dizziness and dimness of the sight, dis- turbeb rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency. spasms, nervous irritability, chillncsi, sallowness ot complexion, great oppiession after eating, langu and general debility, sick head-aclic, vc. CUKE At the head of all remedies stands Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening Tunic and German Aperient Pills, winch act greatly upon tho peristaltic motion of the intestines, thereby produc ing regularity of the bowels, nt tho eamo time im proving the functions of thavJebiliatcd organs, thus invigorating nnd restoring the digestive; organs to a healthy action. This medicino seldom fails In pro ducing relief. Full and explicit directions accompany tho above medicine. Likewise n pamphlet which describes diseases, tho manner of treating, itc. For sale at Tobias Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Nov. 7 1840. 28. IPi JESS 8 THE Subscribers respectfully annoutico' o their Montis find tho public generally, lial thoy havo received and ata now opdn ng, a splendid and extensive assortment o Fall & Winter G-oods, which with a stock on hand, embraces a variety of aoasonablo Merchandiza for tho accommodation of town and County. In the Dry Good lino, they havo all the varieties of courao, fino and oupcrfino Cloths, Casimsrs, Salinelts, Mcrinocs, Silk3 Cal icoes. Tazlioni. (a new article,) Mari na, Chinelle and various other kinds of Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Lxmns, mom clinede Lain,Muslins, Fcslings, Stocks, Umbrellas. Ladu'a Bonnets, Bonnet Silks, Trimmings Fur, Cloth and Seal skin Caps; Boots and Shoes, Socks, fyc. A LARGE ASSOIiTiMENT OF AND Sucar. Coffeo. Tons, Spices, Molasses, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wino, &o. &o. assorted in prieo and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, ron, btcel, Nails, Stoves, otave pipe, iin Wine, Cedar Ware; CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, Crockcfy-TFare, Salt, Fish, Otis, Dye Stuffs, Paints, $:. fyt. ffC. and almost ovcry other article that can bo called for in a country storo all of which avingbeen carefully selected and obtained at thrt lowest prices, will be ouerod at small profits in exchange for casu or country pro- uce. RUPERT & BARTON. Dloomaburg, Oct, 3, 1810. 23 tf. MORE POSITIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlich's Compound strengthening ana uerman Jiperxem ruts. Allkouany, Jan. 8, 1840 To Dr. Harlich's Agent Sir: I wish to stato for tho benefit of those who may 'bo afflicted, that Dr. IUnucH'n Pins have entirely cured me of Dyspepsia, of which I have been afjiicted for ma- Strengthening, and I am constrained to say, that I used both kinds, the Aperient and they are a valuablo discovery, and act upon the sys tem mildly, but very effectually. I found tho Tonic PilU to quicken tho circulation and cause a deter mination to the surface, and to strengthen tlio weak ion Inn Bva stomach and increase its powers. Tho Aperient rills are the best caUiartic 1 ever used. 1 am con fidej t all Dyspeptics would do well to make immC' diate trial and be relieved. Any one can call at my house and be saUhcd ot the above at pleasure. DAVID K. l'UPE. N. B. Tho original certificates may be Been at tho otlic of the " Spirit of the Times," For salo otNo. 19, North EIGHTH STBEE. DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF on WILD CHERRY, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting of Blood, Soreness of Throat, Whooping Cough, and all Dhcases indicative of CONSUMPTION. DELAYS' AKE DANGEKOUS. So it is with thoso who neslect their COLDS nnd COUGH. At first you complain of havinpt a Cold, which is neglected; after which tl soreness is experienced in tuo Jlroncma, with a il ticking uough, and linuliy the dieaic settles upon tlio lungs, which tho patient will soon perceive by a wasting uway of tho body, attended with hectic fevers and spitlimr up of flor id blood nnd matter from ulcers on the lungs; a pain and weight is alio experienced at tho affected part of the lungs; the functions of the animal economy grow languid; the body becomes dry; the eyes fcink deep within their cavities; at length tlio patient pays the debt ot nature, when he is nattering mm self with the hopes of a speedy recovery. To ob Mate all l!io;;o distressing symptoms "Spare no Time" in pro:uring tho abovo Invaluable Medicino at tho very commencement of your Cold and Coughs whereby your health may bo secured and lime and money eaved. TANGS? & WINDSOR MANUFACTORY. KCjlTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his (fi. lrienils and tho public generally, that he con- milieu io cany on mo business oi inanulactunng fifAIS AM5 SBSTTTEES, of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and thai ho will attend to turning any article in wood that may bo ordered, lie will also attend to HOUSE & OJtyA METAt. in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con' Unuanco of public favor, Turning shop on Mar. kct street, nearly opposite the Printing office of the Columbia County Kcgister finishing shop pn tho inntn dronl nenrltr nnnnttln CZttnrrrn YVn BENIAMIN UAGENBUC1I. Bloomsburg September 10, 1810. GRAHAMS' MAGAZINE And the Ladies and Gentleman's World of Literature and lashion. The Caaktt mid the iicntlcnian'e tniffm. A Mew Volume, under the abovo title, bf tho well established and fashionablo Magozine, tho Philadelphia Casket 'in conjunction with tho Gentleman's Magazine, which has been e cry whcio pronounced tho most rcadablo nnd popular of tho day, will bo opened on tho first day of January, lull, Willi an airay OI coniruiuiora eucurcu uy 1110 union, cf talent and fame, which no periodical in the country can boast or pretend to rival. Tho Dc. tefnber number will, however, bp a specimen of tho ncv -volume. The volttmo will be opened with new and beautiful type, tho finest whilo paper nnd with tlio first of a scries of ombetlishrnents unsurpassed by any which have yet appeared in any Mngnzjiic. The stylt ofilcgance, the beauty and finish of thesq illustrations, ami me cxioiisivuiiiip"":iin:iii wiucn will be tnadc, its typographical oppcaiaucc, nnd, abovo all, the lone of its library department, by tho brilliant array of contributor's, whose articles hna enriched tho pagca of each number, will givo it a character second to no Magazine in the Union. Tlio character of tho articles which shall appear in its nnn-pa. will bo dually removed from a sickly ten- twiiontality, and from nn affectation of morality, but while a true delineation of human nature in every variety of passion is aimed at, nothiug shall be Inund, in its ngcs to cause a" blush upon the check of tho most pure. The lilterrry unaracier win oe suuicieniiy guar-, anterd by tho reputation of both Magazines thus u nifed, for years past. Writcrsof the first rank havo. beeu regular contributors to their pages, and tho tales and sketches published in them have been widely copied and lead, and the firm and independ ent tone of the criticisms, upon the current litera ture cf tho day, hai been everywhere approved ami commended. The List of contributors embraces the names of most of ihe principal writers in America, xvith a re spectable number of English authors. Original ar ticles have appeared, during the last year, from (ho pens of the following: Professors Ingraham, Frost Df. C. Brooks, 0. F. Winds, Captain Marry att, Hon H. T. Conrad, Morton McMicliael, Willis uayior. Clarke, Esq. Charlen J. Peterson Hev. Thomas II Stockton, Samuel W. Stockton, E. Armstrong, Esq General G. V. Morris, Leigh Hunt, England, Mrs. Fannv Kemblo Jutlcr. Park Benjamin, Dougloka Jcrrold, England. Joseph C. Neal, James F. Otis, It. S. Elliot. David Huffman, Charles West Thomp son, Judge Tremper, JohnDu Solle, hsq. r. U.Ll der, Grenville Mellcn, Edgar A. J'oo, T. G. Spear, Mrs. h. Sigourney' Mus uatnanne n. vvaicrman, Mrs. Ann Stephens, Bcuion Hill, England, Dr. Ji K. Mitchell, James Montgomery, England, A. M' Makin and E. Holden, J. Beauchnmp Jones, J. E. Dow, Mrs. E. F. Elicit, Dr. Thomas Dunn Eng lish; . In addition to this brilliant array of nemos known to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a nonymous writers of no ordinary abilities,, havo giv en worth and character to the pages of the Maga zine. The series of well known nautiol papers en titled " Cruizingin the Last War,"havehad a run, unequalled by any aeries published in any Magazino for years. The author premises to open a new sc ries of Tales of the Sea, and from his known abili ties as a depictor of sea scenes and lite, much may be relied upon him in maintaining the popularity of the Magazine. Papers may bo expected during the volume also from the author of tho well known articles en.itled " The Log of Old Ironside." and from the author of " Syrian Letters. I he valuablo aid ol the author of"Leaves from a Lawyer's Port Folio," has aUo been secured and we may cjjicct something still more thrilling from tho capacious stores which a long life in the profession ha3 ena bled him to ama?s. An occasional Chit Chat with "Jeremy Short," and " Oliver Ohlfcllow,' is also promised; with a variety of chotce art cits in pro ",,u v --.--j editors of both Magszincs continue their service!! under the new arrangement, with such nn airay of talent, a Magazine of unrivalled attractions may safely be promised the coming volume. In compliance with tho almost unanimous wish of our lady subscribers, we shall the ensuing vol ume fnrmsh them with a boaulitul ami correct plate of Fashions monthly, a feature, it is believed, that will neither bo unwelcome nor unpopular. I heso fashion plates shall be drawn from original designs from Paris and London, and may abio be depended on as the prevailing style in Philadalphia and Ntw Yoilc lor the month in which tncy are issued. These, however hhall in no wise interfere with the regular and choice engraviugs, and music which ac company each number of tho work. The splendid .Mezzotint engravings lrom Wc burin ol barlatn, whieh have been justly admired, will be followed during the volume by several from the buuio hand, while the stiel engravings m the best of style of the att, from interesting scenes shall slill enrich the Magazine. The choicest pieces of musio for tlio Piano and Guitar shall accompany each number of tlje work. TIME OF PUBLICATION. The work will be published on tho first of every month in every quarter of tho Union. The most distant subscribers conrequntly receive it on that day, as well as those who reside in Philadelphia. in in me principal cities agents nave been estab lished, by which means subscribers ;an obtain their copies free of postage. Tebjis. J hrce dollars per annum, in advance two copies for five dollars. No new subscriber re ceived without the money. For the accommodation of those who may wish to subscribe for either of the following Philadrlpha periodicals, this liberal pro posal is made. For five dollars current money free of postage we will forward Graham's Magazine and uodcy s Lady s 13ook; for one year. Address UKU. It. UHAHAM, Seuth west corner of Chesnut and Third streets. Philadelphia, Nov. 1840. RHEUMATISM Entirely tured by the use of Dr. 0. P. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chesfcr Counlv Pa., affictedfor two years with the abovo distressing dis ease of which he had to use his crutches for eighteen months, his symptoms wcro excruciating pain in (ill his joints, especially in his hips, ehoulders and u'mu'x, pam increasing towards evening, attention with heat. Mr. llilson, was ut one time not alio lit mnvnlilj l!,l.a - . r it i. , uii rfituuju oi uiu pain IU'lUg t" t great; ua being advised by alrichdof Ins to procunHJ ur. Jinnicli's .Tills lor which ho sent to the ngent in VVcst Chester, and procure some; on using the med icine tho third day, tho pain dit-appcared and Ids strength increasing fust, und in tlirco weeks w a bio to attend to his business, which ho had not done , for eighteen months; for the benefit of others ifili ted, he wishes these lines publislid flint thty may bn. relieved, and ngain enjoy thepleuircs of healthy life. For salo at Tobias' Health Emporium Bhomslurg. Nov. 7, 1810. ' iA 88. 4