The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 11, 1840, Image 4

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KjllIOl LI) receivo nprefetcnco over all Pills now
m existence:
Fir t 3erauo llicy nro composed of Vcgctablo
ext'ni't ., Ito from minerals; und way bo taken nt
on urn- i v. ithpericct safety by young ana old, witu
out re taint from occupation, temncrato Uvintr, n
fear of takinc cold.
Second Decausc they aro composed of such
medicinal extracts, as have licen employed by alt
the mwt celebrated and respectable Physicians for
mue than a century past, in purifying tho lllood
nnd Animal fluid of the bodv.
1 ';.rd Because they may ho employed as n
rod 1 or active purgative, according to tho quantity
taltcn. and their orjoration will not be attended with
griplrc of the bowels, eicknoss at the stomach,
prostration of tho system, &c., ts aro produced uy
other pUIs.
Fourth Becauso they possess a combined action,
not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar
ation whatever. Thoir first effect is in correcting
sdl impurities with which tho blood and fluids of
tho body may bo affected, and by their gently opera
tlvo effect, removing such impurities from tho sys
tem. Fifth Becauso they arc the terror of Quacks
nnd Impo-ier for most persons aro obliged to tako
the t ir aparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vilo
nd dcjtruc.ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent
thi ir mi.xhicvons and baneful effects.
Sixth Becauso they arc tho only pills in which
rhysiciana have sufficient conGdonco to recommend
to tliuir patients, and employ in their practico, as
they know they ore Anti Quack, Anti Mercural.
Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative
anl purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids.
Seventh and last But not tho least important,
lie becauso they aro prcparod by rt regular Apothe
cary and Fhysici, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor
ner, Chapman, Lrewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson,
Coie, Hare, &c, &o , which alone i3 cufficicnl to
entitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and llccommendationa from Physi
cians and others accompany tho directions around
each box.
tZ3Pricc Twentu Five Cents a Boxr
Prepared only and sold Wholesalo and Bctail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Hmporium, INo. I'Ji ioitn
Second st,a few doors below Vino street, Philadel
phia, also, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street abovo Vine,
G.S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st
J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Ked
Silsn, and nil respectable Wholesale and Retail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They are also sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrer, do do
V. Eberman Litiz.
J. W. Oakly, Reading.
1. B. Mozcr, Allcntown.
P. Pomp, Ilaston.
And the principal Merchants and Drugists in tho
Uauou states.
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomshurg
ky D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomshurg July, 13, 1830. 11.
COMMUNICATION. How few they aro that
happen to be afflicted with Coughs or Colds
fay attontion to them. How many thousands from
such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their li
nalfdissolution. Parents neglect them in their chif
dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to the grave, having died from some
allections of tho llrcat and Lungs, which wcjo neg
lected in their first statrcs.
Coughs and Colds, whether oxisting amongyoung
cr old, ought at all times bo attended to oarly, and
not suffered to continuo any length of time, for tho
Lungs onco affected.discaso soon makes rapid strides,
ending in tho most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catauhs, Influenzas,
Hhortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in
tho Breast or Side, all affection of the Breast and
Ijungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is
the most popular medicino used throughout all Ger
many is becoming equally popular in tho United
States, and has established for itself a reputation
not possessed by tiny other mulieine for the same
class of diseases, (Seo certificates and recommen
dations from Parents, Physioians, and others, accom
paning the directions.) It i3 a preparation perfect
Ir safo and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may
to given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted
freofrom mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson,
Horner, Dcweos, Coxe, Jamos, &x. a circumstance
alone sufficient to induce a trial ol it
Dr, N. 11. Leidv. Proprietor of tho abovo modi-
me, confidently recommends it to all, and assures
all most positively that it is an invaluable- medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
Prepared only and for saleWholesale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Second street n few doors below Vino street, i'hila
kdelphia also, sold by
J. Gilsrert & Co..-North Third street abovo Vine
G. S Clemens, do 3d da do Wow' st
J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do noxt ho Ked
Lion, and by all recpectablo Wholesalo and retail
lruggists in Philadelphia.
They aro sold by:
J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrer, do do.
V. Eberman Litiz.
J. W. Oakley, Reading.
For salo at tho Health Emporium Bloomshurg
fry U. . TOBIAS, Agent.
rERY respectfully informs his friends and tho
public, that he has. alwayson hand, at tho Li
tsry Stable in llloomsburg, forthe purpose of Hiro
0 Exchange, a vailcty of
HSovbcs, Sulkies, fnigs,
which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
me eecommodaiion oi customers.
Ha has also made arrangements for carrying pas-
eongord from Bloomsburg to Muncy, and from
"nmsburg to Buckalews on the Owego turnpike,
J.eavi Bleomsmiig for Muncy every Saturday
at 7 oMork in the morning and arrive at Muncy
",o same ivenlng. Leave Muiicfr every Saturday
ri if nine at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomshurg the
r.jtno evening.
Leive4 Bloomsburg ewy Wednesday morning
r uucKiiews ami return toe same day.
personal application can be made at his residence,
vhui every means wilj b used to render entire sat-
taljouou to uiMt who may give him a call.
Avbcmurj, March 38, 181B, 48,
crrntonTO Tnr.HioiiAiT,I5nAin)Tn'fl,EvAK
IirniAtr Pciirativb, tho Matcmms (priced)
AifATtvK, or any other pills or compound before
the public, as certified to by riiysicians and otheni
Let nono condemn them until they have tried
them, nnd then we are certain they will not.
It is now a settled point with alt who have used
tho Vogetablo Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently
tho best and most efficacious Tamily Medi
cine that has yet been used in America. If every
family could become acquainted with their Sover
cign power over disease, they would keep tlicm and
he prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the fira
appearance ot unease, and then how mucli distress
would bo avoided and money saved, as well es tho
Uvea of thousands who are hurried out of time by
neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being
in possession of a remedy which they can place de
pendence upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills'.
Tho namo of these pills orginated from the cir
cumstance ol the medicino being iound only in the
cemctaries of Persia. This vegetable production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a ceu
tuiy it became an established medicino for tho die-
cased of that country. The extract of this singiv
larprpduction was introduced into some parts of Ku-
rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated
rhysiciana m curing certain diseases, whew all ouv
cr medicine has been used in vain. Early in ths
year 1702, the extract was combined with a cortain
vegetable medicino imported from Dura Baca, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills. The adinir
ablo effect of this compound upon the human sys
tem, led physiicans and families into its. general
use. Thair long established character their univer
sal and healing, the detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific action upbn the glandular
part ot tho system, aro such as will sustain their re
jiutuiiou and general use in the American Repub
I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, uccd
tho Hygcan, and most of tho various kinds of Pills,
in my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in tho public estimation, that havo been offered for
salo in this vicinity for the last live years, including
thoso called tho Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and
the public may rest assured that none among the
whole cataloruo has answered a better purrose, on
an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection
or Persian i ills, in most cases ol disease.
CiunLES Backus M. D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Messrs. E. Choe & Co. Gents. Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of tho
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon thoso about to
become mothers, wo wcro induced to make a trial of
them. My wife was at that time the mother of live
childicn, and had Buffered tho most tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
of each, fiho had tried every intions and taken
much medicine, but found littlo or no relief. She
commenced taking tho Persian Pill.? about three
months beforo her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this longth of time previous) and in a
short time she was enabled by their uselj attend to
tho cares of a mother to her family until her con
finement. At the time Bhe commenced taking tho
Persian Pills, nnd for several weeks pi evions, she
was afflicted with a d'y hard cough, and frequent
severo cramps, which the uso of the PiHs entirely
removed beforo using half a box. It i? with the
greatest confidence that we advise all thoso about to
become mothers to mako uso of the Persian Pills.
All those that have taken them in our neighbor
hood have got along in tho samo easy manner, and
aro about the house in a few days. There does not
appear to bo half tho danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where these Pills are taken.
We unitedlyl say.let none neglect taking them, for
they aro in tho reach of tho poor ns well as tho rich.
W c aro truly thauklul that there is a remedy which
females can easily procure which lends to lessen the
world ot suflering, which many of them havo to bear,
and perhaps save the lives of thousands which would
otherwise be tost.
Rochester, May M, 1838: corner of Callidonian
square, Edinburg street; for further particular! eco
8. RoBEnTS,
RociiESTEn, Sept. 24, 1830.
Messrs, E. Chase Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
cure your Pills havo performed on me I had been
sick about 7 years about 2 years and a halt con
fined to my bed. , 1 had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first
standing; my lunga were seriously affected; I had
3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of tho time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with oxtreme inita
blenpss of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I was given over,
I tried almost all medicines which were adi-ertiscd,
but to no advantage, until I triad your Vcgotahlu
Persian 1 ills. 1 began to gam m a Uiort time after
I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, beforo I
took 3 boxes, I was able to rido out and to take con
siderable exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good
health, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noo wishes a more particular history of my Butter
ing, he may call on me, at tho corner of Alain and
Clinton-streets, Rochester.
Fits GnnKn Tho undersigned hereby certify,
that wo aro the Parents of two children who have
Been afflicted with fits more or less from theirinfen
cy,aud that we havo spared no pains or expense in
endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene
ficial effect, unjil hearing of the Resurrection or Per
sian Pilla, when four boxes weie immediately
proem eJ, and -before three boxes were taken, tho
lita had abated in frequency, and every aym
torn much improved, and now wo aro happy to
state that our childaen by tho use of the Persian
Pills, with tho blessing of God, are entirely cured,
and have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find
n the Persian Pills a sure and perfect cure..
Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837.
The above pills may lie had of the following a
genta John Mover, llloomsburg; II. Miller, Ber
wick; J. Cooper 3c Sons, Hazelton; C. Hortmau
Uapeytowu; John Sharpies, Cattawisaa; Lyman
Shale, Danville.
Eira Taylor, agert for die State of Pemuylva
nia,reeiding at Rochester N. Y. to whom all orders
can he ddressd,
Celebrated Veritable Anlibilious Pills,
Are effecting somo of tho most astonishing on"
vfondeiful cures that havo over been known. I ho
town and county aro filled with their piaise. tho
Palaco and Poor houso alike echo with their vir
tues. In all climates they still retain their wonder
ful virtues.
Eextrael from a letter written &y Dr.
Francis JJogart, oj Froviaence, u. i.
Bee. 7, 1830.
n Peters' Pills arc an excellent epetimcnt nnd
cathartic medicino, thoso effects being produced by
the diflerence ot the quantity talicn.J and are deci
dedlo superior to Lee's, Brandreth's Morrison's
Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Itart
gor, Maine, Jttn. 9, 1838.
" They are a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purga
tive medicine; and produco little, if any griping of
nausea. I havo prescribed them with much success
in sick headaches and slight billious fevers."
Extract from a letter by Br. Joseph Wil
liams,, of Burlingllam, ft. July 0,
" I cordiallyjrecommcd Peter's Peters' Pills os a
mildly effective, andjn no caso dangerous family
medicine. They aro peculiarly influential in cos
tivenens and all the usual diseases of tho digestive
Exlral of a letter from Br. Edward Smith,
of Montreal, U. C, Sept. 29 183G.
" I never knew a single patent medicine that I
could put tho slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters'
Vegetable Pills, which aro really a valuable discov
ery. I havo no hesitation in having it known that
I use them extensively in my practico, for all com
plaints, (and they aro not a few,) which havo their
source in tho impurity of the blood."
Extract of a letter from Br. Pye, of Que
bec, L. C. March 0, 1837.
" For billious fevers, sick hoadachc, torpidity of
tho bowels, and enlargement of splcon, Dr. Pctors'
Pills are an excellent medicine."
Extract vf a letter from Br. Gurncy, of
iVcty Orleans, La. Oct. 0, 1837.
" I have received much assistanco in mv practico
especially in jaund co and yollow fever from
tho use of Peters' Pills. I presume, that on on av
erage, I prescribe a hundred boxes a month.
Extract of a letter from Br. Reynolds, of
Ualveston, J exas, Jiprxl 5, lBUo.
" They are certainly an excellent general family
medicine, and there is no quackery about them."
Sxtract of a letter from Dr. Prilcliard, of Hudson,
N.Y.JuneS, 1830.
" I was aware that Dr. Peters was ono of tho best
chemists in the. United States, und felt assured that
he would some day (from his intimate knowlecgo
ol the properties ot herbs and drugs) produco an
efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that
hi3 Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectation!!.
They are indeed a superior medicine, and reflect
credit alike upon the chemist the physician and
the philosopher.
Eitract of a letter from Dr. Waincs, of PhiladeV
phm, Feb. 2, 1839.
' Your pills arc tho mildest in their operations,
and yet most powerful in their effects, of any that
I have ever met with in a practico of eight and
twenty years. Their action on tho chyle and henco
i.i . , I .
un me impurities oi iiiu uioou, is uviucnuy very stir
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore,
Dec. 17, 1830.
" I am in tho daily habit of prescrib'ng them
f t'eters 1 ills 1 and tuoy in nearly all caso", answer
ed my purpose. I havo discarded other medi tines,
coins of hem very good ones, in their uvor.
Extract from an address delived on the
evening of the 14th May, 1837, before
the Medical Board of New York, by
Br. Emerson. See IVetv Vork Medical
Heprrls,for 1837.
" As a body I know that wo have set our face a
gainst the generality of patent medicines, and expc
rience lius taught us that tho great bulk of them urn
mere catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to
make an honorable exception in favor of tho Vcco-
tablo Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer
and citizen, JJr. Joseph Priestley Peters, of,
(in consequence of their pcculicrly nutritions action
on the blood,) I, and several members ot this hon
orable Society, aro ardent patrons.'' This friendly
allusion to the Vegetable Pills wa3 received with ti
warm round of oplauso by all tho members present.
A fresli supply of tho valuable Pills just received
by John R. Moycr, and D. 8. Tobias, Bloomsburg,
and W illiam iilddlc, Danville.
(Price 25 tsnts pir list.)
October 31, 1840.
Dyspepsia! .Dyspepsia
MMHAT troiibjesome and peace-destroying dis
Jj case. Tho usands and tens of thousands suf
fer trom that common and distressing complaint.
Dyspepsia is frequently caused by overloading or
distending tho stomach bycxcmire eating or dunk-
1113 muigcfluuicanu acnu substances iai;cn into
the stomach, or from long continued constipation of
the bowels, a sedentary life, fear, grief, aniiety , a co-
pious uraitot cold water, drastic purgative medi
ciites, dj rcntcry, miscarriages, intermittent and spas
modic affections of tho stomach and bowels, irregu
lar meals, lato hours, and too frequent uso of spiri
tuous liquors.
The symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described
as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious
one, nausea and sometimes bilious vomiting, sudden
and trnmicut distensions of tho stomach after eat
ing, acid and putrcsccntcructions, water brash, pain
in tho region of tho stomach, coslivcncss. palpitation
of the heart, dizziness and dimness of the sight, dis
turbeb rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency,
spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowness of
complexion, great oppression after eating, languor
and general debility, sick hcad-achc, &c.
CURE At tho head of all remedies stands Dr.
Harlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and
German Aperient Pills, which act greatly upon tho
peristaltic motion of tho intestines, thereby produc
ing regularity of the bowels, at the same timo im
proving the functions of tho debiliated organs, thus
invigorating and restoring the digestive organs to a
healthy action. This medicino seldom fail in pro
ducing relief.
Fuli and explicit directions accompany tho above
medicine. Likewise n pamphlet which describes
diseases, the manner of treating, Ac. For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Nov. 7 1840. 38.
THE Subscribers respectfully announce
to their friends ami tho public generally,
that they liavo received and, ate now open
ing, a splendid and extenaivo assortment of
Pall & Winter Croods,
which with a stock on hand, embraces a
variety of seasonable Merchandize for the
accommodation of town and Cntinty.
In tho Dry Good line, they have all 'the
varieties ol course, una anu supotnnc
Casimcrs, Salinclts, Mcrinoes, Silks Cal
icoes. Taahoni, (a new article,) Mari
na, Chincllc and various other kinds of
Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Limns, Mous
clincde Lain,Muslins, Veslings, Stocks,
Umbrellas, Ladifa Bonnets, Bonnet
Silks, Trimmings; Fur, Cloth and Seal
skin Caps; Boots and otocs, bocks, fyc.
iJ'C. oc.
Stiffar, CoiTec. Tens, Spices, Molasses,
Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, &c. &c. assorted
in prine and.fiuality. Hardware, badillery,
Iron, Steel, Kails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin
Wnte, Cedar Ware;
Crockery-Ware, Salt, Fish, Oils, Bye
Stuffs, Paints, -c. $-c. $:.
and almost overy other article that can bo
called for in a country store all of whicd
having been carefully selected and obtained
at the lowest prices, will be offered at small
profits in exchange for cash or country pro
DIoomsbnrg, Oct, 3, 1810. 23 If.
Of the efficacy of Br, HurlicWs Compound
Htrcngtlicnmg una Herman Jlperient
Ai.ixoiiANY, Jan. 8, 1810.
To Dr. Ilarhch s Agent Sir: I wish to stnto
for tho benefit of thoso who may 'bo afflicted, that
Dr. IlAnticii's Pills havo entirely cured me of
Dyspepsia, of which I have been ufilicted for ma.
ny years. I used both kinds, tho Aperient and
Strengthening, and I am constrained to a.iy, that
they aro n valuable uisrovery, and art upon the sys
tem mildly, but very cifeUually. I found tho Tonic
Pills to quicken tho circulation and causo a deter
mination to the surface, and to strengthen tho weak
stomach and incrcaec its powers. Tho Aperient
Pills aro die best cathartic 1 ever used. I am con
fide t all Dyspeptics would do well to make imme
diate trial and be relieved. Any oiifen call at my
lioutc and be satihcd ot the above avolcnsure.
N. 1). Tho original certificates may be seen at
tho office of tlio ' Spirit of the Timrj." 1'or sale
at No. 1U, North EIGHTH STREE.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his
frionds and the public in general, that he
has now making a patent machine for Weav
ing Coverlids, of E. Miley & CoY inven
tion, winch he intends tn erect about the
15th October, in Nescopeck Luzerne coun
ty, opposite to Mr; Peck's Tavern, whore
ho will carry on the
in all its various branches. Coverlids wove
witnout a ssani m inc miiidie. Persons at
a distance, wishing palent or common Cov
etlids wove can send their yarn by stage or
otherwise, cither to Berwick, Columbia
county, or to Nescopeck, Luzerno county
directed to tho subscriber.
By strict attention to his business, and
his desire to please his customers, he hopes
to receivo a uoerai snare oi public patron
age. Having been engaged in the dying
anu weaving business tor a number of years
he assures the public, that tho work c'ntrus
ted to him, shall bo dono in the most dura
bio manner, and he flatters himself that It
shall be able to give pcnoral satisfaction.
Patent Coverlids made by persons send
iug twenty cuts double white woollen yarn
the subscriber dying the yarn, finding thi
cotton yarn, and weaving ono Coverlid fo
For tho accommodation of cuitomers
yarn will bo taken at, and tho work return
ed to the followincr places : Jacob Drum
heller's store, Conningliani, Luaerno coun
ty, John Sharple'ss and Go's, store, Catta
wissa, George Shuman's store, near Catta
wissa Furnace, D. S. Tobias storo, Blooms
burg, and John Covehhoven's store Orange
villu, Columbia county.
Persons send varu will please send writ
ten directions,' what colors the woojen yam
is tn be.
The subscriber finds all kinds of carpel
nescopecK, uct. a, 1810.
And the Ladies' and Gentleman's World
of Literature and Fashion.
The Cathel and the fJentl'man'e untlcC
Jlievv volume, uimer uiu huuu iui', 01 1110
well established and fashionabio M iiriuinn.
tho Philadelphia Casket in conjunction vith tho
Gcnllcman s fllagaxine, which lias beencvciy when
pronounced the most readablo and popular of tho
day, will be opened on the first day of January,
1641, with an array ot eonti minora ., retired by tho
.mion, of talent and fame, which no pciiodical in
tho country can boatt or pretend to rival. The De.
cembcr number will, however, lie a r-pecimeu of tho
new volume. The volumo will be opened with now
mid beautiful type, tho finest whiio paper and with
tho first of a fcerics of embellishments unsurpa.ijcd
by any whith havo yet appeared in any Magazine,
Tho style ofdegancc, tho beauty and linirh of thesa
illustrations, and tho cxtcnsivoiinprncincnt3 which
will be made, its typogiaplucat appearance, and
above all, the tonotif its literary department, by tho
brilliant array uf contiibutors, whoso articles havo
enriched the pages of each number, will p,ivo it a
character second to no MogazinoMn the Union.
Tho character of tho articles which shall npprar in
its pages, will be equally lemoved from h ttioMy en.
timjiitality, and from an affectation of morality, but
whilo a true delineation of human nature in every
variety of paislon is aimed at, nolhiug bhall be found
in its pages to cause a blush upon the cheek of tho
most pure.
The Litcrrry Character will be sufficiently guar
anteed by the reputation of both Magazines thus u
nitod, for years past. Writers of the itr&t rank havo
becu regular contributors to their pages, and tho
tales and sketches published in them havo tcc:i
widely copied nnd lead, and the firm and independ
ent tone of tho criticisms, upon tho current litera
ture of the day, has been everywhere approved and
I'ho List of contributors embraces the names of
most of iho principal writers in America, with a re
spectable number of English authors. Original ar
ticles have uppcarod, during the last year, from tho
pens of (he following: Professors Imrrahnm, 1'Yot.t
N. C.Brooks.C.F. Winds, Captain Marry att, II -i
K. T. Conrad, Morton McMichacl. Willi.i l.'ayhr"
Clarke, Esq. Chirlcs J. Peterson Rev. Thomas H-.
Stockton, Samuel W. Stockton, E. Arinlron?, Esq.
General G. P. Morria, Leigh Hunt, England, Mrs.
Fanny Kemble iiutler, Park Benjamin, Domdara
Jcrrnld, England, Joseph C. Neal, Jamtu i". Oti3,
H. a. hlhot.David Iluflmati, Charles West 1 llo::ip
son, Judge Trcmper, John Du Solle. Ktq. J'. I!. El
der, GreniIlo Mcllcn, Edgar A. i'co, 'J'.t;. Spear,
Mrs. J,, cigourncy' Miss Ualhartnc it. U i.teimari,
Mrs. Ann Stephens, Detison Hill, England, Dr. J.
K. Mitchell, Jamos Montgomery, England, A. M'
MuUin and II. Holden, J. Ucauchamp Jones, J. E.
Dow, Mrs. E. V. Ellett, Dr. Thcinaj Dunn Eng-
In addition to this brilliant array of names known
to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a
nonymous writers of no ordinary abilities, havo giv
en worth and character to tho pages of the Maga
zine. The scries of well known nautical papers ei
titlcd " Ciubingin tho Last Wnr,"hnvo had a run,
unequalled by any scries published in any Magazine
for years. The author promifos to open n new tc
rieu of Talcs of trio Sea, and from his known abili
ties H3 a depictor of sea scenes and life, much may
be relied upon him in maintaining iho popularity
of the Magazine. I'apcrs may bo expected during
the volume also fiom tho author of the well Kiwvri
articles cn.itlcd " Thn Log of Old Ironside." and
from the author of " Syrian Lrttcrs. Tho viduoblo
aid ol tho author f "Leaves from a Lavvyci'a Port
Polio," has also been secured and wo mav exnect
something still more tlnilling from the capacious
stores which a long life in the profession hati ena
bled hiinto amass. An occasional Chit Chat with
"Jeremy Short," and "Oliver Oldfellow,' is also
promised; with a variety of choice articles in proso
and verse from various writers of celebrity. Tho
editors of both Magazines continue their services
under tho new arrangement. With cuch an amy
of talent, i Magazine of unrivalled attractions may
safely be promised the coming volume.
In compliance with the almost unanimonn wish
of our lady subscribers, wo shall the cii&uin vol
umo famish them with a beautiful and correct plaio
of Fashions monthly, a feature, it is believed, that
will neither bo unwelcome nor unpopular. Thcso
fashion phte3 shall be drawn from orininul i!r,iiri!j
from Paris and .London, and may also bo depended
on as tho prevailing style in Philadelphia nnd Ntw
Yoik for tho month in which they aro isiuod
These, how ever shall in no wiso interfere with tho
regular and choice cngraviugf, and music which ac
company each number of tho work. Tliefplrudid
Mezzotint engravings from tho burin of Sartain,
which have been justly admired, will bo fulloived
during the volumo by several from tho samo hand,
wuuo me ncci cngraunga m tho test of btylo of
tho art, from interesting scenes shall still enrich tho
Magazine. I ho choicest nieces of music for iho
Piano and Guitar thail accompany each number of
the work.
The work will bo published on tho first of every
month m ovcry quarter of tho Union. The m,ut
distant subscribers confcquntly receivo it on that
day, as well as thoso who resido in Philadelphia.
In all the principal cities agents havo been estab
lished, by which means subscribers can obtain their
copies free of postage.
1 r.niis. J hree dollars per annum, m advanco
two copies for fivo dollars. No now subscriber re
ceived without tho money. For tho accommodation
of thoso who may wish to subscribe for cither of tho
following Piuladelpha periodicals, this liberal pro
posal is made. Tor fivo dollars current money free
of pojtago we will forward Graham's Alngazinc and
Godcy's Lady's Book, for one year. Address
South west corner of Clicsnut und Third Urceh!,
Philadelphia, Nov. 1810.
Entirely cured by the use of Br. O. P.
Harlich's Compound Strengthening and
German Aperient Pills.
Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County P.,
affirted far two years with tho aboe distressing d;
oaso of which ho had to usohis crutches for eighteen
months, hi symptoms were excruciating pain in
all his joints, especially in his hips, shoulders and
ankles, pain increasing towards evening, attended
with heat. Mr. Hilton, was at ono timo not rblo
to move his limbs on account of tbo pain bcii,a- so
groat; he being advised by a friend of bis to proem o
Dr. Harlich's Pills for which ho sent tn the 9'cnt in
West Chester, und procure seme; on uhig the med
icino tho third day, the pain disappeared and his
strength Increasing fabt, and in three weeltM was a
ble to attend to his business, which he had not do
for eighteen months; for the benefit of others afflic
ted, lie wishes thee lines published that they inoy
be relwed, and again enjoy the pleasures of healtiy
life. For gale at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Nov. 7, laio. 28.