The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 11, 1840, Image 3

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    'The Je.wi,-U U raid tliot within the last
five years the number of Jews in the Holy
Xund, lias increased from two thousand to
Upward of 40,000 and that it is still in
creasing. The Loudon Society, for the
conversion of the Jaws havo established a
mission at Jerusalem and built a church
iinn Mount Zion. They havo translated
the boot; of common prayer into Hebrew
und havo a missionary who is n converted
Jow stationed there and thus after a pari
od of eighteen hundred years, the Psalms
pf David in Hobrcw are again sung by a
Hebrew Christian church on Mount 'Ann
where thoy were first set to music by their
inspired nuiliorihc "sweet singer f Israel"
tiOOO years ago. Keystone.
The Philadelphia Spirit of tho Times,
says: "Tho oleetion for members of the
next Congress held in Maine, Louisiana,
Vermont, Pennsylvania Ohio. Georgia,
South Cnroliaa, Now York, New Jersey
and Massachusetts, have resulted in the
choice of eighty federalists and fifty-fife
Democrats. In tho Senate there will be
twenty-nine federalists, a majority so that
Harrison when duly installed, will he rup
ported bv majorities in both Houses. We
shall then realize tbo golden promises of
better. Trains" Ji'e-haps."
A Horrible Murder. Wo learn from
the Upper Mailboro' Gazette says tho Bal
tim ore Sun, that on Saturday last, a shock
ing affair occurred in tho neighborhood of
llhulcnsburg, in this Stale. It is stated that
a misuudurstar.ding had for sorao time exis
ted between Clement T. Ililleary and a
young man named Albert Magrudor, and
on Saturday they met at tho church near
Hilloary'a house, whero they resumed, the
quarrel. Some throats, it is said, wero pas
sed between them whou Ililleary went to
his house, got his gun, and when within a
few yards of Magrudor, discharged the gun
nt him three of tho shot taking effect in
the forehead, the'remahtler passing through
the hat. We havo yet to record the moit
chocking part. Afior shooting tho young
man, Ililleary ordered one of hie negroes
to hold him, while lie, with the butt end of
his gun, literally knocked out the man's
brains ! Ililleary, says the Gazetto, lias
heretofore stood fair in the above place, and
has many respectable relatives.
Jin Awful rusition. A nan named
Kidd, in attempting to cross tho Gencsseo
rivpr, a short distance abovo the middle
falle, during a vary dark night last week,be
camo unable to manage his boat and drifled
to a dam, only a few feet from tho cataract,
where the boat grounded slightly and hung
like a balanca. He remained in this peri
lous situation for four houra, whou he was
lescued by some friends attracted by his
cries. Had there been two inches mors
water on the a brisk wind, ho would
have been piecipitated down tha falls, and
dashed to atoms. Spirit of the Times.
Another Steamboat Lost. The Charles
ton Patriot states that tho steamboat Sam
Jones, loaded with cotton, and bound to
Darien, (Geo.) struck a snag and sank in
tha river, she will be a total loss.
Dreadful. Tho body of Mr. David
Plnmer of Gloucester, was found on Mon
day, on tho floor of his residence, his head
Mid shoulders in the firo place, and horribly
liurnt. He lived entirely alonr, and from
appearances, it is supposed that while be
foio tho fire, preparing something to eat. he
xyns seized with an apopletic fit, (having
been subject to them,) ant! fell directly into
the fire, in tho position in which ho was
found. He was nearly eighty years if age.
The Hon. Levi Woodbury has been elec
ted by the New Hampshire- House of Rep
resentatives, a United States Senatoi for
six vears from tho fourth of Marefi next, in
tho place of Mr. Hubbard, whoso term will
thon expire. Mr. Wnodburv received M5
votes, Gen. James Wilson 72, and there
wore from 10 to 15 votes eraliering. Tho
Senate immediately afterward concurred
ia tho election by a vote of 7 to 5.
Libit Suit. The suit instituted by Th?d
dens Stevens against Hotter & Cantincpuh
lishei if of tho Magician, for an alleged libel,
came up last week in tho Adams Connly
Court. On motion of the defendant's conn
nol.tho indictment was quashed by dsfault.
Tho defendants wero.howeYcr.again bound
in recognizance for their re appearance at
January session, 181,1.
Union Cunal. The Union Canal Corn
psny have commenced widening their canal
to tho same dimensions as the Pennsylva
nia Caul. This will afford an millet suffi
cient to answer thu purpo;cs of the Swntara
Csal region, and give them a market in Bal
timore via the Tide Water Canal.
Children Suffjcaled. Two rbildien,
each only ten months old, were suffocated
in Now York on Monday last,-one by be
ing overlain i bed by m mother; tho other
by being folded too closely in its cradle cov
eting, while its mother was at tnarkst.
Census of New Hampshire. The pop
ulation of New Hampshire, wording to tho j
recent ccsu, is S8 1,181. J
tC7I)iine service will bo celebrated in
Sf Gabriel's Church, Sugarloaf, on tha
25th inst. being CHRISTMAS DAY,
with a Sermon and tho Communion. Also
on Saturday and Sunday following. The
Services to commence at 1 1 o'clock.
Burned to Death. A colored woman
nnmad Chloo Chrispin, seventy-seven years
old, was burned to death in Portland a few
days sinco, by her clothes taking firo. She
ran out into the street, and was found by
her son on hisTeturn home lying in n snow
bank dead, with hr clothes still burning.
Patent Office. Tha Hall in the nw Pa
tent Office at Washington, for tho exhibi
tion of American manufactures is now com
pleted; it is 1273 feet long, 03 feet wids, 30
feet high, and fire proof.
Gor. Porter has pardoned Jennings and
Ortman, the two individuals who wore so
summarily tried and convicted of participa
tion in tho Kensington riots, in Philadel
phia, in tho curiir of which a house was
burnt in the ground.
Two men, nam?d McElroy and Johnson
nrn to be executed at Btiffdo. N. York, on
the 19th of next month, fot tho oiimo of
Counterfeit ono and two dollar notes of
tho Wilmington and Brandywine Bank, aro
in extensive circulation. We again caution
our readers to bo careful.
As the season for butchering hogs has
again arrived, tbo following information.
whieh we cut from an exchange naper.may
not bo doernod unimportant, by many of
out suuscniicrs: "in scalding Hogs, it is
best to dip them first in cold water, and
then in hot the bristles come out oasior.
A correspondent of the "Lancaster Ex-
nminer" goes for making the mle of our
punuc improvemcnis,a question ai uic next
Governor j election.
' Gen Jackson. Wo sob i; stated in some
ofour exchanges that tho venerable ex-Pre
sident i sick and confined to his bed. The
nature r aereritv of his disease is not sta
The Stato Capitol Gazette of the 23d tilt
says : i" A wretch now lies in iail in Phil
ndalnhia, awaiting his 'rial for the murder
of his wife. It ia said ho compelled her to
prostitute Iiorsoir to furnish him with mo
ney, and that he ould force her into tho
street, and by threats and blows oompel her
to acts of si ti and guilf, and thon follow her
to the place of assignation, wailing outside
to receive llie sums ttiat she thus earned.
MARRIED On Tuesday weok, hr the
Rev. Daniel Gring.Mr HENRY AUTEN
of Orangoville, to Miss ANN, daughter of
.Mr. Daniel l.antz, of 1 urbiit township, Nor.
thumberlaud county.
On the 2Glh ult. in Philadelphia, by Rev,
W. H. Odenheimar, Hon. HENRY A.
WISE, of Virginia, to SARAH, daughter
of Hon. John Sergaant.
DIED At Hamburg, on the 2d Decern
son of Benjamin Williams, jr. and grandson
of Col Win. Kitchen, aged three years.
TTNFOIIMR liN friends and customers Uit lie has
JLL just received the latest
from PHILADELPHIA, and if now prepared to do
worK in the rnojt tasliionaliln Ftylr, anil in a work
manlike manner, at short notice. Ho thanks his
friends for former fivors, and solicits a eon.iiiuancc
of their curtom.
Bioimshtrrg, Oct. 31. 27tf.
THE Subscribe! wishes to hire a Jour
neyman Cooper, to whom good wages aud
steady employment will be gircn.
An apprentice to the Coopering business
is wanted immediately. A smart active lad
will receive good encouragement upon ap
plication tn WILLIAM KELLY.
Blnomsburg4 October 3, 1810.
Doct. ahen IiSoyer,
French ISItcumatiHin Doctor,
From Heading,
Informs the publie that he has returned toBloom
burg.after an absence ince January tut, and can tie
found at tbo Hotel of Daniel Snyder, where ho wilt
lx; at all tlmM ready to attend to putients who are
afflict! with Rheumatic pains in thelimbi or body
Bloorssburg Kept, 5, 1810,
Address to the Temperunce Societies
ami Jncnils oj emperancc within the
bounds of the county of Columbia by
the officers of the County Association.
GnNTLr.MEN. The time of our annual
meeting is again near and it become? our
duty to call tho attention of tho auxiliary
societies and those which have not yet be
come auxiliary to the subject. The Tem-
porance caiiBC has ben gaining in strcniuli
and influence, and I ruin the increase of mem
bora and now societies through tho couiuy,
we anticipate a meeting of no ordinary in
terest. Thero has been more light thrown on
the evils of the liquor business and the im
portance of lemperauce, within the past
year man ciunug any previous year, during
the organization of the society;" and thero
arc a number of important subjects which
will bo up for discussion bcfoio that body
which will require a full representation
from nil tho societies which havo become
auxiliary heretofore, and that all those soci
eties which havo been organized but which
hare not yet become- auxiliary, tako tho
proper amps to oeconio so. All that is re
quired of any society to become auxiliary
is, that thoy send on their delegates (what
number they please) with a copy of their
constitution and report' The report should
contain the number they havo in the society
the number of teniperato men within
their bounds who do not belong tho num
ber nt moderate crinkcrd anil of habitual
drunkards; the numbar of stores who sell li
quors and who sell it not, and the number
which havo abandoned its sales during thu
year the number ot taverns, distilleries,
&c.; and any other information which
may be of interest to tho lemperauce
The annual meeting of the society will
od neiu at uanviiic on the first Thursday
of January in 1841, in tho Piesbytenan
Lecture Rsom, where ilia hoped thero will
be a full representation from all the socie
ties in tho county. Several addresses are
expected on the occasion. It is likewise
desirable that the delegates convene as ear
ly as possible, thry should he there at loust
by II crclopls in tho morning.
A. Vallerciiamp, ? r ,
Samuel Yorks, i ' ' 1 nst-
iax Wilson,
M. C. Grier,
THE undsrsigned having pumhased the
uook-Utnding establisha! in Milton, in
forms '.he puhlis that he is now ptepared to
do all kinds of Binding in the cheapest and
most emislaiitial maanor.
Of nil descriptions will be done to ordr
at the .hnrtesi notice. 1 ,,,
All kinds of country produca will be ta
kan in uxchangc for work.
Milton, Dee. 0, 1010- 32
For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting of
Mood, Soreness of Throat, Whooping
Cough, and all Diseases indicative of
thoao ho ncgiect ihrir COLDS and COUGH,
At first you complain of hiii:g a Cold, which is
neglcrt;d; after which a torcnete is experienced in
the Hroiichia, with a Hacking Cough, and finally
the disease scttlej upon tho lungs, which tho patient
will soon perceive hy a waiting away of the hody,
attended with heclic fevers and tpilling up of flor
id ll(Kid and mutter from ulcers on tho lungs; a pain
anu wcijnt is auo rxpcrienceJ at tlio aliened part
01 w lungs; 111c innclion ol tlio animal economy
grow languid; tho hody liccomes dry; tho eyes eink
deep within their cavities; at length, tho patient
pays ino ucut ot nature, wnen 110 ia flattering him
self with tho hopes ol a speedy recovery. To ob
viate all thoso dutrewin!; finiptomi "Spare 110
lime" in procuring tlio abovo Invaluable Medicine
at tho very commencement of your Cold and
Cottghs whereby your health may bo secured and
111111; anu money saveu.
ALL persons hazing claims or any de
mand, whatsoever, against the subscribers,
are requested to come forward before the
10th of November for settlement.
At Bridge No. 1, on the Cattawissa Rail
The Settlements will be made hy Then
dnre Wells, in Cattawissa, or Thomas El
lis and B. P. Fnck. at tho IWil Road
S., F. 1 Co.
E. HOWELL, fy Co.
Inform their friends anil niMtnmrra. ifiit
thoy hare removed their shop into (lie build
ing next ooor to the otticn or tho Columbia
Democrat.nearly opposite St.Paul'a Church,
Main-street. where thov will .nt nit tim. h
ready to reeeivo orders for cutting and mak
ing all kinds of garments, and they assuro
tho public that all work entrusted to them,
shall bo done in a fashionable and workman.
like manner.
N. B. Particular altsntion paid to cut
Bloraoiburjr, Oct, 10, 1040,
The Harruburcr naoers have iiiurl their
annual proposals for furnishing thoir shoots
10 all who Riav be llenlrnii nf nnictmt
themselves of n news pnper printed at the
Capitol of tho state. Not having room to
puuiisn ineir prospectus at large, wo havo
copied below thoir terms. The Reporter,
Keystone, and Slato Capitol Gazottc, ate
ieiuocrauc, ami me lntclligcnocr, federal,
For tho session, twice a wenk, in ad-
vMice, 02,00
tor the whole year, 3,00
Any person forwarding riVE session sub
scribers, and tho monoy, shall have a sixth
copy for his trouble.
During the session semi-weekly 2 00
For the yeaar 3 p.0
Any person fnrwardirnr in fto on 0I...11 .
ctivo tho KoXstonc from tho timo of sub-
scrtbinir to the close of tho soasiun nr iv
copies will bo sent to any oue office for
10 00.
All Post Masters are invited to act as n
jenta for tko Kaystonc, in receiving subscri
bers and remiting money to us; and any one
siKnifyini' his willinsnass to act n snrh.
shall receive a list of our subscribers in his
town and neighborhood, with our terms of
Harrisburg, Nov. 18, 1810.
ZETTE. Tho State Capitol Gazetto will bo pub
liahed twico a week during the sittings of
tho Legislatuio, and once a week for thu re
mainder of the year, at the following pri
ces :
The sessinn only, (twice a week,) 2 00
Tha whole rear, 3 oo
Postmasters and others friendly to the
Democratic cause, are rospcctfully rsquos
tcd to receive subscriptions to this' paper.
Any person procuring ns fivo good subscri
bers, shall be entitled to tho sixth copy
gratis; or any person procuring five goo'd
subscribers and forwarding 810 free of pos
tage shall be ontitled to the remainder for
his trouble, and in tho same proportion for
a larger number.
Durmg the ensuing session of tho Legis
lature, the Pennsylvania Intelligencer v;ill
be published Daily and Semi-Weekly, on
.t. ril : . J
wo louiiwing lorm: :
Daily during the session 03 00
Semi-Weekly do. 2 00
Daily dining the session aid semi
weekly during the remainder of
the year, per annum, 4 00
Scroi-weokly during the session and
weekly during the remainder of
the year, per annnm, ti 00
The Daily paper will be published on a
sheet sufficiently largo to contain full reports
of the doing of both branches of tho Legisla
ture, sketches nf Congressional proceedings
and the general news of the limes, togeth
er with miscellaneous article on -a variety
of (subjects.
The Scmi-woekly paper will be publish
ed on s sheet of double-medium size, and
will contain as much reading matter as any
paper ever published in Harrisburg.
banc's? & "vimmsm.
TTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his
friends anil tho public generally, that he con
tinues to caiiy on Iho business of manufacturing
of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and
that ho will altond lo turnini? any article in wood
that may bo ordered. Ho will aUo attend to
in all their branches; and Kwjicrtfully solicits a con
tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar
ket street, nearly oppojito tho Printing office of the
Columbia County KegUtcr finishing shop on tho
main street nearly opposite George Weaver's store.
Bloomsburg September 10, 1810.
TOO LATE. REMEMBER, delays aro danger
oui. Thoiiffind dieannuallyfiomtliatdreadfiildis
oate CONSUMI'TION, which might have been
checked at the commencement, and disappointed of
itn prey, if proper means had been reoited to. Tho
very many who havo thus been snatched from that
u .mnt, uy luu iiiiiDiv tini; ill uliUltnillun
bear testamnny toihin day, annoancing thocuroj,
tho wonderful cures, performed by tho uso of this
invaluablo nied-'cine. For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Nov. 7, 1840. 28.
WSjcatj ESuckwhcat & Cona,
A few Bushels of POTATOES would
also be received
The works will bo published by us during tha
approaching session of Congress. They havo hail
such a wide circulation in tho United Stales, and
their Usefulness and cheapness are to universally
acknowledged, that wo deem it unnecessary to givd
11 detailed account nf Ut ,, c,t.,r .n,L,. ;ni
contain, aufilco It to eay that they will bo invnlua-
... an imcrcji in mo proceedings 01
Congress. JSo other publication gives them so full,
nor half so cheap.( Ills, indeed, tho cheapest putw
hrntion 111 tho United Stteipethapln tho world
Our position ot tho scat of Government enables us
to print them at so low n rate. Wo arc compelled
to publish tho proereilingsof Congress in detail, for
our doily paper. This done, it rcqni.-ei, Compara
tively, but a small additional oxpemo to change tlicni
to the forms of tho Congressional Globe and Appen-
dix. If it wero not for theso cilctunstances, wa
could not publish them for four times tho sum charg
ed. In some parts of tho United States, the whilo
paper, upon which these woiks aro printed, would
sell for as much ai wo charge for the publication.
Tha Co.vor.r.?sioNAr, Glume is made up of tho
daily proceedings of tho two Hous-es of Congress,
and the Breeches of tho members condensed. Tho
yeas and nays on oil important subjects ore given.
It is publishhed as fast as tho business of tho two
Houses affords
number will rntitnln eivtr.Ti n,t .i,
small type. Wc expect td publish thred numbers
w u.tijr muivucKS 01 llie gCSdlOlI.
Tho Afi.Niux contains tho apceches of flm
members, at full length, written out by thcmrclveff
urn i (ifinmu mint Eamo lorm as tliouongrcsjion
ai Globe. Ztia published asfastasthoBpecchcscaii
bo prepared by the members-.
acii oi tJicso works is cofflplclo in itself. But
is desirable for n.vpiV onlicci-;iir.r tn In.
cause, if thero sliouM lm
nops'w of a speech in tho Congrcssloncl Globe, or
nwuui vi un cunccmcss, it may oo removed at
,,,. k.. ...c...:. . .1 , r. .
U....V, uj- itiniuis 10 uicspeeca in ino .appenuix.
Indejte.i to both aro sent to subscribers' as soon ai
they can be prepared after the adjournment of Con
gress. TERMS i
For 0110 COnr of ihe CnnirrMsinnal Hlnhn &i
One copy of the Appendix gt
Six copies of cither of tho abovo works will bo
sent for $5, twelve copies for $10, and a proportion-
uiu iiuuiuer oi copies ior a a larger sum.
Pnvtnpnta mKt 1,n l,.n.,n!tfn.l 1... a, .l n m i.
paid, at our tUk. Tho notes of any incorporated
in uiu umira ovaict, cur rem in mo sccuon ci
the countrv where a subscriber rrsirlea. will lin rn.
To insure all the numbers, tho mbscriptions
should bo hero bv tbo 14th of Dneemlirr naxt nt
CC'iVo attention will be paid to any order unlets
the money accompanies it.
Washington City, Oct. SO, 1840.
AN mmw.
THE subscriber would respectfully in
form his customers and the public gsner
allv, that ho has iast received from Nay
Plates of FasMons
and drafts for cutting garments, by which
he is enabled to cot in tho newest fashion
not only of New York, but of London; and
make up in the first stilo for Autumn and
Winter wear.
The Subseriber returns his eincero
thanks for past favors, and respectfully
solicits a continuance, promising on his
part, every exertion to render general satis
Bloomsburg; Nov. 28, 1840.
THE Subscriber has just received
suitable to tho season, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Hard
tuare, Quccnswarc, Shoes, Bonnets,
Fine Cloth, Neil and Hair Seal
Caps, .S'C. i$-c.
all of which will bo offered for aalo lilllo
lower than ever has been sold in this coun
try for cash only or oxchango for country
The Subscriber having a long esperienca
in business is convinced that it will bo much;
to the putchasers advantage, ns well as tha sell for PROMPT PAY and
LOW PROFITS, thereby turning tho
profits twice a year at 12$ per cent. i9 bet
ter than onu turn and three year credits at
thirty three per cent.
Call and examine my goods and you will
bo suited in quality and prices.
Cattawissa, Nov. ill, 1810.
N. B. No credit gavo for longer time
than three months.
AS just received from Philadelphia, and open
ed nt her
next door to A. Ilardey's end nearly opposite
Messrs. Rupert & Barton's, a largo assortment
Silk and Slraiv Bonnets, Bonnet Silks
and trimings, Ribbons of all kinds,
Ladies Gloves, Mils, Handker
chiefs, Shawls and Stock
ings, Braids, Cords, La
dies and Childrens
Shoes, Boys Caps
J-c. j-c.
which will bo offered to her friends and tho public,
at rcasonablo pricra, for cash or produce,
Blotubur(;, NoV. 14, 1810,