tru:..jff.fti DR. LEIDY'S SAIISAPA111LLA BLOOD PILLS UIOl'LD receive a preference over all Tills now ) in existence: first Because they are composed of Veeelablo rxlrncli, free from minerals! and mny Iks token at nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, temperate living, a fear of taking cold. Second Because they are composed nf such medicinal extracts, as have been employed by all the most celebrated and respectable Physicians for more than a century past, in putifying the lllood iuiu xkiuuiiii iiuiu oi me uouy. Third Because they may be employed as a hiild or etive purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will not bo attended with Sjipingof the bowels, sickness at the stomach, prostration of the system, &c, as are produced by other pills. Fourth Because they possess a combined action, not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. Their first effect is in correcting all impurities with which the blood and fluids of tho body may bo afT-ctcd, and by their gently opera tive effect, removing such impurities from the sys tem. Fifth Because they are the terror of Quacks and Impostcrs, for most persons are obliged to take ihe Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and destructive nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischicvons and baneful effects. Sixth Because they are tho only pills in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mercural. Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative and purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and last But not tho least important, be because they aro prepared by a regular Apothe cary and Fliysici.m, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor nier, Chapman, Lewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxe, Hare, &c, &c , which alone is fculiicicnt to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany tho directions around ach box. yepPrict Twenty Five Cents a BoxJl Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LBIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second St., a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert St Co., North Third street above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Red Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do W. Ebcrman Litis. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozer, Allcntown. P. Pomp, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugists in tho Uniied States. Far Bale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. COMMUNICATION. How few they are that happen to be afflicted with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from iiufch neglect shorten their days, and hasten tneir h nil dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form tho foundation for Oonsump iion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own children to the grave, having died from some affections of tho Brcat and Lungs, whicli wcae neg lected in their first stages. Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and not suffered to continue any length of time, for the Lungs once affecled.disease soon makes rapid strides, ending in tho mostfatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Dn. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PUESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or 'Side, all affection of tho Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is the most popular medicine used throughout all Ger many is becoming equally popular in the United States, and has established for itself a reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the samo class ot diseases. (See certlhcatca ana recommen dations from Parents Pbysician.1, and others, accom nanins the directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to tho taste, and may be (riven to the voumrcst infinU It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar ation of a rciular Anothccarv and Physician, allcs- lodby Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Dewees, Coxe, James, &c. a. circumstance alono sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. II. Lcidy, Proprietor of .the abovo mcdi ime, confidently recommends it to all, and assures ell moot positively that it is on invaluable medicine and would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. Prepared only and for saloWholcsale and Retail at Ur.LBIlJy'tS Health Jhnporium, no. iui rsorm Socond street a few doors below Vino street, Fhila- adrlphia also, sold by J. Gilgert & Co., North Thi-d street above Vino G. S Clemens, do 3d do do Wooc' st J. Jt. Smith & Co. do 2d do next ho Kcd Lion, and by oil respectabla WholcaloJ tnnd retail uruggistsin rnuaueipiiia. They aro sold by: J, F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; J.W.Rohrer, do do. W. Ebcrman Litiz. i J. W. Oakley, Reading. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg fry U. 8. TOBIAS, Agent LIVERY AND S3 E&E rERY respectfully informs his friends and the nublie. that ho has alwavson hand, at tho L: very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purpose of Ilrrij, or Exchange, a variety ot Horses, Sulkies, 3igs, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness fo the accommodation of customers. He has also made arrangements for carrying pai miners from Bloomsburg to Muncy, and from Dlnomsburir to Buckalews on tho Owego turnnik ' Loaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday at 7 o'clock in tho morning and arrive at Muncy tbo same evrninrr. Leave Muncy every Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg the same evening. Leaves Bloomsburg every Wednesday morning for Buckalews and return the same day. Personal application can he made at his residence. when every means wiu ue useu to renuercuiiro nai .... . J .i ' -i.f ii suction 10 U101B who may give mm u tun. NOAH S, PRENTIS. DlooraMrg, Mreb.28, 1810. iS. 1? ' THE RESURRECTION" OR, PKBS I'A PILLS. nrsnion to TliEHttiEAJf.BnANBr.Tii'sEvAN Idiax FcnnATiyi, tho Matchless fpricedi Sasativk, or any other pills or compound before me purine, as ccrtiiicil to by Physicians and olhcrs Let none condemn them until they have tried them, and then we are certain they will not. It is now a settled point with all who have used the Vegetable Persian Pills that they aro pic-cmi- hcntly the best and most efficacious Family Medi cine mat nas yet been used in America. It every family could becorrio acquainted with their Soicr cign power over disease, they would keep llicm ond be prepared with a sutc remedy to apply on tho firs appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided and monoy saved, as well as the lives oi thousands who are hurried out of tune by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not-being in possession of a remedy which they can place de- pcnucncc upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. The name of these pills orginated from the cir cumstance q the medicine being found only in the cemetaries of l'ersia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a ecu tury it became an established medicine for the dis eases of that country. The extract of this singu lar production was introduced into snmo parts of Eu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth er medicine has been Used in vain. Early in the year 1792, tho extract was combined with a certain vcgctablo medicine imported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into Pills, The admir able effect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led physiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of the system, are such as will sustain their re putation and general U6e in the American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I-havc, by way ot experiment, used the Hygean, and most of tho various kinds of Pills, in my practice, which have borne tho highest repute in tho public estimation, that havo been offered for sale in this vicinity for tho last five yeais, including thoso called tho Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and the public may rest assured that none among tho wholo catalogue has answered a better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. ClIAItLES Backcs, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 81, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chase & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or Persian .'ills, upon those about to become mothers, we were induced to make a trial of them. My wifo was at that time tho mother of fivo children, and had suffcicd the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each. She had tried every means and tuken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking tho J'crsian 7'ills about threo months beforo her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a abort time she was enabled by theii uso to attend to tho cares of a mother to hor family until her con finement. At tho timo sho commenced tuking tho ersian Pills, and for several weeks pi evious, she as afflicted with a dy hard cough, and frequent scveio cramps, whicli the uso of the Pills entirely removed belorc using halt a hox. It is with the greatest confidence that we advise all those about to become mothers to make uso ot the reman 1 ills. All thoso that havo taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in the same easy manner, and aro about the house In a lew days. 1 hero docs not appear to bo half the danger of oth-r dangers setting in alter conunement, where tnese rills are taken. Wo unitedly' say.lct none neglect taking them, for they are in the reach ot the poor as well hs the rich We are truly thanKiui mat tnerc 13 a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen tho world of suucnng, which many of them havo to bear, and perhaps save the lives of thousands which, would otherwiso lie lost, Rochester, May 14, 1838: corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars sec subscribers. S. RonEiiTs, . . Axx 0. Ruuerts RocursTEii, Sept. 24, 183C, Messrs. E. Chase Co, I think it my duty to let you know what a great cure your Pills havo performed on me I had been sick about 7 years aoout years ana a halt con fined to my bed. 1 had been given over as incu rable, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first standing; my lungs were serioiibly affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and brcuk; my cough was dry and harsh most ot the time; my liver was much swollen and my stomach very dyspeptic. 1 had chills, fever, and nisht sweat, accompanied with cxtiemeirnta blcncss of the nervous system, and oilier difficulties which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advertised but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began lo gain in a tAwf. timo after I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, beforo I took 3 boxes, I was able lo tide out and to take con siderablo exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good health, mid on able to do good day's wotk. If any noe wishes a more particular history ot my sutler- nigs, he may call on me, at the corner of Alain am Ulintoii-streets, iiochestcr. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Ounjm Tho undersigned hereby certify, that we are the Parents of two children who have uceti afflicted with fits more or less from their infun cy,and that wo havo spared no pains or expense in endeavoring to ellect a cure, hut without any bene ficial effect, until hearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian Pills, when four boxes wcro immediately procuted, and before three boxes wero taken, the fit had abated in frequency, and eveiy sym- lorn much improved, and now wo aro happy to state that our childjen by the uso of the Persian Pills, with tho blessing of God, are entirely cured, and havo no symtorn orappcaranco of fits, will find n tho Persian Pills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN &. MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. The above pills may be had of the following a gents John Moyer, Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Bcr wick; J. Cooper fc Sons, Hazelton; C. Hortman Espeytown; John Sharplcss, Cattawissa; Lyman Wholes, Danville, ' "Ezra Taylor, agent for :he Stalo of Pennsylva nia.residing at Rochester N. Y, to whom all orders au be addrwJ, KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE , DR. JOSEPH rRIESTLEl J'ETERS, Celebrated Vegetable Anlibilious Pith, Are effectini some of the most astonishing an d wonderful cures that have ever been kiown. Tho town and county are filled with their pioiec. The Pulaee and i'oor house alike echo wllh uicir vir- tucs. In all climates t'tey still retain their wonder ful viitucs. Eexlract from t letter written by Dr. Francis Sogart, oj I'rovtaence, a. i. Dec. 7, 1838. " J'cicrs' Pills are an excellent opciiment and cathartic, medicine,' thoso effects being produced by the difference of the quantity taken, and arc deci dedlo superior to Lee's, Brandrcth's Morrison's pills!" Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ban gor, Maine, Jan. v, lode). " They are a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purga- tivo medicine; and produce little, if any griping of nausea. I have prescribed them with much success in sick headaches and slight billious fevers." Extract from a letter bu Dr. Joseph IViU -f n....i i .- I'. T..t.. n iiams, oj jiiiTimgnam, ri. uiy v, 1837. ' " I cordially'tccommed Peter's Peters' Pills as a mildly effective, andjn no case dartjtcrous family medicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digestive organs." Exlrat of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith, of Montreal, U. U., Sept. 20 1830. "I never knew a single patent medicine that I could put the slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters' v egetable Pills, which arc really a valuablo discov ery. 1 have no hesitation in having it known that I uso them extensively in my practice, lor all com plaints, (and they arc not a few,) which have their source in tho impurity of the blood." Extract of a letter from Dr. Pye, of Que bec, L.. V. Marcll 0, 1837. " For billious fevers, sick headache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of spleen, Dr. Peters' Pills aro an excellent medicine." Extract of a letter from Dr. Ourney, of lcw uneans, i.a. uct. u, 1837. " I have received much assistance in mv practico especially in jaund ce and yollow fever from the use of Peters' Pills. I presume, that on an av erage, 1 prescribe a hundred boxes a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of uaivcston, Jcxas, Jlprus, 1838. " They are certainly nn excellent general family medicine, and theio is no quackery about them." Extract of n letter from Dr. i'ritchard, of Hudson, IS. i . Juno 3, 1830. "I was aware that Dr. Peters was one of tho best chemists in tho United Stales, and felt assured that he would somo day (from his intimate knowlecge of tho propcities of herb3 and drugs produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge thnl his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. Tlicy arc indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the chemist the physician and me pmwsopncr. Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs, of Philadel phia, Feb, 2, 1838. ' Your pills arc tho mildet in thoir operations, nd yet mot powerful in thi-ir effects, of inv that I have ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle and hence on the impurities of the blood, is evidently very sur prising." Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1830. " I am in the daily habit of prescribing them (Pclers 1 ills) and they in nearly all casas, answer ed my purpose. I have discarded other meditines, somo of Micni very good ones, in their favor. Extract from an address delived on the evening of the 14 A May, 1837, before tic iiedical Jioara at JSevi l orlc, by Dr. Emerson. See iVew York Medical Beprrls,for 1837. " As a body I know that wo have tct oui faco a gainst the generality of patent medicines, and expe rience has taught us that the groat bulk of them are mero catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to make an honorable exception in favor of tbo vego- table Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer and citucn, Dr. Joseph Priestley Peters, of wh:ch, (in consequence ol their pecuhcrly nutritions action on the blood,) 1, and scycral members of this lion prable Society, are ardent patrons.'' This friendly allusion to the Vegetable Pills was received with a warm round of aplauso by all tho members present, A ticsh supply ot the valuable I'lllsiust received by John R. Moyer, and D. S. Tobias, Bloomsburg, ana wiuium uiuoie, uanviuc. (Price 25 ctutt ptr Bax.) October 31.181P. Dyspepsia! .Dyspepsia HSIHAT troubjesome and peace-destroying dis- jj ease, j no usanos and tens ot thousands suf fer from that common and distressing complaint. DysprpuaU fi cquently caused by overloading or uiiienuing inesiQjnacn tiy exceiiire euling or drink ing inuigeistiuioanu acrid substances taken ntn tho stomach, or from long continued constipation of uio uoweis, a seuentary uie.tear, gnet, anxiety, a co, pious draft of cold water, drastic miraative medL c'taes, dj scntery, miscarriages, intermittent and spas- uiuuic uuccuons oi mo stomacn and bowels, irregu lar meals, late hours, and too frequent use of spiri tuous liquors. The symptoms of Dtisnemia may be described as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and sometimes bilwusvumiting, sudden and transient distensions of tho 6tomach after eat ing, acid and putiescentcructions, water brash, pain in tho region of thestomach.costivcness.palpitaiion oi uib neait, uizzniess Rim dimness or the tight, dis turbcb rost, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency, spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowness of comploxion, great oppression aflrr eating, languor uiiu s-erdi oeuuiiy, sick iieau-acne, 6CC. CURE At the head of all remedies stnnda TJr. Harlith's Compound Strengthening Tonic and vcriiian sipeneni i ins, wnicu act greatly upon tho ,( uiiihii; uiuiiuii ui iuu inicsuncs, uiercby produc ing regularity of the bowels, at tho same time im. proving tho functions of tho dcbiliated organs, thus mi Igoratins; ond restoring tho digestive organs to a healthy action. This medicine seldom falls in pro ducing relief. Full and explicit directions accompany tho above medicine. Lik?wiso n pamphlet which describes diseases, the manner of treating, etc. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. THE Subscribers respectfully announce lo their friends and tho public generally, that they have received and aio now open ing, a splendid and extensive assortment of Fall & Winter Goods, which with a stock on hand, embraces a variety of seasonable Merchandize for the accommodation of town and County. In the Dry Good line, they have all the rarielies of course, fine and supotfine Cloths, Casimers, Satinelts, Mcrinoes, Silks Cal icoes, Taghom, (anew article,) Mari na, Chincllc and various other kinds of Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Limns, DIous elinede Lain,Muslins, Vcslings, Stocks, Umbrellas, Lady's Bonnets, Bonnet Silks, Trimmings; Fur, Cloth and Seal skin Caps; Boots and Shoes, Socks, fyc. eye. iyc. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP 32,(B3iiBnSS AND LIQUORS, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Molasses, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, fcc. Ac. assorted in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin Ware, Uctlar Ware; CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, Crockery-Ware, Salt, Fish, Oils, Bye Stuffs, Paints, t?c. fyc. iyc. ami almost every other article that can be called for in a country store all of which having been carefully selected and obtained at the lowest prices, will be offered at small profits in exchange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg, Oct.jJ, 1840. 23 lf MORE POSITIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Dr. Ifarlich's Compound wl' n.wuii: urn ucimut jncnzHl Pills. Ar.LnaitANV, Jan. 8, 18-10. To Dr. HnillrVn AcraritKlr ! I tvltli m tnt for the benefit of those who may 'bo afllictcdVlliat Dr. Haiilicii's Pills havo entirely cured mo of Dyspcpiia, of whicli I have been afflicted for ma ny years. I used both kinds, tho Aperient and Strengthening, and I am constrained lo say, that thoy are a valuable discovery, and act upon the sys tem mildly, but very effectually. I found tho Tonic Pills to quicken tho circulation and cause a deter mination to the surface, and to etrcngihcn tho weak stomach and increase its powers. The Aperient Pills are iho best cathartic I ever used. I am con fidei t all Dyspeptics would do well to make imme diate trial and bo relieved. Any ono can coll at my houso and bo satificd of the above at pleasure. DAVID 1!. POPE. N. B. The orifflnal certificates mav bo seen at tho office of tho " Spirit of the Times." For sale at No. 10, North EIGHTH STRI3E. DVING AND WEAVING. THE Subscriber resnne.tfullv infm-m 1,! friends and the public in general, that he nas now maKing a patent machine for Wcav inor Coverlids, of E. Milnv & fin's, invort. tion, which he intends to erect about the 15th October, in Nescopeck Luzerne coun ty, opposite to Mr.- Peck's Tn he will carrv on the AND CJlIiPET A COVEHMO M.TVIAO in all its various branches. Coverlids wove without a seam in tho middle. Persons at a distance. wishing natnnt nr , - o vuitllliuil UUI" crlius wove can send their yarn by slao or 1 1 ' - . I . T. . . uiuurwisu, cmicr to uerwicK, Uolumbia county, or to Nescopeck, Luzerne county, directed to the subscriber. By strict attention to his business, and his desire to please his customers, ho hopes to receive a liberal share of public patron ago. Having been engaged in the dving and weaving business for a number of years, he assures the public, that the work cntrus ted to him. shall he dnnn in tb nn.i ble manner, and ho flatters himself that he snail be able to give general satisfaction. Patent Coverlids mailn hv n.rmn. ...i ing twenty cuts double white woollen yarn", the subscriber dying the yarn, finding the cotton yarn, and weaving one Coverlid for FIVE DOLLARS. For the accnmmnrintlnn nT nn.i.... yarn will bo taken at, and the work return- cu tu uib loiiowing piaces: Jacob Drum heller's store, Conningham, Luzerno conn IV, John Slmrnlcss and Cn'n. stnri Hniu wissa, Georgo Shuman's store, near Catta wissa rurnacc, u.o. lowas store, Hlooms- uurg, anu joun uoveuiioven'a store Orange villc, Columbia county, Persons xenil varn will nleasn noml ..-!. ten directions, what colors tho woolen yarn 0 IU UUi Tho subscriber finds all kinds of carnet viiuiiu uftimiin uuujJalAK Nescopeck, Oct. 3, 810. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE, ", And the Ladies' and Gentleman's If'orlJ of Literature and Fashion The t'aktl and the Gentleman's tint ted, A Mew Volume, under tho ubovo title, of thd well established and fashionabia Magazine; the Philadelphia Casket 'in conjunction wilh ils Gentleman's Magazine, Which has been every wherd pronounced the most readable and popular of the day, will bo opened on tho first day of January) 1841, wilh an airuy of contributors secured by th) union, of talent and fame, which no periodical in llin rnnnfrv ran linnet nr lirrlpnd In rivnl. rPltrt11k. , i - - " lCI cembcr number will, however, bo a specimen of tho ncv volume. Tho volume will bo opened wilh new find lipniitifnt fvnp. llin finpfttwhltn nni, an.l ...!.t. the first of a scries of embellishments unsurpassed y any wnicu navo yet appeared ninny Magazine 'lln Rfvln nff lprmnrp. flip hpnntv nml f'micli nfl. ...... v.-v.. - o t -j -...- v. mcsu illustrations, and tho extensive improvements which ...!n I. - , ;. . t win us niauc, us lypogropmcai oppestahee, and nhnvn nil (tin Innn it. lilOrnrv ,lnn irlir,nt I brilliant array of contributor s, whoso articles havd character second to no Magazine in the Union. r t'hp pburnrtpr nf thp nrliplpa ivliiplt cT.nH n.,. its pages, will bo equally removed from n sickly sen timpn! -llirt' nml frnm nn nlTpptatini. nf mn.nlit., 1.... while a true delineation of human nature in every variety oi passiun isaimcu ai, noiiuugsuail Ue lound in its pages to cause a blush upon the check of ilia most pure. I lie Liicrrry Character will be sufficiently guar antccd bvthe renutation of both Mummm-n time nitcd, for years past. Writersof tlio first rank havo beeu regular contributors to their pages, and tho tales and sketches unhlifchpil In tlipm htva I..- widely copied and lead, and the firm and independ. cut tone of the criticisms, upon the current litera ture of the day, has been everywhere approved and commended. The List of contributors embraces tho names of most of iho principal writers in America, with a re spectable number of English authors. Original ar- lirlpa hnVp tinnpnrp.1 rtitrtnrr fln tnel r . I pens of the following: Professors Ingraliam, Frost, N. C. Brooks, C.F. Winds, Captain Marryatt, Hon. ji. ji . oQiirau, jiionon nioncnaei, Willis Uaylord Clarke, Esq. Charles J. Peterson IJov. Thomas H. Stockton. Samuel W. Slnrtlnn. K. Arm.frn i,'. General G. P. Morris, Leigh Hunt, England, Mrs. Fanny Kemble fuller, Park Benjamin, Douglas Jerrnld, England, Joseph C. Neal, Jnmc F. Otis. 1, u tn:-. n...i- , ... ..... 1 ii. a. uiuui.aviu iiuiiman, Dunnes west Thomp son, Judge Trcmper, John Du Sollc, Esq. P, B. El der, Grenvillo Mellon, Edgar A. iJoc, T. G. Spear, Mrs. L. Sigourney' Miss Cnlhorino II. Waterman, Airs. Ann Stephens, Bcuson Hill, England, Dr. J. K. Mitrhpll. .Limps Mnnf ... , .......(jv.uv, i llflilllU, 4, tH m Makin and K. Holdcn, J. Beauchainp Jones, J. E. uun, iurs. i.. x-. uueu, m. i nomas JJunn Eng lish. In addition to this brilliant array of hemes known to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a- nonvmOllS wrltprs nf nn nnlinnrtr nIUtlfld 1.n.. -- ..v ...U...H.J KUIIIUVOj null' gU( en worlh and character to tho pages of tho Maga- iuic. mo series oi wen Known nauucjl papers en titled fJrlliyinirin Inn T.nct War un.,n . ' O" ..u., iinic iiuu U IUII, unequalled by any series published in any Magazine iui jvuio. j uuuuiuor promises 10 open n new se ries of Talcs nf llin Spi. anil frnm hia U., 1.:i: t j ..n J.MW.TJf UUIH- ties as a depictorof a scenes and life, much mav be relied upon him in maintaining the popularity of the Magazine. Papers may bo expected durlnir the volume also from the author of tho well known articles en.itlcd " Tho Log of Old honsidc." and frnm llin. nntlinr nf iiNvnon T.cttra n. . "jit"" x, x iiu vuiuuuiu aid ol the uulhot ol "Leaves from a Lawyer's Port l.'rtir , i.- i i .. . . - A-""v!,-Ul"1 ,,cc" serurcu anu we mav espect sompflung slill more -iiMming-noiii lrf6 rapacious stores which a Ion? life, in llin mnt,;.,, i..... bled him to umjss. An orcasional Chit Chat will. "Jeremy Short," and" Oliver Oldfcllotv,' is also promised: with a vniielv nf pllnlPP orl!nl..a !m . . j ,,.,.1.11.;, ,i, UJOSC and verso from various wnlers of celcbritv. Tim p.lllnrn f l.plh M.,: .; .i , ' . i i6llcs i.iiuiiiud meir ecriiccs under the new flrninrrpmpnt. Will, -,,i, .. ------a " "i duui uii uiruv of talent, a .Magazine of unrivalled attractions may In comnliance with ilm nlm.i i. of our lady subscribers, wo thall the ensuing vol ume fnrnish them with a 1 of Fashions monthly, a feature, it is believed, that ...ii Ian in, uinvuicoine nor unpopular, Theie fashion nlatcs shall bn ilrim-n fmm .i..: from I ans and T.ondon, and may also be depended wi. u,D (iiuYminij; by ju in j-nnnuaipliia and Niw l oik for the month In nl,IMi tt, : i ihesc, however shall in no wise interfere with the ii-gumr aim cnoice engravings, and music which ac company each number of the work. The splendid Mezzotint engravings fiom tho burin of Sarlain, winch have been justly admired, will ho followed during tho volume by several fiom the samo hand, nuiio mo sirci engravings m tho best of style of tho art, from interesting scenes shall still enrich the i no cnoiccst pieces of music for tho ( lano and Guitar shall accompany each number of the work. TIME OF PUBLICATION. The work will bo published on tho first of every month in every quarler of tho Union, The most distant subscriber ., . w.,.,.,, Ira ii on mat day, as well as those who rcsido in Philadelphia. In ill thn nrmpinnl fUton nn.nn. I , 1 . . - .. .. .w uiji-iiio jime dccii estau- llSllCU. bV Which TUMtl. Gnl.:i.n. 1.. . .1 . ; "mtoiuiwi Jan ouiain tneir copies freo of postage. iKiiMs. three dollars per annum, in tdvanco two conies for fivn ilnllr tvj ' i - i . , suoscnuer re ceived without tho money. For the accommodation nrihAen mlin w.... f . - . . "",',"7""" 10 suuncrihe lor either of the following Philadelpha periodicals, this literal pro posal u made. For five dollars current money free of pos ago we wiM forward Graham's Magazine and Godey s Lady's Book, for one year. Address South wes corner of Chesnut and Third streeh.. Philadelphia, Nov. 1840. Entirely cured by the use of Br. O. P. Jhrhch's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. amcItP,iSf!l,mon WiIso.n! of Chcstcr Co"'y p.., ' WV i"i the above distressing di. mon.hB H ll0,.'ld t0 U80hU crulcl'e" f"r eighteen M l in n(8J'milt0!a,Vrero "xeruciating pain in ank Jn '."P''y i bis hips, shoulders and ta LMhl.iV ; "lIso"'WM tne timo not able West CWtar1 'll,f0r WlI,C,, 1,0 8ent t0 thB "3en' in ieino t l frd 1 TUIC ' 0n usi"5 'h ilr. , In - ay; 1,10 ',am Mppearedand hi. b e lfa .1? u B,fak!' ttnd in d'ree weeks was a for ? .1 bUpi"e6, Wllich 110 "ot done ted he wUbe. 'hSVfr ,he 1,C"tfit of oll' telLri .nihe,?,,,,VPuMi,,,rf ,lM tllcvmay Se! FoVtfa!8,,ne,,Joy iUorltBca ot health Tti"'l HUh Emporium Bloomsburg.