TV following arc the ofllulal results of ihr ''residential election, so far as ascer tained. RESIDENTIAL Nr.w Van Buren, Ilunison. FxncTiON-ornciAL. Hampshire. 31,019 . ' -25,483 maj. 0,430 Total votes, 57,402 CoKNtiCTICUT. Harrison, 31,212 Van Burun, 21.8S0 maj. '0,324 Total votos, 50,100 Harrison, Van Buren, 33.533 28,759- maj.- 1,774 Total votes, 02,292 Harrison, Van Buren, Abolition, Ohio. 148,157 124,781 mnj. 23,375 892 Total votes, 273,831 Pknnsylvania. Harrison, 144,018 - Vac Unrein 143,075 maj. Aboliiion. 343 343 Total vole, 288,030 Harrison, Van Buren, IIhodi: Island. 5,213 3.2G2 maj. 1,950 Curious feat of Spidcrs. Colirier relates a cutious occ The Lowell I a cutious occurrence which recently took p'uco in that city. Mr. Ho land Lyman, a jeweller, left a gold ring with a piece of paper, for a label, lying within t I.ia kh.t.1. 'I'l... .! I. it, uiuu 1119 UkMUII. X 110 IH'Al illuming I1U fouittl that a laWB b aek slider, from the ceiline bvethadi had attached his web to tho paper( and raised that and the ring one inch. In the course of a week he raised it eight inches, lie was then driven away by a small blown spider. Another black one afterwards attached his web to it, and in three days raised it to the height of four teen inches fiom the table, when by some means, the web was broken. Tho weight of tho paper and ring was twelve grains. Motion. Ono Would suppose that mo tion was the most perspective thing in the creation, yet it is not soi A perou on board a ship under way, would not perceive thai she had left the war I', but by looking upon steadfast objects. The motion of the world was not discovered until a lale day: and the blood had traversed ihu veins of the 'human species for nearly six thousand years bclorc it was known that it surredi IMPORTANT FROM CANTON. The ship Ann McKim.ftom Ganton June 25th, arrived at this port yesterday, but from sonme cause we did not receive our papers. We havo verbal intelligence that the British squadron, having 50U0 troops on board, was about to blockade the port of Canton, while the remainder had gono on to tho Yellow Sea, intending to reach Pekin. The blockade, we are informed, was to put in force on the 28th of June. N. Y. New Era. Total votes, 8,470 Massachusetts. Harrison, 71,128 Van Buren, 55,320 inaj. 15,808 Total votes, 120,448 Ilmison, Vnn Buren, Total votes, Vermont. 32,445 18,009- 50,451 - New Jersey. Harrison, 33,351 Van Buren, 31,031- -rnaj. 14.436 -maj. 2,317 Total votes, 04.485 New Yomc Harrison, Van Buren, Aboliiion, 225,812 812.510 maj. 13,203 2,40!) Total votes, 410,791 Ilmison, Van Buren, Harrison, Van Duron, Abolition, ' Delawahe. 5,907 4,874- maj. 1,093 10,811 Maine. 40,012 "40,201 maj. 411 191 Total votes, 93,009 Harrison, Van Buren, Total votes, GnonaiA. 40,349 . 31,989 maj, 8.320 Harrison, Van Buren, Kentucky. . 58,489 32,010 maj. 25,873 Total votes, 91,105 Tnc names of several gentlemen have . been mentioned by the Federal newspapers in different portions of tho Slate, as their candidate for tho next Governor, viz: Hon. Tho. M.T. MeKcnnon, Harmar Denny; Walter Foiward, Richard Biddle,Amos Ell maker, John Strohin, Charles Naylor, Ner Middleawarth, Nathaniel P. Ilobatt.Joseph Lawrence, George W. Tolaud, Charles Ogle; and Henry Snyder. THE TROUBLES COMMENCED ! The disturbances in the wigwam have already commenced and ihe old General, according to ihe last accounts, had been worked up into a pet, by the innumerable petitions which had been coming in from Ids constituents, who aided in. placing him into the presidential chairand who, out of respect, for him and his station, are now ready lo destroy his comfort even bufnro he has entered upon the duties of his office, by demanding of him their share of thespuils, and requiting him to act in accordance with their bargain, Fusion Sent. Sudden Death From the MaucJi Chunk Courier of Saturday last, we learn that si man named Rich, residing in Co. uynglmm, Lnz'rno cnnniy, in tills Slate, formerly of Philadelphia,' waa found lying on his back, dead, at the foot of a rockiwiih the stopper of his powder horn in his mnulh, a gun lyiui under him, am! his clothes completely burnt off, '.'It suppos ed that soveral liuokshotaiui ihe wild pusscd trough his body. Compulsory Education. In PrUissia, tho parent who keeps his child from school between the ages ot seven and lourtcen, is by law punishable by a tine ol Ou. per waek, or, it he refuse to pay it, by impris omncnt. 1 his law is strictly cnlurccd in some of the towns. The two puppies. Zijica on a Dog's collar. Steal me not ! Myself and collar, Both are barely worth a dollar, Puppies should befriend each oilier, See me home then dearest brother. Advice. Be extremely sareful lo mind two things iu this beautiful world; 1st. Your own business, 2nd. Let other people's alono. Cantankerous Infants. A boxing match took plate a short tuna since, in lMiglami between two old men, one 75 and the ovher 78 years of age. Young children you should never lot Your angry passions rise, Vonr liltlx lunula wire nevet made To tear eacli oilieis eyes." The Lexington Intelligencer of the 14th elates that the corn crop of Kentucky this year is unusually large, and will peihaps surpass any that lias ever before been pro duced in ihe Slate. JJrownea uut. A man shot near one hundred musk rats yesterday at high water, along the embankment of a meadow, sever al miles below the citv. A good and vain able days work each skins being worth twenty cents. 1 al. uaz. Tho Richmond Star stales that tho young man who was with tho assassin of Profes sor Davis, has confessed the whole matter The perpelrelor is said to be very wealthy and highly connected m South Carolina. His name is not given. The ladies of Norwich, Conn., arc hold ing meeting, and taking active Measures for the building of a monument to Uncus, the last hero of the .Mohicans. Remedy for a Fit of Passion. Walk out in the open air; you may speak your mind to the wind without hurting any one, or proclaiming yourself a simpleton. A gentleman in Alabama gets his boots blacked ready for every, by inakiuv his negro wear them every Satutday. Sam bo is so bUek the shine strikes through I Good. Tho wife of William Bell, Esq. P. M. at Fontana, Walworth Oo. Wiscon sin, in 31 months, has given birth to four fit children ot the leal Durham breed; all democrats. Virginia Slate Dcbt.-Tha Norfolk Beacon slates that the public debt of the Slate of Virginia at the present time is $0 500,000, exclusive of loans authorized fur works of interna! improvement amounting to S3, 442, 120, Total debt, $9,042, 130. Illinois Coal, A boat load of coal arriv al St. Louis on the 12ih from the mines of E. W. Risque, Esq., in Calhoun county, HI. Melancholly Suicikt. Tho New York Journals stale that Nathaniel Prime, Esq. lale of ihe firm of Prime, Ward Si King, Bankers, committed suieido on Thursday, 20 till, by culling his throat with a razor. He was about seventy-four years of agp, and the possessor of an ample fortune. As no cause can be discovered for tho commis sion of the act, it is supposed that the de ceased was (einporarily deranged. "Intelligence has reached Aus'in that a nothcr revolution has occurred iu the city of Movico that Gomez Ferias is in tho Presidential chair, and Bustamente, tho redeposed, is al the head of two thousand men some lepgues from the capital." On Sunday last week, seven prisoners made their escape from the jail at Syracuse, N. York. Two have since been caught. Tho five still at larger are Aaron Wadkins, (negro) Geo. Schuyler, (negro) Chatles Blood, Martin Bcddington, and James II. Sims. The Sheriff has offered a reward df ono hundred dollars for their apprehen sion, or twenty-fivo dollars for cither of them. Southern Boundary. Tho boundary line between the United States and Texas, when established it is said will leave Mil ler county, Arkansas, wholly within tha lim its ol Texas. North Carolina Senators. Tho Hon. Willie Maugum and William A. Graham. have been ele ted to the U. S. Senate by the Legislatuie of North Carolina, in place ot Messrs. mown anu Estrange, resigned. Savs John Taylor Place the democracy on the one side aud the nobility ou the oth er; engage them in hostilities, and view tho combat; let tho warfare bo tnbral orphvsical still it would be like of a combat bj- tween a univeisu and an atom, ARREST. Alexander McLcod ofQuccnslon U. C was arrested ou 1 hursdav last week at Lcwision,upon a charge of having been en gaged in the Caroline uutiagc on the night ol Uecemuer 2U lbJ7, A largo number witnesses have been called, among othcis Capl. Appleby, ihe commander of the ves set. 1 he examination is still front!! ou. Another Suicide. Richard Childs.Eeo a gentleman of highly respectable stundini in Boston, committed suicide, by cutting his throat, on Saturday morning last. N cause U given for committing tho act. Tho Hon. Henry A. Muhlenberg, Min ister Plenipotentiary of the Uhited Slates. to the Court ol Vienna, arrived in Philadel phia on Monday last. NEWSPAPERS AT IIAIllllSlJUJlG. Tho llarriiburg papers have issued their annual proposals for furnishing their sheets to all who may be desirous of possessing themselves of a news paper printed at the Capitol of the state. Not having room to publish their prospectus at large, we havo copied below their terms. Tho Reporter, Keystone, and State Capitol Gazelle, aic Democratic, and the Intelligencer, federal. TERMS OF THE REPORTER. For the session, twice a week, iu ad vance, $2,00 For the whole ycarj ' 3,00 Any person forwarding nvij session sub scribers, and the money, shall havo a sixth copy for his trouble. W. D BOAS. MARRIED At Berwick on Thursday last, fcy the Rv. I. Bahl, Mr. PETER HAGENBUCil.of Bloom township, to Miss JULIA LAN DB ACK, of Briar creek On Thursday of last week, by the Rev I. Bahl, Mi. SAMUEL COWER, to Miss SUSAN RIGHT, both of Briar creek In Danville, on Thursday of last the Rev. Mr. Eyer, Mr WASHINGTON HARDER, of Caitawissa, to Miss MARY daughter of Mr. Martin M'Alister of Dan ville. ln 1-airniount tivn-nshra J.uzcrne co. on Thursday ihe 20ih Nov. last by the Re Geo. C. Drake, Mr. EZ12KIEL ItjtlNl ot SUg;lt!oal,"CoI. eo to Miss ANNA daughter of Mr. Michael Thouus of tho former township. TERMS OF THE KEYSTONE. During the session semi-weekly 2 00 Vor the yeear 3 00 Any person forwarding us S2.00 shall te ccivo thu Keystone from the time of sub scribing to the close of the session or six opics will bo scut lo any one office for $10 00. All Post Masters are invited to act as a gents for the Keystone, in receiving subscri icrs and rcmiiing money lo us; and any one signifying his willingness lo act as such, shall receive a list uf our subscribers in His town and neighborhood, with our terms of agency. BARRET & PARKE. Hanisbnrg, Nov. 18, 1840. TERMS OP THE STATE CAPITOL GA ZETTE. I he State Capitol Gazelle will be pub liahed twice a week during the sittings of ihe Legislature, and once a week for the 10 mainder of the year, at the following pri ces : The session only, (twice a week,) S2 00 The whole year, 3 00 Postmasters and others friendly to the Democratic catiEO, are respectfully reques ted lo leceive subscriptions to this paper. Any person procuring us live good subscri bers, shall be entitled to the sixth copy gratis; or any person procuring five good subscribers and forwarding $10 frco of pos tajro shall be entitled to tho remainder for his trouble, aud in the same proportion for a larger number. HENLOCK & BRATTON. DIED On Monday evening last sud denly, Mr. CALEB FOWLER, of Briar creek, aged about 20 years. THE undersigned having purchased tho Book-Binding established in Milion, in forms the publis that he is now prepared to do all kindy of Binding in the cheapest and most substantial manner. BILAWM. BSJGS&S ' Of all descriptions will be done lo ordot at the shortest notice. All kinds of country produce will be la-' kau in exchange for work. H. L. DIEFFNBACII. Milion, Dee. 5, 1840- 32- THE subscriber would respectfully in form his customers and the public goner ally, that he has just received from Now York: Plates of Fashions and drafts for cutting garments, by which he is enabled to cat in the newest fisliions not only ol New York, but of London; and make up in thu fust stile for Autumn and Winter wear. Tho Subscriber returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits n continuance, promising on his part, every exertion to render general satis faction. BARNARD RUPERT. Bloimsburg; Nov. 28, 1840. . 3o So HieiilSa 9 INFORMS Iiis friends and customers that he ho just received tho latobt FAI.L.& WINTER FASHTOKS, from PHILADELPHIA, and is now prepared to do work in tho most fathionalle style, and iu a work manliko manner, at short notice. Ho thanks his friemU for former f&vprs, and solicits, a coniinunnco of their custom, liloauishurs, Oct. 31, S7tf. sirs, ii iiowitiAif iS jut received from Philadelphia, and opeftt cd at lltt SSISW 3J1 ASSY'S dZftDRtSg next door to A. llardcv's mid ncarlv onnofcile AtOMM. Rupert & Barton's, a largo assottmcnt of Silk and Straw Bonnets, Bonncl Silht and trimings, Uibbons of all kinds, Ladies Olovesi Mils, handker chiefs, Shawls and Stock ings, Braids, Cords, La dies and Child rent Shoes, Bois Caps be. A-c. which wili ho offered to her friends and tho public) at rcaioriahks prices, for cash or f reduce. UluouiBburr;, .Nov. 14, 1840. THE'Suhsfcribcr has just received A NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORT MENT OF GOODS, suitable to the season, such as Dry Goods, Groctries, Liqiiors, Hard ware, Qucensware, Shoes, Bonnets, Fine Cloth, NcU and Hair Seal Caps, yc. ij-c. all of which will be offered for sale litlld lower than ever has been sold in this zawu try for cash only or exchange for country produce. The Subscriber having a long Oxperiefico in business is convinced that it will be much to the puichascrs advantage, as well as thrj Merchants.lo sell for PROMPT PAY and LOW PROFITS, thereby turning the profits twice a year at 12J per cent. Is beU tor than ono turn and three year credits at thirty three per cents Call and examine my goods and yotl wilt be suited in quality and prices. THEODORE WELLS. Caitawissa, Nov. 21, 1840. N. B. No credit gave for longer limd than three months. $3 2 TERMS OF THE DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY J'ENK SVLVANIA INTET.LICJ ENUER During ihe ensuing session of the Legis lature, the Pennsylvania Intelligencer vill be published Daily and Semi-Weekly, on .-the follow n terms : Daily during the session Semi-Weekly do. Daily during the session aul semi weekly during the remainder of Ihe year, per annum, Semi-weekly during tho session and weekly during the remainder of the year, per annum, The Daily papar will be published on a sheet sufficiently largo to contain full reports of the doing of both branches of the Legisla ture, sketches of Congressional proceedings and the general news of the times, togeth er with miscellaneous articles on a variety of subjects. The Semi-weekly paper wili be publish ed on a sheet of double-medium size, and will contain as much reading matter as any paper ever published in Ilarrisburg. 4 00 3 00 BIANUFAOTOIRY. TTE Subscriber would rospcctfully informs Ids friends and tho public generally, that ho con tinues to car7 on the business of luanufactuiin;; CSSMtSS AIE SJEHEES, of almost every variety of pattern rind finish; anil that he will allcnd to turning any article in wood that nuy bo ordered. Ho will also attend to II 311313 & ORNAflfET ALi in all their hranchos; and ropectfully,6olicits a con tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar ket street, nearly opposite tho Printing oflico o f tho Columbia County Register finiliing tshop on tho main street nearly opposite Gcorgo Wcnver'u store. 11KNIAMIN HAGENBUCH. Eloomsburg September 19, 1810, CURE YOUR COUGH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. REMEMBER, delays aro danger ous. Thousand dioannuallyfiom thatolreailfuldi eaa CONSUMPTION, which mis ht have been checked at tho commencement, and disappointed of its prey, u proper means had been reeoi teU to. t In very many who havo thus been snatched from tha' fatal ravager, by tho timely jisn of Dr. SVVAVNBS COMPOUND OF WI.U) OHERRV, hear tcstamony to this day, annojucing tho cure, tho wonderful euros, performed by the use of this invaluable medxiuc. For salo at Tobias1 Health Emporium Bhonuburg. Nov. 7, 1810. 'J8, THE PRINTER WANTS A FEW BUSHELS OF Whcatj Sttckwhcal & Corn, AND A FEW LOADS OF, A few Bushels of POTATOES wohhi also be received' NOTICE TD ASSESSORS. THE Assessors of tho different town ships are requested to meet the Commis sioners at their offico in Danville, on Mon day the 7th day of December to fix on soma uniform standard for the valuation of proper ty and to receive the prccepls previous to the triennial a;ecs3meut. JOHN DEITERICH, JOHN M'HENEY, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Commissioners. ' Commissioner's Oflico 7 Danville, Nov. 19, 1840. 5 WILL also be received by the Commis sioners for putting a new roof on the Jail Wall, and repairing the fence around the Court House yard, etc. which proposals will he received until ftlonday the 7th of Decem ber, 1840. Specification of the repairs to be made, will bo shown upon application at tile Commissioners Office Danville. JOHN DEITERICH, JOHN M'HENRY, CHRISTIAN WOLF, . Commissioners. Cottmissiouer3 Office ? Danville, Nov. 19, 1840. S DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYHUr OF PEWNlfS VBRGIWIAWA WILD CHBRItY, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting of Blood, Soreness of Throat, Whooping Cough, and all Diseases indicative of CONSUMPTION. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. So it is with those who neglect their COLDS and COUGH. At first you complain ol having a Cold, winch us neglected; after which a sorenm is experienced in tho Bronchia, with a Hacking Cough, and finally' tho disease settles upon the lungs, which tho patient wiH soon perceive by a wasting away of tho body, attended with hectic fevers and spilling up of flor id hluod and matter from ulcers on the lurjgsj.a pain nud weight is also experienced at tho affected part of tho lunpt; the functions of the animal economy grow languid; tho body becomes dry, the eyes sink deep within their cavities; at length the patient pavs too Uclit ot nature, wncn no is nattering Him self with the hopes of a speedy recovery. To ob viiito all those ilistragsing symptoms "Spare no Time" in procuring tho above Invaluable Medicine cll the very commencement of your Cold and mtVfffiiugha whereby your health may bo secured and ttrnc ana monoy saveui TAILORING BUSINESS. E. HOWELL, i) Co. Inform their friends and customers, that they have -removed their shop into the build ing next door to the office of the Columbia Domocrat.uearly opposite St.Paul's Church, Main-street.where they will at all limes bo ready to receive orders for cutting and mak ing all kinds of garments, and they assuro tlie public that all work entrusted to thenn hnllyb(i done iu a fashionable and workman like manner. N. B. Particular. attention paid to cut' ting.- . " ' Blomosburg, Oct. 10, 1810,