DR. LEIDX'S . 8'ARSAPAlllLLA ' BLOOD P1LLH NItOUI-1) receive a preference overall Tills now in existence: fW Because they are composed of Vegetable: ex tract, free from minerals; and may be taken at nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with' out restraint from occupation, tcmpcrato living, a fcur of taking cold. Second Uecauso they ato composed nf such medicinal extracts, ao havo been employed by all the most Celebrated and respectable Physicians for more than a century past, in purifying the Wood I nnd Animal fluid of the body. Third Because they may bo employed as a mild or active purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will not bo attended with griping of the bowels, sickness at the stomach, prostration of the system, &c, as aro produced by other pills. , Fourth Because they possess a combined action, hot possessed by any other pills, rnixtuto or prepar ation whatever. Their first cllcct is in correcting all impurities with which tho blood and fluids of Mio body may bo ulfrctcd, and by their gently opera tive eflect, removing such impurities from tho sys tem. Fifth Mccauso they aro the terror of Quacks and Impostcrs, for most person aro obliged to toko the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vilo and dcstrilc,ivc nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischievous and baneful effects. Sixth Bocauso they arc tho only pilU in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their pructico, as they know they aro Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural, Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgativo and purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and last But not the least important, to because they are prepared by regular Apothe cary and Physician, attested oy Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Lrcwccs, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxe, Hare, &c, &c , which alone is sufficient to 'entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany the directions around each box. $CjPricc Twtnty Five Cents a BoxJi Prepared only nnd sold Wholesale, and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North Second st.,a few doors below Vmo street, Jfhilauci- phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine, U.S. Clemens. do' 3d do do Wood st, J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Red Lion, and nil respectable Wholesalo and Retail Druggist's' in Philadelphia. They aro also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do W. Ebcrman Litiz. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozcr, Allentown. P. PomD. Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugisls in tho Uniied States. Forsalo at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. 8. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1830. IU POMMUNlG VTION. How fewthoy aro that happen to be afflicted with Coughs or Colds pay attention to tlicm. Mow many mousonus i torn such ncilcct shorten their days, and hasten thtiir fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form tho foundation lor Oonsump' tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own children to the grave, having died from some aflections of tho Breat and Lungs, which wiuc neg' lected in their first tacc3. . Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young or old, ought at all times bo attended to early, and not suffered to continue any length of time, for tho Lungs once aiTecled.diseasc soon makes rapid strides, ending in tho most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Drs. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in tho Breast or Sido, all affection of tho Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is the most popular medicine used throughout all Ger many is becoming equally popular in the United States, and has established for itself a reputation not possosscd by any other medicine for the samo class of discasog. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom paning the directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may bo given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, and i a prepar ation of a reeular Anothecary and Physician, audi ted by Drs.- Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Doweos, Coxe, Jamas, &c. n circumstance alone sufficient to induce a. trial of it Dr. N. 13. LciJy, Proprietor of tho abovo mcdi me, confidently recommends it to all, and assures all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine and would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. Prepared only and for saleWholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North Second street a few doors below Vino street, Phil adelphia also, sold by J. Uilgert 6i bo., rvortii Third street auovo vino G. S demons, do 8d do do Wooi1 st J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next theltcd Ltonj'and by all rospectablo Wholesale Jand retail DruggUts in Philadelphia. They are sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W.Rohrer, do do. W. Eberman Litii. J. W. Oakley, Reading. For salo at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. THE RESURtlECTIOJJ OH, PBBSIA.I .P1L1LS. Iirsmon TO TllEHTOBAJf.BnAXnETIl's.EvAS India PuiioatIVjc. tho Matchless (priced) Sawativi, or any other pills or compound before the public, as certified to by Physicians nnd others Let nono condemn them until they havo tried them, and then wo are certain they will not. It is now a settled point with all who have useu tho Vegctablo Persian Pills that they are prc-omj-ncntly tho host and most efficacious Family Medi cine that has yet been used in America, n every family could become acquainted with their Sover eign power over disease, they would keep them and he prepared with a sure remedy to appiy on me urs appearance of disease, and then how much distress would bo avoided and money saved, as well as the lives of thousands who aro hurried out ot time uy neglecting disease in its first stages, or by w&Jjeing in possession of a remedy which they can plate de pendence upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. Tho namo of theso pills orginatcd from tho cir cumstance of tho mcdicino being found only in tho ccmctaries of Persia. This vegctablo production being of a peculiut kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury it becamo an established mcdicino for the dis eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu lar production was introduced into some parts of Eli ropo in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth er mcdicino has been used in vain. Early in the year 1702, the extract wa3 combined with a certain vegctablo medicino imported from Dura Baca, in tho East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir able cfl'ect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led jdiysiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, aro such as will sustain their re putation and general use in tho American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used tho Hygean, and most of tho various kinds ol Pills, in my practice, which have bo'rno the highest repute in tho public estimation, that havo been ollcred lor salo in this vicinity for tho last fivoyeats, including those called tho Resurrection or Persain Pills; and the public may rest assured that none among the whole catalogue ha3 answered e, better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. CiiAitiEs Backus, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837i TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chaso & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of tho Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon thoso about to become mothers, wowCro induced tomako a trial of them. My wife was at that time Iho mother of fivo children, and had suffered the most tcdions and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each, fiho had tried every moans and taken much medicine, but fouiidilittlo or no relief. She commenced taking the Persian Pills about three months before her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a short timo she was enabled by their use to attend to the cares of a mother to hur family until her con finement! At tho timo she commenced taking the Persian Pills, and for several weeks pi cvious, she was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent severo cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with tho groatest confidence that wo advise all those about to becorao mothers to make use of the Persian Pills. All those that have taken them in our neighbor hood havo got along in tho same easy manner, and aro about the house in a few days. There docs not appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, where thoso Pills aro taken. Wo unitedlyl Bay,lct nono npglect taking them, for thoy aro in tho reach of the poor as w til as the rich. Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen tho world of suffering, which many of them hav o to bear, andperhap3 save the lives of thousands Tvhich( would otherwise be lost, Rochester, May H, 183S; corner of Callldonian square, Edinburg street; for" further particulars teo subscribers. . . S. RonEiiT?, ? , Ash 0. Rour.nT3. AND EXCHANGE. rERY respectfully inforuls his friends and the public, tint he has alwayson hand, at tho Li- very Stabje in Bloomsburg, furtho purpose of Hire or uxenange, a variety oi KSoi'ses, Sulkies, Gigs, WAGONS. AND SLEIGHS. which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for the accommouauoii ui customers. He has also made arrangements for carrying pa' wingers from Bloomsburg to Muncy, and from Bloomsburg to Duckalews on the Owego turnpike. Leaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday at 7 o'clock in the morning and arrive at Muncy the tamo evening. Leave Muncy every Saturday rooming at 8 o'clock and arrive st Bloomsburg the w "nine;. leiw.: Ulc.omsburg every Wednesday morning for H" ''-.i nd return the same day. '" i ' lieotirn can be made at his residence, - eaus will be used lo render entire ul 1 " .e who may (jive liim a call. ,OAH b. PiiiiXTW, 'ocrr,L-jr Mtrch?8, 1840, 48. RociiESTsn, Sept. 21, 1G3G. Messrs. E. Chase Go. I think it my duty to let you know what a groat cure your Pills havo performed on me I had been sick about 7 years about " years and a half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the firt standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had U ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. 1 had chills, fever, and night sweat, accompanied with extreme irnta blencss ot tho nervous system, and other diiticulues which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicine's which were advertised, but to no advantage, until I triad your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain iu a short timo after I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, buforo I took J boxes, was able to tide out and to tako con uidcrablo exercise, and'at this timo I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If any noe wishes a more particular history of my suffer ings, he may call on me, at tho corner of Alain and Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS, Fits Coiikii Tho undorsiencd hereby certify that wo are the Parents of two children who havo wson afflicted with fits mora or less from their infcn cy, and that we havo spared no pains or oxiie use in endeavoring to offect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, un(il hearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian tills, when lour boxes were immediately procuied, and before throe boxes wero taken, the (its had abated in Irequency, and oveiy sym torn much improved, and now we are happy to state that our childjeii by the uso of the Persian Pills, with the blessing of God, are entirely cured, and havo no sy intern or appearance of fits, will find n tho rcrsiun rills a sure and perfect euro. JbHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dac 10, 1887. Tho abovo pills may be hsjl of the following a genu. J!:n Moyor, Bloomsburg; II. Miller, Cer wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Haielton; C. Horlnmn bpetown; John Sharpie, Cultawissaj flyman Oholes, iJanvtllc. Ezra Taylor, jgert fur he Stafs of l'ennsylra niu,rcidiog at Koohestw N. Y. to whom ull orders cau be oddrussu. 'KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, j DR. SOSEPII PRIESTLEY PETERS, Ctltbrukd Vegetable Mlibilious Pills, Are offecting , comb of the most astonishing and vonderful euros that have ever uecn nowu. i u town and county are filled with their waisc. j no Palace and Poor houso alike echo with their vir tue. In all climates they Still retain their wonder ful virtues. Eextract from i letter written by Br. Francis aogart, oj rroviuenw, m, Dee. 7, 1839. Peters' Pills are an excellent apciiment and cathartic medicine, those effects being produced by tho differenco of tho quantity taken, and are deci dodlo superior to Lee's, Brandreth's Morrison's pills!" Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ban gor, Maine, Jan. 9, 1839. " They aro a peculiarly mild, yet efficiont purga tivo medicine; and produce little, if any griping of nausea. I have prescribed them with much success in sick headaches and slight billious fevers." Extract from a letter by Dr. Joseph Wil liams, of Burlingham, ft. July 0, 1837. ' " I cordiallyiccommed Peter's Peters' Pills as a mildly effective, and in no caso dangerous family medicine. They aro peculiarly influential in cps- tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digestive organs." Extrat of a letter from Br. Edward Smith, of Montreal, U. C, Sept. 29 1830. "I never knew a single patent medicino that I could put the slightest confidenco in but Dr. Peters' Vcgetablo Pills, which uro really a valuable discov ery. I have no hesitation in having it known that I uso them extensively in my practice, for all com- ... ... . . i u i plaints, and tney are not a lew,; vvnicn nave uieir source in the impurity ot tno oioou. Extract of a letter from Br. Pyc, of Que bee, L. C. March 0, 1837. " For billiotis fevers, sick headachi, torpidity of tho bowels, and enlargement of spleen, Dr. Peters Pills aro an excellent medicine." Extract of a letter from Dr. Qurncy, of JXcw Orleans, Ja. Uct. u, 1837. " I have received much assistance in mv practico especially in jaundce and-yellow fever from the uso ot Peters fills. 1 presume, mat on an av, crogc, I prescribe a hundred boxes a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of Ualvcston, Jexas, Jlpnlt, lbdo. " They aro certainly an excellent genoral family medicine, and there is no quackery about them. Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hudson, N.Y.Juno 3, 1830. " I was awaro that Dr. Peters was one of tho host chemists iu the United States, and felt assured that he would somo day (from his intimate knowlccge of the properties of hcibs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. They aro indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit ahko upon the chemist the physician and the philosopher. Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs, of Philadel' phia, Feb. 2, 1838. 'Your pills aro the mildest in their operations. and yet most powerful in their effects, of any that I hare ever met with in a practico of eight and twenty years. Their action on tho chy lo and Iionco on the impurities ot the blood, is evidently very sur prising." Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Ballimoro, Bee. 17, 1830. " I am in tho daily habit of prescribing them- (Pcters'Pills) and they in nearly all casos, answer od my purpose. , I havo discarded other medixincs. somo of 'licin Tory good ones, in their favor." Extract from an address delivcd on the evening of the 14A May, 1837, before the Medical Board of New York, by Br. Emerson. Sec New York Medical Reprrts,for 1837. " As a body I know that wo have set our faco a- gainst the generality of patent meJicincs, and expe rience bus taught us that the great bulk of them aro mere catch penny trash; but I feci called upon to jnako an honorab'o exception in favor of tho Vege table Pills of our worthy and bkilful fellow laborer and citizen, Dr. Joseph Priestley Peters, of which, (in consequence ot their pecuhcrly nutritions action on the blood,) I, and several members of this hon orable Society, are ardent pations.'' This friendly allusion to the Vegetable Pills was received with u warm round of aplause by all the members prosent. A fresh supply ot the valuable Pills just received by John R, Moycr, and D. S. Tobias, Bloomsburg, and Wilham Diddle, Danville. (Price 26 cent per Bex.) October 31,1840. THE Subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and llio public generally, that they have received and ate now open ing, a splendid and extensive assortment of Fall & Winter Goods, which with a stock on hand, embraces a variety of seasonable Merchandize for llic accommodation of town and County. In tho Dry Good lino, they havo all the varieties ot course, line anu supernue Cloths, Casimcrs, Salinctts, Merinoes, Silks Cal icoes. Tazlioni. (a new article,) Mari na, Chincllc and various other kinds vf Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Limns, mom clinedc Lain,Muslins, Vestings, Stocks, Umbrellas, Lady's Bonnets, Bonnet Silk3, Trimmings Fur, Cloth and Seal skin Caps Boots and Shoes, Socks, fyc. iyc. S-c. A LARUE ASSORTMENT OF !SOIEIBinSS AND MOTORS, Sugar, Coffee. Teas, Spices, Molasses, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, tc. &c. assorted in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves; Slovo pipe, Tin Ware, Cedar Ware; CHINA, GLASS, AND DR. SWAYNE'S compound synur op on WIL.D CHERRY, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting tif Blood, Soreness of Throat, Whooping Cough, and all BUeases indicative of CONSUMPTION. DEL A1"S ARE DANGEROUS. So it is with those who neglect their COLDS and COUGH. At first you complain of having a Cold, which is neglected; after which a sonnets is experienced in ili.. Hrnnfhtii. wilh a ITaclilncr Couch, nnd fin ,11.. the disease settles upon the lungs, which tho patient will soon pcrccivo oy a wusuiig uwuy oi mo body, attended with hectic fevers and spilling up of J!or id lluod and matter from ulccrs on tho lung; a pain and weight is also experienced at the affected part of tho lungs; tho functions of tho animal economy grow languid; tho body becomes dry, tho eyes sink deep within their cavities; at length tho patient pays tho debt of nature, when he is flattering him self wilh the hopes of a speedy recovery. To ob viate all those distressing symptoms "Spato no Time" in procuring the above Invaluable Medicine at tho very commencement of your Cold and Coughs whereby your health may bo secured and timo and money saved; LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg at the end of the quarter ending on tho 30lh ol September, 1840. Bacon Septemiou3 lletz John Baldwin Elizabeth Bomboy Posawell Barlon Isaac Cliristman Lavilla Coal Elislut Dawson Margarett Davis David ftl. Lovo George W. Mensh Sabina McReynolds Mr. Mcliagh Richard Melech Daniel Ohl Catharine Ohl John 2 PiieiTer T. II. Robinson John Driesb.icli George W. Robinson Mary Davis David Rolin Joseph QUEENS WARE, Crockery-Wnre, Salt, Fish, Oils, Bye Stuffs, Paints, c. yc. i$-c. and almost every other article that can be called for in a country store all of which having been carefully selected and obtained at the lowest prices, will be offered at small profits in csehange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg, Oct, 3, 1810. 23 if. Emmons Andrew Everhcart Jumed Foibes Nathan Good John Gorton Jacob Hardy Arthur Hogland William B. Ilarlman Thomas Jameson Daniel James Heniy Jacohy John Kelchncr Neomi Kitchen Thomaa Knurr Gcorgo. London Jamcd Lynn John Rosinus William Right William Rupert William Swaby Frederick Squire E. ! Snyder Sally Anna Sitter Crisiiana Sloan William Stotlcr Catherino Seigler Gcorgo Snyder Daniel Townsend Samson 3 Thompson William Thornton Sarah Winner Samuel Wvc'ioff Susau Wcrlman Henrv B. RUFERT, P. M. Those inquiring for any of the abovo Jot ters will please say it is advertised. dyspepsia! t&yspepsia! HAT troubjosoine and peace-destroying dis ease. Tho usands and tens of thousands suf fer from that common and distressing complaint. VyspepbiaU frequently caused by overloading or distending tho stomach by excessive eating ordiink- nig indigestible and acrid substances taken into tho stomach, or from long continued constipation of the uoweis, a sedentary hie, tear, gnct, anxiety, a co pious drait oi cold water, drastic purgative medi cines, dj f entcry, miscarriages, intermittent and spa3 niouic auocuuns oi me Biomacn and uoweis, irregii' lar meals, late hours, and too frequent uso of spiri tuous liquors. The symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described as a want of appetite, or un unnatural or voracious one, nausea and sometimes bilious vomiting, sudden and transient distensions of the stomach aficr eat ing, acid and putrescent erections, water brash, pain in the region of the stomach, costivoness, palpitsiion of the heart, dizzincsa nnd dimness of the sight, dis turbeb rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency. spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowness ot' complexion, great oppicssion after eating, languor and general debility, sick head-ache, cVc. UlUU. At the head of all remedies stands Dr. IlarHch's Compound Strengthening Tonic and German Aperient J'ills, which act greatly upon tho ucuvutiMu luuuuii ui lac iiuuBiines,'iuereuy produc ing regularity of the bowels, ut tho samo time im proving the function of the dobiliated organs, thus luvigiuating and restoring the digestive organs t healthy action. This medicine seldom fbjls In p during relief. Full and explicit directions accompany the oho medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which deacrib diseases, the manner of nesting, &c. For sale at Tobias1 Health Emporium Bloomsburg OV. I JtHU. 2H, NOTICE is hetoby given, that the LOCKS on the North Branch Division of the Penn sylvania Canal aro now nearly completed, und that the water will be lei into this Di vision On the first day of October next. fCP'N'avigation, may therefore, be re fumed as soon thereafter ns sufficient timo shall havo elapsed lor the Canal to fill with water, and it will not again be interrupted until closed by the ice A. IS. WARFORD, Engineer. Canal Office, Northumberland, September 25, 1840. 5 DYING AND WEAVING. THE Subscriber respectfully informs Iiis friends and the public in general, that he has now making a patent machino for Weav ing Coverlids, of E. Miley & Co's. inven tion, which he intends to erect about the 15th October, in Nescopeek Luzerne coun ty, opposite to Mr. Peck's Tavern, where he will carry on the AND tiWI'i:T A" COVERLID WE.IVI.SO in all its various branches. Coverlids wovo without a seam iu tho middle. Persons at a distaiice.wishing patent or common Cov erlids wovo can send their yarn by stae or otherwise, either to Berwick, Columbia oounty, or lo Nescopeek, Luzerne county, directed to tho subscriber. By strict attention to his business, and his deeire to pleaso his customers, he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patron age. Having been engaged in the dying and weaving business for a number of years, he assures tho public, that the work entrus ted to him, shall bo done in the most dura bio manner, and ho flatters himself that ho shall be ablo to givo general satisfaction. Patent Coverlids mado by persons send ing twenty cuts double white woollen yarn, the subscriber dying tho yarn, finding the cotton yarn, and weaving one Coverlid for FIVE dollars; For tho accommodation of customers, yarn will bo taken at, and the work return ed to the following places : Jacob Drum heller's store, Conningham, Luzerne coun ty, John Sharpless and Co's. store, Calta wissa, George Shuman's store, near Catta wissa Furnace, D. S. Tobias store, Blooms bnrg, and John Covenhoven's store Orange Ville, Columbia county. Persons soml yarn will please send writ ten directions, what colors tho woolen yarn is to be. The subscriber finds all kinds ot carpet chain. ' DANIEL GOODMAN. Nescopeek, Oct. 3, 1810. MORE POSITIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Br. HarliclCs Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pillsi Alleghany, Jan. 8, 1810. To Dr. IlarHch's Agent Sir: I wish to state for the benefit of those who may 'be afflicted, that Dr. IIahucii's Pi lls havo entirely cured me of Dyspepsia, of which I have been al'iiictcd fur ma ny years. I used both kinds, tho Aperient and Strengthening, and I am constrained to sjiy, tlu. they aro a valuable discoery, and act upon the Ex tern mildly, but very effectually. I found the Tonic Pills to quicken the circulation and cause a deter mination to the surface, and to strengthen tltu weak stomach and incrcaso its powers. Tho Aperient Pills arc dio best cathartic I ever used. I am con fidei t all Dyspeptics would do well to make imme diate trial and be relieved. Any ono can call at rny houso and bo Eatified of the abovo at pleasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. 13. The original certificates may be seen t tho office of tho " Spirit of tho Times." For sale at No. 19, North EIGHTH STK13D. . RHEUMATISM Entirely cured by the use of Br. O. P. Harhch's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa., wuiicu lor two years with the abovo distressing dii case of which he had to uso his crutches for eighteen months, his symptoms were excruciating pain in un iu jumis, especially in his hips, shoulders ana ankles, pain increasing towards evening, attended with heat. Mr. llilson, was at ono timo not ablo to move hisjimbs on account of the pain being to great; ho being advised by a friend of his to procure Dr. Harlich's Pills for which ho sent to the agent ia West Chester, and procure some; on using the mcd icino the third day, the pain disappeared and his strength increasing fast, and in three weeks was a bio to attend to his business, which he had not done for eighteen months; tor tho benefit of others afflic ted, ho wishou these lines published fhtit they may bo relieved, and again enjoy the pleasures of hcsltliy life. For salo at 'Tobias' Health Emnnrhim TllnnmithurS. Nov. 7, 1840. S3. n.n??nY0UR COUGH TuJFORBIT IS 0 n REMEMBER, delays ate danger ous. 1 housand die annually fiom that dreadful dis ewe ( ONSUMPTION, which might have been checked at the commencement, and disappointed of itsprey.if proper means had been tesoitcd to. Tim very many who havo thus been snatched from tl ut 1.'i'l,""ee'. hy tho timely use of Dr. BWAYNW COMPOUND SYW OF WILD CHEKIU', bear testimony to this day, announcing the eur,'3, tho wonderful cures, performed by tho use of th.i inyaluablo medicine. Forsalo at X J obius Health Emporium Bl;omsburg Nov. 7, 18-10, ' sh. THE PRINTER WANTS A FEW BUSHELS OK " tVhcnt, Buckwheat & Cora, AND A FEW LOADS OF A few Bushels of POTATOES would also be received'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers