tf.VEOtJTIOJf OF ROBEilT McCONAHY, j'HK MuitnnRun of brows family. This wretched man suffered tho awful penalty of the law, on Otli inst. Ho was ex ecuted in the J.iil yniil, n few minutes bo- f.irn fl nVlnplf. P. At. A lllinlttrl, llm tion could not be fully witnessed, by thoso j curious io sec, us novelty, aim mo unpar alleled enormity of tho crime whicli mused it, attracted a very largo crowd, which swarmed around tho jail, until tho wretched being atoned for the blood of his kindred with his own. Tho sccno without, im. pressed us firmly with Ihc boliof, tliat the recent change in the law upon lite subject, w?s a chutigo for tho worst". Nor arc wc lingular in this. Many who had been op. posed to public execution, seeing an'd feul lug that tnucli of tho awfid solemnity and time of tho scone was taken away by tho change, and no alleged cvii remedied, were ready to join us in our opinion. No fact, wo bclicvo, thought or felt otherwise, except the culprit -who, we nto credibly informed, rejoiced in the fact, thiii the walls jiad been raised so high 33 to shield him in his ignominy from the piercing gazo of tho multitude! Down to tho hour of hie execution, nay' to tho very moment the drop fell, he stubborn ly porsisted in asserting his innocence. All hope of his making any acknowlcdgo ment was entirely removed by his dogged conduct. lie was taken upon tho scaffold every thing was adjusted tho moment arrived the drop fell! and not n word eon fesed. Rut the rope broke, juid instead of banging, very much to his own astonish ment, wo suppose, ho sound himself upon the ground under the gallows! lie thought ho was "clear;" but tho illusion was pruscnt with him but a moment. He was iinmedi ulely taken up on tho gallows again every ' thing mado ready tho drop about to fall! when ho hogged for "time to talk a liltlo" and ptocccded to make a full and detail ed confession, ofhis crimes to the clergy man present, Mr. lirown and Mr. Peeks, who reduced it to writing in his own words, as he wade it, and who will cause it to bo published for t!io benrfit of his wife and children. His confession, it is said, casts yet deeper and darker shades of cruelty over tho bloody afl'air! Ho had scarcely concluded his confession when tho last minute that the execution could bo delayed arrived and he was again swung olf. and paid his life a foifcituro fur his crimes! Huntingdon ,'Jdv. It is stated, in thu Apalachicola Advertis er, that the Orange Crop in Florida, raised this year, will be worth 3200,000. Jl Viper per Post.X gentleman, rcsi dent in Hereford, received a day or two since, through the medium of tho penny post, a living viper, from tho foot of Cal dor !dris in Wales. It arrived safely, and was tiot at all tho worso for its journey. IJerejord Times. " I go for one term," as the fellow said "en the Judgo sentenced Prison for life. him to tho State George R. T. Howes, tho last of tho Boston tea party, died at German Flats, on the lith inst. at the advanced ago of 100 years. His remains were sent to Richfield, Otsogo county, for interment, whore he re sided for many years. O. K. for the ladies. Tho New Orleans Picayune says : The ladies, God bloss them, have decided that O. K. moans only kissing, nothing else in tho world. Jl Forcible Preacher. At a camp meet ing recently held in Connecticut,:! preacher delivered himself of tho following. "I would wish that tho gospel were a wedge, and I a beetle, I would whack it into every sinner's heart among you." Christian Perfection. An old fellow was visited by his pastor, who assured him, that he could not bo a good Christian un less he took up his daily cross; whereat he raught up his wife, and' began lugging her about the room. Newspapers. Tho intellectual spting into which every body dips his buckol, vhie low thank the fountain for its sup ply. Census of Bollimore. The recent cen sus, which has just been completed, shows that the total population of Baltimore is 101,490 souls being an increaso of 20,085 since 1830. The Bunker Hill Monument, Con tracts have been entered into for tho final completion of this work, by October 1043, for the sum of 843,800. The world is sn full f fools, that he who would avoid seeing any, must shut himself up and break his own looking class. JZ KH23SKEUI3B33 '" "What nr vnn An'mn itinmlt' s T i ,1,1 ' imjwueil Jack or lorn, as ho caught him peeping thiougli a key hole. "What's that to vmit" oni.l f. ..i don't like to see a person prying into other fo ks' business." It will bo rccollopted that Mr. Van Bit rcn was to be displaced by the changes a gainst him. Tho result proves that he will receive an increaso of nearly half a milliotK ofvotog 8iuce 1030! 1 he tlwtricl in Nortlj Carolina, in which tho venerable Mason resided, did not givo one federal vote. It was unanimously for Van Buren. Rives loses Virginia, and Tallmadgo's wn county, which gavo n federal majority :j 1838 olid '3D. coes for Van Buren! , , b No less than 0 nileinsts barn to .issassinato the present King of France sinco his elevation to the throne. Curious Prophecy. An old almanac contained the following: "About tho 5th day of November, in tho year or grace one thousand eight hundred and forlye, many children will bo borne throughout the worlde." Thu Marquis of Watorford has ninety couple of hounds; while thousand of the poor around him would rejoice if they had as many pecks of meal. Steamboat Lo Rov Wnshincrinn tug the mail) from Ohatahooohe to IoI&.Iiub uuwn loinny lost oy an explosion, anil six persons lest thoit lives. Holland has acknowledged the indepen dence of Texs. Three whiles have been arrestrd in Flo rida, tm suspicion of aiding the Indians. Extent and Population of Siiria. This country is estimated to contain 50,000 square miles. The whole- population is somewhat under a million and a hair Revenue for 1835, amounted to 640,000 sterling. Tho expenditure exceeds the revenue by about 500,000. A shook of an earthquake was experi enced in Philadelphia on Saturaday evening last. The following verso of sn old song is worth nil the Tippecanoe poetry that his over boor; said or sung : " Cursed be the wretch who's bought and sold, And barters liberty for gold; For when olections ato not free, In vain wo boast of liberty; And ho who sells his single right, Would sell his sountrv if ho might." TURKEY AND EGYPT. 1 ho Iatost ir.tellipenco from the seat of operations was by (elegiaph at Paris on the 1st inst. from Toulen tho 31st of Oetober. Beyrout has been taken possession of bv the allies; tho Emir Besohir had abandoned the canso of Mehem,et Ali surrendered to the English. He arrived at Malta on the '27th, on board the English steamer Cyc lops, with members of his family and a suite of one hundred and fifteen prr aons. on his wav to Kntdand. Tl against Mahomet was spreading throughout too mountains. Look Out. Five dollar notes nf tb nl,l broken down Commercial Bank of Milling- um, auorcu so its to read " Uommercial Dark of New York," are in circulation. Look out for .them. ESJzrssrrasaa Five thousand Mormons recently assem bled in Hancock county, Illinois. MARRIED In Fishing creek on tho 19th inst. bv Elder John Sutton, Mr. JA COB B. STUCKER, to Miss SUSAN NAH ROB BINS. On tho 12th inst, by the Rev. J. Cole man, Mr. CASPER CHRISTMAN, of MaucV Chunk, to Miss ELIZABETH. l. dost daughter of Mr. John Sic wart, of Phil- , , , aaoipnia. On Tuesday tho 10th day of November inst. by Samuel Creasy, Esq. Mr. FRED ERICK DENTLER, of Briar creek town .Miss SARAH FEDDER.of Mifilin township. On tho same ilav. bv thn imi. Mr JOHN BANGHART, to Miss ANNY ANDERSON, both of Mifilin township. DIED In this nlacc. on Thursdav loth inst. after a long and painful illness, Mis. MARGARET GEARHART, relict or the lato Dr. Harman Gearhoart, aged about 39 yeats. SPSJ ANB NEW. THE subscriber would respectfully in form his customers and tho public, gener ally, that he has just received fromj New York: Plates of Fashions and drafts for cutting garments, by wkich ho is enabled to cot in thn nnirrst" f ialimna not only ol Now York, but of London; and nisno ii ji in me ntsi sine lor Autumn ana Winter wear. The Subscriber returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits a continuance. nmmfinr nn lii part, every oxertion to renW iienem! mtU. taction. BERNARD RUPERT. Blo-mBbur; Nov. 28, 1840, PROSPECTUS FOR THE CONGRES SIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX. These works will bo published by us during the npproachine session nf Connrpcn. Th such a wide circulation in the United States, and , r utc'uInes md cheapness ore so universally acknowledged, that wo deem It unnecessary to give a detailed account of what the future numbers will contain. SufTiri It tn tht ,1,.. -;n i. s.....t... Me to all wlio teel an interest in the proceedings of Congress. No other nulilirntinn rrli-o ... r..1l nor half so cheap. It is, indeed, tho cheapest pul iicauon in tne United States -perhaps in the world. uul ('u-iun m mo scat or uovcrnment enables U9 to print thcin at so low n mtp. Wn ,.,ii,,.i to publish the procredings of Congress in detail, for uur unuy paper, i nts done, it requires, compara tively, hut a Hinall additional espente to change them to the forms of tho Conirressional Rlnlm ami knm. lix. If it wero not for tlirsn niimiini..n. ..... could not publish them for four times tho sum charg ed. In Bomo parts of tho United States, tho whito paper, upon which these works are printed, would sell for as much as we charge for the publication. Tho Cu.noiiessional G lo he is mado up of the daily proceedings of thn two llnnco nf (r,. and the speeches of the members condensed. The jeas anii nays on all important subjects are given. It is publishhej as fast as the business of tho two Houses affords matter ("nnrnrl. fr m,ml,ai. l'n.i. number will contain sixteen royal quarto pages, of wan type. o expect to puilis'i tliree numbers for every two weeks of tho session. Tho ArpKxmx contains the speeches of the members, utfull length, written out hy themsolvo; and is printed in the same form as the Congression al Globe. It is published as fast as tho speeches can bo prepared by the members. Uaeh of ihcso works is complcto in itself. But it is desirable for every subscriber to have both; be cause, if there should be any ambiguity in the sy nopsis of a speech in tho Congrcssioncl Globe, or any ucmai oi its correctness, it may 1 e removed at once, by referring to the speech in the Appendix. Indexes lo both are sent to subscribers as soon as they can bo prepared after the adjournment of Con gress. TERMS: For one copy of the Congressional Globo $1 Onecopyof tho ppendix gt Six copies of either of (he abovn works will bo sent for $5, twelve copies for 10, and a proportion ate number of copies for a a larger sum. Payments may be transmitted by mail, pottage paid, it our risk. The notes of any incorporated bank in the United States, current in tho section of tho country where a subscriber resides, "will be re ceived. To insure all the numbers, the subscriptions should be hero by tho lith of IJeccmbcr next at farthest. XjKo rJlentton will be paid to any order unless the iioiitt accompanies it. BLAIR & RIVES. ashmgton City, Oct. 2G, 1810. THE Subscriber has just received A NEW AND SPLENDID ARsnnT. MENT OF GOODS, soitable to the season, such as Dry Qoods, Groceries, Liquors, Hard' ware, ucensware, Slwes, JJonnets, Fine Cloth, Neit and Hair Seal Caps, iS-c. i5-c. all of which will bo offered for 6ale little lower than ever has been sold in this "m,n try for cash only or exchange for country produce. The Subscriber having a long experience in business is convinced that it will hn mneli to the putchasers advantage, as well as the sen tor l'KU.Ml' T I'AY and LOW PROFITS, thereby tuinin.' tho profits twice a year at 12j per cent, is bet ler than one turn and three year credit3 at thirty three ner cent Call and examine my goods and you will ue suneu in quality ana prices. THEODORE WELLS Cattawissn. Nov. 21. 1810. N. B. No credit gavo for longer time man tnree montns MJTICJE HO ASSESSORS. THE Assessors of the different (own ships aro requested to meet the Commis sioners nt their office in Danville, on .Mon day tho 7th day of December to fix on snmn uniform standard for the valuation of proper ty anu to receive tno precepts previous to toe triennial assessment. JOHN DEITERICH, JOHN M'llENEY, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Commissioners, Commissioner's Office , ? Dsnvtllo, Nov. 19, 1810. J WILL also be received by the Commis sioners for putting a new roof on tho Jail Wall, and repairing tho fenco around the Court House yard, Sic. which proposals will be received until Monday the 7th or Decem ber, 1840. Specification of the repairs to be mado, will be shown upon application at tho Commissioners Office, Dmville. JOHN DEITERICH, JOHN M'HENRY, CHRISTIAN WOLF, CojJH)n".isiniir.. Commissioners Office Danville, Nov. 10, 1810 Notice To CoiScctors. NOTICE is hereby given lo all collec tors who hold dunlicates nrnvinns n t,n year 1840 and in the arrears on them, to bo prepared to settle them qlTby next court. By ordar of the Commissioners. L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer. Treasurers Office, ) Nov. 3, 1840. AWUNTIOSf The members of the DLOOMSBURO JlRTIIsLERV, are hereby commanded to meet in uniform at the house of Charles Doebler, in Bloomsburg on Saturday, the 28lh of November, inst, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon. A COURT OF APPEAL. For the past year, for delinquents of said Company, will be held at tho same lime and place. The BAND is also required to meet at the same time. Bv order of the Captain, E. ARMSTRONG, O- S. Nov. 21st 1840. PANCl? & WZNDSOB. MANUFACTORY. TTE Subscriber would respectfully informs his friends and tho public generally, that he con tinues to carry on the business of manufacturing CESAHE2S SEETEES, of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and that ho will attend to turning nny article in wood that may bo ordered. Ho will also attend to H3TJ3S & ORVAMETAIs in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar ket strcrt, nearly opposite the Printing oflico of the Columbia County Register finishing shop on tho main street nearly opposilo Gcorgo Weaver's store. BKNIAMIN HAGI2NBUC1I. Bloomsburg September 19, 1Q40. ALL parsons hazing claims or any de mand, whatsoever, against the subscribers, aro requested to come forward before tho 10th of November for settlement. SCHUYLER, FRICK, & Co. At Bridge No. 1, on the Cattawissa Rail Road. The Settlements will bo made by Theoi dnro Wells, in Cattawissa, or Thomas El lis and B. P. Frick, at the Rail Road Bridge, S F. & Co. WASTES) A JOURNEYMAN COOPER. THE Subscribe! wishes to hire a Jour neyman Cooper, to whom good wages and atcaoy cmpioyinont win oe given. ALSO An apprentice to the Coopering business is wanted immediately. A smart active lad will receivo good encouragement upon ap plication to WILLIAM KELLY. Bloomsburg' October 3, 1840. TAILORING BUSINESS. V. TiniFHT.T.- R C.n. Inform their friends and customers, that tliey have removed tneir sliop into tne ouitu ing next door to the office of the Columbia Domocrat.nearly opposite St.Paul's Church, Main-street, where they will at all times bo ready to receive orders for cutting and mak ing all kinds of garments, and they assure the public that all work entrusted to them, i lit , - r i.i,-, I snail ue uone in a lasuionauie ana worKiuau like manner. N. B. Particular attention paid lo cut ting. Blomosburg. Oct. 10, 1810. 3Jo !Eo 'NFORMS his friends and customers that ho has . just received the latest FALL & WINTER FASXIIOXS, fmm 1'mr.AlWT.PTlTA finil ic nnnr nrnnnrn.l tn .in work in tho most fashionable style, and in a work manlike manner, at short notice. Ho thanks his friends for former favors, and solicits a con.inuanco oi tlieir custom. nioamshurg, Oct. 31. 27tf. OR ON Thursday niaht, tho 8lh inst. from tho subscriber, near Mr. Malon Hicks, in Brier Creek a dark brown Horse, 11 or 12 years old, about 10 hands high, with a white star in his forehead and n scar on iiis hip. Who ever will give information to the subscriber, whero ho may bo found, or ro turn him to Mr. Nicely's tavern in Berwick, or to N. S. Prentiss, Bloomsburg, shall be liborallv reward. FRANCIS J. SMITH. Plymouth, Luz. co. Oct. 17, 1810. Beiwick Sentinel please nublish the abov threo weeks. Boct. ahen IRfloyer, French Klietumaiiom mocgor, From Reading, Informs tho miblm ttmt1i tnTllnnn.- hurg.after an absence sinco January last, and can bo found at tho Hotel of Daniel Snyder, whero ho will be at all times ready to attend to patients who aro aJlhcted with Rheumatic pains in the limbs or body MRS II. BOWMAJT. A just received from Philadelphia, and ope rvr edather next door to A; Hardey'g and neatly opposite & Barton's, a largo assortment Messrs. Runcrt of Sill: and Straw Bonnets, Bonnet Sillit and trimings, Ribbons of all lands, Ladies Gloves, Mitsi Handktt chiefs, Shawls and Stock ings, Braids, Cords, La dies and Children Shoes, Boys Caps which will be offered to her friends and the pubh' at reasonable prices, for cash or produce. uioorasnurg, ivov, 14, 1840. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. And the Ladies' and Gentlcnxan's WarU of Literature and Fashion. The Casket and Vic Gentleman's vhittdA A Mew Volume, under tho above titic, of the ,. 1 ,cflhshcd and fashionabio Magazine, mo Philadelphia Casket 'in conjunction with thd Gentleman's Magazine, which has been every whero 1 "u "" reauauio cnu popular Of thB day, will bo opened on the first day of January, with an array of contributors secured by tho union, of talent nnd fame, which no periodical ia tho country can linnet nr rrrl.r.l i-i....l mi.. rcmber number will, however, be n specimen of tho .u.umt. inn voiume win be opened with new and beautiful type, the finest whito paper and with :n . . o "wu.j, uim UI1I5H oi laeso illustrations, ami tho extensive improvements which ..... ,..., u iypo3rapnicai appearance, and above all, the tone of iiiliipmr.. .v... ,. brilliant array of contributors, whoso articlco liavo u ui eocn number, win give it ""Meter second to no Magazine in the Union, lho character of tho articles which ehall appear in its pages, will be equally removed from a sickly ceil ........ ami Hum an auccuuonot morality, but wlnlc a tiuo delineation of Imimn nmi-n i 1 jaricly of passion is aimed at, nothiug shall be found in 13 urn,,, ,A t -1- . .. . . . . - r"s i tause a uiusu upon tue cncelc of tho most pure. Tho Literrrv(Ihnr.--trr .olit i,- .,r;;,.i -- ... ..... wo cuiui.ii.mij, UiU atitecd by the reputation of both Magazines thus u- ....tu, .u. jiMrepasi. vntersol Uie lirstrank havo uccu regular contributors to their pages, and tho tales and sketch nnliiw.o.i ;.. ii, i. i .m ... iiivi-i. u.iv ucvu widely copied and lead, and the firm and independ. """ ul iuo cnucisms, upon Hie current litera ture of the day, has been everywhere approved and commended. Tho List of contributors embraces the names of most of die principal writers in America, with a re spectable number of English authors. Original ar ticles liae appeared, during the last year, from tho pens of tho following: Professors Ingraham, Frost, o HrooksC Fl Winds, Captain Marryatt, Hon. It. 1. Conrad. Mnrlnn Mi-MMi!.,.! W!llia r:.,i..i Clarke, Esq. Charles J. Peterson Rev. Thomas H. Stockton, Samuel W. Stockton, E. Armstrong, Esq. General G. P. Morris, heigh Hunt, England, Mrs. tanny Kemblc Sutler, Park Ucnjamiii, Douglasj Jcrrnld, England, Joseph C. A'cal, James F. Otis, s- Elliot. UaiirHuirmati, Charles West Thomp son, Judge Tremper, John Va Solle, Esq. V. D, El der, Grcnyillo Mcllen, Edgar A. i'oe, T. G. Spear, Mrs. L. Sigourncy' Miss Catharine H. Waterman," Mrs. Ann Stephens, llcuson Hill, England, Dr. J. K. Mitchell, James Montgomery, England, A. M'- Alakin and b. Holden, J. Ucauchamp Jones, J. Dow, Mrs. E. F. Ellett, Dr. Thoma3 Dunn Ei lish. Eng- In addition to this brilliant array of nsmca known to fame, the distinguished services of a host of a nonymous writers of no ordinary abilities, have giv en worth and character to lho pages of the Maga zine. The series of well known nauticil papers en titled 11 Cruizingin the Last War," havo had a run, unequalled by any series published in any Magazino for years. Tho author ries of Talcs of the Sea. and from h"n known nbili- ties as a depictor of eea scenes and life, much mar bo relied UPOIl Illm 111 maintaininr" thn TinntiliriftL- of (he Magazine. Panera nmv Im uvrw.i,..l nrinn. lho volume also from the author of tho well known articles cn.itled "Tho Log of Old Ironside." and from the author of " T.rttira T!i vnlimMo aid ol tho author of "Leaves from a Lawyer's Port Folio," h.i3 also been secured and wo may expect sompthing still more thrilling from tho capacious stores which a long life in the profession has ena bled him to amass. An occasional Chit Chat with "Jercmv Short." and "Oliver OMfrlW. ' i nl.n promised; with n variety of choice articles in proso and verse from variuus writers nf rpli-lirttw Thn editors of both Magazines continue their services unuer ine new arrangement. With such an airay Of talent. .1 MaeazillO Of lltirivnllil nttr-iellnna mnv safely bo promised the coming volume. I'.ISISIO. VS .ISO EJ'GIt.WISS'GS. In cotnnlianeo with thn nlmmt unnntmnne of our ladv subscribers, wo shall thn pnentniv vnt. umo furnish them with a beautiful and correct plato of Fashions monthly, a feature, it is believed, that will neilhir hn nnreilrnmn nnr nnnAnnl.. rpU.n .......... .... utjvjjumii x iicau fashion plales shall be drawn from original designs from Pati3 and London, and may also bcdcpenJed on as the prevailing style in Philadjlphu and New Vnitr llm mnnlh in njlilfli , fi ... nm icat.A.l Those, however shall in no wiso interfere with tho icgular and choice engraviugs, and music whicli ac company each number of the work. The splendid !.lv.7rttmt i.nYririnff. frjlm fltn l.npit. nF ...a.....& ... .... ... Kj.i,iaiu, whieh have been justly admired, will ho followed during the volume by several fiom tho same hand, while the steel cngrsvings in the best of stylo of tho art, from interesting scenes shall still enrich tho Magazine. Tho choicest pieces of music for tlio nano and Guitar shall accompany each number of the work. TIME OF PUBLICATION. TIia tvnrV wilt lia nnhltuhnil nn it.. C... C month in every quarler of tho Union. The most ilihlnnt filltijcrihcrg eonsnuntlv rr..ivn it nn ,l.n day, as well as thoso who resido in Philadelphia. In nil fill npillnltvlt tlina 1..... 1 .11 ... i... iijr... I.V.U. U-jVUlD 11U.U WlI LlUO- Itshcd. bv which means Kiihsrribera -nn ohfnin ttinti.- copiesfreoof pos'age. iniMs. i nreo dollars per annum, in advance two conies for fivo dollars. No now subscriber r . . ... II.M.W. .UU IIIUII.(,. . . UIU U.VVIIJIIIUUaill,il of ilio3 who may with to subscribo forcillicrof lho il thu. , i t - . tJ:--. .1 i-i oltrml ml, limit lli n ..tnnn.T Pnr ll.n! allowing riuiaucipim pcnuuicais, mis uucrai pro- ia mmln P.v Hun .lnll-.ra iir.nnt i-nnnn.. f 1'v.ui i.iiiuuv. ... .... . w...nuni.J ,rua of postago we will forward Graham's Magazino and Godcy's Lady's llook, for one year. Address uisu. U. UllAHAM, South west corner of Chesnut anil Tliird strpoto. : , . , .-! ui emueiusnmcnts unsurpassed by any which have yet appeared in any Magazine. 1 lie Stvlo nf I nnnm tl.n I, ,!., r.,. I'lnladclpma, nor, itstu, A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers