The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 21, 1840, Image 3

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    'TUUT'I WITitOlVr F11AH "
MTVRtMY, JVOVEMItEIt 31, 1810;
TIlO Census of Columbia county, Itaying
been completed, we copy the following la
bia of the number of inhabitants of the
fuvetnl (owneliips, from the books of ilr,
Greasy, the Deputy Marshal
Drier Greek,
Fivhtng Greek,
Mifflin, .
Mount Pleasant,
Keating Creek,
), ' 902
C 2143
i , 809
V- 813
Of wham 12,301 nre white males 11,
80? while females 3G black males and 39
blaek females.
A similar case to tho following occurred
ill Iitiserne county, some three or four years
Htrmonhage produced by extracting
atoothx -On the 23d ult., a man residing
In lllltaelat, Philadelphia, had one of his
teeth estraoted by Dr. E. Townsend of that
ily, ntulelnco that time has continued to
bleed, Doctors McOlellan and Cnates
were called in. and their combined wisdom
lias not proved effectual in stopping the
b!oo'. On one day last week he bled
ta profusely for nine hours, that he was
obliged to sit and let the blood run from
hit mouth,
rupu-wc,. y bit- J
Rhadt Inland Election. On the 29th
ult, James F. Simmons was elected United
States Senator in the place of Aeher Rob
bint, for sis years from the 4lh of Mnroh
neit. The wholo number of rotes was 81,
of Which Mr. Simmons, whig, received 55;
Mr. Alwlll, Van Bursa, 24; Mr. Burgess,
3j Mr, Simmons' majority 29.
JUpistopal Church in Ohio. Churches,
03; baptism in the year, 355; communicants
number at present, 2,131; confirmatl, 822;
mauled, 93; funsrals, 192; Sunday School
Scholars, 1,582; contribution for benevolent
objects, 02,484 82.
Mtwtthuittts is tha only State in ihe
Union which imposes no tar upon individ.
al. No States lax has beon levied for scras
yeaia in (hat Commonwealth.
Large Tomatoes. We learn from the
Germnnlown Telegraph that a genils-nan
In that placo has this year raised several
tomatoes weighing two pounds each,
PiNn Gnovn Coal. Swatara and
Good Spring Creek Railroad Company.
Some samples of the coal of Pino Grove
district have, says the Baltimuro Sun, sinco
the completion of tho Tide Water Canal,
been sent from the Panther Heud and Mam
moth veins to this city, and has been pro
nouncod excellent in quality. In the lan
guage of ono good judge at least, "it will
eland No, 1 in nny market;" and as farther
evidence or its excellence, it is stated that
after its quality became known hero, ordnrs
vrero sont hence l-.) the mines, for more than
the temporary railway and inefficient fix
tures could accommodate. To connect this
diltrict with the sea-board and interior mar
kets, a rail-road company has been formed,
which has received a charier from Ihe State
ol Pennsylvania, The road i to be about
i Un miles in length, running from the. heart
rot the coal field to the Union canal,
Tho capital stock is 0100,000 sharos
000 each, and the charter perpetual.-
small road to the trade of great
er than would at first sight appear. At
present the trade of the Union canal region
is exclusively with Philadelphia, and will
remain so, unless tho Pine Grove region is
opened by tho proposed roadjas soon as it is
completed, an immense amonnt of coal will
pass to tide, via the Tido Water canal.
The return boats will necessarily attiact the
return trado, when an cxtensivo apd rich
country, bordering on the Union canal, will
draw all its supplies of groceries and dry
goods from Baltimore, and the coal field
itself, now almost a wilderness,will become
the busy homo of thousands. The whole
distance from the mines to Havre do Grace,
including 10 miles of railroad, is 123 miles
giving an advantage over tho Shamokin
coal field, of 24 miles, and over the Wyo
ming coal field, of 00 miles; and allowing
one mile of railroad to be equal in cost for
transit, to three miles of canal, it will give
the P inc Groro coal an advantage in dis
tance over the Shamokin of 44 miles.
Prom an examination of the charter, and
ihe information laid before us relative to
the coal mines of the region throusli
which the road ii o pass, we are led to
believe that money might be safely and
profitably invested in it; while its construc
tion must be of considerable advantage to
this city,
An election for officers of this company
was held at Pinegrove on Monday, the 2d
of November, 1840, which resulted in the
following selection :
President Hon VM. DONALDSON.
Managers J. Wngenseller, ,Guorge N.
Eukert, D. Krausc, David Grenawalt, John
Sleo.. J. II. O'Neal, Wm. GracfT, Charles
Treasurer David Gronswalt.
Secretary A. W. Prick.
The Rail Road U to. continue in effect the
Road of the Union Canal company, from
theii canal at Pincgrove, Schuylkill county,
up ihe Swatara to Good Spring Creek; to
lie commenced lorthwilli, ami finished as
soan as practicable. The Union Canal
company have commenced widening their
canal tothesnzenf the Pennsylvania Canal,
and will finish it the next season thus con
necting it wiih the Pennsylvania and Tido
Water Canals to Havre du-Grace.
For tho information of the people of this ci
ty, soma of our most estimable citizens
have borne high public testimony to the
chartclor of the President and Diiectors.and
have expressed their determination to give
to the ptojected railroad their liberal sup
port, In an address to the people of this
city, it is staled that tho importance of this
Indian Ncu-s. Thoro is a rumor here,
for the truth of which we do not voneh,lhat
two or three, or ouc or two, while persona
have been arretted at Tallahassee, on sus
picion of being connected with the Indians.
Tha name of one is said to b John Cook,
a man well known to many of our citizen?,
who "as tndeavoring ti purchase a keg of
gunpowder. This man resided with the
Indians previous to the commencement of
hostilities, ind is supposed to havo been
with thum ever since. He speaks Indian
fluently, and adopted their mode of life by
choice. When taken, he is said to h?re
displayed indications of having been re
conily painted, after the manner of the sav
ages. We hope this is true, and, if so, that
every inducement will be held out, to elicit
information concerning the lurking places
of the enemy. SJpalachicola Gaz. Oct,
Retrocession of the District of Colum
bia. In the Legislature of Rhode Island on
Wednesday last, a message was received
from the Governor, presenting to the House
n communication from Gen. Welter Jones,
of ibis city, accompanied by a remonstrance
from divers citizens of the District of Co
lumbia, protesting against exclusive legisla
tion by Congress for and over the District.
With the above was also presented to the
House n communication from divers citizens
of tho District of Columbia, requesting ihe
Legislature (o adopt suoh measures as may
seem expedient to procure a retrocession of
certain portions of tho District ofColumbin
to th state to which it formerly belongrd.
The whole subject was referred to select
committees, lu report thereon at the next
January session. National Intelligencer.
Religious Statistics. TIip following
ii'formatin'n, ssys tho Now York Com
mercial, collected with much trouble by the
committee of the Society of the Propagation
of the Gospel in Foreign Patts, is extreme
ly important:
Christians, 200,000,000
Jfws, 4,000,000
Mahomedans, 90,000,000
Idolators of all sorts, 500,000.000
Horrid Murder. On Saturday morning
a murder of a most horrid, barbarous and
brutal character was perphtrated upon tho
person of an old farmer, named William
Hope, on the Durham Road, about a mile
from Gray's Ferry Bridge. The deceased
resided on his farm in the neighborhood,
was a bachelor 45 years of age and lived
by himself. He was found in his own farm
yard quite dead, with two large cuts on his
forehead and one large gish on the back
part of his htad. Two heavy axes tnal
had no doubt beau used in the perpetration
of tho deed were discovered under his head
covered with blood, The deceased was re-j
puled to bo rich and was always known to
carry tbout his person a considerable sum
of money, which was the object of the ruf
fians who murdered him. Tho watch of
the deceased was also gono. The coroner
was sent for and held an inquest upon the
body. Verdict of the Jury" Wilful mur
der." Spirit of the Times.
Hitherto the city of Baltimore has de
pended on a river navigation fur a supply
of Anthracite Coal, and has necessarily
been short by thousand of tons for even the
home consumption. At the same time
WestBrn Philadelphia has grown up into a
well built and prosperous district upon the
profits of tho Coal trade which the mines on
the Schuylkill near Petisville furnished her.
The whole of that City has derived im
mense advantageous from that trade, in sup
plying New York and the Eastern States,
apart from the benefit of having a constant
stock of cheap, safe, and convenient fuol for
her own population. Philadelphia is not
thus adverted to in any spirit of envy or ri
valry, but merely to show the importance
v! this trade. England might havo been
referred to with perhaps greater force. The
coal and iron of that kingdom are known to
be the basis of hei manufacturing and com
mercial greatness, the great source indeed
of her stupendous power. What is (he re
lation which Baltimore holds to this trade
from this time? First the Union Canal
Company is engaged in widening their nav
igation from a superior coal region on tho
Swatara at Pinegrovo to tho Pennsylvania
Canal at Middlotown, which connects with
the Canal Havre du Grace. In connection
with this, rail road companies havo lately
been organized from the Union Canal to
the mines. These works will bu comple
ted the next season. Baltimore may then
look for coal from Wilksbwe, Shamokin,
Lykins Valley and Pinearove. Philadel
phia will be confined to tUe Lehigh and a
part ot tho bchuylltill. Uultimore Amen
The returns of the election fsr President,
in the Stales of which news have been re
ceived, are generally favorable to tho candi.
date of the foderal parly. The native home
of Washington, Jefferson and Madison.has,
however, rejoctod the coalition candidate.
Virginia remains true to tha cause of de
mocracy. In het soil reposes the remains
of the Father of oUr country, the immortal
Washington the author of the Declaration
of Independence, the immortal Jtfferson,
and the Father of the Constitution of our
country, the over memorable Madison. It
is holy ground ! Virginia forms a nucleus
around to rally. Let not the democ
racy of our country despair Truth Is
mighty and will yet prevail. Norrislown
Reg. ,y Den.
Canal Commerce. The Clevland Her.
aid reports the amount of properly on which
toll is charged by weight, which arrived at
that place during the month of Octobor, to
lie di.JUi.'JJi lbs: Durtnr the mouth of
October last year, 24,079,G07 lbs. Or
property on which toll is charged by weight
there were cleared from Cleveland, by of
tho canal, during the past month,9,05G,094
lbs. During tha corresponding month last
year, 12,052,850 Ibc.
Baldness. French Brandv. di ssnlreil
with sulphate of coppor (says a New York
paper) applied once a day, will make the
hair grow. To this wo may add that if the
hair grows too abundantly take a quart of
French Brandy a day, with a little sugar
and nutmeg, and it will come off again.
TTR Subscriber would respectful!? Informs hi
friends and the public generally, that he con
tinues to carry on the business of manufacture
of almost every variety of pattern and finish; anil
thai he will attend to turninc any article in wood
that may be ordered, lie Will also attend to
lOtTSE. & OilY i3XETA.Ii
in oil tlielr branches; and respectfully sotlcita a con
tinuance of public favor. Turning shop on Mar
ket street, nearly opposite the Printing office of tha
Columbia County Iteglster finishing shop on tho
main street nearly opposito Ueorgo Weaver's store,
Hloomsburg September 19, 1840,
ALL persons ha;ing claims or any de
mand, wliatsnaver, against the subscribers,
are requested to come forward before tho
10th of November for settlement.
At Bridge No. 1, on the Cattawissa Rail
The Settlements will bo made by Theo
dore Wells, in Cattawissa, or Thomas El
lis and B. P. Frick, at the Rail Road
S., F. k Co.
The Broad Seal. It is rumored thai
the whigs intend lo send Gov. Penning,
ton to Maine to settle tho Gubernatorial
question, as he thinks he can make Kent
Governor with the "broad Seal" although
Fairfield has a majority of tho popular
jw 5 -
Population of tho world, 800,000,000
Two steamboats, the Empress and the
Monarch, were destroyed by fire, at New
Orleans, on the SOlh ult. Loss $00,000.
By a very simple and cheap improve'
mer.t in chimneys, the largest dwelling hous
es may be mads comfortably wiirm in tho
most inclement weather by a single fire of
Schuylkill coil, and one-half of the trouble
of keeping rooms and furniture in order a
voided. An ingenious friend of ours two
years ago caused to ba erected a fine three
story house; in tho front part of tho base
ment he had a grate of the ordinary size and
style for rooms of similar dimensions,
through which three cast iron tubes of two
inches diameter passed from an under eel
ler, one to ills second, and '.he other to tho
third story, each ending in a handsome
month projecting a little way from tho chim
ney into the room for which heat was requir
ed. The currents of boated air thus pro
duced were found to answer all the purpos
es of separate fires, and tho troublo of dust
ing furniture two or three times a day, and
the cost of purchasing it anew before it had
seen half its appropriate service, were no
longer to be incurred. When it is desira
ble to moderate tho heat in any of the up
per rooms, a cap is placed on the lower end
of the tube, and the ingress of air preven
ted. Every housekeepsi whose furniture has
been spoiled and every person whose health
has been impaired by coal fires, will appre
ciate tho advantages of this kind of chim
neys, which, if known, would be general
introduced. New Yorker.
THE Subscriber wishes to hire a Jour
neyman Cooper, to whom good wages an$
steady employment will be given.
An apprentice to the Coopering business
is wanted immediately. A smart active lad
will receive good encouragement upon apt
plication to WILLIAM KELLY.
Bloomsburg' October 3, 1840.
Tho membors of the BLOOMSBURG
ARTILLERY, are hereby commanded to
meet in uniform at the house of Charles
Doobler, in Bloomsburg on Saturday, the
28th of November, inst, at 10 o'clock in the
For the past year, for delinquents of
sain tympany, will be ueld at the same
time and placo.
Bv order of the Captain,
Nov. 21st 1840
Mew wfeo
THE Subscriber has just received
suitable (o the season, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Hard
ware, Qucensware, Shoes, Bonnets,
Fine Cloth, JYell and Hair Seal
Caps, 5'c. ,yc.
all of which will be offorcd for sale little
lower than ever has been sold in this coun
try for cash only or exchange for country
The Subscriber having a long experience
in business is convinced that it will be much
to the purchasers advantage, as well as the sell for PROMPT PAY and
LOW PROFITS, thereby turning the
profits twice a year at 121 per cent, is but
ter than ono turn and three year credits at
thirty thrco per cent.
Call and examine my goods and you will
be suited in quality and prices.
Cattawissa, Nov. 21, 1810.
N. B. No credit gave for longer time
than three mouths.
E. HOWELL, $ Co.
Inform their friends and customers, that
tliey have removed their shop into the build
ing next door to the office of the Columbia
Democrat.nearly opposite St.Paul's Church,
Main-street, where they will at all limes bo
ready to receive orders for cutting and mak
ing all kinds of garments, and they assure
the public that all work entrusted to them,
shall be done in a fashionable and workman
like manner.
N. B. Prlicular attention paid to cut,i
Blomosburg, Oct. 10, 1840.
Railroad Iron. A London letter says
Orders from America for railroad rails of
manufactured Iron, havo during the past
week been given out to the iron trade to the
enormous weight of thirty thousand tons;
and it is anticipated when this contract
is completed, others will speedily fol
low, though probably not lo the present extent.
George Coleman being asked if ho know
Theodore Hook, answered, "oh yes, Hook
and eye are old associates,"
Not so Bad. A young lady being
dreadfully frightened at a bull that had bro
ken from his pasture, called to some men
who were in the neighborhood to "drive a
way that gentleman jcow!"
THE Assessors of the different town
ships are requested to meet the CommiS'
sinners at thuir offioo in Danvillo, on Mon
day the 7lh day of December to fix en some
uniform standard for the valuation of proper
ty and to receive tho precepts previous to
tho triennial assessment.
Commissioner's Offico
Danville, Nov. 19, 1840
WILL also bo received by the Commis
sioners for putting a new roof on the Jail
Wall, and repairing tho fence around the
Court House yard, &c. which proposals will
bo received until Monday the 7th of Decern
ber, 1840. bpecification of the repairs to
be made, will be shown upon application
at the Uomuussioners Uilice, Uanvillc.
. Commissioners,
Commissiouers Office
Danville, Nov. 10, 1840.)
SNFORMS his friends and customers that ho ha
just received the latest
from PHIIjADEIiPHIAjBnd is now prepared to do
work in the most fashionable style, and in a work
manlike manner, at short notice. Ho thanks hig
friends for former favors, and solicits a continuance,
of their custom.
Bloamshurg, Oct. 31. 2?tf.
ON Thursday night, the 8th inst. from
the subscriber, near Mr. Malon Hicks, in
Brier Creek a dark brown Horse, 11 or 13
years old, about 10 hands high, with a
white star in his loroneau and a scar on his
hip. Who over will give information to tho
subscriber, where he may be found, or re
turn him to Mr. Nicely's tavern in Berwick,
or to N. S. Prentiss, Bloomsburg, shall bq
liberally reward.,
' Plymouth, Luz. co. Oct. 17, 1810.
Berwick Sentinel please publish the a boy
three weeks.
Doct. ahem BSoyer,
French EShctmmlisiu ISoctor,
From Reading,
Informs the public that he has returned toDloom
burg.aftcr an absence sinco January last, and can ba
fouud at the Hotel of Daniel Snyder, where ho wilt
ba at all times ready to attend to patients who are
aflhcted-wilh Ithcumatic pains in tho limbs or body
filoomsburg Wept. 5, 184 U,
Notice To Collectors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all collec
tors who hold duplicates previous to the
year 1840 and in tho arrears on them, to bo
prepared to settle them off by next court.
By n;dar of the Commissioners.
' L. B. RUPERT, Treasurer.
Treasurers Office,')
Nov. 3, 1840. S
Tavern Keepers who have not taken out
their Licence should bear in mind that the.
law requires the Treasurer to report to
Court all those who neglect, and tha
prosecuting attorney shall indite them for
koeping a tipling House. '
L. B. RUPERT. Treasurer.
Treasurers Oflice,
Nov. 3, 1840